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SocietasRosicrucianain Anglia

A Guideto Ceremonial


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AdeptGradesInstallationof Celebrant

Official Visits andSimilar CeremonialFoundinga New College

ThisGuideoriginally aroseout of questionsput to4 visiting Officers about details of Temple layout

13 andof movementsduringthevariousceremonies.A secondeditionwaspreparedin 1983.It ishoped

19 that this latest revisionwill be in thehandsof all

23 Fratres,andsomefew changeshave,accordingly,25 beenmade.

29 As rituals haverequired to be reprintedan at-33 tempt hasbeen madeto make the rubrics and

explanationsheetsmorehelpful.Thereis no wishto imposea rigid patternin mattersof detail,butthisGuideis intendedto assistanyFraterwhohasto preparethe Templeor to takepart in a cere-mony at shortnotice to makemore senseof thework both for the Aspirantandfor himself. Cele-brants,Directorsof CeremoniesandSecretariesshould find it particularly useful in providingsmoothanddignifiedceremonies.



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Opening—The Templeshould be openedat thetime statedon theSummons,andanypreliminarymeeting (suchas Adept Gradeor CollegeCom-mittee)shouldbecalledfor atimesufficientlyearlyto permit the College to startpunctually. Ideally,theD C shouldarrangeforall Officersto reporttohim fifteen minutesbeFore the opening of theCollege,to enablehim to rehearsetheAncientsintheir movements,andto find replacementsshouldanyOfficersbe absent.‘Wherearehearsalis to beheld, it is desirablethat a note to this effect beplacedon theSummons.

All Officerswill rememberthat,in the obligationto which they assentedat the installation of theCelebrant,theyundertookto give ‘timely notice’to the CelebrantandSecretaryif ‘necessarilyab-sent’. Except in emergencyat least one week’snoticeshouldbegiven, sothatappropriatereplace-ments may be arranged.The SecretaryshouldensurethattheD C andAssistantD C areadvisedof anyexpectedabsenteesamongtheOfficers,andof any arrangementsalreadymadeby the Cele-brantto co-optstand-inOfficers.TheD C himselfshouldbe presentin the Temple in good timebefore such ‘rehearsaltime’, to checkthat all re-quired equipmentis ready, that the lights on the

Altar arein their correctplaces(diagramswill befoundon pp 14—16),andto ensurethattheTorch-beareris given instructionsfor lighting them.

FewCollegeshavelargenumbersof members,so thatanyFrater mayexpectto be called on atshortnoticeto takeoffice in the ceremonyof any -

gradethroughwhich he haspassed.Every Fratershould,therefore,readandunderstandthe ritualsfor thosegrades,so that,evenif hehasto readtheritual, he can do so with meaningand under-standing.Acolyte—This Officer’s placeis immediatelyout-side the door of theTemple, and he should beinstructedthat he is not to wanderawaywhile theTemple is open. Be shouldbe familiar with theknocksof all Grades,andfor seeingthatreportsoflatecomersare given asnecessary.He should in-form such latecomersof the Gradein which theCollege is open,andsatisfy himself that nobodybelowthatGradeenters.For the Openingof theCollege,as this is in GradeI, all Fratresshouldbeallowedto enter,evenif the Collegework is to bein ahigher Grade;thosebelow the Gradeto beworkedwill be askedby theCelebrantto leave atthe appropriatetime. The Acolyte should be re-mindedof hisresponsibilityfor lighting theCenser

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in good time,wherethis is requiredfor theGradeto be worked.Titles —A memberis ‘Frater’ (notFratre),andinthe plural ‘Fratres’ (notFraters).‘The prefixesW,VW, RWandMW referto ‘Worthy’ (notWorship-ful) FratresandtheD C shoulddo all in hispowerto ensurethat only the correctprefixesareusedatall times(includingby the Secretaryin readingtheMinutes). If considerednecessary,a generalre-mindermay be given to all Fratresimmediatelybeforethe Collegeis opened.Whena memberoftheThird Orderis occupyingthe Chair, it is par-ticularly importantto rememberto addresshim as‘Right WorthyCelebrant’.GradesII, III & IV — If anyof theseGradesaretobe worked,the Collegemustbeadjournedin theGradeofZelatorwith thewords‘Fratres,I adjournthe College in theGradeof Zelator’, followed bytheknocksXXX XX, andtheCelebrantthencallson all belowtheGradeto beworked,includingthecandidatesfor that Grade,to retire. Any altera-tions to the furniture andlights will thenbe made,beforethe Collegeis openedin theHigher Grade.

GradeIV should be workedbefore GradeIII,GradeIII before GradeII, andGradeII beforcGradeI, to avoidhavingto sendout of theTempica Candidatewho has just taken a lower Grade

while ahigher Gradeis worked,andto avoidtherisk of abreachof Ordinance1.3,final paragraph,by inadvertently conferringtwo Grades on anyCandidateon the sameday. In each case,afterclosingtheCollegein ahigherGrade,thefurnitureand lights are alteredto those applicableto thelower Grade,and thentheGuardianis instructedto admitanyeligible Fratres,beforethe Collegeisopenedin such lower Gradeor resumedin theGradeof Zelator,as appropriate.TheD C shouldensurethatanyequipmentpeculiarto the higherGradeis removedfrom view before Fratresof alower Gradeare admitted.

In all cases(otherthanwheretheRitualrequiresCandidatesto salutein their existingGrade),thesign of the Grade in which the College is openshouldbe usedwhenasignis required;inparticu-lar, the sign of aZelatorshouldnot be usedby anOfficer in GradesII—IV. OncetheGradeof Zelatorhas beenadjourned,NO signs shouldbe givenuntil the College has been openedin a higherGrade.Signs— Masonicsigns are inappropriatein SRIAworking. A greatvarietyof ‘signs of prayer’maybeseenin Colleges.The only suchsign specifiedinthe Society’sRitual is that given in theConsecra-tion of a new College,andthis shouldbe usedat

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all timesduringprayers,exceptin theOpeningandClosingoftheTemple.Thissign is givenby cross-ing thearmson the chest,left overright. ExceptintheOpeningandClosingFratresdo not kneel forprayers;Aspirants(andthe Celebrant-Elect)kneelwhererequiredby the Ritual. All Fratresshouldstandfor the last verseof the Exponent’sreadingfrom the Revelationof St Johnthe Divine in theZelatorceremony,but give no sign of prayer.Nosign is to begiven duringthe variousPledges.Use ofRituals — Prayersshouldbe read,but this isnot very convenientin the OpeningandClosing,where both hands are occupied; these prayersshould, therefore,be committedto memory.Forthe other prayers, the Celebrantor Chaplainshouldhavestudiedthesein advance,so thattheycanbe readsensiblyandwith meaning.Extractsfrom scriptureshould similarly be read(from theHoly Bible, not from the Ritual), as mayLectures(always subjectto the foregoing point that thereadershouldhavestudiedthemfirst), but a Lec-turermay,if able,recitetheLecturefrom memory.

Apart from theseitems,the Ritual shouldhavebeencommittedto memory,butOfficersmayhavetheirRitual booksconvenientlyto handto promptthemselvesif necessary,to avoid awkwardpausesand oral prompts.It is especiallyimportantthat

theConductorandtheAncientsshouldknowtheirportionsof the Ritual; readingby theseOfficersisnot acceptable.Otherwiseno Ritualbooksshouldbe in evidence;Fratresnot ii~ office shouldNOTbe permittedto follow the ceremonyfrom theirbooks,asthis canbe distractingto the Officers.Numberof Candidates— Wheneverpossible,thereshould be only a single candidatefor a Zelatorceremony,andnevermorethan three,excepttoallow for therapidbuild-up of anew 9ollege;notmorethanthreeforGradesII toIV, two for GradesV andVI, or one for GradeVII.

Should circumstancesrender it necessarytohavemore thanthe statednumberof candidatesin the Adept Grades,the ceremonyshould beworked twice up to theLecture,the candidate(s)from the first workingbeingallowedto stayin forthe secondworking, after which the Lecture isgivento all. (Thisshouldbe takeninto accountinthe timing of the ceremonies.)In GradeV, if thePrologueisto begiven, thiswill bedoneonceonly,for all candidates,beforethe first two arebroughtinto theTemplefor thefirst working of thecere-mony.

In GradeII, if therehaveto be morethantwocandidates,oneshouldbe‘Representative’,andhealonewill be blindfolded. All will entertogether,

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but whenthe time comes(aftertheprayer)for theperambulation, those other than the Repre-sentativeshouldbetold to be seated(in theNorth-West), and to participate mentally in theperambulation,which is madeby the ConductorandRepresentativeonly. All candidatesshouldbecalled on to rise to join in the responsesto theExponent’squestions,andshouldthenfollow theRepresentativeto theEast,wherethe blindfold isremovedfrom theRepresentative,andwill remaintogetherthereafter.(Thisprocedureis to avoidthedifficulty of leadingastring of blindfoldedcandi-datesaroundtheTemple.)In GradesI andII, nomatterhow manycandidatesthereare, all mustundergotheTestsoftheElementsby theAncients;the Conductormust so group them at the An-cients’ pedestalsthat theAncient canin eachcasereachall the candidates.For thatpart of theZela-tor ceremonywhere the candidatesare blind-folded,it maybe foundhelpful for theConductorto leadtwo candidates,followed by theD C withthe next two, and if necessarythe ADC or aCellanuswith the remainder.Robes— All High Council Officers, Chief AdeptsandSuifragansshouldat all timeswearthe robesof their Offices. All othermembersof 90, andallHigh Council Representativesshould wear HC

robes,andall otherPCsshould shouldwear PCrobes.RitualBooksforCandidates— In all Grades,Candi-datesshouldbepresentedwith acopyof theRitual(in GradeI also the Ordinances)at the endof theceremony,and the D C shouldensurethat thenecessarybookletsareplacedwithin easyreachoftheCelebrantbeforethe Collegeis openedin theGradeconcerned.EachCollegewill needto haveasmallworkingstockof theZelatorbooklets(Rit-ual, Entrance to the M... C... and Ordinances),which, with the Rituals for GradesIl—IV, will bereplenishedon receiptof theForm B for thecon-fermentof theZelatorGrade.(Under thepresentregulationsthe First-Order fee covers all theGradesandRituals.)

ProgressofFratres to GradeIV — Thismusttakeintoaccountthe ability, attendancerecordandworkofeach individual, but the aim should be to get allwho deserveit asfar as GradeIV within four yearsof admission, to facilitate which it should beplannedto work eachof GradesII, III, andIV atleastonceayear.

It is suggestedthattheCelebrant-Elect,as soonas possibleafter election,shoulddrawup anout-line programmefor the ensuingyear,andthat allFratresof theCollegeshouldhavetheinformation.


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Presentationof GradeCertificates— It is usualto asktheChiefAdept, if present,to presentGradeCer-tificates,and,in particular,theZelatorCertificateandto welcomethe new Zelator to the Society.When the SM, SSM,JSM or a Commissionerispresentheshouldbeaskedto presentall theGradeCertificates.The CollegeD C collectsthemfromthe Secretary,who calls out the names of theFratresto receivethem,andhandsthem all to theDGofC, who thenhandsthemGradeby GradetotheSM etc.Papers— Bearing in mind that in most Collegesthereis a fairly steady streamof new entrants,many of whom may know little of such basicsubjectsas the Qabalaandthe Fama, it is recom-mendedthatat onemeetinga yearin the Collegea shortpaperon a basic subjectshould be read.Where the CollegeoperatesaStudyGroup, this‘basic’papercould be given atsuchGroup,possi-bly at the first meetingof the session.Papersonmoreabstrusesubjectswouldcontinueto be givenat othermeetings,wherethis is thecustom,andisto be recommended,to comply with the aims ofthe Society.

Understudies— All Fratres,andparticularlyall Ad-epts, shouldbe encouragedto make themselves

familiarwith theworkof theAncients,so thattheycanstepin to fill vacanciesatshortnotice.

Summonses:DeathsofFratres — Whereit is thecus-tomto showanydeathon thenextSummons,thisshould be done underthe heading‘Mors JanuaVitae’, andnot ‘in memoriam’ or ‘Obituary’ orsimilarheading.


The Holy Bible shouldbe providedfor theExpo-nent,and should be on a pedestalor lecterninfront of him. It shouldhavea ribbonmarkerwithoneendthroughthe Gospelaccordingto StJohn,Chapter1, andthe otherthroughthe Revelationof St Johnthe Divine, Chapter7, verse9 (or twoseparatemarkers)so that theExponentcaneasilyturn to the passagesto be read. The readingsshouldbefrom theHoly Bible,andnotfrom Ritualbooks.The Holy BibleshouldbeopenedatStJohnChapter 1 before the Opening ceremony, andshouldremainopenuntil after the Closingof theTemple.TheAltar — The Superaltarshouldbe arrangedinaccordancewith the diagramon p 14, thecandlesbeingon three‘steps’, with the Crossabove.Can-dles4, 23 and29 shouldbe raisedon blocks.

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Arrangementof Superaltar

All 33 candlesshouldbe lit immediatelybeforethe Collegeis opened,if the only ceremonialworkto be carriedout is GradeI or Installation. If theCollegeis meetingpurely to transactadministra-tive businessandlor to hearapaperread,or if thefirst ceremonyto beworkedis GradeII, III or IV,it is acceptablefor candles4, 23 and29 (only) tobe lit beforethe opening;all 33 mustbe lit beforeGradeI or Installationcommences.

For the secondpart of the Zelator ceremony,candles4, 23 and29 are lit, andthe remainder

GradeII: Arrangementof Candleson Superaltar











r—~ ,4










22 E311 12

23 24 1251


14 30

ri28 29


26L —~

GradeIII: Arrangementof Candleson Superaltar

14 15

19 8 I 7 18 ~

20 9 2 6 17 32

r~ ,

21 10 3 4 5 16 31

22 II 12 13 14 15 JU

:23; 24 25 26 27 28 29L~~J

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neednot be relit after this ceremonyif no otherceremonialworkis to follow. Thearrangementsof

19 8 1 CROSS 7 lB 33

20 9 2 6 17 32

21 10 3

22 ii:i Q~J

23: 24 25L..J

L. ~S 16 31

~ E~1 30

27 28 ‘29’



GradeIV: Arrangementof Candleson Superaltar

the candlesfor GradesII, III & IV are showninthe appropriatediagramson pp 15—16.

The CalvaryCrossabovetheAltar is the samefor GradesI, II & III: black,bearingagoldstarandascroll inscribed‘INRI’, with awreathof roses,ideally passingbehindthe upperarm of the Crossand in front of the other threearms,so that it isheldinplaceby thetwo sidearms.Careshouldbetakento ensurethat thewreathdoesnot obscurethe staror scroll. In GradeIV, the Crossusedin

theearlierGradesmustbereplacedby awhiteone,bearing a red rose but no star or scroll. It isacceptableto useasingle cross,paintedblackononesideandwhite on the other, with the appro-priate emblems(providedthat the star doesnotprotrudeover the edgesso as to be visible whenthe Crossis reversed),reversingit beforeandafterGradeIV is worked.Censer— This is required in GradesI and IV. Itshould be lit by the Acolyte well before it is re-quired,with the incensebeingaddedjustbeforeitis brought into the Temple. It may be foundconvenientto placea tile (about6 inchessquare)on thefloor in front of theAltar to give afirm baseon whichto placethe Censer,particularlyif thereis athick carpet,andto protectthe carpet.Fartoooften thereis virtually no smoketo be seenrisingfrom the Censer,andit is desirablefor theD C toinstruct and rehearsethe Acolyte in getting itburningwell; it is important,particularlyin GradeI, that smoke can be seento be rising from thecenser.Thetimeto light the censerwill dependonthe type of charcoalused;with the circularcakesof ‘self-igniting’ charcoalwhich are now in fairlycommonuse,20 to 30 minutesshouldproveto beaboutright, with the censerbeingswungseveral


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timesduring this period to ensurethat it is wellalight.Blindfolds — One is requiredfor eachcandidateinGradeI; and, subjectto the earlier commentsabouta RepresentativeCandidate,for oneor twocandidatesinGradeII. Theexpression‘hoodwink’shouldbe avoided,in view of its alternativemean-ing of ‘deceive’ (asis usedin anotherGrade).

CrossesarerequiredforGradesII, III & IV, andaredescribedin the appropriateRitual books; theseshouldhave suitable‘handholds’ on the back sothatthecandidatedoesnothaveto clutchonearmof the cross. (Seealso pp 39—40.)Candle-Snuffer/Taperis required by the Torch-bearerin all First-OrderGradesfor attendingtothe lights on the Altar.LectureonNumbers— A largebook,or similar,withthe diagramsfor the Lecture on Numbersis re-quiredfor theZelatorworking.Thislectureshouldalwaysbe given.Floorcioth — A floorclothor board,representingthesymboliccentreof theUniverse,isrequiredforthesecondpart of theZelatorworking.

Ancients‘Symbols(lamp, fan,bowl of earth,& bowlofwater)arerequiredforGradesI & II, andshouldalsobe on thepedestalsin GradesIII & IV, as they

are the essentialsymbolsof the Elementsrepre-sented by the Ancients.The Fourth Ancient’slamp (for conveniencethis is sometimesa candle)shouldbelit beforetheTempleis opened,andkeptlit until aftertheTemplehasbeenfinally closed.Token—A Token is requiredfor eachCandidatein GradeI andshouldbeplacedwithin convenientreachof the Celebrantbeforethe ceremonycom-mences.Thesetokensshouldbe circularin shape,and preparedfrom light tissue that burns easilywith minimum ash;theyare obtainablefrom theSecretary-General.

GRADEIM... C... — On all occasionswhenthisis formed,the Ancients takepositionnextto theExponent,in order, from North to South. 4th Ancient,2ndAncient,Exponent,1stAncient,3rd Ancient.TheAncientsshould be rehearsedin taking up theirpositions,2ndand4th leaving,andreturningto,their pedestalson theNorth side, 1st and3rd onthe Southside.

For theOpeningandClosingprayers,remindallFratresto bowafterfirst sentenceof the prayer.Censer— The Torchbearerbrings this into theTempleas indicatedin the Ritual:heprecedestheConductor and candidate slowly, swinging the

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censerbackwardsandforwardsathis right side,atthefull lengthof the chain.Heplacesit on atile infront of the Altar, or on a properthurible stand,andreturnsto his seat.Whenthecandidateretiresat the end of Part I, the Torchbearertakes thecenserout.Music— If there is a proficient Precentorin theCollege,it is in order to have‘All ye worksof theLord...’ sungin the pausebefore the Aspirantistakenround the four Ancients, with ‘0 let theEarthblessthe Lord. ..‘, ‘0 yeWindsof Godblessye theLord...’ etcas eachAncientis approached,‘Glory be to God...’ beforetheTorchbearerdealswith theToken in Part2, and‘PraiseGod...’ (TheOld Hundredth)whenthe Aspiranthastakenhisseatafter the end of the ceremony.Any of thesemaybesungby all theFratresif desired.Token— Whenthis ispresentedtotheAspirant,heshouldbe told in awhisperby D C or Conductorto put it in a convenientpocket,whencehe canreadilyproduceit while outsidetheTemple.Heshouldbesimilarly instructedto putit inhispocketwhenhehasre-enteredtheTemple,readyto pro-duceit to theTorchbeareratthepropertime.TheCandidateshouldNOT havethetokeninhishandduringPart2 of theceremony,until the timewhenhe hasto produceit to theTorchbearer.

Part 2 ofZelator Working—After the Aspiranthasleft theTempleat the endof Part 1, the Torch-bearer,havingdisposedof the Censer, putsoutall candlesexceptNos4,23and29.The Ancientsmovetheir pedestals(with symbols)andchairstotheirnewpositions(1 inNorth,2 inEast,3 in Westand4 in South) all facingEast.They should bearrangedin the form of a CosmicCross (ie onewith equalarms),allowing sufficientspacefor theD C to placethe floorcloth, symbolizingtheCen-tre of the Universe,in the centreof the squareboundedby theAncients.TheAspirantisreadmit-ted, showingtheToken.

Beforethe sevenstepsaretaken,the Aspirantisplacedin front of Third Ancient’s pedestal;thestepsare sevencompletedsteps(ie not ‘marchingsteps’),andaretakendueEastwards,thefeetbeingplacednaturally at the completionof each step,andnotin anyritual position.Limitationsof spacewill probably meanthat the steps must be veryshort.The seventhstepshould bring the Candi-date to the centralcircle of the floorcloth; if thereis morethanoneCandidate,all but thelastshould,aftera shortpauseon thecentralcircle,be movedawayfrom the centreto allow the nextCandidateto take the steps.An alternativemethodof takingthe seven steps,which allows longersteps,is to

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beginthemfrom outsidethe cosmiccross— fromthe southwestor northwest,accordingto the loca-tion of thePortal,andjustwithin theTemple.TheAspirant is making progressfrom the darknessoutsidethe crossto thelight within. Thenecessar-ily curvedpathsymbolizesthatthejourneyto lightis not easyor straightforward,but gentleandcon-trolled, not a headlongrush.

The Secretsare communicatedfrom a pointbetweenthe centreof the Altar and the SecondAncient’spedestal.WhentheAspirantisseatedforthe Lectureon Numbershe should be in a chairwhichhasbeenreservedfor himin theNorth-East,in thefront row,or, if spacepermits,alittle forwardof that row; the Conductorsits next to him in achair similarly reserved.(This assumesthat thelectureron Numberswill standin theSouth-Eastto deliver the Lecture, but if it is found moreconvenientto havethenumberdiagramsexhibitedin the North-East,then the Lecturer will alsobeon that side,and theAspirantandConductorwillbe in theSouth-East.)TheD C, or anotherseniorFrater, shouldattendto turning the pagesof thenumberdiagramsat theappropnatetimesin theLecture.

After the Lecture, the Aspirant must be takenbackto hisformerplacein the symbolicCentreof

the Universebetweenthe Ancientsfor the exhor-tation ‘Falter not...’, which shouldbe given, byprior arrangement,by the SupremeMagus,ChiefAdeptoftheProvinceoranyotherMagusfromhisplacein theNorth-East.TheCelebrant,orby priorarrangementa PastCelebrant,thenexplainstheJewel and theninveststhe Aspirant,all from thefloor in front of the Celebrant’sseat/pedestal.



General — Changecandles,and,where necessarythepositionsoftheAncients,beforeopeningin theHigher Grade,andafter closingtherein. Ensurethatthe Crossfor theCandidateis ready,with theAcolyte,beforethe Collegeis opened,andensurethat it is removedfrom view in theTempleafterthe ceremony, before Fratresof a lower Gradere-enter.The D C, Ancients, TorchbearerandAcolyte should makethemselvesacquaintedwiththeir respectiveresponsibilities.

The First-OrderJewel is common to GradesI-IV.Ancients— In GradesII andIII the Ancientsforma CosmicCrossin the centreof theTemple,thebacksof their chairs, almost touching, form thewhite squareat the centrewith the 1st Ancient

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facing North, 2nd Ancient facingEast, 3rd An-cientfacingWestand4thAncientfacingSouth.InGradeIV theAncientsarein line as fortheopeningof the College.

Crosson theAltar — The black Crossmustbe re-placedby the white onebeforeopeningin GradeIV, and after closing the black one is replacedbefore Fratresof a lower Gradearereadmitted.Briefing the Candidate— The D C or Acolyteshouldensurebeforethe meetingopensthatCan-didatesknowthe words,signsandknocksof theirpresentGrades.Apart from giving thesewords,andwhenrepeatingPledgesetc,candidateswill bepromptedaloud by the Conductorwhenneces-sary.

The knocks are of the Candidate’ a candidatefor GradeII gives 3+2 of aZelator,for GradeIII 4+1 of aTheoricus,andforGradeIV 2+3 of aPracticus.Standing— Rituals are not always clear aboutstanding. All stand for prayers,and are seatedthereafter.The Celebrantstandsto communicatesigns, and in GradeIII for the Pledge.The An-cientsstandin GradesI andII whentheCandidateis presentedto them,and resumetheirseatswhentheyhavecompletedtheir part (which shouldbelearnt andrecited,not read).


Lectures— It is desirablethat theLectureof GradeII shouldbe given,but short formsof theLecturesof Grades II—IV are being drafted, and shouldalwaysbe readby the Exponentwheretime doesnot permitthefull Lectureto begiven. No Candi-dateshouldbe allowedto departcompletelyunin-formedon thesubjectsofstudyin eachGrade,andhe shouldbe told to readthe full versionassoonas possible,while the ceremonyis still freshin hismind.

Censer— In GradeIV theCensermaybeplacedinfront of the Althr, as in the secondpart of theZelatorceremony,or theTorchbearermaystandin front of the 4th Ancient’spedestal,facingEast,swinging the censerfrom side to side acrosshisbody at the full length of the chain, during theceremony.


General— Progressinto andwithin the SecondOr-derrestswith the ChiefAdept,whoshouldreceivethe recommendationof the College throughhisProvincialSecretary.Collegesarenot empoweredin their warrantsto conferAdeptGrades.

The Provincial Secretaryis responsiblefor ob-taining the approvalof the Chief Adept for ad-vancementto GradesV, VI andVII of all Fratres


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in the Province,andfor arrangingthe ceremonies(whichwill normallybeheldbeforethemeetingofa College),andfor summoningtheCandidatetoattend.Summonsesshould be sentto all eligibleFratresin the Province,but for conveniencethesesummonsesmay, if time permits,be passedtoCollegeSecretariesto sendout with the Collegesummonses.The Provincial Secretary,underthedirectionof theChiefAdept,arrangesthe Officersfor the Adeptceremonies,and ensuresthat theareinformedin advance. y

The ProvincialSecretaryis responsiblefor sub-mitting the Return(Form A/C), which he mustsign to confirm that the Grade(s)havebeencon-ferred, to theSecretary-General,immediatelyafterAdeptGradeshavebeenconferred,sothatCertifi-catescanbe madeout; for administrativeconven-iencehemayarrangewith theCollegeSecretarytosubmitthesereturnswith the Collegereturns.Theappropriate fee should be sent by the CollegeSecretaryfor the Second-OrderGradeswith theFormA/C, duly signedby the ProvincialSecretary,forthe Candidate’sGradeV. The FormA/C mustshowwho officiated in eachceremony.Minutes— Minutes should be kept of all AdeptGradesworkedin the Province,andtheseshouldbereadandconfirmedimmediatelyafteropening

on thenextoccasionAdeptGradesareworkedinthe Province,even thoughthis may be at someothervenue.Furniture— TheProvincialSecretary,or, if onehasbeenappointed,the Provincial D C, should seethat the following arrangementsare compliedwith, as far as is practicable,for eachAdeptcere-mony.Seatsto bearrangedin theform of a seven-sidedfigure; in thecen~ethePastos(failing whicha blackcloth folded to shapeandplacedon thefloor); on thePastos,fromWestto East,the HolyBible (open at St JohnChapter1),~mall ‘In me-moriam’ plate, circular altar plate (Grade VIIonly), sanctuarylamp or candle.Pedestalsfor theInductor in the Eastand Expositorin the West,eachbearingalight enclosedby atransparency,sothat the Illuminated Crossis seenby the Candi-date,andthe officer hasthe benefitof adim light.NOTE: ensurethat the Fratresdo not movethechairs from the sevensidedshape,andthat theyunderstandthesignificanceof the form of theV...The Candidatesshould be veiled, andnot blind-folded in the Adept Grades.In GradeVII theCandidatemustknowtheGrandWordsofGradesI —VI. (In this Grade, the Conductormovestostandbehindthecandidateafter hehascompletedthe examination.)

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—~ —

Prologue— If the Prologueis to be given in GradeV, it is necessarythatthereisabanner,or diagram,of theTreeof Life outsidethe Portal of the V...,andthat it canbe illuminated duringtheexplana-tion; the anteroomshould otherwisebe in dark-ness.Lighting — In GradeVII, thereshouldif possiblebea single light in theSouth,which canbe switchedon at the appropriatemom~nt. If no suchlight isavailable,thenthegenerallighting will haveto beused.

In GradeV, if it is the customto show theCandidatesa diagramof theTetractysto enablethem to follow the explanationin the Lecture,sufficientlight shouldbe givenfor themto seethisdiagramwhile thispart of the lectureis given, or atransparencyof a Tetractysmay be used.Withtheseexceptions(and thelights in the transparen-cies on the two pedestalsandtheSanctuaryLamponthePastos)thereshouldbeno lights inevidenceduring the Adept ceremonies,but if available,avery dim blue light may be usedthroughout,tofacilitatemovements.Formalities— Before openingthe V... of A... theInductor should satisfyhimself, by enquiry, thatnobody is presentwho hasnot taken the Gradeaboutto be worked.Heshouldthencall uponthe


Provincial Secretaryto readfrom FormA/C thenamesof the Candidatesfor the Grade,andtoconfirm that the form bearsthe signatureof theChief Adept (or SupremeMagus) approvingthecandidatefor advancement.


Ritualto beKnown — The outgoingCelebranthasto know the wording for vacatingthe Chair andinviting theInstallingOfficer to preside,namely:

RightWorthy ChiefAdept (orRWInstallingOfficer), theFratreshavechosenFrater—

to be the Celebrantof the College for theensuingyear,and in retiringfrom theChairIrequestyouto presideoverus,andto installmy successor.

LikewisetheFirst Ancienthasto know his wordsfor presentingthe Celebrant-Electat the Altar;theseare:

Right Worthy ChiefAdept (orRW InstallingOfficer), by virtue of the powersof theFourElementswhichwe represent,andon behalfof theFratresof this College,wepresentVeryWorthy Frater—, the Celebrant-Electofthe — College of Rosicrucians,underwhoserule andguidancewe desireto prose-cute our researches,andperform ourduties


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during the ensuingyear, in order that youmayconferuponhim the secretsanddignityof aCelebrantandin dueform instalhim inthe Chairof ChristianRosenkreuz.All the Ancientshaveto know howto bring the

Celebrant-Electto theAltar for presentation.Thefour Ancients form a Cosmic Cross (ie a Crosswith equal arms) in the North-West, with theCelebrant-Electin thecentre.The FirstAncientisin theEastof thisCross,theSecondAncientin theSouth,theThird in theNorth, andtheFourthintheWest(ie attherear).TheD C givestheinstruc-tion for the five to moveoff to theEast.Theystopin front of theAltar (not in front oftheChair),andtheFirst Ancientpresentsthe Celebrant-Electtothe Installing Officer, in the wordsgiven above.The Ancients return to their pedestalswhen soinstructed TheD C shouldrehearsetheAncientsand Celebrant-Electin all this beforethe Collegeopens.VacatingofChairsby Officers— If theExponentisCelebrant-Elect,his chair should not be left va-cant, but shouldbe occupiedby a PastCelebrant.(It could wellbefoundconvenientfor theoutgoingCelebrantto fill thisplace.)Thechangetakesplaceimmediately after the Installing Officer has saidthattheGradeofAdeptusExemptus(orMagister)


hasbeenconferredupontheCelebrant-Elect.TheD C conductsthe actingExponentto the Westwherehe assumesthe Robeof theExponent.TheFourAncientsaremeanwhileformingthe CosmicCrossin theNorth-West.Onreturnto their pillarsthe Ancients (and all other Officers except theExponent)removetheir Robesandresumetheirseatsof Office.

If the Celebrant-Electis oneoftheAncients,theExponentremainsin his placeand an actingAn-cientis conductedto theseatbeingvacatedby theCelebrant-Elect;if the latter is the First Ancient,thestand-inmusthavelearntthewordsof presen-tation.All Officersremainin their formerseatsofOffice until calledforwardfor obligationto anewOffice or until their replacementOfficer comes,after obligation,to takeup the Office.Robe& Collarette — Whenthe outgoingCelebranthas takenoff his Robe and Collarette,theseareplacedat the foot of the Altar, andshouldNOTbe placedon the Kneeling Stool, or directly be-tweenthe stool andthe Altar, wheretheywouldbe in the way duringthe ceremony.

OtherPoints— All Fratresshouldbewarnedby theD C or ChiefAdept thattheywill be askedif theyare satisfiedwith the answersgiven by the Cele-brant-Elect,andthat thereply is ‘We arecontent’


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(the D C shouldgive the leadin this response,sothat all speak together).The Celebrant-Electshouldbe remindedthat he will haveto passtheWord at the appropriatepoint, whenhe and theInstallingOfficerjoin theM... C.... The kneelingstool shouldberemovedby theD C as soonastheCelebrant-Electhasrisen.Music— If desired,theMotet ‘God be in my head’maybe sungbeforethe Celebrant-Electrisesafterbeingconstituted(sungby Precentororby all theFratres,accordingto Collegecustom).

AppointmentofOfficers— It shouldbe suggestedtotheCelebrant-Electthat,sincethenewOfficersallcomeforwardto be Obligatedtogether,he shouldreadout the full list of Officers with only aslightpausebetweeneachname.The D C or InstallingOfficer should tell the Officers-Designatethat, astheir namesarecalled, theyshouldcomeforwardandline up acrossthe Templein theEastin twoor three lines accordingto the spaceavailable.(Seniorsshouldbe onthe right (South),ie thenewExponentstandsin front ofthe Celebrant’schair,the next Officer on his left and so on, starting asecondline whenthe first line is full.) Sufficientspaceshould be left in theEastfor the InstallingOfficer to comebetweenthe Altar andthe frontline.


FObligation of AbsentOfficers — If any Officers areabsentfrom the installation meeting, an itemshouldappearonsubsequentsummonses‘To Ob-ligatethefollowingOfficers,whowerenot presentat the Installationmeeting’,with a list of namesandOffices. The Obligationmaybeadministeredby the Chief Adept, the Suifraganor any PastCelebrantnominatedforthepurposeby the ChiefAdept, and care must be taken to ensurethat acopyof thewordingof the Obligation is availableto such ObligatingOfficer. The ‘absentOfficer’item will reappearon all summonsesduringtheyear,until all havebeenobligated,but NOT onthe summonsfor the nextInstallationmeeting.Ifthe Officer in questionis thenpresent,he will notbe obligatedin the Office he is aboutto vacate.(Ifhe is thenbeing appointedto the same,or anyotherOffice,hewill of coursebeobligatedwith alltheothernew Officers in the ordinaryway.)


It is not normal for the Celebrantor any of hisOfficersto enteror leavetheTempleinprocession.The Celebrantis salutedonly athis Installation.Visits — On the occasionof visits by the SupremeMagus,Senioror Junior SubstituteMagus,or a


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Commissionerfrom the SM, theprocession,sa-lute andrecessionwill be directedby theDirector-General of Ceremoniesor his Deputy, andmembersof theThird OrderandPast-Celebrants,

will be calledon to form an escort,as required.Inall processions,all officers takingpart mustwearappropriaterobes.TheDirector-Generalof Cere-moniesdirectsthe salutesto theVisitor; thereafterthe CollegeD C takeschargeuntil theprocessionof theVisitor outof the College.ChiefAdept— The ChiefAdept (in his absencetheSuffragan)will normallytakehisseaton theNorthsideof theAltarbeforetheCollegeis opened,withmembersof theThird Order(other thanOfficersof the Collegewho haveofficial placesto take inthat capacity) on his right accordingto rankandseniority. The Chief Adeptwill give place to theSM, SSM, ISM, or a Commissioner,when theyvisit a College; in his own Provincehe doesnotgive place to Officers of High Council, who takeprecedenceimmediatelybelowhim.Whenmakingan Official visit to oneof his Colleges,the ChiefAdeptmayenterin procession,precededby robedHigh Councillorsand Past-Celebrantsunderthedirection of the Provincial Director of Ceremo-nies,if oneis appointedandpresent,or theDG ofC, if present,failing whichthe CollegeD C. Such

rprocessionshouldnot take place when the SM,SSM,JSM, or a Commissioneris visiting.

Suifragan— In the absenceof theChiefAdept,theSuifragantakeshis place.When the ChiefAdeptis present,the Suffragantakesplace accordingtohisGradeandrank.Salutes— TheSalutesto begivenin theTemplearelaid down in the Ordinances,Appendix IV. AChiefAdept is salutedonly in his own Province,anda Suifraganis not usually salutedwhen theChiefAdeptis present.Whensalutesof 9, 8,7 or6 are given, no other salutes(other than as pre-scribedin the Ritual, for anewly installedCele-brant or Chief Adept, or a newly obligatedSuifragan)aregivenwhile theOfficer receivingthesaluteof 9, 8, 7 or 6 is presentin theTemple.OnsuchoccasionstheChiefAdept,or in his absencetheSuffragan,maybe salutedbeforethe SM’s,orVisiting Officer’s, processionenters.Surrenderingthe Sceptre— The Celebrantwill offerhisSceptreto theSM,SSM,JSM,Commissioneror Chief Adept immediately after the senior ofthesewho may be presenthasacknowledgedthesalutationoftheFratres.TheSceptreis not offeredto a Suifraganor to an Officer of High Council,evenwhen the latter is making an Official visit,

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unlesshecarriesaCommissionfrom theSupremeMagus.

Minutes— After theMinuteshavebeenread,con-firmed and signed by the Celebrant,the seniorrankingVisitor present(SM, SSM,JSM,Commis-sioner or Chief Adept) should be invited to signthem also.After-Proceedings— WhentheSM, SSM,ISM or aCommissioneris present,andhas a GrandD Cattendingon him, the latter will control theafter-proceedingsand the proposingof Toasts,etc. ]ftheSM is present,permissionto smokeshouldbegiven beforetheToastto theSM is proposed;onall other occasionssmokingshould be permittedaftertheToastof theSMhasbeenhonoured.TheCommemoration,immediately after the closingGrace,will be proposedby the SM, SSM,ISM,Commissioneror Chief Adept, if present,failingwhich by the Celebrant.This Commemorationmustnotbereferredto asaToast;theLoyalToast,whichfollows,isthefirst Toastto besodesignated,andcaremustbe takennot to referto it as ‘the next(or Second)Toast’.



Theregulationsfor establishinganew Collegearelaid downin OrdinanceX.3, but beforegettingtothe stageof petitioningthe MW SupremeMagusFratresmay like to know the furniture andotherequipmentrequiredby aCollegefor thefourFirst-OrderGrades.Altar & Superaltar— 1. Wherea Collegeholdsitsmeetingsin a masonictempleit is commonto usetheWM’s pedestal(or a larger table)as the altar.Thismusthaveanaltarcloth of whitelinen drapedover it; this maybe adornedwith a suitableem-broideredmotif,egthePaschalLamb.TheCollegewill decidewhetherandwhat theemblemshouldbe.

2. A superaltarwith three stepsis essential.Itmustbe paintedwhite, andmustbe largeenoughto takethe 33 candles(seediagramsonpp 14—16)comfortablyspaced.It shouldbe designedto fitsafelyon or overthe altarandaltarcloth.

3. 33 candle-holdersof suitabledesignarenec-essaryto hold the

4. 33 candlesrequired(with sparesets).5. Threesmallwhite-paintedblocks areneeded

to raisecandles4, 23 & 29.6. A blackCalvaryCross,as describedon p 16.


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7. A white CalvaryCrossisneededfor GradeIV,with red rose,but without scroll or star, as de-scribedon p 16.

8. It is useful, but not essential,to havea can-dIe-snufferwith taperattachmentfor dealingwiththe candleson the superaltar.Ancients—9. Fourpedestalsor pillars are neededfor the Ancients.If theseare to be speciallymadefor the new College,it is appropriateto showthesymbolsof the four Ancientspaintedon theminthe propercolours. Where storagespacein thetempleis short,folding ‘wine tables’ canconven-iently be used.

10. Four‘holders’ arerequiredfor the elements:(a) Fire aspirit or oil lamp,orredcandle;(b) Waterasmallbowl or chalice; (c) Air alargeplain fan ofrobustconstruction;and(d) Earth asmallcopper,brassor silver-platedbowl.Robes— 11. Celebrant

12. Exponent1 3. Ancients14. Conductor15. High CouncilRepresentative(GradeVII or

VIII, asappropriate)16.FivewhitecloaksforGuardian,Torchbearer


rDetailsof all thesearelaid down in AppendixV ofthe Ordinances.Jewels— 17. (a) Celebrant,(b) Secretary,and (c)Treasurer.OtherItems— 18. Pedestalsfor CelebrantandEx-ponent.

19. Sceptre(red wand) of correctdesign,sup-plied by Secretary-General.

20. Holy Bible for Exponent; this may beblockedin gold on thefront coverwith thenameof the College.

21. Censer,preferably full-size brass Churchecnser(and,if possible,thurible standfor it).

22. Or asuitable tile to hold censerat foot ofAltar.

23. Incense,self-lightingcharcoalandmatches.24. Blackblindfolds,at leastfour.25. Floorclothor board,representingtheCentre

of theUniverse,for the secondpartof theZelatorecremony.

26. NumbersLecture for Zelatorceremony.Itis helpful if the largepagescanbe easily turnedover.Thereis anestablisheddesign,’whichmaybeembellishedwith colour.

27.GradeII Crossfor theAspirantwith armsofequallength,colouredfor the four elements.


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— w-.--—— —-

28. Fylfot Crossfor the Aspirantin GradeIII,appropriatelycoloured.

29. CalvaryCrossfor theAspirantin GradeIV,with whitesquaresanda singleblacksquare.


It is suggestedthat Foundersshould closely in-spectthe equipmentin an establishedCollege,before commissioningfurniture etc. If convenienttheyshouldborrowthis for copying.

While mostFratreswill wish to havetheir newfurnishingsreadyfor the Consecration,it mustberememberedthatit is theCollege,not its furniture,thatis beingconsecrated.Therecanbe no objec-tion, therefore,to usingsome borrowed equip-mentfor that importantoccasion.