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    Software Requirements Specifications Document

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    Facebook . Requirement Specification

    Prepared By:o Badiulzaman (SP11-BCS-030)

    o Munib Asad Malik (FA11-BCS-224)

    o Suleman Asghar( FA11-BCS-168 )

    o Hassan Ali (FA11-BCS-065 )

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    Software Requirements Specifications Document

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    1. INTRODUCTION :This document is prepared in order to determine a software requirement specificationfor Facebook. Facebook is a social network on which people can add their friends,share videos and photos, send and receive messages, comment on the links etc. Inorder to gain an overview about the report, firstly, the purpose and scope of thisdocument will be given, and then an overall description of Facebook system isfollowed. In addition to these, system features such as uploading photo, sharing video,adding friend etc. are described deeply. After mentioning about the introduction of thesoftware system, the specific requirements will be addressed for it. In the final part,functional and non-functional requirements will be addressed.

    1.1 PURPOSE:

    The SRS is needed to evolve as the development of the software product processes.The purpose of this document is to give a complete description about how Facebooksocial network system can be developed. This document is to provide informationabout what the software product is to do to customers and establish an agreement

    between customers and suppliers and also become helpful for development. Inaddition to these, it provide a basis for validation and verification. The issues which

    are basically addressed are functionality such as adding friends, uploading photos,external interfaces, performance, attributes and the design constraints of the system.

    1.2 SCOPE:

    The name of the software product is Facebook. Facebook is a social network thatconnects people. The aim of Facebook is to provide information to the users about theevents and the people whom they know. The users of Facebook can add friends, sharevideos whichthey want their friends watch; upload photos, comme nt on their friends sharings ,chatting

    with their friends and become informed about their friends. Moreover, people cancreate social groups for such as university clubs, football clubs or for socialawareness. People can be informed about the events by the help of these groups ortheir friends.


    When the user logins Facebook, they can see their home page, which is named asNews Feed that provide users to see what their friends share, what their friendswrite their status. Moreover, at the left of this page, the user can see the eventinvitations and the birthdays of their friends. Therefore News Feed is the main pagewhich combines daily friend interactions.

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    In this section, background information about what type of requirements the systemshould have will be provided briefly


    Facebook is an independent and world-wide social network website. Every person canuse it online without a fee. The Facebook is not a part of a larger system, it is anindependent system. People from different regions of the world can connect to it andexchange information with other people. In order to control the contents of thesharings and comments done by the other people, Facebook has also a controlmechanism. People can deliver their complaintsAbout any part of the Facebook to the Facebook Administrators. Then,Facebook Administrators might take appropriate actions according to thecomplained situation which isAgainst the rules.

    Details :

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    User login Actor userDescription User can login through the email and

    password of the system.Data user name user ID, doctor, Cell#, password.

    Stimulus Save user informationResponse Confirmation message.Comments System must have authorization permissions

    to access system.

    Update profile Actor userDescription User can update/Change the information .Data Alternative record of already added record.

    Stimulus Save InformationResponse Confirmation message, New details should

    display on screen.Comments user must have security permissions to

    access user database, There should be detailsof a user to be updated.

    Make an event Actor userDescription User first check for available time slots , then

    make an event In a suitable time slot.Data ID, passwordStimulus Save an appointmentResponse Confirmation message.Comments User has security permission to access MIS,

    Specific time slot should be available.

    Add friend

    Actor userDescription User can add the details of a new personData Nurse ID, Nurse Name, Category,.Stimulus Save information.send request for friendshipResponse Confirmation Message.Comments User must have security permission to

    access. Should not be already added.

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    Newz feed Actor User,facebook admisntratorDescription User can View the recent activities of friends

    Data ID, password.Stimulus ViewResponse Table of duties of specified users should be

    displayed on screen.Comments User must have security permission to view

    the other person schedules.


    After creating an account and starting to use the Facebook, first thing he or she willmake is searching for friends. The user will search people by their names and cansend an invitation to them to add as a friend and to be able to see their shared items onFacebook. If the person accepts the invitation, these two persons become friends onFacebook and can interact more closely such as sending messages to each other. Anyuser can share his/her status like whatever he is thinking, wherever he is or his currentmode. Friends of this person can make a comment on that. Furthermore, if a usershared a photo, video, link or anything, any friend of that user can share that shareditem also. Users can upload photo and video to their profiles and create an album.Anyone can create a group and invite people to join in the group. Similarly, peoplecan attend the activities where they are invited.


    Facebook does not require any specific computer knowledge to use it except thedevelopers and administrators of it. Standard users are thought to be from any age,any genderAnd from any nationality who can use just computers browser. On the other ha nd,Administrators and potential developers need a high level of expertise to understand

    web technologies.


    Being a social network website, the software should ensure the safety of informationgiven by the user and provide some privacy settings options to the user. Firstly,Facebook provides people the right to choose the category of people who will be ableto view their shared items. Some users may not desire the access of some people totheir shared items and information. If this is the case, users can set their privacysettings toPrevent some peoples access to their information.

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    Secondly, Facebook cannot sell the private information of users to someone else.However, if the user permits, an application can access to some information of theuser.


    In this section, all software requirements will be explained in detail. All requirementsare divided into two groups as functional and non-functional.


    In this section, external interface requirements for user and communication channelwill be described in order to clarify the relationship of this software with other entitiesand systems.In the first part, users interfaces will be explained with the layout information, textualItems and error handling types for two types of users of the system, as standard usersand Facebook administrators. In the second part, communication interfaces of oursystem will be described in order to explain the relationship with other systems whichare sharing information with Facebook.



    Standard users shall be using the web browser to use the product. Thus, it shall have a

    login page and users must login with their e-mail addresses and passwords. After asuccessfulLogin , they shall be taken to their News Feed which is Their homepage thereafter. Since they are logged into the system, there must belogout button and their Facebook profile names at the top of the page until theylogged out of the system. In addition, there shall be Help menu in order to explain the

    processes of Facebook to the users.

    Being a social network, a direct link to the list of Friends shall be listed in theAccount menu, located at the right top, which shall also include Logout andAccount and Privacy Settings. At the top, there shall be Home and Profile

    buttons which are used

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    For linking News Feed and users own profile respectively. Search field which letsusersSearch for their friends, events, etc. shall be located at the center of the top in thewhole processes. All other features of the system shall be reachable by menu as a leftsidebar such as Events, Photos, Videos, and Groups etc. In the menu, order of these

    features shall be updated according to their usage levels for the users finally, sub-Functions , such as Creating Event which is related to EventsFeature, shall be reachable from the related features menu. Since standard users canuse different types of features, there shall be different interfaces for each of them andthey will be described separately:

    3.1.3 OperationsSearch friends

    Home Friend request sent Cancel friend request notifications Create page Activity Log Settings Messages Groups Page info Privacy & Appearance Logout

    4. Functional Requirements:

    (a) Creating an Event:

    This functions interface will be a form which contains text fields/areas andcheck boxes. This form will havea text fields for Date and Time, Name and Place of theevent. Optionaltext fields for ending time will be shown when user clicks on Adding End Time and optional Street and City/Town will be shown when user clicks onAdding Street Address button. There will be a text area which is forAdditional Information

    There will be a button for selecting guests and when user clicks on this, friends listwill beShown to select. Finally there will be two check boxes for making event PublicEvent and Showing guest list to others. In order to send this form, there will bea Create Event Button. If the user does not fill the form correctly, s/he will be notified and when

    the user submits correctly s/he will be directed to Event page which is just created.

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    (b) Attending an Event:

    This function will be shown in the related events page at the top of the page. Thiswill

    be formed of three buttons for attendance situation of the user to the event. These

    shall beNo, Yes and Maybe Attending. When user clicks on Yes or MaybeAttending, s/he will be listed in the guest list and when No is clicked no actionwill be taken.

    (c) Uploading Photo:

    When this function is to be performed, there will be a button for choosing imagefiles. When user clicks on it, a file browser will be opened to select images. Whenuser successfully uploads the photo, s/he will get a notified, if an error occursduring the upload, the user bill be informed about it.

    (d) Creating Album:

    This function will have an interface as a form type. This form will include twotextsFields for Name of the Album and Location and there will be a drop downmenu forSelecting the albums privacy settings. In order to complete form, there will be Cancel andCreate Album buttons. When user creates album s/he will be taken to uploading

    photo function.

    (e) Uploading Video:

    With resembling to Uploading Photo interface this function will have a button forchoosing files to be uploaded and there will be a text field for the name of thevideo.

    (f) Sending Message:

    This function will use an interface constituted of one text field for messagereceiver and one text area for message itself. There will be two buttons forattaching a file or picture and one additional check box if the user wants thismessage to be sent as a text message also. To complete form, there will be sendand cancel buttons. Upon successful sending user will

    be informed as your message sent and if no user selected or no message is written sendButton will not take any action and no notification will be shown.

    (g) Receiving Message:

    This function will be available through the message received notification in the

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    home page. Reaching the receiving message interface, the sent message will beshown withthe senders Profile Name and Profile Picture. Time at the message sent will be shown at the right top of the message and subjectof the message will be shown below time. In order to continue conservation, at the

    bottom there will be Sending Message interface.

    (h) Sharing User Status:

    For this function, there will be a text field for the status to be shared and there will be a drop down menu for selecting the privacy level of the shared status forFriends, Networks or Public. Finally, there will be a share button to complete theform. When the user exceeds thelimit of status, which is 420 characters, s/h e will be informed for Exceedinglimit; therefore the remaining character limit will be shown at the right top of the text area. Uponsharing in the limits, the shared status will be shown in the News Feed thereafter.

    (i) Commenting:

    This function will be reachable for the every shared item such as pictures, videos,userstatus etc. This interface will have a text area for comments and when the user

    presses Enter key after writing the comment in the text field, the comment will be listed

    thereafter in the bottom of the related item.

    (j) Searching Friend:

    This interface will be reachable from every page and will include one text field fortext to be searched and one button at the left to start searching. This interface willtake the user to the results page which shows the list of the search results.

    (k) Adding Friend:

    This function will be reachable from every profile page which is not alreadyadded asa friend. Clicking the Add as a Friend button fro m the top of the profile page, interface ofthis function will be reached. This interface will have an optional button foradding Personal Message to the other user which will open a text field for this

    personal message. At the right bottom of the interface, there will be two buttons for cancelling the request andsending the request. Sending the request successfully, an informative text will beshown at the profile

    page of the user which the request sent as a friendship request sent instead of Add as Friend button thereafter.

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    (l) Creating Group:

    This interface will be in a form style. There will be a text field for the group name anda text area for writing the names of the group members. At the bottom of the interface,a drop-down menu will help user to select the privacy level of the group and thesewill be followed by create and cancel buttons. If the user either does not type a group name or any friends name to be member of the group, the user will be informed. When the usersuccessfully fills fields, the interface will take the user to the group page which is justcreated.


    Administrators of the Facebook will be using the administration features by logginginto their specific interface using a browser. Therefore, there shall be a login pagewhich is different than standard users login page and administrators shall use that

    page to login system. After successful login they will be taken to the readingcomplaints interface directly.In addition, administrators name, authority level and l ogout button shall be located atthe topof the page thereafter. Basic outline for the Facebook administrators interface.


    As a whole social networking website, Facebook will be completely stand- alonesystem which lets other platforms connect, fetch and transform data in certain levels.Therefore, other platforms such as mobile phone applications, namely Facebook forAndroid, iPhone, Windows Mobile etc., or other websites which want to useFacebook integration will be connecting to the Facebook main system by usingFacebook Platform. Facebook Platform will provide APIs and tools to 3rd partydevelopers to let them create high-level integrated plugins and programs. Thereforemain communication interface with the other platforms willbe Facebook Platform forFacebook. However, this integration and its level will be set by the user, who wants tointegrate their accounts and information with other websites. Basic out line of thecommunication interfaces.

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    4.1.3 SYSTEM FEATURES :In this section, all normal and alternative flow of events are organized with theassumption that users or administrators are successfully reached their homepage bylogin into the system. This assumption is made in order to describe specifications ofthe sub-features with better focusing.



    System shall be available from all over the world at all times. Being a social network,any interruption in the sharing chain will cause people to give up on Facebook,therefore it is essential that the system shall be available at all times. System shall not

    be affected from the number of active users in the system until half of the registeredusers become active. Being a worldwide network, assuming that half of the registeredusers are reaching to the website is a legitimate and necessary requirement.


    Design of the system shall arrange the content size as compatible for different platforms, such as mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers. Since Facebook is based on sharing with friends, design of the system shall let high level of mobileaccess. Design of the system shall let different languages to be shown withoutaffecting the general layout and operations. Being a worldwide network, differentlanguage sets shall be able to shown as the main language of the website withoutcreating any obstacles on the operations.

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    .3 Reliability5The system will be implemented using state of the art and market recognized toolslike Oracle and ASP.Net. Also the techniques, algorithms and data structures used forimplementing the system will be quite efficient, thus the system is not expected to fail

    while running and will continue to perform its required functions under normalconditions in its 18 hours of uptime.

    .4 Availability5The system is expected to have an uptime of 18 hours. It will have a downtime from12am to 6 am for system repairs and reboot. This reboot is essential as perrequirements of Windows XP which slows down over time.

    .5 Security5To give access to customers, they are required to be authenticated by the library card

    number and password. This includes security into the system as no un-authorizedaccess is allowed.

    Maintainability.65The system will be made in such a way that it is easy to manage and maintain.