sscva annual review 2014-2015

Improving lives and connecting communities across South Staffordshire Patron: Rt. Hon. Gavin Williamson Member of Parliament for South Staffordshire Annual Review 2014 - 2015

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Page 1: SSCVA Annual Review 2014-2015

Improving lives and connecting

communities across

South Staffordshire Patron: Rt. Hon. Gavin Williamson

Member of Parliament for South Staffordshire

Annual Review


Page 2: SSCVA Annual Review 2014-2015

SSCVA connects, represents and

supports community and

voluntary organisations across

South Staffordshire.

Thousands of people across the

District contribute and make a

difference to the causes they

believe in through their

volunteering, helping to make

South Staffordshire a better place

for everybody.

We find great inspiration in our

180 member groups and this

helps us to champion the

voluntary sector & its volunteers

and represent their voice to key

decision makers.

We connect groups and

organisations with the people,

partners and resources that they

require to make the biggest

difference they can.

We specialise in helping groups

to secure funding, access

training courses, manage their

projects & volunteers and

provide them with the

networking opportunities they

need to build effective


So get in touch with us if your

community or voluntary group

needs the support we provide to

help you deliver your essential

services to improve your local


About Us Established in 1986, South Staffordshire

Community & Voluntary Action has been

providing local support to South Staffordshire’s

community and voluntary sector for the best

part of 30 years.

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Like many of our colleagues in the voluntary

and community sector, we have experienced

a very busy year, with a combination of

successes and challenges. Staff and Board

continued to focus on promoting our work as a

locally-focused organisation that is responsive

to the needs of the communities it serves.

Against a backdrop of increasing austerity, we

are pleased to report that we have been very

actively engaged with a wide variety of

community activity during the year, in addition

to furthering the work around our key

objectives as an infrastructure support body (to

use the jargon). This has included agreeing, in

consultation with key stakeholders, our core

activities for the coming years.

Mindful of this, we were very engaged during

the year in raising the profile of volunteering, in

particular through facilitating a well-attended

Masterclass event on the topic at the District

Council Offices. Speaking of which, we are

now well established in our new premises

there, with easier access to key strategic

partners to represent the views of local

voluntary and community organisations for the

wider benefit of all concerned.

This work has included running the ever-

popular Community Voice Forums, which

continue to provide an effective bridge

between the sector and public sector partners,

enabling groups to build their capacity and

engage more effectively in evolving initiatives

across the District.

With the ending of Lottery funding for our

CATALYST development project, we are very

active in sourcing alternative potential funding

sources for existing and new projects, not least

the key role of supporting and helping the

local sector to develop and thrive. It is

becoming increasingly difficult to secure

funding for development support to groups

and other key work areas, especially for a

small organisation dependent on a small but

professional staff.

During the year we were successful in securing

new funding from the European Social Fund

and South Staffordshire Locality Commissioning

Partnership. As a result we were able to

intensify our work with the increasing network

of Work Clubs in South Staffordshire, working

with attendees interested in accessing

volunteering opportunities to increase their skills

and knowledge, reduce social isolation and

promote overall health and wellbeing. These

are also key themes of the new Community

Support project, which received kick-start

funding during the year enabling us to run a

form of social prescribing service targeted on

those over 50 with long term health conditions

and the frail elderly.

This was a year in which we expended

considerable energies thinking about our

future role and sustainability, mindful of

NAVCA’s new report on the Future of Local

Infrastructure which gave a clear message

both that the sector has to change and adapt

to survive but also that there remains a real

need for organisations such as ours to have

core funding to be able to carry out their


We wish to record our grateful thanks to all

those who have worked with us, both in the

voluntary and public sectors, to funders who

have enabled us to continue existing and new

work during the year, and staff, Trustees and


David Leese Chief Officer

Rolf Levesley Chair


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improved life skills and

confidence as a result

We identified and helped to

develop 45 new community

projects in order to increase

community engagement in

South Staffordshire, almost 50%

being intergenerational.

This year we also held our 5th

Annual Celebration/Funding Fair at

Trinity Church, Codsall. 200 people

came through the doors enjoying

the activities put on by over 37

diverse voluntary and community


Gavin Williamson MP opened

proceedings and handed out over

100 certificates to volunteers

Our CATALYST team provided

development support and advice

to local voluntary & community

groups throughout South

Staffordshire. Using our skills and

expertise, we help groups to

develop, grow and become more

effective in meeting local needs.

During the lifetime of the CATALYST


We provided outreach

development support to 275

new & existing community


We provided one-to-one best

practise support to 188

community groups to help them

secure more than £830,000

funding for local projects

202 community groups took part

in training needs surveys with

755 volunteers/staff discussing

their individual training needs

We provided 40 training courses

run for community groups/

volunteers/staff, including

Volunteer Management, First

Aid, and Committee Training

375 volunteers/staff undertook

CATALYST training, all reporting

Building Capacity

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Building Capacity

nominated by their groups in

recognition of their hard work and


“The whole atmosphere was great,

as was the feeling of being part of

the community”

Community Learning Trust (CLT)

This is a joint project between

Staffordshire County Council,

Colleges in Staffordshire and

Voluntary & Community

organisations interested in adult


SSCVA facilitates the South

Staffordshire Community Learning

Trust Locality Working Group (LWG).

This involves:

Looking at the needs of local

people and providing evidence

of learner needs to feedback to

the main CLT Board

Influencing County

commissioning priorities

Assisting local groups to apply

for funding from the Community

Responsiveness Fund

Acting as a broker

between providers & learners so

that identified local training

needs are met

Providing representation at the

main board level

"Staffordshire has happy, healthy,

well integrated and active

communities that learn together,

support each other, and enable all

community members to prosper

and thrive”

This year we facilitated 3 LWG

meetings where local priorities were

agreed and ways we could

influence County Commissioning

Priorities were discussed.

Did you know…

We have over 160 contacts on our

mailing list who are interested in

adult learning in South Staffordshire?

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We have a key role in providing a

voice for local groups. SSCVA

continues to facilitate a regular Third

Sector Forum attended by key

partner agencies and public sector

representatives. Progress and

developments at both District and

County level are shared and

discussed, including news on

consultations, new and evolving

services, and the work of the

Locality Commissioning Partnership

and funding provided through the

annual Prospectus.

A small steering group including

ourselves has been steadily working

towards adopting and

implementing a Compact


As usual we facilitated a wide

variety of events during the year.

These were attended by both local

community and voluntary groups

and partner organisations.

Community Voice Forums focus on

enabling groups to network and

share ideas. News and updates

from the District Council and wider

South Staffordshire Partnership are

shared and valuable feedback

encouraged and fed back.

This year we held 10 Community

Voice Forums with 338 attendees.

Topics covered included:

· The Good Life

· Healthwatch Staffordshire

· ‘My Place My Say’ Surveys

· A Compact for South Staffordshire

· Sources of funding with help and

advice available on submitting

effective applications

· Local Transport initiatives

“ helps us be less isolated, and

makes us feel as though we are

empowered and part of the

community which in turn helps our

group members.”

Networking & Partnerships

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Networking & Partnerships document for South Staffordshire.

We have also been promoting the

wider social benefits of volunteering,

not only through the work of our

volunteer centre which works with

both organisations and individuals,

but also through our work on a

volunteering strategy for the District

with a view to piloting new models

in villages where residents can be

isolated and needing support and

signposting to opportunities most

suitable for them. All of this work

needs a secure funding base, of

course, and sourcing this remains a

constant challenge.

“SSCVA is proactive and customer

focused. They listen to what you

want to do, help you clarify, go

forward and make

relationships that will help


We also represent local groups

on the South Staffordshire

Leadership Board, which

meets half-yearly. At its

December meeting we

outlined how SSCVA works at a

very grassroots level to engage

with and support the sector.

We covered a number of key

challenges such as the ageing

population, and how dedicated

development support, volunteering

initiatives and evolving work such as

the Community Support project can

help to identify and close gaps and

enhance health and wellbeing for

residents suffering social isolation

and associated ill-health.

“SSCVA can't reduce isolation on

their own but by working with the

South Staffordshire Partnership, they

join with other agencies in

proactively trying to reduce


Outside of South Staffordshire we

developed effective working

relationships with partners in Support

Staffordshire and VAST.

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Volunteering We are ready to place people in

their perfect volunteer opportunity

through our network of 100s of local

community and voluntary groups.

We also provide volunteering best

practice support and training to

groups and individuals.

This year we:

Registered 54 new people to

volunteer through our volunteer

centre and the work clubs

We placed 15 of these people

in volunteer opportunities

throughout South Staffordshire

People were also given the

opportunity to participate in some

volunteering taster sessions where

they learned about:

The benefits of volunteering

The barriers to volunteering

The myths surrounding

volunteering (such as any effect

it has on benefits such as

universal credit)

Work Clubs

We work very closely with the local

South Staffordshire Work Clubs. Our

volunteer duty officer, Jen Jones,

can be found offering advice on

how volunteering can help job

seekers gain vital skills that will help

them into employment.

What this partnership offers:


unemployed people into a work

placed environment

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Gain references through

volunteering with local


Making improvements to CVs

Show potential employers that

you are being proactive

Did you know…

87% of employers say that

volunteering can help with career


Supported Volunteering

This project encouraged residents

over 50, with a physical or learning

difficulty, who are unemployed or

economically inactive to volunteer

to significantly enhance their

chances of finding employment.

This year:

30 volunteers were found

suitable placements

93 participants feel more

confident in carrying out their

roles and can engage in a wide

range of tasks

86 improved on their

presentation skills

66 gained transferable skills in

CV building, IT and interview


Successes of the project

With the support of the project a

60 year old lady from abroad

was able to gain more

confidence in speaking English

and was able to move into a

volunteer role with a local carer

support charity

A 24 year old male with cerebral

palsy was referred to several

local organisations to help him

with volunteering and benefits

A 55 year old gentleman

received support from local

disability advice charities and

gained the confidence to start

volunteering himself

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Community Support Project

Our Community Support

Coordinator utilises community

resources to provide social, non-

medical remedies to those over 50

with multiple complex needs,

people with a long term health

condition, the frail elderly, and

carers. This helps people to better

self-manage their illnesses and

increase their independence.

Initially our 9 month Pilot project

covered the South East Staffs &

Seisdon Peninsula area of South


During this time we received 41

Referrals from:

NHS Community Matrons &

Community Nurses

Community Council of

Staffordshire (via Village Agents

& Good Neighbour Schemes)

District Council Benefits &

Housing Office

South Staffordshire Work Clubs

South Staffordshire CAB


Family & friends

What worked well?

Providing one point of contact

for beneficiaries, with a

consistent approach

Providing appointments on an

outreach basis to minimise

exclusion due to location or


An effective referral process via

phone, email and paper forms

“...with the help of the CVA we have

undertaken activities which have

helped people with learning

difficulties be better integrated into

their communities and become

valued members.”

Enhancing Health & Wellbeing

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Enhancing Health & Wellbeing

The project received start-up

funding from South East Staffordshire

& Seisdon Peninsula CCG. Shortly

afterwards it received additional

funding from the South Staffordshire

Locality Commissioning Partnership.

Anne is receiving more referrals

every week and users of the service

are reporting that the Community

Support Project is helping to make a

real difference in their lives.

“...just the one visit had made a

great impact on her wellbeing.”

We have now recruited 5 volunteer

buddies to this project who provide

regular one-to-one support to the

person they have been matched

with. The buddy offers a befriending

service, where they share their time

and interests to support and reduce


“...had it not been for the

intervention and help received from

the community support project and

Anne Ross, things would have

continued to get worse. The support

received has made such a


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If your community group or charity

has an upcoming event, some

good news you’d like people to

know about, or a volunteering

position available we would be

more than happy to publicise this

for you through our website,

fortnightly newsletter and social

media channels.

This year on Twitter:

We gained over 120 new


Over 600 people visited our


Our tweets were viewed over

60k times

People engaged with our tweets

over 950 times.

This included:


65 Replies

122 Favourites

153 clicks on our links

Going forward we will be doing

even more promotion work for our

member groups. This will include:

Design of promotional materials

Social media training

Help in the set up and

maintenance of a basic website

This year we started sending out a

fortnightly eBulletin full of the latest

news from our member groups and

from the charity sector as a whole.

We also continue to send out our

Buzz Newsletter quarterly to all of

our member groups and partners so

don’t forget that we can advertise

your good news free of charge!

Over the last year we covered these

good news stories:

Caroline Leech, Pete Allen and

Hilary Shone, all former

volunteers, had moved into

paid employment

The launch of new projects such

as My Independence Matters

Daniel Swift, a volunteer at the

time, won the SCVYS sponsored

Young Volunteer Award at the

40th Anniversary South

Staffordshire Community Awards


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Keep Yourselves Informed &


Exclusive access to best practise

& information sheets

Sector updates through our

eBulletin and Buzz newsletter

Networking opportunities such

as our Bi-annual Community

Voice Forums

Championing Your Work

We have a successful track

record of influencing local

government on our member’s


With nearly 30 years of

experience SSCVA has a strong

voice that gets heard

Our membership contains more

than 180 diverse community &

voluntary organisations. We help

them succeed with our support and

provide the tools & knowledge for

them to better provide for their


Develop Your Skills



Volunteer Support &


Social Media

Delivery of Services

Raise Your Profile

We have years of experience of

helping you to get your group’s

name out there and letting people

know what you do.

Our Buzz Newsletter was sent out

to over 400 groups and partners

Our website had over 2000

unique visitors

We have over 700 Twitter



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Our Trustees

Rolf Levesley

I was CEO of South Staffordshire Council

until I retired in 2009. Currently I chair

South Staffordshire Housing Association

and am a Non Executive Director at

Shropshire Community Health Trust. I also

Chair the charity Friends of Conakry

Refugee School.

Councillor Brian Edwards

I was first elected to South Staffordshire

Council in 1983 and have represented the

Kinver ward ever since. I was elected to

Staffordshire County Council in May 1989

and have represented the Kinver Division

for the last 26 years. I was Chairman of

the Finance committee for 16 years and

also Chairman of the Council in 1993. I

became Leader of the Council in 2005. I

have served on many committees and

currently Chair the Prosperous

Staffordshire Select Committee.

Carol Hurley

I am Vice Chair of SSCVA Board of

Trustees and have been on the Board for

many years. I also Chair the HR sub

committee. I live in Wombourne and am

a retired Head teacher. I am a Board

member on South Staffordshire Housing

Association and sit on a panel for Mental

Health Hearings for The Black Country

Partnership Foundation Trust and Dudley

and Walsall Healthcare Trust.

Councillor Mary Bond

I have been a Trustee of SSCVA for almost

2 years. I am also a Trustee of other

charitable/voluntary organisations,

including the South Staffordshire Work

Clubs. Prior to retiring I was a freelance

Business Finance Adviser and,

immediately prior to that, was the

Finance Director of a business in

Wolverhampton. I have been a South

Staffordshire District Councillor for nine

years and am currently the Cabinet

Member for Environmental Services.

Councillor Henry Williams

I have enjoyed my last 12 months with

SSCVA and I have been able to recruit a

number of voluntary organizations in the

District and provide access to funding for

them. I am the County Chairman of the

Royal British Legion in Staffordshire and I

represent Kinver on the District Council

and I am the Chairman of the Parish

Council in Kinver.

Kay Bates

I have been a Trustee for just over 12

months. I have worked in both the private

and public sector and now run my own

business, a butchers, in Coven, South


Phil Cooper

I joined the Council in 1997 as Head of

Accountancy and Financial Services and

served the last 10 years as Director of

Finance. I currently volunteer for the

Canal and River Trust one day a week

and have taken on treasurer/auditor jobs

for a number of voluntary organisations

including, latterly, the SSCVA.

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Our Team David Leese

Chief Officer

[email protected]

Louise Baker

Admin & Finance Officer

[email protected]

Ros Burton

CATALYST Development Officer

[email protected]

Jen Jones

Volunteer Duty Officer

[email protected]

Anne Ross

Community Support Coordinator

[email protected]

Daniel Swift

Promotions & Social Media Officer

[email protected]

Emily Simmonds

Community Support Coordinator

(Currently on maternity leave)


Community Support Project

Administration Volunteer


Community Support Project

Admin & Volunteer Buddy


Community Support Project

Volunteer Buddy


Community Support Project

Volunteer Buddy


Community Support Project

Volunteer Buddy


Community Support Project

Volunteer Buddy


Community Support Project

Volunteer Buddy

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South Staffordshire Community & Voluntary Action is a Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales.

Registered Number: 4388223.

Registered Office: c/o South Staffordshire District Council, Wolverhampton Road, Codsall, South Staffordshire, WV8 1PX.

Charity Registration Number: 1093899.

South Staffordshire Community & Voluntary Action

c/o South Staffordshire District Council

Wolverhampton Road | Codsall

South Staffordshire | WV8 1PX

01902 851675

[email protected]