ssi digital responses

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Post on 27-May-2017




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  • Ve have the highest enrollment so you are collecting a huge amount of money through tuition. The TSU has been upgraded more times than I can remember since I was a kid, when is it gong to stop? The video did not mention how students are current ly taking advantage of the resources available to them, is there any demand in the first place?A If CSUF receives lowest funding from the state t his Issue must be addressed with the state. I don't think it is fair to ask students to Rav more to cover short falls. ifhe only thing that should be focused on should only be more class sections fo r high demand classes and/or additional ,par_king - -- ... -- ...__ - . - - - - - . . -- -- - - --- ---- .. The school government shou ld be funding these programs more, not t he students. Most students won't even benefit for t he extra programs from our fees. Most students do not use the fees we pay for the gym. Most of us don't ever visit the health center. Although these are very tm portant programs, we as students should be focusing on paying for our tuit ion and books. We pay more t han enough money without having to spend on facilities that cou ld be easily be pa id by people who are making hundreds of thousands of doi!Jars a, year {the school government).A

    . . -. .. . . - - .. . ..... -- . . .. ... , -- . --- .,_ .. -.. - -- ., . -

    . The school is inherently wasteful because it doesn't run Hke a business. The school has no economical incentive to cut

    costs or to become more effiGient. Thus, this invites waste and lack of accountability to how our dollars are spent.Aiso, most of CSUF are commuters and because of that, most of them won;t directly benefit from all these programs. It is 1,1nfair to FORCE these students to subsidize other studentis college experience. The school spent way too much on the smoking ,ban and pays ridiculous salaries for administrators and staffthat we don't actually need. Of course, school officials are for . ' 'this because that means more money for them and their friends. While this is happening, students suffer. More ,administrators mean less teachers and less classes.lf you guys rea fly want to do some of the programs you advocate then

    should cut costs and become more efficient l!ke any person,_family,_or business in similar financial situations.A

    I am very conceded when It comes to the SSI because I can not find statistics/percentages of how much money will go to what. It worries me when I see that athletics Is Included because too often I have experienced where all the majority of money goes to sports. A However, the doubling the Wi-FI is defiantly something I support . .&. All together the Information Is too vague. I want to see specifics and then maybe I could_get behind the SSI.

    The technological, academic, and diversity programs are what I am willing to pay a small amount of money for. Money

    i1!1't necessari!ythe only_ way to P.romote Titan J>ride; there are cheaper ways to_ get people involved.A My problem with the student success Initiative Is giving anyone the power to increase fees. What's going to happen after

    3rd year? Will the fees goes back to the way It was or will it keep going up to pay for the upkeep with all those initiatives? I do not mind paying my fair share but I think we need to pick and choose what's Important Instead of doing all

    !!_hose initiatives to be done at once.

  • The people who are in cha rge of this new in it iativ~, as well as students on campus, should be spending their time and

    ef fort wri t ing to federal and state legislatures expressing their outrage over the fact that our education syst em is being

    underfunded, rather than passing on the fees to the students . School is already expensive enough; and aside from

    updating classrooms and offering more classes, the other proposals don't seem relevant to our education, although they

    may contribute ou r social lives. The main reason I'm against these new fees is because I come from a one income family

    t rying to put two kids through college and we can't really afford to pay additional fees, especially those that don't even

    apply to us, like updating athletic facilities. Maybe these fees should be optional, Clnd only the people who use these

    se rvices should pay for them, rather than asking people to pay for something they are never going to use. And as far as

    updating the classrooms, TSU, and other athlet ics facilities, why not ask alumni to contribute? I'm sure they are proud

    Tita ns that would love to contribute to theirformer school in order to see the success offuture students. I'm not saying

    th es e services aren't important because I know they can lead to the success of many students, I may even use these

    servi ces in the future and am willing to pay for them when I do. But I think we should look Cit every altemative possible before putting t~ese_ fee_s on the studen~s and makin~ school even harder to att~n~ .. A

    If there is a descriptive wriil:t en document that shows how every. sttudent's fmcreased t witiom is allocated for the Student

    Success In itiative, I may be more willing to pay for a higher tuitiom. lnil is sur;ve't comes off as biased against students who

    are against the increase in tuition, especially Question 1. Also, please ~~m ake stu!iler.1t s more aware that this survey is a vote

    toward the increase in tuition and not ust a surve . That is misleaGilim .

    I get no financial aid because liive wit.h -my parents- arrd their ifl come is too high for me to qualify. A H.o.wever, I have to pay for my own schooling. A The school should take this into consideration, because there are a lot of people in the same

    ' . situation as I am

    I think that the state should provide fu nding for a lot of these services, 110t making the st udents pay. Things like

    t echnology and wifi band width should be something we are ent itle! to as a top notch education faci lity. Other things like

    academic advisors should be something that the school offers in t itle tl!l i~ ion we pay.A However, things like TSU and ~expa nded library hours I can understand paying for because these are bonuses in addition to my academic success.

    lfhere should be more money going to enriching the path to graduat inlil than to supporting Titan pride. If upgraded

    technology is only going to a certain number of classrooms, thenA itA should go to the ones that need it most. There

    should be people to visit every classroom and assess which ones rred\ll~eed to be improved instead of relying on old data

    or surveys. It is not clear how '"'diversity"" will be improved. What wiH change to make the campus more diverse and how

    willA the changeA affect the university? ""Titan pride"" should also he e~

  • : rom the presentation provided and the information laid out In the website, it seems that this program was geared primarily towards athletics and athletes more than the general student population. A The math lone doesn't lie-- by the 3rd year, $105 Is going to athletics/athletic benefitting programs. A That's OVER 43 percent.

    ~ All of that funding to benefit less than 10% of the student population. A This '"'Student Success Initiative"" is a sham for he remainder of the students who are struggling to get classes, for the students who need more access to technology and ampus resources such as career education, library, etc. A I th ink that while funding is scarce, this proposal should be

    revisited to address the concerns of the GENERAL student population, and not just a subset of athletes. A This is a university where we should support higher education and the students who are pursuing this endeavor, not just students

    who are dying to be a professional athlete while forcing the general student population to suffer for that ends. A I vehemently oppose this Student Success Initiative as it is written and distributed. A If someone had the guts to properly revise it, I personally think there may be some students who may revisit it. A I certainly hope that you take this into consideration. Paying an ext ra $i4-0 doiia-rs so t he .schooi cii.nA remove ash-trays Sb the -ci-gat ette butts can be fri c;~,: Pianters-iiow - ---instead of in ash trays, whfle also already paying $220 for a parking pass that does not even guatamtee parking. Ya I am good on paying eve:li more for '1"improvements11 ". - -~- -~ . . ~ . . . .

    I like the idea of having better wi-fi around school, but I think we already pay enough for services that most of the students do not use, nor will they ever use.A I feel this way especially regarding the athletic events.A I personally have never been to any sporting events, nor do I have any interest in attending those events.

    -- --r- ... ~ .... _

    ' ;why do we receive the lowest state funding? fee increase spans for two years 80 to 170 then to the advertised 240 forever? how much addit ional money wiH be generated with the proposed fee hike? how soon would our money be at 1 work? When will technology and High capacity Wi-Fi be implemented. Am I going to graduate before seeing results? What ~ are our OP.tions? Do we even have qRtions or the fee is already scheduled? A

    I am pretty sure I am not the only student to suggest this, but I would like to see at least some Investment Into a ca mpus w ide recyclable program, for example placing specific trashcans for plast ic bottles and aluminum cans around school. I feel

    like if the university was able to recycle Its own waste, we might be able to place t he retrieved revenue back into st ude nt ~ased programs and might even help by offsetting some of the costs In the proposed tuition raises. I might be making It sound more simple t han what it really Is, but I have noticed that with the multiple food offering locations and vending machines t hat much of that waste can be recycled, and the school has not paid attention or began to address how we can use that to our advantage. Thank vou.A.

    I do not see how any ofthe proposed solutions through the Student Success Initiative will enrich my academic experience here at Cal State Fullerton. I do not understand how expanding the T$U and providing better sports equipment will help me gain more from my education and futuTe degree. I am strongly against this fee, as students are currently already

    paying enough for classes, books, parking passes, and other sG:hool related expenses. My sense of Titan Pride does not come from our success in sports, 24 l'lolJlr library access, or better centers for veterans. My Titan Pride comes from being able to belong to a diverse community of people who all share an desire to learn. l feel that many of the solutions proposed through the Student Success Initiative are more for aesthetic value rather than for actual things that are going tb benefit my quality of education. If improvements wish to be made to help Titans succeed, then those changes need to come from within the dassroom.

  • i think t hat the new fee should be charged to the new incoming students. I don't th ink is fair to charge t his fee to (

    ~ uniors/Seniors . I am planning to graduate during Spring 2015 and I might not be able to take full advantage of the new implementations. Also, I am an international student t hat have a set budget for the next few semesters. An increase in my

    fees will have a great impact on my.p_arents' P._ockets. Therefore, I am totally against t his increase on IT!Y fees.

    This initiative does not seem well organized or planned. A Many of the programs proposed here will affect an incredibly

    sma ll subsection of the population, and many of the suggested ideas that sound beneficial (i.e. DSS) do not sound very

    well thought out; there is no plan for how the funds will support these things. A The initiative is clearly biased in favor of

    pa rt icular groups such as the athletics department. A These groups impact very few students out of our large population.

    :A Most of the clubs and orgi'mizations have to work to find ways to fund their own programs; athletics should be no different . A Fullerton is the largest CSU, true, but it is largely a commuter campus. A Many of the students attending CSUF

    have to work very hard at multiple jobs in order to fund their educations; the decreases in funding have already hit the

    students in difficult to stomach (arid pocket) ways, and it iS completely unacceptable to force further financial hardship on .

    all students for programs that benefit very few students and are poorly planned and throw around key words and talking

    points without providing concrete details as to how the program will, in actuality, help students. A I am very against this

    measure on principle and financially, and I am bothered that this initiative is being forced on students in so many ways

    (including ICC being pressured to force dup members to allow a representative to attend a dub meeting and speak about

    it, which has offended me .greatly.). "

    The student fees are already really high, I t lil il'lk that CSU F lileeds to re-evaluate it 's spending, and figure out how to

    invest/spend the money t hat we pay for ou r; edul!:atimn. lncreaiS img student fees is insane, I can not afford to pay, more.A

    This init iative is ambitious wit h several facets that I beli eve are unattainable with the funds desired. A I believe that if you

    are to give money to the varsity sports, you should bring back a sport that was recently cut from the University--wrestling. '

    Cultural centers where people within that culture can hang out? A Those cultural clubs can raise their own funding. 1

    A California is very diverse and in some areas considered a melt ing pot--at the hospitals where I have worked, there are

    no divisions based on your background (aside from profession) therefore I don't see the point in allocating funds towards

    different cultural backgrounds. A Free Microsoft office is great--now you're telling me it's no longer free. A I appreciate

    t he fact that the tuition is the lowest of the CSUs--it's affordable , A Now, being a graduate student, I am not in need of a guidance counselor. A I am also not on fullerton's campus often therefore the library hours and the wifi does not affect

    me. A I personally do not see the benefit of this proposed student fee therefore I am against it. A Thank you for reading

    none at the moment.

    other college? . - .. - J

    1 he reason I go to CSUF is because it is more affordable than other CSUs and other University syst ems.

    I wout(f~wt like to pay for things that -will not really affect me as welii s my peers ."The T SU is aiready-VerY"n"ice and does not need to be upgraded. I am not in Athletics so that department does not affect me at all. The technology on campus is

    fin e to me and I am not willing to pay $500 extra per year for things that do not need to be changed. Tuition is high

    e~ougha_s itJ.~ . . _____ --- __

  • J :SUFis a school that support students with a limited budget. I am not willing to pay $2,000 over a period of 4 years for

    these services. The TSU is not utilized to its potential in the current state. I do agree on improving the wi-fi to support

    academic achievement. However, students spend most of their time in the library watching Netflix or on Facebook. The

    TSU should be closed during fina ls week and the library should be open 24 hours instead. Athletes do give our students a

    sense of pride. I live too far away to ever attend a sports game. I do not support using student fees to pay for these

    students to go to school on scholarships. Scholarships in general based on community work and academic achievement

    should be expanded instead.A - - . . -~ - . - - .. - .

    In my opinion, CSUF is doing quite well in MOST of these areas.A There might be, at most, minor inconvonviences within

    them (i.e. waiting to see academic advising or technical issues with t he eomputers) but t hey are, in no way, worth having

    EVERYONE pay more money.A You could make the argument t hat if everyone gives a relat ively small amount, then it'll go

    a long ways, but where the hell do we draw the line t hen? We're already paying t housands in tuition, hundreds for a

    parking pass, and now this.A Every t ime some committee separate f rom t he majority of the st udents decides that t he

    school 'needs' something new, t hey'll j ust keep tacking en fees. I can't imagine ANYONE I know who goes here being in

    favor of this thing.A You know what they would be in favor of? More parking! Air condit ioning in McCarthy Hall ! How

    about we work on thatA before tackling the all imRortant campus wi-fi?

    These fees are ridiculous. A I'm all in favor of enriching my learning experience, but when I'm already spending a large amount of money in fees alre

  • The school can raise tuition all they want to try and make the school look nicer by expanding and enhancing programs, but

    if the professors and staff at CSUF are still unable to teach us properly, the amount of money we pay for tuition does not

    mean a thing. I would rather the money go towards hiring more professors because it is hard enough to f ind money for

    tu ition, let alone being stuck w ith pointless classes that I don't need just to keep my full time status. Almost every student

    in t his school has a problem w ith bad registration dates because of the lack of classes and professors available. Get more

    !professors, open up more classes and t hen we can talk about enhancing t he TSU and sports.

    We already payenough money-as it-is and adding more t o our tuition is ridicuious.".AII the th ings men t ioned that the

    money is supposed to be used for already has been budgeted for and is getting money. Most of the studerHs here

    commute to school from home and don't care about ail the extra stuff you want to do. The students that do want that

    extra stuff can donate the extra money if they wish to but forcing it upon the rest of us that already struggle paying tuition

    enough is not fa ir. A

    I seriously do not believe im fu img im CD \!1 11 athlet ics prrogram if t his fu nding will not improve nay patlit t o enrich my

    education and graduat ion. I 1o not belieVie we should promote the university more than what we already do. Our

    impacted courses would l!le more impa

  • I would be on board for th is initiative, but in the presentation there were a lot of things that troubled me. First off, if I, as a st udent, am going to be paying more, then I strongly fill that the Dean and all the top level people at CSUF should be

    taking a pay cut. And when I say the Dean I mean the Dean, not the professors. So far the professors have been taking a

    hit for everything. They get pay cuts or simply get fired. That's not right. The Dean needs to take a pay cut too. Moving on

    now, I feel the things that should be the biggest focus are updating the classrooms and updating the advising process. I

    don't mind at all paying a little more to help update those. I'm 100% on board with that. It's pretty sad that there are still

    classrooms with chalkboards in them . And it's also pretty sad that when I go in for academic advising, it's pretty much guaranteed that I'm going to be given wrong informatron. I've heard so many hortor stories of students being told they

    are able to graduate by one advisor only to find out f rom another one that they can't. Those two areas should be priority.

    When it comes to sports, they should not get any of this money. It's beyond ridiculous to even think that they should. I

    show my ritan pride by telling people r go to the school that has one of the vety best History programs. That 's how I show my pride. The sports teams get everything handed to them on a silver platter as it is, they can hold fundtaisers to get their funding like how most performing arts programs do it. In high school, I was in one ofthe top two marching bands in the

    state of California. We ranked 17th best in the whole nation. And you know what, all of our funding we raised on our own,

    while the sports teams got everything handed to them. Our practice field was demolished to make room for a new gym. I

    think F1.1llerton's performing arts program and other ACADEMIC programs should be the absolute main focus of this

    initiative. If you want to raise more money for scholarships, I'm fine with that just make them scholarships for those of us

    who are in Academic programs. Or hey, here's an idea1 how about give more scholarships to those of us who have chosen

    'Fullerton as the place we want to get our teaching credential at. Focus on academics first! And as far as funding going to ' i

    veterans, if I'm not mistaken, there's a bill called the Gl Bill that gives them a free ride to college. It's cool and all that they i erved our country, but they're already getting money handed to them from the government. They don't need more

    funding I fully support more funding to those people wlth disabilities though In concluson I'm f'ne with pay'ng a little I I I I extra if the funding is going to things strictly academic, But I would prefer none of this money to go to athletics and I'd like the Dean to make some monetary sacrifices too ..

    . J~ - -I believe that this school is already one of the top schools In the state. I love the atmosphere, the faculty, and being a

    ~itan. I do not believe that we need to '"'modernize"" it. I am not willing to pay money out of my pocket for something I don't believe Is necessary.

    Hire more teachers, create more '"'ill].p_acted classes'"' A but reduce unnecessary GEs.

    ~ will not pay more money to fund athletics when they offer no, benefit to me or a majorityA of the school


    :rhe argument is very informative, but right now I think the best option is to only improve the technology on our campus. 11

    have been at Fullerton for about 3 1/2 years, but I have managed to properly guide myself through proper courses.

    Getting the information I have needed, and in a timely manner from c;:ounselors and teachers. I have had no issues on

    what is being address for this initiative, other than the WIFi issue. If the school would like to use more funding towards what is proposed I think one great idea is to get rid of the free lunch parties, snack nights, pizza with the dean, and instead1

    use that money towards better options. Those events are a fantastic idea, but maybe it should be someth ing the school

    sells rather than offer for free.A With the extremely high price we pay for parking on campus, I'd prefer to not have any

    increase on what I feel would not heJp wit~ my college ex erience. I vote NO to this lnitiative.A

    I found the pairing of spending groups a little bizarre and do not trust the allocatlons.A The pairs were setup to attract upport, but I would suspect the percentages will be skewed ln a unsupportable way .'A If funds available do not support he budget, then lower the budget.-' That Is how everybody else lives. Why are all the forums scheduled at the same me (4PM) evervda ?A Looks like It Is convlent the wrong side of the table.

  • I do not believe that an increase in student fees is the right route to take in order to achieve what allegedly will be

    improved by this proposal. I understand we are the lowest funded, but perhaps improve staff morale and have professors

    w~i!e .!!stat~ for mor~ grants. M.~ king _~t~~e.!l!E e~y.m_or

  • the most important jobs in the world. But aredeserving bettera assumes that we are being treated poorly. We

    Jredeservea something, yet we are expected to pay for it? This title rankles and serves as the Icing on the irony-flavored

    cake. Technology. We need better technology. Wait. Why? We have white/chalk boards in every classroom. Has our

    education system been saved by technelogy? How much technology is really necessary? I am very iffy about this vague allocation to '"'technology"".A Is this like, replacing broken projectors, or something unnecessary like putting an arcade/television/ bowling alley in the TSU underground? One can see why I'm worried. Why do we need the college to

    pay for software? There is free, open-source software available ubiquitously on the net. How much does it cost to provide

    a link to those? Open Office, Word (free with Microsoft), whatever the freeware apple version is called. If a student feels

    the need for all the bells~and-whistles of the pretty GUI of Microsoft Word and powerpoint/ excel1 they can put up the

    cash themselves. I have gotten on fine with only Open Office's writerfspreadsheet/slideshow software for y~ars.

    Technology is helpful, but in a pinch there are cheaper option!\. Expansion of the TSU. Beau.tify it. Make it bigger. What?

    Please, don't modenti:ze it unless it is not earthquake safe or something. There is pler~ty of grass to learn on, California is pretty much sunny arid warm, benc;hes are cheap.,.l know this is a simplified and idealistic perspective, but the TSU is the

    least of our problams. What the acepresentationa doesn't explain is why we receive the lowest amount for our student

    population. Why did this happen? Low grad school transfer? Grades? Why? Knowing thatj I would still ask why the

    solution to this problem is money. Tell us, instead1 what the problem is. Get .us angry. Angry and active. Not sad and short

    -almost 300$. How can we take action? Let us, a KUGE body of students, know how we can help in ways that won't further

    drop us down the poverty level. We are students, educated, and willing to get angry/active. Anyway. Almost 300$ per

    semester. It is a short trip up north or a nice new outfit for those with disposable income. For me it is the aresutvival numbera. I receive the maximum financial aid every semester, and after tuition is deducted (~600 leftover) arid books mostly paid for ("'300 left, if S classes), I have just enough to supple merit tny meager income (3 working days is all I .can

    :h;;mdle, English/Linguistics double major problems amirite?) to pay for groceries and train passes (did I mention I had to l sell my little car?) and other necessities. I bring aH my own meals to school (the school food outlets are terribly unhealthy .

    . nd expensive but that's another rambling) and buy all my books used. This gradual increase obviously hurts me. I can see

    how it will hurt my credit score (sad jCllke sound here). We all go to the same school, and want the same thing (a better future), but we are not all in the same socio-economic niche. We cannot all afford this, as we cannot all afford to go to

    more exp_ensive schools) love Fullerto~ for_~s affordability (hey, even I C


    rvvm students who are enrolled in on-line degree completion programs be exempt from the proposed new fee?A Those of us enrolled in these programs do not attend classes or utilize any of the facilities on campus.A Many from my cohort do

    not even live in the Fullerton area.A Personally, I am about five hours away from campus and would not beneflt from

    ~xtended library hours, upgraded classrooms, WIA'FIIn common areas or any of the other projected improvements. In prder to participate In the on-line program, completion of multiple other courseworl< Is required.A Once accepted into

    ~he program, our courses are already designated and we are assured enrollment Into each class .A In other words, we will not gain anything from more course sections offered. Hopefully, you take Into account not all CSUF students participate

    In on-campus classes or actlvltles.A If the new student fees are approved, It does not seem reasonable to assess It across

    l"he board.A Obtaining a roster of students, who are enrolled entirely In off-campus classes, could eliminate charging

    !someone for a service or upgrade which th~'t.have no access to receive. Thank_yg~ for_Y.Q.ur consideration. l-am studying mechanical engineering and most of the classes pertaining t o my major ar.e bottleneck classes. I have no

    intention of being force! into paying for an extra year due to poor class availability. Improving class availability would be !

    m top priority if I were oh the committee. _

  • I am very disappointed in t he way '"'pizza wit h the presidents"" went the other day. I have found many recent financial

    decisions on this campus irresponsible and do not trust this initiative. Instead if putting a Starbucks in the library, why

    couldn't we have put in another computer lab? Most of the technology in the newer classrooms are hard for professors to

    figure out! It's funny how these '"'presidents"" will refuse to take pay cuts in order to help students and instead ask

    students to pay up for resources which they probably don't already use anyway. I think that asking students for more

    money in order to provide two weeks of 24/7 access to the library is ridiculous! What about the rest of the semester? If i students are to be asked to pay even more for attending a school where the president is more concerned about putting in

    a new fence in her backyard than the success of the students who pay for that fence is unfair! Almost every other student

    on this campus has to work part orfull time to make ends meet. If you want to improve our students success, I would suggest starting with supporting our professors who actually are interested in our success in finding a job by providing us

    a great educ;;~tion . After all, what would it m;;~tter if the University I graduated from had a great sports team if I was never

    part qf it ? Why do students have to suffer and pay more? Its hauder to get classes since the budget keeps cutting classes for some

    department. N0t only suffering of classes, many strudents have to pay out o~ their own pockets for school and this is going

    to make it harder for student to pay for school. Thus, the new ina:@ming studer:1ts have to pay the consequence that they

    do not know about.A

    For those struggling to make ends meat as well as pursuing a higher education t hese fees will rob us of a chance to do

    bot h. I, along with countless st udent s, am unable t\3 afford these fee hikes and if implemented, I Will be forced to drop out so t hat f may retain a decent quality of life outside of the academic world. These proposed fee increases are the worst

    idea anyone involved iffinancial policies of the school has ever h;;~d. - . - - .J, . . . -# ~- ~ - - .. - ~ - ____ .. - - - - . a, .. . .. 1, ~ - - - -

  • Nhile I support certain ideals mentioned in the proposed SSI, such as diversity initiatives, campus advisement, and especially expanded courae offerings, I do not, in any way, support the vaguely worded natu re of this entire initiative. As

    a humanities major, it is all too often that we hear word of increased funding, or even of fee increases that are '"'for the

    good of the student." " Six yea rs ago I stepped foot on campus, when the tuition was half of what it is today. I understand that sometimes fees are necessary to bring about improvements, but I feel confident (and I know that I am not alone) in

    saying that if anything, conditions have worsened in this time span for humanities students. I am thankful for our state of

    the art rec center. I am grateful for all that the TSU offers. I am glad that the business building was updated. But when our

    most highly frequented locations (humanities building, university hall, Iangsdorf hall, the library) are so incredibly behind

    in updates, it is difficult to approve of anything that vaguely promises to benefit " " ;:~II students,"'' when the only specifics I

    see mentioned are improvements for athletes and the TSU. lhe rest of the language involves vague hints at expanded

    courses (for whom?), advisement (for whom?), wifi (slowly, and only in high traffic areas at first, such as parts of the

    library and business building), and student resources (what? For who?). I would absolutely be willing to pay the extra fee

    if I felt at all confident that it would address real student needs. We need elevators that are not constantly broken down, causing double the wait time to get to classes on the sixth floor. We need desks that accommodate our needs- ones that

    .are fit for adult and not kindergarteners. White boards where ancient chalkboards still are. Humanities majors often

    graduate feeling highly qualified and entirely confused about career paths. We need resou rces such as internships and

    better career advisement and a higher budget for student researchers to conference, travel, and learn outside the campus

    as well . I need to know that scholarships still exist for me as a graduate student, especially one of such an under-funded

    discipline. I need to know that resources for our campus organizations are not overlooked in favor of ''"bigger'"' disciplines Hke business, as is so often the case. In my six ye;:~rs here, I have witnessed few improvements in my c;:~mpus experience. If

    anything it is now more difficult to select the classes I need, at 100% more of the cost.A I simply cannot place my support ; behind yet another fee increase when I walk away from its information sessions, presentation viewings, and discussions

    eeling so entirely unsure and uninformed about the specifics. I do not diminish the importance of athletics, the business

    department, wifi, or academic advisement. But it is high time the university listens to the btJik of its st~:~d e nts who have

    long~neglected nee!ils that fall outside these areas.A When so much of the university's budget is already misplaced, the

    solution is not to sim ly hike the fees while so man _ students are in a P.eriod of such financial suffering.

    ere has to be other ways to find financial support of these Initiatives besides raising students fees. Look Into cutting ther minimal expenses that aren't needed or economicalln comparison to what the campus actually should invest ln. e expenses that are given, for example, like a remodel of the President'$ new home was unnecessary. That money could

    ave been better expensed towards programs and renovations on the CSUF qmpus than El Dorado Ranch. With Garcia's lx figure salary, she could have done her own remodeling as long as It was approved and used her own financial stability o pay the biH. Raising of tuition fees Is hard enough on students and to keep charging them to make the campus more

    appealing Is outrageous. I get all these programs are for the students but should not be funded by the students either. The University rhould be finding ways to prov1de these improvements to support a students educattonal success. Prioritizing Is

    hat needs to be done first and a must. Buildings like MH and Humanlties need a 111'face llft110 so to speak rather then ndlng scholarships to athletics or expanding the TSU. The fact of the matter Is our campus athletic: department lsn~ a

    op program. Having a footbah program t think would jump start our 11"11tan pi1de1111 and help btiQd tQWards funding a M.slon 1 pr(llram and Improve fattHtles. All our campus has Is baseball arsd thit' what were kncrM'I for. To get away

    m that and ~lid all athletics will definitely be diffitult and very costly. but the stud&J't:s ~ot.IJdl't't hav~ to ultimately vAfor ndbe~u~~Ustobe ' 4ctv-ucattonal Jn end e a ~ "J~

    0 they can mow ~Jly, lntl staff baY.e to ao tbmuah. The f,;ii: ~ t6)) ~r admtn .still ck u a ea siX ~re sala IS r1dlculous.A

  • I think that funding for student success and academic support {such as academic advising, career centers, etc.) as well as

    upgraded technology in classrooms and wifi across campus are the most important issues that need funding. The least

    important of our issues are athletics and the student union being remodeled. Those aren't as necessary or important as

    helping students create academic plans, understanding what career paths they can follow, or setting them up for success

    in their futures.

    hcse fees should be applied to new students enrolling to CSUF from Fall 2014 on. It shou ld not impact the current enrolled students. I pay you for many services and fees I don't even get to uti lize because I have to work full time to pay

    for the part t ime schooling I receive. I am already broke and in debt trying to finish my degree. If aAymore expenses are added on, I will be st ruggling and asking for loans just to f inish, thus placing me even farther in debt. PLEASE do not enact t hese fees to current students, but to new students ONLY.A

    First off, this is more of a question but does the student's FAFSA or any type of financial aids also increases if the student

    fees increase? If yes then I have no problem with this student fees increase however if the answer is not sure or no. Then

    this is my feedback. Funding such as the one for athletes and student veterans is something I am opposing because not

    everybody is an athletes or student veterans and since this is a fee that every students has to pay I strongly believe that it

    is unnecessary and should benefit everybody. The solution should be for the fees to goes toward a better way so that

    mostly everyone Or everybody can use such as the expansion of parking lots and lower the parking fees (CSULB parking

    price is $5/day, $150200 pet semester. While CSUF paid $8/day and currently $229 per semester and increasing). I feel that it is unfair for students liked me, who is not an athletes or a.student veteran to have to pay for fees that is no benefit

    to me consider the facts that many students, who dp not have financial aid have to work days and hights just to earned

    minimal wages enough for the academic fees, not to mention utility or other necessities on top that the students need to

    pay. If C!ny athletes or student veteran want to receive this benefits then those are the people that should pay for the fees ;

    t~ems~lv~s,_~imply_p~t_ st~dent~ wh_o d_

  • \sa student with full-time school and part-time working every weekend, I am willing to pay $100/each semester to improve these issues which I think the most important now: 1. improve wi-fi 2. increase computer-lap hours 3. add more academic advisors for help students I have to come to CSUF every weekday 5 hours before my class start to have a parking lot. I am sure that CSU staff love students so much and know this issue but they can't help student because we short money now. I am not happy when Marriot hotel which located next to our campus takes advantage of our parking demand by opening valid parking for $7 /day. I understand, but I don't think that our student and me have enough money to improve all issues at the same time. I just hope that we can improve some issue which we really need for our I educ?tion. -- _ . ~- .. __ __ ~- ... _ _ .. - .. - . . . . l I do recognize t he needs of CSUF in rega rds to longer library hou rs, expansion of TSU, support for certain departments ... but as a college student paying for he r own tuition, I don't believe that it is necessary to already increase the high tuition we a re imposed with. This is my OP-inion on the SSt. There-does' not ne'e'd to be-more fee-im'pose(i' on the st udents of CSUF~ The citizens of Califom iaa-pproved propo-sition 3o last year which helped the schools regain a lot of their funding , This fee is just that a fee or a tax that students are forced to pay. Why do the students need to be on the hook for theA money proble.n;s that the State of California and the CSU system. How does imposing a new fee or tax to students who have faced a constant tuition increase for the last several years . Enough is enough, time to become more fiscally responsible and speC\k up and get the money we deserve not impose more fees on the students.

    . - --- ~ - - . . .. . .. .. - - . . - ~ . - . _, .. -I would not be willing to fund our school's athletics because I do not believe that allocating money to those teams will increase Titan pride. However, in the case of Intramural sports and club sports those facilities need to be better maintained because lots of teams use those fields and they a re getting torn up, yet the Titan Stadium is ha rdly ever used a nd it Is maintained fa irly.

    ,.._,. .. . -... ~ -- . .,..,.. .._ . understant the dispersion of the money but is there any way there could be a trade off? For example, with the tuition

    being raised is there any way that the cost of other things could be lowered? Possibly the parking passes? OR any other materials that have to be paid for seperately from the tuition. I feel Hke the Wifi money really needs to be invested because it is not cool to get kicked off the internet when trying to rlo online homework. As for the money that will going towards the classrooms to install more technology, it would be greatly appreciated because those black boards in McCarthy can get very messy. On another note, the project for the TSU is there any way that can be sped up? I know I am $ Oing to graduate before that roject is started and I woulcl really like to see it or at least the design plan for it.

    aying for school has already been such a struggle for me and my family. This is a ridiculous Idea and I strongly Clisapprove. I already owe so much money In loans so this wllf only make t hings much worse. It wJII do much more harm han od for several students.

    dding 51, more sections for courses, and longer hours of operation are nw top reasons for supporting this. We


    houldn't be more focused on favoring any one group ( thtetes, mlnorttles, clu~) or addlns on to things that aren't ctuclal (TSU, tntramurals). A. Make the school better academicaUy. A There has been more than 1m0t.tih plush added to the ottle r

    I think that raising tuition for this new fee is ridiculous! Instead of modernizing the TSU, the restrooms should be modernized rather than having a curtain as a door. Also1 buildings swch as McCarthy Hall or Humanities, now these buildings need to be modernized.A

  • It seems that with this initiative and hikes in tuition students are the ones paying for problems created by the state and

    federal government. What is going to happen when the state cuts even more funding to colleges? Propose another

    student initiative and raise tuition? I would say CSUF needs to reassess its strategy on mitigating its lack of funds. We

    need to get to the core of the p roblem. & .~ _ _ _

    CSUF has made it clear that it intends to be the preeminent university of the West. Since the government t akeover of the student loan system once processed by private banks, the university has seen a gravy trail and has systemat ically

    increased student fees for the last several years. At the same time students have been, apparently, been purchasing iPads ffor faculty, and no doubt other incentivized gifts. What is more troubling is the little known fact that all of the university

    presidents enjoy a substantial salary, along with a hefty home and car allowance.A Why not pmve to future students

    that CSUF and the entire Cal State system is truly a desirable place to come to and is worthy of these hefty annual

    increases by eliminating the mousing and car allowances for all Cal State presidents. !'Nationwide colleges and universities

    are systemati'Cally raising tlileir ffees on the backs of students, thanks to the go~ernment take over mentioned above, with

    a substantial majority leaving with nothing to show for it. They're lured tmeir wit(;J a ""diverse"" list of degrees to choose

    f rom, but r.eality strikes, and they find many of these degrees are worthless. There has been a systematic dumbing down

    of students over the years; tlile majority simply are no longer taught to tlilinl< critkally. This is disheartening. It is time for

    t he Cal State l;!ierarchy to implement any supposed improvements they want on their own dime rather than on the backs

    of students. Why not conduct an audit of the dizzying array of ""services"" already offered and find out how many

    duplicate or overlapping ""services"" tlilere are, which one's are truly effective, and eliminate the ones that are a waste.

    Do this before you come after the pennies students have left. after all of these bloated fees. If the athletic department

    wants improvements, have t hen1 raise the fu nds and pay for it themselves. Why should those im tlile arts or humanities

    pay for them? Our state as well as the c0untry is in the midst of the wor;st economic times in recent history for a

    mult itude of reasons. Now is not the time to raise student fees. WE E::AN,NOT AFFORD IT! -- .... --~- ........... - - ......... .... - - -- - -.. ......... --~ -~~ r- .. ~-'31- ---

    Passing the cost on to students to mostly renovate the school should not be done. Students already pa.y high tuition and

    fees. It is obvious this is an attempt to increase the cost on students despite the tuition freeze by Jerry Brown. I am

    strongly against this fee, because it Will be adding $480 more a year for students who are already struggling to pay for

    college. I also think this survey is very biased by asking to what extent certain elements should be added to the SSI, when

    some students like myself have indicated we are strongly against it. Why don't the administrators take a temporary pay

    cut instead? May I remind you of this regarding President Garcia ""In addition to her base salary of $324,500, she gets

    free housing at the presidential estate and a $12,000-per-year car allowance."" http:/ /

    - ~.....:;,. - -- .. ~~ . - -~ . . .

    iThe student success initiative is a joke. Why is the university approaching the st udents instead of actively t rying t o get the

    jState or federal government to spend more on its campus? First, the video t ouches on items that are very broad. The

    ~tudent success initiative video shows broad arguments on why this will be supposedly beneficial to students, but the

    ~rebenefitsM: are a bunch of political doubletalk. One of the reasons I chose CSUF was because I thought I was going to

    be able to afford it. However, every year there is a new fee that is implemented, or at least that is what It seems. Parking

    is ridiculous; it feels like another part-time job when trying to find parkimg. la,...rn already spending too much money on

    ~chool in a volatile economy that doesnan.'t guarantee jobs or career advancement. Furthermore,A it seems that at CSUF many students go to their classes and leave campus, and hopefully it stays t he same until t he parking situation gets f ixed.

    We need the parking space, so I dona'"'-'t care about TSU lmprovemenrt!s, anrd !Detter WIFI, just leave campus so you can

    heiR another student get Rarkil'!8: Aga in what a joke ...

  • think this initiative is to make the campus more attractive for prospective students, without the intention of taking care of current our future students. Most of these funds are allocated to athletics, be it their facilities or scholarships. Unless you can substantiate the revenue that will be gained as a result, and subsequently how that revenue will be used to help me obtain a degree, I'm not interested in paying for it out of my pocket. Furthermore, not a dime is allocated to parking.

    he 3 biggest complaints about CSUF are: I can't get classes, I can't get a parking spot, I can't see a counselor. And this

    initiative wants to allocate the largest percentage of money to beautification of athletic facilities?A What I would like is . . the ability to get in to the classes I need to graduate, and the ability to see a counselor without being rushed out the door. I Only $62.50 of this $240 fee is being allocated to success, and the rest is going toward superficial items that will look good oh a glossy pamphlet, I think this initiatives laden with pork, and to perpetrate it as a ""Student Success Initiative"" is a

    I do not have the money to pay for extra charge iri my tuition. I am already financially unstable and chargingA students for

    some_t~in~p~~t th~ey ~g~ lc!.n~t e~~n us_e bec3'lus~ they ~~e _neaJ lY ~rad_ua~in~ )s totJ.IIY u_nfair! _ .... _ _ _ _ _.

    I think that Fullerton should have charging the students for these services as the last resort. Departments should look into creative ways to raise money, instead of automatically charging the student. That Is an additional 200 plus dollars that students will need to pay each semester, give us a break, tuition has been going up each year, maybe that is why

    enrollment is low, higher education has become a dream for working adults. Want to Improve enrollment then fight to reduce these fees . For students that get financial aid, what will happen if because of that fee it no longer completely covers the tuition, then students will have to come up with that money. I do not agree with adding another fee to our struggling students. A - can not afford to pay for this. I am against this initiative. If the school needs more funds it should exhaust all other

    avenues to acquire it before turning to students to bare the burden. And be completely transparent about the process. A student fee increase should be the last place the school should turn to for extra funds not the first. I feel students would be more accepting of having to deal witlil am increase if we actually saw the school fighting for us by lobbing for funds at eve arena they could first.

    I think It Is unfair t o add a student fee following Preside nt Obamas halt t o student t uition lncreases.A I t hink the CSUF President and Administration canA affurdA a small cut to pay for these student services, more t hanA can t udents.A Rather t han t ake more money from students, most of whom woukJA {definitely In my case) benefit more from

    kee in t hat mone t han from the would from t he servlcesA the feeA Is ro sed to rovlde.

    I agree with the increase of academic advising for students, that would be helpful for a lot of us who want to finish school quickly.A However I do not agree with having to pay more towards modernizing buildings such as the TSU. I think it's modern enough and we shouldn't have to pay tor modernizing it even more, the school slaouldn't care so much about the lboks of things; don't be greedy or selfish l lhe increase in technology is important because the wifi is horrible on this campus. Finally, when it comes to the increase in diversity programs, lets be honest, this is a commuter campus and no one, as much as you guys try, is goirr~g to change the fact that students such as myself, chose to come to CSlJF because they can't afford going far away for coUege, meaning that their plans are to stay in school and work at the same time. If we increase diversity rograms, it'H be a waist of rnone , no one attends anyways. Our tuition and student fees are already high enough. I think t his fee is too much money on top of our other college ex enses.

  • I understand t hat Stat e fund ing has been cut since the recession of 2008, but maybe the University should take a lesson

    from its graduates and learn to budget their money.A Both my wife and I are CSUF graduates and I am currently

    complet ing my secondary education credentiai.A Since neither my wife or I have found the jobs we were seeking due to 1

    the cu rrent economic situation we have learned to live on a budget.A A Perhaps you should do the same instead of asking i

    students to pay more, and t hen trying to convince them that it's to their benefit to have money taken out of their

    pockets.A. I am going to be finished th is semester and will not be affected by this initiative, however I f ind it an insult to

    the intelligence of your future graduates to present fee increases in this manner.A. Furthermore I have a real problem

    w ith some of the ways you say you need to a

  • Ne should not be charged for this. A The fact that CSUF has the lowest funding says something about our administration

    that is not doing the best it can to allocate proper funding to our school. A Furthermore, the dean of our school recently

    got a new house and a raise ... Why is she being given a raise when you are asking us to pay more for a remedial

    education? A The education at CSUF is what people make it, and I have done just fine recruiting and getting good grades

    without paying $250 more per semester. A Let's face it.. . CSUF's athletics are not the best. A More funding is not going to

    fix that problem any time soon. A There are schools out there that have had D1 sports teams for several years ... We can't

    compete with that. A The OfiiY sport that should be receiving a dece11t amount of funding is baseball and they already are.

    A T~is. in!tia.tive is_p~intless, and s~uden!.s. are ju~t b~in~. rppe~ ~ff If it goe:s through. . The fees are already outrageous, many of us struggle to pay out of pocket to avoid loans and many of us do not qualify for

    inancial aid. The p.eople iii-cha-rge oF the-peopfe-wi1o are proposing the st-~dent inltiatiiie.are not eVen takit1g-~uts, Sb why should-w e p_ay .rnore? Fees are already too high and it is a burden to my family. I don't think we should be making this decision for future

    generations to come. I also think you should have ~ut this to a vote Instead of this rocess.

    The reason am against this studentA Initiative is beta use I don't believe that I have to pay for services that I won't be usi11g

    another is that I also don't believe that I should be paying more ih fees every semester to have those services should be

    free to students those fees shouldn't cost us more than what we are paying for already. Also it is CSUF responsibility to

    have all those services for students the school should provide all those services and pay for them the only thing we should

    pay is the tuition and the fees that were already paying which are already expensive and fair. Another way CSUF could do

    this is by having the students that want this initiative is having them pay or donate their money only if they want to pay

    n~-~xtr_? money e:ve.J.y seme_Stf!:E_ no_t having to P.ay this extra fee if we don't want t~ and "'!._e are ~~t go~[ to

    ifhe two biggest problems with Higher Ed are the astronomical pay for those at the highest levels, and a bloated

    administration. When I was in high school CSUF was a fair price at around $2,000.00.A After the steady increases in fees I

    had to drop out, move back home, and make more money before coming back.A This has drastically effected my life.A

    Now in my last few weeks it's much more expensive. Please read this!A The entire article is at this URL.

    http:/ / P:AID Average pay for the system's 34,270 ' .full-time employees in 2011 was $63,810. In 2010, 34,451 full-time employees earned $60,010. The CSU chancellor and

    university presiclents continue to rank as the top paid system employees a'' each earning wen above $250,000 annually. ' Chancellor Charles Reed was the highest paid emp~oyee, earning $426,444 in total pay. Pay has been frozen for many

    employees, including presidents and top administrators, since 2008. Since then, presidents have only received increases if

    t hey were appointed to other universities, where they took on additional duties, officials said. Some presidents new to

    the system have also received more in pay t han their predecessors, including new San Diego State President Elliot

    Hirshman, who received $100,000 more than the previous school president. Hirshman received $198,066 in pay in 2011, 1

    about half of his total compensation, because he took office halfway through the year. Former Cal State Fullerton

    President Milton Gordon earned $311,944 in total pay ln 2011, ranking as the top earner at Fullerton, and 20th highest

    earner in the system. Current CSUF President Mildred Garc:A-a, who served as president at Cal State Dominguez Hills in

    ,2011, ranked No. 21, receiving 308,028 in total Ray.