ssnb canada winter games camp # 2 samuel de champlain school odds & ends

SSNB Canada Winter Games Camp # 2 Samuel de Champlain School ODDS & Ends

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SSNB Canada Winter Games

Camp # 2

Samuel de Champlain School

ODDS & Ends

SSNB Canada Winter Games

I have no real idea of what to say to you

To make you realize the changes 2 years of proper training will make in you as skaters

and how it will make you aware of who has control over your life

That said – there is NO Middle ground in this project

SSNB Canada Winter Games


goals FUN


IN perseverance dedication

Either You are IN or you are Out


Of this project

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Thak things 1 step at a time

Main Focus points at this stage of the process is pretty simple

1. Build the engine

2. Get stronger

3. Understand good time management skills

4. Clear understanding of Rest & Recovery and Body Input requirements

Fall Winter Spring Summer FallSummer

2013 2014


SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall

2013 2014





What happens in the winter can vary for everyone --depending on amount of Club Ice and size of the ice surface/ quality of ice and the board pad protection

What happens in the summer is the same for everyone

And is only dependant on the will of the participant - PERIOD !

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall

2013 2014





EVERY ONE wants to be here – at selection

But ! – WE ARE NOT !

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall

2013 2014

All you can control is this - June 2nd , 2013

WE ARE HERE – JUNE 2nd , 2013

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall

2013 2014

And then this - June 3rd , 2013

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall

2013 2014

And then this - June 4th , 2013

At first it seems all the same – that NOTHING Changes .

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall

2013 2014

Give it time - June turns into JULY.

Things are getting better .

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall

2013 2014

and July turns into AUGUST and their has been marked improvements

What will make a difference is doing your training on a consistent basis .

It WILL NOT happen over night - IT will take time .

And all you can do - IS DO THE WORK - to the best of your ability .

SSNB Canada Winter Games

The secret to success in your endeavours toward Canada Winter Games and in the building of your confidence that

YES ! YOU can get there :

Comes from the Daily , grueling, boring, dirty, and often painful ( Muscles) work

that has to be done consistently in your trainings & practices

And at the required intensity for the specific program.

There are no shortcuts !

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Why do we need to get stronger ?

Short Track Races M & F

500 m 4.5 L 84 strides

42 / leg


9 L 156 strides

78 / leg

1500 M

13.5 L

224 strides

112/ leg

3000 M

27 L 436 strides

218/ leg

Long Track Races

500 m

1.25 L

90 strides

45 / leg

M & F


2.5L 172 strides

86 / leg

F only

1500 M

3.75 232 strides

116 / leg

M & F

3000 M

7.5 L

398 strides

199 / leg

M & F

5000 M

12.5 L

460 strides

230 / leg


SSNB Canada Winter Games

Will we require MORE Oxygen to skate these at a respectable pace ?

Short Track Races M & F

500 m 4.5 L 84 strides

42 / leg


9 L 156 strides

78 / leg

1500 M

13.5 L

224 strides

112/ leg

3000 M

27 L 436 strides

218/ leg

Long Track Races

500 m

1.25 L

90 strides

45 / leg

M & F


2.5L 172 strides

86 / leg

F only

1500 M

3.75 232 strides

116 / leg

M & F

3000 M

7.5 L

398 strides

199 / leg

M & F

5000 M

12.5 L

460 strides

230 / leg


SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall

2013 2014





HENCE the need to GROW the ENGINE



SSNB Canada Winter Games

Short Track – where we need to be headed

Last Year

target Times

1000M 9 L 156 strides

F 1.45.00 Avg 11.6

1.35.00 Avg 10.5

1500 M

13.5 L 224 strides

F 2.40.00 Avg 11.85

2.30.00 Avg 11.11

1000M 9 L 156 strides

M 1.35.00 Avg 10.5

1.28.00 Avg9.8

1500 M

13.5 L 224 strides

M 2.30.00 Avg 11.11

2.20.00 Avg 10.4

SSNB Canada Winter Games

IF You are already saying to yourself - ``I can`t do that” !

Then YOU/WE are in trouble.

People can & do what they CHOOSE/ WANT to do.

You know that other people have attained this level . So it is NOT unattainable .

They are no different than you -

They Just wanted it ! They trained to be able to do it.

They had an inner belief in themselves and worked to fulfil their Goal .

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall

2013 2014

EVERY ONE wants to earn THEIR Spot at selection

And go to Canada Games and be COMPETITIVE .



That does NOT Happen with out ALL This before hand

This is a Learning experience - Things in Life are NOT given to you

You want something - Now you have to outwork others to achieve it.

With the focus always being on YOU and what you are doing to improve .

Nutrition for Training

Canada Games Camp # 2 - June 2nd , 2013

Your Body Needs proper amounts of Fuel & Fluids to train properly

And at the appropriate times

Nutrition for Training

1. Body requirements ( Height, weight , body fat)

2. Daily activity requirements ( Type of life style)

3. Training Requirements - Energy requirements from a training program OR Sport on a given day

Factors to d etermining HOW MUCH you need to eat

Nutrition for Training

A day when a 150 lb / 9% (bf) skater has NO training ( # 1 & 2 previous slide)

their body needs between

2,500 & 2,704.08 cal /day to maintain current body condition.

ON a day that this 150 lb/ 9% (bf) skater had a 1.5 hour bike rideAnd extra 651 calories

their body needs between

3,151 & 3,355 cal/day to maintain current body condition after work out .

Nutrition for Training

Sport Specific requirements formula Exercise Related Activity Thermogenesis (ERAT)

Metabolic Effect of Training [ MET]Formula for MET = Body mass X Duration X MET

Example (1.5 HR Bike ) 62.04 X 1.5 X 7 = 651.42 calMET for an Easy run - 6

For a good Bike - 7For Hockey - 8

Training Day requirements Formula [ RMR x NEAT ] + ERAT =

Example : 2,704.08 + 651.42 = 3,355.50 cal/day

Nutrition for Training

The energy yield per gram is as follows:

Carbohydrate & Protein - 4 Calories,

Fats - 9 Calories

Nutrition for Training

Basic Guidelines :

High Intensity/Endurance Athlete Nutrient Needs Carbohydrates: 8-10g/kg body weight/day( Between 545 – 680 grams of carbs/day )

Protein: 2g/kg body weight/day for athletes 18 years & younger( 136 G of protein / day )

Fat: At least 1g/kg body weight/day ( at least 68 grams of Fat / day)

Using the previous 150 lb skater : 600 Carbs + 136 G of Protein X 4 = 2,944 calories + 68.18 fat X 9 = 613 calories from fat

Total of 3,557 calories required / day

Time Focus On Food Examples

Pre Exercise CARBS & FLUID 3-4 hr pre = larger meal 1-2 hr pre = small snack or liquid meal

3-4 hr pre: - pancakes, fruit, milk - Pasta, tomato sauce, water

1-2 hr pre: - Fruit & yogurt - Sport or cereal bar & water - Smoothie

During Exercise


- constant sipping - maintain same body weight pre &

post exercise - monitor color of urine

Add carbs if exercise is > 1 hr - 30-60g per hour

- Water (If < 1 hr) - Sport drink - Dried fruit & water - Fruit leathers & water - Fruit

20 min Post Exercise


- carbs = 1-1.5g/kg body weight - protein = 10-20g - fluid to replace losses

- Greek yogurt, cereal bar & water

- 2 hardboiled eggs, 2 pc toast with jam & milk

- Chocolate milk & apple or banana

2 hr Post Exercise


- carbs = 1-1.5g/kg body weight - protein = 10-20g - fluid to remain hydrated

- Chicken sandwich with veggies & water

- Tofu & rice stir fry with milk - Pasta with meatballs, salad &


Rest for Training Rest

Minimum Sleep

Adolescents (10–17 years) 8.5 to 9.25 hours / night

REM sleep: The rapid eye movement (REM) is where most muscles are paralyzed. This level is also referred to as paradoxical sleep because the sleeper, although exhibiting EEGs waves ( the recording of electrical activity along the scalp) are similar to a waking state, is harder to arouse than at any other sleep stage. Vital signs indicate arousal and oxygen consumption by the brain that is higher than when the sleeper is awake.

In humans, REM sleep accounts for 20–25% of total sleep time in most human adults,the average length of the first sleep cycle is approximately 90 minutes and 100 to 120 minutes from the second to the fourth cycle, which is usually the last one.

Rest for Training Typical nights sleep

Sleep REQUIRED (10–17 years) 8.5 to 9.25 hours / night

Rest for Training Sleep & sleep quality is Light dependence

Production of melatonin, (which promotes sleepiness) is inhibited by light to the retina BUT permitted by darkness. Its onset each evening is called the dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO). Human sleep pattern is known as the circadian rhythm. It is principally blue light, around 460 to 480 nanometres, that suppresses melatonin, -----proportional to the light intensity and length of exposure. Until recent history, humans in temperate climates were exposed to few hours of (blue) daylight in the winter; their fires gave predominantly yellow light. The incandescent light bulb widely used in the twentieth century produced relatively little blue light. But todays technology is very different. Wearing glasses that block blue light in the hours before bedtime may decrease melatonin loss. Discovery has shown that light containing only wavelengths greater than 530 nm does not suppress melatonin in bright-light conditions. Use of blue-blocking goggles the last hours before bedtime has also been advised for people who use products with screens and or lighting, that admit light rays below the 530 nm level.

Recovery for Training RECOVERY between programs

Aerobic Capacity Program none

Aerobic Power Program (8) 24 hrs

Anaerobic Lactate Program 48 hrs

Strength 48 hrs

RECOVERY during programs

Aerobic Capacity Program none

Aerobic Power Program (8) r = w *

Anaerobic Lactate Power Program r = 3 - 4 x W *

Anaerobic Lactate Capacity Program r = 6 x W *

Strength r = 3 x W

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Today we have quickly covered –

1. Training properly ( Intensity & Time frames) and consistent basis

2. Proper fluid intake & Eating correctly for body type and activity levels

3. Getting the proper rest for age

What am I missing ?

SSNB Canada Winter Games

There is ALWAYS need for

recognition /awareness of the various Mental Skills


the development of better use of those skills related to your sport .

this adds to a greater level of personal self- confidence .

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Mental skills development -

Is Just like any other area in sport development.

You need to be aware of BOTH your strengths as well as your weaknesses and develop coping strategies for both

It requires individual self - awareness self - responsibility and self - direction

SSNB Canada Winter Games


Attention Control



Emotional Control

clearly defined goal setting


Skaters need to be aware of all the areas that can effect your best performance.

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall


Emotional Control



Which ones can we develop NOW ?




Attention Control




Goal Setting

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall


Emotional Control



What about NOW ?

visualization Anxiety



Attention Control




Goal Setting

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall2014

Emotional Control

What about HERE ?





Attention Control




Goal Setting

SSNB Canada Winter Games

Who filled in the TIME management sheet ?

DO you see issues for yourself to create the necessary time to train properly?

Also please pass in your weeks training sheet that you were asked to bring

- at the end of this session .

SSNB Canada Winter Games

