sss. , *, ,• • .«.s • •, , , • •• • • •*ss. • • •• • «

ARTILLERY MEN A R E IN DOUBT AS TO FUTURE TVil-. 6’ »uleago H^um t o ^ j *jr Akk i.J linootk accderAon U fcintsJ starting j s ; * Low boiling points do it—the first links in a continuous chain of boiling points. Low boiling points for easy starting, medium boiling points for quick and smooth acceleration, and high boiling points for power and mileage. Red Crown is a straight - distilled gasoline. Hence there's a continuous chain of boiling points, gradually rising from low to high. Mixtures cannot have a continuous chain of boiling points. That's why mixtures cannot be as good motor fuel as pure straight-run gaso line And that's also why the gravity test for gasoline is worthless—gravity tells nothing at all about boiling points, the only real test of gasoline quality. To make certain of getting real gasoline, and not a mixture, fill with RED CROWN ike Gasoline o f Qualify STANDARD OIL COMPANY (w ALiPOM fUei ) Member* of Oth Company Likely to Be iu Active Service Within Short Time The date for the departure of Sitili company from Cottage drove mnl per for the hut lief ield* of Europe is Ini ring of Cren iued the cimili cream were *• smokes. ' ’ master Mason degree. , and strawberries and served, followed by | If you know of a society item mid I do not inform the newspaper, it is I your own fault if it is not printed Members of the Teeters and McKib- l>en families gathered on the bunk of tiie Coast Pork iu Currin ’» park Sunday lor a farewell picnic in honor of Ralph Teeters and Judd Doolittle, who belong to Sixth company, O. C. A. A bounti ful and appetizing lunch was served at noon. Those present were Mrs. Anna Teeters, Mrs. Eliza McKibbcu, Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Teeters and son Walter, Mr. and Mrs. George Teeters and chil dren, Ralph, Joyce, Myrtle and Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeters and chil dren, Bcnetta, John and Nellie, of Do reua, and Mollie, of Thurston; Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Needham and children, Roy and Laura, of Thurston; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson and children, John, George, Grace and Louis; Mrs. Joe McKibbeu and children, Ernest and Velma; Mrs. ( Melvin McKibbeu, Mr. and Mrs. Danks. j of Thurston; Link Yaruell, of Thurston; Miss Elizabeth McMahan, of Thurston, j and Dr. H. H. Potrie. The young folks ! spent the greater part of the afternoon j motoring around the country. 6- The Burkholder family and Mrs. ! Lydia Htouffer were entertained Sun day by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Finley, who live near London. The occasion was Miss Belle’s birthday anniversary. *3- <3 The M. P. G. club will hold a picnic session next Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. J. D. Westenhaver entertained Tuesday of last meek for her sister in law, Mrs. C. C. Westenhaver, who has since left for Prince Rupert, B. C. A few intimate friends of the guest of honor were present. ■4> The Cedars Society. A farewell party was given last Tues day evening at the home of Mr. and Xlrs. C. M. Kidd in honor of Vernon Larson, who left Wednesday for Kan-I sas. Those present were Frieda and 1 Ralph Aubrey, Helen Ritchey, Florence i McFarland, Enid Veatch, Hose and Wni. I Hablema n, Edith and Hassel Magee, Mrs. Schneider and daughters Berna- , dine and Forrest, Miss Hhelbourne Ver- ! non Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Kidd and sons Horner and William. Refreshments of cake and strawberries were served. Couldn't Pass With Glasses Off. Roy Woods, Jr., returned Satur day from San Francisco, where he had now only a matter of weeks. Within a month a hundred or more of the best of the community 's young men, mid older ones too, will have left here mid may be on their way to make the su premc sacrifice of nil sacrifice»— the giving of life itself upon the altar of patriotism and humanity. Many homes of the Cottage Grove country will be lonesome and the entire city will seeui lonely because of the departure of so many who have become a part of the life of the city and community. Iu fact, some who have enlisted in other arms of the service have already departed and are already in the service of their country. Those who have joined the ambulance corps will undoubtedly be in France within the next month. As the hour for their departure up preaches, members mid officers of Sixth company like to speculate as to where they will be sent, but no information is available. With no danger of mi attnek upon the Pacific coast, the coast urtil lery will, undoubtedly, be put where it will see active service. With its traiu ing in handling big guns, some of the officers think they may be put iu charge of some of the important nrtil lery positions either in France or Rns sia. Others think there is a probability of their being trnnsferred to the infmi* try iiutil after the war. In whatever capacity they are culled upon to serve. Cottage Grove knows they will make good. The city wishes it could feel as certain that all will return as it does that all will perform whatever duty they are called upon to perform. There is also some question as to whether the coast artillery will be held at Fort Stevens for training or sent im mediately to h more suitalile training camp. Currin Car Meets With Hard Luck Does a hoodoo ever attach to an auto mobile f The answer to this question might in terest Miss Lulu Currin. Last week her ear suffered damages to a fender and a tail light when struck by the T. C. Wheeler car driven by Mrs. Wh ecler. Just after the damage had been re paired Miss Currin backed her car out of the west side garage and through the accidental application of too much “ juice’ ’ the ear crawfished into the P. T. building across the street and damaged the fender and tail light that had just been replneed. been in training at the Presidio. He was able to pass every test except the LOS ANGELES MOTOR TOURIST eyesight test, and he passed that all j right as long as they permitted him to i wear his glasses, hut when they tested ! SAYS ROADS ARE A DISGRACE him with his glasses off he was unable to come up to the mark. The examina tions are very rigid and it is thought that at least two-thirds of those in training there will be unable to pass the required physical test. Roy is well pleased with the training lie got, despite his disappointment in not being aceepted. The wise buyer patronizes the mer- FOUR IMPORTANT WAR MEASURES PASSED Senate Passes Food Pioduc* tion Bill Affecting Grain Exchanges. Washington. Congress Mulshed an other war week with real action, dis posing of four Important emergency measures. The senate passed the $10,000.000 food production hill. The senate adopted the conference reports of the $3.$40,000,000 war bud get. and tlx- $ 140,000.000 civil hills, ap propriating funds for the army navy establishments, slid miscellaneous gov eminent propositions. The house passed the war risk In surance bill, appropriating $60.000.000 for Insuring officers slid sailors man ulug American merchantmen durtug the war. Fresldeut Wilson retains broad pow ers for carrying on the pmposed emer gency shlpplug program under the wui budget hill finally agreed upon The shipping provision Is substunt tally as passed orlgtnully by the senate. The conference mude one change Iu the bill authorizing army upproprls tions for soldiers "who will be free from service four months after pears Is declared, or as soon thereafter us transportation facilities can be secur ed ’’ Cnder the food hill passed by the Senate, there Is a provision authoriz ing the president to close grain ex changes In case of urgent Ueed, when those exchanges are found to be deal lug In futures of wheat or other ueces sarles of life. GOVERNMENT PLANS TO INSURE FIGHTERS Washington. — I'lans for Issuing $4oou free government Insurance on the life of every American soldier uud sailor durtug the war in lieu of pen slou arrangements will be tukeu up tills week by the couucll of national defense. A report prepared by Assist ant Secretary Sweet, of the commerce department, urges thut the Insurance be provided through legislation before American troops are sent to Fruuce. The plans us prepared provide for u flat lusuranee of $4000 on the life of every officer and private In the mili tary anil navul service, to he paid to bis le-nef I claries without premiums. A government Insurance bureau would handle the whole subject Slid there would be provision for a system of Insurance by which officers and men desiring to do so could take out amounts higher than tin- $4UUU frei policy by paying premiums at peace rates. *• PROFESSIONAL CARDS COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS July 2. Council met in regular sea siou with nil members present. Semi na a uà I report of the treasurer was read, referred lo finance committee uud ordered priuted. Monthly reports of recorder treusur er mid iniirsliiil were read ami ordered filed. tin motion the recorder was ordered to proceed with the collection of dcliu queut street assessment against the J H. Milne property un Hcveuth street. The street committee was instructed to procure the necessary crushed rock and have west Main avenue and south Sixth street repaired at once. tin motion G. <1. Warner was hired to look ufter the collection of water rents during the irrigation season. Invitation was received from mayor of Eugene, addressed to mnyor, council and citizen* of Cottage Grove, inviting them to attend the Fourth of July cele brillimi there. The recorder was In structed to reply to same. The follow lug bills were audited, nl lowed and ordered paid; Hi own Lumber Co. lumber ........ * Herbert Eiikin, collecting water rent for tl months .......... C. G. Transfer Co., swcspmg street*............................................ -f* Sentinel, publishing ..................... 3.0)1 J E Young, salary ....................... 55.00 l.arry Brumfield, hauling hose eart ................................................. I 00 MAX LUEBKE THE RAWLEIOH MAN Residence Teuth Ht l'huue lìti I. « R M McOAROAR, D. D. S. DENTIMI' 4 * » Neuralgia relieved lusteutlv by local ap I diusttion Koxidcuse uud offics ou» il ok south of pnstnfficc. Filone l.|LI Cottage Grove, Oregon Filone, 47 Office l.awsuu Hlk DR 0. E. FROST Electrical Treatments X Ksy pictures Microscopic Eismiuutiou of Spuluu uud lilood J. E YOUNO ATTORNEY AT LAW Ottice ou Mhiii Hi reel Oottage Giova :: Oieguu DR. I' K Hall, hauling Ittut*« (‘ Hit. i im \v \\ (Iglcby. health office•r. HI Dll < • G. Electric Co., 1ight « . s 233 .83 Cl t\ 'Prun»fer, himbag bimbeT. . 1 50 G. It Fiteher, wnlarv mid |*t' II ... ... . . . > •• * * , , , 77 lift Fi r»» coiniiriny... . ss s , , * , .. • 26 00 K inow les & Graber, rhuir» fur N ot iiag boot h » . . . •ss * o 6ft w B 1Union, work (»II stri*»*!* « USO It. i Martin, «alary .. .. 7ft 00 A. J. HENDRY DENTIHT LADY ATTENDANT OVER FIRMI NATION Al. BANK Work done after hours and Sundays by appoint me at Filone IU Cottage Gruve, Urcg.-o A. W. RIME, M D. Pli YHHJI AN AND NUKUKON Office la Fbillii T ■ting adjourned to July HI. J E. YOI'NO Citv Recorder You wouldn't live in a community that didn’t have a newspaper. Are you doing your part to keep a newspaper Ía the community f * REPORT Or THE CONDITION Or THE fIRST NATIONAL BANK at Cottage Grove, in the state of Ore gon. at the close of business on June 20 BH7. HEMOl'KCES 6 ««« uu The Mnsonic lodge enjoyed a banquet chant who shows he is uliv* by hia nds. Saturday evening following the confer- in the local newspaper. Oregon! ifc C. H. Foss and son passed through Eugene Tuesday on their way from Los Angeles, Calif., in u big motor enr on their way to Kalispel, Mont. Mr. Foss was very outspoken regarding the con dition of the road east of Cottage Grove i and declared it was a disgsaee to any country not inhabited by Indians and negroes. When the attention of Coin missioner E. R. Spencer was railed to if he stated that the supervisor had been j ordered to make repairs in the road, i and when he was asked about a week ago why it had not been done, declared j that he did not fix the road because he thought they would get it permanently rebuilt sooner if he left it a* it was. J Mr. Spencer stated that the road would j be put in good shape for slimmer travel I immediately after the Fourth.—Eugene Presbyterian Church D. \. MacLeod, Guard. puator; phone 137K. Bible sebool ut Ik Bids Wanted. Bids will be received for If» tiers of IM inch old body fir wood, up to July 7. Reserve right to reject all hide. MINNIE ASHBY, jly5pd Clerk School Dist. No. 4M . AMONO THE CHURCHES BEST FOR OREGONIANS D. M JOHN. EUGENE ORE. HANAQE* FORtHILLAMCTTE DISTRICT WHEN YOU BUY SUGAR NT WHEN YOU buy sugar you pay less per pound when you buy it by the dollar’s worth. You pay still less per pound when you buy it by the hundred-pound sack or by the barrel. The same is true of the manufacturer and the merchant. The larger quantities of anything that he can buy the less he has to j»ay for it. It costs him less to handle it in large quantities than in small lots. It costs less per pound to ship a solid carload than it does to ship a carload in sepa rate shipments of 100 pounds eaeh. .lust as it costs you less to buy 100 pounds of sugat at one time than it would to buy 100 pounds a quarter’s worth at a time. I.ess in money. Less in time. Less waste less in every way. The manufacturer and merchant who advertise are en abled to buy and sell in larger quantities. Hy doing a “ quantity” business they cut. expenses ami save waste on every hand. They can sell better quality pay the small advertising cost ami SELL FOR LESS than if they were doing business in a small way. In these times of advancing prices carefully compile«! statistics prove that the advertised brands of merchan dise have advanced much less in proportion than those which are not advertised. In the interest of economy buy advertised merchandise from merchants who advertise “ Grandpa” Nixon Dies. H. D. Nixon died yesterday at the home of his son, W. E. Nixon, at Hag inaw. Cause of death was raneer. He was aged S9 years 2 months and 2 days. Mr. Nixon was born in Ireland May 2, 1S2S, and eame to Amerira in 1837. He was a member of the Methodist ehurrh. The funeral will he held this afternoon, Rev. Jos. Knotts officiating. »Surviving relatives are three children, eight grandchildren and ten great grnndehil «Iren. Fourth Pass»« Quietly. The Fourth of July passed very quiet ly here, there being no celebration. A large number went to Eugene for the day. The ban«] nnd militia company took part in the parade there. Quite a number of others spent the day pic nicking, the stores were closed and the streets were almost deserted. Card of Thanks We wish to thank all neighbors nnd friends of H. D. Nixon for their kind ness and assistanee during his illness and death; also for the floral offerings. W. E. NIXON GEO. HALL, LEE NIXON, jlv5c AND FAMILIES. Card of Thank». We wish to sincerely thank the friends who were so kind and thought ful during our recent bereavement. ALLEN KIRK, JOHN KIRK jlyftpd J. W. KIRK. Those who advertise in The Hentinel are deserving of your business because they tell you that they want it and name prices that should get it. ATTENTION MASONS! There will be a special communication of Cottage Orove lodge No. SI A. F. A A. M., in Masonic Temple, Friday, July 0, Ittl7, nt 7:45 o ’clock p. m. Work in E. A. degree. Visiting brethren are cordially invited ■ ) urd.-r W M. 1 CHAS. ADAMS, Secretary. a. in. Morning worship ut I I a in. Juu ior «'hristiiin Endeavor ut 3 p. in. Eve mug worship ut 7:30 p. m. Methodist Church— Rev. Jos. Knotts, pastor. Monday school ut 10 a. ui. Leg ular preaching servii'es at 11 a. ui. ami 7:30 p. in. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Hundny morning, “ Models; Ancient and Modern.” Hundny evening, “ The Capture of a Religious Fanatic. ” Chrlstiau Church Walter «'ullison, minister. Bible school 11:45 a. in. Young People’s Society of Christian Knileavor 0:30 p. m. Pleaching II a. in. and 7:30 p. ui. * Baptist Church--K. G. <>. Grout, pas tor emeritus. Sunday school 10 u. m Preaching II a. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Christian Science- Services in the cbapel nt 242 Seeoml street each Hun day nt II a. m. Regular testimonial meeting each Wednesday ut 7:30 p m The tiiiibling is open f«»r the use of the circulating library euch Weilnesilay from 1:30 to 4:30 p. in. All are cordial ly invited to the services, as well ns to make use of the literuture. Catholic Church Father Curley, pas tor. »Mass and Monday .school ut S a. in. on first and third Hiiiiiluyu o f every month. Humlay school at 10:30 a. m. on second and fourth Hiindnys. Free Methodist Church—Rev, F. W Oliver, pastor. Hubbath sebool at 10 a m. Preaching 11 a. rn. ami 7:30 p. m Prayer meeting Wednesdays nt 7:»30 p. m. All are welcome. I3*ni!■and • li«< ‘«>unt» Ovrnliufta, MNuml, mm*. unMM ’urwl U. S bomt« dri>.Mltr<d. to curr circulation!par value» 12 *«»*> aw U. 8 Jn.nU« and c*rtirtr«t»a of mdfbtt'dii«»*« owiimI ami unpladmad $ Total V. S J mmm I« othertban I ib#$ t> Bondsl and < *rtif U*at«’a of ifidrlilrdti*r«a Payment on »ccxiunt «ub script toil for Liberty l^«tn bomls Bonti* other than I! S bum!« plrdjrrd to «eeure poatal saving* «lepiMiit« 7,i««t uu Securities other than |l S I mmii !« not inrloitinir «fork i, owned unidedtfe'd W .YiJl 17 Total honda. net-urltie*i. etr Stork of Kederal Keaerve Hank 50 per rent of «ul»- «rriptton Value of Jiankinir h«m*e Furniture and fixture« fl.'al e«t*t*owned other than banking houae Net amount due from ap- provt-d renerve amenta in New York. Chuagu and St I.<*ui■ I MS M i Net amount due from ap proved reserve atfenl* in other reserve rittea Net amount due from hunks unit banker« other than abuve Outntde check« ami other cadi item« 649.66 Fractional currency, nickel« nnd rents 261.25 Note* of other national banka (.awful renerve in vault ami fiet amount du* from Fed eral kenerve Hank Kedemptinn fund with (J. S. Treasurer and due from IJ. S Trea.’ urer I .*.,1 1»! A RII.ITIKM f Capital atork paai in Surplus fund Undivided profits l,e«s current expense«, in terest ami taxes put«! Amount reserved for taxes .1 «rued Circulating note« out «La ml I nir Ihonaml |>epoaita: Individual depoaita subject to check Certificate»! of deposit due in less t han IK ) «lays < 'aahier’Nrharksoutatandinff Total demand dei*o»ut* Other time Total of time deposit* Costal «avinir« depoaits Total of U H . depoaita not Mubjei-t to reserve M n u «¿o n n io Huildmg, uva r Ihug Niort» I Of fica I’hnuo 34 Kotidntara l'tiona 1S 6 J DR W M HAMILTON unm an cnuaonuono pnantAi ('oaiultatioo ami eisuuualioli flee Of fice hours II tu 5. Hustlsys »ml evening* by nppoiuUueiit. II if fice in obl Cottage Grove iluiik llblg lutiti Mum Avenue Fraeliee* in nil emiri* Twenty five yenr*' eiperienee H J SHINN AfTTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY P'lRI.IO Hudcr HMg. (trova, Ora. 17/*»* U t* lu uu I S 'fib 17 1 M»t on lh f»»* O il \0»u •»! ALTA KINO ATTORNEY AT LAW Offiee in rear of First National Bank |<‘«illagn Grove : : : I Oregon DR 8 M WENDT I’ hyulrlAjj au«l Murgaou Special afti*iitinn given V«» goneritl atir g»*r uml Kyr, Ki»r, Non#* uud Thronf Si!|M‘rihfemli-nt f'ottugt* drove tfi»a|>ifnl. Trlepbuua: Office, *«*; Kaaidanca, !?0 SOUTH URN PACIFIC TIM F TAHI.K. 67.‘Jill M mm 6'. TOC« 7* Nurth Buuud ttuuth Bouud No. Hi 2:2* a. m. Ns ia 1¡66 « III N•• 1 « !• . m Ns 17 7:10 s 111 Ns. 14 4:35 p. in Ns IS tt4S p m No. 1« 7:40 p in 10.470 77 3.4HH.7M ulu 7* KH>U »» 7* tY .. 0 uuuu ^.«»»t nil 270.634 57 47.273.06 4.S3R.27 23* UU is '»* uu '¿ 'SM.SuSB 16 m ; 62Uin 47.27.1 4 tf* 27 I 3V1.U6*.7k State of () reffon. Count y of lame. ««: I, T. C Wheeler. Cush ter id tlie alsive-nam««! trunk, do solemnly swear tliat the ulmve statement is true to the beat of my knowleiige and tjelief. T C WIILKLKR, Cashier HubncriJieil und »worn to J»ef«#re me thla 2*th «lay of June. 1*17. Í.KO, H HKAINAltll, Notary Public. My i'omrnÍHsion expiras Oct. 4. 1*1!» trOKKKCT ATTK8T; II ehnfrt Kakin. OLIVAN V » A K M , N w Whit«, Directors. (r O ros COUGHS and COLDS Dannls Euoalyptu* Old AT ALL DAUQ ATOAie Tu«*« ase Jans 60c First National Bank Cottage Grove, Oregon COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS THE LOYALTY OF OUR PATRON8 Much o f the aucccaa «if thia bunk in line to th« loyalty of it* depos itor*. »Many of our eastomers exprcuH their sntisfnr.tion with th«' service they receive not only in word« of commendation to un, but al«o by nr«|iiaintlng their friend« with the blink ’« unex celled fncilltle«. Much evidence« of our pntron*’ approval are very pleiiNing to im nnd nrc highly vnlued. The OLD RELIABLE Hafety Plrat wlth Coligli sud Cobi. “ «»h, ju«I u rotigli ’ ’ t»«lny mny be come grip|ie or pneunionin tomorrow l’ hoilNund« «Ile frum neglerled rolda l'uke |»r King * New Di«covery before vmir eougb become* clirunie. A few .Ione« check the cobi bv kllling thè gi'rm*. The henling Imlanni« «oothi' the Girimi, lo«>«eii Ihe plilegm unii idear «he :iir psannge» of seerelions which provoke coiighing. Contnin* miblly laxntivc in gredient« whlrh rrmove« thè wn«le tbat aggravate« Gì«' rold. At your druggi«t, 5i)c, * |OD. _______________ W .W . M ’Farland TU« City Transfer All Kitida of Hauling & Draying Done on Short Notice Flsno Movtug a ripe« Islty WOOD AND GOAL Fhon« 55 Offlre At Regie Olgsr Sture Chase the Ache. Kill the Pain. Get bony. Act now. F*e Hloiiu '« imen 1 for your rheumatic pain«, tooth ache, neuralgia, wire mii«cle«', «tiff joint«, «prnin« and «train«. Better than anything yon ever tried to soothe hurt*, reduce «welling and inflammation, «'lenner than ointment« or planter«, a« if iloe« not clog the pore« or «tain the -kin. Kn«y to applyt it penetrate« with «•lit rubbing. Alwny« have a bottle of MI oiiii’« Liniment in your medicine clii'wt. At your druggiit, 25c, 50«-, *1.00. L. L . Harrel Cottage Orove Tr&nifer Draying of all Kinds PI Alto Moving Auto Dray For Quick Delivery OFFICE: Elite Confectionery Phone 72 A Clear Skin Your Birthright. If your «kin i« not «mouth, fre»h and dear, do a« others do and give it the remeily it neeil« to reatore it to normal health and beauty. Try the «nothing and henling treatment of l)r. Hobaon ’« Eczema Ointment. The «evereat case« of eruption», pimple«, blotehe« ami burning «kin yield rapidly to thin re markable preparation. You’ll be grati fieli With the rapidity with which your complexion regain» it« health und freah ne»*. At your druggist, 50c. . J i

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TVil-.6’ »uleago

H^um t o ^ j*jr Akk i.J linootkaccderA on


starting j

s ; *

Low boiling points do it—the first links in acontinuous chain of boiling points. Low boiling points for easy starting, medium boiling points for quick and smooth acceleration, and high boiling points for power and mileage.

Red Crown is a straight - distilled gasoline. Hence there's a continuous chain of boiling points, gradually rising from low to high.

Mixtures cannot have a continuous chain of boiling points. That's why mixtures cannot be as good motor fuel as pure straight-run gaso­line And that's also why the gravity test for gasoline is worthless—gravity tells nothing at all about boiling points, the only real test of gasoline quality.

To make certain of getting real gasoline, andnot a mixture, fill with

RED CROWNike G a so lin e o f Q u a li f y


Member* of Oth Company Likely to Be iu Active Service

Within Short Time

The date for the departure o f Sitili company from Cottage drove mnl per

for the hut lief ield* o f Europe isIni

ring of Cren iued

the cimili

cream were * • smokes. ' ’

master Mason degree. , and strawberries and served, followed by

| I f you know of a society item mid I do not inform the newspaper, it is I your own fault if it is not printed

Members o f the Teeters and McKib- l>en families gathered on the bunk of tiie Coast Pork iu Currin ’» park Sunday lor a farewell picnic in honor o f Ralph Teeters and Judd Doolittle, who belong to Sixth company, O. C. A. A bounti­ful and appetizing lunch was served at noon. Those present were Mrs. Anna Teeters, Mrs. Eliza McKibbcu, Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Teeters and son Walter, Mr. and Mrs. George Teeters and chil dren, Ralph, Joyce, Myrtle and Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeters and chil­dren, Bcnetta, John and Nellie, o f Do reua, and Mollie, of Thurston; Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Needham and children, Roy and Laura, o f Thurston; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson and children, John, George, Grace and Louis; Mrs. Joe McKibbeu and children, Ernest and Velma; Mrs. ( Melvin McKibbeu, Mr. and Mrs. Danks. j of Thurston; Link Yaruell, o f Thurston; Miss Elizabeth McMahan, of Thurston, j and Dr. H. H. Potrie. The young folks ! spent the greater part o f the afternoon j motoring around the country.

6- ♦The Burkholder family and Mrs. !

Lydia Htouffer were entertained Sun­day by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Finley, who live near London. The occasion was Miss Belle’s birthday anniversary.

*3- <3

The M. P. G. club will hold a picnic session next Tuesday afternoon,

♦Mrs. J. D. Westenhaver entertained

Tuesday of last meek for her sister in law, Mrs. C. C. Westenhaver, who has since left for Prince Rupert, B. C. A few intimate friends o f the guest o f honor were present.

■4>The Cedars Society.

A farewell party was given last Tues­day evening at the home of Mr. and Xlrs. C. M. Kidd in honor o f Vernon Larson, who left Wednesday for Kan-I sas. Those present were Frieda and 1 Ralph Aubrey, Helen Ritchey, Florence i McFarland, Enid Veatch, Hose and Wni. I Hablema n, Edith and Hassel Magee, Mrs. Schneider and daughters Berna- , dine and Forrest, Miss Hhelbourne Ver- ! non Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Kidd and sons Horner and William. Refreshments o f cake and strawberries were served.

♦ ♦ ♦Couldn't Pass With Glasses Off. Roy Woods, Jr., returned Satur­day from San Francisco, where he had

now only a matter o f weeks. Within a month a hundred or more o f the best of the community 's young men, mid older ones too, will have left here mid may be on their way to make the su premc sacrifice o f nil sacrifice»— the giving of life itself upon the altar o f patriotism and humanity. Many homes o f the Cottage Grove country will be lonesome and the entire city will seeui lonely because o f the departure o f so many who have become a part o f the life of the city and community. Iu fact, some who have enlisted in other arms of the service have already departed and are already in the service o f their country. Those who have joined the ambulance corps will undoubtedly be in France within the next month.

As the hour for their departure up preaches, members mid officers o f Sixth company like to speculate as to where they will be sent, but no information is available. With no danger of mi attnek upon the Pacific coast, the coast urtil lery will, undoubtedly, be put where it will see active service. With its traiu ing in handling big guns, some o f the officers think they may be put iu charge of some of the important nrtil lery positions either in France or Rns sia. Others think there is a probability o f their being trnnsferred to the infmi* try iiutil after the war. In whatever capacity they are culled upon to serve. Cottage Grove knows they will make good. The city wishes it could feel as certain that all will return as it does that all will perform whatever duty they are called upon to perform.

There is also some question as to whether the coast artillery will be held at Fort Stevens for training or sent im mediately to h more suitalile training camp.

Currin Car Meets With Hard Luck

Does a hoodoo ever attach to an auto­mobile f

The answer to this question might in­terest Miss Lulu Currin.

Last week her ear suffered damages to a fender and a tail light when struck by the T. C. Wheeler car driven by Mrs. Wh ecler.

Just after the damage had been re­paired Miss Currin backed her car out of the west side garage and through the accidental application o f too much “ ju ice ’ ’ the ear crawfished into the P. T. building across the street and damaged the fender and tail light that had just been replneed.

been in training at the Presidio. Hewas able to pass every test except the LOS ANGELES MOTOR TOURIST eyesight test, and he passed that all j right as long as they permitted him to i wear his glasses, hut when they tested !


him with his glasses o f f he was unable to come up to the mark. The examina tions are very rigid and it is thought that at least two-thirds o f those in training there will be unable to pass the required physical test.

Roy is well pleased with the training lie got, despite his disappointment in not being aceepted.

The wise buyer patronizes the mer-


Senate Passes Food Pioduc* tion Bill Affecting Grain


Washington. Congress Mulshed an­other war week with real action, dis­posing of four Important emergency measures.

The senate passed the $10,000.000 food production hill.

The senate adopted the conference reports of the $3.$40,000,000 war bud get. and tlx- $ 140,000.000 civil hills, ap­propriating funds for the army navy establishments, slid miscellaneous gov eminent propositions.

The house passed the war risk In­surance bill, appropriating $60.000.000 for Insuring officers slid sailors man ulug American merchantmen durtug the war.

Fresldeut Wilson retains broad pow­ers for carrying on the pmposed emer­gency shlpplug program under the wui budget hill finally agreed upon The shipping provision Is substunt tally as passed orlgtnully by the senate.

The conference mude one change Iu the bill authorizing army upproprls tions for soldiers "who will be free from service four months after pears Is declared, or as soon thereafter us transportation facilities can be secur ed ’ ’

Cnder the food hill passed by the Senate, there Is a provision authoriz­ing the president to close grain ex­changes In case of urgent Ueed, when those exchanges are found to be deallug In futures of wheat or other ueces sarles of life.


Washington. — I'lans for Issuing $4oou free government Insurance on the life of every American soldier uud sailor durtug the war in lieu of pen slou arrangements will be tukeu up tills week by the couucll of national defense. A report prepared by Assist ant Secretary Sweet, of the commerce department, urges thut the Insurance be provided through legislation before American troops are sent to Fruuce.

The plans us prepared provide for u flat lusuranee of $4000 on the life of every officer and private In the mili­tary anil navul service, to he paid to bis le-nef I claries without premiums. A government Insurance bureau would handle the whole subject Slid there would be provision for a system of Insurance by which officers and men desiring to do so could take out amounts higher than tin- $4UUU frei policy by paying premiums at peace rates.



July 2. Council met in regular sea siou with nil members present.

Semi n a a uà I report of the treasurer was read, referred lo finance committee uud ordered priuted.

Monthly reports of recorder treusur er mid iniirsliiil were read ami ordered filed.

tin motion the recorder was ordered to proceed with the collection o f dcliu queut street assessment against the J H. Milne property un Hcveuth street.

The street committee was instructed to procure the necessary crushed rock and have west Main avenue and south Sixth street repaired at once.

tin motion G. <1. Warner was hired to look ufter the collection of water rents during the irrigation season.

Invitation was received from mayor of Eugene, addressed to mnyor, council and citizen* o f Cottage Grove, inviting them to attend the Fourth o f July cele brillimi there. The recorder was In­structed to reply to same.

The follow lug bills were audited, nl lowed and ordered paid;Hi own Lumber Co. lumber........ *Herbert Eiikin, collecting water

rent for tl m on th s ..........C. G. Transfer Co., swcspmg

street*............................................ -f*Sentinel, publishing ..................... 3.0)1J E Young, s a la ry ....................... 55.00l.arry Brumfield, hauling hose

eart................................................. I 00


Residence Teuth Htl'huue lìti I. «


4 * »

Neuralgia relieved lusteutlv by local ap

Idiusttion Koxidcuse uud offics ou»il ok south of pnstnfficc.

Filone l.|LI Cottage Grove, Oregon

Filone, 47 Office l.awsuu Hlk

DR 0. E. FROSTElectrical Treatments X Ksy pictures

Microscopic Eismiuutiou of Spuluu uud lilood

J. E YOUNOATTORNEY AT LAWOttice ou Mhiii Hi reel

Oottage Giova :: Oieguu


I' K Hall, hauling It tut*« (‘Hit.• • ♦ i im\v \\ (Ig lcby . health office•r. •HI Dll< • G. Electric Co., 1ight«.• • s233.83Cl t\ 'Prun»fer, himbag bimbeT. . 150G. It Fiteher, wnlarv mid

|*t' II . . . . . . . . .> • • •• * * •, , ,77 liftFi r»» coiniiriny. . . .ss s, , * , .. • •26 00K inow les & Grabe r, rhuir» fur

N ot iiag boot h » . . .• • •ss* •o 6ftw B 1 Union, work (»II stri*»*!*« • •USOIt. i Martin, «alary .. ..• • •7ft 00



Work done after hours and Sundays by appoint me at

Filone IU Cottage Gruve, Urcg.-o


Office la FbilliiT■ting adjourned to July HI.

J E. YOI'NO Citv Recorder

You wouldn't live in a community that didn ’t have a newspaper. Are you doing your part to keep a newspaper Ía the community f *


at Cottage Grove, in the state of Oreg o n . a t t h e c l o s e o f b u s in e s s o n J u n e 20BH7.

H E M O l 'K C E S

6 ««« uu

The Mnsonic lodge enjoyed a banquet chant who shows he is uliv* by hia nds. Saturday evening following the confer- in the local newspaper.

Oregon! ifc

C. H. Foss and son passed through Eugene Tuesday on their way from Los Angeles, Calif., in u big motor enr on their way to Kalispel, Mont. Mr. Foss was very outspoken regarding the con­dition o f the road east o f Cottage Grove i and declared it was a disgsaee to any country not inhabited by Indians and negroes. When the attention o f Coin missioner E. R. Spencer was railed to if he stated that the supervisor had been j ordered to make repairs in the road, i and when he was asked about a week ago why it had not been done, declared j that he did not fix the road because he thought they would get it permanently rebuilt sooner if he left it a* it was. J Mr. Spencer stated that the road would j be put in good shape for slimmer travel I immediately after the Fourth.— Eugene Presbyterian Church D. \. MacLeod, Guard. puator; phone 137K. Bible sebool ut Ik

Bids Wanted.Bids will be received for If» tiers of

IM inch old body fir wood, up to July 7. Reserve right to reject all hide.

MINNIE ASHBY,jly5pd Clerk School Dist. No. 4M.



WHEN YOU BUY SUGARNT WHEN YOU buy s u g a r you pay less per pound when

you buy it by the dollar’s worth. You pay still less per pound when you buy it by the hundred-pound sack or by the barrel.

The same is true of the manufacturer and the merchant. The larger quantities of anything that he can buy the less he has to j»ay for it. It costs him less to handle it in large quantities than in small lots. It costs less per pound to ship a solid carload than it does to ship a carload in sepa­rate shipments of 100 pounds eaeh. .lust as it costs you less to buy 100 pounds of sugat at one time than it would to buy 100 pounds a quarter’s worth at a time. I.ess in money. Less in time. Less waste less in every way.

The manufacturer and merchant who advertise are en­abled to buy and sell in larger quantities. Hy doing a “ quantity” business they cut. expenses ami save waste on every hand. They can sell better quality pay the small advertising cost ami SELL FOR LESS than if they were doing business in a small way.

In these times of advancing prices carefully compile«! statistics prove that the advertised brands of merchan­dise have advanced much less in proportion than those which are not advertised.

In the interest of economy buy advertised merchandise from merchants who advertise

“ Grandpa” Nixon Dies.H. D. Nixon died yesterday at the

home of his son, W. E. Nixon, at Hag inaw. Cause of death was raneer. He was aged S9 years 2 months and 2days.

Mr. Nixon was born in Ireland May 2, 1S2S, and eame to Amerira in 1837. He was a member o f the Methodist ehurrh. The funeral will he held this afternoon, Rev. Jos. Knotts officiating. »Surviving relatives are three children, eight grandchildren and ten great grnndehil «Iren.

Fourth Pass»« Quietly.The Fourth o f July passed very quiet­

ly here, there being no celebration. A large number went to Eugene for the day. The ban«] nnd militia company took part in the parade there. Quite a number o f others spent the day pic­nicking, the stores were closed and the streets were almost deserted.

Card of ThanksWe wish to thank all neighbors nnd

friends o f H. D. Nixon for their kind­ness and assistanee during his illness and death; also for the floral offerings.



Card of Thank».We wish to sincerely thank the

friends who were so kind and thought ful during our recent bereavement.


jlyftpd J. W. KIRK.

Those who advertise in The Hentinelare deserving o f your business because they tell you that they want it and name prices that should get it.

ATTENTION MASONS! There will be a special communication of Cottage Orove lodge No. SI A. F. A A. M., in Masonic

Temple, Friday, July 0, Ittl7, nt 7:45 o ’clock p. m.

Work in E. A. degree.Visiting brethren are cordially invited ■ ) urd.-r W M. 1

CHAS. ADAMS, Secretary.

a. in. Morning worship ut I I a in. Juu ior «'hristiiin Endeavor ut 3 p. in. Evemug worship ut 7:30 p. m.

• • •Methodist Church— Rev. Jos. Knotts,

pastor. Monday school ut 10 a. ui. Leg ular preaching servii'es at 11 a. ui. ami 7:30 p. in. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30.

Hundny morning, “ Models; Ancient and Modern.” Hundny evening, “ The Capture o f a Religious Fanatic. ”

• • •Chrlstiau Church Walter «'ullison,

minister. Bible school 11:45 a. in. Young People’s Society o f Christian Knileavor 0:30 p. m. Pleaching II a. in. and 7:30 p. ui.

• • *

Baptist Church--K. G. <>. Grout, pas tor emeritus. Sunday school 10 u. m Preaching II a. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7:30 p. m.

• • •Christian Science- Services in the

cbapel nt 242 Seeoml street each Hun day nt II a. m. Regular testimonial meeting each Wednesday ut 7:30 p m The tiiiibling is open f«»r the use o f the circulating library euch Weilnesilay from 1:30 to 4:30 p. in. All are cordial ly invited to the services, as well ns tomake use o f the literuture.

• • •Catholic Church Father Curley, pas

tor. »Mass and Monday .school ut S a. in. on first and third Hiiiiiluyu o f every month. Humlay school at 10:30 a. m. onsecond and fourth Hiindnys.

• • •Free Methodist Church—Rev, F. W

Oliver, pastor. Hubbath sebool at 10 a m. Preaching 11 a. rn. ami 7:30 p. m Prayer meeting Wednesdays nt 7:»30 p. m. All are welcome.

I 3*ni!■ and • li«<‘«>unt»Ovrnliufta, MNuml, mm*.

unMM’urwlU. S bomt« dri>.Mltr<d. to curr circulation!par value» 12 *«»*> aw

U. 8 Jn.nU« and c*rtirtr«t»a of mdfbtt'dii«»*« owiimI ami unpladmad $

Total V. S JmmmI« othertban I ib#$ t > Bondsl and < *rtif U*at«’a of ifidrlilrdti*r«a

Payment on »ccxiunt «ub script toil for Liberty l «̂tn bomls

Bonti* other than I! S bum!« plrdjrrd to «eeure poatal saving* «lepiMiit« 7,i««t uu

Securities other than |l S Immii!« not inrloitinir «fork i, owned unidedtfe'd W.YiJl 17

Total honda. net-urltie*i. etr

Stork of Kederal Keaerve Hank 50 per rent of «ul»- «rriptton

Value of Jiankinir h«m*e Furniture and fixture« fl.'al e«t*t*owned other than

banking houaeNet amount due from ap-

provt-d renerve amenta in New York. Chuagu and St I .<*ui■ I MS Mi

Net amount due from ap­proved reserve atfenl* in other reserve rittea

Net amount due from hunks unit banker« other than abuve

Outntde check« ami other cadi item« 649.66

Fractional currency, nickel« nnd rents 261.25

Note* of other national banka

(.awful renerve in vault ami fiet amount du* from Fed­eral kenerve Hank

Kedemptinn fund with (J. S.Treasurer and due from I J. S Trea.’ urer

I .*.,11»! A RII.ITIKM

f Capital atork paai in Surplus fund Undivided profits l,e«s current expense«, in­

terest ami taxes put«!Amount reserved for taxes

.1 «ruedCirculating note« out «La ml I nir Ihonaml |>epoaita:Individual depoaita subject to

checkCertificate»! of deposit due

in less t han IK) «lays < 'aahier’Nrharksoutatandinff Total demand dei*o»ut*Other time Total of time deposit*Costal «avinir« depoaits Total of U H. depoaita not

Mubjei-t to reserveM

n u «¿o n

n io

Huildmg, uva r Ihug Niort»

I Of fica I’hnuo 34 Kotidntara l ' t iona 1S6J

DR W M HAMILTONu n m a n c n u a o n u o n o

p n a n t A i('oaiultatioo ami eisuuualioli flee Of fice hours II tu 5. Hustlsys »ml evening* by nppoiuUueiit.

II if fice in obl Cottage Grove iluiik llblg lutiti Mum Avenue

Fraeliee* in nil emiri* Twenty five yenr*' eiperieneeH J SHINN


Hudcr HMg. (trova, Ora.

17/*»* Ut*

lu uu I

S'» 'fib 17

1 M»t on lh f»»* Oil\ 0»u •»!

ALTA KINOATTORNEY AT LAWOffiee in rear o f First

National Bank|<‘«illagn Grove : : : I Oregon

DR 8 M WENDTI’ hyulrlAjj au«l Murgaou

Sp e c ia l a fti*iitinn g iv e n V«» goneritl atir g»*r um l K y r , Ki»r, Non#* uud Thronf Si!|M‘rih fem li-nt f 'o ttugt* d ro v e tfi»a|>ifnl. T r le p b u u a : O ff ic e , *«*; Kaa idanca, ! ? 0


67.‘Jill M mm 6'.

TO C« 7*

Nurth Buuud ttuuth BouudNo. Hi 2:2* a. m. Ns ia 1 ¡66 « IIIN •• 1 « !• . m Ns 17 7:10 s 111Ns. 14 4:35 p. in Ns IS tt4S p m

No. 1« 7:40 p in

10.470 77


ulu 7*

KH> U»» 7*

tY ..0uu uu .̂«»»t nil

270.634 57



23* UUi s '»* uu

'¿'SM.Su SB16 m;

62U in47.27.1 4 tf* 27

I 3V1.U6*. 7k

S tate o f ( ) reff on. Count y o f lam e. ««: I, T. C W heeler. Cush ter id tlie alsive-nam««! trunk, do solemnly swear tliat the ulmve statem ent is true to the beat o f my know leiige and tjelief.

T C W IILK LK R , Cashier HubncriJieil und »w orn to J»ef«#re me thla 2*th

«lay o f June. 1*17.Í.KO, H H K A IN A ltll, Notary Public.

My i'omrnÍHsion expiras Oct. 4. 1*1!» trOKKKCT ATTK8T; IIehnfrt Kakin.

OLIVA N V » A K M,N w Whit«,




rosC O U G H S

a n d C O L D SDannls Euoalyptu* Old

AT ALL DAUQ ATOAieT u « * « ase Ja n s 60c

First National BankCottage Grove, OregonCOMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS


Much o f the aucccaa «if thia bunk in line to th« loyalty of it* depos­itor*. »Many of our eastomers exprcuH their sntisfnr.tion with th«' service they receive not only in word« o f commendation to un, but al«o by nr«|iiaintlng their friend« with the blink ’« unex­celled fncilltle«.

Much evidence« o f our pntron*’ approval are very pleiiNing to im nnd nrc highly vnlued.


Hafety Plrat wlth Coligli sud Cobi.“ «»h, ju«I u rotigli ’ ’ t»«lny mny be

come grip|ie or pneunionin tomorrow l’hoilNund« «Ile frum neglerled rolda l'uke |»r King * New Di«covery before vmir eougb become* clirunie. A few .Ione« check the cobi bv kllling thè gi'rm*. The henling Imlanni« «oothi' the Girimi, lo«>«eii Ihe plilegm unii idear «he :iir psannge» of seerelions which provoke coiighing. Contnin* miblly laxntivc in gredient« whlrh rrmove« thè wn«le tbat aggravate« Gì«' rold. At your druggi«t, 5i)c, * | OD. _______________

W . W . M ’ F a r l a n dTU« City Transfer

All Kitida of

Hauling & Draying Done on Short Notice

Flsno Movtug a ripe« Islty WOOD AND GOAL

Fhon« 55Offlre At Regie Olgsr Sture

Chase the Ache. Kill the Pain.Get bony. Act now. F*e Hloiiu '«

imen 1 for your rheumatic pain«, tooth ache, neuralgia, wire mii«cle«', «tiff joint«, «prnin« and «train«. Better than anything yon ever tried to soothe hurt*, reduce «welling and inflammation, «'lenner than ointment« or planter«, a« if iloe« not clog the pore« or «tain the -kin. Kn«y to applyt it penetrate« with «•lit rubbing. Alwny« have a bottle of MIoiiii’« Liniment in your medicine clii'wt. At your druggiit, 25c, 50«-, *1.00.

L . L . H a rre lCottage Orove Tr&nifer

D r a y in g o f all K in d sPI Alto Moving

Auto Dray For Quick Delivery

OFFICE: Elite Confectionery Phone 72

A Clear Skin Your Birthright.If your «kin i« not «mouth, fre»h and

dear, do a« others do and give it the remeily it neeil« to reatore it to normal health and beauty. Try the «nothing and henling treatment o f l)r. Hobaon ’« Eczema Ointment. The «evereat case« of eruption», pimple«, blotehe« ami burning «kin yield rapidly to thin re markable preparation. Y ou ’ll be grati fieli With the rapidity with which your complexion regain» it« health und freah ne»*. At your druggist, 50c.

. J i