st. · familia lopez y quintero, carrie albinda,...

909 S 1st Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85003 Phone (602) 252-1771 Fax (602)258-4714 R o m a n C a t h o l i c C h u r c h St. Anthony Parish Office Hours Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Office closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday Mass times Sunday Mass: 7:00 a.m. Spanish 9:00 a.m. English 11:00 a.m. Spanish 1:00 p.m. Spanish Tuesday-Saturday Mass: 7:00 p.m. Spanish Confessions: after Friday Mass or by appointment Clergy: Parochial Administrator: Rev. Rolando Santoianni, IVE Associate Pastor: Fr. Alex Perez, IVE Fr. Rafael Umaña, IVE Deacon, Jesus Morales Convent: Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará: P: 602 324-3579 Staff: Bookkeeper: Marylou Brown Ext. 11 Secretary: Anna Alicia Novoa Ext. 15 Grounds Keeper: Juan Enriquez August 6, 2017 — The Transfiguration of The Lord 6 de Agosto del 2017 — La Transfiguración del Señor Community entrusted to the Institute of the Incarnate Word/ Comunidad Confiada al Instituto del Verbo Encarnado — Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: St. · Familia Lopez y Quintero, Carrie Albinda, Michelle Cardenas, John Quintana, Jennifer Danielle Torres, ... make a Memory Album

9 0 9 S 1 s t Av e n u e • Ph o e n i x , A Z 8 5 0 0 3 Ph o n e ( 6 0 2 ) 2 5 2 - 1 7 7 1 F a x ( 6 0 2 ) 2 5 8 - 4 7 1 4

R o m a n C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

St. Anthony

Parish Office Hours Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Office closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday

Mass times Sunday Mass: 7:00 a.m. Spanish 9:00 a.m. English 11:00 a.m. Spanish 1:00 p.m. Spanish Tuesday-Saturday Mass: 7:00 p.m. Spanish Confessions: after Friday Mass or by appointment

Clergy: Parochial Administrator: Rev. Rolando Santoianni, IVE Associate Pastor: Fr. Alex Perez, IVE Fr. Rafael Umaña, IVE Deacon, Jesus Morales

Convent: Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará: P: 602 324-3579

Staff: Bookkeeper: Marylou Brown Ext. 11 Secretary: Anna Alicia Novoa Ext. 15 Grounds Keeper: Juan Enriquez

August 6, 2017 — The Transfiguration of The Lord 6 de Agosto del 2017 — La Transfiguración del Señor

Community entrusted to the Institute of the Incarnate Word/ Comunidad Confiada al Instituto del Verbo Encarnado —

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: St. · Familia Lopez y Quintero, Carrie Albinda, Michelle Cardenas, John Quintana, Jennifer Danielle Torres, ... make a Memory Album

2 | St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church

Sunday Collection / Colecta Dominical JULY 30th: Plate: $2,055.00 Annual Collection for I.V,E.: $1,008.50

Thank you for your generosity! ¡Gracia por su generosidad!


Domingo: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9/2

Pt 1:16-19/Mt 17:1-9 Monday: Nm 11:4b-15/Ps 81:12-17/Mt 14:13-21 Tuesday: Nm 12:1-13/Ps 51:3-7, 12-13/Mt 14:22-36

or 15:1-2, 10-14 Wednesday: Nm 13:1-2, 25--14:1, 26-29a, 34-35/

Ps 106:6-7ab, 13-14, 21-23/Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: 2 Cor 9:6-10/Ps 112:1-2, 5-9/Jn 12:24-26 Friday: Dt 4:32-40/Ps 77:12-16, 21/Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: Dt 6:4-13/Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51/

Mt 17:14-20 Next Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a/

Ps 85:9-14/Rom 9:1-5/Mt 14:22-33

MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCION DE MISAS Saturday, Aug. 05th 7:00 PM En agradecimiento por los 3 años de Maria Arciniega (Su Mama) Sunday, Aug. 06th 7:00 AM +Truong, St. Joseph (Toan & Kim) 9:00 AM +Antonia Chavez (Lilly Cooper & Fam.) 11:00 AM En agradecimiento por el 29 Aniversario de Matrimonio (Fam. Rosales) 1:00 PM +Benita Bueno (La Familia) Tuesday, Aug. 08th 7:00 PM +Agustin Espinoza (Su Familia) Wednesday, Aug. 09th 7:00 PM +Lucila y +Armando Fierro (Fam. Coronado) Thursday, Aug. 10th 7:00 PM Por las necesidades Espirituales y Materiales de los Bienhechores de las SSVM Friday, Aug. 11th 7:00 PM +Iria Rosales (Fam. Rosales)

Entonces le dijo Pedro: "Señor, si eres tú, mándame ir a ti caminando sobre el agua". Jesús le contestó: "Ven". Pedro bajó de la barca y comenzó a caminar sobre el agua hacia Jesús; pero al sentir la fuerza del viento, le entró miedo, comenzó a hundirse y gritó: "¡Sálvame, Señor!" - Mt 14, 28-30 Leccionario II © 1987 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano.

Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos

Fechas de Inscripción: 22 y 29 de Agosto . 6:00pm a 8:00 pm (salón)

Lugar: Salón Parroquial

Documentos que necesita el día de la inscripción: Si le falta la Comunión o Confirmación: 1. Acta de Nacimiento Original, 2.Certificado de Bautismo Original. Si le falta el Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación: 1. Acta de Nacimiento Original.

Contribución por el año: $80 por adulto, $140 por dos hermanos o esposos. La contribución por dos o más se considera para hermanos directos (no primos u otros parentescos).

Más information:

Donde aprenderás a entrar paso a paso en la relación personal con el Señor, a través de los diferentes

modos de orar que estaremos practicando en cada sesión. Iras sanando rencores, tristezas y

resentimientos a través de la oración. “Ven te esperamos con los brazos abiertos”

Jueves 10 de Agosto del 2017

Horario: De 6:30pm a 8:30pm

Lugar: En el sótano de la Iglesia San Antonio

Para mayores informes comunícate con

Martha P Hernández al 480 414-9505.

Page 3: St. · Familia Lopez y Quintero, Carrie Albinda, Michelle Cardenas, John Quintana, Jennifer Danielle Torres, ... make a Memory Album

Phoenix, Arizona | 3

In Need Of Prayer/ Oremos Por Nuestros Hermanos

Familia Lopez y Quintero, Carrie Albinda, Michelle Cardenas, John Quintana, Jennifer Danielle Torres,

Anthony Anderson, Jacob Chavez, Javier Perez, Socorro Arroyo, Carlos Mireles, Matthew Gaytan,

Hilda Gandarilla, Familia Escobedo Lopez, Tranquilina Chaires Cruz, Yanez Family, Alicia Garcia, Julia Martinez, John & James Valenzuela,

Familia Robles, Theresa Valenzuela, Andera Diaz, Zaldy Myers, Ruby & Luis Cruz,

Trinidad De Avila, Nakay Johnson, Nena Torres, Fernández Family,

Mary Cordova, Margaret Ontiveros.

Living Stewardship Now Offer simple words of thanks to anyone who does a service for you. Nothing is too unimportant to acknowledge. No one is unimportant enough to be overlooked. Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.

REGISTRATION FOR INFANT BAPTISMAL Children under 7 years of age: · Original Birth Certificate Godparents over 18yrs years of age, in good standings in the Catholic Church: · If single; must have Baptismal, First Communion & Confirmation. Both Godparents must present their Confirmation Certificate. · If married; Marriage by the Catholic Church and must present Marriage Certificate. Processing Fee: · $60 for one child and $40 each after (siblings). Next Baptism Dates: • September 30th (register by Aug. 31st) • October 28th (register by Sept. 29th) • November 25th (register by Oct. 27th)

Registration Dates: Aug. 22nd & 29th . 6:00pm—8:00pm LOCATION: Parish Hall

Documents needed the day of registration: When Communion or Confirmation is needed: 1. Original Birth Certificate, 2. Original Certificate of Baptism. When Baptism, Communion and Confirmation is needed: 1. Original Birth Certificate.

Contribution for the year: $80 for one adult, $140 for two siblings or husband and wife. Contribution for two or more applies to direct siblings (not cousins or any other kinship).

More information:

Safe Environment Training/ Renewal or First Class

First Class (English): Saturday, August 26th @9:30 AM (Parish Hall)

The Diocese Policy and Procedures for the Protection of Minors requires all volunteer to attend the annual training, therefore all volunteers from the different areas of the church; catechists, members of the councils, all group leaders and its members, Eucharistic Ministers, lectors, ushers, food han-dlers volunteers, must take the Safe Environment Renewal class this month, since the 2016 classes expired on June 30, 2017. The renewal classes can be taken online on your home computer or participate in classes in our parish.

If you’re a new server/volunteer, please make sure you take the First Class and bring a list of references.

Page 4: St. · Familia Lopez y Quintero, Carrie Albinda, Michelle Cardenas, John Quintana, Jennifer Danielle Torres, ... make a Memory Album


Confessions/Confesiones: Friday after Mass or by appointment (Viernes después de Misa o por cita).

Rosary Prayer/Rezo del Rosario: Tuesday—Saturday at 5:30pm (Spanish) Martes—Sábado a las 5:30pm (Español)

Perpetual Adoration In the Chapel: 24 Hours / 7 Days a Week

Adoración Perpetua En La Capilla: Las 24 Horas Los 7 Días de la Semana

Catechism Office/Oficina de Catecismo: Sister María Madre de la Sabiduría (602) 252-1771 Ext. 28 Email: [email protected]

Marriage Preparation/ Preparacion de Matrimonios: Oscar & Iris Guerrero, (Ext. 19) Jose & Severiana Alvarado (Ext. 19)

Legion of Mary/Legión de María: Beatriz Contreras (602) 332-8747 Monday/Lunes: 5:00pm-6:00pm (Spanish)

Legion of Mary Youth/ Legión de María Juvenil: Luz Alicia Márquez (602) 743-6665 Sunday (Domingo) 12:00pm-2:00pm

Prayer Group/Grupo de Oración: Martin Pérez (602) 292-6192 Miércoles 7:00pm-9:00pm (Spanish)

Young Adult Group EPJ/ Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil EPJ: Erik Tarin (602) 451-7748 Viernes 7:00pm-9:00pm (Spanish)

Guadalupano Grup/Sociedad Guadalupana: Marta Rentería (602) 318-1485 2do Domingo del Mes/2nd Sunday (Spanish)

Crusillo Movement/Moviemiento Cursillo: Armando Lopez (602) 579-8892

Apostolado de Respeto a la Vida: Fabiola & Martha Hernandez (480) 388-1657 St. Vincent de Paul Pantry: (602) 716-0122 (message phone) Open: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am-11:00am

Phoenix, Arizona | 4 B

St. Anthony’s 75th Anniversary

For the 75th Anniversary of the parish, we will make a Memory Album of all the parish members and their families. After Mass please write your name; last name and phone number on the list. You will be contacted with the date of when your family picture will be taken. (Pictures will be taken after Mass on Sunday.)

75 Aniversario de Nuestra Parroquia

Con motivo del 75 aniversario de la parroquia va-mos hacer un Álbum de Recuerdo con las fotos de todos los parroquianos y familias. Por favor a las salida de la Misa anótese en la lista; poniendo su nombre, apellido y número de teléfono. Se les llamara para informarles que domingo después de la misa que usted usualmente atiende se van a tomar las fotos.

4 A | St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church

Pregnancy Crisis Help—1800 712-4357 Hurting After Abortion—602 402-0867 Counseling / Consejeria: 602 216-7522 (Eng.) 602 618--4889 (Sp)

JAMAICA 2017 Saturday, October 21st from

11am-8pm and Sunday, October 22nd from 8am-8pm

Come join us! There will be entertainment for the whole family; live music, games, food, raffles and

much more. Purchase your raffle tickets after Mass; in the parish office, or with any of the group leaders.

The Jamaica is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we need your support.


1st Prize: $1,000.00 2nd Prize: $500.00 3rd Prize: 32’ Plasma TV 4th Prize: Laptop

Venga acompáñanos y traiga a toda su familia. Habrá entretenimiento para todos;

música en vivo, juegos, comida y rifas. Compre sus boletos para las rifas después de

Misa; en la oficina parroquial, o con los líderes de grupo. La Jamaica es nuestro mayor recaudador de

fondos del año y necesitamos su apoyo.

Tickets $5.00