st. cecilia catholic church of joshua around 1200 bc. ... st. cecilia catholic church in hastings,...

St. Cecilia Catholic Church August 17, 2014 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pieter Pietersz Lastman, Christ and the Canaanite Woman, 1617. Oil on panel. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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St. Cecilia Catholic Church

August 17, 2014 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pieter Pietersz Lastman, Christ and the Canaanite Woman, 1617. Oil on panel. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Collected August 10, 2014: $ 8,665 Faith Direct August 4, 2014: $ 7,036 Tithing Total Collected: $ 91,343 Budgeted Year to Date (Aug. 10, 2014) $ 99,181 Favorable (Unfavorable) $ (7,838) Annual Budget: $962,924

Thank you!

August 17, 2014 Page 2

Monday, August 18 - Weekday

7:00 a.m. - Edward Nevrivy +

12:10 p.m. - LaVerne Horton +

Tuesday, August 19 - St. John Eudes

7:00 a.m. - Theresa Wildhagen +

12:10 p.m. - Robert H. Adams +

Wednesday, August 20 - St. Bernard, abbot

7:00 a.m. - Larry Sturdevant +

12:10 p.m. - Intention of Fr. Mike Ventre

Thursday, August 21 - St. Pius X

7:00 a.m. - Joan Marie Wilcox +

12:10 p.m. - Intention of Julia Becker

Friday, August 122 - The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

7:00 a.m. - Anna Koberg +

12:10 p.m. - Intention of Fr. Rolling

Saturday, August 23 - St. Rose of Lima

7:00 a.m. - Intention Missionaries of Charity 5:00 p.m. - Special Intention

Sunday, August 24 - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:00 a.m. - Christine Haberer +

8:00 a.m. G.S.V. - Rita & Harold Konen +

9:00 a.m. - Intention of Dick Hawes

11:00 a.m. - Parishioners

Acolytes J. Vertin M. Kuzelka

R. Bush M. Schultes

D. Bialas D. Hamburger

D. Sheehy S. O’Brien

Lector/Reader M. Moritz P. Duggins M. Theis L. Kuzelka

Servers A. Fanning Z. Fanning

J. Schropp B. Schropp

G, Driscoll J. Schaefer

G. Parr C. Gowen

Music M. Moritz M. Skoch

Volunteer C. Oeltjen M. Skoch

D. Fanning T. Choquette

Ushers for August

M. Consbruck P. Pedroza G. Shaw Volunteer

G. Hasley D. Hoban C. Hoffman R. Koci

T. Fitz B. McMahon R. Pavelka R. Sekora

J. Blazer P.J. Deveny M. Martinez K. Nguyen

EMHC’S: T. Cerny - D. Bialas - D. Hamburger - D. Hawes - A. Schneider - K. Sass

Masses: 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Legion of Mary Prayer Intention for August:

In honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s


*Deadline for the August 24th bulletin is noon on Monday, August 18th.

All items to be considered for the bulletin must be in writing. E mail to: [email protected]

or mail to 301 West 7th Street, or drop off at the parish office.

Ministry Schedule for August 23 & 24

Page 3

Painting Our Picture This weekend’s gospel of the cure of the daughter of the Canaanite woman is captured in the artwork on our bulletin’s front cover. The artist has created a delightful rep-resentation of the event, with a pleading mother, a dandy dressed scholar of the law, inquisitive and insistent disciples, children eating bread and dogs doing tricks to merit a master’s food. What is the emotion on the face of Christ? What has the artist seen that he wishes to translate into picture form for us? The Lord’s face and bodily stature is hard to read. Perhaps this is the artist’s intent. This healing chal-lenges us. The Canaanites were the enemies of Israel from the time of the arri-val of the People of God in the promised land under the leader-ship of Joshua around 1200 BC. The Israelites captured the lands of Canaan, took over their towns and fields, and drove the Canaan-ites into exile. Politically, they were enemies. Religiously, the Canaanites were a threat to the faith of the Jews and the preserva-tion of their way of life. They worshipped pagan gods. They were unclean. There was no love here, and this woman was a nui-sance. She needed to be dis-missed. Further, the focus of Christ’s mis-sion was to the people of Israel, and though the mission expanded into a universal mission to all people, the Lord initially re-stricted His own work and that of His disciples to the people of Is-rael. In the midst of this work, a

Canaanite woman arrives, and pleads for His help. The Lord appears to dismiss her request (agreeing with the sentiment of the Jews who were following Him) based on her ethnicity, but relents and grants her request since she has made her petition with deep faith in Him and His merciful heart. Faith is the meas-ure of membership in the King-dom, not ethnicity. All are wel-come who put their faith in Christ. So, why did this meeting occur, and what is the message that flows from this meeting to us to-day? I think the event occurred pre-cisely as a tool for the Lord to teach the universality of member-ship in His kingdom. What is the message for us? Open wide the doors of the Church to all who believe. No one is under the delusion that we are living the best of times in the Catholic faith community. As a faith community, we’re strug-gling to clearly articulate our message, engage our members, maintain our identity, ward off our spiritual and political ene-mies, and find the purity of life we hope is “out there.” In our own parish, we are seeing less than 50% of our community in regular Mass attendance. Mat-thew Kelly researched this ques-tion and found that 7% of the Catholic community does 80% of the Catholic mission. Times are tough. I have thought, for a long time, that addressing the status of our

community, “remaking the fabric of our community” (to use the words of Pope St. John Paul II) was my principal job. We need to be a strong, vibrant community in order to re-present ourselves to the broader community and be a source of spiritual revival. In other words, evangelization be-gins at home. Our problems are big enough without trying to work among the Canaanites. Clearly, the Lord wants more from us, as this gospel passage reveals. We know this also from experience. Spiritual growth only increases when we give it away. Faith increases when we share it. Love increases when we love. A vibrant faith community arises from its openness, its engage-ment, its generosity with others, and especially with those who seek the faith but do not know what it is or how it can be lived. Perhaps, we can begin to think about this idea. Our greatest treasure is the Eucharist. He changes our life when we draw near to Him, when our faith in His presence and love deepens within us. With God in our heart, we have everything we need and desire. Are there others who need the gift we have received in the Eucharist? Would we be willing to invite them to spend time with Him? Imagine if 10% of our Eu-charistic Adoration Program were adorers who are not (yet) mem-bers of the Catholic faith? Imag-ine if we painted this picture at St. Cecilia Catholic Church!

Fr. Walsh

August 17, 2014 Page 4

St. Cecilia Catholic Church in Hastings, NE, is seeking to hire a Health Ministry Director. This position provides for the development, imple-mentation, supervision and oversight of the Health Ministry. Must be a Registered Nurse, with a minimum of 5 years nursing experience and proof of professional liability insurance to apply. Learn how to apply at, under Health Ministry.

You would help a friend with directions, right? Why not help them with the map to eternal life? RCIA classes start on September 8th. The classes will be held in Centen-nial Hall on Mondays from 7-8:30pm.

RCIA classes are for: • Catholics who want to know more about the faith. • Non-Catholics looking to know what the Catholic Church teaches. Please call the parish office (402.463.1336, ext. 101) for more information or to register.

Bishop Conley will be the homilist and main celebrant at the 19th annual memorial Mass for the late Bishop Glennon P. Flavin at 9:00 a.m., Saturday, August 23, 2014. The Mass is open to the public. It is being sponsored by the School Sis-ters of Christ the King and held at Villa Regina Motherhouse, 4100 SW 56th Street (south of SW 56th and

Van Dorn Street).

Cornhusker Girls State Representatives

Josephine Berg (Home School student) and Brenda Tran (St. Cecilia High School student) were selected to attend the 2014 Cornhusker Girls State this sum-mer. Brenda was sponsored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Wil-liam McDonald #1009, and Josephine was sponsored by a local business.

Congratulations girls!

BENEDICTINE OBLATE ORIENTATION, for those inter-ested, will be held on Saturday, August 23 at 9:30 a.m. in the fam-ily room at St. Michael’s Church in Hastings. Oblates are Christian men and women of all faiths who meet regularly to support each other in their spiritual journey; learning Lectio Divina, the Liturgy of the Hours and community living according to the Rule of Benedict. There is no cost except for occasional books. For more information call Juliene Bryan, 402.746.2207 or email: [email protected] You may also visit the Nebraska Benedictine website:

August 17, 2014 Page 5

Come and Join Us! St. Helena’s Dinner & Bazaar

Grafton, NE

Sunday, August 24 Serving 111:00-1:30 pm

Free Will Offering

*Grafton Downtown Community Building*

Featuring: Roast Beef Buffet with homemade

dressing and pie

Homemade Candy-Quilt Raffle Country Store-Door Prizes

Emily Cannon and Robert (Rob) Brooks were united in marriage at St. Cecilia Catholic

Church on August 9, 2014. Father Adam Sughroue was the

Celebrant for their Mass. Rob made his Profession of Faith at

St. Cecilia Catholic Church on April 19, 2014.

TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MARIAN MASS, ROSARY & CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION! The twenty-seventh annual Marian Mass, Rosary and Candlelight Procession will take place on Wednesday, Septem-ber 10, at 7:00 p.m. on the grounds of the Waverly Marian Center. Bishop Conley will be the main cele-brant and homilist. A play about Fatima, performed by the children in S.T.A.G.E. will begin at 5:45 p.m. The Rosary will be prayed in English, Czech, Spanish, Vietnamese and German. Limited seating and handi-cap accessible restrooms will be provided.

August 17, 2014 Page 6 Please pray for vocations STEWARDSHIP ~ “For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable.” Romans 11:29 God has a special mission in mind for each of us. He has given us the gifts we need to accomplish that mission. We are called to be good stewards by using those gifts to do the work that He has planned for each of us. If we deny our gifts or fail to use them as God calls us to use them, then some part of His work will be left undone.

Pennies for Poland! (World Youth Day, 2016)

Collected 11/03 - 08/10


All loose change in the plate collection is going

towards this fund.

Job Openings at Hastings Catholic Schools: Child Care Assistant

Saint Michael’s Elementary is currently accepting appli-cations for Child Care Assistants. To qualify, applicants must be at least 16 years old and available 3 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. More hours are available on early dismissals and days off of school. Child care experience preferred. Please submit application to Mrs. Carrie Rasmussen, 721 Creighton Avenue, Hastings. The application can be found on the Hastings Catholic School’s website

Part-time High School Secretary Hastings Catholic Schools is currently seeking applicants for a part-time High School Office Secretary position. Please refer to the school’s website for a full job descrip-tion and application.

Centennial Hall Cleaning Night:

Monday, August 18...6:00-9:00 p.m.

We will do a thorough cleaning of the kitchen, tables and chairs, storage closets, etc. Please bring a bucket and rags!

Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House

With the world in such turmoil we all ask, is MY heart at rest or is God calling me to “come away to a quiet place and abide with Him”. Hear His soft & serene voice in the still silence of a retreat. He wants to give you HIS Love & HIS Mercy and the Peace that only HE can give!

Upcoming retreat:

Men & Women Retreat September 5-7 2014 Fr. Jerel Scholl “Human Disorders: Fear & Anxiety”

You can register at and re-ceive immediate confirmation or call Good Counsel Retreat House at 402-786-2705 to register now.

CCD News: Classes begin Wednesday, August 27 at 7:00 pm at St. Michael’s School. Registration be-gins at 6:30 pm in the lobby of St. Michael’s, with classes following from 7:00-8:15. If you have a kin-dergartner or are new to the program, please call Caryn Scott at 402.462.6446 or email [email protected] to pre-register. We are also looking for teachers. Please call Caryn if inter-ested.

Cursillo - Ultreya will be on August 17 at 2:30pm in Centennial Hall. All 4th Dayers are encouraged to attend!

St. Michael’s Preschool still has openings in the 3 & 4 year old class. Classes start September 4th. For more information please

contact St. Michael’s Parish Office.

Adult Choir Practice Begins The 2014/15 Adult Choir season will be-gin Wednesday, September 3, 2014 with our annual Pot Luck Dinner at 6pm in Centennial Hall. Please bring a covered dish of your choice. New comers welcomed! Any questions, call 402.463-4474. Elisabeth Hasley, Choir Director

Knights of Columbus Council 1123 will meet Tuesday evening, August 19, beginning with ro-sary at 7:30 in St. Michael’s Church basement.

Save the date for the annual Chicken Noodle Dinner & Bazaar on Sunday, November 23rd. Still need volunteers to chair these positions: Attic Treasures, Publicity and Super 7 Raffle. If interested, please contact Chelsey Mangers 402.469.3004.

Page 7

Ad page

August 17, 2014 Page 8 Phone: 402-463-1336

Fax: 402-463-1336, Ext. 113 PARISH STAFF

Pastor: Father Joseph M. Walsh, Ext. 103

Assistant: Father Adam M. Sughroue, Ext. 104

In Residence: Father Lee T. Jirovsky, Ext. 106

Hispanic Ministry: Fr. Julius P. Tvrdy (402-772-3511)

Parish Secretary: Mrs. Tammie Schik, Ext. 101

Music Coordinator: Dr. Michael Skoch (402-462-0305)

Adult Choir Director: Mrs. Elisabeth Hasley (402-463-4474)

Augustinian Choir Director: Dr. Michael Skoch (402-462-0305)

CCD Coordinator: Mrs. Caryn Scott (402-462-6446)

Altar Society: Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month, October through May at 7:00 p.m. in Centennial Hall.

President: Penny Moritz (402-461-4438) Vice President: Susan McKedy (402-834-0612)

Secretary: Loy Einsel(402-984-5877) Treasurer: Denise Baumgart (402-461-4910)

Funeral Chairwomen - August: Susan McKedy (402-834-0612) Arlene Harper (402-253-4951)

Coffee & Rolls: The first Sunday of the month in Centennial Hall

after the 7:00 & 9:00 a.m. Masses. Chairwomen: Trina Hucke (402-463-8634)

Tami Jacobi (402-461-4546)

Knights of Columbus Council 11823: Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at

7:30 p.m. in Centennial Hall Grand Knight: Mike Moritz (402-461-4438)

Legion of Mary: Meets Saturday mornings at 7:40 a.m. Contact: Fred Spitz (402-771-2277)

Natural Family Planning: Stephanie Wesely (402-469-5836) Norma Theisen (402-462-2085)


Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. At Holy Cross Chapel: 12:30 p.m. in Spanish Sunday at Good Samaritan Village: 8:00 a.m. Weekdays: 7:00 a.m. (Mon.-Sat.) 12:10 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.)

CONFESSIONS: 20 minutes before each weekday Mass Saturday: 3:30-4:30 p.m. & after 5:00 p.m. Mass Sunday: 10:30-10:50 a.m.

BAPTISMS: Those who are expecting a baby should contact the rectory 1-4 months before the baby is born for Baptismal instructions.

MARRIAGES: Couples planning to get married must contact a priest at least 4 months (preferably 6-8 months) before the tentative wedding date.

Prayer Chain: Gert Kober 462-9358; Jo Lemke 462-6026

Parish Council: Denise Baumgart 461-4910 Mark Beck 751-2829 Neil Beck 463-8218Tom Choquette 463-0118 Myron Consbruck 462-2890Marty Demuth 463-3305 Jackie Miller 463-5870 Mike Moritz 461-4438 Penny Moritz 461-4438 Maureen Nemetz 463-0370 Chuck Neumann 463-5471 Marv Schultes 463-1586 Ron Sekora 462-8351 Ginny Skoch 984-1128 Fred Spitz 771.2277 Bob Sullivan 469-5149 Mike Theis 469-5603 Cris Wright 462-2520


Superintendent: Fr. Thomas Brouillette St. Cecilia High School/Middle School

521 North Kansas ~ 402-462-2105 M.S./H.S. Principal: Fr. Lee Jirovsky

M.S./H.S. Asst. Principal: Mrs. Sandy VanCura

St. Michael’s Elementary 721 Creighton ~ 402-462-6310

Principal: Mrs. Carrie Rasmussen

St. Michael’s Pre-School Director: Mrs. Shelly Wright 402-984-2583

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Cecilia Church #156600 301 West 7th Street Hastings, NE 68901 TELEPHONE 402 463-1336 CONTACT PERSON Tammie Schik SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 11.0 Windows 7 Professional PRINTER HP Laserjet 4250n TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 5:00 PM SUNDAY August 17, 2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 9