st. john evangelical lutheran church april 2019before/after school and summer program for school...

REV. KEVIN K. ADER 715-544-0325 [email protected] [email protected] Mission Statement: We are called by God to be the light of the world. We are to go forth and show Jesus’ love and forgiveness through loving care for all God’s creation. St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church Page 1 Adult Bible Studies We continue our study of the Gospels using The Gospel Project Chronological. We will be starting Book 10, which will take us through the Book of Acts. Study Guides are $7. 00, and extras are available so please join us. We begin at 8:05 a.m. Sunday mornings before worship. There will be no Bible Class on Sunday, April 21, and we will conclude for the summer on Sunday, April 28. The Monday afternoon class continues studying the book of Job. If you’d like to join us, there is plenty of room. Just bring your Bible, no other materials required. We meet from 1:30 – 3:00 every Monday. Please note we will only be meeting on April 1 and April 29. Our final session for the season will be April 29. Lenten Services Our main Lenten series for our weekend worship during Lent and for Holy Week is entitled “Sermon on the Mount”. Each service we will consider our Lord’s teaching from the Mount found in the Gospel according to Matthew, chapters 5 – 7. Week 5 – April 7 Build on Rock • Matthew 7:24-27 We build our lives on very shaky foundations, and then we are surprised when things start collapsing. Jesus reminds us in his teachings that the only solid foundation is himself, the Rock of our salvation. On him alone we build. Palm Sunday – April 14 Ask, Seek, Knock • Matthew 7:7-11 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people asked, “Who is this King of Glory?” They were seeking one who saves when they shouted, “Hosanna!” They were knocking on the door for a new future. What they did not know was that Jesus was opening the door to new life through the cross. Maundy Thursday – April 18 The Golden Rule • Matthew 7:12 Jesus lived out the Golden Rule the night he was betrayed, but with a twist. He taught his disciples to do to others as he had done to them: washing their feet, forgiving their sins and loving them unconditionally. Good Friday – April 19 The Tree and Its Fruit • Matthew 7:15-20 Jesus preached that good trees can be recognized by their fruits. Despite its appearance, the tree of the cross on Good Friday proved to be the best tree of all, because by Christ’s death upon it came the fruit of everlasting life. April 2019

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Page 1: St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church April 2019Before/After school and summer program for school aged children. Applicants must meet the requirements as outlined by the state child

REV. KEVIN K. ADER 715-544-0325

[email protected] [email protected]

Mission Statement: We are called by God to be the light of the world. We are to go forth and show Jesus’ love and forgiveness through loving care for all God’s creation.

St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church

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Adult Bible Studies

We continue our study of the Gospels using The Gospel Project Chronological. We will be starting Book 10, which will take us through the Book of Acts. Study Guides are $7. 00, and extras are available so please join us. We begin at 8:05 a.m. Sunday mornings before worship. There will be no Bible Class on Sunday, April 21, and we will conclude for the summer on Sunday, April 28.

The Monday afternoon class continues studying the book of Job. If you’d like to join us, there is plenty of room. Just bring your Bible, no other materials required. We meet from 1:30 – 3:00 every Monday. Please note we will only be meeting on April 1 and April 29. Our final session for the season will be April 29.

Lenten Services

Our main Lenten series for our weekend worship during Lent and for Holy Week is entitled “Sermon on the Mount”. Each service we will consider our Lord’s teaching from the Mount found in the Gospel according to Matthew, chapters 5 – 7.

Week 5 – April 7

Build on Rock • Matthew 7:24-27 We build our lives on very shaky foundations, and then we are surprised when things start collapsing. Jesus reminds us in his teachings that the only solid foundation is himself, the Rock of our salvation. On him alone we build.

Palm Sunday – April 14

Ask, Seek, Knock • Matthew 7:7-11 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people asked, “Who is this King of Glory?” They were seeking one who saves when they shouted, “Hosanna!” They were knocking on the door for a new future. What they did not know was that Jesus was opening the door to new life through the cross.

Maundy Thursday – April 18

The Golden Rule • Matthew 7:12 Jesus lived out the Golden Rule the night he was betrayed, but with a twist. He taught his disciples to do to others as he had done to them: washing their feet, forgiving their sins and loving them unconditionally.

Good Friday – April 19

The Tree and Its Fruit • Matthew 7:15-20 Jesus preached that good trees can be recognized by their fruits. Despite its appearance, the tree of the cross on Good Friday proved to be the best tree of all, because by Christ’s death upon it came the fruit of everlasting life.

April 2019

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Easter – April 20 & 21

Treasures in Heaven • Matthew 6:19-21 Easter reminds us that Jesus taught to lay up treasures in heaven and not on earth. His resurrection is a wake-up call to us all that while the things of this earth are temporary, we have the precious gift of life with him forever awaiting us.

Our mid-week morning services conclude the series “Three Words of Truth”. Each service focuses on a poignant three-word phrase from the record of Jesus’ passion and resurrection. Join us Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m.

April 3: What Is Truth?

April 10: Take Him Away!

Our mid-week evening services following Ash Wednesday will be utilizing the series “Convicted”. Each week we will step into the courtroom and witness a different biblical person from the story of Christ’s passion and death on trial in each service, accused of an actual crime.

You are the jury, how will you find the person? Guilty or Innocent? Be careful, you may just convict yourself. Some of our young people will be serving as attorneys for both the Defense and Prosecution. Each week should be exciting! Join us, Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., following the Lenten Supper, upstairs in the sanctuary.

Scripture Readers

We have two new scripture readers in April, Anita Westfall and Babs Woodward. If you would like to serve as a reader for our worship services, please contact Pastor Ader or Doug Ross.

Maundy Thursday Soup and Sandwich Lunch

After the morning Maundy Thursday Service, the Ladies Aid will be serving a delicious homemade chicken noodle soup and sandwich luncheon. There will also be delicious bars. Please join us after the morning service for food and fellowship.

Lenten Meals

We still have two weeks of Lenten Meals that are being served from 5:00 PM—6:20 PM before the Wednesday evening services. If you attended church in the morning, please feel free to come back to have a delicious meal that you don’t have to cook and enjoy fellowship with our church members. The menu will be as follows:

April 3 - BBQ Night hosted by A-Men

April 10 - Hot Dish and Homemade Rolls hosted by Elaine Polansky

If you would be interested in donating bars or cookies for dessert or helping out with clean up on any of the nights, please feel free to get in touch with Kaitlyn Federwitz. Extra hands make easy work!

Harriet Brandt Memorial

The family of Harriet Brandt purchased the coffee bar/maker that is in the church kitchen in memory of Harriet Anyone that knew Harriet were very aware of her love of coffee. Thank you to everyone that gave money in her memory.

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Lutheran Hour Broadcast

The Lutheran Hour can be heard on the following radio stations on Sunday Morning: WAXX 104.5 FM at 6:30 a.m.; WDLB 1450 AM at 8 a.m.; WDUX 92.7 FM at 8 a.m.; WSAU 99.9 FM at 8:30 a.m.; and WRVM 91.3 FM, 94.3 FM or 101.3 FM at 10 a.m.

April 7 "The Darkness Has Not Overcome It" Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler God works through the darkness to overcome the darkness. Even in history's darkest moment, the light is still shining. (John 12:37-50) April 14 "He Loved Them to the End" Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler We are people of diverse backgrounds drawn together by Jesus. We want to share His life with you. (John 13/18/19) April 21 "Cross in the Garden" Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler God is the true Gardener. He brought the soil of His garden into His being to make a new creation. (John 19:30-20:18) April 28 "Disturbing Cognitive Dissonance" Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler Doubt is a normal part of our present human experience. Only the presence of the risen Jesus will overcome it. (John 20:19-31)

Worship Anew

Worship Anew is a thirty-minute Christian worship experience featuring classic hymns, the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and a 10-minute message by Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod pastors. Beginning on June 28, 2015, RCCA will begin airing WSFI on Solarus Cable Channel 3 and Charter Cable Channel 985 on Sunday mornings at 6:30 am and Wednesday mornings at 8:00 am.

WSFI can also be seen on Stevens Point Community TV (Charter Cable Channel 984) at the following times: Mondays 12:30 pm, Tuesdays 2:00 pm, Thursdays 2:30 pm, Fridays 10:30 am and Saturdays at 11:00 am.

April 7, 2019 – Fifth Sunday in Lent

Psalm 126; Old Testament: Isaiah 43:16-21; Gospel: Luke 20:9-20

“Cornerstone of Salvation” - Sermon Text: Luke 20:17b - Rev. Shayne Jonker

"The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone" (Luke 20:17b). The Messiah of Israel, Jesus, is a rejected Messiah. One of the architects and builders of Israel thought unfit to be the cornerstone, but God sizes up the angles differently. This Jesus, born of the Virgin, crucified and risen, reigning at the right hand of God, the One who baptizes you and forgives you and feeds you is the rejected Rock of Israel and the Cornerstone of your salvation.

April 14, 2019 – Palm Sunday

Psalm 118:18-29; Gospel: John 12:20-43

“A Troubled Soul” - Sermon Text: John 12:20-43 - Rev. Paul Shoemaker

Have you ever been terrified about something in your immediate future that you had to face? Jesus did. When confronted with the cross Jesus said, "Now is my soul troubled." Learn how Jesus dealt with His "troubled soul

April 21, 2019 – The Resurrection of Our Lord-Easter Day

Psalm 16; Epistle: 1 Corinthians 15:19-26; Gospel: Luke 24:1-12

“Where Are You Searching?” - Sermon Text: Luke 24:1-12 - Rev. William Mueller

Followers of Jesus journeyed to His tomb that Easter morning fully expecting to find a dead body. Instead, they are met with the joyous news that Jesus was risen from the dead! The question the Easter angels ask the women, though, penetrates our hearts and souls as well – "Why do you look for the living among the dead?"

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April 28, 2019 – Second Sunday of Easter

Psalm 148; Epistle: Revelation 1:4-8; Gospel: John 20:24-31

“Vindication!” - Sermon Text: John 20:24-31 - Rev. Dr. Thomas Ahlersmeyer

How do we bear all the unbearable things people are called to carry? Scripture is bursting with words and actions that witness to future deliverance. "Vindication" – the validation of all that Christians have hoped and longed for – empowers us to face challenging todays and tomorrows.

Scrip Scrap Corner

Easter will be here before you now it. Still time to purchase scrip for your Easter meal or Easter baskets. We have McDonalds or Culver’s which would be a great gift to put in your child or grandchild ’s Easter Baskets. We also have Copp’s, IGA and Walmart to purchase for your groceries for Easter Dinner. Shopko scrip cards have now been discontinued in our Scrip Program due to all the Shopko stores being closed. Please support St. John and purchase scrip cards for any of your needs not just at Easter but all year long. Our profit total for March was $178.86

Immanuel Lutheran School and Child Care Wisconsin Rapids, is currently taking applications to fill open positions: Assistant Teachers, in our Child Care Center and in our Before/After school and summer program for school aged children. Applicants must meet the requirements as outlined by the state child care licensing regulations. If interested in applying, please send cover letter and resume by April 18th to Brian Betts at [email protected] or Teresa Wells at [email protected]. Cover letter and resume may also be mailed to Immanuel Lutheran School and Child Care 111 11th St N., Wisconsin Rapids, 54494.

Scavenger Hunt

Have fun and Help Central Wisconsin gift of Life. On May 4th, there is a scavenger hunt at the Ridges that benefits Organ Donation. Central Wisconsin gift of Life is the brain child of Jill Dillion a living kidney donor and Sara Solinsky is Jill’s kidney recipient. The scavenger hunt begins at 11:00 AM and ends at 3:00 PM. Registration is at 10:00 AM. We can preregister and the price is $25.00/person. If you register the day of the hunt, the price is $35/person. Teams are made up of 4-6 people. You must be able to fit your team in one car. Your team will receive lists and bags with any items needed for the hunt. There are between 100 & 110 items or tasks. The team picks what they feel they can get done. You will receive more points if you hand our “Yes, I will” donation cards. If you ask a business to make an auction donation, you will receive extra points. When back at the Ridges there will be food, prizes and raffles. Sign up sheet will be in the Narthex. Need to register before April 18th.

Fish Boil

A Fish Boil will be held at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Plover, WI on Friday, April 26, 2019, 5 - 6:30pm. Ticket cost: $14. Tickets must be purchased in advance through the church office by stopping in or calling 715-341-2898 Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4pm. This event is being sponsored by Beautiful Savior's SALT / LWML.

All proceeds will assist Orphan Grain Train with shipping costs.

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Page 6: St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church April 2019Before/After school and summer program for school aged children. Applicants must meet the requirements as outlined by the state child
Page 7: St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church April 2019Before/After school and summer program for school aged children. Applicants must meet the requirements as outlined by the state child