st. john of the cross parish...january 12, 2014 st. john of the cross parish from the desk of fr....

5005 S. Wolf Road Western Springs, IL 60558 Parish Office: 708-246-4404 Called to be Holy through Prayer, Service & Sharing to Build Up the Kingdom of God. The Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2014 St. John of the Cross Parish

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Page 1: St. John of the Cross Parish...January 12, 2014 St. John of the Cross Parish From the Desk of Fr. Dowdle 01-12-2014 page 2 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Dear Parishioners, Record breaking,

5005 S. Wolf Road Western Springs, IL 60558 ▪ Parish Office: 708-246-4404 ▪

Called to be Holy through Prayer, Service & Sharing

to Build Up the Kingdom of God. The Baptism of the Lord

January 12, 2014

St. John of the Cross Parish

Page 2: St. John of the Cross Parish...January 12, 2014 St. John of the Cross Parish From the Desk of Fr. Dowdle 01-12-2014 page 2 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Dear Parishioners, Record breaking,

From the Desk of Fr. Dowdle 01-12-2014 page 2 praying ~ serving ~ sharing

Dear Parishioners, Record breaking, life threatening below zero and dangerously cold temperatures. Ice packed roads, snow drifts, and wind chill. Cancelled flights, stranded Amtrak trains, cars needing jump starts. Layers of clothing, boots and scarves, hats and gloves, frostbite. Frozen pipes, ice jams, huge icicles. School closings, meetings cancelled, traffic lighter than usual. (So it hasn’t been all bad!) Our lives have been dominated by this vocabulary for the past week in a way I certainly don’t remember having occurred in neither recent past nor distant past. It started with news coverage of kids playing in the snow, sledding and building forts. By the beginning of last week there was nothing fun or playful about the weather at all. A wise spiritual director gave me this bit of wisdom a long time ago: God asks of us many things, but he never asks of us to give up our common sense. That includes coming to church. The way I put that issue is: If God wants you to come to church he has to give you two things and they have to be at the same time: good health and good weather. If the icy sidewalks, extreme temperatures or difficult travel conditions put your life in jeopardy, please stay home. Always use your common sense. If your immune system is compromised and being in crowds threatens your health, please stay home. If it requires a heroic effort and an inordinate amount of time and energy, please stay home. (But as a pastor with tongue firmly planted in my cheek: stay home, but send in your envelope!). This is as true in the winter as it is in the summer, by the way. Having said that, I have to admit I was inspired by some of the people coming to church last weekend. It became more difficult to navigate the snow and cold as the morning progressed. All morning long I saw senior citizens, families with small children, and all kinds of faithful parishioners making their way to church. Some folks commented, ‘What’s the big deal? It’s winter in Chicago!’ At the 12:15pm Mass, I saw two people in motorized chairs coming in the back of church. And I thought to myself, ‘That’s a big deal!’ The determination on the part of these two people, whom I can’t say I remember seeing before and since they came in together, seemed to be part of the same family, simply stopped me in my tracks. I began replaying in my mind all that they had to do to get here; from dressing warmly (putting on extra layers isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do when you are confined to a wheelchair), navigating the snow perhaps both getting into a vehicle and certainly getting out of the vehicle, maneuvering their chairs through semi-shoveled parking lots and sidewalks, etc., etc. I silently wondered if I would have made the same effort were I confined to a wheelchair. I honestly don’t know the answer. Strange how we appreciate in a different way things we so easily take for granted, like safety, comfort, ease of movement, the freedom to choose. When they are taken from us their importance is glaringly clarified.

By the time you read this the temperatures are supposed to have become more moderate, at least for January in Chicago. Give God the praise for ‘normal’ winter! Not so bad, now, is it?

Happy New Year, Fr. David

Exploring Priesthood Weekend: January 24-26 Exploring Priesthood Weekend is a retreat designed to help men, college age and older, to discern God’s call to priesthood through prayer, discussion and group interaction. For more information contact: Rev. Francis Bitterman at 312-534-8298 or [email protected]

"If you begin to live life looking for the

God that is all around you, every moment becomes a prayer."

Frank Bianco

Page 3: St. John of the Cross Parish...January 12, 2014 St. John of the Cross Parish From the Desk of Fr. Dowdle 01-12-2014 page 2 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Dear Parishioners, Record breaking,

Is God Calling You to Serve? Do You Want to Make a Difference

in our World? We have an immediate important

volunteer opportunity right in our parish community.

Crossroads Ministry is looking for 2 couples willing to lead a Home Group for freshmen students. Home group leaders usually stay with the students throughout their high school years, mentoring and fostering their faith development. Leading a home group does not require any special skills or experience—just a willingness to share your faith and inspire our young people to grow in their relationship to God. Whether you are a young parent, a senior or an aunt or uncle, please consider this important role. Our need is real, and it is here at SJC. Contact our Director of Crossroads Youth Ministry: Katie Hayes at 246-4404 x140 or [email protected] if you would like to help.

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Strong Catholic Parents

Family Connection At Jesus' baptism, God affirms his Son's mission for salvation. God announces his pleasure with Jesus and, in Matthew's Gospel, announces to all that, “This is my beloved Son” (Matthew 3:17). With this affirmation, Jesus is able to resist the temptations described next in Matthew's Gospel and to begin his public ministry. As family members, we can support one another in our Christian living by affirming the importance of each person in our eyes and in God's. Confident that through our Baptism we too were made children of God, we can resist temptation and share in Christ's mission. Gather as a family to read today's Gospel, Matthew 3:13-17. Recall that God's message about Jesus was meant for us, “This is my beloved Son.” It was also an affirmation for Jesus about his role in God's plan. Place each family member's name on a slip of paper and put the names in a bowl. Invite each person in the family to choose another family member's name and to prepare a message for that person, affirming their importance in God's eyes and in your family life. Pray together that your family will continue to support one another in your baptismal promises to be disciples of Jesus and then invite each person to read aloud the message they prepared. Conclude by praying together the Lord's Prayer. Reprinted with permission © 2013 Loyola Press. Chicago, USA

Breaking Open the Word Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel Step One: Listen to the Word As you listen to the story of Jesus calling the first disciples, what one word or thought strikes you? What image or insight do you take away from this? Step Two: Look into Your Life Question for Children: How do you hear Jesus calling you to do what he wants you to? Question for Youth: As you grow into young adulthood, Je-sus calls you to follow him in particular ways, both big and small. What are some of the small ways in which Jesus calls you to follow him? Question for Adults: How does Jesus call you to assist in his ministry: the building up of the Reign of God? How do you know what God wants of you in this regard? Our Sunday Visitor 01-12-2014 page 4 praying ~ serving ~ sharing

Catholic Basics: Baptism Baptism is a sacrament of initiation, cleansing, strengthening, and welcoming. Baptism welcomes us into the community of Christian believers. It offers us a new life in which we become the adopted children of God, followers of Christ, and temples in which the Holy Spirit dwells. Baptism leaves a permanent spiritual mark on our soul that makes us holy and opens us to salvation and eternal life with God. Like any sacrament, Baptism makes visible an invisible reality, using physical signs and rituals to express our experience of God and his grace in our lives.

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As part of collaborative efforts across the parish that are focused on strengthening and supporting the vocation of all Catholic parents, we have developed new resources for parents bringing their infant for baptism. What do I need to do to have my baby baptized? Pre-baptism sessions are now offered for all parents whether it is your first child being baptized or a subsequent child. The sessions are offered on the fourth Sunday of each month at 1:30pm (noon during the summer). It is our expectation that both parents will attend this session. Feel free to bring your new baby and invite the godparents too. The session which runs 2 hours is designed with input from parents like you who are eager to provide an environment that will foster faith in Jesus Christ. Parents are asked to register to attend a pre-baptism session. Simply call the parish center front office during regular business hours (9am-4pm). One of our full-time staff members will take all the necessary information and answer any questions you may have.

Preparing for Infant Baptism at SJC

A life of happiness, holiness and faith

God of all creation, we are made in your image and are signs of your love. Bless these children who were given new life as your adopted sons and daughters through the waters of Baptism. May they grow up to know your name and give you praise. Bless the mothers and fathers of these children. Fill them with your strength so that they will be models of faith for their children, nurturing and teaching by word and example to know you and walk in your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our parish community

prayerfully supports and congratulates the

following families who had their children

baptized last Sunday!

Jacob Tyler Jordan, baby Joseph and Jennifer, parents Michael Jordan and Rebecca

Sylve, godparents

Charlotte Jean Rehor, baby Mark and Julie, parents

Dan Brewer and Amy Brewer, godparents

Madeline Anne Sykora, baby

Christopher and Christine, parents

James Klein and Stephanie Klein, godparents

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School 01-12-2014 page 6 praying ~ serving ~ sharing

St. John of the Cross Parish School: Community of Faith, Knowledge, and Service Our annual celebration of National Catholic Schools Week begins in two weeks. This year we celebrate our role as a community of faith, knowledge, and service where today’s students become tomorrow’s leaders. We invite you to join in celebrating our week with us beginning on Sunday, January 26, after the 9 and 10:45 a.m. Masses in the Parish Center for a reception and also on Thursday, January 30, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 1:30- 3 p.m. for our annual Open House. This Week at SJC Monday, January 13, All School Liturgy at 9:15 a.m.

Students at LRC Computers

Happy to be back to school after Christmas!

Help at Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 10:45am Mass!

We are looking for volunteers. Training provided. We are schedule-friendly. Contact Megan at

[email protected]

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From the Desk of Jessica Koch, Director of Music 01-12-2014 page 7 praying ~ serving ~ sharing

Singing the Psalms At St. John of the Cross Parish we recently introduced a new collection of modern-sounding psalms written by the Canadian composer Michel Guimont. The refrains do not match the ones provided by the Word & Song missalette because they are from a different publisher; however, they can all be found in the very back of the Gather hymnal, and cantors will announce the number for those who like to follow along with the music. I hope that the contemporary nature and accessibility of these new psalm settings will help preserve the relevance of psalms in our lives, inspiring authentic prayer in our community. The florid language and vivid imagery of the Old Testament world that are prevalent in the psalms can at times make them feel outdated and irrelevant to our modern lives. And yet, they are timeless. They praise God for unspecified triumphs in ages past while offering praise for the victories God has worked in our own lives. They call upon God in the face of unnamed fears and shed light on the distress we hold in our hearts. They give voice to our innermost hopes and desires. They help us express our deepest emotions. In short, they teach us how to pray. The psalm response plays an important role in liturgy today “because it fosters meditation on the word of God” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 61). The psalm serves as a response to the first reading, allowing meditation on God’s word to sink into our hearts and become prayer. The Book of Psalms, a book of the Old Testament of the Bible, is a collection of poetic texts most likely written for use in ancient Jewish worship. The 150 individual psalms were written during the course of several centuries, some dating even earlier than 1000 B.C. Many of the psalms are attributed to King David. The original Hebrew texts follow metric patterns and literary forms. The word psalm, from the Greek psallmoi indicates that these poems are meant to be sung. They are hymns of praise, thanksgiving, and lament, royal anthems, and songs of wisdom and of the law. In an effort to closely link each psalm response to the readings of the day, the Lectionary consists of 900 separate refrains derived from the 150 biblical psalms. To set all of the Lectionary psalms with their 900 different refrains to music is a big task, to say the least. It would be a challenge for an assembly – and for music ministers – to learn so many different psalm settings. In response to this reality, the Lectionary offers common psalms, psalms that complement the inherent themes of particular seasons of the liturgical year. A common psalm may be used multiple times throughout a particular season in place of the proper psalm, the psalm prescribed by the Lectionary that corresponds more directly to the readings of the day. In the post-Vatican II church, common psalms have been used frequently to encourage the “full, conscious, and active” participation of the faithful (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 14). During Advent, we might use Psalm 25, “To you, O Lord, I lift my soul;” during Lent, Psalm 51, “Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned;” during Ordinary Time, Psalm 27, “The Lord is my light and my salvation,” or Psalm 95, “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” These short, memorable refrains make excellent prayers. I often use them as a mantra throughout the day. They are a source of inspiration, and they keep me rooted in faith.

Jessica Koch

Director of Music Ministries

Studying the Psalms : Psalms I on Mondays at 1pm beginning February 3rd

To study Psalms is to study prayer, ultimately to enter into prayer. Through video and discussion our study will challenge participants to reflect on their own prayer and life experiences. Psalms I focuses on a selection of twenty-eight psalms divided into three categories: psalms of descriptive praise, psalms of trust or confidence, and wisdom psalms. Psalms of descriptive praise, also known as hymns, praise God for his ongoing, regular care of the world and humanity. Psalms of trust or confidence reinforce the belief that the God who made and loves us will protect us in difficult situations. Wisdom psalms are an acknowledgment of God’s justice in the right ordering of human affairs. To register for this study please drop off an envelope to the parish center with your contact information on the front, including email and phone, and a check for $15 to cover study materials by January 28th. Contact Roberta Gilbert at [email protected] with any questions.

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Lifelong Catechesis

J ohn is pointing to a baptism greater than his and to a person greater than he. Jesus asks John to baptize him in order to “fulfill all righteousness” and thus show forth his continuity with the tradition in which John stands. But more happens. When the heavens open, the Spirit descends and Jesus is announced as the “beloved Son,” a new tradition is born, and humanity’s relationship with God is changed forever.

Plunged into the baptismal waters, we die to our old self; rising from the waters, we enter into the new Life baptism promises. Baptism inaugurates us into the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ. It inaugurates us into his way of life, one totally taken up with bringing healing and freedom to all those we meet in our daily living. This dying and rising is the “stuff” of our Gospel living. The pattern of Jesus’ life is the pattern of our own lives. Gospel living is as concrete as Jesus’ life and mission. For example, like Jesus, we are living justly when we die to selfishness and rise to the needs of others. Like Jesus, we respect the dignity of others when we die to judgments and categorizing or labeling others and rise to seeing all people as beloved children of God. Like Jesus, we do good when we forgive; we heal others when we offer kind words instead of words that tear down, or help another without being asked. Our baptism is ongoing in our lives when we live the greatness John recognized in Jesus. If John were alive today, would he see that same greatness in us? Closing Prayers: May we work for the victory of justice and the blessing of dignity and peace for all people. May we always and everywhere live in a manner worthy of our great dignity as baptized members of the Body of Christ. For Reflection: · Baptized into Christ, I am God’s “beloved,” and the difference this makes in how I live is . . . · Baptism has changed me in that . . . It makes a concrete difference in my life in that 01-12-2014 page 8 praying ~ serving ~ sharing

Monday 1 Sam 1:1-8 Ps 116:12-13, 14-17, 18-19 Mark 1:14-20

Tuesday 1 Sam 1:9-20 1 Sam 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd Mark 1:21-28

Wednesday 1 Sam 3:1-10, 19-20 Ps 40:2 and 5, 7-8a, 8b-9, 10 Mark 1:29-39

Thursday 1 Sam 4:1-11 Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25 Mark 1:40-45

Friday 1 Sam 8:4-7, 10-22a Ps 89:16-17, 18-19 Mark 2:1-12

Saturday 1 Sam 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a Ps 21:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 Mark 2:13-17

Sunday Isa 49:3, 5-6 Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10 1 Cor 1:1-3 John 1:29-34

Readings for the Week ————————————————————————————————

The Third Week of Christmas An epiphany is a discovery - an insight, a revelation. When the curtain opens on a stage, the story is presented to the audience. Matthew's telling of the journey of the sages from the East to discover and be shown the birth of Jesus is about an epiphany. It symbolically tells us that Jesus will be a light, a Savior, not only for the people of the promise, but for everyone - just as Isaiah foretold. The Baptism of the Lord is also an epiphany. As Jesus enters into the waters muddied by the sins of us all, to become one with us, the sky is opened and he is revealed to be the beloved Son of God, our Savior. During the week, as the story of Jesus' presence among us rolls out, we can rejoice and embrace the love he offers us. We are those who are in need of healing. We are at sea. We are the outcasts. We are hungry. We are poor, captives, oppressed and blind. He has come and we have celebrated his coming. This week we can grow in our ability to live more aware of and grateful for his presence among as light in our darkness, as the one who loves us because we need his love. We can find time each day to let these stories - and their rich images - into the background of our daily life. There will be moments this week when we will need courage, in the face of a feeling that a storm is too much for us. We can hear him assure us, "Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!" We might come face to face with an obstacle, perhaps our own ability to communicate well or our inability to be humble or transparent. We can pause - walking from one place to another - and ask for healing. We might be given the grace to say, "Lord, I've been blind. I haven't seen how my behavior has hurt my spouse or my children. Let me see your love for me. Forgive me, and heal me, so I can be freed from my aggressive ways and be more sensitive, more attentive, more tender." The Lord will answer those kinds of prayers. Creighton University

This week we can grow in our ability to live more aware of and grateful for his presence among as light in our darkness, as the one who loves us because we need his love.

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Prayer: Discovering God’s Plan for Your Life 01-12-2014 page 9 praying ~ serving ~ sharing

Everyone, no matter who they are—single, married, vowed, ordained—participates in the "universal call to holiness" in their own way. Part of God's plan is diversity, with everyone building up the community in ways that others cannot do. Where would we be if everyone were a priest or a sister? Or if everyone were married and there were no religious orders?

OK, so I have a unique vocation. What is it?

Identifying your desires are an important way to discover your vocation. Your desires—not your surface needs, but your heartfelt desires—are one indication of the way that God is drawing you to happiness. On the most basic level, a man and woman come together in desire to discover their vocations as a married couple. Doctors or lawyers or artists find that they desire a particular kind of life and so find their vocations. Desire works the same in the lives of the saints, drawing each of them to different brands of holiness and service in the church. St. Thérèse of Lisieux was very different, and did very different things, than St. Teresa of Ávila. In this way, God's desires for the world are fulfilled, since ultimately our deepest desires are those that God has planted within us. So the notion of vocation (from the Latin word vocare, meaning "to call") is less about finding one and more about having it revealed to us, as we continually pray to understand your "governing" desires. The primary difficulty in all this is the false belief that to become useful, or happy, or holy, we have to become someone else. The young mother says sadly, "I'll never be Mother Teresa," when in fact her vocation is to be a mother. Or the lawyer, who reads about the Trappist monk Thomas Merton, says, "I'll never be like him." But you're not meant to be Mother Teresa or Thomas Merton, estimable as they were. You're meant to be yourself. As Merton himself wrote, "For me to be a saint means to be myself." Part of that means letting go of the wish to lead someone else's life, and remembering that our own vocations—not somebody else's—are what will finally lead us to happiness. You don't need to use anyone else's map to heaven, because God has already placed within your soul all the directions you'll ever need. When people visited Mother Teresa in Calcutta, hoping to work with her, she used to tell many, "Find your own Calcutta." Discover your own vocation. And remember that every vocation is equally valuable and beautiful in God's eyes. Excerpts from article by James Martin, S.J. Used with permission

Ignatian Spirituality

Dear Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that my life may only be a radiance of yours. Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel your presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me, but only you, Jesus. Stay with me so that I shall begin to shine as you shine, so to shine as to be light to others. The light, O Jesus, will be all from you. None of it will be mine. It will be you shining on others through me. Let me thus praise you in the way you love best by shining on those around me. Let me preach you without preaching, not by words, but by my example; by the catching force—the sympathetic influence of what I do, the evident fullness of the love my heart bears to you. Amen.

Richard Rohr Meditation: My Religion is Kindness

I think the genius of the Dalai Lama and of Buddhism is that they do not get lost in metaphysics and argumentation about dogmas and doctrines. They stay at a different level and thus avoid much of the endless disagreement that we find within Christianity. They do not argue about “what” but spend all of their time on “how”—which we have tended to neglect while we argue about “what.” As the Dalai Lama says, “My religion is kindness.” We could dismiss that as lightweight theology, until we remember that Jesus said, “This is my commandment: you must love one another” (John 13:34). Kindness is supposed to be the religion of Christians too! As we continue to mature, we come to a sure sense that there is a deep okayness to life. “All will be well, all will be well, and every manner of things will be well,” as Julian of Norwich put it. We can live more and more within unitive consciousness and know the Divine Life itself is flowing through us. Your life is not about you; you are about Life! Life, your life, all life, the one life that we all share, is going somewhere and somewhere good. You do not need to navigate the river, for you are already flowing within it. For some reason, it takes a long time to get where we already are. Our goal is to intentionally participate in this mystery of what has always been our True Self. The Great Ones all agree on this: This one life, this True Self that lasts forever, is Love (1 Corinthians 13:8, 13). And we practice for it by being kind to everyone now.

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2013 in Review

Back to School, Fall 2013

Saintly Senior Octoberfest

Women’s Club Annual Coat Drive

Our Parish Year in Review in Pictures can be found in Dec. 29 and Jan. 5 bulletins and will continue each week! Go to our parish website to see all the pictures.

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Youth Catechesis Crossroads 01-12-2014 page 11 praying ~ serving ~ sharing

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Jan 12 Home Group meetings Jan 18 Cooke’s Manor 3-6 pm

For a complete calendar of Crossroad events for the

year go to:

Cooke’s Manor Volunteer Opportunity Jan 18 Cooke’s Manor: Preparing dinner for the residents of Cooke’s Manor who are veterans recovering from alcohol and drug abuse. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Lis Williams at [email protected].

Identity Retreat We had another successful Fresh/Soph retreat last weekend. Below are some pictures. Everyone had a blast with tubing, scavenger hunt, and broomball!

YC classes resume Sunday, January 12th & Monday, January 13th! This week completes the meetings with all parish 8th graders in preparation for their upcoming Confirmation. The students gathered in small groups with a staff member or a high school member of the Day of the Spirit Team. They discussed which experiences have been most meaningful to them in the past year and a half that they have spent preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. They shared the name they chose for Confirmation and which saint inspired them. The students also talked about the importance of the service experiences they were involved in and described the gifts of the Holy Spirit that they recognize in themselves and others. Confirmation invites these young people to become more deeply committed to their faith and more involved in our parish community. Join us in prayer for all our parish youth who will receive the sacrament in February. Please consider taking a prayer dove from the Prayer Trees in the church narthex this weekend. Each dove has the name of an 8th grade student. Please pray for the student as they complete their Confirmation journey—that they embrace the gifts that will become boldly alive within their hearts and that they live faithful lives.

YC Schedule Classes K-6 10:15-11:30am Sunday, Jan 12, 26 6:15-7:30pm Monday, Jan 13, 27 FFC Noon-1:30 pm Sunday, February 2 Jr Hi Groups On campus Sunday, Jan 12, 26 Special Needs Sunday, Jan 12, 26

The YC Office is CLOSED January 20 for Martin Luther King Day.

Youth Catechesis Office [email protected] * 708-246-6760

Monday thru Thursday 8:30am- 4:00pm

Pictures from the 8th Grade Day of the Spirit Retreat in October, 2013.

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After the holidays, it’s time to wind down, so grab your friends and treat yourself to an evening with Chef Mary Gail Bennett of Deliciously Yours in Burr Ridge who is returning for another mouthwatering evening of easily prepared dishes along with a special " wine pairing" with Hillgrove Wine Cellars of Western Springs. After the event, stop in Hillgrove Wine Cellars, mention "SJC Women's Club Cooking Night" and stock up! SJC Women's Club will receive a percentage back from all sales to help further our mission to support women’s and children's charities.

SPACE IS LIMITED! RSVP by January 20th

$10 per person (payable by cash or check made out to SJC Women's Club)

Return your Registration to the Parish Center

Name: __________________________________

Address: ________________________________

Phone: _________________________________

Email: __________________________________

Number of guests: _________________

Amount enclosed $_________________


Contact: Denise Schullo [[email protected]] or Jeanne Conkin [[email protected]]

Annual Cooking Night Wednesday, January 22

7-9:00pm Parish Center 01-12-2014 page 12 praying ~ serving ~ sharing

The following programs are offered at The Well in LaGrange Park. Mark your calendar!! Our next parish sponsored program at the Well is with Terry Nelson Johnson on Saturday, Feb. 8th from 9-Noon. More details in bulletin next week! Towards A New Spirituality: Integrating the Universe Story into our Personal Spirituality Saturday, January 18: 10:00 am-4:00 pm Facilitators: Annette and Frank Hulefeld Cost: $50 includes lunch. Wondering what this New Story is all about? Are you just entering the Universe Story and trying to figure out how to make sense of this new perspective? Are you questioning how to reconcile the New Story with your inherited religious tradition? Whether the Universe Story is new to you, or you are steeped in the Story, come for an experiential and reflective day of weaving the new with the old. Nurturing Your Child’s Spirituality: The Field of Promise Thursday, January 16: 9:30-10:45 am Facilitator: Bridget Sperduto We can only offer what we have and perhaps the most valuable gift we have to offer is Spirit. This spring’s “Nurturing” classes will focus on a variety of topics in the Lenten season to awaken and nourish the spirit within. This program is perfect for parents and grandparents hoping to build a spiritual side to their children’s lives. Cost: $10 (Free babysitting is available with three day advance registration.) Faith, Fitness and a Whole New You! Mondays: 7:00 - 8:30 pm January 27 - March 10 (No Session on February 17, Presidents Day) Facilitator: Kate Mulcahy Are you ready to make a commitment to yourself for personal health? With the guidance of a personal trainer and coach, you will develop a customized weekly plan with strategies, practical tips and techniques that begin to change habits and attitudes—leading to becoming a more successful ‘new’ you! Fee includes: 6 weekly group sessions, weekly inspirational emails, worksheets, a journal and one personalized session. Cost: $175 To register or for more information contact: THE WELL Spirituality Center A Ministry of the Congregation of St. Joseph 1515 West Ogden Avenue LaGrange Park, IL 60526 call: 708.482.5048 e-mail: [email protected] web:

Women’s Club Programs at The Well

Page 13: St. John of the Cross Parish...January 12, 2014 St. John of the Cross Parish From the Desk of Fr. Dowdle 01-12-2014 page 2 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Dear Parishioners, Record breaking,

Outreach Men’s Club

Dear Fellow Parishioners, Thanks to your generosity, the St. John of the Cross Parish community had another successful Livestock for Life holiday campaign. The following is a thank you from Fr. Serapio Wamara, pastor of Holy Cross Parish, our sharing parish in Jinja, Uganda. Maureen Boor, Livestock for Life Coordinator Dear Brothers and Sisters of St. John of the Cross, Greetings of peace and love from Holy Cross Parish—Bugembe. I hope all is well with you. In the Parish we are doing well, we gathered on Saturday, December 14th, to celebrate the feast of St. John of the Cross and during Mass we prayed for you and in thanksgiving to the Lord for the relationship between the two parishes. We also prayed in thanksgiving for your love, generosity and support that you continue to offer to us and we also prayed that the Lord continue to bless you abundantly. As regards to the livestock project: I sent the members of the parish development committee to do some evaluation and they came up with some good report that a good number of families are performing very well from the initial animals they received; some have multiplied and one family sold the goats and bought cows and that is good development. Some have improved their livelihood by even paying school fees for the children. The Christians are very grateful to you for this project and talking to the members of parish development committee, they said that the project is worthy and we better continue with it. We are so grateful to our brothers and sisters from St. John of the Cross for this initiative and for your generosity. Thank you so much. God bless, Rev. Fr. Serapio Wamara, CSC, Pastor

All are invited to come to Trivia Night! It’s fun and it’s a great way to meet fellow parishioners. Here’s how it works: 1. Organize a group of up to 10 people (ages 21

and over only) to form your team. Name your team.

2. Brush up on your trivia knowledge. 3. Send in your table reservation with a check(s)

totaling $200 for each table of ten; (note: cost per table is $200 even if there are less than ten participants on your team). Make all checks payable to St. John of the Cross. Seating is limited, so RSVP soon.

4. Drop an envelope at the parish center with the name of your team, captain and team member names with your check(s) to SJC Parish attention Men’s Club.

5. That night, bring your own appetizers, food, and your favorite beverages. Alcoholic beverages are permitted.

6. Winning Team to receive fabulous prizes and many accolades.

Questions? Contact Barrett Long 708-784-9224. More info is on the parish website.

Lovin’ Life in Chicago Sunday, January 19, 1-3 p.m. [email protected]

Where: Start: Federal Plaza (50 W. Adams) - Rally & Speakers: State of Illinois Building (100 W. Randolph) Speakers: Francis Cardinal George, OMI, Congress-man Dan Lipinski, Relevant Radio’s Sheila Liaugminas, WLS-AM’s Dan Proft and many more. 01-12-2014 page 13 praying ~ serving ~ sharing

BEDS Plus 2nd Annual Soup & Bread Event Second annual Soup & Bread fundraising event benefitting BEDS Plus on Sunday, January 26, from 4 – 7 pm at the Village Club of Western Springs. More details on our parish website.

SJC Trivia Night III Saturday, January 25th SJC Parish School Gym Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

Games begin at 6:45 p.m.

I never tire of repeating those words of Benedict XVI which take us to the very heart of the Gospel: “Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.” Thanks solely to this encounter – or renewed encounter – with God’s love, which blossoms into an enriching friendship, we are liberated from our narrowness and self-absorption. We become fully human when we become more than human, when we let God bring us beyond ourselves in order to attain the fullest truth of our being. Here we find the source and inspiration of all our efforts at evangelization. For if we have received the love which restores meaning to our lives, how can we fail to share that love with others? ~Pope Francis

Page 14: St. John of the Cross Parish...January 12, 2014 St. John of the Cross Parish From the Desk of Fr. Dowdle 01-12-2014 page 2 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Dear Parishioners, Record breaking,

3 Simple Steps

Please complete this form for ALL STOCK/MUTUAL FUND Donations. For further assistance, please call the Archdiocese of Chicago Stock transfer representative, Greg Salm, 312/534-5399.

I (we) plan to transfer the securities electronically: Donation Date: ____________________ From: (Please Print)

Please accept our donation of ________ Shares of _________________________________ (# of shares) (Name of Security) to be credited to the Catholic Bishop of Chicago for the benefit of: St. John of the Cross Parish, 5005 S. Wolf Road, Western Springs, IL 60558 (If you are donating various stocks/securities and/or to various locations simply print VARIOUS above and attach a separate page with a list detailing the various gifts and locations that are to receive the gift/s)

Regular U.S. Mail -Archdiocese of Chicago, Parish Operations – Stock Donations 835 N. Rush Street, Chicago, IL 60611 or Send to Greg Salm, 312-534-5399 Fax Number: 312/534-5272 [email protected] or Send to St. John of the Cross: Marguerite Chrusciel, phone # 708-246-4404, fax # 708-246-4566 [email protected]

Donor Name(s): Address:

City, State, Zip:


E-Mail Address:

1 When processing your securities donations via ELECTRONIC TRANSFER

STOCK DONATION - LETTER OF INTENTION For the Archdiocese of Chicago Parishes, Schools, and Agencies

3 Send this form To: (send via one method listed below)

Stock Donation Info Teacher Recognition Trust Fund Gala

Provide your bank or broker the following transfer instructions: William Blair & Company – DTC # 771 Account Number – 156-16135-1-2 Catholic Bishop of Chicago Account For the Benefit of: St. John of the Cross Parish, Western Springs, IL

Additional information your bank or broker may need: Archdiocese of Chicago Tax ID No. – 36-2170826 William Blair & Company – 222 W. Adams St. – Chicago, IL 60606 William Blair Representative, Suzanne Schiff, Phone: 312-364-8898Fax: 312-577-0774 or e-mail: [email protected]

2 01-12-2014 page 14 praying ~ serving ~ sharing

. . he first loved us.

—1 JOHN 4:19

The original impulse always moves in

our direction. We may rest in knowing

that God never gets stuck, is never

static, never falters, rescinds, nor

retreats. He cannot fail to love us; it's

simply not possible.

...Every person has two great “books” which provide the signs to guide this pilgrimage (our life journey): the book of creation and the book of sacred Scripture. What is important is that we be attentive, alert, and listen to God who speaks to us, who always speaks to us. As the Psalm says in referring to the Law of the Lord: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119:105). Listening to the Gospel, reading it, meditating on it and making it our spiritual nourishment especially allows us to encounter the living Jesus, to experience him and his love. ~Pope Francis

Page 15: St. John of the Cross Parish...January 12, 2014 St. John of the Cross Parish From the Desk of Fr. Dowdle 01-12-2014 page 2 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Dear Parishioners, Record breaking,

Eternal Rest Grant unto These, O Lord Terry O’Brien, father of Christine Casella

Tom Dobry, father of Tom and grandfather of Tommy and Mary

Joan Kipp, mother of Matthew, grandfather of Johnny, Peter, Katherine and James

Teresa Cullen, wife of Terrance, mother of Katie and Jimmy

Charles Sugrue, husband of Mary, father of Mary, Patrick, Michael, Susanne and Kerry

Don Love, son of Agnes uncle of Gene Ognibene Julius G. Alberico, husband of Pam

Kathleen Conforti, wife of Victor, mother of Robert & Renee

Pray for our Sick

Frank Accardi Mitch Allen Paul Cervony William Dwyer Melissa Morrissey Eldredge Mark Giangrande Karen Hult Barbara Jacob Dee Kennedy Rosie King Helen Klimek Kay Knowles

Lee Lepinske Fr. William Mannion Mary Ann Matysik Vickie McNally Jay Meehan John Munch Nancy Olin Susan Olson Marion Pascale Bob Pietras James Reilly Rick Reimer

Jim Ryan Teresa Schaefer John Shea Guy Thomas Baby Kameron Walters Mary Catherine Warren Pam Wilson Ron Ziemba

Mass Intentions Monday, January 13, St. Hilary 7:45 Our Beloved Dead; Patricia Cebula Tuesday, January 14 7:45 Bill Alberts; William J. Collins Wednesday, January 15 7:45 Muriel Albertson; Mitzi Patricia Rau Thursday, January 16 7:45 Suzanne Walsh; Pete Capellani Friday, January 17, St. Anthony 7:45 Mildred Domagal; Liz Wojtowicz Saturday, January 18 8:00 Irene McGill; Wence Prikazsky 5:00 Liz Wojtowicz; John Fash Sunday, January 19, Second Sunday Ordinary Time 7:30 Amilia Karamakaich; Teresa Reidy 9:00 Robert J. Harazin, Sr.; Harry & Bridget Morgan 10:45 Leonard Mancione; Lawrence Szot 12:15 Jack Gocke; Barbara Mann 5:00 Jackie Travis; William Mulcahy Italics—Living

This Week at SJC Monday, January 13 10:30 a.m. Step 11 Christian Meditation 2:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration 2:30 p.m. Spiritual Journaling 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts Tuesday, January 14 9:05 a.m. Rosary 9:30 a.m. Focus on Sunday Scriptures Group 7:00 p.m. RCIA 7:00 p.m. Teacher Recognition Trust Wednesday, January 15 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 3, Angel Study 11:30 a.m. Ladies Bridge 2:00 p.m. Christian Meditation 7:30 p.m. Christian Meditation Thursday, January 16 9:30 a.m. Flourish 7:00 p.m. Career Networking 7:00 p.m. Women’s Club Meeting Friday, January 17 9:30 a.m. Mom’s Club 3:30 p.m. 3rd Gr. Brownies Saturday, January 18 7:00 a.m. Christian Meditation 6:00 p.m. Beloved

Trying to get in touch with us? More info is on our website: Rev. David P. Dowdle Pastor [email protected] Rev. Joseph F. McDonnell Pastor Emeritus Contact Fr. Joe through the Parish Office Rev. Filbert F. Ngwila Associate Pastor [email protected] Deacon John Schopp Deacon [email protected] Bill Bright Outreach [email protected] Janet Caschetta Youth Catechesis [email protected] Jim Clauer Worship [email protected] Kathleen Gorman School Principal [email protected] Katie Hayes Crossroads [email protected] Jessica Koch Music [email protected] MJ Martin Operations [email protected] Elizabeth Russell-Jones Welcome [email protected]

After the Lord was baptized, the heavens were opened and the Spirit descended upon him like a dove, and the voice of the Father thundered: this is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. Entrance Antiphon

Page 16: St. John of the Cross Parish...January 12, 2014 St. John of the Cross Parish From the Desk of Fr. Dowdle 01-12-2014 page 2 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Dear Parishioners, Record breaking,


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“I will bless every placein which an image ofMy Heart is exposed

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Page 18: St. John of the Cross Parish...January 12, 2014 St. John of the Cross Parish From the Desk of Fr. Dowdle 01-12-2014 page 2 praying ~ serving ~ sharing Dear Parishioners, Record breaking,

. . . a little child shall lead them A Family Faith Program Designed for Our Littlest Angels, Children 2-5 Years Old

Parents or grandparents should accompany the child for the activities. Wear comfortable clothing—we will be sitting on the floor. Call the YC office at (708) 246-6760 to register by January 22nd. Registration helps us prepare craft bags. Walk-ins welcome too. This is the second of four preschool sessions for the year of Strong Catholic Parents.

Come and share a morning of discovery through scripture, singing, games and crafts with your child.

Baptism marks the beginning of our lives as Christians. We celebrate this moment with water, oil, candles,

and a special white garment. Our families celebrate with us.

Let’s learn about Baptism together!

Saturday, January 25th 10-11:30am

Parish Center