st. mary's beacon (leonard town, md.) 1852-11-25 [p...

Watcher Jewelry, *c. that be can offer induce superior, to any other establishment ia j Baltimore, the undersigned invite* the attention of country dealer* to his large an) well wwrtel stock of . 1 JEWELRY ASD FA.lff ARTICLES. , i ynmrr.vr. At THB Corner of Pratt mod Commerce ilreet. , lie name* i port— Gold and silver Vfrali-hes, in hunting and '-‘ plain c€se *' ' 1 Gold and silver lepine and anchor lever watch** . Gold guard vest and fob Chain* Gold guard and fob Rev* and Seal* , : m Gold and silver Thimble*, silver Comb*, 4n . with end wph-nH set* Gold Ear ring*. Breastpins, Finger rings and Bracelet* Sliirl stud*, Pencil Cases, Miniaturesand f\ Med*!i**os Gold, silver and steel spectacles, to suit all eyes ** Stiver table, tea, salt, pravy and mu* *V|tard Spoons Britaoia uw and coffe%pots, castors and candlestick* Britain* in sets of live and six pieces. music bose* Girandole*, solar lamps, waiters and ac. cordenna Silver pla'wl ware, assorted Violins dind violin strings Double and si* barrel pistols; single barrel .elfcorking do; double and single Iwrrel do. of English and '* (ifnnin inanufk? lure Mantle do; p*>ckt snd titile eutlery Whalebone, bonnet and riblmn wire Perfumery and hairotl.shot joiiches. bird bags powder flasks, percussion caps, and tnatcbes T.igether with many other articles. N. B Clocks Watches. Jew#*lrv. dec., repaired at a moment’* notice snd in the b at manner. WIT.M \ At <5. JHSTIS. Corner of Prstt ami Uominerc* sts. June 31. 1*52 Carriage*-Carriage*. fflflß suftsenh* r having opened Ids j * large RRPt SITORY n South GAY | STREET, opposite the Ex change, where | the largest assortment of Fashionable i CARRI AGES, of everv description. cn i b* found in the city, persons in want of Carriages wilt do well to give me a call, j as I have determined to sell low for rash. j or good paper f r six months. All work j sold at mv Repository warranted for ! twelve mouth*. Old Carriages repaired | or taken in exchange for new ores. I will receive Carriages on storage, or for sale on commission a* low rate**. U M. MtCAW. Saltimorv, April I— f CIIA III.US H. DIIURY, { Malbaaf worth street. cnn*r Pratt Street, head of *lii> Kssin.) BALTIMORE. H s VI.NC completed his e- t*hlihmeiif. with Foundry ennnerted tor mskitighisowu ratings. is prepared to lur- niah aii varieties of AGIiICULTUR f/ IMPI.EMEKTS ASD C.ISTISGS, made to pattern ol the bel material. The following ia a list of PLOWS kept ron- I sfantly on hand:—Paris, ol the ditlerrnl atniheia for cast and wmmivM Ah;tes; S. Ik M., Chenewolh. Wiley, 2 K 5 furrow. Nn. ft. No. I b 2 Hill-ide. No. IKS Connecticut, Reach improved (or Posit) with common Da Vis rs.l .hare. Self aharpner or Wrought Share. CmltioMiore, Wheat Fame. Harrmro. |rf. Corn Cultivator*, plain and expanding; To* bacco do.; Wheat Fan*; Corn Shelter, with double hoop*! Old Veitiral and VirginiaSh*.*l- ler. HarCv; *tr*erior P*nn*y Ivanis-iiiadr (train Cradles. Revolving Horse Rakes; Cy- lindrical Straw Cotter*. Uoree Pototro, Tkrethina Machine, and Grioi Mill Hor*e-power Crist Mills, a very useful and saving article ami coining into very general n*e ; florae Power am) Tre*hiug Machine*— of Ursa- 1 need iftt *av anvtHluj. a* wherever they have t*een in use any time they are prs- ferred to all other* Small use Power and Threokor, C. H. Dausv will this year make a •mallar sue Power au4 Further—pries of Power. $1 t:|; Ftirethef, |VI; Baud. RIW ; Sr, When purchased together, fIW. Person* in vent ot I aplstnsnts marl* of the very he*t. material, and put to/ether in the atfortgeat an I he*f manner, to anaarvr the pur- pose for which they aro mode, art invited to call no the sulweribsr. January If, l*M. C M. DRURY. John Jf. aW' l*l, Jfp -y Gsocks AMO Cobmimioo Moschast, Owe Door from Pn 9MOt W%arf. BALTIMORE: KEEPS constantly nn bond for talc large and! wall selected atock of Groceries ami Liquor*, consisting in part of—Loaf. Crushed and Brown Fn gar a ; Salt; Coffee ; Ten* ; Choose Candies ; shap* ; He : French and Do mefttic Brandies ; Old Ryo and common Whiskies; New England Runs Holland Gin ; Wineo of all kinds and qualities. Vinegar, lie., flic., He., which he will sell low for cash,.or to punctual custo mere on time. Ue respectfully solicit* the patronage of has friends end the pub. lie. He will dan atll Tobacco, Grain And other Produce on Commission, on the us* u*l term*, and solicit* consignmenls. Baltimore, April I, 1851. Land warrans—The highes cash price .will be given for Land Warrant*, by SPALDING H GRBENWELL. August 19. TO FARMERS AND - AfrlcWiiml Brtitm. flOTTl'!fn(s-A N p V> >c utaclurers f P 1 s \g< icillrtirxi Inpl iqemv e dec.. No. 12! Pratt Street Wharf, corner | of Holling*worth n<! Pratt street* Hwhi ! 1 more, Apwntapn*tantly on hand a general ! assortmentflpyl are prepared to execute I alt orders lor AGRICULTURAL I.U 1 PL KM ENTS AND V ACIIINER Y. at j , the shortest notice and on a- f’avoraltle 1 *etms a* can he had in the City. Mav i g recently fitted up a R g -^ r| v. in ! Psatt Street, between I>uta , *VPiu^| S for the purpose, wiijgf C ***.- prepared to manufacture heir !•-!.' at d can an 1 ¦ t | i..t^i.|^ ¦* '* C V *' ; !•>*-¦ ¦ •Xi ¦ 8 >fl - *• rv *' ¦’! •><,. to their interest tnV stock, and judge Anmng the ma(wnes T thev keep or hand. wiH he found Cottingham d i Will lens* Improved Fit*’* Horse Power, with h ronoht shafts, and various other lever, stationary and rail wav powers, and I Thra*h*rs of various size and patterns. PLintGMS of every variety. Fan Mill* of approved pattern*, liar row*. Cultivators, Drills. Horse Rakes. Straw Cutter* Crusher*. Air.. *Vc. Csc’ina* of everv de*crip’i<'ii All of the alxne aro warranted. , Repairing done with expedition ami fidelity. April 1. The Meittirr ** Fanurr/’ PIFKSON CLAKRK. MASTER. 'l’lie Steamer par | . A L nier itavinir been tl* j | repaired, will j ye?nme her regular ! j trip* to and from the Patuxent River, on , I Tuesday, 24 th inst., leaving her wfrart at No. I Tobacco \V ar* hoii!e. on that j and every succeeding Tuesday, at :t o’, t I clock, p. n., touching at Persimmon i | Creek, Deep Lauding, Holland’* Cliffs ; Magnifier's Feiry, Lower Marl Luo. j No:|ingl am. i.nd all other landings j : where freight or passengers mav offer; arriving at Bristol on Wednesday. Will lea'e Bristol every Friday, a* 1 ! H o'clock, p. in., slop at the inierinedi- | ate landing* as required, and proceed , to L wer Marlboro, remaining there nn. til SO o'clock, Saturday morning, will then leave for Persimmon ('reek, leav. iiiit there at sunrise on Sunday morning for Baltimore. AGENTS: Freeland At Hall. Baltimore. J. W. Cartwright, Persimmon Creek. John Marshall. Wapping. L. Gar liter. Ag*t and Coll’r, Briston Baltimore., February 19. 1452. LIME AND FEED STORE. J*hn iittniy. No. d HoI..IN'W.KTH AKU (iK AN T STS. Near Pratt St reef Wharf, BALTIMORE, n\S constantly on hand a full stock of Lone (wood hurnt). Bricks. I lair. Cnn Ml. Cammed Plaster, Corn, Oat<. C tii Meal, Chop Rye. Mill Feed, ect , all of which he will sell at the lowest maiket rates. Orders for any I of the alx’ve articles will lie attended to with promptness, and saiisiactiou be glia ra Hired September 9. 19J2— Full I HE PATUXKNT IIIVKR, VI 4 FAIR HAVE.,. 'Pile steamboat PLANTER M. L Weems, iiiasler. ] will resume her route to the Patuxent i River, on Wednesday, 2" th. of P hma- | ry, a’ H o’chx k. a. m., from the Mary- I land State Wharf, arming at IlillV Wharf the same evening, slopping on hth sides of the River at her usual landings, going and returning, for freight and passenger*. Returning will proceed down the riv. ! er on Fridays a* fir a* Benedict, leaving Benedict every Saturday, for Baltimore, at 6 o’clock a m. The Steatnlvoat PATUXENT, Then, dore Weems, Master, will commence her regular route tor the Patuxent River on Saturday. 23th of February, af (i o’- clock, •. m.. from the Maryland State Wharf, arriving at Hill’s Wharf on the same evening ; stopping on both sides of lit# River at her usual Landings, going and returning for freight and passengers. Returning, will proceed down the Riv. er on Tuesdays, as far as Benedict, leaving Benedict every Wednesday for Baltimore at tl o’clock a. in. Passant P*!* Hum. |h*o •• Pstnaent Kivvr 2 00 Frliriiary IE. 1852-If. Muled ITfinted THE *iil*crilier is permanently hca led at Middleville, Charles County, (immediately on the road from Port To bacco to Alien’s Fresh.) where he will m he pleased to buy anv Si.avE' that are for sale. The extreme value will he given at all times, Jrnij) and liberal commissions paid for information leading to a purchase. Apply personally, or by let- er addressed to Allen’s Fresh, Charles Countv. JOHN G. CAMPBELL. MiddleviU*. Sept. 25,1881. STABLER** ANODYNE CHERRY tXPt.LTuH-iST Is ronfideully r*-CaiuaMUate4 u invalids •inur)u-*e.i by *ny kiM.n |>nj>iiil|ii, lu the rure of Cwi'b*. flWwino. un<l t4hrrk>tiii of ’.i H-•* •*•? i<. liithiiiii, C.bflp, Consumption in m early Slige.Wh' fa* the Hr- trl <.i-: i'4il'*m r. 4 mi iiiiitcil Mi(n of lh<i FUt Diera-r. f *|t rant‘war*. In s manner, iwntdw hf"lS *•*'•¦•* ui*-l r-ilue. with fMs**s at m*n* f r**r-nf ilivovrry. •i**l b* H and : ionic qii •* fbtuugh five Skin sttr, ; and with --at theory, Lw Ihecarr of fb class j oi !•?-*-es. A n nii-r of h- most rrporlble rhy*itin* I to \r'i n we com u'lnicst*-*! a kuowß-it'e ol I lie!irn of thr* be br*-n I plM*-d l fern* <• with thrr opinions, (**ine of th-m in wriliit'.) lht Ih'l are th- br*l, reiuedie* lf*ey h*ee\#r been srq>i*iatei with | for flie enre nt tbe (Ue%*ra for wlilrh' lliry me kp-roinitiriMtefl. KdI'IMON UK OR StMUKL B MARTIN. •( t!.r mnt oßprrionrM nf the UrnMv in 1- Bfus City. and lor.e r-l- ht*t~(t |,*r hi sue- •|i|||. c***f’il practire. Jfesri.r yr.n l li.> rrr(-.llv exTinine.* fit*. girt* of \<.r|f ‘'noiial. *< nr no.l\('firm F.Xi—c'ornf)*. and frith ViilusMe rnni|HM|'iil I hr* <l<>*** Kj' Hfakn 1 ron*i*trfit uitfl )ii.fic*| pMCtice, -¦not tbein. ¦ Sic.' V HfiL M D. been made arqnatnfed with fhe j ingredient* wtiich enter into flie '-nnpniiioti of ' \nnr •* Anodyne t’Jirfrv K.**ecfrafii.” and having al*o made t• i .*l of it* virtues. | liave no hesitation in reponuneiidine it In flie ronfiderire i ati-l patron <ee nt the public, a* a mo*t i err medirine m Hie lreat<nent of the vaiibti* die ie* for whieli it i* intended. Stabler** Kbarrhoea l ordial I* a nl**-*viit Mix * nre, com pounded in agree- merit with the rules of IMmi omct. of llin|i'it. . ic ngeiit*. lon* known and relebrnfed for their peculiar efflcupv in curing Oi irrliflti. arid *imi- j jar aIT-rti-m* of |tie stern. In it* action, it allax* iiaiive* ami prol'ice* 4 healthy action of , ; ttie l.iver. thu* removing the cause nt tlte csrne , time tfia* if cure* the di*eae. Opinion of Oocl. .foils Apptsos. IliVdvbn to Ih*- Baltimore Southern l)ipemary. Ila\ing marie trial of yoni •* l)i* Cor- I dial.** and being a!*o arqu tinted with the in- j grertienl* of which it i* composed, it gives me I much pleasure in a-hling mv testimony to thit ! of other* in fawn of it* mu aordiv aft r.m- --' r.vrv in the cur- of •• l)'arrhni and Summer Complaint in rhiMien amt t.lult* With much re*p-d. Sic . JMH\ ADDISON. M. D. PRICE. 5 cti. a Bottle. JOHN ADDISON M D We b*g leave, a* convincing evidence of the higWv vatitahle properties of the above nvtiled ; medicinea. to refer to the aniiejjeil complimen- ! l,nv notire from sixteen of tlie niMt respectable Aimfliecarie* and Pharmaceutist* m the City of Baltimore, whom we have apnointed oir agent*. ! i ami who have the several articles for *ale.^ The anh'-rriher*, Apoth*ca<ien and Pharma- i CMitist* m tin* Cjiy ot KtHimore. ar- :iti*(je<| | that the preparation* known a* STViu.fß'.* | \snpTH* f'nr.RRV KxerrToaavt and Sta- ! BI.RR's Dl ARRlir v Corpiai. are meificine* of , great value. a;id very efficient fir the relief and , cure of the dieae* fur which they Jear the ! eviilence of -kill amt care in flieii piepsration ; amt *tvl of putting up. and vve rake pleasure I in recommmending them to our customers. Cl A Moore, F P scolt, SJv Fleming, F. V fiitpin. U rahaine. I| I.r\ve, J Rarer Ik C'o. I. Phillip*. Jo* Ho?eit*, f IJ W Johnston..l R Stan*hqrr. A W Hughe*. If 'irahnn*. J M fc Mirshall PRICK, 50 cts. a Bo*tt. R OU. C*fI%PMEN*S AVOIIW MIXTURE, T Prep'trf'l fmm a ffereipt i irnrtf-l h’i i)R. /Off V I’H f/’lf.f V. n m*mh*rnflhe H()\ ‘f ! I.RISK OF SUHG'iOVS Oh' JJ.M' tW j j Hriifi)mnie efficient thin I hi* m tot knuu-n j M.ny (perh.i;on- hal' ) •?! ill* di*wea lioin * which chiMre-i in pr are occ i*ion*l lV tlie . presence of Woihi* in the system; aid if ne. , gle.-le.i, give rise to site most iincotn'ift.ilde and j irritating feelings, violent ¦ pain*. *bknes at i itie stoinacli, emaciation and frequenti tuvonii- ¦ ; ting Tlii* medicine i* an efficient, safe'and plea- i ant remedy for their extermination ;ll contain* ' ail the virtues of the most approved yrmifuges and although it lia* been used by ir>ny flion- van I*, and ha* been before *he puhlldor several year*, it ha* never been known to f.d in ellec- ting a complete CUie. F.xtrarf from a letter received from SjS. Foarc. M. D., member of the Royal tJolege of Surgeon*. I.ondon I To F, H <t(h October Mb. ISSI. Gtut'emen.—l **fim* I i*f v4 r . by a ciiient, got hold of a tew boM'o* r your Sta- hfep* Dr. Eh:pmau*s Worm Mixtu 1 and ned it i’ my practice with such nnequa ed suece** a* iu luced m* to send for -Vt dozen I last mouth ordered, through the same gen- t!eman.glO<i do/eti •• Von can ship me 50 dozen yerv three mop’ll* from date of receipt of this, a\id draw for Hie amount, kc. kc. Numerous certificate* ol cures f the mo*f aggravated ease* of di*ea*e cowl lie readily appended hereto but we fee| a*nr I that they would add but little to the *frong a d rep*cta- J Me evidence here given by pcr*m competent! ; to jiplge of the merit* n( tli-se re*ni ial agents. E*. H. STABLER k Co,. Pm iefors, Ultimore. ! PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle. _ in St. Mary’* eouuty H#Richf- don ,jayk, i|i'- , ay h * (i - Town ," I Miles fiwn; aud J, S. Morgan, Chaplico—and by ilrdMuts (je- erallv thiougbout Maiyljiwl and irginia. September 2. HJ2 —J. f J RKiHOVA *. COTTINGII AM a JOftiSON have removed to No. 121 F att Srarrr Wharf, corner nf 11 oil in worth and Pratt streets, a few doors fr it, their old stand, where thev trill o m* me to manr ufaemre and sell on as term* e anv nth*c (ioq*e in the c y of Haiti. •nre. every ar’icle that iluj Farmer nf Planter may wUh to •*©. They are thankful for past favors, ad solicit a con’iinianco of the public pi tronage. Baltimore. FebV. M. 1952. | 1_ ' Hopkim Sc I'RirChild, ot SorrKssoßs to Hum k Hseaiss, MERCHANT TAILORS, . % No. 230 Ballimoir st. N W. Coroe. of Charles 1 BALTIMORE. i A large assortment of Rcait>Mads * Clothing of superior quality. ONE PRICE ONLY, i April J, ISA3 jr. *BWw4 to Act ef Cnamw, ta tb* yrnm Another Scientific Wonder! GREAT OURE FOR j DYSPEPSIA! Da. J. S. HOUGHTON’S THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, 08, OASTBIC JUICE, PKKP VItRB from RKNNET. r th<* fittinh Sr**>!A r H of tiik 0. afi*r directions of m Lirrig. the jr*at Phvsiol g‘c;if Che nist day J. S. fiouuti ton. M. It., Philadelphia. Pa. This is truly a wonderful remedy for Indigestion. Jaundice, Liver * Complaint. and DeHility. CMtrirt’g after Nature’s own method* hv iNaure\ own the Gastric Juice. Half a tea*foonful of Pi*p*in in j fused in water, will disrest or di<isolve. firr pounds nf rnast herf in aboul tten hours out of the s’omach. Pepsin i< the chief element, or great diiiesting principle of the gastric juice—. the solvent of cli< f*n|. jhe punfviuj;. presi’rv isi’j. and stimula’ing .sgeni of the i stomach an.l intestines. It is extracted from the digestive h of the ox. i thus forming an artificial digestive fluid. ; precisely like the natural irastric juice in its chemical powers, and furnishing a complete and perfect substitute for it. Hv 'he aid of tht* preparation, the pains and evils of’ Indigestion an i Dyspepsia are removed just as they would he hv a , healthy stomach. It is doing Wonders for Dyspeptics, curing cases of dehili v emaciation, nervous decline, and dys peptic consumption, supposed to he on ilie verge of the grave. The scientific evidoee' upon which it is based, is in the higher degree curious and remarkable. S .t vriM- Kviukvck? llarou I*iehig in lit- c ,! ¦ o ‘a!•; I work on Animal Chent , istrv, saw-; -An ar iiicia! digestive I fluid,analogous to ihe liastric Juice, mav : he readily prepared from the mucous 1 membrane of the stomach of the Calf j in which various articles of food, as meat i and eggs, will he softened chunked, and digested, just in the snmf manner as thfy i would hr in the huiiu tch.” th Call on the agent, and gel a De- : scriptive Circular gratis, giving a large amount of sc'entilic evidence, similar to | i the hove, together with re|oris of re- i mark aide cures, iroui all parts of the United Sta es. As as Llyspepsia enrer, Dr. Hovuti- ton’s Pepsin has produced the most m irrrlfnus effects, in cuiiug cases ot Dehility, Kmaciaiion, Nervous Decline, and Dysp> plic Consumption It U ini- possible to give the tl.-tails of cases in the limits of this advertisement ; hut authenticated certificates have been i given of more than two hundred remar. j kahle cures, in Philadelphia. New York i and IJosioit alone. These were nearly ! all desperate ca-e*s, and the cures" were | not only rapid an 1 wonderful, but per- manetiu 4 It is a great nervous antidote, and particularly useful for tendency to Bil- lions disorder, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, and the evil effects of Quinine- Mercury, and others drug* upon the tii gesiive organs, after a long sickness Also for excess m eaiing. an I the too tree u*e of anient spirits. It almost re- couciles heudh with intemperance. Oi.d Srti.HACii CoMplaixts.—There is no to in of the old Stomach Complaint which it does dot seem to reach and re move at once. N > matter how had they may he, it gives instant relief! A sin gle dose removes all unpleasant svmp toms; and it only needs to be repeated for a short time to make these good e.f ; permanent. Purity of blood, and vigor of body follow at once. It is par. ticularly excellent in ca-es of Nsu<ea, Vomnuig. Cramps, Soreness of th? pit of i the stomach, di>tr*ss after eating, low, cold state of the blood, heaviness, low. ness of spirits, dompondency, emaciation, Vll>iiiM.'S<. tuii>Lu.>|> la ii.-m*in, JICtS. Dr. I lorciFro**.* Pepsin, is sobl by nearly alt the dealers in fine drugs and ftopular medicines, throughout the United 3 ales. !t is prepared in Powder aud in Fluid form—and in prescription vials for the use of PUys* ian*. Private circulars for the ue of Phvsi cians. may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his agents, describing the whole pro cess of preparation, and giving the an thorities upon w hich the claims of this new new remedy based. As it is not a secret reinetly, no ohj-ctmn* can be raised against its use by Phvsi* ians in ree[>cctat>le stan ling and regular practice. Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. a~ o*s r** this!—Every bottle of the genuine Pepsin the written signature ot J. S. IhoauHToN, M. D , *'le proprietor. Philadelphia. Pa. Copy right [ and T'afle Mark secured. a* Sold by all druggists and dealers in medicines. AGEvrs.-Spalding & Gr-enwell, Leon- ard Town ; Wm. Boswell, Port Tobaocp. I 8. 8. Hanea, Baltimore. jel s U. imp ton's Vegetable Tine* 1 " iWIT THF. GRF.JT HaCurHRV OF THE JdQ RKAh •~~RiUD!~REjDJ ! rgStlK rM ww rcti ; * hnine‘V*(inM>ny. fnny , cine. *v jir *y 4 ¦ Ba timoA. Sept. 11. I*sl. Meters. Martian A .fhrrkr jr.* I fe-l it a duty i tn iiiik** known Die ben fi’s i •(¦‘rivnl lrnn j Dr K**r | nf tint* iI h iVr- tx>f it to r pt<.tra<i>ni nf mus- - power. an I •tehritv of fti* ttnrvivit ev-lr. ru|M'nnl wia'i ri-ii-i|t*ii-s <n4 flnf. leiiftjj ol the li-jr*. I bad siifh ntHrk f!lf on mn* orr.ivitxi 1 cuijld •rarretv £**l home. I inskin- in*nyf't l of mv r t• fn * fri-* id. fi* r*. b*iie<t m* to Jn*t>|ili |{. *q . an n|<l ant rilixen of Rwltfnjor*. * !• I 'i*ed lit* l iortii.r tinder siinilai rir I rnmatir*.. ] railed on ,\fi St i|tV'ou. ml. f. | t>*r an interview o| o n* minutes. I wt fully , of tti* in—tic I virtu** of the Tinrt'ir*. lomi th* erld-nr* be|.*re m*, of bi> own |*r<on, who. f*r yogi* previous. in-UeiDed a state of he ilt\. h|t now a li-irty. tol* a|t***r- unlh tbe trdirty of | i<n mediately eomfnfol iioup Hi* Ttirtur*. and. h-lbr* I Imtk Hi* coi-lents of on* t-otil-. rnv ttrmzUt If<r renewed. and I can i milk at brisk and nm n% me* the mt / twenty yenrt ufo. This Tihriiir* is th* grand restorative of h* digestive mpn*. which when ieMro>et, the wliole pystem is in a state of •utrerin*. I do **it it is (in lni*nh|!C. hut i, in reality wf at it l repiesenteit to be he Dr. Hampton tbe inventor. W. A. SrHArrxcs. Corner of Lombaid and Sharp streets. A CLOUD OF WITNESSES. We have certificates from Captain Canot, brother to the eminent physician to Louis N*. poleon. President <,f the French republic. ?So was cured of llheiiiiiatisin f seven v*ms’ stan* *'in* ; one from Roht faiilf, ilo.. of seven v*srs ; one Iron) Mr. Oldhatn. Bdtiuinre ('iitmii-hnnse, ot dreadful esse nf itvspepsi* ; on* ti<>m Jno. I.iik*. of a cas* of dyspepsia mat *n*ral il*. hility ; and on* from J. K. S’aplctua. eq.. of Haltiinote, with hundreds of uliieis. REV. VERNON ESKRIDGE. U S V. Portsmouth. (Vs..) Any. ts, |gs|. Mr. J H. tioash —l)-ar Sir: While ( **n in jen-rsl opposed to Paten* Medicines, candor compels mv to slat* that I h* great confidence in the virtues of Hamilton *s Vegetable Tincture. For several montlis pvd I have u**-d it in my family, si.d in Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, dix- xiness, and generd !**bili;y wi*!i entire success. So far as mv experience extends, theiefor*. I fsk* pleasure in reco:nm*tdtig it to the afflicted as a sale and efficient tem-dy, I am, respectfully, yours. VERNON ESKRIDGE. Chaplain in Die U. S. Navy. ftT* After trie aimol miraculous cires diily unite by •* llamptou’s Vegetable Tincture,** on our most respectable citizen*. m*n well known and tried, w*challenge the tcirlil to show any thing on record in Medicine to equal it. : Read! Head! Cune Of Covst’MPTtON. NnrRAMSTA. P.\J\ IN TDK <\rr. R iHi more. May I. H.i2 Mrstrt. Mo' timrrlf Moicbrny fleHenen.~ If is with pleasure I cau testify to the great healing powers of Hampton’s Vegetable Tinc- ture— Mv wife had been afflicted for flue* years. I shut in g under a constant backing Cough, with a most violent Pali* in the right Sjd- N*iiralgia ol the l|ea,l. and Dimness of Sight ; very little rest ,| av or night, and much emaeia' 1 Don. and to all appearance* a rapid Cou*u<np- tiou inevitably. W* had tlm most emiip ut j phvsiciui in Annapolis, hut his medicine dM not give her any relief at all. hut gross i.,g worse if any -hang* in tV hast;— an I alter having read one ol your Pamphlets, in July list, she concln |e I to fry llaiiipton’s Vegetable fine ture. and after taking hut l-vo holl*s of \s hicb (under a kind Providence) we perr*iv*d a great change lor the h- fler: her appetite improved he skin became quit* clear, coughs, pains. : neuralgia, he . entirely left her. and hy Ih* 1 i limt *h* bad taken a f-w boffl** mo-* she whs co'Ufdetely cured, and it now in the en- joyment of most excellent health I have seen also its h*n-fieia| eff-cts on | several other ladies of Anuapo'is. an I I fhir.k I ran mv fintn what I hive ***n of fb* m*d* j cin*. i do not helieve its ('nra'ive Pwe s ran be equal!* I. A sense of du*v to the a fiic*e-l ! ha* induced me to drop these lew lines let their benefit. Respectfully, EDWARD SANDS. Master of the sehr G*o. H.*rber, Auuapnlia Parket. >’n. .1, Tobacco Warehouse. Light 1 blreet Wharf. , * TIUJI’H Stringer I’Mn Fiction * None ! ne-*d i|esp,ir—.i I,ily*a festtinorr after tbirt\- eigbt years ol nff*|j„g._ Were there nit real 1 virtue in this \v tuderful medicine could il ' perlnim tfie stniii*hi>ig cures inade hy it? i 1 . . Ni>rthannlon (,’o-lMf, \pril fl, IB\ Messrs Tyler c Adair I have beet* led with Rheumatism, at times, fm- : V*ar ; I will h* filly y*ais of this tn-uifh ; the attacks wer** 1 * 1 .. , r u, ui,,!-.. I remedies to very lift **¦ , . , I was attacked it* , riV SHles.hack . ami hi P < ; | could could not move an-1‘ art . Af snlhont trying with .<*; at .“ •; i * No . many reme^ l - " t ; rn ( > ' receiving-•’¦y 1 ' va '* •dvised to | tiy llamptoii’*Vegetable rinclure;befor* I had i taken on* bottle of which I felt much better, i and as I continued taking it. 1 felt strength coining into my hack and limbs, and my stom- ach strengthened and revived every way. I have taken five bottles, and am much belter than I ever expected to be, I intend lo nse it v believer I need it. and would r*con mend it to ' (lie afflicted, believing; it unequalled. Yours, FtiZAaBTH Bauwell. Messrs. Mortimer k Mowbray: Mm. Eliza- beth Bagwell is a lady of the highest leapecta- hi ity, wealthy and influential. The cure in her cane speaks volumes in favor of this won- derful Tincture. Several other persons we have heard of have dr rir-d great benefit from its ue in our county. We are entirely- out of the article, and have daily anxiunv inquiries to know when we writ receive another supply. We expect large ail-s of it from tbe present demand, arid want you to Send us a box as soon as possible Yours, Ttlcr fc Adaix. Northampton Co., April IY, 1853. Wanderful Cart of Uerrtlilani Semf Im Hampton’s Veßrlabi* Tincture ! . This certificate is from Hie pen ni a gentle I man whose name appears on the journal of | f’ongress. one who is extensively znid favora- ¦ biy know n : “It atioids me pteaMira to state (hat Dr Hampton*• Tincture has effected a moat ex- traordinary cure’ of my slave boy, Albert. The patieot was thrve yean old. and had the Scrolula—(bis fattier was scrofntons.) The boy was a moving mass of aorm from head to 1 loot; eye-lnis were ranch w|- len. and tunfled inside nut. exhibiting horrible ulcers that protruded over tl* eye- balls so aoto produce Mindness. It it strange. yet txoe, this child, that I felt resigned to see da aa a relief fro® •rnffexiag. boa boat ratios ad ¦ 11 11 to health under tbe treatmoat of Dr Hampton W- F Thomxooon. j March 2, Ibal.” 11 siopton'a. Vegetable fine ture Hi Tbe gea ptntfier of tteUfeml by its mild but ahwetf* action bn th* Si-uri.ich, Liter and Kidneys writ euri Dyspepsia. Cough, \Sthm* Bronchi al aad Lwng .IrA-rlisin. RrrtO, Side and Back upturn. Bci uiula. Khettmalmn. G-.„t Fistula Piles, ,Corn|dainl*l 1 tt Win*. IfAvtwi Debility, and as a r’eaaalo Medicine, it has no equal. 1 i A>U snd get M*.np'trt gratis. TMaHoma. I‘tn’s Vegetable I u,rture. acting on the Stem- ' .• !’. I iv*p and RS-lueys. cures Conglis Khea- instism. ell hre.f*! and throat diseases. Dystiep. si*. Ire , IW*.,’ with aH diseases arising IrJto imiHue blo-ui. in nervous debility, fee. Mor- - timer Jr flow bray. 24 B.illirnuicstreet,fcklti- it-Ore. have it lor sale. )** Sd-I hy Spalding If Greer,well. Leonard Town ; l. 11. Morgan, t’haptico ; and Win. H. O-o n*r If Co. Miles Town. June 17. IS32— tr. ¦ 77 ' i •*lO3 CII UW6G. WffATRVRR concerns^,he hoalfh nntl happiness of a people is at all times of the most valuable importance. I take ii for granted that every perron will Ho all in their power, to sp*e tha lives or th**ir chriMren, and that every person will en-leavor to promote their j own itealth at aM Micrificee. J feel it te ¦ tn duty to solemnly assure you that Worms, according to the opinion ef flie most celehraieri Phvsicianr, are the primary causes of a large majority cau- Hisr>e* to which children and adult& are liable; if >n U have n appetite continually changeable trom one kind of food to another Ba*l Breath. Path in ihe Stomach, \ icking at ihe Nose, Mardners and Pull! i n-s* of the Rellv. Dry Couyh. Slew Fever. P„ls* Irregular-remember tlat all these denote WORMS, and reu > should at once apply the remedy : HOBKXS ACK’S WUR.\| BY RTF. An article founded upon Scientifie Piinciples, comjtournled with purely j substance*, being perfectly , vafe when taken, and can he givea to the most tender Infant with decided b-neticial efFecl. where /four/ Complaint* awl Dmnkaen have inatie them weak ami debilitated; the route properttea of i **>* Worm Sy nip are such, that n stand* without an equal in tha catalogue f mulicined in giving ton* and strength te the Ston.ach. which makes it an Infalli. hie remedy Tor fhme aifltried wiih J> fA . prpsi'r, the a.s'orii.shing cures prrlnnned by .his Syrup afer Physiciana have failed.ia the in-st evidence of its superior eftaa. uy over ail others. THE TAPE WORM. Thi is *hr most difficult Worm to de. •rov >.r a'l that in feat the human ay stem iljjrowsto an almost indefinite length! '•ecmm.ig so coiie.J atid fatene*l in the 1 Ini-sin* s an! Stomach effecting tha | so sadly ay to causa St. Vitua !>t:;te, Firs. drc,. th*t thnae aflicta} seldom if ever KU.f>ecl mat it to Tama If.Tm hastening them to aii early grata. In onler to destroy this Worm,*a vary energetic treatment must Im pursued * it would he proper to taka A to & of my l-iver Pills as to remove all obatrueiiona, that the Worm Syrup may act direct noon the Worm, which mul be taken imloses ot *2 'abieapdonlulls A times a ! ;*y: direction* followed have never •e.*n !:n:jvn to tail in curing the no 1 obstinate case of Tope Harm. HORENS ACE’S LIVER PILI ' N > part of the v*iem istiv . ! lipase than the LIVKR. rvin r I lilterer to surit’v the nr proper secretion to * "} e : 1 wrong action of ...i itarts ot ;he . other }n } Complaint, pint* Arc. We should, aun hr w-ic h every symptom thtl ; 1 ;Jicate a wrrong actum of the ! i']i v *-- ’Phase Pills being composed ef c -OTS dt PLANTd furnished by na- ture to h*-tl the sick : Namely, lat; An KXPRCTOUANT, which augment* the secretion from ihe Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd. An ALTERA- TI VK, which change* in some inexpli- cable and insensible manner the certain morbid action of the system 3rd. A TONlC.which gives tone and strength to the nervous system, renewing heal'h and vigor to all parts of the body ? A CA PH- ARTIC. which acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredient*, and operating on the Bowel*, and expelling the whole mass of corrupt and vitiated matter, and purifying the Blood, which deatroya dis- ease and reel ores health* tO FEMALES. You will find these Pills an inealaa* hie medicine in many complaint*-1 which you are subject. In obsiractHii* either total or partial, they ; bave been found of inestimable benefit, restoring their fund ions I arrangements to a heal- thy action, pcrifving the blood and other fluids so effectually to pul to flight tU complaint* which'may arise fro vfa- male irregularities, aa headache, fiddi- oess, dimness of sight, pain to ihe aide* back. dec. None genuine unless signed J. N I Hohenaack, all others being beaa imita- tion. _ Agents wishing new suppliee, and 3'ore Keepers desirous of Agents must S'tdrev* the PmprieUK, J. N. Ho. beiisack. Philadelphia. Pa. / G. VV. JOIINSON, Baltimore, Whole* sale Agent for Maryland. For sale by Spalding Ac Green wall, Leonard Town, and every respectable storekeeper ia the eoun|y aedkft*oi . | , June 10, 1E59-6mL f\T 7- < f

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Page 1: St. Mary's beacon (Leonard Town, Md.) 1852-11-25 [p ]… · Watcher Jewelry, *c. that be can offer induce superior,

Watcher Jewelry, *c.that be can offer induce

superior, to any other establishment ia jBaltimore, the undersigned invite* theattention ofcountry dealer* to his largean) well wwrtel stock of . 1JEWELRY ASD FA.lff ARTICLES.

, i ynmrr.vr.At THB

Corner of Pratt mod Commerce ilreet. ,lie name* iport—

Gold and silver Vfrali-hes, in hunting and'-‘plain c€se *' ' 1

’ Gold and silver lepine and anchor leverwatch** .

Gold guard vest and fob Chain*Gold guard and fob Rev* and Seal*

, :m Gold and silver Thimble*, silver Comb*,4n . with end wph-nH set*

Gold Ear ring*. Breastpins, Finger ringsand Bracelet*

Sliirl stud*, Pencil Cases, Miniaturesandf\ Med*!i**os

Gold, silver and steel spectacles, to suitall eyes **

Stiver table, tea, salt, pravy and mu*

*V|tard SpoonsBritaoia uw and coffe%pots, castors and

candlestick* •

Britain* in sets of live and six bose*

Girandole*, solar lamps, waiters and ac.cordenna

Silver pla'wl ware, assortedViolins dind violin stringsDouble and si* barrel pistols; single

barrel .elfcorking do; double andsingle Iwrrel do. of English and

'*(ifnnin inanufk? lure

Mantle do; p*>ckt snd titile eutleryWhalebone, bonnet and riblmn wirePerfumery and hairotl.shot joiiches. bird

bags powder flasks, percussion caps,and tnatcbes

T.igether with many other articles.N. B Clocks Watches. Jew#*lrv. dec.,

repaired at a moment’* notice snd in theb at manner.

WIT.M \ At <5. JHSTIS.Corner of Prstt ami Uominerc* sts.

June 31. 1*52

Carriage*-Carriage*.fflflß suftsenh* r having opened Ids j*

large RRPt SITORY n South GAY |STREET, opposite the Ex change, where |the largest assortment of Fashionable iCARRI AGES, of everv description. cn ib* found in the city, persons in want ofCarriages wilt do well to give me a call, jas I have determined to sell low for rash. jor good paper fr six months. All work jsold at mv Repository warranted for !twelve mouth*. Old Carriages repaired |or taken in exchange for new ores.

I will receive Carriages on storage, orfor sale on commission a* low rate**.

U M. MtCAW.Saltimorv, April I—f

CIIAIII.US H. DIIURY,{Malbaaf worth street. cnn*r Pratt Street, head

of *lii> Kssin.)

BALTIMORE.H s VI.NC completed his e-

t*hlihmeiif. with Foundryennnerted tor mskitighisowuratings. is prepared to lur-niah aii varieties of


made to pattern ol the bel material.The following ia a list of PLOWS kept ron- I

sfantly on hand:—Paris, ol the ditlerrnlatniheia for cast and wmmivM Ah;tes; S. IkM., Chenewolh. Wiley, 2 K 5 furrow. Nn. ft.No. I b 2 Hill-ide. No. IKS Connecticut,Reach improved (or Posit) with common DaVis rs.l .hare. Self aharpner or WroughtShare.

CmltioMiore, Wheat Fame. Harrmro. |rf.Corn Cultivator*, plain and expanding; To*

bacco do.; Wheat Fan*; Corn Shelter, withdouble hoop*! Old Veitiral and VirginiaSh*.*l-ler. HarCv; *tr*erior P*nn*y Ivanis-iiiadr(train Cradles. Revolving Horse Rakes; Cy-lindrical Straw Cotter*.

Uoree Pototro, Tkrethina Machine, and GrioiMill

Hor*e-power Crist Mills, a very useful andsaving article ami coining into very generaln*e ; florae Power am) Tre*hiug Machine*—of Ursa- 1 need iftt *av anvtHluj. a* whereverthey have t*een in use any time they are prs-ferred to all other*

Small use Power and Threokor,

C. H. Dausv will this year make a •mallarsue Power au4 Further—pries of Power.$1 t:|; Ftirethef, |VI; Baud. RIW ; Sr, Whenpurchased together, fIW.

Person* in vent ot I aplstnsnts marl* of thevery he*t. material, and put to/ether in theatfortgeat an I he*f manner, to anaarvr the pur-pose for which they aro mode, art invited tocall no the sulweribsr.

January If, l*M. C M. DRURY.

John Jf. aW' l*l, Jfp -y

Gsocks AMO Cobmimioo Moschast,

Owe Door from Pn • 9MOt W%arf.BALTIMORE:

KEEPS constantly nn bond for talc• large and! wall selected atock

of Groceries ami Liquor*, consisting inpart of—Loaf. Crushed and Brown Fngara ; Salt; Coffee ; Ten* ; Choose •

Candies ; shap* ; He : French and Domefttic Brandies ; Old Ryo and commonWhiskies; New England Runs HollandGin ; Wineo of all kinds and qualities.Vinegar, lie., flic., He., which he willsell low for cash,.or to punctual custo

mere on time. Ue respectfully solicit*the patronage of has friends end the pub.lie.

He will dan atll Tobacco, Grain Andother Produce on Commission, on the us*

u*l term*, and solicit* consignmenls.Baltimore, April I, 1851.

Land warrans—The highescash price .will be given for Land


August 19.


- AfrlcWiimlBrtitm.flOTTl'!fn(s-A N

p V> >cutaclurers fP 1 • s\g< icillrtirxi Inpl iqemv e

dec.. No. 12! Pratt Street Wharf, corner |of Holling*worth n<! Pratt street* Hwhi !

1 more, Apwntapn*tantly on hand a general !assortmentflpyl are prepared to execute Ialt orders lor AGRICULTURAL I.U 1PL KM ENTS AND VACIIINERY. at j

, the shortest notice and on a- f’avoraltle1 *etms a* can he had in the City. Mavi g recently fitted up a R g -^r|v. in

! Psatt Street, between I>uta , *VPiu^|S for the purpose, wiijgf C ***.-prepared to manufactureheir !•-!.' at d can

an 1 ¦ t | i..t^i.|^¦* '* C V

*' ;• !•>*-¦ ¦ •Xi

¦ 8 >fl


*• rv*' ¦’! •><,.

to their interest tnVstock, and judge *¦

Anmng the ma(wnesT thev keep or

hand. wiH he found Cottingham di Willlens* Improved Fit*’* Horse Power, withh ronoht shafts, and various other lever,stationary and rail wav powers, and

I Thra*h*rs of various size and patterns.PLintGMS of every variety. Fan

Mill* of approved pattern*, liarrow*. Cultivators, Drills. Horse Rakes.Straw Cutter* Crusher*. Air.. *Vc.

Csc’ina* of everv de*crip’i<'iiAllof the alxne aro warranted. ,

Repairing done with expedition amifidelity. April 1.

The Meittirr **Fanurr/’PIFKSON CLAKRK. MASTER.

'l’lie Steamer par |. A L nier itavinir been tl* j| repaired, will j

ye?nme her regular !j trip* to and from the Patuxent River, on ,

I Tuesday, 24 th inst., leaving her wfrartat No. I Tobacco \V ar* hoii!e. on that

j and every succeeding Tuesday, at :t o’, tI clock, p. n., touching at Persimmon i| Creek, Deep Lauding, Holland’* Cliffs •; Magnifier's Feiry, Lower Marl Luo.j No:|ingl am. i.nd all other landings j

: where freight or passengers mav offer;arriving at Bristol on Wednesday.

Will lea'e Bristol every Friday, a* 1! H o'clock, p. in., slop at the inierinedi-| ate landing* as required, and proceed, to L wer Marlboro, remaining there nn.til SO o'clock, Saturday morning, willthen leave for Persimmon ('reek, leav.iiiitthere at sunrise on Sunday morningfor Baltimore.

AGENTS:Freeland At Hall. Baltimore.J. W. Cartwright, Persimmon Creek.John Marshall. Wapping.L. Gar liter. Ag*t and Coll’r, BristonBaltimore., February 19. 1452.



Near Pratt St reef Wharf,BALTIMORE,

n\S constantly on hand a full stockof Lone (wood hurnt). Bricks.

I lair. Cnn Ml. Cammed Plaster, Corn,Oat<. C tii Meal, Chop Rye. Mill Feed,ect , all of which he will sell at thelowest maiket rates. Orders for any Iof the alx’ve articles will lie attended to

with promptness, and saiisiactiou beglia ra Hired

September 9. 19J2—

Full I HE


'Pile steamboatPLANTER M. LWeems, iiiasler.

] will resume her route to the Patuxenti River, on Wednesday, 2"th. of P hma-| ry, a’ H o’chx k. a. m., from the Mary-I land State Wharf, arming at IlillV

Wharf the same evening, slopping onhth sides of the River at her usuallandings, going and returning, for freightand passenger*.

Returning will proceed down the riv.! er on Fridays a* fir a* Benedict, leaving

Benedict every Saturday, for Baltimore,at 6 o’clock a m.

The Steatnlvoat PATUXENT, Then,dore Weems, Master, will commenceher regular route tor the Patuxent Riveron Saturday. 23th of February, af (i o’-clock, •. m.. from the Maryland StateWharf, arriving at Hill’s Wharf on thesame evening ; stopping on both sides oflit# River at her usual Landings, goingand returning for freight and passengers.

Returning, will proceed down the on Tuesdays, as far as Benedict,leaving Benedict every Wednesday forBaltimore at tl o’clock a. in.

Passant I® P*!* Hum. |h*o•• Pstnaent Kivvr 2 00

Frliriiary IE. 1852-If.

Muled ITfinted

THE *iil*crilieris permanently hcaled at Middleville, Charles County,

(immediately on the road from Port Tobacco to Alien’s Fresh.) where he will

m he pleased to buy anv Si.avE'that are for sale. The extreme

value will he given at all times,Jrnij) and liberal commissions paid

for information leading to apurchase. Apply personally, or by let-er addressed to Allen’s Fresh, CharlesCountv. JOHN G. CAMPBELL.

MiddleviU*. Sept. 25,1881.


Is ronfideully r*-CaiuaMUate4 u invalids•inur)u-*e.i by *ny kiM.n |>nj>iiil|ii, lu therure of Cwi'b*. flWwino. un<l t4hrrk>tiii of’.i H-•* •*•?i<. liithiiiii, C.bflp,Consumption in m early Slige.Wh' fa* the Hr-trl <.i-: i'4il'*m r. 4 mi iiiiitcil Mi(n oflh<i FUt Diera-r.f *|t rant‘war*. In s manner, iwntdwhf"lS *•*'•¦•* ui*-l r-ilue. with fMs**s at m*n*

f r**r-nf ilivovrry. •i**l b* H and: ionic qii •* fbtuugh five Skin sttr,; and with --at theory, Lw Ihecarr offb classj oi !•?-*-es.

A n nii-r of h- most rrporlble rhy*itin*I to \r'i n we com u'lnicst*-*! a kuowß-it'e ol I!irn of thr* be br*-n

I plM*-d l fern* <• with thrr opinions, (**ine

of th-m in wriliit'.) lht Ih'l are th- br*l,

reiuedie* lf*ey h*ee\#r been srq>i*iatei with| for flie enre nt tbe (Ue%*ra for wlilrh' lliry mekp-roinitiriMtefl.KdI'IMON UK OR StMUKL B MARTIN.

•( t!.r mnt oßprrionrM nf the UrnMv in1- Bfus City. and lor.e r-l- ht*t~(t |,*r hi sue-•|i|||. c***f’ilpractire.

Jfesri.r yr.n l li.> rrr(-.llv exTinine.* fit*.girt* of \<.r|f ‘'noiial. *<

nr no.l\('firm F.Xi—c'ornf)*. andfrith ViilusMe rnni|HM|'iil I hr* <l<>***

Kj' Hfakn 1 ron*i*trfit uitfl )ii.fic*| pMCtice,-¦not tbein.¦ Sic.'

V HfiL M D.

been made arqnatnfed with fhej ingredient* wtiich enter into flie '-nnpniiioti of' \nnr •* Anodyne t’Jirfrv K.**ecfrafii.” and

having al*o made t• i .*l of it* virtues. | liave nohesitation in reponuneiidine it In flie ronfiderire

i ati-l patron <ee nt the public, a* a mo*t

i err medirine m Hie lreat<nent of the vaiibti*die ie* for whieli it i* intended.

Stabler** Kbarrhoea l ordialI* a nl**-*viitMix * nre, com pounded in agree-merit with the rules of IMmi omct. of llin|i'it. .

• ic ngeiit*. lon* known and relebrnfed for their• peculiar efflcupv in curing Oi irrliflti.arid *imi-j jar aIT-rti-m* of |tie stern. In it* action, it

allax* iiaiive* ami prol'ice* 4 healthy action of ,; ttie l.iver. thu* removing the cause nt tlte csrne ,

time tfia* if cure* the di*eae.Opinion of Oocl. .foils Apptsos. IliVdvbn

to Ih*- Baltimore Southern l)ipemary.Ila\ing marie trial of yoni •* l)* Cor-

I dial.**and being a!*o arqu tinted with the in-j grertienl* of which it i* composed, it gives me

I much pleasure in a-hling mv testimony to thit! of other* in fawn of it* mu aordiv aft r.m---' r.vrv in the cur- of •• l)'arrhni and Summer

Complaint in rhiMien amt t.lult* ”

With much re*p-d. Sic .

JMH\ ADDISON. M. D.PRICE. 5 cti. a Bottle.

JOHN ADDISON M DWe b*g leave, a* convincing evidence of the

higWv vatitahle properties of the above nvtiled; medicinea. to refer to the aniiejjeil complimen-! l,nv notire from sixteen of tlie niMt respectable

Aimfliecarie* and Pharmaceutist* m the City ofBaltimore, whom we have apnointed oir agent*. !

i ami who have the several articles for *ale.^The anh'-rriher*, Apoth*ca<ien and Pharma- i

CMitist* m tin* Cjiy ot KtHimore. ar- :iti*(je<| |that the preparation* known a* STViu.fß'.* |\snpTH* f'nr.RRV KxerrToaavt and Sta- !

BI.RR's Dl ARRlir v Corpiai. are meificine* of, great value. a;id very efficient fir the relief and ,

cure of the dieae* fur which they Jear the !eviilence of -kill amt care in flieii piepsration ;amt *tvl of putting up. and vve rake pleasure Iin recommmending them to our customers.

Cl A Moore, F P scolt, SJv Fleming,F. V fiitpin. Urahaine. I| I.r\ve,J Rarer Ik C'o. I. Phillip*. Jo* Ho?eit*, fIJ W Johnston..l R Stan*hqrr. A W Hughe*.If 'irahnn*. J M fc MirshallPRICK, 50 cts. a Bo*tt.


Prep'trf'l fmm a ffereipt i irnrtf-l h’i i)R. /Off VI’H f/’lf.fV. n m*mh*rnflhe H()\ ‘f

! I.RISK OF SUHG'iOVS Oh' JJ.M' tW jj Hriifi)mnie efficient thin Ihi* m tot knuu-n

j M.ny (perh.i;on- hal' ) •?! ill* di*wea lioin *which chiMre-i in pr are occ i*ion*l lV tlie .presence of Woihi* in the system; aid if ne. ,gle.-le.i, give rise to site most iincotn'ift.ilde and jirritating feelings, violent ¦ pain*. *bknes at iitie stoinacli, emaciation and frequenti tuvonii- ¦

; tingTlii* medicine i* an efficient, safe'and plea- i

ant remedy for their extermination ;ll contain*' ail the virtues of the most approved yrmifuges

and although it lia* been used by ir>ny flion-van I*, and ha* been before *he puhlldor severalyear*, it ha* never been known to f.d in ellec-ting a complete CUie.

F.xtrarf from a letter received from SjS. Foarc.M. D., member of the Royal tJolege of

Surgeon*. I.ondon ITo F, H <t(h October Mb. ISSI.

Gtut'emen.—l **fim* I i*f v4r . by a •

ciiient, got hold of a tew boM'o* r your Sta-hfep* Dr. Eh:pmau*s Worm Mixtu 1 and nedit i’ my practice with such nnequa ed suece**

a* iu luced m* to send for -Vt dozen • •

I last mouth ordered, through the same gen-t!eman.glO<i do/eti• • • Von can ship me 50 dozen yerv threemop’ll* from date of receipt of this, a\iddraw for Hie amount, kc. kc.

Numerous certificate* ol cures f the mo*f

aggravated ease* of di*ea*e cowl lie readilyappended hereto but we fee| a*nr I that they

would add but little to the *frong a d rep*cta- JMe evidence here given by pcr*m competent!

; to jiplge of the merit* n( tli-se re*ni ial agents.

E*. H. STABLER k Co,. Pm iefors,

Ultimore. !PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle.

_ in St. Mary’* eouuty H#Richf- don,jayk, i|i'-

,ay h *(i- Town ," I Miles fiwn; aud J,S. Morgan, Chaplico—and by ilrdMuts (je-

erallv thiougbout Maiyljiwl and irginia.September 2. HJ2 —J.

f J


COTTINGII AM a JOftiSON haveremoved to No. 121 F att Srarrr

Wharf, corner nf 11 oilin worth andPratt streets, a few doors fr it, their oldstand, where thev trill o m* me to manrufaemre and sell on as term* e

anv nth*c (ioq*e in the c y of Haiti.•nre. every ar’icle that iluj Farmer nfPlanter may wUh to •*©. They arethankful for past favors, ad solicit acon’iinianco of the public pi tronage.

Baltimore. FebV. M. 1952.

| 1_' Hopkim Sc I'RirChild,ot SorrKssoßs to Hum k Hseaiss,

MERCHANT TAILORS, . %No. 230 Ballimoir st. N W. Coroe. ofCharles


A large assortment of Rcait>Mads* Clothing of superior quality.

ONE PRICE ONLY,i April J, ISA3 jr.

*BWw4 to Act ef Cnamw, ta tb* yrnm

Another Scientific Wonder!GREAT OURE FOR




PKKP VItRB from RKNNET. • r th<*fittinh Sr**>!Ar H of tiik 0. afi*r

directions of m Lirrig. the jr*atPhvsiol g‘c;if Che nist day J. S. fiouutiton. M. It., Philadelphia. Pa.

This is truly a wonderful remedy forIndigestion. Jaundice, Liver

* Complaint. and DeHility.CMtrirt’g after Nature’s own method* hviNaure\ own the Gastric Juice.

Half a tea*foonful of Pi*p*in in jfused in water, will disrest or di<isolve.firr pounds nf rnast herf in aboul ttenhours out of the s’omach.

Pepsin i< the chief element, or greatdiiiesting principle of the gastric juice—.the solvent of cli< f*n|. jhe punfviuj;.presi’rv isi’j. and stimula’ing .sgeni of the

i stomach an.l intestines. It is extractedfrom the digestive h of the ox.

i thus forming an artificial digestive fluid.; precisely like the natural irastric juice

in its chemical powers, and furnishing a‘ complete and perfect substitute for it.

Hv 'he aid of tht* preparation, the painsand evils of’ Indigestion an i Dyspepsiaare removed just as they would he hv a

, healthy stomach. It is doing Wondersfor Dyspeptics, curing cases of dehili vemaciation, nervous decline, and dyspeptic consumption, supposed to he onilie verge of the grave. The scientificevidoee' upon which it is based, is in thehigher degree curious and remarkable.

S .t vriM- Kviukvck? llarou I*iehigin lit- c,! ¦ o ‘a!•; I work on Animal Chent

, istrv, saw-; -An ar iiicia! digestiveI fluid,analogous to ihe liastric Juice, mav

: he readily prepared from the mucous1 membrane of the stomach of the Calf

j in which various articles of food, as meat

i and eggs, will he softened chunked, anddigested, just in the snmf manner as thfy

i would hr in the huiiu tch.”th Call on the agent, and gel a De- •

: scriptive Circular gratis, giving a largeamount of sc'entilic evidence, similar to |

i the hove, together with re|oris of re- imark aide cures, iroui all parts of theUnited Sta es.

As as Llyspepsia enrer, Dr. Hovuti-ton’s Pepsin has produced the mostm irrrlfnus effects, in cuiiug cases otDehility, Kmaciaiion, Nervous Decline,and Dysp> plic Consumption It U ini-possible to give the tl.-tails of cases inthe limits of this advertisement ; hutauthenticated certificates have been

i given of more than two hundred remar.j kahle cures, in Philadelphia. New York

i and IJosioit alone. These were nearly

! all desperate ca-e*s, and the cures" were

| not only rapid an 1 wonderful, but per-manetiu 4

It is a great nervous antidote, andparticularly useful for tendency to Bil-lions disorder, Liver Complaint, Feverand Ague, or badly treated Fever andAgue, and the evil effects of Quinine-Mercury, and others drug* upon the tiigesiive organs, after a long sicknessAlso for excess m eaiing. an I the too

tree u*e of anient spirits. It almost re-couciles heudh with intemperance.

Oi.d Srti.HACii CoMplaixts.—There isno to in of the old Stomach Complaintwhich it does dot seem to reach and remove at once. N > matter how had theymay he, it gives instant relief! A single dose removes all unpleasant svmptoms; and it only needs to be repeatedfor a short time to make these good e.f

; permanent. Purity of blood, andvigor of body follow at once. It is par.ticularly excellent in ca-es of Nsu<ea,Vomnuig. Cramps, Soreness of th? pit of

i the stomach, di>tr*ss after eating, low,

cold state of the blood, heaviness, low.ness of spirits, dompondency, emaciation,Vll>iiiM.'S<. tuii>Lu.>|> la ii.-m*in, JICtS.

Dr. I lorciFro**.* Pepsin, is sobl bynearly alt the dealers in fine drugs andftopular medicines, throughout the United3 ales. !t is prepared in Powder aud inFluid form—and in prescription vialsfor the use of PUys* ian*.

Private circulars for the ue of Phvsicians. may be obtained of Dr. Houghtonor his agents, describing the whole process of preparation, and giving the anthorities upon w hich the claims of thisnew new remedy based. As it isnot a secret reinetly, no ohj-ctmn* canbe raised against its use by Phvsi* iansin ree[>cctat>le stan ling and regularpractice. Price, ONE DOLLAR perbottle.

a~ o*s r** this!—Every bottle ofthe genuine Pepsin the writtensignature ot J. S. IhoauHToN, M. D , *'leproprietor. Philadelphia. Pa. Copy right

[ and T'afle Mark secured.

a* Sold by all druggists and dealersin medicines.

AGEvrs.-Spalding & Gr-enwell, Leon-ard Town ; Wm. Boswell, Port Tobaocp.

I 8. 8. Hanea, Baltimore. jel s

U.imp ton's Vegetable Tine*1

•" iWIT•


! rgStlK rM ww rcti; *

hnine‘V*(inM>ny. fnny, cine. *v jir *y 4

¦ Ba timoA. Sept. 11. I*sl.

Meters. Martian A .fhrrkr jr.* I fe-l it a duty

i tn iiiik** known Die ben fi’s i •(¦‘rivnl lrnnj Dr K**r • | nf tint*iI h iVr- tx>fit to r pt<.tra<i>ni nf mus--power. an I •tehritv of fti* ttnrvivitev-lr. ru|M'nnl wia'i ri-ii-i|t*ii-s <n4 flnf.leiiftjjol the li-jr*. I bad siifh ntHrkf!lf on mn* orr.ivitxi 1 cuijld •rarretv £**lhome.I inskin- in*nyf'tl of mv r t• fn * fri-* id. fi* r*.

b*iie<t m* to Jn*t>|ili |{. *q . an n|<lant rilixen of Rwltfnjor*.* !• • I 'i*ed lit* l iortii.r tinder siinilai rir

I rnmatir*.. ] railed on ,\fi St i|tV'ou. ml. f.| t>*r an interview o| o n* minutes. I wt fully, of tti* in—tic I virtu** of the Tinrt'ir*.

lomi th* erld-nr* be|.*re m*, of bi> own |*r<on,who. f*r yogi* previous. in-UeiDed a

state of he ilt\. h|t now a li-irty. tol* a|t***r-unlh tbe trdirty of | i<n mediately

eomfnfol iioup Hi* Ttirtur*. and. h-lbr* IImtk Hi* coi-lents of on* t-otil-. rnv ttrmzUt If<rrenewed. and I can imilk at brisk and nm n% me*the mt / twenty yenrt ufo. This Tihriiir*is th*grand restorative of h* digestive mpn*. whichwhen ieMro>et, the wliole pystem is in a stateof •utrerin*.

I do **itit is (in lni*nh|!C. hut i, in realitywf at it l repiesenteit to be he Dr. Hamptontbe inventor. W. A. SrHArrxcs.

Corner of Lombaid and Sharp streets.

A CLOUD OF WITNESSES.We have certificates from Captain Canot,

brother to the eminent physician to Louis N*.poleon. President <,f the French republic. ?Sowas cured of llheiiiiiatisin fseven v*ms’ stan**'in* ; one from Roht faiilf,ilo.. of seven v*srs ;

one Iron) Mr. Oldhatn. Bdtiuinre ('iitmii-hnnse,ot dreadful esse nf itvspepsi* ; on* ti<>m Jno.I.iik*.of a cas* of dyspepsia mat *n*ral il*.hility ; and on* from J. K. S’aplctua. eq.. ofHaltiinote, with hundreds of uliieis.

REV. VERNON ESKRIDGE. U S V.Portsmouth. (Vs..) Any. ts, |gs|.

Mr. J H. tioash —l)-ar Sir: While ( **n injen-rsl opposed to Paten* Medicines, candorcompels mv to slat* that I h* great confidencein the virtues of Hamilton *s Vegetable Tincture.For several montlis pvd I have u**-d it in myfamily, si.d in Dyspepsia, loss of appetite, dix-xiness, and generd !**bili;y wi*!i entire success.So far as mv experience extends, theiefor*. Ifsk* pleasure in reco:nm*tdtig it to the afflictedas a sale and efficient tem-dy,

I am, respectfully, yours.VERNON ESKRIDGE.

Chaplain in Die U. S. Navy.

ftT* After trie aimol miraculous cires diilyunite by •* llamptou’s Vegetable Tincture,**on our most respectable citizen*. m*n wellknown and tried, w*challenge the tcirlil to showany thing on record in Medicine to equal it. :Read! Head!

Cune Of Covst’MPTtON. NnrRAMSTA. P.\J\IN TDK <\rr.

R iHi more. May I. H.i2Mrstrt. Mo' timrrlfMoicbrny fleHenen.~

If is with pleasure I cau testify to the greathealing powers of Hampton’s Vegetable Tinc-ture— Mv wife had been afflicted for flue*years. Ishut in g under a constant backing Cough,with a most violent Pali* in the right Sjd-N*iiralgia ol the l|ea,l. and Dimness of Sight ;very little rest ,| av or night, and much emaeia'

1 Don. and to all appearance* a rapid Cou*u<np-tiou inevitably. W* had tlm most emiip ut jphvsiciui in Annapolis, hut his medicine dMnot give her any relief at all. hut gross i.,g worseif any -hang* in tV hast;— an I alter havingread one ol your Pamphlets, in July list, sheconcln |e I to fry llaiiipton’s Vegetable fineture. and after taking hut l-vo holl*s of \s hicb(under a kind Providence) we perr*iv*d a greatchange lor the h- fler: her appetite improvedhe skin became quit* clear, coughs, pains. :neuralgia, he . entirely left her. and hy Ih* 1

i limt *h* bad taken a f-w boffl** mo-* shewhs co'Ufdetely cured, and it now in the en-joyment of most excellent health

I have seen also its h*n-fieia| eff-cts on |several other ladies of Anuapo'is. an I I fhir.kI ran mv fintn what I hive ***nof fb* m*d* jcin*. i do not helieve its ('nra'ive Pwe s ranbe equal!* I. A sense of du*v to the a fiic*e-l !ha* induced me to drop these lew lines lettheir benefit.

Respectfully,EDWARD SANDS.

Master of the sehr G*o. H.*rber, AuuapnliaParket. >’n. .1, Tobacco Warehouse. Light 1blreet Wharf. ,


TIUJI’H Stringer I’Mn Fiction * None !ne-*d i|esp,ir—.i I,ily*a festtinorr after tbirt\-eigbt years ol nff*|j„g._Were there nit real 1virtue in this \v tuderful medicine could il 'perlnim tfie stniii*hi>ig cures inade hy it? i 1

. . Ni>rthannlon (,’o-lMf, \pril fl, IB\Messrs Tyler c Adair I have beet*

led with Rheumatism, at times, fm- :V*ar ; I will h* filly y*ais of ‘this tn-uifh ; the attacks wer**1 * 1.. , r u,ui,,!-.. Iremedies to very lift**¦ , . ,

I was attacked it* , riV SHles.hack .ami hiP <

; | couldcould not move an-1‘ art


Af snlhont

trying with .<*; at .“•; i *No .many reme^





receiving-•’¦y • 1 'va '* •dvised to |tiy llamptoii’*Vegetable rinclure;befor* I had itaken on* bottle of which I felt much better, iand as I continued taking it. 1 felt strengthcoining into my hack and limbs, and my stom-

ach strengthened and revived every way. Ihave taken five bottles, and am much belterthan I ever expected to be, I intend lo nse it

v believer I need it. and would r*con mend it to '(lie afflicted, believing; it unequalled.

Yours, FtiZAaBTH Bauwell.

Messrs. Mortimer k Mowbray: Mm. Eliza-beth Bagwell is a lady of the highest leapecta-hi ity, wealthy and influential. The cure inher cane speaks volumes in favor of this won-derful Tincture. Several other persons wehave heard of have dr rir-d great benefit fromits ue in our county. We are entirely- out ofthe article, and have daily anxiunv inquiries toknow when we writ receive another supply.We expect large ail-s of it from tbe presentdemand, arid want you to Send us a box as soonas possible Yours, Ttlcr fc Adaix.

Northampton Co., April IY, 1853.

Wanderful Cart of Uerrtlilani Semf Imb§ Hampton’s Veßrlabi* Tincture ! .

This certificate is from Hie pen ni a gentle Iman whose name appears on the journal of |f’ongress. one who is extensively znid favora- ¦

• biy know n :

“It atioids me pteaMira to state (hat DrHampton*• Tincture has effected a moat ex-traordinary cure’ of my slave boy, Albert. Thepatieot was thrve yean old. and had theScrolula—(bis fattier was scrofntons.) Theboy was a moving mass of aorm from head to

1 loot; eye-lnis were ranch w|-len. and tunfled inside nut. exhibiting horrible

ulcers that protruded over tl* eye-balls so aoto produce Mindness. It it strange.

’ yet txoe, this child, that I felt resigned to seeda aa a relief fro® •rnffexiag. boa boat ratios ad

¦ 11 11

to health under tbe treatmoat of Dr Hampton“ W- F Thomxooon.

j March 2, Ibal.”

11 siopton'a. Vegetable fine ture Hi Tbe geaptntfier of tteUfeml by its mild but ahwetf*

• action bn th* Si-uri.ich, Liter and Kidneyswrit euri Dyspepsia. Cough, \Sthm* Bronchial aad Lwng .IrA-rlisin. RrrtO, Side and Back

upturn. Bci uiula. Khettmalmn. G-.„tFistula Piles, ,Corn|dainl*l

1 tt Win*. IfAvtwi Debility, and as a r’eaaaloMedicine, it has no equal.

1 i A>U snd get M*.np'trt gratis. TMaHoma.I‘tn’s Vegetable I u,rture. acting on the Stem-

' .• !’. I iv*p and RS-lueys. cures Conglis Khea-instism. ell hre.f*! and throat diseases.*. Ire , IW*.,’with aH diseases arising IrJtoimiHue blo-ui. in nervous debility, fee. Mor-

- timer Jr flow bray. 24 B.illirnuicstreet,fcklti-it-Ore. have it lor sale. )**

Sd-I hy Spalding If Greer,well. LeonardTown ; l. 11. Morgan, t’haptico ; and Win. H.O-o n*rIf Co. Miles Town.June 17. IS32— tr.

¦ 77 ' i

•*lO3 CII UW6G.WffATRVRR concerns^,he hoalfhnntl happiness of a people is at alltimes of the most valuable importance.I take ii for granted that every perronwillHo all in their power, to sp*e thalives or th**ir chriMren, and that everyperson will en-leavor to promote their

j own itealth at aM Micrificee. J feel it te¦ tn duty to solemnly assure you thatWorms, according to the opinion efflie most celehraieri Phvsicianr, are theprimary causes of a large majority cau-Hisr>e* to which children and adult& areliable; if>n U have n appetite continuallychangeable trom one kind of food toanother Ba*l Breath. Path in ihe Stomach,\ icking at ihe Nose, Mardners and Pull!

i n-s* of the Rellv. Dry Couyh. SlewFever. P„ls* Irregular-remember tlatall these denote WORMS, and reu

> should at once apply the remedy :

HOBKXS ACK’S WUR.\| BY RTF.An article founded upon Scientifie

Piinciples, comjtournled with purelyj substance*, being perfectly

, vafe when taken, and can he givea tothe most tender Infant with decidedb-neticial efFecl. where /four/ Complaint*awl Dmnkaen have inatie them weakami debilitated; the route properttea of

i **>* Worm Sy nip are such, that n stand*without an equal in tha catalogue fmulicined in giving ton* and strength tethe Ston.ach. which makes it an Infalli.hie remedy Tor fhme aifltried wiih J> fA.

prpsi'r, the a.s'orii.shing cures prrlnnned by.his Syrup afer Physiciana have failed.iathe in-st evidence of its superior over ail others.

THE TAPE WORM.Thi is *hr most difficult Worm to de.•rov >.r a'l that infeat the human ay stem •

iljjrowsto an almost indefinite length!'•ecmm.ig so coiie.J atid fatene*l in the

1 Ini-sin* s an! Stomach effecting tha| so sadly ay to causa St. Vitua!>t:;te, Firs. drc,. th*t thnae aflicta}seldom if ever KU.f>ecl mat it to TamaIf.Tm hastening them to aii early grata.In onler to destroy this Worm,*a varyenergetic treatment must Im pursued * itwould he proper to taka A to & of myl-iver Pills as to remove all obatrueiiona,that the Worm Syrup may act directnoon the Worm, which mul be takenimloses ot *2 'abieapdonlulls A times a

! ;*y: direction* followed have never•e.*n !:n:jvn to tail in curing the no

1 obstinate case of Tope Harm.HORENS ACE’S LIVER PILI


N > part of the v*iem istiv .

! lipase than the LIVKR. rvinrI lilterer to surit’v the nr

proper secretion to * "}e :

1 wrong action of...i itarts ot ;he. other

}n } Complaint,pint* Arc. We should,aun hr

w-ich every symptom thtl; 1 ;Jicate a wrrong actum of the! i']iv*--

’Phase Pills being composed efc -OTS dt PLANTd furnished by na-

ture to h*-tl the sick : Namely, lat; AnKXPRCTOUANT, which augment* thesecretion from ihe Pulmonary mucusmembrane, or promotes the discharge ofsecreted matter. 2nd. An ALTERA-TI VK, which change* in some inexpli-cable and insensible manner the certainmorbid action of the system 3rd. ATONlC.which gives tone and strength to

the nervous system, renewing heal'h andvigor to all parts of the body ? A CA PH-ARTIC. which acts in perfect harmonywith the other ingredient*, and operatingon the Bowel*, and expelling the wholemass of corrupt and vitiated matter, andpurifying the Blood, which deatroya dis-ease and reel ores health*

tO FEMALES.You will find these Pills an inealaa*

hie medicine in many complaint*-1which you are subject. In obsiractHii*either total or partial, they ;bave beenfound of inestimable benefit, restoringtheir fund ions I arrangements to a heal-thy action, pcrifving the blood and otherfluids so effectually to pul to flight tUcomplaint* which'may arise frovfa-male irregularities, aa headache, fiddi-oess, dimness of sight, pain to ihe aide*back. dec.

None genuine unless signed J. NI Hohenaack, all others being beaa imita-

tion. _

Agents wishing new suppliee, and3'ore Keepers desirous of Agentsmust S'tdrev* the PmprieUK, J. N. Ho.beiisack. Philadelphia. Pa. /

G. VV. JOIINSON, Baltimore, Whole*sale Agent for Maryland.

For sale by Spalding Ac Green wall,Leonard Town, and every respectablestorekeeper ia the eoun|y aedkft*oi . |

, June 10, 1E59-6mL f\T 7- < f