st. thomas aquinas catholic...

St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church 185 St. Thomas Drive, Ojai, California 93023 805-646-4338 FAX 805-646-5928 Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM WEBSITE STACOJAI.ORG FACEBOOK.COM/STACOJAI FACEBOOK.COM/STACKIDS Served by the Augustinian’s Pastor Father Tom Verber O.S.A. and Associate Pastor Father Fernando Lopez O.S.A. Deacon Phil Nelson LITURGIES SATURDAY 8:00AM Daily Mass Vigils 5:00PM English & 7:30PM Spanish SUNDAY 7:30AM & 9:30AM English 11:30AM Spanish WEEKDAYS M-F 9:00AM Parish M-F 7:00AM in the Villanova Chapel ADVENT & CHRISTMAS SCHEDULES Page 5 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILLITION Saturdays 3:30-4:30PM or by appointment 646-4338 X105 ROSARIES Wednesday 6:15PM ~ Spanish Friday 9:30AM ~ Cenacles of Life ADORER CHAPEL HOURS Thursday Morning through Saturday Morning NOVENA & MASS SCHEDULE Page 5 ST.THOMAS AQUINAS THRIFT STORE Fitzgerald Plaza 423 E. Ojai Ave. #102 646-9256 WEDDINGS Call for appointment with the Pastor BAPTISMS (Call for appointment) Spanish-Father Fernando English-Deacon Phil FUNERALS Please call 646-4338 X101 ALL PARISH CHRISTMAS BRUNCH Sunday, December 11th 11:00AM Tickets available through December 7th Tickets WILL NOT be sold at the event. Tickets will be sold after mass and in the office. (Page 3) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Holy Day of Obligation Thursday, December 8th Mass-English 9:00AM Mass-Bilingual 7:00PM NOVENA Our Lady Of Guadalupe Starts this evening at 6:00PM Mass in Spanish to Follow (Please see page 5)

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St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church 185 St. Thomas Drive, Ojai, California 93023 805-646-4338 FAX 805-646-5928

Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM


Served by the Augustinian’s Pastor Father Tom Verber O.S.A. and Associate Pastor Father Fernando Lopez O.S.A.

Deacon Phil Nelson


SATURDAY 8:00AM Daily Mass

Vigils 5:00PM English & 7:30PM Spanish


7:30AM & 9:30AM English 11:30AM Spanish


M-F 9:00AM Parish M-F 7:00AM in the Villanova Chapel


Page 5


3:30-4:30PM or by appointment 646-4338 X105


Wednesday 6:15PM ~ Spanish

Friday 9:30AM ~ Cenacles of Life

ADORER CHAPEL HOURS Thursday Morning through

Saturday Morning



Fitzgerald Plaza 423 E. Ojai Ave. #102 646-9256


Call for appointment with the Pastor

BAPTISMS (Call for appointment)

Spanish-Father Fernando English-Deacon Phil


Please call 646-4338 X101



Sunday, December 11th

11:00AM Tickets available through

December 7th Tickets WILL NOT be

sold at the event.

Tickets will be sold after mass and in the office.

(Page 3)


Holy Day of Obligation Thursday, December 8th

Mass-English 9:00AM

Mass-Bilingual 7:00PM

NOVENA Our Lady Of Guadalupe

Starts this evening at 6:00PM

Mass in Spanish to Follow (Please see page 5)

Readings for the Week Page 2 Lecturas


Sunday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Rom 15:4-9; Mt 3:1-12 Monday: Is 35:1-10; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Lk 5:17-26 Tuesday: Is 40:1-11; Ps 96:1-3, 10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14 Wednesday: Is 40:25-31; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Thursday: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Ps 98:1-4; Eph 1:3-6, 11-12; Lk 1:26-38 Friday: Is 48:17-19; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Sunday: Is 35:1-6a, 10; Ps 146:6-10; Jas 5:7-10; Mt 11:2-11


Sunday: Second Sunday of Advent Tuesday: St. Nicholas Wednesday: St. Ambrose; Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Thursday: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Friday: St. Juan Diego Saturday: International Human Rights Day


First Reading He shall bring justice for the afflicted; the earths hall overflow with the knowledge of the Lord (Isaiah 11:1-10). Psalm Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever (Psalm 72). Second Reading Glorify God by living in harmony with one another, welcoming each other as Christ welcomed you (Romans 15:4-9). Gospel Produce good fruit worthy of your baptism; repent, for the reign of God is near (Matthew 3:1-12).


“Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear that sickness, nor any other sickness or anguish. Am I not here, who is your Mother? Are

you not under my protection? Am I not your health? Are you not happily within my fold? What else do you wish? Do not grieve nor be

disturbed by anything.”


Domingo: Is 11:1-10; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Rom 15:4-9; Mt 3:1-12 Lunes: Is 35:1-10; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Lc 5:17-26 Martes: Is 40:1-11; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 10ac, 11-13; Mt 18:12-14 Miércoles: Is 40:25-31; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 8, 10; Mt 11:28-30 Jueves: Gn 3:9-15, 20; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Ef 1:3-6, 11-12; Lc 1:26-38 Viernes: Is 48:17-19; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Mt 11:16-19 Sábado: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11; Sal 80 (79):2ac, 3b, 15-16, 18-19; Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Domingo: Is 35:1-6a, 10; Sal 146 (145):6-10; Sant 5:7-10; Mt 11:2-11


Domingo: Segundo Domingo de Adviento Martes: San Nicolás Miércoles: San Ambrosio; Día para recordar Pearl Harbor Jueves: La Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen María Viernes: San Juan Diego Sábado: Día Internacional de los derechos humanos

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura Brotará un retoño del tronco de Jesé. Juzgará a los pobres con justicia, y herirá al violento con el látigo de su boca (Isaías 11:1-10). Salmo Que en sus días florezca la justicia y la paz abunde eternamente (Salmo 72 [71]). Segunda lectura Vivan en perfecta armonía unos con otros. Por lo tanto, acójanse los unos a los otros como Cristo los acogió a ustedes, tanto circuncidados como gentiles (Romanos 15:4-9). Evangelio Juan Bautista predica, “Arrepiéntanse, porque el reino de los cielos está cerca” (Mateo 3:1-12).


“No se turbe tu corazón; no temas esa enfermedad, ni ninguna otra enfermedad o angustia. ¿No estoy yo aquí? ¿No soy tu Madre? ¿No estás bajo mi sombra? ¿No soy yo tu salud? ¿No estás por ventura en mi regazo? ¿Qué más has de menester? No te apene ni te inquiete otra cosa”.

Upcoming Events Page 3 Próximos Eventos


Domingo 11 de diciembre, 11:00 En el centro de Aquinas se llevará a cabo un brunch

por el Restaurante Mexicano Don Lalo. Los boletos están a la venta después de las misas,

así como en la oficina parroquial. Adultos $ 10.00 y niños $ 5.00




Venga a celebrar la temporada con toda nuestra familia parroquial después de las 9:30 AM masa!

Charlene Brannan 646-7013

ALL PARISH CHRISTMAS BRUNCH Sunday December 11th, 11:00AM

A catered brunch by Don Lalo’s Mexican Restaurant will be held in Aquinas Center. Tickets are on sale

after masses as well as in the parish office. Adults $10.00 and Children are $5.00




Come celebrate the Christmas season with all our parish family after the 9:30AM mass!!

For more information please call Charlene Brannan at 646-7013


There are special envelopes for monies toward the purchase of Poinsettias for the church. You may write a loved one’s name and yours on the envelopes. These envelopes will be placed on the Altar all through the Christmas Season. Please make any checks payable to the STA Women’s Guild.


Our first Homeless Shelter is Tuesday December 6th.

All hands on deck to prepare once again for our parish to host. There are many ways you can help, from washing linens, checking people in, helping to prepare and serve dinner, being present to all with our faith. If you can help or sign up for one night to cook please call the parish office. The shelter can use donations of: Coffee, regular and decaf; hot chocolate; cereals, items for lunches and munchies (cookies, hard boiled eggs, chips…) Please call the office.

POINSETTIAS DE NAVIDAD Hay sobres especiales para el dinero hacia la compra de Poinsettias para la iglesia. Usted puede escribir el nombre de su ser querido y el suyo en los sobres. Estos sobres se colocarán en el altar durante toda la temporada navideña. Por favor, haga cualquier cheque a nombre del STA Women's Guild.


Nuestro primer refugio para personas sin hogar es el martes 6 de diciembre. Todas las manos en la cubierta para prepararse una vez más para nuestra parroquia de acogida. Hay muchas maneras que puedes ayudar, desde lavar ropa de cama, revisar a la gente, ayudar a preparar y servir la cena, estar presente a todos con nuestra fe. Si usted puede ayudar o regis-trarse para una noche para cocinar por favor llame a la oficina parroquial. El refugio puede utilizar donaciones de: Café, regular y descafeinado; chocolate caliente; Cereales, artículos para almuerzos y galletas (galletas, huevos duros, patatas fritas ...) Por favor llame a la

THANK YOU NOTES There are sometimes events “that just seem to happen”? Here are some

examples. This being said please add the nameless folks who are making these things happen to your prayers.

♦ The HOMELESS SHELTER is going to be up and running on the 6th. ♦ The CHRISTMAS BRUNCH is happening on the 11th ♦ The ANGEL TREE and the THANKSGIVING DINNER happened ♦ The ENVIORNMENT is changed many times in these weeks ♦ FAMILY TO FAMILY is operating without a co-coordinator ♦ PEOPLE ARE FED with the OPEN PANTRY & SHARE THE HARVEST

We are continually blessed.

GRACIAS NOTAS A veces hay eventos "que simplemente parecen suceder"? Aquí hay unos

ejemplos. Dicho esto, por favor, agrega a las personas sin nombre que están haciendo estas cosas suceden a sus oraciones.

♦ El refugio sin hogar se va a poner en marcha el día 6. ♦ El BRUNCH de NAVIDAD está sucediendo el 11 ♦ El ÁRBOL DE ÁNGEL y la CENA de ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS sucedieron ♦ El ENVIO se cambia muchas veces en estas semanas ♦ FAMILY y FAMILY está operando sin un coordinador ♦ LAS PERSONAS SON FED con la DESPENSA ABIERTA Y COMPAR-

TIR LA COSECHA Somos continuamente bendecidos.

Parish Life this Week Page 4 Vida Parroquial

Dom: 12-4 2 Domingo de Adviento 8:30-9:30AM Educación religiosa 4-6:00PM Confirmacion 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Misa-Sp. Lun: 12-5 9:30AM Grupo Pequeño 2:00PM Duelo 5:00PM Estudio Bíblico 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Misa-Sp. 7:00PM Estudio Biblico Mart: 12-6 6:00PM Novena 6:00PM Refugio para indigentes 7:00PM Misa-Sp 7:00PM Liturgia Mié: 12-7 Día de Recuerdo de Pearl Harbor 3:30 & 6:00PM Educación religiosa 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Misa-Sp. Jue: 12-8 Concepción inmaculada de María Santo Día de Obligación ** NO Villanova Misa 9:00AM Misa-Ing-SDDO Adoración 9:30AM Estudio Biblico 10:00AM Compartir la cosecha 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Misa-bilingüe SDDO 7-9:00PM Grupo de jovenes Vie: 12-9 Adoración 9:30AM Rosario-cenáculos de la Vida 3:00PM fecha límite boletí 12/18 & 25 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Misa-Sp. Sáb: 12-10 Adoración 3:30-4:30 PM Confesiones 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Misa-Sp. Dom: 12-11 3 Domingo de Adviento 8:30-9:30AM Educación religiosa 4-6:00PM Confirmacion 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Misa-Sp.


December 9 is Deadline for December 18th & 25th December 16th is Deadline for January 1st, 2017


El 9 de diciembre es fecha límite para el 18 & 25 de diciembre El 16 de diciembre es fecha límite para el 1 de enero de 2017


Sunday 12-4 9:30AM Bob Nelson † By: The Nelson Family 11:30AM Estevan Patino-Lopez † By: The Patino Family Monday 12-5 9:00AM Assunta Nocero † By: Chuck Coscarelli Tuesday 12-6 9:00AM Michael Balaban † By: Bereavement Wednesday 12-7 9:00AM John & Gordon Kurzweil † By: Virginia McCarthy Thursday 12-8 9:00AM Concepcion Perez † By: Connie Rimpa Friday 12-9 9:00AM Gilbert Melendez † By: Bereavement Saturday 12-10 8:00AM Anna Mancias † By: Bereavement 5:00PM Ryan Osler † By: Jean Kermode

Sun: 12-4 2nd 1st Sunday of Advent 8:30-9:30AM Religious Education 4-6:00PM Confirmation 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Mass-Sp. Mon: 12-5 9:30AM Small Group 2:00PM Bereavement 5:00PM Bible Study-Beyond Beginning 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Mass-SP 7:00PM Bible Study-Sp. Tues: 12-6 6:00PM Novena 6:00PM Homeless Shelter 7:00PM Mass-Sp 7:00PM Liturgy Wed: 12-7 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 3:30 & 6:00PM Religious Education 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Mass-Sp. Thurs: 12-8 Immaculate Conception of Mary-HDOO ** NO Villanova Mass 9:00AM Mass-English-HDOO ADORATION 9:30AM Bible Study 10:00AM Share the Harvest 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Mass-Bilingual-HDOO 7-9:00PM Youth Group Fri: 12-9 ADORATION 9:30AM Rosary-Cenacles of Life 3:00PM ** Bulletin Deadline for ** December 18 & 25 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Mass-Sp. Sat: 12-10 ADORATION 3:30-4:30PM Reconciliation 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Mass-Sp. Sun: 12-11 3rd Sunday of Advent 8:30-9:30AM Religious Education 4-6:00PM Confirmation 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Mass-Sp.

Advent & Christmas Schedule Page 5 Horario de Navidad

Saturday 12-3 5:30PM Villanova Posada 5:30PM St. Joseph’s Concert Sunday 12-4 2nd Sunday of Advent 6:00PM Novena Guadalupe & 7:00PM Mass-Sp Monday 12-5 2:00PM Bereavement Meeting 6:00PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00PM Mass-Sp Tuesday 12-6 Homeless Shelter Opens 6:00PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00PM Mass-Sp 7:00PM Liturgy Meeting Wednesday 12-7 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 6:00PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00PM Mass-Sp Thursday 12-8 Immaculate Conception Of Mary 9:00AM Mass 6:00PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00PM Bilingual Mass Friday 12-9 6:00PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00PM Mass-Sp Saturday 12-10 5:00PM Mass-Vigil 6:00PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00PM Mass-Sp Sunday 12-11 3rd Sunday of Advent 11:00AM Christmas Brunch 6:00PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00PM Mass-Sp Monday 12-12 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 5:00AM Mananitas 6:00AM Mass-SP 9:00AM Mass 6:00PM Novena 7:00PM Mass-Sp Tuesday 12-13 Homeless Shelter 7:00PM Penance Service Saturday 12-17 9:00AM Open Pantry Sunday 12-18 4th Sunday of Advent Tuesday 12-20 Homeless Shelter Thursday 12-22 No Adoration Friday 12-23 No Adoration Saturday 12-24 Christmas Eve No Adoration 5:00PM Family Vigil Mass 7:00PM Carols-Sp 7:30PM Mass Vigil-Sp 9:30PM Carols 10:00PM Mass at Night Sunday 12-25 Christmas Day Nativity of the Lord 7:30AM Mass 9:30AM Mass 11:30AM Mass-Sp Saturday 12-31 New Years Eve Solemnity of Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00AM Mass 5:00PM Mass Vigil 7:00PM Mass Vigil-Sp Sunday 1-1-17 New Years Day Solemnity of Blessed Virgin Mary 7:30AM Mass 9:30AM Mass 11:30AM Mass-Sp

Sábado 12-3 5:30PM Villanova Posada 5:30 PM Concierto de San José Domingo 12-4 Segundo Domingo de Adviento 6:00 PM Novena Guadalupe y 7:00 PM Mass-Sp Lunes 12-5 2:00 PM Reunión de Luto 6:00 PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00 PM Mass-Sp Martes 12-6 Se abre refugio para personas sin hogar 6:00 PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00 PM Mass-Sp 7:00 PM Reunión de Liturgia Miércoles 12-7 Pearl Harbor Día de la conmemoración 6:00 PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00 PM Mass-Sp Jueves 12-8 Inmaculada Concepción de María 9:00 AM Misa 6:00 PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00 PM Misa Bilingüe Viernes 12-9 6:00 PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00 PM Mass-Sp Sábado 12-10 5:00 PM Misa-Vigilia 6:00 PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00 PM Mass-Sp Domingo 12-11 3º Domingo de Adviento 11:00 AM Brunch de Navidad 6:00PM Novena Guadalupe 7:00 PM Mass-Sp Lunes 12-12 Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 5:00 AM Mananitas 6:00 AM Misa-SP 9:00 AM Misa 6:00 PM Novena 7:00 PM Mass-Sp Martes 12-13 Refugio para personas sin hogar 7:00PM Servicio Penitencia Sábado 12-17 9:00 AM Despensa abierta Domingo 12-18 4º Domingo de Adviento Martes 12-20 Refugio para personas sin hogar Jueves 12-22 No Adoración Viernes 12-23 No Adoración Sábado 12-24 Nochebuena ninguna adoración 5:00 PM Misa Vigilia Familiar 7:00PM Carols-Sp 7:30 PM Masa Vigil-Sp 9:30PM Carol 10:00 PM Misa en la noche Domingo 12-25 Navidad Natividad del Señor 7:30 AM Misa 9:30 AM Misa 11:30 AM Mass-Sp Sábado 12-31 Nochevieja Solemnidad de la Bienaventurada Virgen María 8:00 AM Misa 5:00 PM Vigilia de misa 7:00 PM Vigilia Masiva-Sp Domingo 1-1-17 Año Nuevo Solemnidad de la Bienaventurada Virgen María 7:30 AM Misa 9:30 AM Misa 11:30AM Misa

PREGUNTA DE LA SEMANA Adultos: ¿Qué necesitas cambiar para que otros puedan aprender de verte observando que Cristo Jesús camina entre nosotros? Niños: ¿Qué podrías hacer para que otros vean en ti lo que significa seguir a Jesús?

You Should Know Page 6 Usted debe saber

QUESTION OF THE WEEK Adults: What do you need to change so that others can learn from watching you that Christ Jesus walks among us? Children: What could you do so that others will see in you what it means to follow Jesus?

DID YOU KNOW? No matter how you handle Christmas gifts, you’re likely to have to go to the mall with your kids during the holiday season. In the midst of the crowds, children can easily

become separated from their parents. Be alert in crowds and maintain awareness of what others around you are doing. Institute the buddy system – have your kids hold your

hand or one another’s. Talk with your children about what to do, and who to go to for help, should you become separated. Also, it is important to give your child your cell

phone number so mall security can contact you quickly if needed. For more information, please visit

¿SABíA USTED? Asegúrese que las compras de la temporada navideña se hagan con seguridad

No importa cómo usted maneje los regalos navideños, lo más probable es que tenga que ir al centro comercial con sus hijos durante la temporada de Navidad. En medio de

las multitudes, los niños fácilmente se pueden separar de sus padres. Manténgase alerta en las multitudes y esté consciente de lo que estén haciendo las demás personas

a su alrededor. Institucionalice el sistema de amigos, que sus hijos se tomen de su mano o entre ellos. Platique con sus hijos sobre qué hacer y a quién acudir para ayuda, en caso que se separen de usted. Además, es importante darles a sus hijos su número

de teléfono celular para que el personal de seguridad del centro comercial puedan contactarla/o rápidamente si es necesario. Para más información, por favor visite http://

Immaculate Conception of Mary Inmaculada Concepción de María

Thursday, December 8th

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary Is a Holy Day of Obligation

Mass is at 9:00AM in English and

7:00PM in Bilingual

Jueves 8 de diciembre

La Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción de María Es un Día Santo de Obligación

La misa es a las 9:00 AM en inglés y

7:00 pm en bilingüe


PARISH STAFF DIRECTORY Pastor, Father Tom Verber, O.S.A. 646-4338 X105 [email protected] Associate Pastor, Fernando Lopez, O.S.A. 646-4338 X103 [email protected] Deacon Phil Nelson 276-3799 [email protected] Administrative Secretary, Kathleen Lansing 646-4338 X101 [email protected] Finance Director, Oscar Melendez 646-4338 X104 [email protected] Business Manager/Youth Minister, Brian Campos 646-4338 X102 [email protected] Religious Education Director, Aina Yates 646-4338 X111 [email protected] Bulletin Editor, Debbie Young (Deadline Friday 3:00PM) [email protected] Facilities & Grounds, Ernesto Pineda 646-4338 [email protected] Aquinas Center & Facility Rental, Brian Campos 646-4338 X102 [email protected]

SACRAMENTS: Baptism, English, Deacon Phil (2nd Saturdays) 276-3799 [email protected] Baptism, Spanish, Father Fernando (1st Saturdays) 646-4338 X103 [email protected] 1st Communion, Confirmation, RCIA, RICA, Aina Yates 646-0307 [email protected] Marriage, Father Tom 646-4338 X105 [email protected] Sacrament of Sick, Parish Office 646-4338 X101 [email protected]

GENERAL INFORMATION Finance Committee Chair, Rod Smith 646-9584 [email protected] Pastoral Council Chair, Michael Shields 640-8776 Liturgy Committee Chair, Matt Bender [email protected] Adoration, John Teichert 649-9143 [email protected] Bereavement Chair, Paula Clarke [email protected] Bible Study, Dr. Carol Cowgill 459-5689 Catholic Charities 643-4694 Confirmation, Brian Campos 646-4338 X102 [email protected] Defenders of Life, Carol / Anna 647-5345/218-3093 Environment Chair, Julie Teichert 649-9143 [email protected] Escuela de La Cruz, Jaime Luna 218-9519 Family to Family, Marie Maier 646-5980 Grupo de Oracion, Father Fernando 646-4338 X103 [email protected] Guadalupanos Hospitality, Oscar Melendez 646-4338 X104 [email protected] Homeless Shelter Life Choices, Tom Susanka tsusanka@thomasaquinas@edu Ministers Schedule, Brian Campos 646-4338 X102 [email protected] Ministers to the Sick, Steve Barrack 805-535-8083 [email protected] Music Ministry, Matt Bender & Lisa Boyd 766-6042 (Lisa) [email protected] Prayer Line, Phil Nelson & 276-3799 [email protected] Prayer Shawl Ministry, Paula Clarke [email protected] RCIA/RICA, Aina Yates 646-0307 [email protected] Scouts, Cub & Boy, Dave Ostby 649-2667 Sharing the Harvest, Tina Ford 272-8123 [email protected] Shut In Visits, Office 646-4338 X101 [email protected] Society of St. Vincent de Paul-Assistance 633-3061 St. Vincent de Paul-Open Pantry, Bonnie Patton 649-2729 [email protected] Thrift Store, Dorothy Rice 646-9256 Villanova Prep School 646-1464 Virtus-Safeguarding the Children 646-4338 X101 [email protected] Women’s Guild, MaryEllen Bovee 640-1782 Youth Group, Brian Campos 646-4338 X102 [email protected]

BULLETIN DEADLINES Please submit your bulletin requests to the office or by email to [email protected] by 3:00PM Friday the week

BEFORE to be printed. All requests must have the Pastor’s approval.