st. viator college newspaper, 1932-10-15

Hallowe'en Party VOL. L. BOURBONNAIS, ILLINOI S, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1982 NO. Z. Extension School Planned ASSISTANT SUPERIOR GENERAL DEAD BROTHER HENRI AMIEL DIES IN VIATORIAN MOTHER HOUSE AT JETTE ST. PIERREJ BELGIUM Student Body Attends Requiem Hi gh Mass and Receives Communion for Repose of His Soul ----------------------- A .New Deans Take r · ST Up Duties 1 I Two very important c han ges l:Seen made in the directorial staff of 1 the Coll ege this ye ar. Th e Rev. R. J. F rench C. S. V., last year 's De an of Discipline , has be en appointed the new Dean of Studies to s ucceed the Rev. T. J. L ynch. The R e v. Franci s J. Harbauer C. S. V., is Fr. French 's VIATOR COLLEGE OFFERS EXTENSION COURSES FOR TEACHERS & BUSINESS MEN President Maguire, Father French And Father Cardinal to Teach After- noon and Evening Classes Broth er H enri Arnie!, c. s. v., As- Mothers of Day Stu - su c cesso r as Dean of Di scip line. The Former Teachers An announ ce me nt h as be en r eceiv- sis tant Superior General and Secre- s tude nt body is not only well s ati s- ed from the offices of th e De an of tary of the General dir ec tion of the d ents form New Club fi ed but pleased w ith th e new offi ce rs Return To Viator studi es, Ri c hard J. French, c. s. v., Viatorian Order, died at the Mother as both of them are well qualified that exten s ion courses will be offer- House of the Order in B ru ssels, Oct- There has been a movemen t on for their r es pective positions by rea- The fac ulty of St. Viator Coll ege ed at St. Via tor thi s year. Th ese ober 11, 1932. Bra Arni e! after many floor to form an organization of son of th e ir ability and e xperi en ce. has been invaluabl y augme nted by cla sses whi ch will be held in the at- years of service in the schoo ls of the the moth e rs of the students of St. Father F rench the addition of ce rt ain members of te rnoons and e venin gs, will begin in Order in France and Belgium, serv - Viator Co ll ege. Thi s organization Father French, who al so heads the th e Viatorian ord er who are r eturn - th e ve ry n ear futur e, as soon as th e ed in a lik e capacity in the Coun cils w ill be pe rmanent and o ne that will De partmen t of Edu cation, re turned to ing to tak e up old and new duti es. comprehensi ve arrangements have of the Order and especia lly in th e th e c ampu s after s ecuring his Doc - Th ey are Rev . Joseph LaPlante, C. been compl eted. General Chapt ers of t he Community act in cooper at ion with th e co ll ege t orate at Loyola University in Chi - S. V., who is teac hing in th e cl as sici It has been the po li cy of the Col- which takes place every fiv e years. f or t he g ood of the stud e nts, not on- cago. F or his thesis he compi led an languages departme nt; R ev. Geor ge lege for s ever al years past to main - These he attend ed regularl y as a del e- ly int ell ec tually but soc ially. The i nt ere sting and valuabl e s urvey of I Vien, C. S. V., h as a ss umed o nce more tain these course s, and year alter gate si n ce th e chapter of 1909. He need of an old er and wi se r i nf lu ence vario us phases of the parochial and th e teaching of Fr ench, a s ubj ect in year they have been shown to be took a sp ecial inte rest in the Ameri - is s ometimes lacking in many things publi c school sys te ms in Ch icago. Fr. whi ch he is part icula rl y capab le; R ev. very su cce ssf ul. They are es tabli s h- can d elegates, esp ecially thos e from French w as graduat ed from St. Via- 1 John E. Williams, C. S. V., return s ed primari ly for the accomodation of the Province of Chi cago. Hi s p erf e ct th e s tude nts s ponso r. This soc iety tor Coll ege in the cl ass of 1917, a- to the co ll ege from St. Joseph' s teachers and o thers, whose time dur- knowledge of French and English of th e mothers wi ll atte mpt to fur - long with the pr e se nt Dr. Futon Sh e- Spri n gf ield where he has been doing in g th e reg ular class day is oth e r- made him especially helpf ul to the ther activities on the c ampus. One e n, Dr. Cha rl es A. Hart , and Dr. parish work, to tak e over th e ins trc- wis e occupi ed. Cours es in s eve ral delegates from t he U. S. of the main purposes fo r its in s titu - Chris topher Mar zano. He was o r- tion of economics as ass ist an t and al- phases and departme nt s of s tudy ar e He was we ll known and great ly tion bas been that of uniting the dained in June, 1922, and retumed so Ame rican His tory. R ev. T homas to be offer ed and the re gular Coll ege beloved by many of pries ts and to the Colle ge the following Sep tem-.Sulli van, C. S. V., is teac hing math e- prof essors will condu ct the c lasses . brothers w ho as delegates had shar ed day st udent and the r esident stude nt ber to teach. Excep t for s ummer rna ti cs and Eng li sh 1. I T hese ins tru c tors compri se th e be st the legis la tion of the Community. He in a clo se r bond of intimacy. The s choo l work and th e ti me spent at With the return of these instru c- tal e nt in the Congrg ation of St. Via- was a man of broad vision and great c omplaint bas often been expr essed Loyola, Fr. Fr ench has been station- tors the fac ulty of the Libe ral Art s tor ; graduates of some of th e le ading constructive powe rs in the edu cation- by both par ti es that this lack of co - ed here at the College . and Scienc es department is even be t- Universi ties in both this country and al field of his own coun try and also operation between them e xists and Fat h er Harbauer ter equipped than befor e. T he addi - Europe. Th e Re vere nd J. w. R. Ma- in grappling with edu cational and s hould not. It is the d es ire of those The ne w Disciplinary H ead though tion of Gr e ek to th e curri c ulum is of guire C. S. V., Pre side nt of th e Col- communi ty probl ems in Ameri ca. Th e ' · considerabl e value, especi a lly sin ce lege , who made his s tud ies at Ox- Chicago PrOvince loses a good f ri end who met that the mothers of the re si - only conne c ted wi th the Coll ege Fac- the co urse is condu c ted by one as w e ll ford, will co ndu ct c ourses in Eng lish a nd an able advocate in the aimable de nt s tudents be e ntertain ed at so me ulty s in ce his ordination in Spring- ve r sed in th e lang uage as Fr. La- and Economi cs; Dr. French, De an , fie ld last March, . is already one Plant e undoubtedly is. To all of who has don e work in educa tion in t he mo st popular mstructors and dl - th ese n ew instructors and o ld friend s England, Can a da and le ading re c tors on the campus. Fr. Harbauer, a hearty welcome is exte nded. si ti es of thi s co untry, will ho ld se ve ral Bro. Ami el, who has g one forth to time wh en it ips ossibl e for them answer the Master's call with his to be prese nt . If the mo thers sue- three score and ten years laden with the gOlden harvest of a life spent in ceed in the ir aims, whi ch are inde ed b ecau se of his intense interest in boys dotng good. worthy of them, it wi ll be a great and their ac tiviti es , is particularly The e ntire s tud e nt body of St. Via- ach ievement. suited for hi s new po si tio n. The new intr a -mural soft baH league and the tor College attended th e R equi em High Mass s ung by th!' Very Rev. J. BENEFACTORS ARE GIVEN THANKS courses in edu c ation ; Dr. Cardinal of the Un iversi ty of Illi nois wi ll hav e charge of courSes in his tory. Other Th e Rev. J. W. R. M aguire, C. S. revival of int e rest in bowling a r e du el - -- V., President of the co lle ge , cal led a to his effo rt s. St. Hall been the hap- W. R. Maguire, and r eceived Holy meeting of all the moth e rs of the Father Ha rbauer spe nt his no vit- PY r ecipi e nt of 8 s enes of benefac- ::=ommunion for the repose of the soul t d lf Brot her Ami el on W ednesday, day s tudents for Thurs day, Oc tobe r ia te at Ch a mbe rl ain , South Dakota , lt ons whi ch have helped a gr ea eal courses in sociology, economi cs , ac- counting, psyc ho logy, etc., wi ll be opened to m ee t th e ne eds of any g roup of s tud e nt s suffic ient in num- bers. Th e de an , Dr. Fre nch, w ill meet prosp ec tive stud e nts ne xt Tu es- da y a t 7: 30 In th e a dmini s tr a ti on building. Oc tober 12. 20. Thi s opportunity is tak en to and was g raduated fr om St. Viator to sol ve it s household problems. College in 1 92 7. In 1 927-28 he s erv- Und er of Mrs. Juli a urge all the mo the rs to attend this ed as an ins tru c tor in the Old Aca- M. Ba ldwm, of Cht cago, a g roup of Debate Suject To Be Bank Regulation mee tin g. A co mmittee has been demy. From 1926 to 1928 he was ha ve banded and by a se lec ted to draw up a te ntative c on- Per fe ct of the Acad e my stude nts on St:' rt es of card parti es, . soc1a ls , . s titution to submit at th is meeting. th e fourth c orridor of Roy Hall. In und o th er re mun era ti ve ac tlvltt es Accordin g to i nformati on r ecei ved The committee co nsists of Mr s. W. Se pte mber, 1928, he began hi s th ea- h ave been enabled to su pp ly m any ·ec ently by Mr. Robe rt A. Nolan, '34, · C. Clancy, c hairman; Mrs. E. A. Ar - logical s tudi es at th e Catholi c Uni- art icles of comf or t :a. Ul e ldanager of Debate, both th e mi dwes t rington , Mrs . J . Hi ck ey and Mrs. vers it y and c ompl eted th em l as t and household n ecess itt es. The actt- Lnd the Illinois Inter colle gi ate De- Speilber ger. s pr ing. Whil e in W as hington, Fr. viti es will go on duri ng th e entir e >ate Leagues h ave d ec id ed to di sc u ss T he individu'al s tude nts themse lves Ha rbau er als o sec ur ed hi s Mas te r' s year, th e pr oceeds in one fo rm or > ankln g r egul a ti on fo r th e 1932 -33 are as ked to s ee that th e ir m others degree tn Germ an. othe r to go to St. Be rn ard Hall. On e of th e co urses to be given by Dr. French will de al sp ecifically w ith character e du ca ti on. It is a co ur se th at will appeal to most e du cato rs and many parents and o th ers int er es t ed in the educ at ion of th e yo un g . T he v a ri ous topi cs tr e at ed de al wi th t he n atu re of c ha racter and cha rac t- er educa ti on wi th the vario us thea- attend this i mpor tant meeting. A So f ar there h as been furni shed a ;cason unde r the ques ti on , "R esolv- ·d: That all banking f unc ti ons be r eg- ilated by the Feder al go vernme nt, vt th d eposi ts gua r an teed." Mot her' s Club wor king wi th th e col- DISTINGUISHED VISITORS complete se t of bedroom lin en, bl an - ries con ce rnin g it ; the ideals and ob- COM.E ket s, t owels, wind ow s had es, c urtain s, j e cti ves of char ac te r educati o n; th e wi th small rugs, ma tt r esses a nd f ur - w ays a nd means proposed by e du c at - ni ture to fo ll ow. Th e cha pel h as b ee n ors and others to bring it abo ut ; the Ralph H oover and Gill Mid dl eton, lege authori ti es can accomplish gre at things for the be nefit of s tude nts and co llege . 1 cnior debat ers, met an af fi rma ti ve -------- earn fro m De Pa ul l as t Apri l 30th •n prac ti call y th e s ame qu es ·a n. The lebate was b road cas t ove r sta ti on VLS, and an audi ence vote d eclar- d the con tes t to be a ti e. Probabl e Broadcas ts Although Mr. No lan has no t as yet cleased th e t entati ve schedule, it is ( Continued on Page Six ) IN RECITAL On Friday, Octobe r 14, Don ald Hi e- key appe ar ed in r ecital wi th th e pu- pils of Mi ss Bernadette Bostick. Mr. Hi ckey g ave a splen did ren dition of the soJa pa rt of Geor ge Gershwin's famous Rhap sody In Blue, arranged for t wo p ianos. TO THE COLLEGE Mr. Re ne Weill er, F ren ch Cons uJ reme mbe red by a new se t of white r esearch work tha t h as been d on e up at Chi cago; Mr. Arth ur Al li ar, of vestme nt s, al bs, su rp li ce, Benedi c ti on to th e pr esent ; the ways of m eas ur- Conc ul's staff, and Mr . H a yden H arri s Veil a nd cope. Th e Di r ec tor, Fr. ing cha racter; and th e tr ai nin g of of the H arri s Bank, at Chi cago vis it - Mun sch, C. S.V., h as b ee n given a teach ers fo r character format ion . ed the College on We dn esday after- n evt cassock, s urpli ce and many use- It has been th e po li cy of t he Col- noon. Oc tober l 2. Th ey spe nt some fu l gifts through t he gener osi ty of lege for seve ral y ears pas t to m ai n- ti me in con ve rs ati on with Pr eside nt th e Ladi es . The Bro the rs have each tain th ese coureses, a nd y ear aft er J . W . R . Magul re, C. S. V., Ms gr. rece ived a well kni tted pu re woo l year th ey h ave been shown to be Legris, and Re v. J . P . O'Mahoney, Pl aying card s have been very su ccessful. T hey are establish- C. S. V., Provtnc lal of Chi cago P ro - ---- ----------- vin ce of th e Viato ri an Ord er . I Con ti nu ed fr om Page One ) (Conti nued on Page S ix)

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The Viatorian, Vol. L, No. 2


Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-10-15

Hallowe'en Party




Student Body Attends Requiem High Mass and Receives Communion for Repose

of His Soul

----------------------- A

.New Deans Take r· ST Up Duties 1


Two ve ry important changes have ~ l:Seen made in the directorial staff of 1

the College this y ear. The Rev. R.

J. F rench C. S. V., last year 's Dean

of Discipline, has been appointed the

new Dean of Studies to succeed the

Rev. T. J. Lynch. The R ev. Francis

J. Harbaue r C. S. V., is Fr. French's


TEACHERS & BUSINESS MEN President Maguire, Father French And

Father Cardinal to Teach After­noon and Evening Classes

Brother H enri Arnie!, c . s. v., As- Mothers of Day Stu- su ccessor as Dean of Discipline. The Former Teachers An announcem ent h as been receiv-s is tant Superior General and Secr e- s tudent body is not only w ell satis- ed f rom the offices of the Dean of tary of the General direction of the dents form New Club fi ed but p leased with the n ew officers Return To Viator studies , Richard J . Fren ch, c. s. v., Viatorian Order, died a t the Mother as both of them a r e well qualified that extension courses will be offer-House of the Order in B russels, Oct- There has been a movemen t on for their r espective positions by rea- The faculty of St. Viator College ed a t St. Via tor this year. These ober 11, 1932. Bra Arnie! after many floor to form an organization of son of their ability and experie nce. has been invaluably augmented by c lasses which w ill be held in the at-years of service in the schools of the the mothers of the students of St. Father F rench the addition of certain members of t ernoons and e venings, will beg in in Order in France and Belgium, serv- Viator College. This organization Father French, who also heads the the Viatorian order who are r eturn- the very n ear future, as soon as the ed in a like capacity in the Councils w ill be pe rmanent and one that will Department of Education, re turned to ing to take up old and new duties. comprehens ive arrangem ents ha ve of the Order and especia lly in the the campus after s ecuring his Doc- They are Rev. Joseph LaPlante, C. been comple ted. General Chapters of t he Community act in cooper ation with the college torate at Loyola University in Chi- S . V., who is teaching in the class ici It has been the policy of the Col­which takes place every five years. for t he g ood of the students, no t on - cago. F or his thesis he compi led an languages department; R ev. George leg e for sever al years past to main­These he attended regularly as a dele- ly intell ectually but socially. The inte resting and valuable s urvey of I Vien, C. S. V., h as assumed once more tain these courses, and year alte r gate since the chapter of 1909. He need of an older and wiser influence various phases of the parochial and the teaching of French , a subject in year they have been shown to be took a special interest in the Ameri- is sometimes lacking in many things public school syste ms in Chicago. Fr. which he is particul a rly capable; R ev. very s uccessful. They are es tablish­can delegates, especially those from Fren ch was graduated from St. Via- 1 John E. Williams, C. S . V., returns ed primarily for the accomodation of the Province of Chicago. His p erfect the s tudents sponsor . This societ y tor College in the class of 1917, a - to the college from St. Joseph's teach er s and o thers, whose time dur­knowledge of French and English of the mothers wi ll attempt to fur- long with the present Dr. Futon She- Springfield where h e has been doing ing the reg ular class day is othe r­made him especially helpful t o the the r activities on the campus. One en, Dr. Charles A . Hart, and Dr. parish work, to take over the ins trc - wise occupied . Courses in several delegates from the U. S. of the main purposes for its ins titu- Christophe r Mar zano. H e was or- tion of economics as assis tan t and al- phases and departments of s tudy are

He was well known and greatly tion bas been that of uniting the dained in June, 1922, and retumed so Ame rican H is tory . R ev. T homas to be offered and the regular College beloved by many of priest s and to the College the fo llowing Sep tem- .Sullivan, C. S. V., is teaching mathe - professors will conduct the c lasses . brothe rs w ho as delegates had shar ed day s tudent and the resident student be r to teach. Except for s ummer rna tics and Engli sh 1. I These instruc tors comprise the bes t the legis la tion of the Community. H e in a closer bond of intimacy. The school work and the time spent at With the return of these instruc- talent in the Congrg ation of St. Via ­was a man of broad vision and grea t complaint bas often been expressed Loyola, Fr. F r ench has been station- tors the faculty of the Liberal Arts tor ; graduates of some of the leading constructive powers in the education- by both parties that this lack of co- ed here at the College. and Sciences department is even be t- Univer s ities in both this country and a l field of his own country and also operation between them exists and Father Harbaue r t e r equipped than before. The addi- Europe . The R everend J. w . R . Ma -

in grappling with educational and should not. It is the desire of those The new Disciplinary H ead though tion of Greek to the curriculum is of guire C. S. V., President of the Col-community proble m s in America. The ' · considerable value, especia lly since lege, who m a de his s tudies at Ox-Chicago PrOvince loses a good f riend who met that the mothe r s of the r esi- only connec ted wi th the College Fac- th e course is conducted by one as we ll ford, will conduc t courses in Eng lish a nd an able advocate in the aimable dent s tudents be entertained at some ulty s ince his ordination in Spring- ver sed in the lang uage as Fr. La - and Economics; Dr. F r ench, Dean,

fi eld last March, . is already one ~f Plante undoubtedly is . T o all of who has done work in education in t he m ost popular mstructors and dl - these n ew instructors and o ld friend s England, Canada and leading univ~ r­rectors on the campus. F r . Harbauer, a hearty welcome is extended. s i ties of this country, will ho ld seve ral

Bro. Amiel, who has gone forth to time when it ipsossible for them

answer the Master's call with h is to be present. If the mothers s ue­three score and t en years laden with the gOlden harves t of a life spent in ceed in their aims, which a r e indeed beca u se of his intense interes t in boys

dotng good. worthy of them, i t wi ll be a great and their ac tivities, is particularly

The entire s tudent body of St. Via- achievement. suited for his new position. The new intra -mural soft baH league and the tor College attended the R equiem

High Mass sung by th!' Very Rev. J .


courses in education ; D r. Cardinal of the Univers ity of Illi nois wi ll have charg e of courSes in his tory. Othe r

The Rev. J . W. R. M aguire, C . S . r evival of inte rest in bowling a re due l - --V., President of the college, cal led a t o his efforts . St. ~e:nard Hall ha~ been the h a p-

W. R. Maguire, and r eceived Holy meeting of all the mothers of the Father H a rbauer spent his novit- PY r ecipient of 8 s enes of benefac-::=ommunion for the repose of the soul t d lf Brother Amiel on W ednesday, day s tudents for Thursday, Oc tober ia te at Cha mbe rlain, South Dakota, ltons which have h elped a g rea eal

courses in socio logy, economics, a c­counting, psyc hology, e t c., wi ll be opened to m eet the n eeds of a ny g roup of s tud ents s ufficient in num­ber s . The dean , Dr. French, w ill mee t pros pec tive students next Tues­day a t 7 :30 In the adminis tra tion building.

October 12. 20. This opportunity is taken to and was g raduated f rom St. Viator to solve its household problem s . College in 1927. In 1927-28 h e s erv- Under ~h e leade~sh ip of M rs . Julia

urge a ll the m others to attend this ed as an ins tructor in the Old Aca- M. Ba ldwm, of Chtcago, a g roup of Debate Suject To Be Bank Regulation

meeting. A committee has been dem y . From 1926 to 1928 he was lad ~ es have banded ~ogethe: and by a select ed to draw up a t entative con- P e rfe ct of the Academy students on St:' rtes of card parties, . soc1a ls , . p.l~ys

s titution to submit at th is meeting. the fourth corridor of Roy Hall. In und o ther r emune ra tive ac tlvlttes According to information r eceived T he committee consists of Mrs. W. September , 1928, h e began his thea- have been enabled to supply m any

·ecently by Mr. Robe rt A. Nolan, '34, · C. Clancy, chairman; Mrs . E. A . Ar- logica l s tudi es at the Catholic Uni- artic les of comfort :a. Ul e Brothe~s ldanager of D eba te, both the midwest rington, Mrs . J . Hick ey and Mrs. ver sity and comple ted them las t a nd house hold necessittes. The ac t t­Lnd the Illinois Inte rcollegia t e D e- Speilber ger . spring. Whil e in W ashing ton , Fr. vities will go on during the entire >ate Leagues h ave d ecided to discuss The individu'al s tudents themselves H a rbauer also secured his Mast er' s y ea r , the p roceeds in one form or >anklng regula tion fo r the 1932-33 a re ask ed to see tha t their m others d egree tn Ge rm an. other to go to St. Be rnard Hall.

One of the co urses to be g iven by Dr. F r ench w ill deal s pecif ically with char ac te r educa tion . It is a course tha t will a p pea l t o m os t educators a nd many pa ren t s a n d o the rs inte res t ed in t he ed ucation of the youn g . T he va rious topics treated deal wi th t he natu re of char a cte r and cha rac t­er ed uca tion wi t h the various t hea -attend t his impor tant meeting. A

So far t he re h as been furni shed a ;cason under the question, " R esolv­·d: That all banking func tions be r eg­ilated by the F ede ral g overnment, vt th depos its guarantee d."

Mother's Club working wi th the col- DISTINGUISHED VISITORS comple te se t of bed room linen , blan- ries concerning it ; t he ideals and ob­

COM.E k e ts, towe ls, w indow shades, c urtains, j ectives of ch a racte r ed ucation; the wi th s m a ll rugs, m a ttr esses a nd fur- ways a nd m eans proposed by educat­ni ture to fo llow. Th e chape l has been o rs and o th er s to br ing it about ; t he Ralph H oover and Gill Middleton ,

leg e authori ties can accomplish great things for the benefit of s tudents a nd college.

1cnior deba t ers, m et an affi rmative --------earn fro m De P a ul las t April 30th •n prac tically the s ame ques ·an . The lebate was broadcas t over s t a tion VLS, and an audience vo te declar­d the con tes t to be a tie.

Probable Broadcasts Althoug h M r. Nolan has no t as y e t

c leased the tentative schedule, i t is

(Continued on Page Six)


On Friday, Oc tober 14, Donald Hie-key appeared in r ecital wi th the pu­pils of Miss B ern a d et t e Bostick . Mr. Hick ey g ave a sp len did rendition of the soJa par t of Geo rge Gershwin's famous Rhapsody In B lue, arranged fo r two pianos.


M r . R ene Weiller , F rench Cons uJ re m embe red by a new set of white resear ch work tha t h as been done up at Chica go ; M r . Arthur Al lia r , of vestments, albs, surplice, Ben edic tion to the p resent ; the ways of m easur ­Conc ul's staff, and Mr. H a yden H arris Veil a nd cope. The Di rector , Fr. ing cha rac ter ; and th e trai ning of of the H arris Bank, at Chica g o visit- Munsch, C. S.V., has been given a t eache rs fo r c ha r a c t e r formation . ed t he Colleg e on W ednesda y after - nevt cassock, surplice and many use- It has been the po licy of the Col­noon. Oc tobe r l 2. They spent some fu l gifts t h roug h the gen erosi t y of leg e fo r sever a l y ears past to m ain ­time in convers ation with P r esident the Ladies. T he B r o thers have each tain these coureses, a nd y ear afte r J . W . R . Magul re , C. S. V., Msgr. rece ived a we ll kni t t ed pure wool yea r t hey have been shown to be Leg r is, and Rev. J . P . O'Mahoney , ~weater. Playing cards have been very s uccessful. They a r e establish­C. S. V., Provtnclal of Chica go P ro- ---- ----------­vince of the Viatorian Order . I Con tinu ed f rom Page One ) (Contin ued on Page Six)

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-10-15

The YL\ TO RIA.-PutJII hey tn-w~•r:ly thro ·gW~t tile •·ear by the s dents o! SL

Viator Co ege.

fjJltr,r·in-G1lJt:t A•!lf tllllt f/lltbr

TH£ .· T FF J . Ker.neth B ..runan

John Bum.=



rucknam 'TLti." and a !\!W other '""::! .. oh.. yes. we lt? a u

;.t.e faculty. too . · es \\""e

aren t .e-om£" to pt · another !u...;;:;.:s «ith .YOU • •. we know v.·h"D we are lick­

to thi JOb bu the press of urgent ed .. alt.houzb a cert..aln othe r f c-

publicatlon ha.s forced us into it !or 1 Y member v.ell remembe~ a cer­one more i~ue . . . and then we got taln Country Club dance that he

Bl ~ l.:""E....,C., DI'.:. I-' .\RT.\IEST our s ry on Danny O'Connor .• T'l _"lllam R1le·· or to be a btt more truthful, we Gatti Ca..zzaza t:s reported scouting the

:-;EARLY att nded this summer ...

Bu,in~>.MI \.fa.nagf>r ,.., 1

J al · th F nch "1 clru!!=< . since Bro. S~ne-A

.. l"t.Nlt.A . r~r~ld SuiJivan. Jame Hunt. John ~IcGr-alh Jo-~ph Spielberger .aeem to ha\·e se\·er stones on e re - . -~ mvs PriOU3 :\lr. O'Connor ... but we sac started teaching music .. . Ray

t :OJTOJUA L STAFf" Veat.ur~ Wrtt.Pr

Gill :..Iiddleton

Alumni fJJitor Raymund G. Wenthe

~Jr. I Jo~ditor :..Iary P. Cruise

!!oronty f/litnr Margaret Clancy

FNL ;re Writ4!r John Cronin

Fea.turf Writer Paul A. LaRocque

F'eature Writer James Dugan

~·eatun· Writer Robert Nolan

F'ea.t.ure Writer William Clancy


A thlctic• F..ditor J oseph Degnan

Sports Short.JI Robert Sp reitzer


VIator! an Charles Byron

Campus Briefs Ralph E. Hoover

Day Hopping Cheste r Stokes


Manager Assistant J.

Kenneth Corcoran ,.:,oulfe,· w. Bomba, J . Schukes. W. Sweeney. N. Ellis, 0. Me·

Guire, J. 0' Mara.

h~" e deterrmned to tell the truth, and Gigli Schipa \Yenthe and Regina nothing' but the truth . . . come what Garden-Heink Reilly are the leading may so you m~y take these for lights .. Ben Bernie v.ilJ conduct what you think they are worth . . . the next session ... just by way of seems that Danny spent this summer variety . .because the present con­cutting ln on an old schooLmate ductor is as snitzy as a Ted \Yeem.s Monk Oldham. U you are curious ... drummer Bob Spreitzer is get· and then Pete Laffey called us in to ting bad habits ... just because Let­deny the rumor that Dan hasn't slept ty \Yaldron isn't with us any longer. a wink since the Homecoming Dance he thinks that he can get away with

. nor does he talk in his s leep . it . . well, Bob, Lefty is still in Chi.

nor does he lntend to follow the foot- and a darn sight closer to her than steps of the Great Wentbe in his you ... "Out of s ight, out of mlnd'', evening precussions . oh, well you know and we hardly thinl : and now we discover that Ken Co r- that answerlng Joe's private mail is coran d1dn't spend that first evening fai r , eithe r . by the way, Laffey, where we thought he was . . never you can't make everyone be li eve that mind, little co-ed, he wen t to a movie you were really getting the wrong

alone .. Joe Degnan must be number when you called 3173 last buHding up a.n alibi he will be Wednesday evenlng . you've called ready to answer at any tim~ "Where there before you weren't trying were you on the evening of Septem- to cut ln on Burke Monahan and

S.-\Tl' RDA \ .

ompli.ments of

J H:\ HI ' KEY


Arseneau's t:niform

B R E. D

'"l S Ql'. \ I..ITY ~.\TISFI&S ""

0 .. \ RSEX All BAKER\'



73 Main St. Tel. Main 2H

BO URBO tU . ILL. Subscription Rate $2.00 per annum ber 21, 22, 23, 24, or what have you? Bob Nolan, were you ? . . . understand '---------------.!

Address all correspondence referring eithed to advertising or subscription to .. . and he can find corroborators that our fellow-schoo l, the Bear Brand The Viatortan, Bourbonnais, lllinois. fo r any of his testimony in the s tu- holds considerable a ttractions fo r

~ntercd a.~ second class matter at the Post Office of Bourbonnais, nunois, dent body ... if all the nickels spen t some of our Frosb ... ar e you blush-under the Act of March 3rd, 1879 by the Juniors in calling a certain lng, Kasner? and Daze Westray



Kankakee number to ascertain wheth- will shortly lecture the Money and er or not the Degnan was present were placed in a pile, they would un­dou btedly pay the College Club In­surance. . The Kroeh ler factory wi ll declare a dividend 11ext week on the

Banking Class on the opera u ons of

said factory after an exhaustive

study of the Kankakee and Bradley \ plants . .. Th e Frosh seem to have

strength of the increased davenport Rip Ril ey where they want him orders from thi s one source a lone . after that football game Wish a nd our idea of the mos t bizarr e we could "get" that boy too fel-sigh t of the month Degnan and lows that cover up their tracks so F leming working in cooperation in the F rosh-Soph foo tball game well a lways annoy us . . who was Joe, old sock , old sock, we'll give the wise egg who bad that Brittan­you a break and reveal the name of nica prospectus sent to William Bar­the wolf who accompanied Leon Win- be r Gibbons? ... somebing wrong . .. terha lter to the Lyric on that mem- . orable evening when the feminine ] haven't heard Jim Foohey calbng voices demanded pop-corn . .. none Fort Wayne a ll year ... but the daily

A n umbe r of t h e Contempo r ary rev iews of t h e w eek, other than our beloved Georgie . : ·I letter s tili arrives ... guess that the

L a mpe's D e lica t essen

366 South D a.rborn

~10THl!:R'S REAL


A m e d ee T. Bet o urne

Pha rm acy


119 Co ur t St., Kanka kee, Ill.

par t i c ul a rly T h e New Republi c an d The National, are Jus t by way of add1twn ... the vo1c- depression is here at last ... Dick qu i te ex c i t d over the fact that Secret ary of Lab o r , D oak es got th eir pop-corn ... and immedi- Doyle maintains that be NEVER does I'-------------.....: .• ~~Sg~~~b{~t~et~ ~~~--~i~~YS~~~:t~~' t~~~- ~:;:n:~·~· i~~~l:ina~~ ~~~~· a~o; neck . an~o!he shoo:r ";,~ ay:~~h~:m::o:: up . ~lnp~:t·0~1:~

0 f h bl . t · friend, Carney, bobs up again as our

tending c h ool in t his CO u ntry. ne 0 t e p u l Ca IOn S idea of the eternal optimis t dirt. gang just to set you right e ven goes SO far to hint that t h e r uling h as been mad e SO Chuck bought a seven passenge r we aren't keeping this column aS tO infl uenCe the VOte Of the laboring man in the COming P ackard to go courting · · ·· Mac Me because of fear of personal expos· e lection . However , we have some serious d oubts as to I Grath can' t tak e it .. . the power of ures . our life is as blameless as the truth Of thiS in s inuation as the decree WaS probabl y the Press IS VIndiCated ... a t least ' and ]"us t oa loud

, . . . ' . ,. . in one ins tance .. the warning is- ~ a baby s · ._. fo1mu la t e d Without s u ffiCient consider at10n. sued to a certain post-grad by ye the Senior Class has no respec t for

portunities b e given to the tudents from t h e " land of the columnist seems to have borne fruit its President ... not when they s tand v igorous p r otests t h at have been made, s i mply becau se · · at least , our pri vate inves ti- him on his head to open the meet-we agree with Dr. Fred erick B . Robinson, president of gator reports a cession of !lis activ- ling did you know that Ray

ity on Wildwood Street . .and we've New York City College, t h at the interch a n ge of profes- ruined Gill Middleton's life .we're ""Bourbonnais Bill" Wenthe bought so r s a nd s t ude nts i s one of t h e most poten t forces fo r t h e sorry about that Bradley crack, Gill , two tickets for Father Munsch's show promotion of i nte rnational good w ill. Any restri ction s but the kids really were complaining and only one seat was occupied? placed upon t h ese foreign SCh olarS w i ll in time act as a · · · Charlie Byron has a broken heart. . hers ask Emmerson Dexter boome r a n g, both to our government and to o ur peopl e . too. ·· somebody stole his gal · where he was on the night of Wed-

and that is the real why of the s low-Not only that, but foregin countries w i ll then have more ing up of service in the later part nesday. October 12th ... Marie Srnole CaUSe tO r egard thiS COUntry aS a dollar Chasing nation. of lhe evening at the Homecoming refuses to be quoted OD the subject

Vv e can imagine the great hue and cry that w ould be affai r . . Dick Shea got a break . . of the fickleness of mankind r a ised if the governments of France, Germany, and Ita l y Herb is li ving "ithin walking distance particularily Blonde mankind .. it \\·e r e to w ithdraw the privileges now given to A 'merican of HER house, now P ete Laffey is reported that Vange Legris left

Stlldent in t h ose COl!Dtl"l.eS. P e rhaps son1e of OUl" challV· only \vishes tha t be could get some such break that five miles there her heart in Canada what a ini t and Service Or gani zation s \\"OUld n ot Only demand to here is SOME long trek for Peter swell break fo r Viator .. oh, well. an officia l apology, but might even suggest that more Op- Jim Dug an is thinking of leav- watch your step, gentlemen and portunities be g ive ntO t h e Students fr0111 the "land of the ing WENR and joining Uncle Bob's ladies. we'll be with you again! f r ee." safety club over KYW . . seems that

O f co urse, we realize tha t millions of o u r fe llo w citi- Jim objects to the publicity he is get- Boy oh Boy, ... Tm s I S NEWS! b ling ove r the forme r s tation . . .they Somebody snooped on "Snooping Her-

zen s a re now num e red a mong th e unemployed, but we cer tainly had the boy t agged right bie" and this is what was seen . believe that the limited amount of l a bor takes littl e or when the crack "H ello kiddies, Hel- It seems Hoover had a book that was n o food f r om the mouth of Americans. P e rhaps the lo J im Dugan" came over the air administration \\-ill realize its mistake in time to make he can' t even take his own showers supposed to be donated to the Li-a bid for the s upport of the college a nd university stu- . took the las t one with his clothes brary but he decided to sell it to dents in J\Tove

111ber. on will someone take n-rrs. Du- poor unspecting Lucy instead Mhh

gan"s little boy in hand? . .do I - Hmm-well- just ask Laffey what

Business l\Ianager ( to Gra d. applying for job ) : \ ·ou "\ clock w atche 1· ?"

• Yiator A. B.: " No, ir, I'm a bell listener."

I hear a co-ed speak? · · · my, my, how payment he received. (Incidentally, " A . quickly the Freshmen do learn · · · Hoover had no idea that anyone knew'

l e never mind, Norbe rt , me lad . . .It

I brother John writes about it from about this or that it was going to St. Teresa's, we'll tell you abou t that be printed.)

Einbeck's S tudio

Our Photographs are lnexpen­sixe, ye t treasured for their

worth as living portraits.

153 Nor th Schuyler Ave.

P hone 1107 Kankakee, Ill.


S anitary Market

346 E. Court St.

Teleph one 137

HOTE L KAN KAKEE Sidney H erbst, ·Manager


A hearty welcome awaits the stu­dents and fri .. nds of St. Viator.




362 E . Coo:rt St.

Tel. 995 Kankakee, ID.

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-10-15


CRITIQUE Dear Mr. Bushman: Although the mention of Democra­

tic poll tics is taboo ln Kankakee County, might I suggest that your esteemed publication sponsor a "straw vote, in order to see just how our s tudents react to the ballyhoo that is belng distributed by all tbe major political parties. I am sure that the results would be most interesting, es­pecially since the students have al­t'eady d eclared the ir opinion on the subject of prohibition in a Chicago n~-:wspaper poll last spring.

I would not suggest that stump speeehes and placards be used. Just canvass the students and see if there are any Socialists or Prohibitionist s in our midst.

Respectfully Gill Middleton.

Dear Mr .Editor: It is with a feeling of genuine de­

light that we note that Mr . Hoover, the editor o fthe Campu ;; Sriefs. is deriously considering resigning. We only hope that he adheres to his pronn~e made in your initial issue.

However, if it weren' t for the fact that we know the student body has finally discovered his true character, we would be prone to suspect that he wants to be coaxed into taking over the position again. H e has outlived his usefulness; he can no longer write stories ~ bout others , for fear that he hiii. self will be mercilessly exposed. lilld what an expose that wold be! You wouldn' t be permitted to print it.

You, our esteemed editor, are to be c,ong t aUulated for not attempting to re tain the obnoxious Mr. Hoover. You are a tn1e reformer, one with high newspaper idea ls. In celebration of H oover 's resig na tion , we submit t he fvllowing lin es :

Hoover was a pesky columnis t Writing for a college sh €'t; t There was nothing tha t he missed, And little h e did not r epeat.

He broke up many a romance And ruined of t a life ; He never gave the lads a chance, But only genera ted s trife.

Now he has gone,-the di rty messe r A ll future life looks much more


'VI7e only hope that his successor Will not be quite so doggone nosey.

S incerely Yours , T H E ENTIRE ST U DE NT BODY.

(one co-ed excepted)

The Editor,

The Viator ian :­

Dear Sir: -

Though I never was a student at St. Via tor College, I have been an in­t<.· rested reader of your paper for the last few years. T he reason for m y interest was "the Campus Briefs'' col­umn, so you can imagine my distress when I read in your last issue that the writer of this colu mn was to write no more. I am lost, for I ac­lmowledge that all my inspi ration, technique and ideas were derived from this column, and if it ceases I shall no longer be able to contribute a column to the New York papers vulgarities, my worst libels, my most impertinent invasions into the private hves of people owed their origin and in~pl raUon to "Campus Briefs." I n the Interests of my livelihood, to pre­vt'nt fu r ther unemployment, for the en ter tainment of the vuliar morons who constitute my public, and think I am original, please, please, do not allow M.r. Hoover to quit. He is much more Important to me than hls better known. but less worthy name­sake

Freshman Class Com­pletes Organization


such was Its thickness and s treng th. Howeve r , in the future the s tudents expect even more in the way of a c­complishments f rom the Freshmen,

The Freshman class of St. Viator and they ext end them as a class , and College began its official exis tence individual ly , their best wishes for a by the election of officers. They are happy and successful year at St. Joseph Mahoney, president, a grad- Viator. uate of DePaul high school, Chicago ; Raphea Roche, Vice-President, enten

ed from st: Rita high school, Chi- Miss Cruise [ s Giv­cago ; Wilham Phalen, Secretary, ! Str eator ; Donald McGuire, Treasurer, en Scholarship of S~. Leo ; Eugene Ryan, Class R·~;J .

resentative. The meeting held Sept. I ---ember twenty six th, followed upon ! One of the most dis tinguished per· the !'-!Uggestion of the pre~.jent )( Lhf> sonages on the campus, Miss Mary College Club, Mr. William Riley , that Cruise, whose scholas tic , literary , and the new class, whlch boasts the num· a rtistic accomplishments have been ber of forty five, organize and elect acclaimed on m any occasions has once its officers for the coming year. more been honored in the field of

Class Activities music. Her r emarkable talen t de-The influence of the new class has veloped in the study of piano a ·

been felt in the help it has given in chieved for her the highest ranking the many duties attendant upon in a contes t for musical ability held Homecoming. The large bonfire by Moissaye Bogus llawski. of Chi­marking the pep meeting held the cage. The r eward was an alter­evening before the highly successful native between choosing a reward in game wi th Whitewater, was the re- money or taking an advanced course suit of their combined effo rts in in the art to which Miss Cruise has gathering inflammable materials. devoted so many years of hard but Again, in the decoration of the gym highly profitable labor. A nd, ever a helping hand was lent the upper- the artist, Miss Cruise chose the lat­classmen in charge by the freshmen. ter , an exceptional opportunity fo r This was decidedly a rustic t ask , what fu rther s tudy on the piano.

with gathering cor n t~ c~mstruct Those who have had the oPportuni ­shocks and pumpkins to lend atmos- ty of reading some of Miss Cruise's phere. To have watched the con- lofty liter a ry dissetrtations and of struction of those shocks was a rare hearing her speak from the p latform treat. Denied the adhesive qualities in College ora torica l contests , know of good old terra fi rma, the shocks how bri lliant her ability is in these resis ted the idea of being placed on I fie lds. But those who have hea rd a highly po!ishe? floor .. And the rope her at the piano wi ll a t test that in that our V1atonan a edt tor brought to I the playing t here is the inspired assis t in the unwieldy process would touch of the true artis t. So it is have served to anchor the Leviathan, t hat all her many fri ends rejoice that

her r emarkable a bili t y bas been gtv- ~ en further acclaim f rom such a mas­ter a s Mossaye Bog us lawski.



"Just aroud th e corner from Viator"




151-159 S. West Ave, Ka nkakee

Phone 196



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With Compliments




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Now this famous clothing is w ithin reach of all.

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dry-Shoe R epa iring


Chesterfields are Milder, They Taste Better - the things smokers want most in a cigarette

I N CHESTERFI ELD there is no h arshness-no bitte rness.

They are made from ripe, swee t Domes tic tobaccos and the

right amount of T urkish. The taste and aroma are jus t r ig ht.


Yours ln d espalr, 1 Walter P!nchell .

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-10-15

f ",\ G£ YOl:.P.

I:" C.-\ TBOLIC COLLEG ,:; •

S~ Thomas College of S Paul l[tnnesot.a.. bas begun an inten..._<;ive campru~ to enlarge its library by rr.aking request~ for books. The .s.lo­~ao IS Donate a Dozen.•·

,\ Duquesne l:nivers:ity frosh. when a.._qked why he had not gone to the C:1ivE:rsity of Pittsburgh. is reported to Lavp said that "Pit is a horrid

ALUMNI NOTES And ye another alumnus jolll5 th~ ).[r Ou,g-s.n '' ho pla~o.."'-.'d t.~ n~uue f

ranks of the Benedicts. 't\-ord has tho::- Hon . Robert Sp~l "'Cr in oom~

beEr. ~cei\·ect that Eugene "FL<W." tnauon. .Mr. DU$"an's n ouns.ting S:l.miilon. was ma.rned on eptember speech. mod~J of b~\ity, wit. and third to ).:liss Venice Pi.erstortr of humor . tha m.Il undoubtedly s •n·e ~

Madison. "-·is. The wedding was per- a model for all future nominators formed at St. Bernard's Church 10 \VBS a.s follo,,·s: Peona by the Rev. :\.1. P . uncle of the bridegroom.

ammon. The new

home ~"ill be made in Madison. where Mr. Sammon is an acoustical engin-

"I Mr. prcitr.e r" . Upon the conclusionO( this brt.Uio.nt

h d d t 1 · "moral eer. Mr. Sammon·s many fr ends at torensic e.tiort a monster d"mon.stra-We!l, the upperclassmen . a no_ nee 0 c aim a . ' The Loyola Players !Chicago) have St. Viator wish the newly-weds the tion was staged by Mr. Spryltzcr·s

victory" in the annual tilt agamst the Freshmen thiS embarked on a pretentious program best of luch and all good thing In their fnends I both of them). \\'hen the year. Altho, "I think I can speak for the rest of the of p1'1dUcing four plays during the new relation. tumult had finally quieted down, Mr. fellows when 1 say "that they would have preferred It eresent scholastic year. Degnan. the one and only Wildcat.

Th · · tt "b t d b s~conded the nomination. Then Mr instead of, the Ca~ualtie~. e VICtOr~ lS a l1 U e ~ lnnumberable Catholic schools, a- We have a blessed event to an- Jerry "Ribs" SuUI,·BJl got the floo~ many to oa~h Gibbons P~P talk befo1 e the game. lVll . mong them st. Viator, have begun to nounce in this Issue also. Mr. and Mrs. and entered the Hon. "Doc" Meany Gibbons remmded the entire squad of eleven men that count the number of their alumni J. Robe rt. Langton or Peoria are re- in the lists. The nominations were "we are a small student body here etc." and concluded hiS I in the latest edition of "Wbo's Wbo". , ceiving congratulations on_ the arrival I then closed. to the great disappoin t­speech by plead ing with the team to "get" Ladislaus and As usual. many excellen t Catholic of John Robert. Jr., wh>ch oc~ured ment of your _reporter who was just (' b 1 B t th morale of the team was broken up educational leaders have been ove r- October second. Mr. Langton lS a about to norrunate himself. Ballot-10m a es.. u e . . h ddl I . - looked. member of the class of 1923. The ang then began. and as It proceeded

when , dunng one of the five mmute u es, ? a~ I e I Viatorian adds its congrats, also. to Riley fo rged steadily ahead appar-marked through a mouthful of d1rt, that he didn t see the many received by the proud par- enlly with victory in his grasp. How-how the var sity football players ever got clean, and De- Little N ineteen Jotting Ients. Let's hope that in about eigh- ever, just as the Riley de legates were

nan answered with "What do you suppose they have teen or runeteen years John Robert about to go out and celebrate. the g b f ?" --.- [Jr. wi ll be signing his name In the influence of the powerful Degnan Scru teams or . Although most m>d---:ester~ sch~ls Registrar's book over in MarsUe HaJJ. political machine began to make it-

~:i:ey::~~:u~~~:ec~~ler;;l:~r~~~~ --- self fe lt, and the Riley victory margi n Freshmen Coach (before the battle ) : "And remem­

ber, Gombales, we have a tradition to uphold here at Via­tor."

And now the Choir will sing Hymn No. 492, by speci­a l permission of the dear old copyright owners.

She: "No, J ack, I've changed my mind." McGra th: "Well, does it work any better ?"

It is being mumbled about by certain Seniors that Miss Gorman's r eason for bringing up the subject of class rings a t the Senior meeting, is that she has but seven class ri ngs now, and needed one more to make her right hand as heavy as her left.

I s land boasts of an increase of 49 Vincent Morrissey, '32, was a recent melted like s now befo re the s ummer s tudents. visi tor at th e college. It seems that sun as tbe Spreitzer majority piled

:Mommouth has dropped from 467 Vince heard that Homecomi ng was up. When the count was compl eted to 453 s tudents; Eureka from 232 to to be a week later than it was, and Spr eitzer was the new Junior c lass

president and Ril ey the vice-prexy. 193 ; Lake Forest fr om 390 to 330 ; a··· rivr:d on the campus a little late and Bradley from 637 to 604. En- to a ttend. However, ever yone was ro11 ment at Knox has decreased 22 rr.ighty g lad to see Vincent, and hope per cent, while North Central s hows tha t he enjoyed his visit as m uch as a 10 per cent loss. (Figures complied it was enjoyed by his old friends and by th e Augustana Observer ). schoolmates.

Th e N ew President

The H on. ~Ir . Spreitzer Is a m em­be r of the Degi:ian-Sp reitzers, one of the oldest and mos t aristrocratic com­bina tions on the campus. H e is on the Viatorian s taff a lso, but fal rmlnd-

It is reported that Pau l Rade r , well known radio Evangelis t of the Chi­cago Gospel Tabernacle , may soon purchase and r eopen Mount Morris Coli ege, the Dunkard ins titution that for ced to close its door s last Jun e.

J . Cl El . ed people will not hold that agalnst Unzor aSS ectzon him. His favorite amusements are

--- s tanding outs ide the Purp le Peak At ex a c tly one seven teen P· m., Cafe w ith hls nos e fla ttened agains t

Cronin, (on parlor date) . in an attempt at conversa- :::==;;;;;;;;;;;;==::: ion: "G host stories always make me start" ::

Monday. October 10, the Junior Class the plate glass and gazing longingly in special covention assembled elect- within, and te lephoning to a certain ed offi cer s to r eplace Mr. Sylvester residence in Kankakee to see if bls "Lefy" W a ldron , and Mr. Robert De- roommate is present. As he an­laney, who wer e elec ted president and nounced ove r a na tion wide radio vice-president respec ti vely last spring hookup immediately af te r hi s e lect­but who did not return to school this College Widow : "I sure wish I knew some."

And what's thi s talk about Columbus and and the "arch" Duke?

Say is isn't so, West.


Her: "I think dancing makes a gir l's feet too big, don't you?"

Him: "Yeah. " Pause

DAY · HOPPING fal l. The convention was held in ion he is not controlled by any rae­the vast vaulted amphitheatre be- tions or cliques, but in tends to carry

Announcement of a football game bind the chapel in Marsil e H a ll which out his duties as he sees them. AJ­between the Freshmen and upper- w as decorated in a manner befitting r eady he has p lans fo rm ed for the c lassmen day s tudents is jus t anoth- the dignity of the occasion. While Junior Class Dance which wtU take e r indication that the dodger s are en- bands blared and the mig hty Gaspipe pla ce in the near future. deavoring to keep the grass from og an pleaded forth "Happy Days g rowing under thei r feet. It is un- Are H ere Again", the members of (Note: This article was not written derstood that the battle will be s tag· the class filed in in s tately proces- with malice aforethought or intent to ed next Sunday afternoon, and al- sian and took their seats . When all

Her: "I think swi111ming shoulders don't you? "

ready the two captains have been were present, the Hon. Robert Nolan, libe l and the publishers cannot be he ld gives a gir} awfully big selecting their material. Richwine class treasurer, and therefore the for legal action).

from Rockford will bead the frosh highest ranking officer present, took

Him: "Yeah" (Pause) Him: "You must ride quite a lot too."

while WaJt Kowisck will f lop the his seat at temporary chairman. In coin for the upperclassmen. th e absence of the gavel , he used

--- his fi st to good advantage. Cameras It has been rumored around th e cli cked and r eporters broke the

.s tudy hall that "Rubinoff" Portnoy points of their pencile as the conven-Punch : "Whatagotnapachidge ?" w ill perform on the gridion in the lion came to order. Nominations be-Drunk : "Sabook" day-hop game. Atta boy, Sammy, ing the order of the day frivolity Punch: "Wasanaiinuvvitt ?" show 'em how its done in Russia. was dispensed with and the conven-

--- tion settled down to serious business. Drunk : "Sodickshunery f ullinams. Gonna gettapood- Bill Clancy's indoor team dropped Miss smote, delegate-at-large from

\edog anagottagettanai1nferi111." its first battle of the league to Red Bradley, began the fireworks by put-

ANDREWS Insurance Agency

Insurance of All Kinds 107 EAST COURT ST.


Phone 1933

SeminarianS Go to clan, and scholar of unusual merit. ~;,r~~\:eb~~~-t ~~e~::· dac;::~:!~o~ -:.-------------------------------: Capitol To Rev. Bernard Mulvaney, C. S. V., turned out one hundred per cent to

was prefect of the upperclassmen and St d buc•s t their team. We hope the same

U. y assistant dean of dlscipline last year. spi rit will continue throughout the ___ in a ddition to being director of the indoor league and the annual bas-

The beginning of the new scbolas- choir. Rev. J oseph Ryan, C. S. V. , k e tball tournament. tic year witnessed the departure of was perfect of th e Freshm en, and a a number of the Viatorian seminar- student of high a bility. Rev. Frank hms to U1e national capitol, they are Corcoran, C. S. V. , taught in the old And while we' r e on the subjec t of under the direction of R ev. P hillips, academy and was, for some time, one ba~eball this writer is of the opinion c. s. v ., a former principal of the of the perfects in Roy Hall. Rev. that a ''little world series" between old Academy and latter head of the Edward O'N eiU, C. S. V., and Rev. the two day hop nines wouldn' t be classical languages department. They James 'Meara, C. S . V. , are two of a bad idea. What about it, O'Con­s,_re taking their theology as well as the outstanding scholars graduated nc-ll and Clancy? the regular University courses in f rom St. Viator College in the last - - -Ulel r respective fields. few years. Rev. Raymond Boysen, Flag r v~h isn't so far off. What


Insurance, Loans and Bonds

Rooms 5, 6, 7, and 8



Printing, Engraving, Greeting Cards, Office and School Supplies, Loose Leaf Forms, Binders, Etc.


Telephone 406 Kankakee, Dlln.ois

R ev. En1mett Walsh, C. S . V., was C. S. V. , went to Cathedral High we'd like to see on that day would till ins tructor i.n the English depart- School, Springfield, illinois, where his be '·Fourteen to Four " Murphy scram­me.nt of the old Academy, and last talents will be given e-xpression in the bling around in his red flannels . Oh, year filled most competently the post fi eld of teaching. pardon us, R ed would like it under- ~ of faculty a.d,;sor to the VL-\.TOR- The friends of these young semi- stood he dosen ' t wear flannels, no L-\. r. Re\'. John Strafford, C. S. V. , narians e.xtend their best wishes to sir, not Red.

is remembere-d as a debater , muls- them. for a successful year. .:....-----------------------------...!

sl1 ha Sc ch

sp rei to !cl

fro Fo wh tor bel

all lot qw

""' Ro Ilk wa tor hal l!ln

G" Ya

Jon !Ia sip UO! dut !ho in

'XJl sue rea,

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-10-15

$ A'I'UI! I) ,\ \' , 0 0'1'011101!. t n, 10:12 'l' IJIO V II\ ' I'OJtli\ N

Irish Lose To Michigan Teachers 7 .. o FORMER VIATOR


"Puff'' Romary of Class of "32" Made Head Coach

F'ollow lng- u. touchdow n In Lilo flnil pl u.y of llle g-am e, Snlnt Vlu.Lor pl u.ylng th e Wcatorn Sl u.te Tt:~tt.ehora 'o l­lcg'l..' l\t K u.ltlllHt:t. o Cought Uu· ugh th o rcrnulnlng p rloda oC UH~ gumo bul w r o e to Hhrtl<c off l hc Tcu.cherH del\:ms long en ugh Lo ll o t ho 1:1co r· .

l rn m edl tttoly fo llowing lh Ide \{ off by Sfl.inl VI • ·o r , Mlll c r ,Jofl half, too l< th o ball on th e f'ln:1 t p luy u nd ski rt­ed l\I'OUnd l'l g hl •nd Co r· fll' ly yar·ds Cor tL touch down . Wl du . .':l' attempt ut a fie ld gou.l wua succeaHful Md pul tho /:!CO l'(~ n.t 7 to 0. Tlll'oug· h th e r s l or t he g"tLmc t he Ol' ·o r·u.nm on u.sH um ed th e offcnrm. Throu gh eve ry quar­te r they h ttnu n l) red o.t lh S tuto Lin but w 1'0 un o..blo Lo ponotruto th o d cfonHO. Vlut.or'H gruutcs l bid for a. sco re Ctllll O In tho lnlJ t of th e firs t qu tu ·Lc r when "S nu l<o" Cn.rr rol tu·ncd a punt fo r u fo rly ya. rd go.ln but VIator loH l the baJ I on down::~. F'o" th e second u.nd U1ird HC1:1s l 11 1:1 or Lho, UH.: lin e did ILil or Lh wo rk with S t rying lo t a ll y up an th e r sca r a nd lh o VIator wa.\1 d c lormln ed to s lop thorn . Nev r ngaln after the E:ICOrt: were lhc T eache rs within scod ng dis ta nce of lh e Iris h gon l. The Iris h we re ab le to advance (he bo.l l Into the enem y ter­ri to r y but could not push throug h for l ho.t point. T ho boat wo d{ In the Jln o WO.!:J clone by Dexte r at lh e cente r po1:1 ltlon. P laying n il ove r· t he fi eld he waH a ble to s top u lot of til s prospcctH of scorin g. The booting for Uw Saints was done by W es truy, Murgo. t1·oyd and O'Conn r who malcl1ed Mi ll er yard for yard . Knrr at quarte r tUld B e rn a rd at fu ll were 1·espons ible Cor mos t of the g rou nd gai ned by the Iri s h. Ed Hunt at t he guard post w as the acting captain for th e ga me a nd a long with Q uinn a.nd Kunzl s lopped tho T eache rs when th ey need ed it.


VALPRAISO Coach and Team Determined

to Smash Valpo

In s pite

a ll o ld

of T ho Via tor hopes went to the s \{y on th e ICLS t p lay of t he when Westray e luded hi s men and was off on During the past two weeks Coaches


De p r e s s to ~~

could do to l{eep las t years g r ad u at I o n c lass among the c l ass

what loolted 1\l~o a touchdown but was .':l toppecl on Lh e t en yard line by th e safe ty man as the whis tle for t he game Corcoran and Anderson ha;ve been blew.

Coach Corcorru1 wi ll probably be a n advocate of the s pa rling pro verb, "the man that gets In the fi rs t pun ch putting the Irishmen through some

bols ter up wha t h e has a lready con­s tl·uc ted, he s hould have as nice a little machine u.s any In this vic inity in Its own weight class.


Oc tober 22-Va.Ipra lso a t V a ip ro.lso

Oc tobe r 29-.Bru.dl cy a t Peoria. November 4-Churles.

!mown as un-

e m p I o y e d to I~~::t a R~~~:r;a~~~ ~~r~p~~~~~~e t~

wins" f rom now on and wi ll train a ll of his effor ts this weel< to putti ng th e sqund In shape to go up to Val ­pra ise ahd s top the Homecoming 'Fes­ti viti es from being a s uccess by win­ning the ir· Hom ecom ing Foo tba ll Fray.

Lln e-U(>

~'li e h .

No vem ber 11-IJlinola College . Nove mber 18--Mo. Sohool of MJn -

of th eir toughest paces In order to

have them In tip- top s hape for the

Valpraiso game the com:lng Saturday

to be played at the Indjana school.

:-.lo t on ly on the winning of the game

a rc the Coroc ranmen depending but

a lso upon the breaking up of the

Homecoming Festivities of thei r op­

pon en ts.

~:~~ a::n~:r~ way of a basketball outfit, but from the looks of his material and from our

lunate enough own l<nowledge of his abilities in U1is ot find fie lds direc tion, his p'rospects are of t he in which to brightest , and St. Patri ck's i s lool<­employ their

S t. crs.

Viator T ea<:he rs I=~~~= Gibbons, L .

Kelly L. H un t L .

E. T . G.

Wurs te r W id as

A - ing forward t o its most successful season in athletic pursuits. talents.

Dexter c. Atk ins R. G.

T . E. B. H . H . B .

c.~~~~;: I SPORTS . SHORTS Plppel . The annual Soph -Frosh football

...... Jones I game wa.r:~ p layed last Sunday mom­....... Cook log and it certainly was a g reat treat ..... Salte rs to see s uch s te ll ar s tars of o ther days ...... Mi lle r as "Wild Cat" Degnan, "Speed" Flem-

Whi le Coach Corocoran has been

pleased with the appearance of his

teeam in thei r past two performances

during the past week he has been

tr yi ng to blaster up the aerial at­

ta<.:k, whkh was the only flaw in a perfect Viator machine which work­ed before the H omecoming crowd two weeks ago. Valpraiso will be a bet­ter team than either De P aul or Wis -

these Willi a m J. Clancy. more favo r ed mong T u rne r R.

ones i s C lar­ence, ;,Puff" Romary, the lad w ho for four years car­

ried the Via tor colors throug h Lit­tle Nineteen camps. Puff, an out­standing star during his entire col­lege· caree r on both gridiorn and ella­mend and even m or e esp ecially a stellar figure on the basl{et-ball floo r has been engaged by St. P atrick High S chool, Kankakee, llinois to dis­charge the duties of coach in all sports there. A natural athle te him­self, he is proving himself w ell fitted to enhance the possibilities of that school in athletic endeavors.

Puff came to St. Viator College from Central Catholic High School in Fort Wayne, Indiana, that ins t itution whlch has sent so many men to Via­tor, immendiately upon his arrival here he became a prominent figure in all campus activities. In football he found a place in the backfield, ac­quitting himself mighty well at the post of halfback. Baseball found Romary holding down the third sack like a big league ve t, while his bat was an important cog in m any a Via­tor victory. But it was with the basket-ball that the "Puffe r" proved himself to be " the fair-haired boy". Grabbing up a r egular berth on the Varsity, his play at .forward for four long, s trenuous seasons was a con­s tant topic for Little Nineteen gos­sip. And in his final year, in addi-tion to captaining the squad, the duties of coach devolved upon his shoulders, when Buck y Dahman left in the middle of the season. This exp~rience proved his ability along such lines- an experience which has reacted in his favor.

This is the first year that St. Pat­rick High School has ever under­taken an ex tensive program of s ports endeavors in such f ields formerly be­ing limited to basketba ll and baseball. So, early in September when the call for football candidates was sounded, a rathe r motley crowd, big in num­bers, hopeful in aspect, green in ex­perience, and altogether raw, turned out. Starting with this " raw" mater­ial, taken in the t erm's JU,9St literal sense, Romary worked and sweated, coach ed and cussed into shape a mighty nice little team. Though in the lig ht-weight division, for the first a ttempt ever made in this school to­ward the development! of football there, Puff has done wonders, and if he ge ts the materials next year to

Bomba R.


H arding . L . TO BE CLA SS MOI\'ITOR W estray R. Bett.s ing , "Tiger" Nolan, "Ghost" McNally

Pres iden t Hoover called the first Bernard F. ...... Emery

m eeting of the Senior class to be =============== h eld at one o 'clock in the af t ernoon IRISH PUGILISTS oi Septembertbjrtie th for the purpose of selecting a class monitor. Though

the attendance was r ather s mall ther e TO DON MITTS was a sufficient number present to bold the meeting. Since it was the

class, there were no minutes to be

and many other ve t erans ou t on the gridiron to do o r die fo r the sophs . T"n~ Sophs were victorious by a scor e of 7 to 0. The Upper·c lassmen could

consin State Teacher s if they a r e able to s top the driving line plunges

have easily scored several times more of B erna rd and Harding and the open but, as was the case in previous years field work of Karr, Westr ay and Kas­they kept the score down to make ner.

tb e game inter es ting, and to mak e the I njuri es S till Dampen Via tor Chances affai r less mor tifying fo r the Freshles. With both Doc Meany and P e te fi r s t meeting of the seniors as a AGAIN

read, and Mr . Hoover proceeded with J oe Degnan certainly live<) up to Laffey on the bench for the past week it is not known whether or not, they will be able to play against the H o­osiers Saturday. In the absence of Doc Meany at the pivot position, all of the r esponsibil tywill rest on the shoulde rs of Dexter, veter an of last

a discussion of the question of the tile name of "Wild Cat" when, early moment. H e explained the n eed of Gibbons, Noonan, O'Con- in the fi r s t quarte r, he nonchalantly a monitor to assist the ctass in the nor, Riley and Harding wuJked to the s ide lines, discarded his fulfillme nt of the many duties at- Are Prospects he lme t, and continued fo r the r emain-tendant upon the process of being der of the game withou t any bead-graduated. gear whatsoever. This handicapped

A suggestion was made by Mr. Those members of the team of last hinl to a great ex tent, for the Frosh year's s quad. The Viatorian line was Bushman that Fr. Cardinal be e lec t- year and those new s tudents who a re guards were g r abbing him by the ears strengthened considerably by the a.d­

ed to the position, subject to his con- addic ted to the ge ntle pastime of aud taking him out (com pletely out) vent of two more men to the squad_ sent . A vo t e was taken , and, the flstic~fs, read with en o:usiasm the I of every play thereafter . A consens- Wren one of the toughest and cer­s uggestion being approved thereby, Bulle tm that was placed m the Gym - us of opinions of the fans attending tainly the biggest man on the squad Mr. Wenthe and Mr. McGrath were Dasium last week. The contxet of the game proved Joe to be the great- has filled in at the tackle position appointed to wai t upon Fr. Cardinal t h<.. le t ter was that, again thi s year I est asse t to the F reshman eleven. while P aul Turner, a veteran of last to inform him of his election . there was to be held a Cathollc Youth ___ .year wi ll probably change off

The ques tion of sec~ng class rings Boxing Tournament. To the old stu- hf- officials of the game, Harding, at this spot while E d H unt ct t th · eed of e plana tion v.;u take care of the lef t guard po-

was r aised once mor e by Miss Gor-1 en s er e IS no 0 x H unt and Woulfe, wer e c redited with man. For the purpose of furthe r but to the newcomers a wor d is nee- being the squares t and most just of- sitlon. investigation and consideration by essary. L ast year under the acUve fici a ls ever to preside at a Soph- Gibbons, Horn and O'Connell will the members of the class , the final supervision of the Right R everend Frosh game. The Frosh were pen- all probably g et a chance at the end decision has been postponed. It is Bishop B ernard J . Sheil , the "C. Y. alized only fifty yards throughout the posts, while Kelly and Bomba will an old custom that the Seniors have 0.'' the youths organization of Chi- enti re game, and this is the first time ass ist Wren to build up the Viatorian class rings. However, the present cngo, fost er ed one m ain boxing tour- in years that they have been penali- defense and offense at the tackles. class bas not decided definitely nument. To this tournament he ld in zed less Ulan two hundred yards per The backfield will will probably con­whether they consider it adviseable to Ch icago came the "Cream of the game when engaged with the Upper- sist of Karr at Quarter, Fuchs and continue the cus tom . Crop '' from a ll of the outlying dis- c lass m en . Let us say now to the Harding at tbe halves and Bernard

Another ques tion of a somewhat t ric t s of Chicago. The actual man- Fresh men that the off icials for the at fu llback. less serious nature was discussed, agem ent of the affai r t his year is in game were chosen from the ranks of For the past week Coach Corcor an that is, the opinion of som e that the the hands of Jack E lder , form er No- the Upperclassm en, not merely to has been working on some new sneak Seniors ough t, by r eason of their tre_ Da me Footba ll and Tr~ck s ta r , favor the Sophs, but becaus e of thei r plays on which he is placing much seniori ty itself , to carry can es. Opin- whiCh at the present time has superiority in experience and knowle- of the responsibility of his scoring ion is decidedly rife upon this point. charge of the new Catholic Youth dg~ of the game. hopes in the Indiana game. While On one slde ther e are ranged those, H P.adqnarte rs in Chicago. Assisting During the f irst half of the game he has k ept Snake Karr a t the quar­headed by the President himself, who ~im, h e has the well .known athle tic the fo llowing conser vation was h eard ter back past, he has been giving Ab­a r e s trongly in favor of the p ropo- Puck ey Me Farland, 111 the ro le of among the back-field men: n ey every opportunity to break into sition , and on the other, the re are Promotion Manager for the Tourna- Mahon ey: "I'll carry the ball this the regu lar routine.

many who cons ider the canes as ment. time." R eports emanating from the camp pleasing, but somewhat handicapping This year, as in the past, the sec- Phelan: "No. It's my turn to carry of the Hoosiers at Valpraiso show to perfectly sound- lim bed individ- Uoual tournament fo r this dis trict the ba ll. them to be one of the strongest u a ls. This point, too, remained un- \\•ill be held S.t St. Viator College Ryan: "You're too s low ... I'll carry teams that the I rish will have to decided, and the m eeting adjourned Gymn asium . The date of this pre- it." meet this year. While a small s tu­after the suggestion of a class party limina ry meeting has been put at No- Latislaw (Bomba to you): "Shut dent body, they have more than thei r had been raised. This w ill probably vembcr 17, 1932. The Winne rs of up you mugs. I'm captain, so I'll car- share of gridiron heroes and this year be decided in the near future . these bouts wi ll then go to Joliet, ry the ball." will s till have the s ting of their last

where thy will fight a t the De LaSal- This conser vatio·n among the same defeat at the hands of the Irish three The latest dope we have concern- le Gymnasium for the honor of r epre- ba ck-fie ld m en durin g the second years ago on our own campus, ranki ng

ing the boxing team is that "Power- senting their district at the final half : Four back-field men (ln b a r - in thei r breasts. This, in addition H ouse" Rutecki is going out for the tournament in Chicago. rrtony): "It's your turn to carry the to the hopes of the Hoosiers of win-team. H e said that h e feels sure of S t . 'Vi ator has \Vealth of l\1aterlal baH.' " ning thei r own H omecoming Football a. place on the t eam. This should be YVith the exception of F rank Baldi Clu:::s is will put the Viatorians in a en couraging to those Freshmen who and Cla r ence Larkin, the p er sonel of A nd says Joe Ga'rman, the dopes te r I s trong spot from which they will have are in doubt concerning their poss i- last years Fight T eam remains intact. "I'll bet two-bits Notre Dame beats to give al l they have. to extricate

bilities of making a place on the team . (Continued on Page Six) Drake." themselves.

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1932-10-15

D ebate S ubject To Be Hank R egulation

ro.~r.Un W frorr. Pag~ OneJ

kr~.rnn that Ul,.r,. wHl t~ •~vera.l de~ ba~ -N"tth .r hrnlt ouU rj~ the IDJ­nr.Jht Cont~rP'T)r.e At Ule pr~~" ent 1 rfl6 plana ar~ l:" mad"" to hold

• a.t I,..Mt twr.~ prP!-1\E'a.AOD radJo deba.tes thn.tUg'h th~ fadlitiel 00 Station WC. F L tn ChiCS:t.g"o ::either the sub­jl!cta nor th,. oppol'Jing teams have yet been ae)Pt ted tor this venture.

Vuy FV-v J W. R Ma<;ulre, C. S. v., PreaiiJ~>nt ot the College, himself r~ r""nownt>d pulpit and radio orator, ha.A alrPady bf>gun WCPkly classes 1n prPpR.r-a.tlon for the romlng season. Anothrr faculty member, 9.8 yet un­annount"NJ, Is to MBist Father ~Ia­

gulrr In putUng another formidable debn.t~> squad In the field.

Burkl:! Monahan- and Thomas Fer­ris a.n· lhr only member8 lost to the Rquad via lhe graduation roulc. Be­Rides wmr VPry promising frosh and upperclo.s,mcn prospcct.a, Father Ma­gutre C"an call upon such veterans as Ralph Hoover, Robert Nolan, Ken- ~

neth Bu•hmen, Paul LaRocque, Gill Middleton, and John O'Brien. The last mentioned d bale r was the out­standi ng rookie of last year's squad.

I r ish Pugi l ists Don Mitts

to Again

(Conllnu cd from Page F ive)

I n the 135 pound cla.~s the Irish will be r cprc.scn ted by Cla rence Noonan and nanny O'Co nn e r , who a re both vC;tc r·nns o f many fi g hts. Both show­ed up well In th lr bouts last year. O'Conuo r 'a onl y d efeat las t year was at the hands of h is opponent In the prelimina ry of the "C. Y. 0." tour­r ~amf'>nl. In his fights agains t Ar­mor and Valparaiso be won both fig:lld by decisions.

Noonan , one of the m ost skillful end scientifi c boxers on las t year's team wi ll again appear on their years aggregation . In the two fights that Noonan fought las t year, he bul l t up a fo llowing that w ill see him through all of his e ncounte rs this year. If he Is as fa.•l l th is year as h e showed himself to be last year, h e w ill be one of th e bes t bets of Coach Coco r­an, who himself can wie ld a hefty mill, as was shown by the record that h e lef t be hind him at Sain t Louis University, while a s tudent there.

Afte r a year 's lapse Wi ld Bill Gib­bons has returned to St. Via tor cam­pu~ and It is probable U1at he will return to U1e ring again lhls year. The o lde r s tudents will re member witl1 a s mi le, U1 e times that Gibbons went in to Lhe ring with his opponent u.nd showed U10 crowd the old game of "S ta nd up and S lug." Another f ig-ht r of the o ld school tha t showed up w ell last year was R ed Harding, who came to Sl. Viator from Spald­ing in P eo ria, with a re putation as a battler behind him and real ly liv­ed up to his fame. \Vith both of U1ese fighters giving a ll U1at they h ave the r ing fans will be s ure of an enjoyable C\'l!ning on November 17.

As the fi rst practices have not yet started it is not possible to tell whcU1er or not lhe Freshman class hn\'c fislic and gladiators in their midst. Howe,·cr, when U1e smell of the rosin begins to float around the gym, we can surely say that there will be a c r e w of F reshmen in there " ;llmg both to give and take i t on U1c chin.

It is not likely that fupper Riley \\ill be able to put on the old g loves tuld get in U1ere and mLx them up this year. due to an injury su.fiered durin.g a r~.X:ent football game in w hi<'h h~ broke four bones of hi£ hru1d. It is sure that his loss "ill be felt by the team and any Freshmen

that wish to_ try ?ut fo r the_ team let I tllt'm see BtU Riley. who ts taking OYer the arrangements for the affair.


J/ other' 8 Club T 0 cu1 we year and tnct.s f= to be pop- t. riator Coli g Off r Ext Hold Party ular agam this """""n.

Tbe::e 1.3 always oomethu:g delig:ht-

Th• M"Wiy organ.zed :\!other's Cl b of SL '."Ialor College assl.3ted by the SocW Sorority of the CoUege. 1.3 •ponaorlng a radio party to be given In the gymnasium on October thirty­firs The obj~t of t.hi.s affair which 1.3 the fin1t to be undertaken by the nev~r organlza.lion. Is to raise funds for SL Vla.tor. Adntission charge is nominal, twenty-five cents. And for the particular Interest of the resident students of Roy Hall the party is not to be a date alfalr It finds a p re­cedent in the debater's party given last year In the CoUege refectory. a delightful event, and in the several card parties given by the Sorority. Very lnlormal in nature, this type of

lui about attending a party on All

Hallows· Eve, then "Ghosues and

ghollies and things that go 'bump' in

Cour rontinu«< from Page One l


d<>n.!lted_ and be(ore I the

~rs e~~t to take in' ··wor ld"

the rught • are abroad .. and all sorts ed primarily for teachers and othe~ a nt:w dt .. t. It .s " ;tbout

of spirits that haunt the dreams of who time during the regular class s-aylC.£" lh t peris.h bles·· have aL :-~

bet.n gi Yt"n la ,;shly, t t.he SW\."'e t toolh be~ weJI c&J"e'd Cor not by way of pa.mful dnli ••therl At f...,quent in­ten~als lh~s~ kind bene!nl'tors pln.n

college men come to the earth I day is olherv.' ~upied., The n~w

once more. The gaily-lighted gym- dean. Dr. French. l.S parucularly l.D­

na..sium will ofler complete protection terested in these courses, and In solv­

against the onslaughts of the bogies ing the problems of those desirous of th 'II be th · · th d k to come do'"-n to find sUU oth~r way~

at Wl ga enng lD e ar - doing e.,.'(tens.ion work ln the college of canna for St. Bt! rna.n.l Hall. ness withouL So you better come, ·--e

departments. every last one of you.

The ladies are expecting the sup­port of every student. and are con!i­den l that the cooperation whlch is necessary to make the party a suc­cess will not be v.;th held by any-

entertaJnment proved very success- one.



Father Mu~ch C S. Y. o tumlly is very well pleas~ and wishes to pubilcally thank these good P"'Pie. to a__qsure them of the prayers of the Brothers and himself and to bid them all a hearty welcome at all limes to Bourbonnais and t. Bernard H all.



MASSACRE HNature in the Raw11 - a.s portrayed by the artist, N. C. W yeth ..• inspired by the

heartless treachery of a band of vicious Mia mi Indiaru,

who m assacred tl1e seuler.s w ith inhuman fe-rocity •••

August 15, 1812.


-and raw tobaccos have no place in cigarettes

They are not present in Luckies . the mildest cigarette you ever smoked

W E buy the finest , the very fines t tobaccos in all the

wo rl d - bu t t hat does not explai n why fo lks every­where regard Lucky Strike as the mildest cigarette. The fact is, we never overlook the truth tha t "Nat u re in the Raw is Seldom Mild" - so

t hese fi n e tobaccos, after proper aging and mellowing, are then given the benefit of that Lucky Strike purifying process , d es cribed by the words- " I t's toasted". That's w h y fo lks in every city, town and hamlet say that Luckies are such mild cigarettes.

" I( a m_an rui~t a !Htur hook, prta(h a httrN' Jtrmon, or makt a bttur mouu-trap than hiJ ntighbor, 1ho ht burld btJ hou.u rn tht u.•oodJ, the u.t>r-ld will malu a btattn path to hiJ do(lr. "-R..ALPH W ALDO EMERSON.

Does not this explain the world-wide accepunce and approval of Lucky Srri~e?

k a bi at

" it ~

to b)