stadia & edm

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  • 7/28/2019 Stadia & EDM


    Stadia & EDM

  • 7/28/2019 Stadia & EDM


    Stadia Principles

    Stadia is a tachometric form of distancemeasurement that relies on a fixed-angle

    intercept to optically measure the distancealong the site path.

    Stadia is used on topographic surveys wherelimiting accuracy of 1/400 will be acceptable.

    The transit cross-hair has in addition to thenormal cross hair two additional horizontalhairs.

  • 7/28/2019 Stadia & EDM


    Stadia Principles

    The distances can be determined simply bysighting a rod with the telescope level and

    determining the rod interval.

    D = 100S

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    Stadia Principles

    Elevation can be determined by stadia in themanner illustrated in figure 7.4

    Elevation of station A () + hi RR =

    elevation of point B (rod)

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    Stadia Principles

    Figure 7.4

    Stadia Principles.

    (a) Stadia hairs.

    (b) Distancedetermination

    (c) Elevationdetermination

    (d) Angle


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    Inclined Stadia

    Measurements The distance from the instrument to

    the rod must be reduced from slope to

    horizontal The rod interval of a sloped sighting

    must be reduced to what the interval

    would have been if the line of sighthad been perpendicular to the rod.

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    Figure 7.5 illustrates the previous twoconsiderations. The value of hi and the

    rod reading (RR) have been madeequal to clarify the sketch

    Inclined Stadia


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    The geometric relationships are as follows: (1) S is the rodinterval, (2) S is the rod of angle when the line of sight isinclined by angle .

    D = 100S (7.1) (Figure 7.4b)

    S = S cos (7.3) (Figure 7.5)

    D = 100S cos (7.4) [from eqs. (7.1) and (7.3)]

    H = D cos (7.5) (Figure 7.5)

    H = 100S cos2

    (7.6) [from eqs. (7.4) and (7.5)]V = D sin (7.7) (Figure 7.5)

    D = 100 S cos (7.4)

    V = 100 S cos sin (7.8) [from eqs. (7.7) and (7.4)]

    Inclined Stadia


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    Some theodolites will only read zenith angels(90-), making it necessary to modifyeqs.(7.6) and (7.8).

    H=100S Sin**2(90-)V= 100S Sin(90-) cos(90-)

    Equations (7.6) and (7.8) can be used incomputing the horizontal distance anddifference in elevation for any inclinedstadia measurement.

    Inclined Stadia


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  • 7/28/2019 Stadia & EDM


    Inclined Stadia Measurements

    Figure 7.6 shows the general case of aninclined stadia measurement which can bestated as follows:

    Elevation() station k= vRR= elevation(rod) point M (7.9)

    The relationship is valid for every stadiameasurement. If the hi and RR are equal

    Eq. (7.9) becomesElevation station K = V = elevation (rod)

    point M (7.10)

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    Examples of stadia Measurements

    There are three basic variations to astandard stadia measurement:

    1. The rod reading is taken to be thesame as the hi.

    2. The rod reading is not the same as

    the hi

    3. The telescope is horizontal

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    Precision of stadia Measurements

    Normal field practice permits accuraterod reading of 0.01 ft or 0.003 m for

    distance of 300ft or 100m. If rod intervals are read accordingly

    ,horizontal distances (100s) can becomputed to the closest 1ft or 0.3m.

    The maximum relative accuracy of1/300 to 1/400

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    Precision of stadia Measurements

    Consistent reasoning indicates thatdifferences in elevation (v) can be

    realistically computed to the closest0.1ft or 0.03m

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    Establishing control by stadia methods

    Stadia method can be used to establishsecondary points or to establish closed

    traverses that will be used for topographicstadia control

    The double readings provide an increase inprecision which permits stations so

    established to be used as control for furtherstadia work

  • 7/28/2019 Stadia & EDM


    Establishing control by stadia methods

    Figure 7.12 illustrates as extension ofprimary control to the secondary

    control point K. With the transit at 0+ 40 a horizontal

    angle is turned (and doubled) on topoint K.

    The hi, VCR, and rod interval aredetermined in the usual manner.

  • 7/28/2019 Stadia & EDM


    Electronic surveying measurement

    Electronic distance measurement(EDM) first introduced in the 1950s

    Current EDM instrument use infraredlight laser light or microwaves

    See figure 7.1

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    Electronic angel measurment

    The electronic digital theodolite firstintroduced in the late 1960s

    When the electronic theodolite is used with

    built in EDM or an add on interfaced EDM A microprocessor automatically monitors in

    the instruments operating status andmanages built in surveying programs and a

    data collector that stores and processesmeasurements and attribute data (totalstation)

    Figure 7.2

  • 7/28/2019 Stadia & EDM


    EDM Instrument characteristic

    Expensive instrument have longerdistance ranges and higher precision

    Distance range 800m to 1km

    Short range EDM can be extended to1,300 m using 3 prism

    Long range EDM can be extended to15 km using 11 prism

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    EDM Instrument characteristics

    Accuracy range +(-) (15mm +5ppm)For short-range EDM

    +(-) (3mm+1ppm) for long range EDM

    Slope reaction manual or automatic Average of repeated measurements available on

    some models Battery capability 1,400 to 4,200 measurements Temperature range -20c to +50c Nonprism ,measurements available on some models

    distances from 100 to 350 m (3 to 5 km with prism)

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    Prisms are used with electro-optical EDMinstruments to reflect the transmitted signal(figure 7.3)

    A single reflector is a cube corner prism thathas the characteristic to reflecting light raysprecisely back to the emitting EDMinstrument

    The quality of the prism is determined bythe flatness of the surface and theperpendicularity of the 90 surface

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    Prisms can be tribrach-mounted on a tripod,centered by optical plummet or attached toa prism pole held vertical on a point with

    the aid of a bulls-eye level In control surveys tribrach-mounted prisms

    can be detached from their tribrachs andthe interchanged with theodolite

    This interchangeability of prism andtheodolite speeds up the work because thetribrach mounted on the tripod is centeredand leveled only once

  • 7/28/2019 Stadia & EDM


    EDM instrument operation

    1.Set up

    EDM instruments are inserted in to the

    tribrach Set over the point by means of the optical


    Prisms are set over the remote station point

    The EDM turned on The height of the prism and the EDM should

    me measured

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    EDM instrument operation


    The EDM is aimed at the prism by using either thebuilt-in sighting devices on the EDM

    Telescope (yoke-mount EDMs) will have the opticalline of sight a bit lower than the electronic signal

    When the cross hair is sight on target the electronicsignal will be maximized at the center of the prism

    Set the electronic signal precisely on the prismcenter

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    EDM instrument operation

    3. Measure The slope measurement is accomplished by simply

    pressing the measure button

    The displays are either liquid crystal (LCD) or lightemitting diode (LED) The measurements is shown in two decimals of a

    foot or three decimals of a meter EDM with built in calculators can now be used to

    compute horizontal and vertical distances,coordinate, atmosphiric,curveture and prismconstant corrections

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    EDM instrument operation

    4. Record

    The measured data can be recorded in the

    field note format Can be entered manually into electronic

    data collector

    The distance data must be accompanied byall relevant atmospheric and instrumentalcorrection factors