staff ideas / syniadau staff

Staff Ideas Shared Learning Webinar Gweminar Dysgu a Rennir ar Syniadau Staff

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Post on 04-Aug-2015



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Staff IdeasShared Learning Webinar

Gweminar Dysgu a Rennir ar Syniadau Staff

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Website @GoodPracticeWAO #WAOideasBlog goodpracticeexchange.wordpress.comVimeo [email protected]

Sharing information Rhannu gwybodaeth

Chris BoltonGood Practice Exchange Manager, Wales Audit Office Rheolwr y Gyfnewidfa Arfer Da, Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru

029 2032 0662

[email protected]




Zufi YousafOperations Manager, ideasUK Rheolwr Gweithrediadau, ideasUK



029 20320662

[email protected]

Steff GriffithsAll Wales Continuous Improvement CommunityCymuned Gwelliant Parhaus Cymru Gyfan

01639 686284

[email protected]



Stuart LawsMinistry of DefenceY Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn

020 72184950

[email protected]



Why is it important to gather ideas from your staff?

Pam mae’n bwysig i gasglu syniadau eich staff?

Chris BoltonGood Practice Exchange Manager, Wales Audit Office Rheolwr y Gyfnewidfa Arfer Da, Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru

• “Many hands make light work”• There is often more that one ‘best answer

• Gellir ysgafnhau’r baich drwy ei rannu• Yn aml, mae mwy nag un ateb cywir

Why is it important to gather ideas from your staff?

Pam mae’n bwysig i gasglu syniadau eich staff?

• To help improve the productivity and efficiency within your organisation

• Who knows more about your organisation than your own staff (front-line and back-house)

• I helpu i wella cynhyrchiant ac effeithlonrwydd o fewn eich sefydliad

• Does neb yn gwybod mwy am eich sefydliad nag eich staff eich hun (rheng flaen a chynorthwyol)

Zufi YousafOperations Manager, ideasUK Rheolwr Gweithrediadau, ideasUK

Why is it important to gather ideas from your staff?

Pam mae’n bwysig i gasglu syniadau eich staff?

Steff GriffithsAll Wales Continuous Improvement CommunityCymuned Gwelliant Parhaus Cymru Gyfan

Why is it important to gather ideas from your staff?

Pam mae’n bwysig i gasglu syniadau eich staff?

• Staff are best placed to know what changes need to be done – they are at the ‘coal-face’ of the service

• Staff will own the change if it has been generated by them

• Mae staff yn y sefyllfa orau i wybod pa newidiadau sydd angen gwneud - nhw yw ‘rheng flaen' y gwasanaeth

• Os mai staff sy’n creu’r newid, byddan nhw’n berchen ar y newid

Stuart LawsMinistry of DefenceY Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn

• Engagement – Where employees are listened to and valued for their ideas, their engagement with the employer increases

• Ymgysylltu – Bydd gweithwyr yn ymgysylltu’n well â’u cyflogwyr os bydd eu llais yn cael ei glywed a’u syniadau’n cael eu gwerthfawrogi

Why is it important to gather ideas from your staff?

Pam mae’n bwysig i gasglu syniadau eich staff?

What methods do you use?

Pa ddulliau ydych chi'n defnyddio?

What methods do you use?

Pa ddulliau ydych chi'n defnyddio?

Chris BoltonGood Practice Exchange Manager, Wales Audit Office Rheolwr y Gyfnewidfa Arfer Da, Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru

• Tried many, would prefer ‘action workshops’• Currently testing ‘social media’ - Yammer

• Wedi rhoi cynnig ar lawer, ond byddai’n well gen i ‘weithdai gweithredu’

• Yn arbrofi â chyfryngau cymdeithasol ar hyn o bryd - Yammer

• This really depends on the need of your organisation • An online idea scheme and database, which can all be

run in-house

• Mae hyn yn dibynnu ar beth sydd angen ar eich mudiad• Cynllun syniadau a basdata ar-lein, sy’n gallu cael ei

redeg yn fewnol

Zufi YousafOperations Manager, ideasUK Rheolwr Gweithrediadau, ideasUK

What methods do you use?

Pa ddulliau ydych chi'n defnyddio?

Steff GriffithsAll Wales Continuous Improvement CommunityCymuned Gwelliant Parhaus Cymru Gyfan

What methods do you use?

Pa ddulliau ydych chi'n defnyddio?

• Variety of ways from basic suggestion boxes to more structured change interventions

• What ever the method, it is essential to have buy in from the top of the organisation

• Ffyrdd amrywiol, o flychau awgrymiadau sylfaenol i ymyriadau newid mwy strwythuredig

• Beth bynnag yw'r dull, rhaid cael cefnogaeth o frig y sefydliad

Stuart LawsMinistry of DefenceY Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn

• There isn’t a silver bullet, it differs from organisation to to organisation.

• For the Ministry of Defence I’ve developed an Ideas Management Strategy, which combines a number of key supporting and enabling activities to drive improvement.

• Does dim un ffordd gywir, mae’n amrywio o sefydliad i sefydliad.

• Dwi wedi datblygu Strategaeth Reoli Syniadau i’r Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn, sy’n cyfuno nifer o weithgareddau allweddol i gefnogi a galluogi’r broses o hybu gwelliant.

What methods do you use?

Pa ddulliau ydych chi'n defnyddio?

What benefits do you get?

Pa fuddion ydych chi'n cael?

What benefits do you get?

Pa fuddion ydych chi'n cael?

Chris BoltonGood Practice Exchange Manager, Wales Audit Office Rheolwr y Gyfnewidfa Arfer Da, Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru

• Different points of view and experiences• Staff feel engaged and part of the solution

• Safbwyntiau a phrofiadau gwahanol• Staff yn teimlo’n rhan o’r datrysiad ac wedi’u


• Return On Investment is dependant on what investment / energy you put in to your scheme

• Financial savings, improved customer / employee experience and more productivity / efficiency

• Enillion ar Fuddsoddiad yn dibynnu ar ba fuddsoddiad / egni sy’n cael ei roi i’ch cynllun

• Arbedion ariannol, profiad gwell i gwsmeriaid / gweithwyr a mwy o gynhyrchiant / effeithlonrwydd

Zufi YousafOperations Manager, ideasUK Rheolwr Gweithrediadau, ideasUK

What benefits do you get?

Pa fuddion ydych chi'n cael?

Steff GriffithsAll Wales Continuous Improvement CommunityCymuned Gwelliant Parhaus Cymru Gyfan

What benefits do you get?

Pa fuddion ydych chi'n cael?

• ‘-ility’:- Sustainability, Responsibility, Accountability, Acceptability, Adaptability

• Employee growth and increased morale

• Cynaladwyedd, Cyfrifoldeb, Atebolrwydd, Derbynioldeb, Hyblygrwydd

• Gwelliant personol staff a gwell morâl

Stuart LawsMinistry of DefenceY Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn

• Implementing staff ideas result in small to medium level changes & reduce (and possibly remove) the need to a formal change programme.

• Return on Investment, In 2014-15 the MoD realised £6M in cashable savings & £35.5M in efficiency savings from our ideas scheme.

• Mae gweithredu syniadau staff yn golygu newid ar lefel bach/canolig a lleihau (neu ddiddymu, o bosib) yr angen am raglen newid ffurfiol.

• Enillion ar Fuddsoddiad, yn 2014-15 fe wnaeth y Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn sicrhau £6M mewn arbedion arian parod a £35.5M mewn arbedion effeithlonrwydd, gyda’n rhaglen syniadau.

What benefits do you get?

Pa fuddion ydych chi'n cael?

What advice would you give to anyone thinking about gathering staff ideas?

Pa gyngor fyddech chi'n rhoi i rywun sy'n meddwl am gasglu syniadau staff?

What advice would you give to anyone thinking about gathering staff ideas?

Pa gyngor fyddech chi'n rhoi i rywun sy'n meddwl am gasglu syniadau staff?

Chris BoltonGood Practice Exchange Manager, Wales Audit Office Rheolwr y Gyfnewidfa Arfer Da, Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru

• Look for small wins, they fuel the engine• Build upon what works, stop what doesn’t

• Chwiliwch am gyfleoedd i gyflawni’n gyflym, dyma sy’n rhoi hwb i’r broses

• Adeiladwch ar yr hyn sy’n gweithio, a stopio’r hyn sydd ddim yn gweithio

• Do the right research to establish the right needs for your organisation

• Have the right processes in place and most importantly, the right buy-in from the organisation

• Gwnewch yr ymchwil cywir er mwyn ffeindio’r anghenion cywir ar gyfer eich sefydliad

• Rhaid cael y prosesau cywir ac yn bwysicaf oll, bod eich sefydliad yn prynu i mewn yn y modd iawn

Zufi YousafOperations Manager, ideasUK Rheolwr Gweithrediadau, ideasUK

What advice would you give to anyone thinking about gathering staff ideas?

Pa gyngor fyddech chi'n rhoi i rywun sy'n meddwl am gasglu syniadau staff?

Steff GriffithsAll Wales Continuous Improvement CommunityCymuned Gwelliant Parhaus Cymru Gyfan

What advice would you give to anyone thinking about gathering staff ideas?

Pa gyngor fyddech chi'n rhoi i rywun sy'n meddwl am gasglu syniadau staff?

• Just Do It!• Do something with the ideas

• Gwnewch e! • Gwnewch rywbeth gyda’r syniadau

Stuart LawsMinistry of DefenceY Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn

• Work with the existing culture, keep it simple, don’t just rely on an IT Solution

• Manage expectations from the start

• Gweithiwch gyda’r diwylliant sy’n bodoli eisoes, cadwch o’n syml, a pheidiwch dibynnu ar TG

• Mae angen rheoli disgwyliadau o’r cychwyn

What advice would you give to anyone thinking about gathering staff ideas?

Pa gyngor fyddech chi'n rhoi i rywun sy'n meddwl am gasglu syniadau staff?



Website @GoodPracticeWAO #WAOideasBlog goodpracticeexchange.wordpress.comVimeo [email protected]

Thank you / Diolch