stalking the flock - thorin

The Wolf Mindset (©Thorin) Does dressing in unique ways make one a wolf? No. Does standing opposed to authority make one a wolf? No. Does being oppositional to majority views make one a wolf? No. Although most "wolves" do harbor many of these tendencies, they are not prerequisites, but rather the end result of pure thought, careful analysis, and admitted personal tastes. Any poser can adorn himself with an encircled A, but how many can truly stand self-reliant? Anybody searching for an insta-identity can purchase an image these days in practically any clichéd variety that they choose, but "wolf" is an internal mentality; it is not defined by any external fashion. At the core of a genuine wolf is a Think For Yourself mentality. Nothing more is needed, for all actions, thoughts, and opinions branch from this root. Standing opposed to authority does not make one wolf either. For some, formalized defenders are necessary to protect personal property and individual safety from the parasitical. It is in standing opposed to true injustice, not simple authority, which bears the mark of the wolf. Wolves, in general, are quite rebellious but their rebellious streak has a purpose. True wolf opinion is not based on trends, popularity, pasteurized groupthink, or media-inspired national poll numbers, but rather on objective logic and personal analysis. When the topics drop into non-objective waters, wolves simply cite personal preference and find no further need to justify. Wolves find no need to craft their opinions into laws or force them onto others; they harbor the ability to live and let live, and because of this just view, they reject any so-called law which restricts the expression of their personal Stalking The Flock Sitemap 1 of 9 3/8/2012 1:21 AM

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Writings by Thorin of Wicked Jester (


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The Wolf Mindset


Does dressing in unique ways make one a wolf? No. Does standing opposed to authority make one a wolf? No.

Does being oppositional to majority views make one a wolf? No. Although most "wolves" do harbor many of these

tendencies, they are not prerequisites, but rather the end result of pure thought, careful analysis, and admitted

personal tastes.

Any poser can adorn himself with an encircled A, but how many can truly stand self-reliant? Anybody searching for

an insta-identity can purchase an image these days in practically any clichéd variety that they choose, but "wolf" is

an internal mentality; it is not defined by any external fashion. At the core of a genuine wolf is a Think For Yourself

mentality. Nothing more is needed, for all actions, thoughts, and opinions branch from this root.

Standing opposed to authority does not make one wolf either. For some, formalized defenders are necessary to

protect personal property and individual safety from the parasitical. It is in standing opposed to true injustice, not

simple authority, which bears the mark of the wolf. Wolves, in general, are quite rebellious but their rebellious

streak has a purpose. True wolf opinion is not based on trends, popularity, pasteurized groupthink, or media-inspired

national poll numbers, but rather on objective logic and personal analysis. When the topics drop into non-objective

waters, wolves simply cite personal preference and find no further need to justify.

Wolves find no need to craft their opinions into laws or force them onto others; they harbor the ability to live and

let live, and because of this just view, they reject any so-called law which restricts the expression of their personal

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views, actions, or tastes when no non-consenting adult is harmed or burdened as a result. Wolves respect

themselves, and this is precisely why they harbor the ability to respect others (until unsavory behavior proves others

unworthy of such a privilege).

Wolves do not simply regurgitate media-broadcasted sound bites. Instead they posses a deep understanding of the

topics in which they engage. In short, they know their shit, or they hold their tongue and then either question or

reverently listen to those who seem to (bouncing all offered "information" off of their internal reasoning before

accepting). If pressed, they can take their arguments to sedimentary levels, because unlike the sheeple, they did not

mindlessly adopt their shallow views or mindlessly inherit their opinions.

Unlike the staunch egotist or the programmed ideolog, a wolf can be proved wrong. If a hole in their argument is

discovered, then they fill the hole and recalibrate. They understand that a man so proud as to never be wrong, can

never be right. Because they posses adequate self-esteem and value their own self-worth, they can admit their

deficiencies and then work to strengthen them. They understand that before a problem can be corrected, it first has

to be identified and accepted. They know that a problem denied and dodged is a problem that will never be solved.

Wolves seek growth and they are not too weak to admit their weaknesses. If their theories are found to have flaws,

then they do not get angry at the person who points them out, instead they rejoice. For they have just become wiser

from the exchange. They fill their holes, refine their premises and then find themselves one step closer to objective

truth. They ask questions in proportion to the expressions of their knowledge. They know that no additional

knowledge or understanding can be gained in the constant exhibition of their own views.

The mark of the wolf does not designate a label. For the wolf paw is a symbol. It is a symbol that defies all labels; it

is the antithesis of all stereotypical markings. It does not signify, "like him", "like her", or "like them" but rather it is

the mark of the self-empowered individual that means: Like Me. It expresses, "I think for myself" and acts as a

warning sign to all who would seek to control those who bare it. The mark of the wolf is the symbol of the

self-empowered, freethinking, growth-centered, self-accountable individual.

To think like a wolf, one nearly needs to think for himself/herself. For it is "thinking" (not memorizing and

regurgitating someone else's undigested thoughts) that separates, the self-directed creatures from that of the slavish

fate which envelopes all who choose the path of least resistance. The wolf is a wolf because he demands it. The

herd race are mental slaves because they allow it. The wolf does not let popularity direct him, but rather he chooses

his own path and walks it proudly.

Unlike the sheep-minded mass which huddle into arrays of stereotypical herds, wolves run either solo or in small

packs of independent, analytical-minded, autonomous individuals which are bound, not by like opinion, but by

mutual respect. To be a wolf means to think for oneself, to respect oneself, to empower oneself, to walk ones own

path, and to seek growth and the expansion of awareness. This mindset is heavily rooted in rebellion; not because it

is wrong, but because in a world of mass-programmed, socially-directed lemming, it simply has no choice to be


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What is Wolf Fest? It's a yearly event held in Atlanta Georgia where participating wolves gather to unwind,

philosophize, party, and just act a damn fool. It's a gathering of rebellions writers, philosophers, art lovers, and

social renegades all coming together for sheer camaraderie and to blow off some steam. To make it more exciting,

we all "pack up" during the annual DragonCon convention dates. At the beginning of the con, we all join up,

introduce ourselves to one another, and then scour the convention as a pack. Later in the evenings (usually around

2 to 3 a.m) those who are still hanging tough go out to a late night diner and to just philosophize, share stories,

discuss our opinions and further connect. During the day we sleep, then we get up around noon, get our grub on,

and then re-attack the con.

All who understand and share the wolf mentality are encouraged to attend and embrace the brotherhood/sisterhood.

Unfortunatley, hotel rooms are a bit hard to find in Atlanta durring this time of the year. You may have to stay miles

away, or just show up and ask the other wolves if you can stay in a room and sleep on the floor with other members.

"Thorin WickedJester" on Facebook will be adding an image of the WolfFest gathering announcement in his photo

album. You can post under it as a way to join forces, and split the costs of hotel rooms with other attending

members if you so chose. All who understand and internalize the wolf mentality are encouraged to attend. All

individuals who are willing to make the trek will be embraced. See you in ATL!

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The Wolf Mentality

(©Thorin from the sold out book: "The Wolf in wolf's Clothing 2nd Edition")

First rule: there are no rules but the first rule. A wolf lives by flexible guidelines, not mandated obedience laid down

by the hands of other men. In order to be a wolf, there is only one prerequisite: an unfettered (unchained), engaged

mind. A wolf has firm values, morals, and convictions, but his/her opinions slide on a linear gradient (based on

context), not an via an enviromentaly-assigned, thoughlessly black and white rigid polarity. There is no law or rule

written in black and white that will ever apply to every situation; therefore, the wolf has to be objective and

analytical. Judgment is not simply mindless enforcement of rules written by the pen of other men, but conceived

through personal logic, personal experience, and grasping the truism of right is right, wrong is wrong, everything

else is merely shades of gray (opinion). There are very few absolute "rights", or absolute "wrongs" that apply to

every situation, so a wolf must THINK for himself/herself. A wolf must not follow others, but instead follow his or

her own heart, walk his or her own path, and be true to himself or herself without compromise.

Core Values


This is the pinnacle of wolf values. If you cannot be true to yourself and face the fire of ignorant closed-minded

opposition, then you will never be completely free. If you compromise your integrity, you may be a chained dog,

but not a true wolf. This does not mean that one should openly shout their differences; it simply means to stay true

to oneself, and not sway when confronted by "popular" opposition. One cannot compromise any part of

himself/herself for riches, popularity, or acceptance and still be 100% true. The greatest "sin" of a wolf is to sin

against one's self.

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Without inner strength, you can never truly follow your own path in life. Sheep mentality manifests in those who

lack self-confidence. Lack of self-worth coerces these weak-minded sheeple into accepting a "mimic the majority"

mentality (replicate what is safe, or "in season"). Weakness is the core of their "follow the leader" mentality. A

wolf's mind is strong, swayed by reason and personal observations. A wolf stays locked in pursuit of personal

objectives, not "popular trends".


A wolf must view every situation and individual person with an open mind before casting judgment. There are

plenty of reasons to hate people, but physical appearance is not one of them. Sheep are "issued" subjective

opinions. Wolves form their own. A wolf understands that there are three sides to every story: left subjectivity, right

subjectivity, and the truth found only in honest objectivity.


A wolf should initially show respect. If the other person or party proves to be unworthy of respect, then attack them

with the same level of rudeness in which they exhibit. Rudeness is not strength, and politeness is not weakness.

Some people deserve respect, and some people deserve to be treated with merciless wrath. Initially, be objective,

but once they reveal their true nature, then treat them accordingly.


If you cannot admit your own shortcomings, then you cannot fix them. Excuses are vices of the weak. Strong

people have issues, downfalls, and problems. They admit them; they face them; they then work to correct them.The

weak mask and duck them; they stay pitiful and erect towers of excuses because they are too weak to face their

own shortfalls. This is why the weak stay weak. Admitting and facing our shortfalls is how one gains strength; so

write them on paper; look at them without blinking, make them real; then smash them into oblivion!


Don't trade away what is unique and beautiful just to mimic what is common and foul. The surest way to lose

yourself is to follow the trends. Fads are temporary illusions conjured by slick salesmen; they are glimmering

mirages that draw the insecure little lemmings out into the desert so the money-hungry Pied Pipers can bleed them

dry. The world is full of mediocre drones that foolishly strive to mimic the status quo because they lack self-respect.

There are millions of soulless drones all replicating copies of imitations, but there is only one YOU! Do not let the

words of mocking sheep (those attempting to tear you down in order to offset their own self-doubt) make you

question yourself. Self-doubt creates sheep mentality. Self-respect breeds wolves.


Wolves demand justice, and refused to be tread upon. Wolves will appeal to the law only when reciprocation is not

viable. A wolf does not trespass upon another man, and in return will not allow any other man to trespass against

him (or her). A wolf understands that most laws were created to protect stupid people from themselves, and to

protect the responsible from the irresponsible; but also understands that some laws are flawed, unjust, and many are

simply communistic morality (popular opinions crafted into “laws” by freedom-trampling control mongers). Wolves

are not “lawless” per se, they simply do not subscribe to mandated "opinions" masquerading as laws. Wolves live

within their own moral guidelines, not simply those repetitively chiseled into the minds of the populace. Wolves live

life in their own way, but they also understand that if they break a manmade law (be it just or unjust), then there

will be consequences. Wolves demand justice (imposed via law enforcement officials, or by the street itself). A wolf

knows that he is in charge of his own destiny, and carries not the values of a coerced society, but his own. Those

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who disrespect these sovereign rights, or tred upon our fur will be subjected to retaliation; either under the law, or

under the claw!


Impose no restriction upon another man (or woman) that you are not willing to impose upon yourself. Do not use

your freedom to weave personal opinions into constraints to bind others who hold dissimilar opinions. One cannot

honorably use freedom to restrict those who we simply disagree with (as this is a mockery of freedom itself). There

are times to push hard for your convictions, but there are also times in which we must simply agree to disagree, and

afford others the opportunity to make their own decisions (even if we personally see them as mistakes).


Sheep swallow whatever shit is poured down their throat. If the words come from behind a podium, behind a

nameplate, or spew out of a television speaker, then they are golden to the common-senseless sheep mind. Since

birth, the populace is trained. They are trained to follow. Bells, buzzers, lights, sounds, laws, rules all

psychologically shape us throughout our youth. Threats of force and fear are used to reinforce our submissiveness

as adults. This is why common sense is dead today. Sheep are not taught to think, but instructed to follow. Sheep

follow a program, a “socially-instilled ” routine. They can pass tests by reciting whatever shit they have been fed

(memorized), to prove how “intelligent” they are, but they cannot truly “think”. Wolves in order to be true wolves

must use their mind. They must formulate their own opinions (not have them assigned). They must consciously

separate facts from opinions, propaganda from information, news from commentary (all wheat from the chaff).

They must analyze and think, not memorize and follow. The world is full of soulless men all perfectly programmed

to consume their way into economic slavery. Wolves however, are analytical and chart their own course. They

analyze life and live it, not simply exist for a brief period of time. The sheep will never hear our words, as we

thinkers are destined to be social outcasts. We think therefore we are the social pariahs in this copycat paper doll

world. The rejection of the sheep is not a shame, but an honor. Revel in it!


Just as gullibility punishes the sheep, skepticism protects the wolves. The world revolves around money and power.

The elitists are always questing for more, and never have enough. Behind every news story and editorial piece is an

agenda. Behind that agenda is the master plan (more power, more wealth). Always question the motive; follow the

money. I don’t care how well dressed, or how wide the smile, thieves lurk around every corner. Users, parasites, and

con men come in all forms. They can wear religious ornamentation, symbols of the state, symbols the country, and

even charity groups. Just as fear shocks your bio-survival circuit into action, so does your gut. Listen to it. It is

better to miss an “opportunity” to excel, than to take them all and throttle into ignorance and financial ruin.



(With the exception of family), no man should expend labor freely for other men, and no man should reap what he

himself has not sown. A wolf is not a parasite, and will not become a host for one either. A wolf takes what he earns

and earns what he gets. There is no need to seek handouts, or conspire for ill-gotten gains when a person has

initiative. Those without initiative deserve neither charity nor sympathy. There is no logical reason to freely give the

fruits of one’s labor, or expend beads of sweat for a capable adult who is unwilling to assert himself. Life is tough

enough on its own. There is no reason to become a charity-stricken pack mule for the paupers of sympathy.


Not everyone will like you. Accept this. Do not sacrifice your integrity to gain approval of anyone! When you try to

please everyone, you slowly destroy yourself. Dancing monkeys, those who exhaust themselves for the amusement

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of mass, have plenty of fair-weathered "friends", but real men are not afraid to acquire enemies; they are not afraid

to put their convictions before their popularity. Live life through your own eyes, and live by your own standards

(not society's). Doing so will fend off the two-faced sheep, and net you a few real friends who love you for who you

are, and not your shallow facade. Just as shallowness is drawn to shallowness, strength is drawn to strength. To

attract people of equal integrity, simply be yourself. Those who bend to the will of the mass and follow the trends

may, on the surface, seem like they have plenty of friends, but when the chips are down, they soon find out that

they really have not a one in the whole bunch (herd). Above all, be yourself. Live life in a genuine manner. Do not

subscribe to flawed ideologies: “Love your enemies” This is flawed! This statement destroys the value of love itself.

“Do what thou wilt” This is flawed! This statement invites your enemies to do as they please to you. LOVE YOUR

FRIENDS, DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES; this is the unflawed code of the wolf.

*Above all, remember the first rule.

Since there is now a Wolfpack group on Facebook, the forum has migrated there. To gain access to this group,

please seek admission via one of the two sources below:

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©Wicked Jester,, and Thorin 2010.

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Ronin's Journey

A site filled with commentary, essays, poetry and observations

The Wolf Mentality

Image via Wikipedia

What is the Wolf Mentality? I mention it often, a tag I often use in my posts. It’s not a term of my creation but of

Thorin’s, owner of Wicked Jester and author of 6 books. Even then, the mentality pre-dates Thorin himself.

It’s a mentality that is independent, curious, and aware. Those who possess this mind-set look at the world with

curiosity, a un-biased independent mind, and gain awareness because of it. The more we learn of the world and

ourselves the stronger and more confident we grow. Wolves do not follow others, but are directed by our own

minds, because we question everything, especially orders.

It’s a anti-label, since the only thing that wolves have in common is the think for yourself, by questioning

everything, and accepting nothing blindly, principle we live by. That’s our interior, the exterior can be tattooed and

pierced with crazy hair to neat and clean-cut; loud and boisterous to quiet and withdrawn. All races, sexes and

whatever personal choices a person can make tell you nothing until you dig deeper into the reasoning behind it. Its

how they think, not what they think. Their motivations, external or internal. That’s how you tell wolf from sheep.

© Vance Gatlin 2010

3 Responses to “The Wolf Mentality”

The Wolf Mentality « Ronin's Journey Says:November 29, 2010 at 8:21 am

0 0 Rate This

[...] has its separate page on my site along with Ascension To Wolf: Defined. They can be found on the right

under the wolf. My goal is to show my readers, many of them wolves [...]



Behind the Scenes; The Birth Of Howls From The Wolfpack « Ronin's Journey Says:June 29, 2011 at 8:45 am


The Wolf Mentality « Ronin's Journey

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Ronin's Journey

A site filled with commentary, essays, poetry and observations

Ascension To Wolf: Defined

I use wolf as a term and sometimes its opposite, sheep. Group-think as opposed to think for yourself. To limit

confusion for anyone unfamiliar with the Wolf Mentality, where it begins and ends, here is a guide. Which are you?

SHEEP: Everything about them is a product of their environment, and

the crowds that are popular at the time. Their beliefs are talking

points of whichever leaders they follow.

BLACK SHEEP: Start to question and don’t accept whatever is told to

them. Which can lead to their cliques to start to ostracize them, they

question their leaders and the minutes they’re criticized, they come

to a crossroads. Conform or not to conform. The second they decide to

be themselves, they become Wolf, but just a cub at first.

WOLF CUB: This is when you question yourself and look deeper to

understand yourself better. You seek to understand the WHY of your

particular belief systems. Political, biases, and religion. When you

know who and why you are the person you are, and form YOUR opinions,

you move to…

JUVENILE WOLF: Then you question everything before you internalize it,

not mindlessly accept it, then you are…

WOLF: Full-grown wolf who walks their OWN path, forging their OWN

opinions and beliefs with logic, reasoning, and THEIR experiences.

Wolves don’t blindly follow but can run in packs of like-minded

individuals. But a wolf is still an individual and will not trade their

individuality for acceptance. Wolves have friends that accept them,

not fair-weather friends. To sum it up, THINK FOR YOURSELF, BE


2 Responses to “Ascension To Wolf: Defined”

The Wolf Mentality « Ronin's Journey Says:December 1, 2010 at 9:50 am

0 0 Rate This

[...] has its separate page on my site along with Ascension To Wolf: Defined. They can be found on the right

under the wolf. My goal is to show my readers, many of them wolves [...]



Howls Author Spotlight: Vance « Ronin's Journey Says:June 2, 2011 at 7:59 am


Ascension To Wolf: Defined « Ronin's Journey

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Febuary 2012

Chris Benton wrote: How do you keep WJ from becoming the monster you seek to destroy?

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Chris, this is a very good question. There are many ways we work to keep the trendies out and

the wolves in. For one, we don't allow our artillery (T-shirts) to be sold in sellout chain stores

(and yes, we have had many offers from many famous mall chains requesting to carry our

brand). Two, we keep most of the sceansters out with the brutality of our graphics, and the

unvarnished truth that each one of our shirts proudly screams off the back of the wearer. Third,

real recognizes real, and most people don't even have the balls to speak their mind, much less

proudly wear a slogan that boldly conveys their feelings for the world to read in such a blunt

manner. We are not user friendly precisely because we want brother and sister wolves, not

"customers" to represent what we stand for. We could tone it down and sell more, but "selling"

is not our primary mission. Staying true and attracting minds of equal integrity is.

By our very nature we are a repellent to the fake, trendies, posers, and identity-less wanna-be's.

Anyone who has ever walked in public and seen another in a WJ tee, or someone with a wolf

paw tattoo is taken aback. And why? Because it is not common. Sure, it may seem rather large

on a media site like Facebook, but just as you know, friend counts don't mean shit. 99% of the

people who friend you do so to prop their own numbers up to inflate their own ego not to truly

communicate with you. Very few "friends" on media sites are real friends. I have to admit, I am

rather blessed because most of my FB kindred truly are down with the wolf mentality and are

quite active on my page; most are genuine. I appreciate each and every one of them, even if I

lack the time due to my creative writing to visit every one of their pages with the frequency that

I know they deserve.

Also, to understand the wolf mentality you also have to understands its antithesis (it's polar

opposite) the sheep mentality. The sheep buy what they buy specifically because everyone else is

doing it. They are mimicking, not thoughtful, creatures, so therefore they are attracted precisely

to whatever the hottest trend happens to be at that very moment. In a rush to adopt an identity

(rather than cultivate their own) they are magnetized to the most prominent logos that they see

reflected in their malls. They feel that if they follow the popular trends that they will become

accepted and popular too. Underneath this foul logic lurks a person with low self-esteem who is

trying (impossibly) to purchase some.

The sheep-minded majority think that if they buy expensive items, it will give them value and

prestige (rather it just diminishes their savings and devalues their personal identity even

further). This type of mentality is precisely what makes a sheep a sheep. They adorn themselves

with large flashy logos (sheep badges) by companies that stand for nothing more than a costly

band name that means little more than, "I can afford this bullshit logo, aren't I cool? I'm just

like the rest of the in-debt posers pretending to be something they're not; I fit right in, everyone

must love the way I refuse to acknowledge my own identity and trade it for social acceptance".

The whole costume party is sickening to true wolves who silently watch the parade with inner-

laughter and disgust.

Sheep cant think for themselves, they don't have the self-confidence for it, this is why they

harbor a monkey-see-money-do attitude. They wear what there wear because it is popular, not

because it reflects their personal tastes. This mentality nd drive to be "in fashion" is what keeps

them away from WJ - we are the anti-fashion. Hell, sheep don't even know who they are, this is

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why they are attracted to trends in the first place.

The sheeple think that wearing an expensive brand name vicariously gives thems value.

Ironically, it dilutes their true identity. So how does WJ differ? Well, we are not just a logo. We

stand for a think-for-yourself mentality, and our brothers in arms are encouraged to wear only

what is reflected by who they truly are inside. There are other brands that actually stand for

something too. I am not trying to take anything away from them with this answer (but these

companies, like WJ are few and far between).

Our shirts are statements, philosophies, and manifestos. We are wolf, and we are proud. We

have not become the monster we seek to destroy because we stand for something higher than

capitalism; we are a very different kind of monster. We are more than a trendy logo. If you are

wolf, then we are you. We merely provide a means for YOU to wear what YOU THINK.

We avoid becoming the monster, because we are a different breed of monster altogether: We are

mother fucking werewolves and we eat sheep for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Those that don't

get it aren't suppose to, and that my friend is the very point. If you think that those who bare

the wolf mark are all alike, then you don't understand the mark of the wolf at all. The wolf paw

is the destroyer of labels. It is the anti-label that screams: I am I. WJ is no different, it's not

meant to be a one size fits all brand. It is just as adamant about keeping the sheep out as it is in

attracting its legitimate kindred. To learn more about the wolf mentality itself you will have to

wait for a new edition of The Wolf in Wolf's Clothing to come out (the first two editions are now

sold out).

WJ is different because we don't assign an identity, promote a fashion, or get involved in trends.

We simply provide a means to allow our kindred to express who THEY are. We are not faux

monsters, we a juggernauts and we only want patrons who understand what this very lengthy

answer conveys. We don't want, need, or desire sheep dollars. Compromising our integrity is

what would turn us into that which we despise. That will never happen, not on my watch!

January 2012

Dave D. Asked, "Hey Thorin, it looks like you only have a few tattoos. Why not more? Your

work is in so many tattoo magazines I felt that you would be a bigger tattoo aficionado than


Well Dave, I think that there are many reasons why people get tattooed. The worst reason of all

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would be because of fashion (to impress others). To me, a tattoo should represent something

about the person who wears it, something timeless. The tattoo should be an outward expression

of an inner reflection that the natural appearance of your body alone does not convey. Of course

this is just my opinion. Like I said, there are many reasons people get tattooed. Some people

love art so much that they want to wear it as a part of themselves.

I don't think that there is any one single justifiable reason to get a tattoo, but I think it should

be well thought out when you do get one; it should hold some really deep significance of who

you are at your core. My tattoos are the dripping wolf paws, and they are of heavy symbolical

nature. The wolf paws are warnings to those who seek to control me, but they also act as my

talisman and I turn to them for strength when those rare moments of self-doubt surface.

I am not the only person who bares this mark, but most of those who do bear it do so for the

exact same reason that I do; they remind us to be true to ourselves, to live by a set of honorable

values, and to maintain and cultivate the warrior spirit. To truly understand the significance of

the dripping paw, you would have to truly understand the wolf mentality itself.

To me a tattoo is more than mere ink. Also the number of tattoos one has or does not have is not

necessarily representative of anything other than personal taste. There are plenty of hardcore

guys that have none just as there are plenty of posers fully sleeved out. I think that if anyone

ever gets a tattoo it should be for them, not for anyone else. After all it is something that will be

with you for the rest of your life. There are very few movements, symbols, or philosophies

worthy of this rite. After all, how many 'Abercrombie' tattoos are out there? Thank God that

most people can separate the trends from the real fucking deal.

By the way, dripping wolf paws are not "tattoos" they are marks. They are not painted on for

fashion, but branded on for declaration; they are a visual manifesto. The paws themselves may

be on the surface, but they are there to visually represent what lies deeper inside. Those that

don't get this, frankly aren't meant to.

The Wolf's Den NEWS

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Page 16: Stalking the Flock - Thorin

December 2011

Robert E Murphy asked, "Dude, have ya thought about putting together a street team? I'm

dying to see more people wear this stuff."

Thorin responded with, "This will sound pretty odd, but no. The reason will sound even more

odd: We want WJ to be for those who "feel" the brand. We don't want it to become a "fashion"

or a trend. Just look at all of the Hollister, Abercrombie, Areopostal type stuff and ask yourself,

"Other than a shallow logo that proudly advertizes that one has more money than personal

identity, what do these brands truly stand for?" If you are truly honest with yourself you will

conclude "A monkey see money do attitude, worn by those seeking acceptance by doing what is

popular rather than what is personal."

I don't mind if WJ gets bigger, but it would have to grow because the philosophy behind it

grows, and for no other reason than that. WJ is the one brand out there that is based on

personal expression. People wear the designs that express who THEY are. Unlike the "cool"

brands out there where people buy what others are wearing because they are void of their own

personal identity. WJ is more custom built, embellished with phrases that let people express

THEIR own viewpoints. I appreciate you asking to help promote the brand. I am greatly

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appreciative of your thoughts, but my question is this, how can it be done in a way that only

attracts people who are looking for a way to express themselves verses trying to be like everyone


The Wolf's Den NEWS

6 of 7 3/8/2012 1:31 AM