standard 1 study guide alps

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  • 8/14/2019 Standard 1 Study Guide alps


    Standard 1 study guide

    1) Recognize that atoms are too small to see.a) Know the parts of an atom and what charge each part has

    i) Protonii) Neutroniii) Electron

    b) Be able to draw an atom with protons and electrons given the atomic number c) Know how to read the periodic table

    i) Atoms family worksheet2) Relate atoms to molecules (e.g., atoms combine to make molecules).

    i) Atoms family worksheet3) Diagram the arrangement of particles in the physical states of matter (i.e., solid, liquid, gas). Solid, liquid, gas

    worksheet4) Particles in a:

    a) gas are well separated with no regular arrangement. b) liquid are close together with no regular arrangement.c) solid are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern.

    5) Particles in a:a) gas vibrate and move freely at high speeds.

    b) liquid vibrate, move about, and slide past each other.

    c) solid vibrate (jiggle) but generally do not move from place to place.d)

    6) Describe the limitations of using models to represent atoms (e.g., distance between particles in atoms cannot berepresented to scale in models, the motion of electrons cannot be described in most models).

    i) Remember that if the nucleus of an atom were the size of a pea, the electron cloud area would be the size of astadium7) Investigate and report how our knowledge of the structure of matter has been developed over time.

    i) History of the atom worksheet8) Compare the motion of particles at various temperatures by measuring changes in the volume of gases, liquids, or solids.

    i) Solid, liquid, gas worksheet9) Describe the impact of expansion and contraction of solid materials on the design of buildings, highways, and other

    structures.i) Particles expand when heatedii) Particles shrink when cooled

    10) Be able to find mass and volume by using a triple beam balance, graduated cylinder, and ruler

    11) Be able to create a bohr diagram and lewis structure for the first 20 elements

    12) Know the names of the electron shells and how many electrons each shell holds

  • 8/14/2019 Standard 1 Study Guide alps


    Multiple Choice

    a1. What do scientists call the smallest unit of matter that has its own recognizable identity?

    A. AtomB. CompoundC. Electron

    D. Molecule

    a2. How do scientists know matter is made of particles?

    A. They can see them.B. Experiments have proven it.C. People have always known it.D. A famous scientist decided it was true.

    a3. An ancient Greek scientist, Democratis, hypothesized that when matter was broken down into smaller and smaller pieces, you would come to a particle that could not be made smaller. What was he describing?

    A. a mineralB. a cellC. a virusD. an atom

    b4. What do scientists call a substance that is made of two or more atoms bonded together?

    A. AtomB. ElectronC. MoleculeD. Proton

    b6. What is a pure lump of the element gold made of?

    A. gold mixed with air B. atoms of goldC. compounds of goldD. gold cells

    b7. What is the compound water made of?

    A. water moleculesB. atoms of water C. water elementsD. water cells

  • 8/14/2019 Standard 1 Study Guide alps


    b8. Which illustration is an example of an atom?

    Picture A Picture B Picture C Picture D

    The following diagrams show the smallest part of three different

    substances. Use these diagrams to answer the next three questions.

    A B C D

    b9. Which of the substances pictured is an atom?

    A. AB. BC. CD. D

    b11. Which substances are molecules?

    A. A and BB. B, C and DC. A, B and CD. B and D

    Draw a picture of the model Schrodinger and Heisenberg came up with.

  • 8/14/2019 Standard 1 Study Guide alps


    The boxes pictured show the particles of a substance in three states of matter. Use them to answer the next threequestions.

    A B C

    c12. Which shows the substance in its liquid state?

    A. AB. BC. C

    c13. Which has atoms with the least amount of movement?

    A. A

    B. BC. C

    c14. Which states of matter take the shape of their container?

    A. A and BB. B and CC. C and A

    d15. Which of the following is the best model of molecules in a gas?

    A. Marbles glued together in a ballB. Marbles in a boxC. Marbles being shaken in a boxD. Marbles frozen in a box

    d16. What ways is this drawing of an atom accurate?

    A. It has accurate colors for the parts.B. It shows the correct distance and size of the parts.C. It has moving parts.D. It shows the correct structures of the atom.

    d17. If a model was made of an atom with the nucleus the size of a pea, how large would the rest of the atom be?

    A. the size of a basketballB. the size of a houseC. the size of a football stadiumD. the size of a planet

  • 8/14/2019 Standard 1 Study Guide alps


    e18. An understanding of the structure of the atom has been developed. How much time did it take to do?

    A. Several weeksB. One to two yearsC. Fifty yearsD. Several hundred years

    e19. Early chemists thought the parts of the atom were spread evenly throughout the atom. How has the model changed?We now know

    A. that it is shaped like a cube.B. it has most of its mass in the center C. most of the atoms particles are in the outer layer.D. atoms are holding still.

    e20. Ancient people thought matter was made of Earth, wind and fire. What do we now know matter is made of?

    A. energyB. nothingC. air D. atoms

    Draw bohr diagrams and lewis structures for each of the atoms below

    Bohr diagram Lewis Structure





  • 8/14/2019 Standard 1 Study Guide alps
