standardization of reactor designs and international safety framework

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  • 7/31/2019 Standardization of Reactor Designs and International Safety Framework



    Standardization of Reactor Designs


    International safety framework

    An Industry view

    Bernard Fourest

    WNU SI 2011

    Oxford, 05 August2011

  • 7/31/2019 Standardization of Reactor Designs and International Safety Framework




    Part I: The needs for Internationalstandardization of nuclear reactor designs

    Part II: Harmonization initiatives in theinternational safety framework

    Part III: The WNA/CORDEL Initiative

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    Part I: The needs for Internationalstandardization of nuclear reactor


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    Some Historical aspects(1/3)

    The fifties: Hope of a worldwide market forcivil nuclear technology and wide internationalcooperations.

    Atom for peace conference: Eisenhoweropen US nuclear technology to the world

    Establishment of IAEA

    Euratom treaty: one of the first pilar of whatwould became the European Union


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    Some Historical aspects(2/3)

    The sixties and seventies: Nationalism prevails

    Several countries develop their own technology

    (Canada, UK, France, USSR),

    And/or customize US LWR technology to escape USvendors licenses (Germany, Japan, Korea, France)

    Development of country specific industry design and

    manufacturing codes (ASME, JSME, KEPIC, ANRIC),

    Regulators develop their own safety requirementsand licensing processes


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    Some Historical aspects(3/3)

    Apart from the NSSS, each utility wanted its nuclear powerplant to be built on its own standard (custom-made) :

    The result: all Nuclear Power Plants were different, nostandardization

    One main exception in France where EDF built 58 PWRs of the

    same design in 3 batches (900Wwe, 1300Mwe, 1450Mwe) thisbeing recognized as a key element of the competitiveness ofthe french nuclear program

    Lesson learnt by the world nuclear industry:

    Standardization is a necessary condition fornew nuclear plants to be built economicaly


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    The 2000: Main additional context changes


    Investment by state-ownedutilities in regulatedmarkets

    Investment by nationalplayers

    Custom-made reactors:

    almost every reactor wasdifferent


    Investment by private-owned utilities in highlycompetitive markets

    Emergence of multinationalutilities choosing among asmall number ofinternational designs

    Standardization is requiredto facilitate new build !!!


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    International standardization of reactordesigns

    International standardization means that each vendors

    design can be built by a vendor, and ordered by a

    utility, in every country without obligatory adaptationto specific national regulations

    International standardization will

    help competitiveness needed to

    deliver large-scale worldwidenew build

    bring benefits for safety

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    Standardization as a benefit for safety

    Fleets of standardized designs offer a broad basis for

    construction and operation experience feedback

    Design improvements could be implemented across the


    Risk of a design shortcoming affecting the whole fleet

    (large scale shutdown) is small due to high probability

    of early detection of design flaws

    Standardized advanced plants will bring additionalsafety layers in all stages: design, construction,operation and decommissioning

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    Standardization as a benefit for theindustry and regulators

    Standardization will

    reduce strain on resources

    reduce investment risks, time and cost in licensing and


    foster joint supplier oversight

    enable project neutral manufacturing

    of components for standardized designs

    improve transparency of regulatory practices

    gain public confidence

    facilitate establishment of nuclear power programmes in

    emerging countries in safest and efficient manner

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    Paper Benefits Gained throughInternational Harmonization of

    Nuclear Safety Standards for

    Reactor Designs available on

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    Among actions for governments:

    To the extent possible, facilitate the construction ofstandardised designs for nuclear power plants worldwide

    by harmonising regulatory design requirements. Inparticular, countries introducing new nuclearprogrammes should avoid imposing unique requirements.

    Milestones: Common requirements should be established from 2020.

    OECD IEA-NEA Nuclear TechnologyRoadmap (June 2010) conclusions

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    Existing regulatory/legal situation

    Each NPP is licensed by an independent regulatorybody within

    specific national licensing process, which vary fromcountry to country

    specific national safety requirements, which varyconsiderably in details

    A design approval in one country is legaly irrelevant

    for others

    This is an obstacle to deployment of standardizeddesigns across a range of countries

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    Harmonization of regulatory regimes

    Absolutely necessary for standardization!

    Differences are even more difficult to justify in publiceyes (why should regulation in one country be saferthan in others....)

    However, combination and piling up of the strictestrequirements to be avoided

    IAEA Safety Standards - a good initial model for


    Newcomer countries should start right away withregulations based on international consensus

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    What challenges have to be kept in mind

    Sovereignty of each countrys regulator has to be


    Regulators are bound by law to apply their nationalsafety requirements and licensing procedures

    Regulators need to build up knowledge of the design

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    Part II: Harmonization initiativesin the international safety


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    International Safety Framework


    Global European

    Convention on Nuclear Safety

    IAEA - Safety Standards

    EU Council Directive2009/71/Euratom

    Establishing a CommunityFramework for the nuclear safety

    of nuclear installations

    Other Directives will follow...

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    European Council- EURATOM

    EC (DG ENER)







    Global European




    Who is Who? in internationalharmonization of safety standards


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    IAEA Safety Standards Hierarchy

    Safety Guides

    Safety Requirements

    Safety Fundamentals

    Global ReferencePoint for a HighLevel of Nuclear


    Slide from the IAEA presentation at the WNU Harmonization Forum, Manchester, September 200919

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    A Foundation built on Principlesfor Safety and Security

    Principle 1: Responsibility for Safety

    Principle 2: Role of Government

    Principle 3: Leadership and Management for safety

    Principle 4: Justification of facilities and activities

    Principle 5: Optimization of protectionPrinciple 6: Limitation of risk to individuals

    Principle 7: Protection of present and future generations

    Principle 8: Prevention of accidents

    Principle 9: Emergency preparedness and response

    Principle 10: Protective actions to reduce existing of unregulatedradiation risk

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    IAEA Safety Standards Revision 2006-2015

    21 Current Structure of IAEA Safety Standards

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    IAEA Safety Review Services

    Operational Safety OSART Operational Safety Review Team

    SEDO Safety Evaluation of Fuel Cycle FacilitiesDuring Operation

    SCART Safety Culture Assessment Review Team

    Research Reactors

    INSARR Integrated Safety Assessment of ResearchReactors

    Engineering and Technical Safety

    Safety Assessment Services Engineering/SafetyAssessment Review Services

    Regulatory Framework and Activities

    IRRS Integrated Regulatory Review Service

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    OECD - Nuclear Energy Agency

    OECD-NEA has two nuclear safety-related committees:

    Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI)

    Mission is to assist member countries in maintaining and further

    developing the scientific and technical knowledge base required to assess

    the safety of nuclear reactors and fuel cycle facilities. Committee is made

    up of senior scientists and engineers, and representatives from regulatory


    Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA)

    Mission is to guide the NEA programme concerning the regulation,

    licensing and inspection of nuclear installations with regard to safety.

    CNRA is made up of senior representatives from regulatory bodies.

    CNRAs Working Group on the Regulation of New Reactors (WGRNR)examines the regulatory issues of the siting, licensing and regulatory

    oversight of generation III+ and generation IV nuclear reactors.

    WGRNR is developing: Construction Experience Database

    Regulation of Nuclear sites Selection and Preparation

    Licensing Structure of Regulatory staff and Regulatory Licensing Process

    The WGRNR also coordinates activities of the CNRA and MDEP23,3305,en_2649_201185_1_1_1_1_1,00.html
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    Multinational Design Evaluation Programme(MDEP)

    10 regulators who are/will be undertaking review of new NPPdesigns: Canada, China, Finland, France, Japan, Russia, South Africa,

    South Korea, UK, US and IAEA in observers

    Fully operable since 2008

    Aims of MDEP:

    enhance cooperation between regulators

    establish reference regulatory practices

    achieve convergence of codes, standards, and

    safety goals in the long-term

    However: no harmonization of safety requirements, no

    commonly valid design acceptance


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    WENRA is Association of Heads of Nuclear Regulatory Authorities

    of 17 countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany,Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,Switzerland, United Kingdom. Plus 5 Observers: Austria, Ireland, Luxemburg, Norwayand Poland; in 2009 Russian, Ukraine and Armenia were invited)

    Main objective is to find a common approach to nuclear safety andradiation protection within EU (Nations recognize IAEA Safety Standards, the

    Convention on Nuclear Safety, etc. but, different organizations & different regulatoryregimes)

    And to give EU an independent means of examining applicantcountries nuclear safety & regulation (Nuclear safety in EU enlargementcriteria)

    WENRAs Reactor Harmonisation Working Group (RHWG) wasestablished to harmonize safety approaches & continuouslyimprove nuclear safety for NPPs

    Reference Levels FOR EXISTING NPPs were established. All 17 countrieshave been benchmarked against 18 safety issues and National Action

    Plans being implemented.

    Definition ofsafety objectives for new reactors25

    Western European Nuclear Regulators

    Association (WENRA)

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    European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group(ENSREG)

    ENSREG - independent authoritative expert body composed of senior

    officials from national regulatory or nuclear safety authorities from

    all 27 Member States in the EU.

    ENSREG had a key role in the development of the EU Council

    Directive 2009/71/Euratom establishing a Community Framework forthe nuclear safety of nuclear installations

    3 working groups:

    Nuclear Safety

    Openness and Transparency

    Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning

    ENSREG has key role in future development of harmonised safety

    requirements for new NPPs in the EU


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    European Nuclear

    Energy Forum

    Bratislava - Prague

    European Nuclear

    Energy Forum

    Bratislava - Prague

    27 EU MS governments,

    European Institutions incl. the European

    Parliament and the European Economic and

    Social Committee,

    the nuclear industry, the electricity


    Civil society

    ENSREG and Sustainable Nuclear Energy

    Technology Platform

    Financial institutions (EBRD, EIB)

    WG Risk aims to further improve nuclearsafety aspects on the basis of theSafety Directive, which provides forhigh level harmonisation of nuclear

    safety in the EU27

    European Nuclear Energy Forum(ENEF)

    Consultative Process



    Special events


    Nuclear Legal Roadmap

    Safety harmonisation

    Waste disposal

    Training and education





    Smart grids

    Non Proliferation

    ENEF is a unique forum, free of taboos, for an open dialoguebetween key decision makers and stakeholders:

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    European Utility Requirements (EUR)

    a utility network to share experience in plant specification, design

    evaluation, licensing

    to build common specifications for the European

    Gen 3 LWR NPPs

    a common bridge with the externalstakeholders: vendors, partners outside Europe:EPRI, Asian utilities..., the regulators, international

    organisations: IAEA, OECD, EU, WENRA...

    A range of Gen 3 LWR projects: PWRs and BWRs, "evolutionary" and passive safety



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    European Utility Requirements (EUR)

    It has been used as technical specification for the call for bids inFinland, Bulgaria, South Africa, Turkey as well as in other countriesworldwide.

    It has also been used by the NPP vendors willing to be present inEurope, as a guide for designing their new products.

    Main objective of utilities: the design rules must be harmonised,stabilised & predictable, high operational performance,simplification, short construction

    These requirements cover not only safety but also balance of plant,

    grid connection EUR drives design towards standardisation

    The same design is usable by different utilities in different countries

    without specific re-development

    Licensing and safety studies costs can be shared


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    The EUR Document

    Applications ofEUR to specific


    volume 3

    genericconventional island


    volume 4

    main policies& objectives

    genericnuclear islandrequirements

    volume 1 volume 2

    Th EUR D t t t

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    The EUR Document contentsand status

    Volume 1 presents the main utility objectives and

    summaries the main requirements.

    Volume 2 is a set of generic nuclear island

    requirements. The contents cover most of what a

    Plant Owner has to specify for the assessment,

    licensing, design, supply, construction, tests and

    operation of a future LWR power plant.

    Volume 3 includes evaluations of the selected LWR

    designs that are felt feasible for the European

    market. There is a subset of volume 3 per project,

    produced with contribution of the corresponding

    vendor. Volume 4 is a set of generic requirements for the

    power generation plant organised by chapters that

    deal with the specific systems.

    revision A: 03/1994

    revision B: 11/1995

    revision C: 04/2001

    revision A: 11/1996

    revision B: 03/2000

    revision C: 10/2007

    BWR 90: 06/1999

    EPR rev A: 12/1999

    EP1000: 12/1999

    ABWR: 12/2001

    SWR 1000: 02/2002

    AP1000: 06/2006

    AES92: 06/2006EPR rev B: 06/2009

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    FORATOMs ENISS-Initiative

    European Nuclear Installations Safety Standards Initiativerepresents nuclear licensees across Europe

    ENISS is acting as a stakeholder in the regulatory issue process in

    Europe and has fruitful interactions with WENRA to improve its

    Reference Levels

    ENISS is strengthening its activities in the IAEA revision work

    ENISS is developing a constructive interaction with the EU

    institutions and initiatives dealing with regulatory issues

    in the areas of:o Nuclear Safety

    o Waste Management

    o Decommissioning

    o Radiation Protection


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    ENISS Membership

    Belgium (Tractebel, Electrabel) Finland (Fortum, TVO) Germany (EON, RWE)

    Italy (SOGIN/ENEL) Spain (UNESA) The Netherlands (EPZ) France (EdF, AREVA NC) Sweden (EON-Se, Vattenfall AB) Switzerland (Swiss Nuclear)

    Czech Republic (CEZ) Hungary ( Paks NPP) Slovakia (Slovenske

    Elektrarne, JAVYS*) Romania (Nuclearelectra) Bulgaria (Kozloduy NPP) United Kingdom (BE) Slovenia (Krko NPP) Lithuania (Ignalina NPP*)

    All ENISS Members represent licensees

    *involved only in waste & decommissioning activities

    FORATOMs ENISS-Initiative

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    Part III: The WNA/CORDEL


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    The CORDEL Working Group

    WNAs Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation andLicensing (CORDEL) Group

    Founded in January 2007


    all major vendors: AECL, AREVA NP, GE-Hitachi, Hitachi-GE, MHI,Toshiba, Westinghouse...

    utilities interested in new build: CEZ, EDF, ENDESA,Energoatom, E.ON,, Exelon, KHNP, NOK/Resun, OPG, Rosenergoatom,RWE, FEPC (TEPCo), TVO, Vattenfall, Visagino AE,...

    service companies: EXCEL Services Corp., Rolls-Royce, AMEC, CH2MHill,...

    observers from intl organisations: FORATOM/ENISS, EUR, EPRI,ISO, IAEA DNE, WANO, NEI

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    January 2010

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    Boundaries of standardization within NPP

    Not every detail in a nuclear plant can bestandardized: a certain degree of adaptation,dictated by site-specific conditions and other localfactors, would be necessary.

    But sufficient detail of standardization to enable:

    a) the operator to prepare specifications for the

    procurement of equipment; and

    b) the regulatory body to determine the adequacy of a

    facility's safety.


    D i l f h ll

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    Design approval as part of the overallregulatory process

    creation of legal framework

    decision in principle and justification of a particular NPP project

    surveillance, inspections and assessments during operation

    new NPP licensing process

    construction and

    operating licence


    licence on decommissioning, dismantling and site clearance

    policy decision on nuclear energy in the country


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    Main Conclusions of CORDEL ReportCORDEL proposes 3 Phases to achieve international standardization

    of reactor designs:

    Urgent need for international harmonization of

    national licensing processes and safety requirements

    Standardized designs will

    help deliver nuclear new build on a large scale

    enhance nuclear safety

    3. Issuing international design certification

    2. Validating and accepting design approvals

    1. Sharing design reviews and assessments

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    Phase 1: Share design assessments/reviews

    design review design review

    Regulator BRegulator A

    design approval

    by regulator A

    design approval

    by regulator B


    elements of design review,

    i.e.calculations, modelling

    of event sequences, etc.

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    During safety reviews, regulators could make use of:

    Assessment work done by their peers, e.g. by reusing calculations or

    modelling of event sequences

    Assessments done by industry (EUR, US URD)

    Regulators may join efforts in reviewing the same design bycreating a collaborative network

    This would reduce the strain on regulators resources

    This would in no way infringe the right and the duty of regulators

    to take the final decision to issue a licence

    CORDEL encourages MDEP progress towards shared assessment


    Phase 1: Share design reviews/assessments

    Ph 2 V lid & d i

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    Phase 2: Validate & accept designapprovals

    design review

    Regulator BRegulator A

    design approval

    by regulator A

    design approval

    by regulator B


    Not automatic but through a validation.

    Examples: transport casks for waste, aviation industrys Type Certification

    i i

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    Phase 2: Validation and acceptance ofdesign approvals (2)

    Example: Italys new Act on Energy Companies, Act no.

    99 of 23 July 2009, Art. 25, 2 i):

    [Government is empowered to issue] a provision thatlicencesrelating to technical requirements andspecifications for reactor designs which have beenlicenced in the past 10 years by the competentauthorities in member states of OECD-NEA, or in

    states linked to Italy by bilateral agreements ... in thenuclear sector, will be considered to be valid inItaly after approval by the Nuclear Safety Agency

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    Phase 3: International Design Certification

    Multinational Design Certification/Approval issued bya team of all concerned regulators or by an

    international organisation

    Multinational certification is owned by the vendor and

    is valid for entire design life

    Operator is intelligent customer, but vendor is

    responsible for the detailed design knowledge

    Network of vendors, operators and regulators is

    required to address post-certification design changes

    and to maintain the lifetime validity of Multinational

    Design Certification

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    Team of Regulators: A, B, C

    (or, later, International Organisation)

    Jointdesign review


    design Approval / Certification

    Country A Country B Country C

    Phase 3: International Design Certification

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    Team of Regulators: A, B, C

    (or, later, International Organisation)

    Jointdesign review


    design Approval / Certification

    Country A Country B Country C

    Phase 3: International Design Certification

    ... a long term goal

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    Alignment of licensing processes

    Licensing processes and documents should be aligned sothat the design approval of one country would fit into

    the licensing sequence of another country

    Best solution: separate design approval (

    certificate) Legal implications of design approval: period of validity,

    binding character, ownership, etc.


    US: Design Certification

    UK: Generic Design Assessment (GDA)

    France: ASN monitoring of compliance on design safety, parallel

    to construction

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    operators and vendors: Owners Groups, information exchange,

    implementation of design improvements, Design Authorities, experience

    feedback, codes and standards, training

    Role of WNA Cordel within industry and liaison with regulators (MDEP)


    National regulators can already achieve greater convergence and

    facilitate mutual acceptance of design reviews

    Enhanced role of MDEP in promoting harmonization and mutual



    Some changes in national legislation may be required to facilitate

    standardization Longer term goal creation of legal framework for international


    International organizations:

    IAEA and OECD-NEA, EU institutions - to take a proactive part in

    standardization and harmonization

    Role of all stakeholders

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    CORDEL commitment from industry

    13 April 2010, 11 Leading Nuclear Companies CEOs published aletter of support for CORDEL:

    John Ritch, DG, WNA

    Anne Lauvergeon,CEO, Areva

    Hugh MacDiarmid, CEO, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.

    Henri Proglio, CEO, Electricit de France

    Wulf H Bernotat, CEO, Eon

    Christopher Crane, President , Exelon

    Jack Fuller, CEO, GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy

    Masaharu Hanyu, President, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Akira Sawa,Director, Nuclear Systems, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

    Ichiro Takekuro, Chief Nuclear Officer, Tokyo Electric Power Co

    Yashuharu Igarashi, CEO, Power Systems Toshiba

    Aris Candris, CEO, Westinghouse

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    CORDEL commitment from industry

    13 April 2010, 11 Leading Nuclear Companies CEOs published aletter of support for CORDEL:


    Yukiya Amano, DG, IAEA

    Andr-Claude Lacoste, Chairman, Multinational Design EvaluationProgram (MDEP)

    Luis Echvarri, DG, Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD

    Andrej Stritar, Chairman, European Nuclear Safety Regulator

    Groupcc: Laurent Stricker, Chairman, World Association of Nuclear

    Operators (WANO)

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    CORDELs near-term activities

    The group encourages international cooperation in design

    reviews, mutual acceptance of design approvals and (in the longterm) international certification of designs

    Cooperation with MDEP and other relevant regulatory initiatives

    Participation in IAEA safety standard revision process

    Promotion of harmonization of standards and codes(complementary to the MDEP work, compile existing comparisons of codes and

    conduct additional comparisons of mechanical, electrical, civil, fire protection

    etc. codes with the view of producing industry reference document)

    Design Change Management develop institutional mechanisms

    in the industry which would enable compliance withstandardization throughout standard fleets lifetime

    Develop model licensing regime and focus on support to emergingmarkets

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    CORDEL in IAEA Safety Standards Revision

    Observer status in the IAEA NUSSC since early 2008.

    Involvement in drafting process of the IAEA Safety Standards.

    Main safety standards:

    Safety requirements on NPP Design NS-R-1;

    Safety Classification Guide; Guides on licensing processes; regulatory infrastructure;

    Construction and Commissioning guides,

    Guides related to safety assessments of NPP designs...

    WNA through CORDEL members can identify industry expertson specific issues and send them to technical meetings -enriching standards with industry experience from a very earlystage


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    Codes and Standards Task Force

    A MDEP working group with national standard organisations

    launched a comparison between different industrial mechanical

    codes (ASME, JSME, KEPIC, RCCM)

    CORDEL proposes a pilot project going a step further:

    Selection in relation with SDOs of few topics of major interest for

    the industry, Where convergence could be reached or equivalence could be


    Sponsoring independant experts to do the work,

    Results to be approved by SDOs,

    And agreed by the regulators.


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    Design Change Management Task Force

    How to maintain standardization after the plants licensingstage?

    DCM TF Objective: to develop and promote institutionalmechanisms in the industry which would enable compliancewith standardization throughout standard fleets lifetime

    Many existing mechanisms are being examined and could befurther improved:

    Owners Groups

    Responsibility of vendors and utilities Design Authority /

    Entity concept WANO role

    Regulators role


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    Licensing and Permitting Task Force

    A joint initiative with the Nuclear Law and Contracting WG

    Objective : to provide a unified industry position in the dialogue on new

    licensing arrangements;

    to establish new structural arrangements for licensing and permitting

    of NPPs with requirements for safety and efficiency of new build,

    particularly in emerging markets.

    Communicate with all stakeholders - regulators , IAEA, OECD-NEA

    With this aim, the Task Force set up a WNA Membership Survey,which will seek to identify

    The current licensing, permitting processes and nuclear laws in

    various countries and how they impact scheduling, procurement,

    financing, risk assessment...

    In order to propose to emerging countries the process fitting the best

    their needs.



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    Industry has learnt from past experience that standardizationis a necessary (but not always sufficient) condition for new

    nuclear plant competitiveness and for nuclear to take its sharein world energy needs.

    Regulators have to agreed to further rapid progress in safetyrequirements harmonisation.

    This last point being all the more important after Fukushima.

    Various International organisations have to better coordinatetheir efforts towards harmonized safety regimes

    Aerospace industry needed 30 years to get internationalyrecognized aircraft certification.

    Nuclear industry cannot wait for such a long time.

    This will be your role .