star wars: a new hope opening scene analysis

ars IV Opening ne Analysis By Robert Tredgol

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Page 1: Star Wars: A New Hope Opening Scene Analysis

Star Wars IV Opening Scene Analysis

By Robert Tredgold

Page 2: Star Wars: A New Hope Opening Scene Analysis


Star Wars episode IV is a science-fiction film produced by Lucasfilm and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The director was George Lucas and the lead actors/actresses were:• Mark Hamill• Harrison Ford• Carrie Fisher• Alec Guiness

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Target Audience

Its target audience has a very large demographic. It is more focused at fans of sci-fi and young adults. You can tell this from the slightly exaggerated acting and the visual spectacle, however it was and still is successful because it appeals to many different tastes.

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Static shot of space for a few seconds. The music pauses to show the transition to the movie.

Shot pans down to reveal alien planets, showing the audience that the movie is a sci-fi film. The music resumes to be epic and fast paced.

A large ship appears from the top of the screen, but is then dwarfed by the huge star destroyer. The shot is low angle to convey the huge size. Some non-diegetic laser sounds play.

Cuts to a slightly panning shot of the rebel ship flying past, with the Star Destroyer looming in the distance. More laser sounds.

Static shot from a slightly high angle to show the destruction of the ship, and to make it seem weak. Non diegetic sound of an explosion.

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Cuts to a tracking shot of the robots. The camera shakes to show that they are inside the ship being attacked. The contrast between space and the inside of the ship catches the attention of the audience so the film can introduce new characters. Music fades to the background.

Static shot of the soldiers running past. Non-diegetic running sounds and explosions

Another tracking shot of the robots. Non-diegetic sound of whirring.

Camera cuts between the robots to show who is speaking, as there is no clear indicator otherwise. The talking could be either diegetic or non-diegetic.

Static shot of the soldiers running past. The music becomes louder and is the same style as when the ship was being chased. This shows that there is about to be more action.

Static shot of the soldiers lining up in front of the door. This shows the audience that they are defending it, and this is where the action will happen. Some non-diegetic sound of metal creaking.

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Low angle shot of the Star Destroyer pulling the rebel ship in. The low angle shows the power of the Star Destroyer and its size compared to the rebel ship.

Non-diegetic creaking noises are added in, and the music dies down temporarily.

Music resumes and the camera focuses on the door, again signifying this is where the action will happen.

Long shot of R2-D2 and C3P0.

Close up shot of the man’s face to show fear and confusion.

Shot of the door again to show an explosion. There is an explosion with a loud sound and this tells the audience that the action is about to begin.

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Tracking mid shot to show a slightly comical scene of the robots walking through the chaos of the battle and remaining unscathed. Lots of non-diegetic laser noises.

Long shot of Vader. His costume contrasts with the light colours seen so far, and the music becomes ominous, and points him out as the antagonist.

Far shot of Leia putting something into R2-D2. The low lighting and smoke helps to add to the mysterious tone of the scene.

Mid shot of the captured prisoners that pans across as they pass. Music quickens to show danger.

Close up of Leia to introduce her as a character.

Close up of Vader strangling a rebel. This shot shows the terror on the rebel’s face, compared to the emotionless, unfeeling black mask of Vader makes him scary to the audience. Diegetic voices for the conversation.

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Mid shot of Vader lifting the rebel off the ground. This shows Vader’s size compared to everyone else.

Another close up shot of the rebel being lifted off the floor, just before he is thrown away with relative ease.

Mid-shot of Leia to show that she is hiding, and armed. Some non-diegetic laser sounds play.

Mid shot of C3P0 and R2-D2 to show C3P0’s reluctance and R2-D2’s adventurous habits.

Mid shot of C3P0 being affected by an explosion.

Far, high angle shot of Leia on the floor to show that she has been captured.

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High angle far shot to show the escape pod against the blackness of space.

Mid shot of the bridge of the Star Destroyer. It also contains a far shot of the escape pod to show how far it’s gone.

Mid shot of the robots, also containing a low angle far shot of the Star Destroyer, the opposite of the previous shock.

Far shot of the escape pod heading towards Tatooine. This shot ends the beginning scene of the movie, and leads into the rest of it. The music reaches a climax to show the transition to the rest of the film.

In terms of transitions, it is all jump cuts. There are none of the wipes that Star Wars is famous for.

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Mise-en-sceneThe set for the first scene was completely CGI, possibly with real life models overlaid on to it. In the next setting, the set was very white, to show that the viewer is looking at the ship of the good guys. The bright lighting reinforces this. When Leia is hiding and C3P0 and R2-D2 are entering the escape pod the setting is very dark, to make the viewer uncertain and intrigued. There is also very low lighting and smoke to give the scene an air of mysteriousness. The next set is inside the Star Destroyer, which is black and almost devoid of light. This contrasts with the rebel ship from earlier, and shows them as the bad guys. The penultimate set is inside the escape pod, which is small and cramped compared to the robots, and has a hole with a viewing port which is completely impractical, but good for viewing purposes, as it shows the scale of the Star Destroyer compared to the escape pod. The final set is like the first one: a CGI background with models/more CGI overlaid.When the ships are in space, the light source appears to be the planet. The lighting in the rebel ship is very bright and clean, to show that they are the good guys. The lighting changes when Leia is with R2-D2, so that it is low key, and casts long shadows. This makes the scene mysterious. The star destroyer is lowly light, to make everything seem darker and more sinister.The costumes contrast very clearly between good and bad. Darth Vader is all black and very imposing, whereas Leia’s costume is very white and innocent looking. The Rebels have a grey costume without a mask, so you can see their faces, letting you sympathise with them, whereas the Storm Troopers are simply black and white, with full head helmets, which alienate them to the audience. However, both costumes are bland, and a bit dull, so that it is obvious that they are not a huge part of the plot. The robots are the ones who the story is following for now, so they are unique and have very bold, bright and contrasting colours as part of their costume. The commanders on the Star Destroyer are dressed in all black like Darth Vader, so that they don’t ruin the dark effect of the set.

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Mise-en-sceneThere is not very much make up in this scene at all, apart from the faces of Leia and the rebel soldiers in close up shots, but it is not noticeable enough to make a significant difference.The only props used in the opening sequence were:• The guns of the soldiers and Leia• The disk that Leia puts into R2-D2For the most part, the dialogue is between R2-D2 beeping and C3P0 providing some context as to what’s going on with his neutral voice and posh, British mannerisms. The dialogue of the Storm Troopers is basic, and only there to inform the audience of key plot developments. They also have a very neutral, general American accent, not making them memorable or unique. Darth Vader is very formal in his language, and the deep, distorted voice gives him a terrifying, unfeeling persona.

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I think that the opening five minutes of Star Wars: A New Hope was well planned and designed. The contrast of costumes and dialogue helped younger audiences understand, and the sci-fi aspect draws in young adults and other fans of the genre. Overall it was well executed, and the film remains one of the most recognised of all time.