
Stars How They Are Classified and How They Work

Upload: rebelbrindley

Post on 10-May-2015




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How They Are Classified


How They Work

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Birth of a Star

• Nebula - a cloud of gas and dust in space.

• Some nebulas are where stars are formed or are the remains of dead or dying stars

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Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

• Graph showing the luminosity (objects radiation) of a star as a function of its surface temperature.

• Luminosity is measured in terms of absolute magnitude.

• Absolute magnitude is the brightness of a star.• Brightest stars are of 1st magnitude and the

dimmest stars are of 6th magnitude.

• The sun has a magnitude of -26.8 (really, really, really bright)

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Most Stars areon the Main Sequence. TheSun is on here.

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Absolute versus Apparent Magnitude

Absolute Magnitude:• The brightness that a

star would have at distance of 32.6 light-years from Earth.

Apparent Magnitude:• The brightness of a

star as seen from the Earth.

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What Fuels Stars?

• Nuclear Fusion - Hydrogen and Helium coming together to produce energy and light

• The most well known star that affects our lives every day is the SUN.

• It take approximately 8 minutes and 18 seconds for light to reach earth from the sun.

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Parts of the Sun (click picture)

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The Core• Gravity pulls all of the mass inward and

creates an intense pressure.

• The pressure is high enough to force atoms of hydrogen to come together in nuclear fusion reactions.

• Two atoms of hydrogen are combined to create helium-4 and energy (light)

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Radiative Zone

• In this zone, the energy from the core is carried outward by photons.

• As one photon is made, it travels about 1 micron (1 millionth of a meter) before being absorbed by a gas molecule.

• The gas molecule is heated and re-emits another photon of the same wavelength.

• The cycle repeats itself until a photon reaches the convective zone.

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Convective Zone

• Dominated by convection currents that carry the energy outward to the surface (convection currents are rising movements of hot gas next to falling movements of cool gas).

• Carry photons outward to the surface faster than the radiative transfer that occurs in the core and radiative zone.

• It takes a photon approximately 100,000 to 200,000 years to reach the surface!

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The Sun’s Atmosphere

• Photosphere

• Chromosphere

• Corona - extremely hot outermost layer extending outward from the chromosphere several million miles or kilometers

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Photosphere• Is the region that can be seen from Earth

• Has an average temperature of 5,800 degrees Kelvin

• As we pass up through the photosphere, the temperature drops and does not emit as much light energy.

• Therefore, the outer edge of the photosphere looks dark, an effect called limb darkening that accounts for the clear crisp edge of the sun's surface.

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• Lies above the photosphere.

• The temperature rises across the chromosphere.

• Thought to be heated by convection within the underlying photosphere.

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Corona• Final layer of the sun and extends several

million miles or kilometers outward from the photosphere.

• Can be seen best during a solar eclipse and in X-ray images of the sun.

• The corona has bright areas (hot) and dark areas called coronal holes.

• Coronal holes are relatively cool and are thought to be areas where particles of the solar wind escape.

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Suns Corona

Total Solar Eclipse 2/26/1998 from Maricaibo, Venezuela

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Features on the Sun

• Sunspots

• Solar Prominences

• Solar Flare

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• Dark, cool areas that appear on the photosphere.

• Always appear in pairs.

• Are intense magnetic fields (about 5,000 times greater than the Earth's magnetic field) that break through the surface.

• The magnetic field is caused by movements of gases in the sun's interior

• Sunspots happen in 11-year cycles (it is not known why they occur in 11-year cycles).

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Solar Prominences

• Clouds of gas that rise from the chromosphere.

• Appear as arches.• Can last two to three

months and extend as far out as 30,000 miles from sun’s surface.

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Solar Prominences

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Solar Flares

• Violent explosions from the sun.

• Thought to be caused by sudden changes in the magnetic field where the magnetic field is concentrated.

• Accompanied by the release of gas, electrons, visible light, ultraviolet light and X-rays.

• Produce auroras and can disrupt communications systems on Earth when the release of energy caused by these violent eruptions reaches Earth.

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Solar Flares

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EarthSolar Flare

Click on Picture

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Fate of the Sun• The sun has been shining for about 4.5 billion


• It has enough hydrogen fuel to "burn" for about 10 billion years.

• The size of the sun is a balance between the outward pressure made by the release of energy from nuclear fusion and the inward pull of gravity.

• When the core runs out of hydrogen fuel, it will contract under the weight of gravity and expand becoming a Red Giant.

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Fate of the Sun Continued• When the sun becomes a Red Giant it’s

expansion will reach beyond Earth’s orbit and therefore, the earth will be vaporized!!!!!

• At some point the helium will fuse into carbon and when there is no more helium the core will expand and cool and become a White Dwarf

• After becoming a White Dwarf the sun will then turn into a Black Dwarf.

• The entire process will take a few billion years.

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