starsight defense solution

This document is classified as “Basic marketing material concerning the function of the defense article it describes,” as defined in the United States Government International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). In accordance with ITAR 120.10, it is releasable to foreign government agencies, military services and companies. STARSIGHT - DEFENSE SOLUTIONS Headquartered in the US near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we maintain satellite offices in Washington, DC; London; Budapest, Hungary; Dubnica, Slovakia; and Baghdad, Iraq. ABOUT US: StarSight - Defense Solutions specializes in building and supporting Security, Police, and Military Forces worldwide with equipment, vehicles, spare parts, ammunition, maintenance and training. t2022704-3 o united States of Amerlca DEPARTMENT OF STATE To ull to whom these presents shutt c:ome, Greetings: I Certi$z That the document hereunto annexed is under the Seal of the Secretary of State of the State(s) of Pennsylvania, and that such Seal(s) is/are entitled to full faith and credit.* *For the contents of the annexed document,the Department assumes no responsibility This certfficate is not valid if it is removed or altered in any wsy whatsoever In testimony whereof I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State , have hereunto caused the seal of the Department of State to be affixed and my name subscribed by the Assistant Authentication Officer, of the said Department, at the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, this nineteenth day of March,2012. Issued pursuant to CHXIV" State of Sept. 15, 1789, I Stat. 68-69; 22 USC 2657; 22USC 265[a; 5 USC 301; 28 USC lTij et. seq.; 8 USC laa3fi; RULE 44 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. ication Officer, Department of State Our T-91 is one of the most technologically advanced Main Battle Tanks in the World The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors

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1Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Defense Solutions, Inc.

by:Colonel Timothy D. Ringgold, Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer

This document is classified as “Basic marketing material concerning the function of the defense article it describes,” as defined in the United States Government International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). In accordance with ITAR 120.10, it is

releasable to foreign government agencies, military services and companies.

S T A R S I G H T - D E F E N S E S O L U T I O N S

2Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

About Defense Solutions, Inc.

Headquartered in the US near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we maintain satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Dubnica, Slovakia; and Baghdad, Iraq.

Defense Solutions specializes in building and supporting Security, Police, and Military Forces worldwide with equipment, vehicles, spare parts, ammunition, maintenance and training.

If security forces use it, wear it, train with it, or operate it, or consume it, Defense Solutions can supply it anywhere in the world along with the services to support it.

Headquartered in the US near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, we maintain satellite offices in Washington, DC; London; Budapest, Hungary; Dubnica, Slovakia; and Baghdad, Iraq.


StarSight - Defense Solutions specializes in building and supporting Security, Police, and Military Forces worldwide with equipment, vehicles, spare parts, ammunition, maintenance and training.


o united States of Amerlca

DEPARTMENT OF STATETo ull to whom these presents shutt c:ome, Greetings:

I Certi$z That the document hereunto annexed is under the Seal of the Secretary of State ofthe State(s) of Pennsylvania, and that such Seal(s) is/are entitled to full faith and credit.*

*For the contents of the annexed document,the Department assumes no responsibilityThis certfficate is not valid if it is removed or altered in any wsy whatsoever

In testimony whereof I, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary ofState , have hereunto caused the seal of the Department of State tobe affixed and my name subscribed by the Assistant AuthenticationOfficer, of the said Department, at the city of Washington, in theDistrict of Columbia, this nineteenth day of March,2012.

Issued pursuant to CHXIV" State ofSept. 15, 1789, I Stat. 68-69; 22USC 2657; 22USC 265[a; 5 USC301; 28 USC lTij et. seq.; 8 USClaa3fi; RULE 44 Federal Rules ofCivil Procedure.

ication Officer,Department of State


major combat arms troop formations and serving 3 years as Deputy Assistant Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon. After retirement from the Army, Dr. Ringgold worked at the White House for President George W. Bush in the Executive Office of the President where, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, he authored the White House landmark study, Critical Infrastructure Protection (Classified).

Military and Police Equipment and Training:

Defense Solutions specializes in building and supporting Military, Police and Security Forces with facilities, equipment, air and ground vehicles, spare parts, ammunition, maintenance, and training.

“If your forces live or work in it, use it, wear it, eat it, train with or operate it, Defense Solutions supplies it along with the training, maintenance, and spare parts to successfully employ, operate and support it.”

Defense Solutions’ T-91 is one of the most technologically advanced Main Battle Tanks in the World

In addition to supplying new production T-91 tanks, Defense Solutions repairs and modernizes all types of combat vehicles to include T-72, T-55, M113, BTR, MTLB, Panhard and BMP family vehicles, mortars and field artillery, and other vehicles, including military trucks. We supply, repair and modernize the Mi-8, Mi-17, Mi-24 and Mi-35 family helicopters, Bell, UH-1H, AH-1 helicopters and supply the international defense and security markets with advanced technologies to modernize and upgrade each of these airframes to suit mission requirements.

Defense Solutions is the only US company to contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Iraq, Multi National Security Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTC-I), and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to deliver remanufactured T-72 main battle tanks to Iraq. Our production facilities are prepared to rapidly supply fully mission capable and safety certified (FMC/SC) armored vehicles and spare parts to satisfy our customer’s immediate requirements.

Defense Solutions Maintenance and Upgrade Facility in Central Europe

Our T-91 is one of the most technologically advanced Main Battle Tanks in the World

The company is organized into four operating divisions:

1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania;

2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida;

3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida;

4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

3Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Lines of Business – Areas for Cooperation

Small ArmsMortars & Artillery

Parts & Maintenance

Security Systems

Tanks & APCs

Solar Products

Military EquipmentRoad Building

Commodity Brokering


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

7Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

We Completely Modernize/Upgrade and Rebuild Armies’

¾ Main Battle Tanks¾Wheeled and Tracked Armored Personnel Carriers¾ Infantry Fighting Vehicles¾ Towed and Self-Propelled Howitzers¾ Mortars and Mortar Carriers¾ Recovery and Maintenance Vehicles¾ Armored Engineer Support Vehicles¾ Armored Reconnaissance Vehicles¾ Mobile Gun Systems¾ Medical Evacuation Vehicles¾ NBC Reconnaissance Vehicles¾ Tactical Vehicles… with Western Technologies

M109 Howitzers Being Upgraded

8Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

¾ Engineering Design and Development¾ In-house performance of all level of Repairs¾ Manufacturing and Upgrading¾ Technical Documentation Translated and Supplied¾ Maintenance Training for Crews and Mechanics¾ Operator and Tactical Training¾ Repairs and Upgrades available at Customers’ Facilities¾ Reliable supply of Spare Parts and Ammunition¾ Complete Integrated Logistics System (ILS) that includes:

Transportation, Delivery, Reception, Accountability, Training, Logistics, Maintenance, Quality Control, and Sustainment

Total “End-to-End” Solution


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

16Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

BTR-4 Fire-Control and Battlefield Management SystemsC2I Package

Gunner Display

Command & Control

Fire Control System –Ballistic Modules Peripheral Vision System

Navigation/North FindingSW&HW

ITT Radios

Weapon LRF & E/O Suite

Day/Night Observation &Target Acquisition

17Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

We Integrate World Class Technologies

… to produce World Class Armored Vehicles


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

18Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

• Design and Development• Individual, Institutional• New Equipment • Sustainment Training• Training Support Package• Web-Based / e-Learning • Manuals/Guides/Aids• Training Videos


26Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Modernization of BMP-1/2

ONE MAN TURRET30 mm Gun, 7.62 mm MG

11Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

We turn this: Into this:

And Upgrades to create Modern Combat Vehicles

T-72M (1980 technology) T-91 (2009 technology)

We are the only company inspected and verified by the US Government to have the capability to supply large quantities of high quality and Westernized Eastern Bloc combat vehicles to the Army of Iraq.


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

28Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

FCS Thermal Imaging System


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

37Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

T-72, T-91, BTR, and BMP Modernization

New production Modernization and Upgrade of existing Hulls usingmodern digital, laser, and thermal technologies.

Our vehicles are remanufactured – not refurbished

Refurbishment Remanufacturing


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

40Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

We supply spare parts for all US and Eastern Bloc vehicles

43Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

We Modernize and/or Construct Vehicle Production Facilities

45Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Manufacture of Fire, Medical and Security Vehicles


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

44Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Our Maintenance and Upgrade Facilities

Modern Production facilities

Modern Upgrade Facilities

More Under Construction


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

47Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Military Training Facilities

¾ Training Ground Design, Construction and Maintenance¾ Military Roads and Maneuver Training Lanes¾ Sport and Obstacle Courses¾ Outdoor Training¾ Soldier Trenches¾ Barracks

48Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Development, Building and Maintaining Firing Ranges

¾ Static and Dynamic Targets

¾ Ammunition and Cartridge Recovery

¾ Construction and maintenance of Range Equipment, Buildings and Roads


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

49Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

A Distributed Battlefield Simulation infrastructure for Training, Mission rehearsal, Weapon development and new doctrine test’s.

50Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Tactical Artillery Group Trainer Layout






254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

54Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Road Building

No Firm can build roads quicker or less costly.

Our system stabilizes the infill, providing load distribution over weak soils, base stabilization for paved surfaces and roads stabilization for unpaved roads.

On-site sands and poor quality granular fills may be used in place of more costly imported materials

Defense Solutions is the Exclusive Agent In Iraq, Jordan, and Afghanistan




55Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Old Style Low Pressure Sodium Modern LED technologySolar Street Lights and Solar Power Plants

56Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Solar Power Plant – Spain9 MW in Madrid area


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

57Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Solar Power Plant – Taiwan500KW in PingDong


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

60Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

HelmetLt WtBetter integration w/ IBAImproved NVG integrationIncreased hearing capability

Body ArmorIBA OTV BOI Change to issue to every Soldier(Mech Crew)SAPI Plates to Every Soldier

GlovesNon-AbrasiveImproved dexterityDual Layer (Liner part of glove)

Under GarmentsLt wt, Sweat wickingEasy to Don/DoffEasy to store in Small space

Knee & Elbow PadsErgonomicBuilt into uniform

Boots & SocksGortex SocksLt Wt/durable Boot

Eye ProtectionImproved Ballistic SWD Goggle

WeaponsRails on every weaponImproved White Light CapabilityThermal SightsWhite Light

Individual Soldier CommunicationDurable Soldier intercom SystemSecureIncreased range

Individual Soldier Equipment

61Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Police Gear Equipment

¾ Bulletproof Vest¾ Belt¾ Gloves¾ Pepper Spray & Pouch¾ Flashlight & Pouch¾ Steel Baton & Sheath¾ Handcuffs & Case¾ Belt Keepers¾ Gun Holster¾ Radio Pouch… all made in the USA

71Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.


Perimeter Security

Software Engineering & Situation Awareness


Tactical Intelligence Systems

Command Center

Port and Border Security

Security Products and Service Offerings


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

72Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.



254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

74Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TUAV)

Capabilities¾ EO/IR payload¾ 4 hours on station @ 50 Km¾ Improves intelligence collection¾ System: 3 air vehicles, 1 portable

ground control station and data terminal, 4 remote terminals, 2 ground control stations.

73Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

UAV Tactical Intelligence System

¾ To develop a comprehensive UAV strategy

¾ To develop an independent capability and methodology to benefit from collection and operations

¾ To build the required operational, intelligence, and technological capabilities relevant to UAV operations

¾ To provide initial tactical UAV capabilities

¾ To instruct UAV collection planning and management, tactical employment, and information dissemination

¾ To train the trainers on UAV operations

Defense Solutions can assist with the development of UAV Tactical Intelligence Systems:

73Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

UAV Tactical Intelligence System

¾ To develop a comprehensive UAV strategy

¾ To develop an independent capability and methodology to benefit from collection and operations

¾ To build the required operational, intelligence, and technological capabilities relevant to UAV operations

¾ To provide initial tactical UAV capabilities

¾ To instruct UAV collection planning and management, tactical employment, and information dissemination

¾ To train the trainers on UAV operations

Defense Solutions can assist with the development of UAV Tactical Intelligence Systems:

73Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

UAV Tactical Intelligence System

¾ To develop a comprehensive UAV strategy

¾ To develop an independent capability and methodology to benefit from collection and operations

¾ To build the required operational, intelligence, and technological capabilities relevant to UAV operations

¾ To provide initial tactical UAV capabilities

¾ To instruct UAV collection planning and management, tactical employment, and information dissemination

¾ To train the trainers on UAV operations

Defense Solutions can assist with the development of UAV Tactical Intelligence Systems:


DS3I specializes in the design, implementation, and maintenance of integrated communications systems, including:

Perimeter and Installation Security Radio Systems Dispatch Centers 911 Consoles & Phones In-building solutions (DAS, BDA, etc) Vehicle Tracking Mobile Video and Computing Cellular Carrier Services Satellite

We can install nearly every major wireless communications technology. Many of the High End Security applications and State of the Art Technology that DS3I offers rely on existing wireless communication capabilities already in place. The most common technologies being deployed around the Globe are WiMAX, Wi-Fi, and Satellite Internet technologies. Satellite Internet is used to provide Internet connectivity in areas that do not have land access or that move frequently (such as Ships & Oil Drilling Rigs).

The greatest demand globally is for WiMAX technology. 802.16 and as of the end of 2011 WiMax had not been approved in the USA for general use but Latin America and other Countries around the Globe have a looser radio spectrum regulatory environment and are moving rapidly to take advantage of this advanced technology.


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States


Using the solar energy & wireless communication, you can do wide-area surveillance easily and cost effectively.

WiMAX technologies that DS3I offers include:

WiMAX (2.5/3.5GHz) and 4.9GHz Police and Public Safety

5.8GHz Back-haul Point-to-Multi Point Solutions, Licensed Frequency Point-to-Point Solutions Also included in the wireless communications division are technologies that benefit from WiMAX communication networks in place. These technologies include: Wireless Utility Meter Reading & Wireless Parking Controls

1 Mobile CCTV

2 Municipal WiFi

3 Asset tracking of equipment and personnel DS3I offers full service system architecture including design/engineering and deployment of services. The Company will focus on the electronic security market, which is both a faster and growing market. Two of the most promising segments of the electronic security market are CCTV/video surveillance and biometrics/access control.


WiMAX technologies that DS3I offers include:

WiMAX (2.5/3.5GHz) and 4.9GHz Police and Public Safety 5.8GHz Back-haul Point-to-Multi Point Solutions Licensed Frequency Point-to-Point Solutions Also included in the wireless communications division are technologies that benefit from

WiMAX communication networks in place. These technologies include: Wireless Utility Meter Reading Wireless Parking Controls Mobile CCTV Municipal WiFi Asset tracking of equipment and personnel

DS3I offers full service system architecture including design/engineering and deployment of services. The Company will focus on the electronic security market, which is both a faster and growing market. Two of the most promising segments of the electronic security market are CCTV/video surveillance and biometrics/access control.

Defense Solutions Oil, LLC

Defense Solutions’ dedicated Oil Division places product around the world through our multiple joint venture agreements. As a publicly traded Company within the USA, we are able to negotiate directly with other publicly traded USA and international companies that are well known in the industry giving us the reputation and ability to form Joint Venture partnerships with many smaller to medium refineries. One of our partnerships is with one of the largest oil refinery companies within the USA Marathon Petroleum Corporation. We have several other similar relationships with refineries worldwide to include UK based Anglo Energy Refinery Corporation.

Based in Findlay, Ohio, Marathon Petroleum Corporation is the United States’ fifth largest transportation fuels refiner with 1,142,000 barrels-per-calendar-day capacity in its six-refinery system. In addition, Marathon owns, operates, leases or has ownership interest in about 9,600 miles of pipeline. The company’s extensive transportation and distribution assets and operations is a distinguishing factor that separates it from other refining and marketing companies.

Marathon focuses on safe, low-cost reliable operations; ensures that the company’s refineries are well positioned to address changes in the marketplace; captures commercial advantages within a strong logistics system; and seeks to increase retail and brand sales volumes.

Marathon processes a diverse slate of crude oil procured from numerous suppliers. The typical slate last year (2010) consisted of about 54 percent sour crude and 46 percent sweet crude. During 2010, approximately 61 percent of this crude oil was acquired from U.S. producers, an additional 10 percent from Canada and 21 percent from the Middle East and Africa. The remaining 8 percent came from other international sources – but ZERO from Iraq.


Garyville 464,000 Catlettsburg 212,000 Robinson 206,000 Detroit 106,000 Canton 78,000 Texas City 76,000 TOTAL 1,142,000

75Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Maritime and Port Security

Defense Solutions conducts security and safety assessments of ports, facilities, and vessels under the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code. Our personnel have completed assessments at the ports of South Louisiana, Detroit, Boston, and Baltimore. We assist U.S. and foreign Ports and Facilities with:

¾ Maritime Security Assessments¾ Threat Assessments¾ Security Plans¾ Security Exercises¾ Training¾ Security Technology¾ Economic Analyses


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

76Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Border and Coastal Security

Patrol vehicles

Coastal Patrol Boats

Radar StationsDay/night sensors

Sonar Systems

Coastline segment’s control center

Object investigation


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

Security Scanners: .


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

DS3I offers the Solutions! DS3I Installs and Integrates a Variety of Security Systems:

All viewed on a single desktop, quick decisions, central command

The above is the input, a small sample of devices - the output must be seen to be believed.


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

The Problem • Too many cameras, too few people

to monitor the pictures, No management software to anticipate trouble!

• Thousands of installed security cameras and other security systems, overwhelming amount of information for a human observer, no central control or awareness. Too much raw data.

• DS3I has the answer: A single Command and Control Center

The Solution

DS3I can turn your existing systems into one!

See Any Building...

…Any  Any Street Corner

DS3I can assimilate and store detail for emergency and tactical use as well as later review.


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

Some Examples of Various Command and Control Centers

Consolidate large amounts of detail to a single desktop!

What can we integrate? • All audio visual systems can be integrated, along with any other monitoring systems.

Visualize and control all your systems in one organized desktop or mobile browser. • The entire Ministry of Interior can function from one desktop, utilizing all their security

systems at once. Response to security threats and natural disasters streamlined. • Each province can function with its own Command and Control Center and each would

link to a central C&C Center inside the Ministry of Interior.


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

Organized Information is power

-Identify suspicious person -Analytics to spot -Cameras to monitor -Track suspect -Facial recognition -License plate number -Call authorities -Police -Ordinance Disposal

Command and Control Software in action:

Random information has very little use

77Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

The World’s Number 1 Bomb Jammers

As the foremost innovator in the field of RF jamming, Defense Solutions offers a comprehensive range of USA manufactured jamming equipment and systems which have a proven record of highest efficiency and lasting performance in all environmental conditions.

¾ Military Convoy Protection¾ VIP Convoy Protection¾ Vehicle Mounted Jammer¾ Tactical Jammers¾ Indoor Jammers¾ Prison Jamming Systems

There Is No Better Way To Defendagainst the threat of

Radio Activated Roadside Bombs


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

78Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.


Communication Intelligence

• Information collection– Monitoring centers

• Central operation• High capacity – channels, users• Long term recording

– Field operation – Tactical solutions• Small and portable• Few targets• Limited on time• Close to target

| Intelligence Information Analysisz Post processingz Data Miningz Transcriptionz Reports


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

80Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Smart Card Access System

UK - passportHong Kong - PassportIsrael - Gaza strip entry cardIsrael - Driving License TechnologyRomania - ID cardMoldova - Passport & Multi-doc.China - Re-entry permit (CRP)Belarus - Driving & Vehicle LicenseUkraine - PassportEthiopia - Passport, Visa & Residence IDZanzibar - National IDUSA – Passport and security projects

105Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Scrap and Disposal

The Defense Solutions Team is certified for the destruction and disposal of military vehicles, arms, and equipment.


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

93Business Proprietary

www.ds-pa.comDefense Solutions, Inc.

Automatic Fire Detection and Extinguishing System

Crew Compartment

Engine compartment

Detection of penetration – less then 2 msec

Suppression of fuel explosion – less than 100 msec

Extremely low false alarm rate Extinguishing within 15 seconds


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

Oil Well Drilling and Oil Field Service Work

Our well drilling division, Def-Com Energy is a proud member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( and is actively drilling for oil in West Africa and for natural gas in the United States.

Def-Com Energy creates value from oil and gas reservoirs with high- performance drilling, evaluation, completions and production technology and services, integrated operations and reservoir consulting. Our solutions are designed to lower costs, reduce risk or improve productivity for the global oil and gas industry.

We are an international provider of oil and gas land drilling and workover services with a premium fleet of 28 land drilling rigs. The company is a leading provider of drilling and workover services on the African continent and is actively seeking additional contracts in the Middle East and Africa regions.

In addition, Def-Com Energy is the exlusivedistributor in Iraq of Thuslick, a patented drilling mudadditive which improves any drilling/completionoperation regardless of location or well program.Thuslick is compatible with all known drilling fluid systems. The use of Thuslick is each of the various operations that make up a well program results in less time on the well, thus lowering total operation cost. Thuslick is a specialty treated encapsulated high carbon material, which when added to a mud system, exhibits plastic adhesive and adhesive properties, effectively coating the borehole and downhole tubulars with water repellent, silicon-like film. Friction is dramatically reducted at all downhole contact points.

Our team’s current fleet of drilling rigs includes:

6 ea 450 HP water well hydraulic Soilmec rigs, 1,2 ,3, 4, 5, 6 2 ea 250 HP pulling units Soilmec5 ea 450 HP workover truck mounted Kremeco rigs 7,10, 20, 31, 32

2 ea 450 HP workover / drilling Mid continent rigs 91, 93,2 ea 650 HP workover / drilling truck mounted rigs 29, 962 ea 1000 HP drilling truck mounted Cabot 900 rigs 23, 902 ea 1000 HP drilling National 80, Mid Continent rig 28, 95 1 ea 1200 HP drilling OIME SL-7, SCR, rig 14

1 ea 1500 HP drilling National 110 rig 191 ea 1500 HP drilling Gardner Denver 1100, SCR rig 27 2 ea 2000 HP drilling National 1320, SCR rig 26, 381 ea 2000 HP drilling Gardner Denver 1500, SCR rig 36 1 ea 2500 HP drilling Mid Continent 1220, SCR rig 37

distributor in Iraq of Thuslick, a patented drilling mud


Oil Well Drilling and Oil Field Service Work

Our well drilling division, Def-Com Energy is a proud member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( and is actively drilling for oil in West Africa and for natural gas in the United States.

Def-Com Energy creates value from oil and gas reservoirs with high-performance drilling, evaluation, completions and production technology and services, integrated operations and reservoir consulting. Our solutions are designed to lower costs, reduce risk or improve productivity for the global oil and gas industry.

We are an international provider of oil and gas land drilling and workover services with a premium fleet

of 28 land drilling rigs. The company is a leading

provider of drilling and workover services on the African continent and is actively seeking additional contracts in the Middle East and Africa regions. In addition, Def-Com Energy is the exlusive distributor in Iraq of Thuslick, a patented drilling mud additive which improves any drilling/completion operation regardless of location or well program. Thuslick is compatible with all known drilling fluid systems. The use of Thuslick is each of the various operations that make up a well program results in less time on the well, thus lowering total operation cost. Thuslick is a specialty treated encapsulated high carbon material, which when added to a mud system, exhibits plastic adhesive and adhesive properties, effectively coating the borehole and downhole tubulars with water repellent, silicon-like film. Friction is dramatically reducted at all downhole contact points. Our team’s current fleet of drilling rigs includes: 6 ea 450 HP water well hydraulic Soilmec rigs, 1,2 ,3, 4, 5, 6 2 ea 250 HP pulling units Soilmec 5 ea 450 HP workover truck mounted Kremeco rigs 7,10, 20,

31, 32 2 ea 450 HP workover / drilling Mid continent rigs 91, 93, 2 ea 650 HP workover / drilling truck mounted rigs 29, 96 2 ea 1000 HP drilling truck mounted Cabot 900 rigs 23, 90 2 ea 1000 HP drilling National 80, Mid Continent rig 28, 95 1 ea 1200 HP drilling OIME SL-7, SCR, rig 14 1 ea 1500 HP drilling National 110 rig 19 1 ea 1500 HP drilling Gardner Denver 1100, SCR rig 27 2 ea 2000 HP drilling National 1320, SCR rig 26, 38 1 ea 2000 HP drilling Gardner Denver 1500, SCR rig 36 1 ea 2500 HP drilling Mid Continent 1220, SCR rig 37

Def-Com Energy’s tank farm near Philadelphia

We are ready, willing and able to bring our capability to your country, to include:

•Drilling Rigs

•Quick Move Desert Package

•Drilling Support Services

•Rig Camp and Life Support Services

•Refineries Seeking Crude Oil and Fuel Oil

•Gas and Oilfields Development, Service,Maintenance

•Drilling Chemicals, supplies, and support, to include Thuslick mud additive

•Pipeline Construction, Security, Operations I Refinery Relocation and Construction

•Security, Logistical Support

•Communication, Real Time Systems

•Seismic Testing

We are ready, willing and able to bring our capability to Iraq, to include:* Drilling Rigs* Quick Move Desert PackageI Drilling Support Services* Rig Camp and Life Support Services* Refineries Seeking Crude Oil and Fuel Oili Gas and Oilfields Development, Service,

Maintenancea Drilling Chemicals, supplies, and support, to

include Thuslick mud additive* Pipeline Construction, Security, OperationsI Refinery Relocation and Construction* Security, Logistical Support* Communication, Real Time Systems* Seismic Testing

For additional information on defense or security, please contact the undersigned immediately at+1.610.833.6000; by email at [email protected]; and for all oil related projects please contact theDefense Solutions' representative sole and exclusive representative to the Ministry of Oil inB aghdad, Mr. Fadhil Abdulkareem Ghadhba n at 07 903 .1 9 8. 504.

Timothy D.'Ringgold,Chief Executive Officer

Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaCounty of Chester

On this, the L*day of F/**-J ,2oL2,undersigned offrcer, plrsonally ap{ared' fi

befqre\v/4, , the, known to

me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the personand acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

In witness hereof, I hereunto set my hand and



$lotadal SealJohn Sloan, Notary PublicCaln TwP., Chester County

W Commlsslon-ElPiry !9y:anr-?0"L5fr"frffi Enrvsrffi A;svre.* noru oF fl orARIEs


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States

We are ready, willing and able to bring our capability to Iraq, to include:* Drilling Rigs* Quick Move Desert PackageI Drilling Support Services* Rig Camp and Life Support Services* Refineries Seeking Crude Oil and Fuel Oili Gas and Oilfields Development, Service,

Maintenancea Drilling Chemicals, supplies, and support, to

include Thuslick mud additive* Pipeline Construction, Security, OperationsI Refinery Relocation and Construction* Security, Logistical Support* Communication, Real Time Systems* Seismic Testing

For additional information on defense or security, please contact the undersigned immediately at+1.610.833.6000; by email at [email protected]; and for all oil related projects please contact theDefense Solutions' representative sole and exclusive representative to the Ministry of Oil inB aghdad, Mr. Fadhil Abdulkareem Ghadhba n at 07 903 .1 9 8. 504.

Timothy D.'Ringgold,Chief Executive Officer

Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaCounty of Chester

On this, the L*day of F/**-J ,2oL2,undersigned offrcer, plrsonally ap{ared' fi

befqre\v/4, , the, known to

me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the personand acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

In witness hereof, I hereunto set my hand and



$lotadal SealJohn Sloan, Notary PublicCaln TwP., Chester County

W Commlsslon-ElPiry !9y:anr-?0"L5fr"frffi Enrvsrffi A;svre.* noru oF fl orARIEs

We are ready, willing and able to bring our capability to Iraq, to include:* Drilling Rigs* Quick Move Desert PackageI Drilling Support Services* Rig Camp and Life Support Services* Refineries Seeking Crude Oil and Fuel Oili Gas and Oilfields Development, Service,

Maintenancea Drilling Chemicals, supplies, and support, to

include Thuslick mud additive* Pipeline Construction, Security, OperationsI Refinery Relocation and Construction* Security, Logistical Support* Communication, Real Time Systems* Seismic Testing

For additional information on defense or security, please contact the undersigned immediately at+1.610.833.6000; by email at [email protected]; and for all oil related projects please contact theDefense Solutions' representative sole and exclusive representative to the Ministry of Oil inB aghdad, Mr. Fadhil Abdulkareem Ghadhba n at 07 903 .1 9 8. 504.

Timothy D.'Ringgold,Chief Executive Officer

Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaCounty of Chester

On this, the L*day of F/**-J ,2oL2,undersigned offrcer, plrsonally ap{ared' fi

befqre\v/4, , the, known to

me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the personand acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

In witness hereof, I hereunto set my hand and



$lotadal SealJohn Sloan, Notary PublicCaln TwP., Chester County

W Commlsslon-ElPiry !9y:anr-?0"L5fr"frffi Enrvsrffi A;svre.* noru oF fl orARIEs

Pipeline Protection System: .

Drilling Products: .


254 Eagleview Blvd voice: +1.610.833.6000 Suite 311 fax: +1.202.525.7914 Exton, PA 19341

Defense Solutions, Inc. Company CV 2012

Defense Solutions, Inc. (a Delaware Corporation) is registered by the Minister of Trade (Foreign Company Section CD:2500) to conduct business in the Republic of Iraq and completed its first contract with the Government of Iraq in 2005.

The company is organized into four operating divisions: 1). a military and police equipment and training division headquartered in Exton, Pennsylvania; 2.) a security division (Defense Solutions Security Systems, Inc.) headquartered in Miami, Florida; 3.) an oil refinery and trading division (Defense Solutions Oil, LLC) headquartered in Tampa, Florida; 4.) an oil exploration and oil field service division (Def-Com Energy, LLC) headquartered in Pennsylvania and a Member of the International Association of Drilling Contractors ( ).

The Defense Solutions, Inc. corporate headquarters is located a short distance from Titusville, Pennsylvania where the world’s first oil well was drilled in 1859 and located in the heart of the Marcellus Shale region which is estimated to contain about 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In addition, the firm operates satellite offices in Washington, DC; Budapest, Hungary; Baghdad, Iraq; Conakry, Guinea, West Africa; Skopje, Macedonia; Kiev, Ukraine; and in other emerging markets.

Our firm’s Chief Executive Officer, Colonel (Doctor) Timothy Ringgold, Ph.D. (US Army Retired) is a native of Houston, Texas and a school trained petroleum operations officer. Early in his military career, Colonel Ringgold operated the Hinterweidenthal pipeline for refined oil products in West Germany and the petroleum tank farm near Kaiserslautern, Germany before going on to command

Defense Solutions World Headquarters in the United States