state college news 1961-09-22 - · pag e 2 stat colleg news , saturday may 6...

PAGE 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1961 oU-auie eMawii Sigma Phi Sigma Sue MacFarlanc; Treasurer, Gai The following girls arc the new 0sborn ' Secretar y' p M |is Grazi " The slate of officers of service William Burnet) The new officers of State's Greek organizations for 19G1-62 w e r e an- nounced this morning by Sue .Mac- Farlane and Tom Ellis, Cabinet sident 7 Ju( ,7K a mm S ky~"'62;' Vice- sislant Secrctary ^™™< ^or- follows Ministers of Sororities and Frater- President| Jane Rosenberg; T reas- rainc Crispell; Rush ( '"" a " 1 ' M "- nities respectively. Service Organization Slate New Officers <••' \-\ a officers of Sigma Phi Sigma: Pre- ano: rha P lain ' Sllc Murphy; As- organizations for 1961-1962 is as dent; Pat Cearru 'i;i. Sc C Kappa Delta Student Union Board urere, Rosalind Zeichner; Assist- lic Fletcher; Alumni Secretary, chairman, Steve Myslinsky '63; ant Treasurer, Barbara Lang: Re- Mary Ann ( ' hariU,n: Assistant Alt.- Vice-Chairman, Larry Simmons Lynn Costello '(i.'i, | : tl > M i John Woytowich '<::: \{ vllTbs tive of Officiating Board, PUBLICATIONS ,. r . , , Mini S e c r c l n r v Gail ll-iihcl- His- ( > :! ; Secretary, Carol Ann Rosso- p rMr ,.,, Frances Cicero '62, will preside cording Secretary. Linda Bosworth; mnl S>«reiar> Gal I 1. lis Less I,,,,,,,,, over Keppa Delta this year Other Corresponding Secretary, Carolyn torlan ' Dlanc S P'" dlpr ' Sergeants- Lcad,n officers are: Vice-president, Lillian M(,,Tilt: Rusn Captains. Leslie at-arms, Sharon Lenowitz and Bet- Campus Commission fi Press |;i I-,.,-,,,fl . year wil I be Tom V.jit,,, Psi Gamma Lucille Monaco '62 will be Psi ,, i "„Y'""i n r Tin™'"n:„ui„„ rcclor; Ron Raphael <il K ( , r IB1 . . . . A ni sv Merriam: Songlcadcr, Lillian .Grand Marsha , Lilian Richie Assis|anl . I)irfl( ., „..,,, „„ cL-nriK,,.-,,. R„r.,„vim,r c„„r„i,rv Kaplan and Shcrn Hcuscr: Alumni 2; Secretary, Carole Blackwell; ... . . ir Skadbcrg. Recording Secretary P Social Schmidt: Parliamentarian Sue u Rosemary Patrick; will act in Ihc ,,„,;„,,„, . Judy Johnson; [reasurer, Marc.a < P • Byron and Marshalls, Marca Ma- Marshalls: Marge Kropac and '<">'• English: Corresponding Secretary, Uiai man (. aroi u. umen. miuai ( , n , )llit . Myron _ (;inny Lyons seniors; Pat Bene- Ilanrtbm.l. Jody Conway; Alumni Secretary, lst - 1 ' ran N > sl;l(l: Parhmentanan, (ip|(( ; , m(| Anm , ^ ^ j m i o r s . Patricia Pezzulo Hush Captain Fran Nystad; isr Representative, Phi Delta Rosemary Pelrick and Barbara The editor ol iln- m, n„. Candy Dalpan; 'sergeant-at-arms,' Ll '- slit ' K «P'™: Rush " arl - v s,, The following are the officers of Martin. .Sophomores; Harriet Gold- will he Riclianj K, •!• '.;.; Dee Mogavero; Marshalls, Shclia Leaders. Terry Silverman and Don- ,,„, |)( , 1|;l „, |afil ,.., ,,,,,„„„„, man and Evelyn Patrick, fresh- Woinwsk. W w.ll -,•,„• ;,.> t"A; / 11 i t 1 ' L 1 II] (. I 1 full l JV|J IUI . Kreppel and Carol Markuson; n;l Da >' lon : <-hnstmas Sum Song Sa || v ,,,,„„- \'i (T -I>resident. Mary Chaplain. Eleanore Daul. Histori- , ' , ' ali( ''' Fran N >' sla(l: Activities U)m , ,; lls | 1Z( ,. |l; Ma.shnll. Barba- SmiIes Directon ans. Patricia Van Gysel and Deena I)iw ""'' sl "' lla Stromwassor His- sk , Tl , asm ,„, ,, oan Lu( , wi : President Sally Van Riper 63; . i,,,.;.,,, n,.,-^ u'ovi. .•• w \ \ i',,i,i-„ Nice-President, r red Smith (>•! ,, ,., 7 ., , Daniels; Songlcadcr, Anne Smith; lorMM ' Dt ' m U(X|( ' • W A A l u '" c " Corresponding Secretary, Nancy Secretarv Kathleen McMahon '(ii- E(lllor ol ""' l) " -,,| ""M IT Sports Captains, Lenora McCabc tentative. Sherri Hcuscr; House |);ms . |S( . ,,,.,„,,,,. nt;lllvt ,, p an , Trpasurc V, Patricia Woinoski '63;' f»rthfomins year and Jill Weitz and Parliamentari- President, Maureen Green and ,..„.,,.,.. KusM , ap , |ln j..,, Heagan: Parliamentarian, Carol Courselle . . an, Martha Golensky. House President. Maureen Green F<( , C(ir( |j n Secretary Irene Cab { ' ]2: f'uhlicity Director, Joanne /vwSKania and House Manager, Dorothv I.e- ' ,,'. ' n ,', .'„ ... ,„.,'. Wenzel '64: La Salle Co-ordinator, ano Historian, Dolores Blanche ,,,,„,,, ,.„, _i,„_„ >,.,. T„:„O,, c. vim. Sandy (.reenberg ol, lnnity in- .... . w't-lkcr elenni ,i Alumni Secretary, Terr. Tomas- ordinator, Anna Mackenzie '64; s| .!; ni , annnunc.-.I II,•! ' I , / Gamma's next president. Addition- (;amma Ka PP a l>hi wski: Son-leader. Carolyn .'dels; Albany Home Co-ordinator, Grct- ;, ians j,,,! „,,. ,.|. lisS ,„ :%: , ,' -.1 ,iffi,.r.p« ......\'i..„ P.-,,ci,i„,,i ri i , r ,• Athletic Direcl'ir, Monica Caulfield c 'hen Monroe 64. Hasse Konen and i >;.,ri| t,. ai onieers aie. vice-t'resident, Ihe new president ol (.annua n " MI m| i " " •"'" Ml '' u,,... n,,K„„L-- o,w.,...,iin,t c.r.p., i- in .. i i. -,'., and I'ubiiciU Director. Joanne So-mv'c rest. During next \> i: - 11;-. .Mai\ uouecK, Kecorciins sccre- Kappa Phi is Barbara Manso b> neany s ^ i ,. i iVi'tv/i I The ni'w ciffiffiri; fur ^l.'AW's; lie leaders 111 llli vai'i'i.' lie. tary. Audrey Cramer; Correspond Other of ieers include: \'ice-Pres- n '"' : the new olliccrs lor Sl,A\YS R . . . , , arc Bell Kline President' Helen ixiunei iiiini .nin i • ... infi Secretary, Elaine Ballaban. ,< Beatrice Heath: Treasurer. Simna Alpha Bowers Secretary Elaine Barber M;il '- V Anll( ' ''alden.n, ' ii.-.-: Treasurer, Phyllis Ciapolla. ASMS- Suzanne Plait: Recordiny Secre- n , in ^ \ V , min , s , ; , , nN ,. M , |( . \'ice-presidenl;' and Robert Todd,' (, rs, Shelly KCII.TN. , •. I Hint Treasurer. Ellen O'Keefe: Re- i : ,rv, Susan Gardner; Correspond. ' , , . '' Treasurer. John Wallace: f.irl : ,| M. norler,r Kninr ^,u-rd \ , s- , L-I "\ersivina Alpha lor lie-1 year Volleyball, MM • I'.- , " kl ' '-'V 1 , Secrctary. Nancy Jo Mem. A(| , |itlllIKl| „„„.,,, a; , v „,. ,. s AMIA Raymond Smill, and I„,,. ic aU ' Don's p7,blm',nn ar, Cb ,ol in' " USh ( ' a, " ainS Ma '' > ''" : ' : " " ' " " " »'- '"• ^'•"^a Gum-, lit Sec, Association of Men's Intramural ul./: Softball. DamVI S. .. ,, ,, i ,.,,. ,. ' , bara Keeruin .Alumnae Se '."e arv, ,„,.. ,, . ,, ,.,, ..,, ,. ,. Athletics has chosen the o o winu frances ( icero and !• u Donna Mcturdy; LS.I . Represent- ' tai>. 1 at HosKins luasurei. .,,,,,. , ,. ., ..... " .,, „ , atives. Carol Sch.ickrow; Sports Me^ Smoycr; Marshalls. Pirct Kult ,,,,,„ ,„„.,„„, ,•„,,,.,,„„„,,„„ Sl , ;,' ',,,,' i "• !" ""' CerS '"^ ^'j ' ;'"'"''''' , ' Captain. Varol Eaton: Historian, and Sandy Bamurchak; ('haplain. ' , ' ( . , ' ;, m ,',, ' ll "" '. • " R ^" : , , pi ""'''' Sa " V """ '" '" S.ndy Balassone; Son,leader. ,., n da Eustance; Clerk, .lea Bi- ' " ' ' r '* ' " , " ". '"""^ h " ,S '"' P ^ " ^ - ^ Grace Davis, and Marshalls. Ear- wma |ljsto| , an „„„„„ ,,,„,,„,,„, - " ' • '"" '''^">'"> « en Eine and Marlene Gilhs ,., Hepro.sonlaliW. Joan Somnicmllo; i o Editors ol Gazette. Anne Duuan ,,,,•, , ., .• , , .... ,,. ,„ Rush i a p l a i n s . ,->har ai liradish and (hi Sigma Iheta and Carol (iillick Soneh ader. Mar- -., ,.,,,., ^ , , , , Alal \ IK,', les. Soil' l.i ader I ,inda lloldmu the «avel for Chi Si^uia !l1 ' Sorenson Sp.uls Direclor. Su- ,;,,„.| lM ,,,,,,„,.,„ \|.,,„, n SHl(1 . Theta next >ear will be Mary Ann ^«n Gei-ien P„,l, imenianan l.m |1( . ](|] ,,.„.,,.,„„,„, .„,.,„ ,,„, Ma| . Diltiiscio h2 iiolfiint! other posi d.; White and Parliauiei!lar\ Coin , , , , , . .ion, ar," Vice Preside,,,. Sue Gat „„,,,„ Ju(h (| ,,, |)(| ,,„,,,„„ ,,,., ; llal '- - ^ l>n Lindsay: Ri.ualis, Iney, Secret iry. Jink Davis 'liva- , , ' Susan |,\an Sports Duvelor. Pal i in .„„.,,„ ,.„ . i , . an! am Diane ) V'nio null >iu\ I.I) ( r urer. Arleiie I'aeiiinas; Alumni \i.,.i,... n ,, • • • • Secretary . Bonnie Da\ . Ea. i ul nin. Sue liarriiiin : IS(' Repr, -,, i Gammott - Slateh 'We have conic to bury Caesar, not to praise him U. Shakespr an! and Diane D'Anu i Beta Zeta MacD \\\ II I louse President. I:; :, l.lllsenbal ill I louse Vice I'l. Cor ii,,- second time this veal we oiler our lliauk- '• ., Lwin Doilanil and House \laiia:er. he \'.,,s I lie- Com inon Slater who caused all Ihc eoiiH'" lative. Sharon Parr Son:: Leader. I.e.idniL; I,, ,a / , la - nc.v ollieers ,. ., ... , ,, , , , , ... .. \l:l.el,e Lerroil. course. Is , 11.• nb|ecl ol lllls column to needle leilMel Be\ Perry. Historian . Ro-ai.iii h i .- President, Don- Edelstein l!J. r .,.';i 'inil lliiose \l 'iii-err \.n" , . .- i, ailloll, .111,1 Bob had one of the Jiai'liesl needles III i i.lia ano nana. , i o n . . , ,, I,. r ,,,; ]r( .|-. ar ,. \ lee President, ^ , | , i ^ » Alice LMI.HI.II inoied alone to oilier tilings coir.', I'a.s and ihaiit.-- Bob IIIGO. \i:w iti I.I:S Rel igious Groups Name Officers ni - "ii i lie down at this end here. I campus aim mi, , Iheir new ollicers ' s "' u n reli'jioiis oreanizatioi ainpiis aim lor i;n;i »j: Council ol Kcli«imis (bibs: Muddle POKE MAN: ()k;,\ I Cultural Groups Select Officers We ill,- new ('oni inon Slater herein pled",' nur-el me poll, i In oiler plaudits when deserved To -G, 1 " I lie i ultural oreani/al ions on ""'"...' " '••""I'Us have selected their lead eommon I,,,,,,,;,,, s(l 11,,.,-,. . , „„,„ w||(| . s ..,.,,,,, ••its ers lor the ,„r,hcon,in« year: leal all the skeletons in eier.Maidy's closets „s„,., , Dramatics and Arts Council '"" k ' v "'- 11 ' w 'hal a start'i it. ease il in. Hold it! OK i\, dump in ritdit there. Good! \hunt eiuhl . ..... ,,. ,.,„..,,, nine loads „„,l,.a do it. . D u ' s it I'n-sidenl. Ilasse Eopen; Vice LADIES I l.tSI president, Bonce Scott; Secretary, Pros,,! ni Jan D.ickeian >v: e, mm;! ,m that end, J,.n? Judy Nissm, : Treasurer, Jim Jack Huoiors are llyii.e auam Say les I lall slated l „ r n •• Vice president Ross Dunn »;:; I. \lt(l|{ EH: line v\e'\e iiot 'er s " u Trioui Chairman, Gail Bur- Just lliink alter all these years, llnl floor Saylcs L;OCS I,"-. ,- , , - i . !,,.i ,,,,,,,1 ,,, ,,i„a 'ell ln„|\ reads look Ibis moviii" up dav seriously Don I " " ' I autci Inn \ < lull I'isl an,nil m ailed. ' Debate Council circus lenls hale been ordered and will be pitched in I Oil EM \\: Good, keen at if: .... . . . . . . P'' 1 ' 'I' ni Daw- Cilleii, V " '' i"', Mill ni Pacini,- .1,-nli, | i.l COME ON, SPUING 'Inistian Sen,,;',. ' , „ ^ L n " """" ,K ' W ' lhi " "'" , , " a,l > i«s« « Pi''Milen.'' l 'i ; ra!, n N'vV,T' S Tre ; . 1 onT I,; " ' " ' " ' " " ' *""'' '"" V " ""' '^'""nstratisc ,.„, P'' 1 eh HI. Iloss In ,.., ,,. leu in jiititcs. Ml rii-hl inn men, Gils Speliniail. "' ' '"""" '""' f " ri " , '" l,H ' ''lehl ||j||,.| sli "' k ""' v ' |,! > owr l,\ (hat tree. ,. . ,, 1 He ,.,„', ,,, U1 . „„.,„ in * u *b < »«n«-.l 1 ';;;;;|; n ; v . •••••••• ••- «•••• •••«• - ... .-M. ,«„>-, m-n.-s u,a . ... ;• , ;;; , ; ,, ; , ; I | -, ""»""' «"«K.I..II, s„ n„, ,s Aii,a„.i «,. ,,„, .„n ,i„ w,u„„,i Inter Varsitv .'hrkil,.. ,.,.•, '...,. u. "' h " r l,,ad ' ltli ' ,ll '" "'•.,•, .hailie. ,. IU ... I , ,I . , .: M ' I, ;! I, ' Sl "^" '^"'dailo; We wan, nice happy weekends ; s ,,„, „„ „, ace llli'll ha prcMdenl Nor, Benneit .;•," ...... ".'.":''.".. ""'" l: v "" n ' ,, '"" ' ""' "* Wi- pri-fi-r mir mini hi .iamiurv il ,. ,- , , , , . . ,, , J'n-Mdfiit. Rosalie CONKIII.II, So vvbal" So this is Alban.i We can still l'""".l.-iii li.bCbalell I;:J \ „ e Units it. i> Okay, here s thai V|rl . ,„,,,„,,,,, S| ,, u ( ; ll)r( |a„u; We want nice happy ucdurnds, and .sunny day "' .d, ni Pel, r I ro, lich i.l oilier load. Hindi in here, ( hailie. e,,,.,.,,, ..... ,, ,, ,. ,, , ,, , r-,,-,,,,,,.. i . ,. . i ... M . , •> i,.,, .,,,, , . . . , . . . , , . , M'(ieiai) D o i ot n s iiaiiiuei. eier heard ol liaiini: loud i n M a \ \ n \ p l a , lute, Varsity ( hnstian Fellowship ,,asM , Dump |, r , , h . in H o n . Treasurer. Kathy Glass ;||)| , „,,. , |s u -„ ,„,.„„. , „ „ . „ „ , , , m .„„„,,, Pi. ideiit Man Puree i;:i \ ,, 'd pile lliere. Great' you're [.',„.„,„ ,.r n..ii.i .... ' • resident N o r , B, illicit li.'l ioilil..n i i.-.-o-- •• " • 'ilileli. ( hailie Well, that's the Eoriini nl Polities -'-...•.an Snide,,, delation ' - , I , „ . ^ alij h ;" v "; V I x ^ \ * ^ ^ l ^ 1 ^^ ^ no, TZZil "* '"' " is t-1 ade this ei d and we'll be all President In;',- (ioet/.e li.'l V lee , president Linda Matlison lit I, MIDI! IK: lle> Ed! The presi Methodist Student tellovt ship . . . ,, . , dent ul the (iillcKe Is here to see President, -J,i" " . ••' '"•••' mud comes in \L, an Dicl. man ii:; .- ion. Vice piesidenl Kattue S, hiuidl li.'i I'lesident: What's tile idea ol Newiiiaii Club dumping all that mud in our park Vice president Arilhnm DiRoeeo '»« iol? Y,ovi l 'l' *>"* is held in .,;, I'a«c Hall. Student Christian Association IDItEMAN: Oh! This isn't for Moving I p Day, Sir. We're having President, Natalie Clark tiii, a sack race in pillowcases for a Vice president, Joyce Lewis TIDE commercial. ISC-IFC PICNIC SUNDAY HO III M Guess we have to sa> soiiieilnne about Moving ' P D" '•" """ 'lay First of all, we offer a hearty "Well done i ""Hee even though we haven't seen anvlliin« yel Tin i i. ers so the results must be KOIMI. , l(J , W( , M||| ||||)|K U , A , is geltinH like the Academy Awards and we fell asleep dm You know l„„ lone,, | lm „,any trivialities Tune lor ,, i n we think Somethim. like a short program ,„ the iiiornm. i an All Collet picnic or outiny at some camp we could i-n.i be Dippikill.' I I' ? 01 H I E ANNUAL DAV Where did they plant last year's iv v State College News ALBANY, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1901 VOL. XLVI NO. 17 Dr. Deeringer to Govern AcademicsasNewDean A newly appointed administrator, Dr. Jack Deeringer, is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Albany State. His appointment went into effect on September 1. 1961, after the College was without a clean alter mid-July, when Dean Oscar E. Lanford was named President ol (lie Stale University College of Education at Fredonia. Dr. Deeringer will carry responsibility for si vera! func- tions formerly discharged by Dean Lanford. Responsibility will be especially in academic counselling and the encour- agement of scholarship. DH. I It \ \ K ( \UUI\0 , Carrino Heads I'l'i'i ions cdm alioiial ,"• pern t,,-. of I)r Ileerni'.', r included po-iiion as liii Ii school Eneli-h and drama teacher, ciirrieuluni , o ordinaior for the l.ockp ul publti i 1 ! tern, and admission^ CMIH-.II r P 1 ! / /' n / ubiic Relations ol Student- at .he I iii''-lli ol liuffalo. -en iic m this , apaeiti \|..n. with the new semester, until l!i,")K, when he ace, pled llie lieu , hail •!•-. bale been made in deanship at I ormie.: "in admuii-iralion Dr frank (1. Dr. Deerineei' conic, to Ml,am i ai'i'iiio is the new Assistant to the State from the State Incer-ili I'rc-im-ni n| the I'olle",'. and also Cornni'j Comniuuiti ('ollce iihere 11 • • 1. i - I he position ol I 'ro lessor of he held the position ol Dean ol S'u Modern I aii-iia-ies here at Slate, dents In fact he wa- the !ir-l \. \..|.i.,nl to the President, Dean for the colic. e iilucli u,-- ],,- Carriini mil head l'ublic Re- founded <1111> three \ e a r - a e o lalioti- 'I I n - position mil consist Dr Deeriii-.-er is a .o-aduale ol ,, ,llv\\ ,,| cuordinaiiiu inloi'ina- llolcirl I'olle c He reciiied h i - | h , M |-,|alm.: in our colic",,' and Master's and Doctorate de-roe- in |,, , |!|n ,| ir |, M. ;i | p|-,-, s and oilier education at Ihc t'mier-iii ol liul aciiiihe- inbu Also, H will I'alo. a,,I the hue- ol I'oininumeation be- Actiie in educaliolial a n d c u e i,, MI ii : , e'llleee .>i[t\ eominunily. affairs, Dr Deerinccr .- a mem |l; , ( |r] . ]nii unH | na , ( . 1 i | ,• .„ her of I'bi Delta Kappa \eu Vorl | ; ,',i,, lN \\,,;;,,-,. m lierea, Ohio \pproxiinately two weeks ami Association o| Dean- and i dm Ian e ,,,.,.,, ., P , (1 h , , \i ; M ,. r \ ,1,,'ee at DIE JACK DEERINGER SU Obtains New Director Stale College welcomed a fresh- l'cr,,,nnel salioiial l-du, aimn \- inan class of 71)0 s t u d e n t s and Mr. soeiatimi, and Ko'ai'v Inn rnainmal William MeKinnon, the new I'nioii Commiitcc ol the ' oimu • ' hap", t Al»ii while at i oflllll h e l l a - a inetnlier nl die I'.oai'd ! I ' " ' ul Ibe Curium. < ':'. M' M o - n \' Horn and bred in Wisconsin. Mi director. WISCONSIN NATIVE I: M, Kinnon graduated from Stout Stale in Aiieusl. 1!)")!), u lib ,, Uiichelor ol Scii nee decree in alien l-'or tin pa-, been r'-J rein 1 1'• dent llie pro r ., In- I, Indus. rial Technology. While presi iloil nl the .student bo(l\ and a "y 1 "'" |" '"" in, mber ol the planning eomiiiilti e ' " •' '" ' "I die Student I'nion he became '»'«' admiiu-n uri interest' d in Student I inon u ' ' ~ " ' l "''' I'ei'Miilllel and aeti\ iles and the "ur •tnnenl I - I'uivini prolession of student union ' ,l ' 1 "' ,l " ''"'' lliiillil^einelll Erom sl r\I'd as the I nun Director at the I'n N i | liraska. aidinj; and eouneellin '''i'l, nt planned acin ill, ! 1,1 I lie II .I'.d 'II' I i.l i i • i i \ o l W i-i oii-m in lti-17 ! In- i 'ii ! ) I I'oin the I nil el'sity M • III all ,:i i'l.V, I'l ' an la i In", an his a'.eer ,,i \ | i a m Slate as an in i ru, 'or in air Mod, rn I .aiiaiiaae c par 1 "in 1 :i\e Inn Spani-h I '• i at i mo ,n , epieil the ilo'ei- a I tioal loiial < i liter in : ' • .:. -ilni Ii m i - under a -nip ill til" lulled nna' m i < i liter \ ..enci ol hip I ' i n l o r a pe i 1 . il' allel' '.-, I l l , Il he i \ ! !.,,i '- Stale President Collins Meets Class of 1965 at 8 P.M. Friday night, in Brubacher Lower Lounge, the work of the Student Guides for 1961 will culminate with the Presi- dent's Reception. From 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. the Class of 1965 will formally meet the heads of the college and student gov- ernment. Receiving the freshmen will be Dr. Evan R. Col- lins, President of the College, and Mrs. Collins; Dr. Elmer C. Mill hews, Associate Dean of Administration, and Mrs. Mathews; Dr. Jack M. Deeringer, Associate Dean of Aca- demic Affairs; Dr. Clifton C. Thorne, Dean of Men, and Mrs. Thome; Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women; Mrs. David lirooker, President of Student As- sociation, and Mrs. Brooker; and .Miss Marcia Eimlislt and Mr. How- ard Woodruff, Co-chairmen of Stu- dent Guides. To avoid a hum wait in the re- ceiving line, the freshmen will be received according to the first ini- tial of the surname of their big brother or big sister, A-E—S p.m.-8:30 p.m. F-K—«::«) p.m.-!} p.m. L-R—fl p.m.-9:30 p.m. It is suggested that the upper- classman precede the freshman, introducing himself and the fresh- man to each person in the line. The men attending the event are requested to wear dark suits. The women should he attired in dark dresses with hats and gloves. Student Guide Program Marcia English and Howard The Student Guide program be- Woodruff practice for the reception gins in the winter. When the pros- pective student visits Albany, a y-» // A II student guide assists the Admis- C0//6CfG MUUS si '" ls Office by escorting the ap- Two Buildings .i i'..i L§r;|:i Rivalry Committee Enthused at :;::: :::£7 Lively Spirit of Student Body plicanl lo his interview and giving li in a tour nl the campus. Durum the summer months, an upper- classman cmtccls an incoming the two new buildings now be- freshman and acquaints the fresh- m I'-ei! hi the college are Ihc maM willi college life before he ar- \\ ,• 11111.:11• 11 Avenue annex, which rives at Stale. was former!.! llie temple of Con- •. rocalion obav Sholom. and tin p ^ Q » v ^ IV , sir,,-, Annex, which was tor \J Oi A K O S t S inei'ly a I res|-,\ lenan I hurc 11. Tin- Wa-hue. Ion Avenue annex i out a in- lour i lassroonis ti\ o ol u Inch are con ddel'ed lai".:e led lire balls .Ms,, II honsc- the Develop- ll; 'ssc Kopcn. I'resident of the menial Iteadin Office ol Mr. New- ton and Mi' flail The i 'urrieillum Materials lahran has been mm I'all production of Othello. The pro- Othello Roles Dramatics and Arts Council, an- nlo i l n - a i Dr. Matthews ha-, reported that the partitioning bet H i en llie looms u ill he illipl'ol \lr MeKinnon, who now, !l1 \ll,.in\ uilh Ins wile. Diane llouc u ' ,,u 'l ' A ork u ilh the Student I Tumi i'r all i ' " liaanl in schedulin" ai Ii . it ics ami lb lie. all i in, i tin . at liriiba, her "l p, ie I ,,; , I'.-,I ' lb.,.:" 1 ami di' lo •''•' , '.|, b.'.d h ..' lai loi ib' ' I io b p i i' . i-in ' , I" 'la !' , hball -I' ,1 diiriii" iln icar Lake ann, \ houses on iliniioii will he under the direi lion ol Mr. l.m Sweariiigen. Instructor of Kimlisli. I'aiiicipatini; in the cast are la-ai. Daniel La Beille, '(>-: Bra- bantio, 1'aul Villain's, 'li'.': 1st Bra- Students Plan Activities Day lilK V'ar Acluilies Da\ mil be '" (| Ui llie liriibaeher Came Ifooiu " !l "I'lober 7 iron, 2 until ;, I' \l " 'llaii'iueu lor tin- spe, ml ei , nl "" ''"' M»*l-> Alice hynoipdi ami Amli t ' I'nilskj both members o l t hmior class ol '(ill „,| -:, 1 'l„ i 111 I \ Il I'll a 'In I and . In , Mul on |-'|.,.|, and Sopli , an i '-I 11 ' i •' l "' ' ' - a n ""' purpose ol Aelll llles Dal Is this u al II Si olid '" '"'liiiiint I'l'eshineii and transfers |(|\\ll(\ (IM1MIIH |S I Ul "' die many differenl oreaiu/a "" llb u| l campus and to eiieoura.', li M . • n n IIMI s , i i I II -I H 'i s.iii ball un n and \ al,, up Moll 'n a a in p" ,n \olhi ' , ,1 ri upper '" p 1 -1 i nn. i ii-.i |, ,1! i - n "' ' nil IM ' ; i > ,., ,, . |„„,k - \|oii<la\ in , I. I . la- lic«> Pushball U'l , |nl llie skU- In I 1 " lllee , bail m a n al e\e I mnl..lam ' About twenty organizations will be en Connie i i.mlc.i i i,i and u ii- ,1 ,,' liii.iln ' \ ' " ' " ,: " ' ' - ' ,,, |; 1N ,,!n .hail man lor soil ball i n . I I ' , ,,, . o i l , e i»> I "•"' '" utter their talents lo one "'""''' ' "'"' '"'"' " ' ""',,",, . ., «ll""'-" ''> ' ' ' ! Mll|ukn '-I-'.' of these organiz-alioms Steve . I..,.,n. ^ ^ ^ ^ ">-u ^ l»u ' '>''"'^ "" l-.i-i rehearsal loi | )n '''splay and more than willing ^mnenMan mil "•'• ''':""" ' ^ '/,"', ,, \ p , r d ' i - '" «xplaiii their respective purpos || lm iHiialn cm !.'>' '"•• " •• \ s |ll . w , | , a|ll ,- V i l ' s A.s usual Student Union Board Wlll - link IM UN "• Mn . ''' y, ,,,,1 bonlire U«'l '" '' will be serving refreshments. The M„hr v,:) ' """'''""''",," s i o s Is-ue ol class newspapers ''""'"'iitec hopes that all new sill Carlhs 'i-i l •""I" 1 " ^ '',.,; •.', pi a in football Nov d «nts will attend to acquaint them Kivah.v i-""""" u ' 1 ' "i, 1 '.',',, H p in Campus night 8L 'lves with our organizations Mao l-"" •'"""'"' hi , l u "" lie ol Sine north Del II I'-' 11 lhl ^ l, " li '""''""•' •' I'';"'" iiamio servant. Albert lirmht, 'l»:i \idhon.'ed .indent '.'roup- will be ()l , K . ||()> Ma| . |v Mll , Mllli •,;, - () k .p -i 1 ' 1 '' I" ariaiee lor the Use ol this , (l - s , v| AU( . m | an ,, ,,,,,.,.,- ( ; llv . 'tia. '""•" » l!l1 ""• S "" 1 '' 1 " l ' 1 ' 1 -'"""' 1 oihcllo's L'nd Allendanl. Nathan "in,.' I'be nai'ol Hie li'iihbim is p urk( .|| ',),v c'assio, Arthur Jem ,, > opi.'d b.v llie oflie, .- ol tin m, in K|I;> .,.-. |M , >| 1 ittM". Stanley Bur- bei "I die l'-veh ilo.'.v Depart /U1>k| ' li: ,- : > n ,| on,,-,,,-, Steven i- : I I Im ha-eiuelil will be Used K . |W •,;.-, , )ukt . || al -,,| ( | S.'enes, .. ,, I'l-, holo v I.ab 01 (iratiano, John Velio, 'UL'; Mall- \\ it li l ii die buddim.'s iihich were | an0| Joe Ball, 'l>5, Clown, Joe ,n use last ua:' there have been KeMncr, 'lia; l.odov ico, Bruce IO.IIIV movements 'llie Medical Karle. 'US; Messenger, Herbert ullne has iiioved into the base HerlZog, 'li.'i; Duke's I'age, Cars in,.i,i ui Draper llie Ad in issions l.uczak, '(ia. 1st Senator, Itichard niiiee has aronn uilo llie Medical Hodgers, 'til; L'nd Senator. Jim Olln-i ol last veal' Draper -ill has Jackson, 'liL', 3rd Senator. Clifford 1,,.,-n made uilo offices lor tell lUiyg, 'liS; -lib Senator, frank Kv iiuonber- nl llie Social Studies De ersoi), 'ti-l; Sailor, Hubert Jaiico, p H in,,.in '(ia. Desdeniona, l.inda Koitz, Tia ; I,, ||,,. library .here is a new Desdeinona's maid, l.inda Dclfs, iiiierolilm machine winch take- lia, Emilia, Barbara Steindorf, 'li-l; plioiosiais of the microfilm projec- Bianca, Clara Uarlh, 'ti5. Bar Maid, I,,,,, There is a new Language fugenia Husiiiku, 'US l.ah in Milne School and a ham Assisting Mr. Sweariiigen is Miss oae.e Lab in the TV area. Gail Softer. The production will be \s of the spring semester, there presented November tt & -1 in I'age wl 'l || K , a third annex called the Hall auditorium at 8 o'clock p.m., Central Avenue Annex The line,' one half hour earlier than most classrooms will be used fur the other productions, Mr Sweariiigen leaching of Biology, tie n e r a I may be contacted in Richardson Science" 1 and Earth Science. L'7'J.

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Page 1: State College News 1961-09-22 - · PAG E 2 STAT COLLEG NEWS , SATURDAY MAY 6 1961 oU-auie eMawii Sigma Phi Sigma Sue MacFarlanc; Treasurer, Gai The following girls


oU-auie eMawii Sigma Phi Sigma Sue MacFar lanc Treasure r Gai

The following girls a rc the new 0 s b o r n S e c r e t a r y p M | i s G r a z i The s la te of officers of service William Burnet)

The new officers of S ta te s Greek

organizat ions for 19G1-62 were anshy

nounced this morning by Sue Mac-

Fa r l ane and Tom Ellis Cabinet s i d e n t 7 J u ( 7 K a m m S k y ~ 6 2 Vice- s i s l a n t S e c r c t a r y ^tradetradelt ^or- follows Ministers of Sororities and Fra te r - P r e s i d e n t | J a n e R o s e n b e r g T r e a s - r a i n c C r i s p e l l R u s h ( a 1 M -nities respectively

Service Organization Slate New Officers

ltbullbull - a

officers of Sigma Phi Sigma Pre- a n o r h a P l a i n S l l c Murphy As- organizat ions for 1961-1962 is a s den t P a t Cearru ii ScCbdquo

Kappa Delta

Student Union Board urere Rosalind Zeichner Assist- l i c Fletcher Alumni Secre ta ry c h a i r m a n Steve Myslinsky 63

ant Treasurer Barbara Lang Re- M a r y A n n ( h a r i U n Assistant Alt- Vice-Chairman L a r r y S i m m o n s

Lynn Costello (ii | bull tlgtMi John Woytowich lt vllTbs

t ive of Officiating Board

PUBLICATIONS r Mini Secrclnrv Gail ll-iihcl- His- (gt Sec re t a ry Carol Ann Rosso- p r M r

F r a n c e s Cicero 62 will preside cording Secre tary Linda Bosworth m n l Sgtlaquoreiargt G a l I labe 1 l i s L e s s I over Keppa Delta this yea r Other Corresponding Secretary Carolyn t o r l a n D l a n c S P d l p r Sergeants- L c a d n

officers a r e Vice-president Lillian M ( T i l t R u s n Captains Leslie a t -arms Sharon Lenowitz and Bet- Campus Commission

fi P r e s s | i I-- f l

y e a r w i l I be T o m V j i t

Psi G a m m a

Lucille Monaco 62 will be Psi

i bdquoYi n r T intraden bdquou i bdquobdquo r cc lo r Ron Raphael ltil K(r I B 1 A n i sv Merr iam Songlcadcr Lillian G r a n d Marsha L i l i a n Richie A s s i s | a n l I ) i r f l ( bdquo bdquo bdquo bull

cL-nriK- Rbdquorbdquovimr c bdquo bdquo r bdquo i r v Kaplan and Shcrn Hcuscr Alumni bull 2 Sec re t a ry Carole Blackwel l i r

Skadbcrg Recording Sec re ta ry P Social Schmidt Pa r l i amenta r i an Sue u Rosemary P a t r i c k will act in Ihc bdquo bdquo bdquo Judy Johnson [ r e a su re r Marca lt bull bull P bull B y r o n a n d Marshalls M a r c a Ma- Marsha l l s Marge Kropac and ltgtbull English Corresponding Secre ta ry Uiai man ( aroi u u m e n miuai ( n ) l l i t M y r o n _ ( i n n y L y o n s s e n i o r s Pa t Bene- Ilanrtbml Jody Conway Alumni Secre ta ry l s t - 1 r a n N gt s l l ( l P a r h m e n t a n a n bull ( i p | ( ( m ( | A n m ^ ^ j m i o r s Patr ic ia Pezzulo Hush Captain F r a n Nystad i s r Representat ive Phi Delta Rosemary Pelr ick and B a r b a r a The edi tor ol iln- m nbdquo Candy Dalpan se rgeant -a t -a rms L l - s l i t K laquo P trade R u s h a r l - v s laquo The following are the officers of Martin Sophomores Harr ie t Gold- will he Riclianj K bullbull Dee Mogavero Marshal ls Shclia Leaders Terry Silverman and Don- bdquo | ) ( 1 | l bdquo | a f i l bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo man and Evelyn Pa t r i ck fresh- Woinwsk W wll -bullbdquobull gt

t A 11 i t 1 L1 I I ] ( I 1 f u l l l JV |J I U I

Kreppel and Carol Markuson n l D a gt l o n lt-hnstmas Sum Song S a | | v bdquo bdquo - i ( T-Igtresident Mary Chaplain Eleanore Daul Histori- a l i ( F r a n N gt s l a ( l Activities U ) m l l s | 1 Z ( | l Mashnll Barba- S m i I e s D i rec ton a n s Patr ic ia Van Gysel and Deena I ) i w s l l l a S t romwassor His- s k T l a s m bdquo o a n L u ( w i bdquo President Sally Van Riper 63

i n-^ uovi bullbull w iii-bdquo Nice-President r red Smith (gtbull 7 Daniels Songlcadcr Anne Smith l o r M M Dtm U ( X | ( bull W A A l u c Corresponding Secre tary Nancy Sec re ta rv Kathleen McMahon (ii- E ( l l l o r o l l ) - |M IT Sports Captains Lenora McCabc tenta t ive Sherri Hcuscr House | ) m s | S ( bdquo n t l l l v t p a n T r p a s u r c V Patr ic ia Woinoski 63 f raquo r th fomins yea r and Jill Weitz and Par l i amenta r i - President Maureen Green and bdquo K u s M a p | l n j Heagan P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n Carol Coursel le

an Martha Golensky House President Maureen Green F lt ( C ( i r ( | jnbdquo Secretary Irene Cab ]2 fuhlicity Director J o a n n e v w S K a n i a and House Manager Dorothv Ie- n bdquo bdquo Wenzel 64 La Salle Co-ordinator

ano Historian Dolores Blanche bdquo bdquo _ibdquo_bdquo gt T bdquo bdquo O c vim Sandy ( reenberg o l l n n i t y i n - wt-lkcr elenni i

Alumni Secretary Terr Tomas- ordinator Anna Mackenzie 64 s | n i annnunc-I IIbull I G a m m a s next president Addition- ( a m m a K a P P a l gt h i w s k i S o n - l e a d e r Carolyn d e l s Albany Home Co-ordinator Grct- i a n s j bdquo | l isS bdquo -1 iffirplaquo bull ibdquo P-ciibdquoi r i i r bull Athletic Direclir Monica Caulfield chen Monroe 64 Hasse Konen and i gtri| t ai onieers a i e vice- t res ident Ihe new president ol ( annua n M I m | i bull Ml u nKbdquobdquoL-- owiint crp i- in i i - and IubiiciU Director Joanne So-mvc rest Dur ing next gt i - 11- Mai uouecK Kecorciins scc re - Kappa Phi is Barbara Manso bgt neany s ^

i i iV i t v i I T h e niw c i f f i f f i r i fur ^ l A W s l ie l e a d e r s 111 l l l i v a i i i lie t a ry Audrey C r a m e r Correspond Other of ieers include ice-Pres- n the new oll iccrs lor S l A Y S R

a r c Bell Kline P r e s i d e n t Helen ixiunei iiiini nin i bull bull infi Secre ta ry Elaine Bal laban ltlni Beatrice Heath Treasurer Simna Alpha Bowers S e c r e t a r y Elaine Ba rbe r M i l -V A n l l ( a lden n ii-- T reasure r Phyllis Ciapolla ASMS- Suzanne Plait Recordiny Secre- n i n ^ V m i n s n N M | ( i ce -p res iden l and Robert Todd ( r s Shelly KCII TN bull I Hint T reasu re r Ellen OKeefe Re- i rv Susan Gardner Correspond T r e a s u r e r J o h n Wal lace firl |M norler Klimr K n i n r ^u-rd s- L-I e r s i v i n a Alpha lor lie-1 year Volleyball S u a n MM bull I- k l - V 1 Secrctary Nancy Jo Mem A ( | | i t l l l I K l | bdquo bdquo bdquo a v bdquo s A M I A R a y m o n d Smill and I bdquo bull i c a U Dons p7 b lm nn a r Cb ol in U S h ( a a i n S bullMa gt raquo- bull ^ bull ^ a Gum- lit S e c Association of Mens I n t r a m u r a l u l Softball DamVI S

i bara Keeruin Alumnae Se e arv bdquo Athletics has chosen the o o w i n u f r a n c e s ( icero and bull u bull Donna M c t u r d y LSI Represent- taigt 1 at HosKins l u a s u r e i bdquo atives Carol Schickrow Sports Me^ Smoycr Marshalls Pirct Kult bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo bull bdquo bdquobdquobdquo bdquobdquo S l i bull C e r S ^ ^ j Captain Varol Ea ton Historian and Sandy Bamurchak ( haplain ( m l l bull R ^ p i S a V Sndy Balassone Son l eade r nda Eustance Clerk lea Bi- r ^ h S P ^ ^ - ^ Grace Davis and Marshal ls Ear- w m a | l j s t o | a n bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo - bull ^ gt gt laquo en Eine and Marlene Gilhs HeprosonlaliW Joan S o m n i c m l l o

i o Editors ol Gazette Anne Duuan bull bull bdquo Rush i aplains -gthar ai l iradish and ( h i Sigma Iheta and Carol (iillick Soneh ader Mar- - ^

Alal IK les Soil li ader I inda lloldmu the laquoavel for Chi Si^uia l 1 Sorenson Spuls Direclor Su- bdquo | l Mbdquo bdquo bdquo | bdquo n S H l ( 1

Theta next gtear will be Mary Ann ^laquon Gei-ien Pbdquo l i m e n i a n a n lm | 1 ( ] ( | ] bdquo bdquobdquobdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo M a | Diltiiscio h2 iiolfiint other posi d White and Parliauiei lar Coin ion a r Vice Preside Sue Gat bdquobdquo bdquo J u ( h ( | | ) ( | bdquo bdquo bdquo l l a l - -^ lgtn Lindsay Riualis Iney Secret i ry J i nk Davis l i v a - Susan | a n Sports Duvelor Pal i i n bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo

i an am Diane ) Vnio n u l l gt iu II) ( r urer Arleiie I aeii inas Alumni i i n bull bull bull bull Secretary Bonnie Da idvin Ea i ul nin Sue liarriiiin IS( Repr - i

Gammott - Slateh We have conic to bury Caesa r not to pra i se him

U S h a k e s p r

a n and D i a n e D A n u i

B e t a Z e t a

M a c D II I louse P r e s i d e n t I

l l l l s e n b a l i l l I louse V i c e I l C o r i i - s e c o n d t i m e t h is v e a l w e o i l e r o u r l l i a u k - bull

bull L w i n D o i l a n i l and H o u s e l a i i a e r he s I lie- C o m i n o n S l a t e r w h o c a u s e d a l l I h c e o i i H l a t i v e S h a r o n P a r r S o n L e a d e r I e idn iL I a la - n c v o l l i e e r s l l e l e L e r r o i l c o u r s e Is 11bull n b | e c l o l l l l l s c o l u m n t o n e e d l e l e i l M e l B e P e r r y H i s t o r i a n R o - a i i i i h i - P r e s i d e n t D o n - E d e l s t e i n l J r i ini l l l i i o s e l i i i - e r r n - i a i l l o l l 1111 Bob h a d o n e o f the J i a i l i e s l n e e d l e s III i

i l i a a n o i i o i i s i n a n a i o n I r ] r ( | - a r lee P r e s i d e n t ^ | i ^ raquo

A l i c e L M I H I I I i n o i e d a l o n e to o i l i e r t i l i n g s co i r I a s a n d i h a i i t - - Bob

IIIGO iw iti IIS

Rel igious Groups

Name Officers ni - i i i lie d o w n at th is end h e r e I

c a m p u s a i m mi I h e i r new o l l i c e r s s u n re l i j i o i i s o r e a n i z a t i o i

a i n p i i s a i m l o r ini raquo j

Council ol Kclilaquoimis ( b i b s



Cultural Groups

Select Officers We i l l - new ( o n i i n o n S l a t e r h e r e i n p l e d n u r - e l

m e p o l l i I n o i l e r p l a u d i t s w h e n d e s e r v e d T o - G 1 I l ie i u l t u r a l o r e a n i a l i o n s on

bullbullIUs have selected their lead eommon I s ( l 11- bdquobdquo bdquo w | | ( | s

bullbullits ers lor the bdquor hconinlaquo yea r lea l all the skeletons in e ier Maidy s closets bdquosbdquo

Dramat ics and Arts Council k v - 1 1 whal a s t a r t i i t ease i l i n H o l d i t OK i d u m p

in r i td i t t h e r e G o o d h u n t e i u h l bdquo

n i n e loads bdquo bdquo l a do it D u s it I n - s i d e n l I l a s s e E o p e n V i c e L A D I E S I l t S I

p r e s i d e n t Bonce S c o t t S e c r e t a r y

P r o s n i J a n D i c k e i a n gtv e m m m tha t e n d J n J u d y N i s s m T r e a s u r e r J i m J a c k H u o i o r s a r e l l y i i e a u a m Say les I l a l l s l a t e d l bdquo r n bull bullbull

V i c e p r e s i d e n t Ross D u n n raquo I l t ( l | E H l i n e v e e iiot e r su T r i o u i C h a i r m a n G a i l Bur - J u s t l l i i n k a l t e r a l l t h e s e y e a r s l l n l f l o o r S a y l c s L OCS I -

- - i i 1 ibdquoa ell lnbdquo| reads look Ibis movii i up dav seriously Don I I autci Inn lt lull Iisl annil m ailed

D e b a t e C o u n c i l c i r c u s l e n l s h a l e b e e n o r d e r e d a n d w i l l be p i t c h e d i n I O i l E M G o o d k e e n at i f bull

P1 I n i D a w - C i l l e i i V i M i l l n i P a c i n i - 1-nli | il


I n i s t i a n Sen bdquo ^ L n K W lhi a l gt gtraquo ilaquoslaquo laquo Pi Milen l i ranNvVTSTre 1 o n T I V ^ n s t r a t i s c bdquo P1 eh HI Iloss In leu in jiititcs Ml rii-hl inn men Gils Speliniail f r i l H lehl

| | j | | | s l i k v | gt o w r l (hat tree 1 He bdquo U1 bdquobdquobdquo in bdquo bdquo ub lt raquolaquonlaquo-l

1|nv bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull- laquobullbullbullbull bullbullbulllaquobull - - M laquobdquogt- m-n-s ua bull I|- raquo laquo laquo K I I I trade w a i - sbdquo n bdquo s Aiiabdquoi laquo bdquo bdquo n ibdquo wubdquobdquoi

I n t e r V a r s i t v h r k i l bull u h r l a d l t l i l l bull bull h a i l i e I U I I M I I S l ^ ^ d a i l o W e w a n n i c e h a p p y w e e k e n d s s bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo

a c e lllill ha

p r c M d e n l N o r B e n n e i t bull l v n W i - p r i - f i - r m i r m i n i h i i a m i u r v i l

- bull Jn-Mdfiit Rosalie CONKIIIII So vvbal So this is Albani We can still ll-iii l i b C b a l e l l IJ bdquo e U n i t s it igtil Okay here s thai V | r l bdquo bdquo S | u bdquo ( l l ) r ( | a bdquo u We want nice happy u c d u r n d s and sunny d a y

d ni P e l r I ro l ich il o i l i e r l o a d H i n d i in h e r e ( h a i l i e e r-- i i M bullgt i M ( i e i a i ) D o i o t n s i i a i i i u e i e i e r h e a r d ol l i a i i n i l o u d in M a n p l a

l u t e V a r s i t y ( h n s t i a n F e l l o w s h i p a s M bull D u m p | r h in H o n T r e a s u r e r K a t h y G l a s s | | ) | bdquo | s u - bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo m bdquo bdquo bdquo P i idei i t M a n P u r e e ii d lti it pi le l l i e r e G r e a t y o u r e [ bdquobdquobdquo r n i i i bull

r e s i d e n t N o r B i l l ic i t lil ioil i l n i i--o-- bullbull bull i l i l e l i ( h a i l i e W e l l t h a t s the Eoriini nl Polities

- - bull an Snide d e l a t i o n - I bdquo ^ a l i j hv V I x ^ trade ^ ^ l^1^^ ^ no T Z Z i l is t-1 ade this ei d and well be all

P r e s i d e n t I n - ( ioet e lil V lee p r e s i d e n t L i n d a M a t l i s o n lit

I M I D I I K l l e gt E d The p r e s i M e t h o d i s t S t u d e n t t e l l o v t ship

dent ul the ( i i l l c K e Is h e r e to see P r e s i d e n t -J i bullbull bullbullbull

m u d c o m e s in L

an Dicl man ii - i o n V i c e p i e s i d e n l K a t t u e S h i u i d l lii

I lesident Whats tile idea ol Newiiiaii Club dumping all that mud in our park

Vice president Arilhnm DiRoeeo raquolaquo i o l Y o v i laquo l l gt i s held in I alaquoc Hall

Student Christian Association IDItEMAN Oh This isnt for M o v i n g I p D a y S i r W e r e h a v i n g

P r e s i d e n t N a t a l i e C l a r k tiii a sack r a c e in p i l l o w c a s e s fo r a V i c e p r e s i d e n t J o y c e L e w i s T I D E c o m m e r c i a l





G u e s s w e h a v e to sagt s o i i i e i l n n e about M o v i n g P D

bull l a y F i r s t of a l l w e o f f e r a h e a r t y W e l l d o n e i

H e e e v e n t h o u g h w e h a v e n t s e e n a n v l l i i n laquo y e l T i n i i

e r s so t h e r e s u l t s m u s t be K O I M I l ( J W ( M | | | | | | | ) | K U A

is g e l t i n H l i k e the A c a d e m y A w a r d s a n d w e f e l l a s l e e p d m

Y o u k n o w l bdquo bdquo lone | l m bdquo a n y t r i v i a l i t i e s T u n e l o r i n

w e t h i n k S o m e t h i m l i k e a s h o r t p r o g r a m bdquo t h e i i i o r n m i

a n A l l C o l l e t p i c n i c o r o u t i n y at s o m e c a m p w e c o u l d i -n i

be D i p p i k i l l


0 1 H I E A N N U A L D A V

Where did they plant last y e a r s iv v

State College News ALBANY NEW YORK FRIDAY S E P T E M B E R 22 1901 VOL XLVI NO 17

Dr Deeringer to Govern AcademicsasNewDean

A newly appointed administrator Dr Jack Deeringer is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Albany State His appointment went into effect on September 1 1961 after the College was without a clean alter mid-July when Dean Oscar E Lanford was named President ol (lie Stale University College of Education at Fredonia

Dr Deeringer will carry responsibility for si vera funcshytions formerly discharged by Dean Lanford Responsibility will be especially in academic counselling and the encourshyagement of scholarship

DH I It K ( U U I 0

Carrino Heads

I l i i ions c d m a l i o i i a l bull p e r n t-

o f I ) r I l e e r n i r i n c l u d e d p o - i i i o n

as l i i i Ii school E n e l i - h and d r a m a

t e a c h e r c i i r r i e u l u n i o o r d i n a i o r

for the lockp ul publti i 1 t e r n and a d m i s s i o n ^ C M I H - I I r

P1 n ubiic Relations

o l S t u d e n t - at he I i i i - c l - l l i o l

l i u f f a l o - e n i i c m t h i s a p a e i t i | n w i t h t h e new s e m e s t e r

unt i l li)K w h e n he a c e p l e d l l i e l i e u h a i l bullbull- b a l e b e e n m a d e i n

d e a n s h i p at I o r m i e i n a d m u i i - i r a l i o n D r f r a n k ( 1

D r D e e r i n e e i c o n i c to M l a m i a i i i i i o is the new A s s i s t a n t to the

S t a t e f r o m the S t a t e I n c e r - i l i I r c - i m - n i n| the I o l l e and also

C o r n n i j C o m n i u u i t i ( o l l c e i i h e r e 11 bull bull 1 i - I he p o s i t i o n o l I ro l essor o f

he he ld the p o s i t i o n o l D e a n o l S u M o d e r n I a i i - i i a - i e s h e r e at S l a t e

d e n t s I n f a c t he w a - t he i r - l | i n l to the P r e s i d e n t

D e a n f o r t h e c o l i c e i i l u c l i u - - ] - C a r r i i n i m i l head l u b l i c Re-

f o u n d e d lt1111gt t h r e e e a r - a e o l a l i o t i - I I n - p o s i t i o n m i l consist

D r Deer i i i - -er is a o - a d u a l e ol llv | c u o r d i n a i i i u i n lo i i na -

l l o l c i r l I o l l e c H e r e c i i i e d h i - | h M | - | a l m i n o u r c o l i c a n d

M a s t e r s and D o c t o r a t e d e - r o e - in | | | n | i r | M i | p | - - s and o i l i e r

e d u c a t i o n at I h c t m i e r - i i i o l l i u l a c i i i i h e - i n b u n c l A l s o H w i l l

Ialo aI t he h u e - ol I o i n i n u m e a t i o n be-

A c t i i e in e d u c a l i o l i a l and c u e i M I i i e l l l e e e gti[t e o m i n u n i l y

a f f a i r s D r D e e r i n c c r - a m e m | l ( | r ] ] n i i u n H | n a ( 1 i | bull bdquo bdquo h e r o f I b i D e l t a K a p p a e u V o r l | i l N - m l i e r e a O h i o

p p r o x i i n a t e l y t w o w e e k s a m i A s s o c i a t i o n o | D e a n - a n d i d m I a n e P (1 h i M r 1 e e at


SU Obtains New Director Stale College welcomed a fresh- l cr nnel salioiial l-du aimn -inan class of 71)0 s tudents and Mr soeiatimi and Koaiv Inn rnainmal William MeKinnon the new Inioii Commii tcc ol the oimu bull hap t

A l raquo i i w h i l e at i o f l l l l l he l l a - a

i n e t n l i e r n l d i e I oai d I

ul Ibe C u r i u m lt M M o - n Horn and b r e d in W i s c o n s i n M i

d i rec tor



M K i n n o n g r a d u a t e d f r o m S t o u t

Stale Col leee in A i i e u s l 1))) u l i b

U i i che lo r o l Sc i i n e e d e c r e e i n

alien l- or t i n p a -

b e e n r-J r e i n 1 1bull

dent l l i e p r o r

In- I

Indus r ia l T e c h n o l o g y W h i l e p r e s i i l o i l nl the s tuden t b o ( l a n d a y 1 |

in mber o l the p l a n n i n g e o m i i i i l t i e bull

I die Student I n i o n he b e c a m e raquo laquo a d m i i u - n

u r i in te res t d in S t u d e n t I i n o n u ~ l

I ei Miil l lel a n d a e t i i l e s a n d t h e u r bull t n n e n l I

- Iuivini p r o l e s s i o n o f s t u d e n t u n i o n l 1 l

l l i i i l l i l ^ e i n e l l l E r o m sl r I d as the I n u n

Director at the I n N i | l i r a s k a a i d i n j a n d e o u n e e l l i n

i l nt p l a n n e d a c i n i l l

11 I l ie

I I I d I I

I il i i bull i i o l W i- i o i i - m in lti-17

I n - i i i ) I I oin t h e I n i l e l s i ty

M bull III a l l i ilV

I l a n la i In an his

a eer i | i a m S l a t e as an i n

i r u o r in a i r Mod rn I a i i a i i a a e

c p a r 1 i n 1 i e I nn S p a n i - h

I bull i at i m o n e p i e i l the i lo ei -

a I t i o a l l o i i a l lt i l i t e r i n

bull - i l n i Ii m i - u n d e r

a - n i p i l l t i l l u l l e d

n n a m i lt i l i t e r e n c i

o l h i p I i n l o r a pe

i 1 i l a l l e l - I l l Il he

i i - S t a l e

President Collins Meets Class of 1965 at 8 PM

Friday night in Brubacher Lower Lounge the work of the Student Guides for 1961 will culminate with the Presishydents Reception From 8 pm to 10 pm the Class of 1965 will formally meet the heads of the college and student govshyernment Receiving the freshmen will be Dr Evan R Colshylins President of the College and Mrs Collins Dr Elmer C Mill hews Associate Dean of Administration and Mrs Mathews Dr Jack M Deeringer Associate Dean of Acashydemic Affairs Dr Clifton C Thorne Dean of Men and Mrs Thome Dr Ellen C Stokes Dean of Women Mrs David

l i rooker President of Student Asshysociation and Mrs Brooker and Miss Marcia Eimlislt and Mr Howshyard Woodruff Co-chairmen of Stushydent Guides

To avoid a hum wait in the reshyceiving line the freshmen will be received according to the first inishytial of the s u r n a m e of their big bro ther or big sister

A-EmdashS pm-830 p m F-Kmdashlaquolaquo) pm- p m L-Rmdashfl pm-930 p m

It is suggested that the upper-c l a s sman precede the f reshman introducing himself and the freshshyman to each person in the line

The men at tending the event a re reques ted to wear dark suits The women should he att ired in dark dresses with h a t s and gloves

Student Guide P r o g r a m Marcia English and Howard The Student Guide p rog ram be-

Woodruff pract ice for the reception gins in the winter When the prosshypective student visits Albany a

y-raquo A I I student guide ass is t s the Admis-

C06CfG MUUS s i l s Office by escorting the ap-

Two Buildings



Lsectr|i Rivalry Committee Enthused at

pound7 Lively Spirit of Student Body

plicanl lo his interview and giving li in a tour nl the campus Durum the s u m m e r months an upper-c lassman c m t c c l s an incoming

the two new buildings now be- freshman and acquain ts the fresh-m bull I-ei hi the college a re Ihc m a M willi college life before he ar- bull 1111111bull 11 Avenue annex which rives at Stale w a s f o r m e r l l i e t e m p l e o f C o n -

bull r o c a l i o n o b a v S h o l o m a n d t in p ^ Q raquo v ^

I V s i r - Annex wh ich was tor J O i A K O S t S

ineily a I res|- l enan I hurc 11

Tin- Wa-hue Ion Avenue annex i out a in- lour i lassroonis ti o ol u I n c h a r e con d d e l e d la i e l e d l i r e balls Ms II honsc- the Develop- l l s s c Kopcn I resident of the m e n i a l I t e a d i n O f f i c e ol M r N e w shyton and M i f l a i l T h e i u r r i e i l l u m M a t e r i a l s l a h r a n has b e e n m m I a l l p r o d u c t i o n of O t h e l l o T h e p r o -

Othello Roles Dramat i c s and Arts Council an-

n l o i l n - a i D r M a t t h e w s

ha- r e p o r t e d t h a t t h e p a r t i t i o n i n g

bet H i en llie l o o m s u ill he i l l ip l o l

l r M e K i n n o n w h o n o w r e - i d l1 l l i n u i l h Ins w i l e D i a n e l l o u c u u l A o r k u i l h t h e S t u d e n t I T u m i i r a l l i

l iaan l in s c h e d u l i n a i I i it i cs a m i l b l i e a l l i

in i t in at l i r i i b a h e r l p ie I I-I

l b - s p l 1

a m i d i l o bullbull

| b d h

l a i l o i i b

I i o b p i i

i - in I l a

h b a l l - I

1 d i i r i i i i l n i c a r

L a k e a n n h o u s e s on

iliniioii will he under the direi lion ol Mr lm Sweari i igen Ins t ructor of Kimlisli

I a i i i c i p a t i n i in t h e cast a r e

la-ai Daniel La Beille (gt- Bra-bantio 1aul Villains li 1st Bra-

Students Plan

Activities Day l i l K V a r A c l u i l i e s D a m i l be

(| Ui l l i e l i r i i b a e h e r C a m e I f o o i u

l I l o b e r 7 i r o n 2 u n t i l I l

l l a i i i u e u lo r t i n - spe m l e i n l

Mraquol-gt A l i c e h y n o i p d i a m i A m l i t

I n i lsk j both m e m b e r s o l t

h m i o r class ol ( i l l

bdquo | - 1 l bdquo i 111 I

I l I l l a I n I a n d In M u l on | - | | a n d Sop l i

an i -I11 i bull l - a n p u r p o s e ol A e l l l l l l e s D a l Is th i s u al II Si olid

liiiiint Ileshineii and t rans fe r s | ( | l l ( ( I M 1 M I I H | S I U l die many differenl o r e a i u a llb u |l campus and to ei ieoura

li M bull n n IIMI s

i i I I I - I H i

s i i i b a l l un n a n d

a l u p Mol l

n a a in

p n o l h i

1 r i u p p e r


1 -1 i

nn i i i - i

| 1 i - n nil IM i gt |bdquobdquok - |oiiltla in


I la- bull l i claquogt

Pushball U l |nl llie skU-

In I 1

l l l e e b a i l m a n al

e e I m n l l a m

About t w e n t y o r g a n i z a t i o n s w i l l be en C o n n i e i i m lc i

i ii a n d u i i -1 l i i i i l n - | 1 N n h a i l m a n l o r

s o i l b a l l i n I I o i l e iraquogt I raquo bull utter their ta lents lo one laquo l l - gt M l l | u k n

-I- of these organiz-alioms Steve In ^ ^ ^ ^ gt-u ^ lraquou gt ^ l-i-i rehearsa l loi

|)n splay and more than willing ^ m n e n M a n m i l bullbull ^ p r d i - laquoxplaiii their respect ive purpos | | l m i H i i a l n cm gt bullbull bullbull s

| l l w | a | l l - V laquo i ls As usual Student Union Board Wll l- l ink IM UN bull M n y 1 bonlire Ulaquol will be serving r e f re shment s The Mbdquohr v) s i o s Is-ue ol class newspapers iitec hopes that all new sill Carlhs i-i l bullI 1 ^ bull pi a in football Nov dlaquonts will a t tend to acquain t them Kivahv i - u 1 i 1 H p in Campus night 8Llves with our organizations Mao l- bull hi l u

lie ol

Sine n o r t h

D e l


I-11 l h l ^ l l i bull bull I iiamio servant Albert l i rmht lraquoi idhon ed indent roup- will be ( ) l K | | ( ) gt M a | | v M l l M l l l i bull - ( ) bdquo k p

-i11 I a r i a i e e lor the Use ol this ( l-s v | A U ( m | a n - ( l l v tia

bull raquo l l 1 bull S 1 1 l 1 1 - 1 o ihc l lo s Lnd Al lendanl Nathan i n Ibe n a i o l Hie liiihbim is p u r k ( | | )v cassio Arthur Jem gt opid bv llie oflie - ol tin m in K | I gt - | M gt| 1 ittM Stanley Bur-

bei bull I die l-veh ilov Depart U 1 gt k | li- gtn| on-- Steven i- I I Im ha-eiuelil will be Used K | W bull- ) u k t | | a l- | ( | Senes

I l - holo v Iab 01 ( i ra t iano John Velio UL Mall- it li l ii die buddims iihich were | a n 0 | Joe Ball lgt5 Clown Joe

n use last u a there have been KeMncr lia lodov ico Bruce IOIIIV movements llie Medical Karle US Messenger Herbert u l l n e has iiioved into the base HerlZog lii Dukes I age Cars inii ui Draper llie Ad in issions luczak (ia 1st Senator I t ichard n i i iee has a ronn uilo llie Medical Hodgers til Lnd Senator J im Olln-i ol last veal Draper -ill has Jackson liL 3rd Senator Clifford 1-n made uilo offices lor tell lUiyg liS -lib Senator f r a n k Kv iiuonber- nl llie Social Studies De ersoi) ti-l Sailor Hubert Jaiico p H inin (ia Desdeniona linda Koitz Tia

I || library here is a new Desdeinona s maid linda Dclfs iiiierolilm machine winch take- lia Emil ia Ba rba ra Steindorf li-l plioiosiais of the microfilm projec- Bianca Clara Uarlh ti5 Bar Maid I There is a new Language fugen ia Husiiiku US lah in Milne School and a ham Assisting Mr Sweari i igen is Miss

oaee Lab in the TV area Gail Softer The production will be s of the spring semester there presented November tt amp -1 in I age

wll ||K a third annex called the Hall audi tor ium at 8 oclock p m Central Avenue Annex The l ine one half hour ea r l i e r than most c lassrooms will be used fur the other productions Mr Swearii igen leaching of Biology tie n e r a I may be contacted in Richardson Science1 and Earth Science L7J


To the Frosh Once more it is the privilege of the News to dedicate an

editorial to several beanied and name-tagged frosh and to hundreds of unidentifiable devils We welcome you to State and wish you luck as students and teachers

There is no formula for success Perhaps the only adshyvice we can offer is another warning to add to your already numerous load Dont depend too much on luck look beshyfore you leap dont let things slide

With the stated purpose of becoming to quote a former News editor educated educators you are studying at one of the finest colleges in the nation Youve heard that you are the best prepared students to ever enter the college This analysis gives you the added responsibility of living up to the expectations of your fellow students the faculty and the administration

Although the main facet of your college life should be academic you will never be educated unless you also learn socially Do be enthusiastic Sincere enthusiasm is a rare and a valuable quality With a little caution and wise judgshyment you can learn to budget your time and interests For instance now before the work load is too heavy Rivalry will give you a tremendous opportunity to enjoy the fellowshyship of others

Some of you will refuse to face the problems and decishysions of college life Others those who learn to adapt themshyselves will gain tremendous satisfaction from their life at Albany State

State College is worth the effort

Focus On Faculty


My professional exper ience gives me an opportunity to write music for my students and thus gives me a closer contact with the student in developing g r e a t e r inshyterest My reward is satisfaction in the enthusiasm shown by the student during p e r f o r m a n c e Mr Anthony Salatino a new m e m b e r of our music depar tmen t has had a wide range of pract ical experishyence in the music world He veshyhement ly denies the t ime-worn proshyverb If you cant do it teach i t

M l SIC ARRANGER Mr Salatino has a r r anged mushy

sic for Buddy Morrow and such =gt bands as the Hal Mclntyre Band He plays a wide variety of musical ins t ruments but he specializes in clarinet and saxophone His Symshyphony in Jazz had its p remie r at ^ Carnegie Hall and another comshyposition of his Symphont Fantas t i -que was presented at the Brookshylyn Academy of Music For a t ime he was an associate conductshyor of the Riverside Symphony Orches t ra

- ------~--

IP amp i V

It was nice music but you c a n t twist to it

To All Our Readers T v WORK

Have you heard the Chester-_ mdash field March on the ABC television

network Mr Salatino a r anged Throughout the summer and especially this week the a He has also scored the Babo

new editor of the News has repeatedly been asked about commercial From symphonies to s u b s e q u e n t p o l i c i e s a n d p l a n s Of t h e p u b l i c a t i o n Madison Avenue He composed the

Because of its nature and its relationship to the col- trades|c ^ l ^ ^ Z ^ Z ^ Z i -i i i c y-i 1 VT j- bull i i i i World I his past Sunday a l ternoon lege community the State College News has a fairly stable l]u Barb(rlon Ohio High School purpose This year as in other years the only organized B a n d p e r f o r m e d s o m e 0f his works means of communication on the campus will strive to of- o v e r the ABC television network fer accurate unbiased and we hope interesting reports Air Salatino had a two-week va-o n a l l f a c e t s Of o u r c o l l e g e cation in California this s u m m e r

Since the News is directed and written entirely by stu- ~vvhilc he waf scjrin m u s i c fr

dents and since its main body of readers is the student body a l e l t m i o n pilot tllm the News will chiefly emphasize the activities and view- EARLY INSPIRATIONS points of students HbdquoA an( why did Mr Sala-

However students should also be aware of happenings become interested in music and circumstances in faculty and administration For this is music teacher in high school

encouraged him to study m a n y dilferenl ins t ruments and In con-

seconcl aspect of the over-ail purpose the News attempts to provide specific information in areas affecting students

1 CT linue In- education in music Her Thirdly the News must represent State College to peo- warmth and mier-st se rves

pie outside of the college community These readers often ugt an example for in own at-judge the worth of the school by the informative material mode toward Widens Alter high contained and the student views reflected in the paper school he attended Fredmm state

_ KT Coile-e and Hie Kasimali School ol The News welcomes the criticism ol students laculty Ul]M [r Saldino -ludd at ltltgt-

and administrators If you have suggestions please tell us |n- raduae ludeni i instead of your friends Then if you are really dedicated m-- em hi - workm- on in- d raquobullbull to these ideas help us to carry them out come into the im-ai the-i-Publications Office and work on the newsuaner

Meanwhile remcmljcr that your raioperution and tn-i-ouiagciuent are at hast as necessary and val complaints liable as your |

eoiu l i a i i i -|i


Vol XIV|


BY T H E C L A S S OF 1 0 1 1

Si | i l e | | | | | ( [ ll | | |

Mr Sa

I INIA I 1 -| I I |

VII ii i i bullbull-bull llIM- VI- I 11

M A k V U i l Kl-l -- IrfKl-i Mi l l l n 1 IMItJJAiM I1AII AMNK SMI I II U N I M l l h l d l V HIYANNe - I O U I J I11 IJA VIJ-S


Stall a i a n III-

bulli bullbull V i i l bdquo |

M din r i | bdquo | | i

bullbullbull I bull if - I i i n bullbull i bull i I - I I ii bull i- H bull ii

i r | I - i c I a l u m i i 1 I i r | r bdquo n | bdquo bdquo 1 bullbull am bdquo bdquo [ bull bull W - I arine bdquo bdquo bdquo bull

bull l 1 bullbull Hi-- V i T i u l I I gt l i 1 V A 1 IM the n cu l l

I l i 1 l N u H i e a - l i r i i I Miled S t a l e

l r Sal b e h n e s II bdquo bullbullbullllaquoMI | mode nuisie

lt raquo ) Ml II -(bull l l l 1 - bull gt l n i T bdquo | bdquo l r bullding huuld |bdquo s l n ( | n

h e a l i m i as well ibdquo | | e n r IIUIIIIIIIII

Q04fUMCM-poundtcUampl Big t rees from little a c o r n s grow


S ta te has received the three It smdash Religion Rivalry a Id Sayles has received the feminine touch This evemn received in Iru the Frosh may rece ive an initiation bull l andmarks Creeks have received the devi l s with open v hope our column is is wa rmly rece ived


Since there s a lways a calm before the s to rm a bullbullbull i is in order here to all those who took p a r in m a k m F r e s h m a n Weekend and ol the 65 Handbook Id ad i words of praise they will be few and far between


This is the password for the fall s e m e s t e r We i bullbull in an in tegrated cafeteria lacking their fami l ia r in Long lines in the c o m m o n s show we h a v e a small spark I alism kindling on c a m p u s - - t o o bad the re a ren t an In -with which we can increase the f lame


It s eems that one group has been heading lor Ihi bull t days Maybe they re looking for a p lace to live x bull that an act commit ted three y e a r s ago h a been m i l would like to see some action mi Hie part ol an apii Office L u c and let l ive


I he i nli Hi l inn ml Imi ii i (I I In bull pu l l 1 leal - | l ud j i i t ron i ni-i 11 r - i l i ia at l ea - l h i l re-1 ii M n i r l i in I n In n -i I I In 1 the l ie i l a I

oM-l le i le in ii l ie i l ho ile i A | i i i l ln- i ii bull i | ill I l ine i bullbullbull I al he nh 1

pi a ii lo al i la i in bull II id il i - iin Me i i i

I I I Vi)l) S D O I M I i

W III I In 1 ill l i l l i l bullbull PI e | I bull 1 I

I I IT lt A I I HO I el I I M| h e 1 | l | l ii i l l b

ee e i | pIll 11 looui and -i n ior - bull liuA bullbull i| lie bull lee b i | I bull a I i l i l l e i n i l - | i I l ie bull

lb i l l I l ie i n i l I IM la a i mi l 111 bull bull I i II a

s K i i i M M s i ) i

I m l loi ll llI I l u l l II I i OH le l i e l i |

Hie M u d e i i l I min i i l l eItno oi e i l ba l i l e an Inn - II i m I n M ale loi II I elHA i l l In Ii

a l l I l ie In Id bull Iin

(II t i l l WEEK

Will llns be a ai ol I nAlli Im Mm Ui in i|iiole i ho l e i

n i l


gt 1 1

l i | bdquo (bdquo I l l |(

l l i| i

iil 11 I f-IAlh C I N W h

Notices Senor - and g radua le - udenl -

ile-inII- ol applgt ui- lor a I1 id bright a A ard granl mg one ea r ol loi e o n -1 ml diolllil bull lam ne necei^arj fornii Iroui Or Kdvuird I Shaw in Oi aper iiil

College Calender

in II pi ibii

I i ie il AH slultlents who ^ o k p a n bdquo

ll Sep tember Import bdquobdquo raquolaquo p r o g r a m should a t tend a ^ H m g in O r a p e r ii ()11 s oer amp at i p bdquoi


H 00 10 III) p III Ill Ilent - l ( l ( epllon

SAi l KDAV S I I T I A l l i E l t 2i

lo no i III Ki ah gt I ne ol U ar I o j) in ld ahgt Men s Sollhall I o |i m i(n alrgt Womei s Suit ball


No Make up Monday

T i l l T t S O A V SI 1IEIVinEH US

7 io DiO igt m SOU Bridge Night


jeception ProvesLively jut jazz Goes Bust

I _ laquo i i i A M k O M S enordinntnrs Mill Mornnli una By BILL FRANKONIS


bull Kv BiLii mdash coordina tors Bill Burnett and Ar-

1 MI r o l l e r Reception en te r - l e laquo P i u n a s flie All-tolie0e n e e i T h c s n o w s l ( ) p p c r i a s n c S() o f l o n

taiifanent i s s e l d o m i trade i is was Danny Iabeille His mimic g e d but this y e laquo s e n t e r a i n - ( j f

3 was bull ^ g j S S ^ d raquodf for the day was a magnificent i t gt s been m previous y e a r s a n a o n c _ M h ^ perfcaps foreshadows even happ ie r L a | ) e i | ] L s p a n l o m i n c w a s a f n s h

ye|s ahead on the I afec Hall ^ s p a r k l n g a s j f R W ( gt n ^ ^

straquogc- done for the first tune There was sect e combined ta lents of Anne n ( ) d ( ) u h ( a b ( ) U | l h ( s u r r o u n ( | j n j H bdquo

Si th and Elly Daul resul ted in a | ) ( u r t i c l e s | H i n bdquo l l s ( 1 bdquo w a s

delightful rendering of gui ta r -ae- 1S r c a a s i f ( h ( i y W ( r ( h e i t _ companied songs in a style some- a n ( J 1 ) ) l s | s | h ( M bdquo r ( ( ( | | ( | ( r | l M l v

ffhat akin to thc Kingston I n o ( )f bdquo m l l ( | Though more There was an electric tension about s | a l ) M k k t h a n |1( m i m i r n M a r

t H duo that t ransmi t ted itself lo ((| M a r ( ( i u iabeilh u a - -the audience at the first gu i t a r s u | ) | ( a s ) | ( | n | u h l l u M ( A h n

chord It was a tension horn ol a j | ( t a l- t | p a m | ) M l | bdquo bdquo flawless knowledge oi their ma- a | n | i r i 0 U s | v hea r twanmn 1 n n d i terlal What they did sounded easy j ( | | ] ( j f | (gtft-n bull r 1kltbulllti an to do and in the Arts anyth ing A s () ( | | a | W ( | n ) | ) u U U | ( i w r | k

that appears easy is usually a ( n ] t ) ) j s u n ( | bdquo n]lrv] a | sign uf long and patient r e h e a r s a l u bdquo bdquo | I ( n | v Torgen - - la The filing eBlafonte-ish s ingers at | ) a | | ( | n | | | ( | v m t i h | a (uJ the m of the show might have ( ( r ( s a | S l i | ( ] ] s | ] ( ) | l | i ( h a H |

done well to emulate Miss Smith h ( t | | l u n a ) a k i n U | N |H and Miss Dahl in the m a t t e r ol h j n ( | -bullbdquobdquobull l m l M l | s |bdquo | a l bdquo

rehearsal mn-ie ol the In- not tin- la Tin interlude foolery of Tim At- ip rogt there lo ie it -bull bull bull iibull I bullr11gt

well a freshman who s a n g two fair to lore a group that know-songs originally sung by Tom Leh w p a t i- gum on in he- eonn mpir rer was a delightful bit of busi- u r y mu^ic world The Uanliahaii-nes- He more than anyone while mil a la group pre ee served to loosen up the audience tgtlltbull gt know Salurdagt ni lit Im and maintain their recept ive mood Oppendi-anos acirdnni h-d L roup His straight-faced antics gave in- made u clear thai he are mn dlcalioil of an eye anil e a r for r | | l r inootlii - l i i l ie- and inn- coniiilymdashand this combined with prule--iuiial group- in the are an almost perfect sense of l iming makes him almost cer ta in ly a

prole--in f o r the next la Ci

bullbull- -- W a r n e r - rmip m i h perMin to hear more from nd the more wi he

Others par excellence the ul t ra- two roup- al Stale thgt original antics of S te inhauer and Torgen i- to be hired | Koprn the voice of Pat Benedet to li-e I re-caressing the lyrics from King I

Inn tin

bulli r

and I the unpretent iousness of whei

- t e l l e r

inn ugt a lliroii back bull tin iillielW IM let - leal e tin lo bull

e tin gt are II hl-oll biiiik-

Conversion Aids Shelter Problem

Mr K Keith Munsey Housing Director has announced that this fall has seen several changes in the la sidence facilities for stushydents The two extensions of Alden and Walerbiiry llalls which were under construction last year were opened as was a new addition Ontario House

The opening of the Alden and Waterbiin extensions have upped total eapaeiK by ilu and 12IS res-pech ie | Walerbiiry Hall is now the lai esi residence hall on iiupii- M iih a normal capacity of bulli-ii limbII ln r u lib i)H is second u ilh ldi n ISsg next

Sagtles i (iiiiinnidates Women Si I i II In i bousing changes

Ibull ani llei liii wilh Ihi opening ol tiool la-t in ek Sa l e - Hall g im Ii had oi imiudali d men for -i eral i - beeanie the iXehlsi e propiii i oi i s ii iiiiien liiuh r t he -a i --ioii H Mr- Ini iihregt iln diii i tor Moir v dh tins u a-I ie i Ihn ol laki and Aladi bullo | I I el - ll i | | i I i p a l l l l

hi oi nun II ad Ib-nh ni- n hi boildri - are loii uliu r iLiii-uii and lhg o r bull bake I || i i I M e l i n l l - e I l l ] - t h e

l bull I - oegi - --lit and ll III aid a i o a nila in c Ilaill net i h 1 I I I A l hu l l - S

11 inliim Itiibn ed

h Ii In- aImi e mi ni iin d oig i - ion- and i l ianei - ha i e m i] i h i pi l e i ima hoi i - i i ig | | I | I || - ol he bull bull i l lege tin i Ion e

bull i - lii d a h Ieihietli ill III the i ia i i una - no i ioa l l i ineanl

bull e e - t i i i ] i p i u in ia te l i h1 e b e e l i tl lpll ll ill

i II and liriibai In r Hall- m mpan-iii I -mill i la-t year

| i buii llali l umen r H n a -II mdashr i rinb io iniiin- llu-


It is cus tomary I suppose upon the birth of a new column to exshyplain ones self to the l i tera te mulshytitudes Down with t rad i t ion 1 say It s a new yea r and pe rhaps no one will notice if I Inconspicushyously creep into the t imeless r ea lm of frustrated feature wr i te rs withshyout a noble purpose to save manshykind With the tuhulant fruits of my prolific brain exposed to view I begin The homely Nurse doth all she can To make her Foster-Child her Inshy

mate Man Forget the glories he ha th known And that imperial palace whence

lie came William Wordsworth

Some people receive ma i l I reshyceive things I subscribe lo Kvcry b r i d a i my weekly home town newspaper fills the void of my long suffering mail box and this


week an interest ing i tem graced its pages Some inspired soul had a poem printed on the editorial page and it s eems his free verse ( ) effort concerned the depa r tu re of Sonny Boy into the world of books and bottles An exerp t

How I will miss you My little one My little one You who have been with me All of the t ime Will they be good lo you Will you be nice to them Baby of mine Smile my dea r He gay my love He happy in your new world Of education begun You may pause now lo wipe

away a tear and stiffle a sob Conshysider these freshmen mdash snatched from the bosom of the hear th fines of home anil plunged into the crass world of mys tery mea l textbook lints v^J gtbullgtraquonnfuiiivgta

invoice views not

ceOn Weekend




of sludcnts who stock up

eo 11 y on co m p boollt s

binders filler paper and

other w r i t i n g supp l i es

You can become a BS

(Better Student) by selecshy

ting from among the largshy

est and finest assortment

of school supplies we ve

ever hud come in and


For Your Co-operati The State College


S i t D I M INION BOARD Uae l a- iii S IT Metre-

al ion i hail man announces the re-iiiuption ol St l i Bridge Xights Me tiii - u ill be Thursday nights liiim 7 iu ii u in Hrubacher

Tin re n ill be a Student Inion Hoard List mug I lour Sundai in Waiei burl Mam Lounge from i to

RADIO STATION W( IA ilie student raclia s ta l l

will meet Thursday in Hrubacher al 7 go An students interested ui joining the group are asked to i Hl le l 7 Ii

J I M O i i S Audi Cihulsky (ill announces

ihai then will In a junior ela-in ibull 1111-_bull tuilav it 1 pm in I iehard son Lliu lit VNSI F i t s

Vou n dl be required to wear ninie lags lor i iir mi n protection I u i tin in up Monday in IOM or IVrisu bs ui Tuesday in the stu dent I el sai im I i l l l l e e

SUB Program Jo Loan Prints

s ii i l iiiin Hoard lias in e in 1 jUogla III de-i lied bull bull i [e i i v - II -Midi ill - ii it Ii Inn oi bull i hi a dot io oi apiil mem I mi o ii - i i -r I lie hoard pur i I- -id Mm i pi nit - I ruin famous I o - bull IIII 111 Ill i l si U d e l l

i imir Ilu plllll s a re ie I I i iiin Imi nig b ami I bull ii on di- pla i in

i on three lllliUIgh I u i-hiig lo Inn

bei h in I in bull i bull Sept mbi i at

gl M I e l l lMi le ellIl lshyil i lii i I t in pi iei i a I I I

M lie it l l i pi lilt - Will be i | Iill e ll t i l l t i l e S i l l

gt| ig I HIIi I gi i l l l li Hi I o l l l l a s

I i t In In

Muilcul I uiiiil Biianl Iriiil Iulit i i m u l l e d - indent- o| t in

Ii i l l lie n i l led In bo l l m l

inI s i i l l - i i i u - l - b o i Ibi l l S A

- lid MI thai llieir iianii J^ I - 11 it li -til number and phone ii mlbdquo r inai be no oided Ii posii l 1 uu in list be made rt In n biiiiov im prints The entire 1 posit u ill be refunded on the re ol the piini and f rame t SMuleiiis IIIii borrow only one priiii n a lime on first come liril s e r i e basis i I rinls ma) be kept lor a half -i iiieslel I K ll eiks I li 11 a Iranu or print or bulb are damaged the borrower will be

judged accordingly

ed tent

t rue perspect ive can only be hieved by reviewing the com-iits of all concerned with the bullekenil We interviewed a few of

wai g counselors

bullVilliam McCarthy 63 1 a mght the weekend was very well j ) a gani ed an excellent group of

osh An indication of how grea t nitiiig was is revealed by the

Col t that everyone was t ired f^Andv Cihulsky 63 It served I lie

purpose but was r a t h e r regi-bullnled The food was excellent

~bdquod the Beanie Ceremony was im-

v uessive ( ) i h e I 1 y Kel le rman G2 The Concert and Outing m a d e the ano uiiiie 11 veii aoiiisn iv the 100 great books IBM and friendly competit ion Brea the easy loved ones Kvery m e a s u r e is beshying taken in insure the happiness ol your offspring Worldly responshysibilities toughen the moral fiber and what is more impor tan t they keep the kids out of Washington I ark at night

Forum Hosts Prof Thomas

The Iopiilalion Kxplosion is the title I i Iilk I be given l Iliilissoi l i imlei I hnnas 1) li V al I | n Moiidai Sepshyt ember gi ui Ingigi r Iii I he speech held under the gu-piee- ol t h e li u i| 111 ol I o l e - l- o p e i to

t he -a udenl Ijuil I be ail mission i-I f e e

li igtl --or Tieoni- n IM - inin i he t u n i-it 1 ( 11dil I m iies IMI land and the I un i I -1 gt ol lilt iinis u i- Diieciur ol tin Northshyern t o o l pein Seel uu Ioli1 leal III li llei in e I Ii purl liieiil ol i he I-ui-ii ll I llln i llolii lull to ltlli III I e e e l l l 1 i als l ie l i a s b e e n - p e c K i l i

iir III Aii do eieiii an economic l e l i t l o l l s l i e bull l i e i l l hol o l si l

e l a l b o o k - o i l e l o l l o l l l l l - l lH l l l lh l l g

Migration and I iiuiuniu d r o w t h V Modi id Britain mil (he Allan

lie Coii imiini t i mil i- also 111 editor ol I lo ion i l i s ol Inlei nalliiii al Migration lie is l-o ilu an lllor ol a paper on oihl Iopiilashylion Movements which be wrote for the Sep tember Uliiu meeting of the British Association ol the Ad-i ancelilellt ol Science

Iliile-sor Tboiiia- who is speakshying through the courtes) of the Knglish Speaking tnioii is deshyscr ibed by thai organization as a real c h a r m e r a t t rac t ive articushylate and humorous who has m a d e a great bit wherever he has spoken


755 Red Devils Invade Campy Frosh Lamen Early Clases

B FD VS of M


V-d H i fu me i-oa-rj azam Hillie

Vad h i i t i i H

^Freshmen Give ^lack Legion Prowls Campus

To All Our I Verdant Verdict Collf-Ze S e w




I bull - | iJ

1 bull


(i - J

- bull raquo P - - -

mdash bull bull -

2 v-T

bull ^ - -

pound r c j

bullt JT

rV ampr j


- J z bull -

y v

- bdquo - bull -

T r

ibull---- -

^ - v

- - bull bull bull

v r lt bull - bull ^

rr r - c

- - r New s

-raj News 3

bull--bull p

r i V j j n bull- Stall

a- n n bull -J a -veg iin i- b y en

conducted in a de~ultorgt unorsan-bull() i r j n n r bullbull -


xlt-~n ijrm of lis t a m f 1

38 Men Enter In Class 32

Successful 44 Frosh Camp

Provides Weekend Thrills

Ode to M e Exhausted By I R E N E WISTER li

Oh when Ihose Frosh c a m e m a r c h i n g in

[we counselors s t a r t ed t h a t F r i d a y with a grin

The day dawned with a golden sun in a mellow sky

and promised 790 anx ious F rosh by sundown ai gt

We padded our minds for the ons laught of quer ies

and sutured our m u s c l e s for the weekend wearies

Witli nametags and h a n d b o o k s we sent them off scamping

In learn those J) songs in one hour was cramping

When (lav turned to night the Beanie Ceremony was flaming

and later on s tage we did some impromptu gainim

Home again home again and with clanni-li I rankw- we all nodded over our c o m m o n slt-cpi-h blan ue--

Sinlaquo rang sunJ wv a bull bull bull then sleep slept s lept till the 7 oclock rail

Saturday morn was the t i m e for tours ami the campu- lorded and Dr Schultz for one hour advice and sial ism bull aflorded

With careful instruction we lead the assor tment tu the nineteen buses for the T h a t c h e r transport merit

By tvwi p in the 755 were scoring and oxplorm while Mime of us did some ignoring and siionn

The gtkits at nine were a h u m o r e d compulsion hut by then we all needed au tomat ion priipul-i in

Sunday was the t ime for fussing mi luded some muss ing d i scuss ing and (ii^-iii-

The Fashion show was a s tound ing with new s i l e - noteil while the Activities a g e n d a was expoundum and dub- ii pron

The holiday meals all a long the s tomach did appea-e hut some alert Frosh did inquire about the Man

A lew Mars gl immered that n ight while IMII-H- thai w railed In the Frosh for u social evening ol - o p


Up up and AWAY

l l l l ieM-


i h a l We joined in the fun our e o r m were forgotten

there was a lways Monday to mend them -mm

The next morning was occupied with robust dispn-M - - u u as we set the Frosh free af ter our good nalured bl--m

Oil when those Frosh to r e g i s t e r left we all crawled back to bed and unquest innably -h-pt

The calm before the storm

- u u - i Ijf-^f Ngtv gt To the Ones W- Tvlto hujdr^j and -cl c -

Thirty eiht Mn 7 h r t (bull i bull hi bull - bull bull bull

11 - i l l -

fi-gtv Vf-riif- 1916 - A Big Class Arrives

f fidlt-nt f i rubi r

Mf S

I i i e

-llt - gt S bull

Fight On

Red Devils

bull bull a- o abullbullbullbullbull ir- bull d

T Q j - -1 i a

bull bullbull bulllt it ltV j j t

V bullbullbull f i l i J l irt

i gt rraquor not u a ( o bdquo bdquo bdquo i a t e d m bullbull pre ef( quarter

Frosh 53 Invade As Rain bull - bull bull weekend more informal and alio

Fails to Daunt the Talented Class of 65 Shows 21 Ratio LiZrl7degrulXktrade deg

1 Activities presenta t ion The spi By COIXKTTA A F1TZMOKK1S U - I L c Qalartamprl rtC Fnrrl+pound of the counselors was not up to p

VlOn IS JccCeO US raVOrllG and I think many potential ly gm counselors were mer looked in lh(

bull- Maor by 755 Entering Frosh StLtradeSZlaquoXIT I h | c | | | | | i | | m ^ the dance was in poor tas te

mi i

ii bull H I

Hie Reds have landed lHfgt from ihcir lt- -Iibull 111bull bull 11 ltgti

ol their inembers took over Mur- I M I H and oi n ie

den Lake last Fr iday and held ii thai peih i |

sin-i a little rain and less sleep will imi

raquobullbull Sunday Kelax S la les iuc i i i -n nun Ii

in i- -eriiiiis as it sounds As a i ( | | 11 bullbulll|T HI fact looking the (das- t

i mam have said that Ibis (III I I I In si i l l III

priiiniM- ti In welcome in asnn i n bull h11111 A I M I bull i

hi this ihir first introduction to the d i t le i m i Sate the Red D e v i l s d i s p l a y e d a a n q i i i d I lt

Mii deal ol pep and talent The l

I I lusl uued out of them in all M M H I I i gt bull

^ HMties both planned and unplan r | 1 l l h

l| Their other ou t s t and ing c h a r Imi niei loi

eiistn becauie obvious Sa tu rday 1

l l wl|eii thej put mi a show lor | n | | m

faculty and counselors Judging Ail imeii i i

Voice Views On Weekend

A true perspect ive can only be achieved by reviewing the comshyments of all concerned with the weekend We interviewed a few of the counselors

bullMp William McCarthy 63 I - thought the weekend was very well

organized an excellent group of Frosh An indication of how g r e a t

the outing was is revea led by the fact that everyone was t i red

Andy Cibulsky 63 It se rved its purpose but was r a t h e r regishymented The food was excel lent and the Beanie Ceremony was imshypressive

S h e l l y Kel le rman 62 The Jazz Concert and Outing m a d e the weekend more informal and allowshyed the Frosh to get to know one

he rit

ar and I lliink many potentially good counselors were overlooked in the

ml limi ii

in or a-

m i l

I li

i li


n u n u bull Buzz Wclker L Fan ta s t i c

laquo laquo t t l l l ie l a s s enrolled to major W ( i | | bdquo bdquo bdquobdquo m ( ) S | e f f t c l i v o

11 He -inlnN ai in Hit- nine i IM s tudents or 17 bdquo bdquo bdquo |U | bdquo l s h l 0 |U

bull bull I 1 n | t l s - s r l l M S ( K 1 routine I cdlege l didn t like the i bull bdquobull- l the shnlies will 101 si dents or llli | u r i | l n gt ) u K n j s h | j k ( I Mils rase ill- IM i Ill enrolled in the sciences s ( i ( i ( i | ) T | | ( i y s j l ( U | | ( | | ) ( bdquo ( l l ( ( | | k e

hi s i lml l e has also announced college s tudents and not high dial Ibele has been all upgrading school kids in ill ih maud I the study of Ian- i v t e r Fisher Y1 If I were a

nl V | I | I (M oa l a i year only one slu counselor again Id choose a resi- | | n l ni e m e n d wiih a (eriiian major | nce at Sayles lird floor

majors to ta led | | wie Woodruff (Hi Tre inen-

I t i lm Maintained

il In r Iii u a e I en | bdquo j

l ary I oil Fisei imen li)

Ual i U l l l nl

h u l l h e r |

I wmneii lauy In linn n have stronger la ry l ou Fisei imen li) It | s s IPH keiIIIHIS in Ian mages than was lat igiun and I slept for li days

| n |1 ( | |M piiwioiis i I a - -i bull - h a e bad There ll was excit ing and s t imulat ing to | Ui i e v e n Imle l i l s in tile l l e s h see such a c l n e Ires lnne l i

| l h inn i ls- win h a w had 7 or more Sieve Conkojani lili A frantic Miis nl IHI 11i e study Imi enjoyable rat race


l I I l i e lt n

bdquo i p H on

M l l He I I

Iis- a I ai l i | in i lbei oi l

M u l e In l a I h I

i il dul l in i 1 s i n l i e - as well III a l l i en a

li s and bull m m i

( oillillUUI I 1 Willie M a l h e i i u l l c s a marked the

i v l e i e i u e ol the rllllTHUi l a s s ol u I 1 1 1 s i l l l i K ll

Kids will be kid Pllil will) IJH s lude l l l s ol il

His inothei never told him


AMIA Starts New Season Track Added To Schedule

Probably one of the most active organizations at State College is the A M I A (Association of Mens Intramural Activities) which governs all phases of Mens Intramural Activities during the school year It has an extensive proshygram of activities in which all men of State are Welcome to participate

The complete calendar of events includes basketball touch football tennis golf volleyball tumbling tramposhyline archery softball swimming table tennis and badshyminton Other activities are included as interest is disshyplayed There are also co-ed activities that are jointly sponsored by A M I A and W A A (Womens Athletic Association)

A M I A is an organization dedicated to helping the men of State gain release for some of their pent-up energies and to provide good healthful exercise for those who would not otherwise enjoy it Always changing to fit the needs of a changing student body for the first time in its history A M I A organized a mens track meet last spring At that time trophies and individual ribbons were awarded to the first three finishers in each event This year track is being added to A M I As long list of regular intramural teams As in other spoils squads will be formshyed from the fraternities and mens residence halls

All male students at State are heartily urged to parshyticipate in at least one of AMIAs varied activities At the end of the year there will be a presentation of awards for participation and achievement


Officers of AMIA for this yeai a r c Tom Ellis Pres ident Bill Burnett Vice [ resident Pat Cor-ru Sec re t a ry and Lynn Costello T reasu re r

Pa rk ing permits for the student parking lot will be issued at the booth below Draper peristyle beshytween 10 a m and J p m Monshyday through Wednesday

Permi ts will be issued in the following order of priority Group 1 students living outside Albany on Monday Group II s tudents in ALbany but on he fringes on Tuesshyday and group III students living in Albany near the college on Wednesday

The student parking hit holds 250 ca r s when they are properly parked There will be WD pershymits issued To obtain these stick ers s tudents must present their SA I I) ca rds and car rcgistra tion

l i t FILMS Sept 2) From the Terrace 7 amp )(() Oct li Let s Make Love 7 k 915 Oct li Roman Holiday 7 k 915 Oct 20 The Mouse Thai Roared

7 amp l i Oct 27 Mid-iinimcr Nijhls Dream

7 amp 015 ove i Cry the Beloved Country

7 k 915 o v 10 The Iins Ho Summer

7 k 915 Nov 17 Ciji 7 k ) 15

Equipment Pool Offers Wide Selection Of Athletic Gear


The Channing Club will join the

J(PI Club for a picnic al the home

of Dr and Mrs Standing on Sunshy

day at J00 p in Transpor ta t ion

will be provided from Brubacher

al 200 p m S tudents planning o

a t t end a re reques ted to sign up

at the Channing Club Bulletin

Board in Lower Draper

With the advent of fall the Athshyletic Equipment Pool again as in previous years offers a wide r ange of sports equipment for any stushydent of State College for nothing more than on a piece of paper

This equipment has been widely used in the past and will be availshyable this year in abundance The variety of equipment avai lable is such that it is worth mentioning here

Probably the most widely used pieces of equipment are the Kng-lih touring bicycles that were purchased in a small quant i ty four years ago and have been inshycreased since then These bikes arc well built expensive and can be sigm d oul lor a lull day lo any Stale student

For the tennis enthusiast I here are large numbers of Cortland Tennis (acquets ranging from the light-weights for the girls lo ihc medium and heavyweights for Hie men Tennis balls arc also a ailable in large quanti t ies

In addition hi Ihc oquipmi ni ol lered above llle oqquipmcnl pool offers a u ide rani e id other spunbull

oqqu ipmcn l such as bags softball equipn se ts and t en t s and i of t r a c k equipment

The Athle t ic Kqquq an o rgan iza t ion fma1

AMIA WAA and oni the pu rpose of oil e q u i p m e n t for all i college without clou gt cons is t s of the respi den t s of the AMIA ing ( lub with i mo as the faculty adv i



uiieill iced nig C nilJ


ATTENTION S T l D E N T S M I ill li

t o r ll Si

ol Me


n i bullbull- pellcin


A M I A football cuiiimiis-

sioiners Bub Costello and Chuck

Hunter would I ke lo announce

thai I n t r a m u r a l Football will ten

ta e h open nexl Wednesday

Sep t ember 27 A Ilieeling for

all captain w II be held lo

d a Fr iday S e p e m b c r 22 at

11 0(i ii the gym A representa

live In in iH eh l ea m inn - be a

iliis meei ing wiih a roster ol his

p layers Any difficulty in sched

til i w ill be discus -Id ui ilns

Career Cues

Cure for job boredom I made my favorite pastime my career Richard Bertram President

Bertram Yacht Co Division of Nautec Corp

W h e n y o u s t o p to t h i n k w h a t p e r c e n t of o u r t o t a l w a k i n g h o u r s is s p e n t b r e a d - w i n n i n g y o u r ea l i ze h o w t rag ic it is for a n y m a n to work a t an o c c u p a t i o n h e doesn t en joy B e s i d e s f r i t t e r ing a w a y life it r e d u c e s c h a n c e s of success t o j u s t a b o u t ze ro I k n o w b e c a u s e it a l m o s t h a p p e n e d t o m e

Af te r co l lege I d id w h a t I t h o u g h t w a s e x p e c t e d of m e a n d j o i n e d a solid M a n h a t t a n - b a s e d i n s u r a n c e firm I soon found office r o u t i n e wasn t for m e I l ived on ly for

l u n c h h o u r w h e n I cou ld w a l k t o t h e B a t t e r y a n d m e n t a l l v sai l w i t h t h e sh ips t h a t s t o o d o u t in t h e N a r r o w s ami for t h e s u m m e r w e e k e n d s w h e n I c o u l d g o s a i l i n g Foi t inshyn a t e l y t h e c o m p a n y I w o r k e d for is o n e of t h e l ead ing i n s u r e r s of y a c h t s a n d a f t e r t w o y e a r s I w a s t r a n s f e r ltl t o t h e i r Y a c h t U n d e r w r i t i n g D e p a r t m e n t E n j o y m e n t am I i n t e r e s t in m y w o r k i m p r o v e d i m m e d i a t e l y 1 0 0 7

Af t e r W o r l d W a r II I s t a r t e d m y o w n y a c h t b r o k e n i i f i rm a n d y a c h t i n s u r a n c e a g e n c y in M i a m i c o m b i n i n g m y m a r i n e i n s u r a n c e b a c k g r o u n d w i t h a n e v e n c l o s e r relashyt i o n s h i p w i t h b o a t s

M y o n l y p r o b l e m e v e r s i nce h a s b e e n a f e e l i n g of guih t h a t m y w o r k was t o o e a s y I love b o a t s a n d boat m p e o p l e T h a t a f fec t ion h a s p a i d m e r e w a r d s w a y b e y o n d t h e f inanc ia l s e c u r i t y it h a s a l so p r o v i d e d

T h e m o r a l s o b v i o u s Y o u h a v e an o d d s - o n c h a n c e fm s u c c e s s a n d h a p p i n e s s w o r k i n g a t wdiat y o u e n j o y most w h a t c o m e s n a t u r a l l y A n d if it s no t j u s t f r i v o l o u s youi lifes w o r k cou ld wel l be w h a t y o u n o w c o n s i d e r just bull p a s t i m e i t s c e r t a i n l y w o r t h t h i n k i n g a b o u t a n y w a y

Gerald Drug Co ill H e M r r n v e Albany N V

Ilione fi-3ltU0

Lets Start

The Year

Off Right

Visit The


And to make anv time nacc m n raquo ^ 1 l c pass more enjoyably


B J lUj-nulilraquoTu|bdquoiugUiWljiraquolulj BiikuiN t l


In This Corner Frosh Booters Night Soccer at Bleecker Have It Rough Kicks-off 1961 Home Season

15 y I50IJ I) A VIES

As of the present time there are six Varsity sports in the athletic program of State College At various times in the past new sports have been added with various deshygrees of success

Last year a track meet was held and a great amount of support was tapped mushrooming the attempt into a successful start This year there will me a program of team competition instead of a meet for individuals

Although the track team has gotten off to a favorable start there is still much hard work to be done in raising the sport to varsity status There are ten events in college track each event requiring a minimum of three comshypetitors This in turn demands that there be loin to six men trying out for each event in case of injury There fore in order to have a team we will nerd at least 30-40 men trying out and staying out lor the entire season

The AMIA has approved team competition for track This step is the next necessary one in the development ol track as a Varsity sport This years set-up will allow for the formation of three to four or five teams Any of the five fraternities Waterbury Hall or the Mens Group houses may start a team either as a unit or in union with other groups if they are too small The AMIA is purchasshying three trophies which will be awarded to the top three teams Also ribbons will be given to the top three indishyviduals in each event

Perhaps of the most difficult ol events to tram lot-are the distance runs mile and two-mile In fact those persons who frequently run these distances sometimes parshyticipate in a unique sport of their own Cross country running Those persons interested in this type of event will have the opportunity of participating under the super vision ol Mr Munsey Mr Munsey will be starting pracshytice on this Monday at 330 pm by the equipment shack on Veterans Field In order to have a team enough inshyterest must be shown by those attending practice Reshymember nothing is gained in sports without work but the eventual rewards are worth far more than tin work put out in attaining them

As a closing note it will be necessary to consider dial although distance runners arc necessary for any track team they are not wholly sufficient Therelnre n we are to have a track team we will have it only by a coshyoperative effort of everyone concerned


A MUMn marked by some of the This year promises to be a very challenging one for the ILlli

l ciiiniiciiiinii in ihc suae Varsity Soccer team With a full schedule of ten games six Slil( |l)s|i soccer team of them in conference play the twenty-five members of the

l V r r squad will find themselves very busy in the weeks ahead V I l i i i l l nl ihc thirty candi-

lllr I1 Hie squad have had high A new innovation has come to the State sports scenemdash M111 Mvncnce and according night soccer games at Bleecker Stadium The first home i-h uraquoi Iniincjamc There g a me against Oneonta will be played under the lights Tmi n T prs T n i s Mature should be advantageous to State College stu-chnuv a Martmiteaniver iWc d e n t s s i n c e weekday games would be inconvenient both HIT gt-IIS iccaii more ihan^a l o r spectators to attend and for players who would have Auk 111 anil n first string l ineup t o m i s s c l a s s e s Us ahlavl1 hi |iiw|laduhe T h c possibility of having bleechers for home games has i r-h MMSUII MII ibdquo ii Home- D P e n advanced The State has approved use of bleechers (bullin Weekend L-ainc played but has not as yet appropriated the necessary funds

Hbdquobdquoamclas v T n o t e a m starts its season with an away game at RPI bullill beat ihc P e l s 1-2 in a Sept 30 Last season the Peds wound up in a tie game with

hard imi-iii lAerinnc affair Tins the Engineers the score standing at 1-1 ca r he game w ill start at I2in J a preliminary limit to the var- The first conference game is set on the following Tues--iigt cmiic-i uiih Ilaiisimry day at Potsdam This will be States first encounter with

Il1 nraquoii i- will net their Potsdam Last year State finished with a 2-2-1 record for |i bullampai n underway ncxi Sat conference play Sources from other conference teams n|iida spi n against orange have been making noises about giving State a hard time | i u n M i bdquo m m t gt bdquo | | c c c Orange t h i s y e a r 1 ini ha- lici II raicd first m the

iiaiinn in niiiini cuiieuc soccer for The squad has had two scrimmages so far this year [ lM lr gtbull ul presented Although both were lost Coach Joe Garcia has been busy ]]u) ln correcting defensive flaws in the team Mr Garcia has M U T i~ mentioned that the team seems in better shape than it was i i iund S l a t e i i c l u m p e d In 2 hill l

ih Fiu-h iinprued cniiich by l a s t voar- H e a l s 0 a d c i c d t h a t conditioning is being over-ihc Mcund mi in reduce the vie shadowed by the skill of States opponents Therefore much inn mar in io 12 The result of more concentrated practice is needed to put the team in nil Saturday - uamo aJamsl this s h a p e lop notch lea m -hmild sen e as an

eMeiie- jniii -aiur for the entire The team is under the leadership of three captains this i-in-ii bull year Karl Heins Gerstenberger Ed Broomfield and Dave

Frank Frank and F r a n n y Zwickl-

baucr two of last y e a r s injured

have been forced to s ta r t p rac t i ce

at a slower pace because of the i r

conditions Ed Broomfield has

been the mains tay of the p rac t i ce

A sessions keeping his t e a m m a t e s

- Soccer Schedules

gti N

S a o bullbull

Weil l ie

s a lc


u ( i i ( (

7 U o c k l a n d l I

11 K I I



Sal Sept i0 KIM Tues Oct 2 Po tsdam Sal Oct 7 ( ieneseo

Wed Oct 11 Oneonta

M e| at II S a bull | -1 I lu t lsburgh Wed del IS New Ialtz

is IIIKIMHI alley II Sal Oct 21 Oswego Sai Oct 2s ini|j|Hiri

A in step with the p rac t i ce schedule

J and in doing so exhibited fine lead-II e rsh ip He has been a chief factor ^ in the progress of the t e am Karl




o I Montclair n 11 Adelplii

ltbullbull- e - bullbullbull bull

Your Philip Morris Student Representative invites you to


BRAND R0UP3D Rules And Prizes To Be Awarded

Wi l l Be Announced Shortly


N ^ in111


( l e r s tenberger voted Most Im-II proved Athlete last year figures to II be one of the key men on the squad

P e r h a p s the most vital improveshyment needed in the loam is that ol improved inlra-groiip coordinashytion Passing between t e a m m a t e s defensive plays knowing when to pass inln a hole are all part of the needed polish


( a i lYnlichl makes a save


ART KAPNER W r i t e s All T p t s of I n s u r a n c e

L I F E - A U T O - F I R E Hospitalization

HOD-H7 7gt Slate Street HO 2-5581

As ihc school year begins anew so docs lii alr here al Slate The first scheduled r ivalry events will occur tomorrow Tug of-u ar will lie held in the morning with soil-ball in ihc afternoon on the play-lllf field located ill back of Brushybacher Hall

The freshman softball t eam is

in a strong position according to

loam caplaiiis Al Drake and Lestshy

er Keys With only a short period

nl nine lii organie ihc team and

prac t ice Ill ha e done a r emark shy

able lull

Al pract ice held yes te rday afshyternoon ihc team i -gt cut to its final number of lwenl all of M hum will see action in tomorshyrow s came Many of llie t eam m e m b e r s were varsity ball p layers in ih ir high schools a fact winch grea l l j enhances ihc s t rength of Ihc team

All of the Rivalry t e a m s a re good but this is not enough In order lor the team of your choice to win ii is necessary for you to show spirit and en thus iasm by atshytending each of the scheduled events


J+ouie J+outli

Psi Gamma Lucille Monaca 62 announces

that Barbara Martin and Barbara Samuels are the co-chairmen of Homecoming Weekend Chi Sigma Theta

Mary Ann DiRuscio 62 anshynounces that the co-chairmen of the Homecoming Float are Peggy Bioty 6-1 and Judy Stone 64 Rush captains are Jean Davis 63 and Roz Ferrara 64 Sigma Phi Sigma

President Judy Kaminsky 62 has appointed the following comshymittee chairmen Sunshine Sheila Stromwasser 64 Float Carol Cohen 64 and Leona Kerpel 64 Formal dinner Charlene Maron 62 and Felicia Held 63 Formal Weekend Leslie Kaplan 63 and Roz Zeichner 63 Refreshments Ann Goldstein 63 and Carolyn Game 63

The following girls were initiated Monday night Sandy Ciarbowit- 63 Eileen Krakower 63 Gerri Goldman 64 Iris Shapiro 64 and Rhoda Solomon 64 Gamma Kappa Phi

President Barbara Manso 62 announces that Beatrice Heath 61 wil lserve as sorority president foi 1961-62 Beta Zeta

President Doris Edelstein 62 announces that Julie Recesso 6-1 was elected Sports Director am Sandy Lisson 64 was elected hisshytorian Rita Gsanell 62 was chosen Float Chairman for Homecoming An open house for off-campus men is being planned for Sunday Octshyober 22 Phi Delta

President Sally Jones 62 anshynounces that the first meeting of the year was held on Monday September 18 After the meeting a party was given in honor of Mrs Griesmeyer the new housemother Sigma Alpha

President Doris Williams 62 anshynounces that Donna Pacelli was elected vice-president replacing Barbara Garrecht who transferred to the University of Rochester Potter Club

President Ed Brennan 62 anshynounces that a dale party will be held Saturday

Signum Laudis Gives Rare Book

Signum Laudis presented a rare copy of William Blakes Hook of the Irizen to Hawley Library last June Dr Arthur Collins of the college faculty has written a reshyview of the book which is printed in part below

bullCurrently on display in the Colshylege library is one of the worlds unique books The Hook of Urizen by William Blake The college copy one of a limited edition ol IIU was printed Iu-t spring A ith a special donation from the srholas lie honorary Signum Iinli -

William Blake ( 1757-1827j a con temporary ol Wordsworth com bmed the graphic and literar) arts His books an- not illustrated text in tin usual sense for lie engraved both the text (which he wrote him self) and the illustrations FIT quently he combined the two on a single page creating a visual picshyture in which the engraved text forms part ol the unified artistic composition Whereas one judges most illustrated books by the fidelishyty of the illustrations to the print ed texts m Blakes books one is justified in looking to the illustra tions to clarify and amplify the text itself

This facsimile edition has been culled one of the finest ever pro duced The present display which will last through the month walt prepared by Miss Margan i Wag ncr of the Hawley Library

Kappa Beta President Ron Coslic 62 anshy

nounces that Ken Bellantoni 63 has been appointed Corresponding Secshyretary

Sigma Lambda Sigma President Dave Symula 62 anshy

nounces that a semi-formal date party will be held Saturday night at the Fort Orange Club at 830 pm

Alpha Phi Alpha President Bob Pollero 62 anshy

nounces that a date party will take-place Friday September 29 at 9 pm The place is to be announced

The Board of Directors announshyces that during the summer the house was painted and new storm windows were installed

Bill Simmons 62 has been reshyappointed Fire Warden Joe Ball 62 has been appointed Tapping Chairman Theta Xi Omega

Jim McAden 62 President anshynounces that all correspondence should be addressed to Hoy OBrien 63 Corresponding Secretarv

Opening Senate Meeting Sparks

By JIM WHEELER Senate started the new year off

right by having their first meeting Wednesday night

The first order of business conshycerned the filling of a vacant posishytion on the Camp Board Camp Board submitted a letter unanimshyously recommending Alden Pierce to this position Senate elected him reported that architects drawing have been presented to Camp Board for a new building to house 32 and feed 80 The building will cost approximately sixty thousand dollars

President David Brooker reportshyed first on the possibility ol forming a karate club A demonshystration is tentatively scheduled for all students interested next Thursshyday evening More information will be found in the lower peristyles of Draper and Huested Halls

After Pat Benedetto new Campshyus Commission chairman reportshyed nn the progress of Campus Comshymission Senate presented the new ly married President and Mrs Brooker with a gift

Service Group

Awaits Clues Frosh got a complaint Heres

your chance to say what you want whilhout being reprimanded The Services Committee of the Senate will listen to you

These complaints should concern suggestions for improving the camshypus They do not concern Rivalry Any suggestions which you have will be reviewed by the committee and if containing merit will be presented to Dean Thorn

In the past the administration has always welcomed the students views It is impossible for everyshyone to see Dean Thorne personally Results can not always be promisshyed but every suggestion will be exshyamined

Some of the things which have been looked into are more library hours the parking problem the Commons name plates for Water-bury and Alden Halls ivy on the dorms

The members of the committee are cochairman Geri Schleifer and Dick Kelly 63 Elaine Hou-ser 62 Bill Burnett and Don Allen 63 Pat Cerra and Lapinski 64

Business Club

Begins Year Phi Beta Lambda state ltbullbullbull


ter of the United llu lion Association be son with an inform on Tuesday afternoon 18

Dr Milton C Olson Business Education the business faculty a considerable numhei

The president E rlw gave a welcome spi bull duced the other ofln i David Jnnes i Mr dent Diane Butler Vice President Willi 62 third Vice Pre-idi bull bership chairman ] 61 Secretary Willi Treasurer and Dim Senior Executive limn bull

The first meetiii September 27 when lion in braille shm given All business n viled to join Ibis clul

mess Eli-bullin a- j I uffeh-bull Septet

urcc r illnuf

Xn-k -ii nd r Tin- -

Tareytons Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est Slugging Junius (Pretty lUy) Cassius Lakes off | | i e brass knucks to enjoy his favorite smoke

Hays Pretty Boy Ecce Tureyton one filter cigarette that really delivery de gustibus Try Tureytons Next time you buy cigarettes take a couple of pacta vobLscum




Tareyton Product of JampdnMwn XtfwCytay -$ampbdquo j bdquobdquo mMU nam b gt

nait te


Ashman Writes Home rivalry Keeping Him Busy

September and would you behove bull | 330 a m b u t have a cold

Dear Mom and Dad ( ( ) U j r ( m M( m ui ( | | ) | | | |

rrhis Saturday morning at the ()J w n ( ( M | | | | ( bdquo |n lgoaTy hour of 9 a m the Hi- w h j ( h (h | ( Stln|1N |lrv Committee witJi their chair- a l s ( r ( l w r i bdquo |

Howie Woodruff in the lead s k n W l n t m n gth II( n

p i hide the cherished ole State Besides I hae io wnv inner so that we Frosh and The 0ptis must climb into trees dig

jihi- mud and hunt under logs to find it This time there will be BO finders keepers The class pcli bnds the banner first will Wn two rivalry points In the afternoon at 130 we girls play (he Soph girls at Volleyball Mary lull a junior is in charge of this |vent

So far Mom and Dad were vvin-nin Rivalry 5-1 Last Saturday Jinnum we won 2 points each for Jic mens and womens soft ball |aines and in the morning 1 point

bullfor the mens tug-of-war The Soph have won only 1 point for bullflii- womens tug-oDwar

our first edition of the Satans Seroi comes out this Friday but then so does the Sophs Ye Die jker

av iiihl the Court of the Ad-jjiiUalion of Infractions of Trade word ciunpo- ei i-raquobull tried M of us Frosh Really Five Hundred C - I Ib-i-fJI-bull n 1 couldnt wear my beanie Kvery Fro-h -hcdd W |h lay cause it was wet cause Heauie Win i lb - s e e It u raining outside and nobody (lolly Men I gt bullibull I bull-gtjl listen to me and this nasty ol aun rea-ltu- Id ali iii iuuil bull bullbull gt m lo lt bull gt- bull -S [ii made me wear it anyway reasons All I can tliinl - h d l bull bullbull

Albany State Readies for New Campus

Construction Slated to Begin Next Spring


Kivnliv (hail men IVte I nlu-i lluwii Wueih till and Iill liuinett discuss coming ients

Slate SCAD Rap Milne Policies By BILL I KANKONIS

In a sidden and unexpected report this week the State Education Deshypartment admitted that the admission policies of the Milne School constituted d scriiniration as far as race and socio-economic status are concerned Folshylow y close on the heels of this report the State Commission Against Discrimishynation (SCAD) charged that the Milne admissions policy violated the states

Anti-disrimination Law on two counts The charges lodged are the culmination of an investigation begun last March At that time Mrs Rhunette Bates made a complaint to SCAD that her daughter Sharon had been rejected by Milne on the grounds that she is a Negro

Discriminatory minislrative officials admit that tho The Stale Kducation Department preference and grandfather sys-

rcport slated that the Milne stu- terns were wrong 1 Fdward Con-deni body is in no way represent- way SCADs investigating officer ative ol the population of the area claimed that any attempts to justi-served by the school or even of fv the present admission policies those who apply for admission In are mere exercises m semantics net effect the procedures are (lis- bdquo

New Policy (Tiinumlory as tar as race and

o economic status are concern- Following the release of the ed The report also stated that charges by both agencies Dr no specific evidence had been Thomas 11 Hamilton President of found in the case of Sharon Pates the State University said that he

The investigation was carried hoped to be able to announce new out by the Kducation Practices Act admissions policies for Milne with- l

ii| I)cl IIe - i l l l H

administration because of an agree- in a week menl between the State Kducation _

According to Dr Itvan R Collins Department and SCAD to cooperate 1 in order In exclude duplication of President of SlCK at Albany a

committee of Milne faculty mem-

Model I In pl l l l l l e lii I--

c o m p l e t e d - e ilt

LLU n f e - o l l ie

s c a l e Miollel ol I

New Plans Released TinSlate Iniversity of New York - released fur publication the

I-i- fraquor the new campus of this (1i-1 Three hundred acres of includm lie ei jlaml liiealed between Western and on di -play in In gt padiiii tun Avenues on the site of all the I lb Albany Country Club have be n be nun ailiipriated and construction is igt niadi phriilllcci |(| |bdquo jbdquo | | ( x t s ) r j M K

An hiteets

Il niel led Plans

l l l l l l l l

I I l l l

I i alisitiuii The hisl buildn

ed u ill be i 11 p| r i u ln initial plans were drawn up ity n l s l l

ur he suiiiincr Coordinaline peeled to be leei bulllt^nn fur aii pluses of the pro fall ol im I he j h tin1 emiiieiit Kdmimd Stone campus will d-1 ltbullbull [-ih landed h President K ui buihliii - an lini-ln d

Hlis Mr Stone has designed dent - will IIUM ltltbullgt 1 gt Klllbassies in W u Delli the lun lamuu-e- mil


eilorl - lliree-ear period from - bdquo i i - i bers has been working on develop-liili to Iiil was the ol) ect ol the bull ing a new policy since last Spring l l e - l a l l i l l bull

when the charge was first made SCAD Charges A p ts tn | it has been decided that

Si D s report based on KPAs | | H p o l k v ()f s i b n n g prtfLrence report n- bdquo rpreled the fduealion w o u k j |bdquo eliminated but bevond M Miiiiil - claim that Milne of- ( h a t n o decisions have been In id bull ditl not decide to exclude r(-u|K(| i roi bullbull i le l iberaleK by stat ing

1 |bdquo The absence of Negroes at Alr- tonway who stated that Mmie suhool e the immediate and l l ( (l s lllLgt M i l n c ^lt-ll0(l avL due I i -nl ol admission policies l l l ( n effectively closed to Negroes

I |M deblieraleh established maintain- Icuuse of admission policies also p || id and piniiied by school offi- remarked It can be assumed that and the cuds a mod llu l due policy is to admit stu-- ludui- a ilriit - mi the billowing schedule igt bull inn ] Itiotlieis and sisters of current e ulty uid loriiici lilue students

i hildren of Stale College and Negroes in Milne ii mil siale I nneisiu faculty and staff

bullbdquo ui- Kelerrals especially f r o m In spite of claims that there are ei m l llier education administrators nltraquo Negroes in Milne a Negro ap-

imlI t i a chronological waiting list Ibcant for the eighth grade has bdquo - 111 M |) lurther charged that such IH U admitted and officials have

their (Milne) solution of the probshylem will insure equal opportunity uniform treatment of all applicants and the elimination of discriminshyatory practices

I preference discriiiiin- offered to admit Sharon Hates The


les ainsl egroes because they hitter however however has yet k the ci unity status neces- I make- a decision and is cur-i iii eeii pressure for admit rt-fitlv attending another school ini lso according to SCAD a College officials have stated pre-

riiiillaihei i liuse laMiiing ap loiisly that any discrimination be-oii- whose rellines have at- cause of race was not intentional

udi l Willie excludes Negroes especially they said since it is iner illegal lo include any information

i llu I l these charges ad- about race on an application blank Furthermore when asked about the number ol Negro students in Milne President Collins said It is illegal for me to know the numshyber

SCAD however contends that an intention is not necessary to sus-

SUB Sponsors Sock Hop

Mind iii I uioii Hoard u ill sponsor aharel dance Saturday Sep-ilier u Iroin H III) to IL p in in

I uiui Came Hoom he S lo le l l

lain the discovery of a probable cause In short because of prefshyerence it is possible to assume that some people are being disshycriminated against

Short Investigation

The investigation carried out by

Kiln I a Wdsuyu view til the liibt L2U (umpired an ntllf the tola sou a c e s

I ||if neraquo iiiuuus I he n tit-1 in Dl at1

Hop all ubo attend are request | i dress casually i no shorts please and to wear the brightest allies socks possible

bdquo chairmen i anile Polls (it and KPA was completed in a few days Helen Vanderblll (il hope (hat the After interviewing Dr Theodore Poic will acquaint Stales new Fossieek Principal of Milne and K1 Devils with the upperclassinai checking application records and irnislcis The new Student Union nther data the investigation was niorduialor Mr William MeKiiion concluded and a report submitted oid ins wite will serve as diaper- lo the Kducation Department and


Page 2: State College News 1961-09-22 - · PAG E 2 STAT COLLEG NEWS , SATURDAY MAY 6 1961 oU-auie eMawii Sigma Phi Sigma Sue MacFarlanc; Treasurer, Gai The following girls


To the Frosh Once more it is the privilege of the News to dedicate an

editorial to several beanied and name-tagged frosh and to hundreds of unidentifiable devils We welcome you to State and wish you luck as students and teachers

There is no formula for success Perhaps the only adshyvice we can offer is another warning to add to your already numerous load Dont depend too much on luck look beshyfore you leap dont let things slide

With the stated purpose of becoming to quote a former News editor educated educators you are studying at one of the finest colleges in the nation Youve heard that you are the best prepared students to ever enter the college This analysis gives you the added responsibility of living up to the expectations of your fellow students the faculty and the administration

Although the main facet of your college life should be academic you will never be educated unless you also learn socially Do be enthusiastic Sincere enthusiasm is a rare and a valuable quality With a little caution and wise judgshyment you can learn to budget your time and interests For instance now before the work load is too heavy Rivalry will give you a tremendous opportunity to enjoy the fellowshyship of others

Some of you will refuse to face the problems and decishysions of college life Others those who learn to adapt themshyselves will gain tremendous satisfaction from their life at Albany State

State College is worth the effort

Focus On Faculty


My professional exper ience gives me an opportunity to write music for my students and thus gives me a closer contact with the student in developing g r e a t e r inshyterest My reward is satisfaction in the enthusiasm shown by the student during p e r f o r m a n c e Mr Anthony Salatino a new m e m b e r of our music depar tmen t has had a wide range of pract ical experishyence in the music world He veshyhement ly denies the t ime-worn proshyverb If you cant do it teach i t

M l SIC ARRANGER Mr Salatino has a r r anged mushy

sic for Buddy Morrow and such =gt bands as the Hal Mclntyre Band He plays a wide variety of musical ins t ruments but he specializes in clarinet and saxophone His Symshyphony in Jazz had its p remie r at ^ Carnegie Hall and another comshyposition of his Symphont Fantas t i -que was presented at the Brookshylyn Academy of Music For a t ime he was an associate conductshyor of the Riverside Symphony Orches t ra

- ------~--

IP amp i V

It was nice music but you c a n t twist to it

To All Our Readers T v WORK

Have you heard the Chester-_ mdash field March on the ABC television

network Mr Salatino a r anged Throughout the summer and especially this week the a He has also scored the Babo

new editor of the News has repeatedly been asked about commercial From symphonies to s u b s e q u e n t p o l i c i e s a n d p l a n s Of t h e p u b l i c a t i o n Madison Avenue He composed the

Because of its nature and its relationship to the col- trades|c ^ l ^ ^ Z ^ Z ^ Z i -i i i c y-i 1 VT j- bull i i i i World I his past Sunday a l ternoon lege community the State College News has a fairly stable l]u Barb(rlon Ohio High School purpose This year as in other years the only organized B a n d p e r f o r m e d s o m e 0f his works means of communication on the campus will strive to of- o v e r the ABC television network fer accurate unbiased and we hope interesting reports Air Salatino had a two-week va-o n a l l f a c e t s Of o u r c o l l e g e cation in California this s u m m e r

Since the News is directed and written entirely by stu- ~vvhilc he waf scjrin m u s i c fr

dents and since its main body of readers is the student body a l e l t m i o n pilot tllm the News will chiefly emphasize the activities and view- EARLY INSPIRATIONS points of students HbdquoA an( why did Mr Sala-

However students should also be aware of happenings become interested in music and circumstances in faculty and administration For this is music teacher in high school

encouraged him to study m a n y dilferenl ins t ruments and In con-

seconcl aspect of the over-ail purpose the News attempts to provide specific information in areas affecting students

1 CT linue In- education in music Her Thirdly the News must represent State College to peo- warmth and mier-st se rves

pie outside of the college community These readers often ugt an example for in own at-judge the worth of the school by the informative material mode toward Widens Alter high contained and the student views reflected in the paper school he attended Fredmm state

_ KT Coile-e and Hie Kasimali School ol The News welcomes the criticism ol students laculty Ul]M [r Saldino -ludd at ltltgt-

and administrators If you have suggestions please tell us |n- raduae ludeni i instead of your friends Then if you are really dedicated m-- em hi - workm- on in- d raquobullbull to these ideas help us to carry them out come into the im-ai the-i-Publications Office and work on the newsuaner

Meanwhile remcmljcr that your raioperution and tn-i-ouiagciuent are at hast as necessary and val complaints liable as your |

eoiu l i a i i i -|i


Vol XIV|


BY T H E C L A S S OF 1 0 1 1

Si | i l e | | | | | ( [ ll | | |

Mr Sa

I INIA I 1 -| I I |

VII ii i i bullbull-bull llIM- VI- I 11

M A k V U i l Kl-l -- IrfKl-i Mi l l l n 1 IMItJJAiM I1AII AMNK SMI I II U N I M l l h l d l V HIYANNe - I O U I J I11 IJA VIJ-S


Stall a i a n III-

bulli bullbull V i i l bdquo |

M din r i | bdquo | | i

bullbullbull I bull if - I i i n bullbull i bull i I - I I ii bull i- H bull ii

i r | I - i c I a l u m i i 1 I i r | r bdquo n | bdquo bdquo 1 bullbull am bdquo bdquo [ bull bull W - I arine bdquo bdquo bdquo bull

bull l 1 bullbull Hi-- V i T i u l I I gt l i 1 V A 1 IM the n cu l l

I l i 1 l N u H i e a - l i r i i I Miled S t a l e

l r Sal b e h n e s II bdquo bullbullbullllaquoMI | mode nuisie

lt raquo ) Ml II -(bull l l l 1 - bull gt l n i T bdquo | bdquo l r bullding huuld |bdquo s l n ( | n

h e a l i m i as well ibdquo | | e n r IIUIIIIIIIII

Q04fUMCM-poundtcUampl Big t rees from little a c o r n s grow


S ta te has received the three It smdash Religion Rivalry a Id Sayles has received the feminine touch This evemn received in Iru the Frosh may rece ive an initiation bull l andmarks Creeks have received the devi l s with open v hope our column is is wa rmly rece ived


Since there s a lways a calm before the s to rm a bullbullbull i is in order here to all those who took p a r in m a k m F r e s h m a n Weekend and ol the 65 Handbook Id ad i words of praise they will be few and far between


This is the password for the fall s e m e s t e r We i bullbull in an in tegrated cafeteria lacking their fami l ia r in Long lines in the c o m m o n s show we h a v e a small spark I alism kindling on c a m p u s - - t o o bad the re a ren t an In -with which we can increase the f lame


It s eems that one group has been heading lor Ihi bull t days Maybe they re looking for a p lace to live x bull that an act commit ted three y e a r s ago h a been m i l would like to see some action mi Hie part ol an apii Office L u c and let l ive


I he i nli Hi l inn ml Imi ii i (I I In bull pu l l 1 leal - | l ud j i i t ron i ni-i 11 r - i l i ia at l ea - l h i l re-1 ii M n i r l i in I n In n -i I I In 1 the l ie i l a I

oM-l le i le in ii l ie i l ho ile i A | i i i l ln- i ii bull i | ill I l ine i bullbullbull I al he nh 1

pi a ii lo al i la i in bull II id il i - iin Me i i i

I I I Vi)l) S D O I M I i

W III I In 1 ill l i l l i l bullbull PI e | I bull 1 I

I I IT lt A I I HO I el I I M| h e 1 | l | l ii i l l b

ee e i | pIll 11 looui and -i n ior - bull liuA bullbull i| lie bull lee b i | I bull a I i l i l l e i n i l - | i I l ie bull

lb i l l I l ie i n i l I IM la a i mi l 111 bull bull I i II a

s K i i i M M s i ) i

I m l loi ll llI I l u l l II I i OH le l i e l i |

Hie M u d e i i l I min i i l l eItno oi e i l ba l i l e an Inn - II i m I n M ale loi II I elHA i l l In Ii

a l l I l ie In Id bull Iin

(II t i l l WEEK

Will llns be a ai ol I nAlli Im Mm Ui in i|iiole i ho l e i

n i l


gt 1 1

l i | bdquo (bdquo I l l |(

l l i| i

iil 11 I f-IAlh C I N W h

Notices Senor - and g radua le - udenl -

ile-inII- ol applgt ui- lor a I1 id bright a A ard granl mg one ea r ol loi e o n -1 ml diolllil bull lam ne necei^arj fornii Iroui Or Kdvuird I Shaw in Oi aper iiil

College Calender

in II pi ibii

I i ie il AH slultlents who ^ o k p a n bdquo

ll Sep tember Import bdquobdquo raquolaquo p r o g r a m should a t tend a ^ H m g in O r a p e r ii ()11 s oer amp at i p bdquoi


H 00 10 III) p III Ill Ilent - l ( l ( epllon

SAi l KDAV S I I T I A l l i E l t 2i

lo no i III Ki ah gt I ne ol U ar I o j) in ld ahgt Men s Sollhall I o |i m i(n alrgt Womei s Suit ball


No Make up Monday

T i l l T t S O A V SI 1IEIVinEH US

7 io DiO igt m SOU Bridge Night


jeception ProvesLively jut jazz Goes Bust

I _ laquo i i i A M k O M S enordinntnrs Mill Mornnli una By BILL FRANKONIS


bull Kv BiLii mdash coordina tors Bill Burnett and Ar-

1 MI r o l l e r Reception en te r - l e laquo P i u n a s flie All-tolie0e n e e i T h c s n o w s l ( ) p p c r i a s n c S() o f l o n

taiifanent i s s e l d o m i trade i is was Danny Iabeille His mimic g e d but this y e laquo s e n t e r a i n - ( j f

3 was bull ^ g j S S ^ d raquodf for the day was a magnificent i t gt s been m previous y e a r s a n a o n c _ M h ^ perfcaps foreshadows even happ ie r L a | ) e i | ] L s p a n l o m i n c w a s a f n s h

ye|s ahead on the I afec Hall ^ s p a r k l n g a s j f R W ( gt n ^ ^

straquogc- done for the first tune There was sect e combined ta lents of Anne n ( ) d ( ) u h ( a b ( ) U | l h ( s u r r o u n ( | j n j H bdquo

Si th and Elly Daul resul ted in a | ) ( u r t i c l e s | H i n bdquo l l s ( 1 bdquo w a s

delightful rendering of gui ta r -ae- 1S r c a a s i f ( h ( i y W ( r ( h e i t _ companied songs in a style some- a n ( J 1 ) ) l s | s | h ( M bdquo r ( ( ( | | ( | ( r | l M l v

ffhat akin to thc Kingston I n o ( )f bdquo m l l ( | Though more There was an electric tension about s | a l ) M k k t h a n |1( m i m i r n M a r

t H duo that t ransmi t ted itself lo ((| M a r ( ( i u iabeilh u a - -the audience at the first gu i t a r s u | ) | ( a s ) | ( | n | u h l l u M ( A h n

chord It was a tension horn ol a j | ( t a l- t | p a m | ) M l | bdquo bdquo flawless knowledge oi their ma- a | n | i r i 0 U s | v hea r twanmn 1 n n d i terlal What they did sounded easy j ( | | ] ( j f | (gtft-n bull r 1kltbulllti an to do and in the Arts anyth ing A s () ( | | a | W ( | n ) | ) u U U | ( i w r | k

that appears easy is usually a ( n ] t ) ) j s u n ( | bdquo n]lrv] a | sign uf long and patient r e h e a r s a l u bdquo bdquo | I ( n | v Torgen - - la The filing eBlafonte-ish s ingers at | ) a | | ( | n | | | ( | v m t i h | a (uJ the m of the show might have ( ( r ( s a | S l i | ( ] ] s | ] ( ) | l | i ( h a H |

done well to emulate Miss Smith h ( t | | l u n a ) a k i n U | N |H and Miss Dahl in the m a t t e r ol h j n ( | -bullbdquobdquobull l m l M l | s |bdquo | a l bdquo

rehearsal mn-ie ol the In- not tin- la Tin interlude foolery of Tim At- ip rogt there lo ie it -bull bull bull iibull I bullr11gt

well a freshman who s a n g two fair to lore a group that know-songs originally sung by Tom Leh w p a t i- gum on in he- eonn mpir rer was a delightful bit of busi- u r y mu^ic world The Uanliahaii-nes- He more than anyone while mil a la group pre ee served to loosen up the audience tgtlltbull gt know Salurdagt ni lit Im and maintain their recept ive mood Oppendi-anos acirdnni h-d L roup His straight-faced antics gave in- made u clear thai he are mn dlcalioil of an eye anil e a r for r | | l r inootlii - l i i l ie- and inn- coniiilymdashand this combined with prule--iuiial group- in the are an almost perfect sense of l iming makes him almost cer ta in ly a

prole--in f o r the next la Ci

bullbull- -- W a r n e r - rmip m i h perMin to hear more from nd the more wi he

Others par excellence the ul t ra- two roup- al Stale thgt original antics of S te inhauer and Torgen i- to be hired | Koprn the voice of Pat Benedet to li-e I re-caressing the lyrics from King I

Inn tin

bulli r

and I the unpretent iousness of whei

- t e l l e r

inn ugt a lliroii back bull tin iillielW IM let - leal e tin lo bull

e tin gt are II hl-oll biiiik-

Conversion Aids Shelter Problem

Mr K Keith Munsey Housing Director has announced that this fall has seen several changes in the la sidence facilities for stushydents The two extensions of Alden and Walerbiiry llalls which were under construction last year were opened as was a new addition Ontario House

The opening of the Alden and Waterbiin extensions have upped total eapaeiK by ilu and 12IS res-pech ie | Walerbiiry Hall is now the lai esi residence hall on iiupii- M iih a normal capacity of bulli-ii limbII ln r u lib i)H is second u ilh ldi n ISsg next

Sagtles i (iiiiinnidates Women Si I i II In i bousing changes

Ibull ani llei liii wilh Ihi opening ol tiool la-t in ek Sa l e - Hall g im Ii had oi imiudali d men for -i eral i - beeanie the iXehlsi e propiii i oi i s ii iiiiien liiuh r t he -a i --ioii H Mr- Ini iihregt iln diii i tor Moir v dh tins u a-I ie i Ihn ol laki and Aladi bullo | I I el - ll i | | i I i p a l l l l

hi oi nun II ad Ib-nh ni- n hi boildri - are loii uliu r iLiii-uii and lhg o r bull bake I || i i I M e l i n l l - e I l l ] - t h e

l bull I - oegi - --lit and ll III aid a i o a nila in c Ilaill net i h 1 I I I A l hu l l - S

11 inliim Itiibn ed

h Ii In- aImi e mi ni iin d oig i - ion- and i l ianei - ha i e m i] i h i pi l e i ima hoi i - i i ig | | I | I || - ol he bull bull i l lege tin i Ion e

bull i - lii d a h Ieihietli ill III the i ia i i una - no i ioa l l i ineanl

bull e e - t i i i ] i p i u in ia te l i h1 e b e e l i tl lpll ll ill

i II and liriibai In r Hall- m mpan-iii I -mill i la-t year

| i buii llali l umen r H n a -II mdashr i rinb io iniiin- llu-


It is cus tomary I suppose upon the birth of a new column to exshyplain ones self to the l i tera te mulshytitudes Down with t rad i t ion 1 say It s a new yea r and pe rhaps no one will notice if I Inconspicushyously creep into the t imeless r ea lm of frustrated feature wr i te rs withshyout a noble purpose to save manshykind With the tuhulant fruits of my prolific brain exposed to view I begin The homely Nurse doth all she can To make her Foster-Child her Inshy

mate Man Forget the glories he ha th known And that imperial palace whence

lie came William Wordsworth

Some people receive ma i l I reshyceive things I subscribe lo Kvcry b r i d a i my weekly home town newspaper fills the void of my long suffering mail box and this


week an interest ing i tem graced its pages Some inspired soul had a poem printed on the editorial page and it s eems his free verse ( ) effort concerned the depa r tu re of Sonny Boy into the world of books and bottles An exerp t

How I will miss you My little one My little one You who have been with me All of the t ime Will they be good lo you Will you be nice to them Baby of mine Smile my dea r He gay my love He happy in your new world Of education begun You may pause now lo wipe

away a tear and stiffle a sob Conshysider these freshmen mdash snatched from the bosom of the hear th fines of home anil plunged into the crass world of mys tery mea l textbook lints v^J gtbullgtraquonnfuiiivgta

invoice views not

ceOn Weekend




of sludcnts who stock up

eo 11 y on co m p boollt s

binders filler paper and

other w r i t i n g supp l i es

You can become a BS

(Better Student) by selecshy

ting from among the largshy

est and finest assortment

of school supplies we ve

ever hud come in and


For Your Co-operati The State College


S i t D I M INION BOARD Uae l a- iii S IT Metre-

al ion i hail man announces the re-iiiuption ol St l i Bridge Xights Me tiii - u ill be Thursday nights liiim 7 iu ii u in Hrubacher

Tin re n ill be a Student Inion Hoard List mug I lour Sundai in Waiei burl Mam Lounge from i to

RADIO STATION W( IA ilie student raclia s ta l l

will meet Thursday in Hrubacher al 7 go An students interested ui joining the group are asked to i Hl le l 7 Ii

J I M O i i S Audi Cihulsky (ill announces

ihai then will In a junior ela-in ibull 1111-_bull tuilav it 1 pm in I iehard son Lliu lit VNSI F i t s

Vou n dl be required to wear ninie lags lor i iir mi n protection I u i tin in up Monday in IOM or IVrisu bs ui Tuesday in the stu dent I el sai im I i l l l l e e

SUB Program Jo Loan Prints

s ii i l iiiin Hoard lias in e in 1 jUogla III de-i lied bull bull i [e i i v - II -Midi ill - ii it Ii Inn oi bull i hi a dot io oi apiil mem I mi o ii - i i -r I lie hoard pur i I- -id Mm i pi nit - I ruin famous I o - bull IIII 111 Ill i l si U d e l l

i imir Ilu plllll s a re ie I I i iiin Imi nig b ami I bull ii on di- pla i in

i on three lllliUIgh I u i-hiig lo Inn

bei h in I in bull i bull Sept mbi i at

gl M I e l l lMi le ellIl lshyil i lii i I t in pi iei i a I I I

M lie it l l i pi lilt - Will be i | Iill e ll t i l l t i l e S i l l

gt| ig I HIIi I gi i l l l li Hi I o l l l l a s

I i t In In

Muilcul I uiiiil Biianl Iriiil Iulit i i m u l l e d - indent- o| t in

Ii i l l lie n i l led In bo l l m l

inI s i i l l - i i i u - l - b o i Ibi l l S A

- lid MI thai llieir iianii J^ I - 11 it li -til number and phone ii mlbdquo r inai be no oided Ii posii l 1 uu in list be made rt In n biiiiov im prints The entire 1 posit u ill be refunded on the re ol the piini and f rame t SMuleiiis IIIii borrow only one priiii n a lime on first come liril s e r i e basis i I rinls ma) be kept lor a half -i iiieslel I K ll eiks I li 11 a Iranu or print or bulb are damaged the borrower will be

judged accordingly

ed tent

t rue perspect ive can only be hieved by reviewing the com-iits of all concerned with the bullekenil We interviewed a few of

wai g counselors

bullVilliam McCarthy 63 1 a mght the weekend was very well j ) a gani ed an excellent group of

osh An indication of how grea t nitiiig was is revealed by the

Col t that everyone was t ired f^Andv Cihulsky 63 It served I lie

purpose but was r a t h e r regi-bullnled The food was excellent

~bdquod the Beanie Ceremony was im-

v uessive ( ) i h e I 1 y Kel le rman G2 The Concert and Outing m a d e the ano uiiiie 11 veii aoiiisn iv the 100 great books IBM and friendly competit ion Brea the easy loved ones Kvery m e a s u r e is beshying taken in insure the happiness ol your offspring Worldly responshysibilities toughen the moral fiber and what is more impor tan t they keep the kids out of Washington I ark at night

Forum Hosts Prof Thomas

The Iopiilalion Kxplosion is the title I i Iilk I be given l Iliilissoi l i imlei I hnnas 1) li V al I | n Moiidai Sepshyt ember gi ui Ingigi r Iii I he speech held under the gu-piee- ol t h e li u i| 111 ol I o l e - l- o p e i to

t he -a udenl Ijuil I be ail mission i-I f e e

li igtl --or Tieoni- n IM - inin i he t u n i-it 1 ( 11dil I m iies IMI land and the I un i I -1 gt ol lilt iinis u i- Diieciur ol tin Northshyern t o o l pein Seel uu Ioli1 leal III li llei in e I Ii purl liieiil ol i he I-ui-ii ll I llln i llolii lull to ltlli III I e e e l l l 1 i als l ie l i a s b e e n - p e c K i l i

iir III Aii do eieiii an economic l e l i t l o l l s l i e bull l i e i l l hol o l si l

e l a l b o o k - o i l e l o l l o l l l l l - l lH l l l lh l l g

Migration and I iiuiuniu d r o w t h V Modi id Britain mil (he Allan

lie Coii imiini t i mil i- also 111 editor ol I lo ion i l i s ol Inlei nalliiii al Migration lie is l-o ilu an lllor ol a paper on oihl Iopiilashylion Movements which be wrote for the Sep tember Uliiu meeting of the British Association ol the Ad-i ancelilellt ol Science

Iliile-sor Tboiiia- who is speakshying through the courtes) of the Knglish Speaking tnioii is deshyscr ibed by thai organization as a real c h a r m e r a t t rac t ive articushylate and humorous who has m a d e a great bit wherever he has spoken


755 Red Devils Invade Campy Frosh Lamen Early Clases

B FD VS of M


V-d H i fu me i-oa-rj azam Hillie

Vad h i i t i i H

^Freshmen Give ^lack Legion Prowls Campus

To All Our I Verdant Verdict Collf-Ze S e w




I bull - | iJ

1 bull


(i - J

- bull raquo P - - -

mdash bull bull -

2 v-T

bull ^ - -

pound r c j

bullt JT

rV ampr j


- J z bull -

y v

- bdquo - bull -

T r

ibull---- -

^ - v

- - bull bull bull

v r lt bull - bull ^

rr r - c

- - r New s

-raj News 3

bull--bull p

r i V j j n bull- Stall

a- n n bull -J a -veg iin i- b y en

conducted in a de~ultorgt unorsan-bull() i r j n n r bullbull -


xlt-~n ijrm of lis t a m f 1

38 Men Enter In Class 32

Successful 44 Frosh Camp

Provides Weekend Thrills

Ode to M e Exhausted By I R E N E WISTER li

Oh when Ihose Frosh c a m e m a r c h i n g in

[we counselors s t a r t ed t h a t F r i d a y with a grin

The day dawned with a golden sun in a mellow sky

and promised 790 anx ious F rosh by sundown ai gt

We padded our minds for the ons laught of quer ies

and sutured our m u s c l e s for the weekend wearies

Witli nametags and h a n d b o o k s we sent them off scamping

In learn those J) songs in one hour was cramping

When (lav turned to night the Beanie Ceremony was flaming

and later on s tage we did some impromptu gainim

Home again home again and with clanni-li I rankw- we all nodded over our c o m m o n slt-cpi-h blan ue--

Sinlaquo rang sunJ wv a bull bull bull then sleep slept s lept till the 7 oclock rail

Saturday morn was the t i m e for tours ami the campu- lorded and Dr Schultz for one hour advice and sial ism bull aflorded

With careful instruction we lead the assor tment tu the nineteen buses for the T h a t c h e r transport merit

By tvwi p in the 755 were scoring and oxplorm while Mime of us did some ignoring and siionn

The gtkits at nine were a h u m o r e d compulsion hut by then we all needed au tomat ion priipul-i in

Sunday was the t ime for fussing mi luded some muss ing d i scuss ing and (ii^-iii-

The Fashion show was a s tound ing with new s i l e - noteil while the Activities a g e n d a was expoundum and dub- ii pron

The holiday meals all a long the s tomach did appea-e hut some alert Frosh did inquire about the Man

A lew Mars gl immered that n ight while IMII-H- thai w railed In the Frosh for u social evening ol - o p


Up up and AWAY

l l l l ieM-


i h a l We joined in the fun our e o r m were forgotten

there was a lways Monday to mend them -mm

The next morning was occupied with robust dispn-M - - u u as we set the Frosh free af ter our good nalured bl--m

Oil when those Frosh to r e g i s t e r left we all crawled back to bed and unquest innably -h-pt

The calm before the storm

- u u - i Ijf-^f Ngtv gt To the Ones W- Tvlto hujdr^j and -cl c -

Thirty eiht Mn 7 h r t (bull i bull hi bull - bull bull bull

11 - i l l -

fi-gtv Vf-riif- 1916 - A Big Class Arrives

f fidlt-nt f i rubi r

Mf S

I i i e

-llt - gt S bull

Fight On

Red Devils

bull bull a- o abullbullbullbullbull ir- bull d

T Q j - -1 i a

bull bullbull bulllt it ltV j j t

V bullbullbull f i l i J l irt

i gt rraquor not u a ( o bdquo bdquo bdquo i a t e d m bullbull pre ef( quarter

Frosh 53 Invade As Rain bull - bull bull weekend more informal and alio

Fails to Daunt the Talented Class of 65 Shows 21 Ratio LiZrl7degrulXktrade deg

1 Activities presenta t ion The spi By COIXKTTA A F1TZMOKK1S U - I L c Qalartamprl rtC Fnrrl+pound of the counselors was not up to p

VlOn IS JccCeO US raVOrllG and I think many potential ly gm counselors were mer looked in lh(

bull- Maor by 755 Entering Frosh StLtradeSZlaquoXIT I h | c | | | | | i | | m ^ the dance was in poor tas te

mi i

ii bull H I

Hie Reds have landed lHfgt from ihcir lt- -Iibull 111bull bull 11 ltgti

ol their inembers took over Mur- I M I H and oi n ie

den Lake last Fr iday and held ii thai peih i |

sin-i a little rain and less sleep will imi

raquobullbull Sunday Kelax S la les iuc i i i -n nun Ii

in i- -eriiiiis as it sounds As a i ( | | 11 bullbulll|T HI fact looking the (das- t

i mam have said that Ibis (III I I I In si i l l III

priiiniM- ti In welcome in asnn i n bull h11111 A I M I bull i

hi this ihir first introduction to the d i t le i m i Sate the Red D e v i l s d i s p l a y e d a a n q i i i d I lt

Mii deal ol pep and talent The l

I I lusl uued out of them in all M M H I I i gt bull

^ HMties both planned and unplan r | 1 l l h

l| Their other ou t s t and ing c h a r Imi niei loi

eiistn becauie obvious Sa tu rday 1

l l wl|eii thej put mi a show lor | n | | m

faculty and counselors Judging Ail imeii i i

Voice Views On Weekend

A true perspect ive can only be achieved by reviewing the comshyments of all concerned with the weekend We interviewed a few of the counselors

bullMp William McCarthy 63 I - thought the weekend was very well

organized an excellent group of Frosh An indication of how g r e a t

the outing was is revea led by the fact that everyone was t i red

Andy Cibulsky 63 It se rved its purpose but was r a t h e r regishymented The food was excel lent and the Beanie Ceremony was imshypressive

S h e l l y Kel le rman 62 The Jazz Concert and Outing m a d e the weekend more informal and allowshyed the Frosh to get to know one

he rit

ar and I lliink many potentially good counselors were overlooked in the

ml limi ii

in or a-

m i l

I li

i li


n u n u bull Buzz Wclker L Fan ta s t i c

laquo laquo t t l l l ie l a s s enrolled to major W ( i | | bdquo bdquo bdquobdquo m ( ) S | e f f t c l i v o

11 He -inlnN ai in Hit- nine i IM s tudents or 17 bdquo bdquo bdquo |U | bdquo l s h l 0 |U

bull bull I 1 n | t l s - s r l l M S ( K 1 routine I cdlege l didn t like the i bull bdquobull- l the shnlies will 101 si dents or llli | u r i | l n gt ) u K n j s h | j k ( I Mils rase ill- IM i Ill enrolled in the sciences s ( i ( i ( i | ) T | | ( i y s j l ( U | | ( | | ) ( bdquo ( l l ( ( | | k e

hi s i lml l e has also announced college s tudents and not high dial Ibele has been all upgrading school kids in ill ih maud I the study of Ian- i v t e r Fisher Y1 If I were a

nl V | I | I (M oa l a i year only one slu counselor again Id choose a resi- | | n l ni e m e n d wiih a (eriiian major | nce at Sayles lird floor

majors to ta led | | wie Woodruff (Hi Tre inen-

I t i lm Maintained

il In r Iii u a e I en | bdquo j

l ary I oil Fisei imen li)

Ual i U l l l nl

h u l l h e r |

I wmneii lauy In linn n have stronger la ry l ou Fisei imen li) It | s s IPH keiIIIHIS in Ian mages than was lat igiun and I slept for li days

| n |1 ( | |M piiwioiis i I a - -i bull - h a e bad There ll was excit ing and s t imulat ing to | Ui i e v e n Imle l i l s in tile l l e s h see such a c l n e Ires lnne l i

| l h inn i ls- win h a w had 7 or more Sieve Conkojani lili A frantic Miis nl IHI 11i e study Imi enjoyable rat race


l I I l i e lt n

bdquo i p H on

M l l He I I

Iis- a I ai l i | in i lbei oi l

M u l e In l a I h I

i il dul l in i 1 s i n l i e - as well III a l l i en a

li s and bull m m i

( oillillUUI I 1 Willie M a l h e i i u l l c s a marked the

i v l e i e i u e ol the rllllTHUi l a s s ol u I 1 1 1 s i l l l i K ll

Kids will be kid Pllil will) IJH s lude l l l s ol il

His inothei never told him


AMIA Starts New Season Track Added To Schedule

Probably one of the most active organizations at State College is the A M I A (Association of Mens Intramural Activities) which governs all phases of Mens Intramural Activities during the school year It has an extensive proshygram of activities in which all men of State are Welcome to participate

The complete calendar of events includes basketball touch football tennis golf volleyball tumbling tramposhyline archery softball swimming table tennis and badshyminton Other activities are included as interest is disshyplayed There are also co-ed activities that are jointly sponsored by A M I A and W A A (Womens Athletic Association)

A M I A is an organization dedicated to helping the men of State gain release for some of their pent-up energies and to provide good healthful exercise for those who would not otherwise enjoy it Always changing to fit the needs of a changing student body for the first time in its history A M I A organized a mens track meet last spring At that time trophies and individual ribbons were awarded to the first three finishers in each event This year track is being added to A M I As long list of regular intramural teams As in other spoils squads will be formshyed from the fraternities and mens residence halls

All male students at State are heartily urged to parshyticipate in at least one of AMIAs varied activities At the end of the year there will be a presentation of awards for participation and achievement


Officers of AMIA for this yeai a r c Tom Ellis Pres ident Bill Burnett Vice [ resident Pat Cor-ru Sec re t a ry and Lynn Costello T reasu re r

Pa rk ing permits for the student parking lot will be issued at the booth below Draper peristyle beshytween 10 a m and J p m Monshyday through Wednesday

Permi ts will be issued in the following order of priority Group 1 students living outside Albany on Monday Group II s tudents in ALbany but on he fringes on Tuesshyday and group III students living in Albany near the college on Wednesday

The student parking hit holds 250 ca r s when they are properly parked There will be WD pershymits issued To obtain these stick ers s tudents must present their SA I I) ca rds and car rcgistra tion

l i t FILMS Sept 2) From the Terrace 7 amp )(() Oct li Let s Make Love 7 k 915 Oct li Roman Holiday 7 k 915 Oct 20 The Mouse Thai Roared

7 amp l i Oct 27 Mid-iinimcr Nijhls Dream

7 amp 015 ove i Cry the Beloved Country

7 k 915 o v 10 The Iins Ho Summer

7 k 915 Nov 17 Ciji 7 k ) 15

Equipment Pool Offers Wide Selection Of Athletic Gear


The Channing Club will join the

J(PI Club for a picnic al the home

of Dr and Mrs Standing on Sunshy

day at J00 p in Transpor ta t ion

will be provided from Brubacher

al 200 p m S tudents planning o

a t t end a re reques ted to sign up

at the Channing Club Bulletin

Board in Lower Draper

With the advent of fall the Athshyletic Equipment Pool again as in previous years offers a wide r ange of sports equipment for any stushydent of State College for nothing more than on a piece of paper

This equipment has been widely used in the past and will be availshyable this year in abundance The variety of equipment avai lable is such that it is worth mentioning here

Probably the most widely used pieces of equipment are the Kng-lih touring bicycles that were purchased in a small quant i ty four years ago and have been inshycreased since then These bikes arc well built expensive and can be sigm d oul lor a lull day lo any Stale student

For the tennis enthusiast I here are large numbers of Cortland Tennis (acquets ranging from the light-weights for the girls lo ihc medium and heavyweights for Hie men Tennis balls arc also a ailable in large quanti t ies

In addition hi Ihc oquipmi ni ol lered above llle oqquipmcnl pool offers a u ide rani e id other spunbull

oqqu ipmcn l such as bags softball equipn se ts and t en t s and i of t r a c k equipment

The Athle t ic Kqquq an o rgan iza t ion fma1

AMIA WAA and oni the pu rpose of oil e q u i p m e n t for all i college without clou gt cons is t s of the respi den t s of the AMIA ing ( lub with i mo as the faculty adv i



uiieill iced nig C nilJ


ATTENTION S T l D E N T S M I ill li

t o r ll Si

ol Me


n i bullbull- pellcin


A M I A football cuiiimiis-

sioiners Bub Costello and Chuck

Hunter would I ke lo announce

thai I n t r a m u r a l Football will ten

ta e h open nexl Wednesday

Sep t ember 27 A Ilieeling for

all captain w II be held lo

d a Fr iday S e p e m b c r 22 at

11 0(i ii the gym A representa

live In in iH eh l ea m inn - be a

iliis meei ing wiih a roster ol his

p layers Any difficulty in sched

til i w ill be discus -Id ui ilns

Career Cues

Cure for job boredom I made my favorite pastime my career Richard Bertram President

Bertram Yacht Co Division of Nautec Corp

W h e n y o u s t o p to t h i n k w h a t p e r c e n t of o u r t o t a l w a k i n g h o u r s is s p e n t b r e a d - w i n n i n g y o u r ea l i ze h o w t rag ic it is for a n y m a n to work a t an o c c u p a t i o n h e doesn t en joy B e s i d e s f r i t t e r ing a w a y life it r e d u c e s c h a n c e s of success t o j u s t a b o u t ze ro I k n o w b e c a u s e it a l m o s t h a p p e n e d t o m e

Af te r co l lege I d id w h a t I t h o u g h t w a s e x p e c t e d of m e a n d j o i n e d a solid M a n h a t t a n - b a s e d i n s u r a n c e firm I soon found office r o u t i n e wasn t for m e I l ived on ly for

l u n c h h o u r w h e n I cou ld w a l k t o t h e B a t t e r y a n d m e n t a l l v sai l w i t h t h e sh ips t h a t s t o o d o u t in t h e N a r r o w s ami for t h e s u m m e r w e e k e n d s w h e n I c o u l d g o s a i l i n g Foi t inshyn a t e l y t h e c o m p a n y I w o r k e d for is o n e of t h e l ead ing i n s u r e r s of y a c h t s a n d a f t e r t w o y e a r s I w a s t r a n s f e r ltl t o t h e i r Y a c h t U n d e r w r i t i n g D e p a r t m e n t E n j o y m e n t am I i n t e r e s t in m y w o r k i m p r o v e d i m m e d i a t e l y 1 0 0 7

Af t e r W o r l d W a r II I s t a r t e d m y o w n y a c h t b r o k e n i i f i rm a n d y a c h t i n s u r a n c e a g e n c y in M i a m i c o m b i n i n g m y m a r i n e i n s u r a n c e b a c k g r o u n d w i t h a n e v e n c l o s e r relashyt i o n s h i p w i t h b o a t s

M y o n l y p r o b l e m e v e r s i nce h a s b e e n a f e e l i n g of guih t h a t m y w o r k was t o o e a s y I love b o a t s a n d boat m p e o p l e T h a t a f fec t ion h a s p a i d m e r e w a r d s w a y b e y o n d t h e f inanc ia l s e c u r i t y it h a s a l so p r o v i d e d

T h e m o r a l s o b v i o u s Y o u h a v e an o d d s - o n c h a n c e fm s u c c e s s a n d h a p p i n e s s w o r k i n g a t wdiat y o u e n j o y most w h a t c o m e s n a t u r a l l y A n d if it s no t j u s t f r i v o l o u s youi lifes w o r k cou ld wel l be w h a t y o u n o w c o n s i d e r just bull p a s t i m e i t s c e r t a i n l y w o r t h t h i n k i n g a b o u t a n y w a y

Gerald Drug Co ill H e M r r n v e Albany N V

Ilione fi-3ltU0

Lets Start

The Year

Off Right

Visit The


And to make anv time nacc m n raquo ^ 1 l c pass more enjoyably


B J lUj-nulilraquoTu|bdquoiugUiWljiraquolulj BiikuiN t l


In This Corner Frosh Booters Night Soccer at Bleecker Have It Rough Kicks-off 1961 Home Season

15 y I50IJ I) A VIES

As of the present time there are six Varsity sports in the athletic program of State College At various times in the past new sports have been added with various deshygrees of success

Last year a track meet was held and a great amount of support was tapped mushrooming the attempt into a successful start This year there will me a program of team competition instead of a meet for individuals

Although the track team has gotten off to a favorable start there is still much hard work to be done in raising the sport to varsity status There are ten events in college track each event requiring a minimum of three comshypetitors This in turn demands that there be loin to six men trying out for each event in case of injury There fore in order to have a team we will nerd at least 30-40 men trying out and staying out lor the entire season

The AMIA has approved team competition for track This step is the next necessary one in the development ol track as a Varsity sport This years set-up will allow for the formation of three to four or five teams Any of the five fraternities Waterbury Hall or the Mens Group houses may start a team either as a unit or in union with other groups if they are too small The AMIA is purchasshying three trophies which will be awarded to the top three teams Also ribbons will be given to the top three indishyviduals in each event

Perhaps of the most difficult ol events to tram lot-are the distance runs mile and two-mile In fact those persons who frequently run these distances sometimes parshyticipate in a unique sport of their own Cross country running Those persons interested in this type of event will have the opportunity of participating under the super vision ol Mr Munsey Mr Munsey will be starting pracshytice on this Monday at 330 pm by the equipment shack on Veterans Field In order to have a team enough inshyterest must be shown by those attending practice Reshymember nothing is gained in sports without work but the eventual rewards are worth far more than tin work put out in attaining them

As a closing note it will be necessary to consider dial although distance runners arc necessary for any track team they are not wholly sufficient Therelnre n we are to have a track team we will have it only by a coshyoperative effort of everyone concerned


A MUMn marked by some of the This year promises to be a very challenging one for the ILlli

l ciiiniiciiiinii in ihc suae Varsity Soccer team With a full schedule of ten games six Slil( |l)s|i soccer team of them in conference play the twenty-five members of the

l V r r squad will find themselves very busy in the weeks ahead V I l i i i l l nl ihc thirty candi-

lllr I1 Hie squad have had high A new innovation has come to the State sports scenemdash M111 Mvncnce and according night soccer games at Bleecker Stadium The first home i-h uraquoi Iniincjamc There g a me against Oneonta will be played under the lights Tmi n T prs T n i s Mature should be advantageous to State College stu-chnuv a Martmiteaniver iWc d e n t s s i n c e weekday games would be inconvenient both HIT gt-IIS iccaii more ihan^a l o r spectators to attend and for players who would have Auk 111 anil n first string l ineup t o m i s s c l a s s e s Us ahlavl1 hi |iiw|laduhe T h c possibility of having bleechers for home games has i r-h MMSUII MII ibdquo ii Home- D P e n advanced The State has approved use of bleechers (bullin Weekend L-ainc played but has not as yet appropriated the necessary funds

Hbdquobdquoamclas v T n o t e a m starts its season with an away game at RPI bullill beat ihc P e l s 1-2 in a Sept 30 Last season the Peds wound up in a tie game with

hard imi-iii lAerinnc affair Tins the Engineers the score standing at 1-1 ca r he game w ill start at I2in J a preliminary limit to the var- The first conference game is set on the following Tues--iigt cmiic-i uiih Ilaiisimry day at Potsdam This will be States first encounter with

Il1 nraquoii i- will net their Potsdam Last year State finished with a 2-2-1 record for |i bullampai n underway ncxi Sat conference play Sources from other conference teams n|iida spi n against orange have been making noises about giving State a hard time | i u n M i bdquo m m t gt bdquo | | c c c Orange t h i s y e a r 1 ini ha- lici II raicd first m the

iiaiinn in niiiini cuiieuc soccer for The squad has had two scrimmages so far this year [ lM lr gtbull ul presented Although both were lost Coach Joe Garcia has been busy ]]u) ln correcting defensive flaws in the team Mr Garcia has M U T i~ mentioned that the team seems in better shape than it was i i iund S l a t e i i c l u m p e d In 2 hill l

ih Fiu-h iinprued cniiich by l a s t voar- H e a l s 0 a d c i c d t h a t conditioning is being over-ihc Mcund mi in reduce the vie shadowed by the skill of States opponents Therefore much inn mar in io 12 The result of more concentrated practice is needed to put the team in nil Saturday - uamo aJamsl this s h a p e lop notch lea m -hmild sen e as an

eMeiie- jniii -aiur for the entire The team is under the leadership of three captains this i-in-ii bull year Karl Heins Gerstenberger Ed Broomfield and Dave

Frank Frank and F r a n n y Zwickl-

baucr two of last y e a r s injured

have been forced to s ta r t p rac t i ce

at a slower pace because of the i r

conditions Ed Broomfield has

been the mains tay of the p rac t i ce

A sessions keeping his t e a m m a t e s

- Soccer Schedules

gti N

S a o bullbull

Weil l ie

s a lc


u ( i i ( (

7 U o c k l a n d l I

11 K I I



Sal Sept i0 KIM Tues Oct 2 Po tsdam Sal Oct 7 ( ieneseo

Wed Oct 11 Oneonta

M e| at II S a bull | -1 I lu t lsburgh Wed del IS New Ialtz

is IIIKIMHI alley II Sal Oct 21 Oswego Sai Oct 2s ini|j|Hiri

A in step with the p rac t i ce schedule

J and in doing so exhibited fine lead-II e rsh ip He has been a chief factor ^ in the progress of the t e am Karl




o I Montclair n 11 Adelplii

ltbullbull- e - bullbullbull bull

Your Philip Morris Student Representative invites you to


BRAND R0UP3D Rules And Prizes To Be Awarded

Wi l l Be Announced Shortly


N ^ in111


( l e r s tenberger voted Most Im-II proved Athlete last year figures to II be one of the key men on the squad

P e r h a p s the most vital improveshyment needed in the loam is that ol improved inlra-groiip coordinashytion Passing between t e a m m a t e s defensive plays knowing when to pass inln a hole are all part of the needed polish


( a i lYnlichl makes a save


ART KAPNER W r i t e s All T p t s of I n s u r a n c e

L I F E - A U T O - F I R E Hospitalization

HOD-H7 7gt Slate Street HO 2-5581

As ihc school year begins anew so docs lii alr here al Slate The first scheduled r ivalry events will occur tomorrow Tug of-u ar will lie held in the morning with soil-ball in ihc afternoon on the play-lllf field located ill back of Brushybacher Hall

The freshman softball t eam is

in a strong position according to

loam caplaiiis Al Drake and Lestshy

er Keys With only a short period

nl nine lii organie ihc team and

prac t ice Ill ha e done a r emark shy

able lull

Al pract ice held yes te rday afshyternoon ihc team i -gt cut to its final number of lwenl all of M hum will see action in tomorshyrow s came Many of llie t eam m e m b e r s were varsity ball p layers in ih ir high schools a fact winch grea l l j enhances ihc s t rength of Ihc team

All of the Rivalry t e a m s a re good but this is not enough In order lor the team of your choice to win ii is necessary for you to show spirit and en thus iasm by atshytending each of the scheduled events


J+ouie J+outli

Psi Gamma Lucille Monaca 62 announces

that Barbara Martin and Barbara Samuels are the co-chairmen of Homecoming Weekend Chi Sigma Theta

Mary Ann DiRuscio 62 anshynounces that the co-chairmen of the Homecoming Float are Peggy Bioty 6-1 and Judy Stone 64 Rush captains are Jean Davis 63 and Roz Ferrara 64 Sigma Phi Sigma

President Judy Kaminsky 62 has appointed the following comshymittee chairmen Sunshine Sheila Stromwasser 64 Float Carol Cohen 64 and Leona Kerpel 64 Formal dinner Charlene Maron 62 and Felicia Held 63 Formal Weekend Leslie Kaplan 63 and Roz Zeichner 63 Refreshments Ann Goldstein 63 and Carolyn Game 63

The following girls were initiated Monday night Sandy Ciarbowit- 63 Eileen Krakower 63 Gerri Goldman 64 Iris Shapiro 64 and Rhoda Solomon 64 Gamma Kappa Phi

President Barbara Manso 62 announces that Beatrice Heath 61 wil lserve as sorority president foi 1961-62 Beta Zeta

President Doris Edelstein 62 announces that Julie Recesso 6-1 was elected Sports Director am Sandy Lisson 64 was elected hisshytorian Rita Gsanell 62 was chosen Float Chairman for Homecoming An open house for off-campus men is being planned for Sunday Octshyober 22 Phi Delta

President Sally Jones 62 anshynounces that the first meeting of the year was held on Monday September 18 After the meeting a party was given in honor of Mrs Griesmeyer the new housemother Sigma Alpha

President Doris Williams 62 anshynounces that Donna Pacelli was elected vice-president replacing Barbara Garrecht who transferred to the University of Rochester Potter Club

President Ed Brennan 62 anshynounces that a dale party will be held Saturday

Signum Laudis Gives Rare Book

Signum Laudis presented a rare copy of William Blakes Hook of the Irizen to Hawley Library last June Dr Arthur Collins of the college faculty has written a reshyview of the book which is printed in part below

bullCurrently on display in the Colshylege library is one of the worlds unique books The Hook of Urizen by William Blake The college copy one of a limited edition ol IIU was printed Iu-t spring A ith a special donation from the srholas lie honorary Signum Iinli -

William Blake ( 1757-1827j a con temporary ol Wordsworth com bmed the graphic and literar) arts His books an- not illustrated text in tin usual sense for lie engraved both the text (which he wrote him self) and the illustrations FIT quently he combined the two on a single page creating a visual picshyture in which the engraved text forms part ol the unified artistic composition Whereas one judges most illustrated books by the fidelishyty of the illustrations to the print ed texts m Blakes books one is justified in looking to the illustra tions to clarify and amplify the text itself

This facsimile edition has been culled one of the finest ever pro duced The present display which will last through the month walt prepared by Miss Margan i Wag ncr of the Hawley Library

Kappa Beta President Ron Coslic 62 anshy

nounces that Ken Bellantoni 63 has been appointed Corresponding Secshyretary

Sigma Lambda Sigma President Dave Symula 62 anshy

nounces that a semi-formal date party will be held Saturday night at the Fort Orange Club at 830 pm

Alpha Phi Alpha President Bob Pollero 62 anshy

nounces that a date party will take-place Friday September 29 at 9 pm The place is to be announced

The Board of Directors announshyces that during the summer the house was painted and new storm windows were installed

Bill Simmons 62 has been reshyappointed Fire Warden Joe Ball 62 has been appointed Tapping Chairman Theta Xi Omega

Jim McAden 62 President anshynounces that all correspondence should be addressed to Hoy OBrien 63 Corresponding Secretarv

Opening Senate Meeting Sparks

By JIM WHEELER Senate started the new year off

right by having their first meeting Wednesday night

The first order of business conshycerned the filling of a vacant posishytion on the Camp Board Camp Board submitted a letter unanimshyously recommending Alden Pierce to this position Senate elected him reported that architects drawing have been presented to Camp Board for a new building to house 32 and feed 80 The building will cost approximately sixty thousand dollars

President David Brooker reportshyed first on the possibility ol forming a karate club A demonshystration is tentatively scheduled for all students interested next Thursshyday evening More information will be found in the lower peristyles of Draper and Huested Halls

After Pat Benedetto new Campshyus Commission chairman reportshyed nn the progress of Campus Comshymission Senate presented the new ly married President and Mrs Brooker with a gift

Service Group

Awaits Clues Frosh got a complaint Heres

your chance to say what you want whilhout being reprimanded The Services Committee of the Senate will listen to you

These complaints should concern suggestions for improving the camshypus They do not concern Rivalry Any suggestions which you have will be reviewed by the committee and if containing merit will be presented to Dean Thorn

In the past the administration has always welcomed the students views It is impossible for everyshyone to see Dean Thorne personally Results can not always be promisshyed but every suggestion will be exshyamined

Some of the things which have been looked into are more library hours the parking problem the Commons name plates for Water-bury and Alden Halls ivy on the dorms

The members of the committee are cochairman Geri Schleifer and Dick Kelly 63 Elaine Hou-ser 62 Bill Burnett and Don Allen 63 Pat Cerra and Lapinski 64

Business Club

Begins Year Phi Beta Lambda state ltbullbullbull


ter of the United llu lion Association be son with an inform on Tuesday afternoon 18

Dr Milton C Olson Business Education the business faculty a considerable numhei

The president E rlw gave a welcome spi bull duced the other ofln i David Jnnes i Mr dent Diane Butler Vice President Willi 62 third Vice Pre-idi bull bership chairman ] 61 Secretary Willi Treasurer and Dim Senior Executive limn bull

The first meetiii September 27 when lion in braille shm given All business n viled to join Ibis clul

mess Eli-bullin a- j I uffeh-bull Septet

urcc r illnuf

Xn-k -ii nd r Tin- -

Tareytons Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est Slugging Junius (Pretty lUy) Cassius Lakes off | | i e brass knucks to enjoy his favorite smoke

Hays Pretty Boy Ecce Tureyton one filter cigarette that really delivery de gustibus Try Tureytons Next time you buy cigarettes take a couple of pacta vobLscum




Tareyton Product of JampdnMwn XtfwCytay -$ampbdquo j bdquobdquo mMU nam b gt

nait te


Ashman Writes Home rivalry Keeping Him Busy

September and would you behove bull | 330 a m b u t have a cold

Dear Mom and Dad ( ( ) U j r ( m M( m ui ( | | ) | | | |

rrhis Saturday morning at the ()J w n ( ( M | | | | ( bdquo |n lgoaTy hour of 9 a m the Hi- w h j ( h (h | ( Stln|1N |lrv Committee witJi their chair- a l s ( r ( l w r i bdquo |

Howie Woodruff in the lead s k n W l n t m n gth II( n

p i hide the cherished ole State Besides I hae io wnv inner so that we Frosh and The 0ptis must climb into trees dig

jihi- mud and hunt under logs to find it This time there will be BO finders keepers The class pcli bnds the banner first will Wn two rivalry points In the afternoon at 130 we girls play (he Soph girls at Volleyball Mary lull a junior is in charge of this |vent

So far Mom and Dad were vvin-nin Rivalry 5-1 Last Saturday Jinnum we won 2 points each for Jic mens and womens soft ball |aines and in the morning 1 point

bullfor the mens tug-of-war The Soph have won only 1 point for bullflii- womens tug-oDwar

our first edition of the Satans Seroi comes out this Friday but then so does the Sophs Ye Die jker

av iiihl the Court of the Ad-jjiiUalion of Infractions of Trade word ciunpo- ei i-raquobull tried M of us Frosh Really Five Hundred C - I Ib-i-fJI-bull n 1 couldnt wear my beanie Kvery Fro-h -hcdd W |h lay cause it was wet cause Heauie Win i lb - s e e It u raining outside and nobody (lolly Men I gt bullibull I bull-gtjl listen to me and this nasty ol aun rea-ltu- Id ali iii iuuil bull bullbull gt m lo lt bull gt- bull -S [ii made me wear it anyway reasons All I can tliinl - h d l bull bullbull

Albany State Readies for New Campus

Construction Slated to Begin Next Spring


Kivnliv (hail men IVte I nlu-i lluwii Wueih till and Iill liuinett discuss coming ients

Slate SCAD Rap Milne Policies By BILL I KANKONIS

In a sidden and unexpected report this week the State Education Deshypartment admitted that the admission policies of the Milne School constituted d scriiniration as far as race and socio-economic status are concerned Folshylow y close on the heels of this report the State Commission Against Discrimishynation (SCAD) charged that the Milne admissions policy violated the states

Anti-disrimination Law on two counts The charges lodged are the culmination of an investigation begun last March At that time Mrs Rhunette Bates made a complaint to SCAD that her daughter Sharon had been rejected by Milne on the grounds that she is a Negro

Discriminatory minislrative officials admit that tho The Stale Kducation Department preference and grandfather sys-

rcport slated that the Milne stu- terns were wrong 1 Fdward Con-deni body is in no way represent- way SCADs investigating officer ative ol the population of the area claimed that any attempts to justi-served by the school or even of fv the present admission policies those who apply for admission In are mere exercises m semantics net effect the procedures are (lis- bdquo

New Policy (Tiinumlory as tar as race and

o economic status are concern- Following the release of the ed The report also stated that charges by both agencies Dr no specific evidence had been Thomas 11 Hamilton President of found in the case of Sharon Pates the State University said that he

The investigation was carried hoped to be able to announce new out by the Kducation Practices Act admissions policies for Milne with- l

ii| I)cl IIe - i l l l H

administration because of an agree- in a week menl between the State Kducation _

According to Dr Itvan R Collins Department and SCAD to cooperate 1 in order In exclude duplication of President of SlCK at Albany a

committee of Milne faculty mem-

Model I In pl l l l l l e lii I--

c o m p l e t e d - e ilt

LLU n f e - o l l ie

s c a l e Miollel ol I

New Plans Released TinSlate Iniversity of New York - released fur publication the

I-i- fraquor the new campus of this (1i-1 Three hundred acres of includm lie ei jlaml liiealed between Western and on di -play in In gt padiiii tun Avenues on the site of all the I lb Albany Country Club have be n be nun ailiipriated and construction is igt niadi phriilllcci |(| |bdquo jbdquo | | ( x t s ) r j M K

An hiteets

Il niel led Plans

l l l l l l l l

I I l l l

I i alisitiuii The hisl buildn

ed u ill be i 11 p| r i u ln initial plans were drawn up ity n l s l l

ur he suiiiincr Coordinaline peeled to be leei bulllt^nn fur aii pluses of the pro fall ol im I he j h tin1 emiiieiit Kdmimd Stone campus will d-1 ltbullbull [-ih landed h President K ui buihliii - an lini-ln d

Hlis Mr Stone has designed dent - will IIUM ltltbullgt 1 gt Klllbassies in W u Delli the lun lamuu-e- mil


eilorl - lliree-ear period from - bdquo i i - i bers has been working on develop-liili to Iiil was the ol) ect ol the bull ing a new policy since last Spring l l e - l a l l i l l bull

when the charge was first made SCAD Charges A p ts tn | it has been decided that

Si D s report based on KPAs | | H p o l k v ()f s i b n n g prtfLrence report n- bdquo rpreled the fduealion w o u k j |bdquo eliminated but bevond M Miiiiil - claim that Milne of- ( h a t n o decisions have been In id bull ditl not decide to exclude r(-u|K(| i roi bullbull i le l iberaleK by stat ing

1 |bdquo The absence of Negroes at Alr- tonway who stated that Mmie suhool e the immediate and l l ( (l s lllLgt M i l n c ^lt-ll0(l avL due I i -nl ol admission policies l l l ( n effectively closed to Negroes

I |M deblieraleh established maintain- Icuuse of admission policies also p || id and piniiied by school offi- remarked It can be assumed that and the cuds a mod llu l due policy is to admit stu-- ludui- a ilriit - mi the billowing schedule igt bull inn ] Itiotlieis and sisters of current e ulty uid loriiici lilue students

i hildren of Stale College and Negroes in Milne ii mil siale I nneisiu faculty and staff

bullbdquo ui- Kelerrals especially f r o m In spite of claims that there are ei m l llier education administrators nltraquo Negroes in Milne a Negro ap-

imlI t i a chronological waiting list Ibcant for the eighth grade has bdquo - 111 M |) lurther charged that such IH U admitted and officials have

their (Milne) solution of the probshylem will insure equal opportunity uniform treatment of all applicants and the elimination of discriminshyatory practices

I preference discriiiiin- offered to admit Sharon Hates The


les ainsl egroes because they hitter however however has yet k the ci unity status neces- I make- a decision and is cur-i iii eeii pressure for admit rt-fitlv attending another school ini lso according to SCAD a College officials have stated pre-

riiiillaihei i liuse laMiiing ap loiisly that any discrimination be-oii- whose rellines have at- cause of race was not intentional

udi l Willie excludes Negroes especially they said since it is iner illegal lo include any information

i llu I l these charges ad- about race on an application blank Furthermore when asked about the number ol Negro students in Milne President Collins said It is illegal for me to know the numshyber

SCAD however contends that an intention is not necessary to sus-

SUB Sponsors Sock Hop

Mind iii I uioii Hoard u ill sponsor aharel dance Saturday Sep-ilier u Iroin H III) to IL p in in

I uiui Came Hoom he S lo le l l

lain the discovery of a probable cause In short because of prefshyerence it is possible to assume that some people are being disshycriminated against

Short Investigation

The investigation carried out by

Kiln I a Wdsuyu view til the liibt L2U (umpired an ntllf the tola sou a c e s

I ||if neraquo iiiuuus I he n tit-1 in Dl at1

Hop all ubo attend are request | i dress casually i no shorts please and to wear the brightest allies socks possible

bdquo chairmen i anile Polls (it and KPA was completed in a few days Helen Vanderblll (il hope (hat the After interviewing Dr Theodore Poic will acquaint Stales new Fossieek Principal of Milne and K1 Devils with the upperclassinai checking application records and irnislcis The new Student Union nther data the investigation was niorduialor Mr William MeKiiion concluded and a report submitted oid ins wite will serve as diaper- lo the Kducation Department and


Page 3: State College News 1961-09-22 - · PAG E 2 STAT COLLEG NEWS , SATURDAY MAY 6 1961 oU-auie eMawii Sigma Phi Sigma Sue MacFarlanc; Treasurer, Gai The following girls


755 Red Devils Invade Campy Frosh Lamen Early Clases

B FD VS of M


V-d H i fu me i-oa-rj azam Hillie

Vad h i i t i i H

^Freshmen Give ^lack Legion Prowls Campus

To All Our I Verdant Verdict Collf-Ze S e w




I bull - | iJ

1 bull


(i - J

- bull raquo P - - -

mdash bull bull -

2 v-T

bull ^ - -

pound r c j

bullt JT

rV ampr j


- J z bull -

y v

- bdquo - bull -

T r

ibull---- -

^ - v

- - bull bull bull

v r lt bull - bull ^

rr r - c

- - r New s

-raj News 3

bull--bull p

r i V j j n bull- Stall

a- n n bull -J a -veg iin i- b y en

conducted in a de~ultorgt unorsan-bull() i r j n n r bullbull -


xlt-~n ijrm of lis t a m f 1

38 Men Enter In Class 32

Successful 44 Frosh Camp

Provides Weekend Thrills

Ode to M e Exhausted By I R E N E WISTER li

Oh when Ihose Frosh c a m e m a r c h i n g in

[we counselors s t a r t ed t h a t F r i d a y with a grin

The day dawned with a golden sun in a mellow sky

and promised 790 anx ious F rosh by sundown ai gt

We padded our minds for the ons laught of quer ies

and sutured our m u s c l e s for the weekend wearies

Witli nametags and h a n d b o o k s we sent them off scamping

In learn those J) songs in one hour was cramping

When (lav turned to night the Beanie Ceremony was flaming

and later on s tage we did some impromptu gainim

Home again home again and with clanni-li I rankw- we all nodded over our c o m m o n slt-cpi-h blan ue--

Sinlaquo rang sunJ wv a bull bull bull then sleep slept s lept till the 7 oclock rail

Saturday morn was the t i m e for tours ami the campu- lorded and Dr Schultz for one hour advice and sial ism bull aflorded

With careful instruction we lead the assor tment tu the nineteen buses for the T h a t c h e r transport merit

By tvwi p in the 755 were scoring and oxplorm while Mime of us did some ignoring and siionn

The gtkits at nine were a h u m o r e d compulsion hut by then we all needed au tomat ion priipul-i in

Sunday was the t ime for fussing mi luded some muss ing d i scuss ing and (ii^-iii-

The Fashion show was a s tound ing with new s i l e - noteil while the Activities a g e n d a was expoundum and dub- ii pron

The holiday meals all a long the s tomach did appea-e hut some alert Frosh did inquire about the Man

A lew Mars gl immered that n ight while IMII-H- thai w railed In the Frosh for u social evening ol - o p


Up up and AWAY

l l l l ieM-


i h a l We joined in the fun our e o r m were forgotten

there was a lways Monday to mend them -mm

The next morning was occupied with robust dispn-M - - u u as we set the Frosh free af ter our good nalured bl--m

Oil when those Frosh to r e g i s t e r left we all crawled back to bed and unquest innably -h-pt

The calm before the storm

- u u - i Ijf-^f Ngtv gt To the Ones W- Tvlto hujdr^j and -cl c -

Thirty eiht Mn 7 h r t (bull i bull hi bull - bull bull bull

11 - i l l -

fi-gtv Vf-riif- 1916 - A Big Class Arrives

f fidlt-nt f i rubi r

Mf S

I i i e

-llt - gt S bull

Fight On

Red Devils

bull bull a- o abullbullbullbullbull ir- bull d

T Q j - -1 i a

bull bullbull bulllt it ltV j j t

V bullbullbull f i l i J l irt

i gt rraquor not u a ( o bdquo bdquo bdquo i a t e d m bullbull pre ef( quarter

Frosh 53 Invade As Rain bull - bull bull weekend more informal and alio

Fails to Daunt the Talented Class of 65 Shows 21 Ratio LiZrl7degrulXktrade deg

1 Activities presenta t ion The spi By COIXKTTA A F1TZMOKK1S U - I L c Qalartamprl rtC Fnrrl+pound of the counselors was not up to p

VlOn IS JccCeO US raVOrllG and I think many potential ly gm counselors were mer looked in lh(

bull- Maor by 755 Entering Frosh StLtradeSZlaquoXIT I h | c | | | | | i | | m ^ the dance was in poor tas te

mi i

ii bull H I

Hie Reds have landed lHfgt from ihcir lt- -Iibull 111bull bull 11 ltgti

ol their inembers took over Mur- I M I H and oi n ie

den Lake last Fr iday and held ii thai peih i |

sin-i a little rain and less sleep will imi

raquobullbull Sunday Kelax S la les iuc i i i -n nun Ii

in i- -eriiiiis as it sounds As a i ( | | 11 bullbulll|T HI fact looking the (das- t

i mam have said that Ibis (III I I I In si i l l III

priiiniM- ti In welcome in asnn i n bull h11111 A I M I bull i

hi this ihir first introduction to the d i t le i m i Sate the Red D e v i l s d i s p l a y e d a a n q i i i d I lt

Mii deal ol pep and talent The l

I I lusl uued out of them in all M M H I I i gt bull

^ HMties both planned and unplan r | 1 l l h

l| Their other ou t s t and ing c h a r Imi niei loi

eiistn becauie obvious Sa tu rday 1

l l wl|eii thej put mi a show lor | n | | m

faculty and counselors Judging Ail imeii i i

Voice Views On Weekend

A true perspect ive can only be achieved by reviewing the comshyments of all concerned with the weekend We interviewed a few of the counselors

bullMp William McCarthy 63 I - thought the weekend was very well

organized an excellent group of Frosh An indication of how g r e a t

the outing was is revea led by the fact that everyone was t i red

Andy Cibulsky 63 It se rved its purpose but was r a t h e r regishymented The food was excel lent and the Beanie Ceremony was imshypressive

S h e l l y Kel le rman 62 The Jazz Concert and Outing m a d e the weekend more informal and allowshyed the Frosh to get to know one

he rit

ar and I lliink many potentially good counselors were overlooked in the

ml limi ii

in or a-

m i l

I li

i li


n u n u bull Buzz Wclker L Fan ta s t i c

laquo laquo t t l l l ie l a s s enrolled to major W ( i | | bdquo bdquo bdquobdquo m ( ) S | e f f t c l i v o

11 He -inlnN ai in Hit- nine i IM s tudents or 17 bdquo bdquo bdquo |U | bdquo l s h l 0 |U

bull bull I 1 n | t l s - s r l l M S ( K 1 routine I cdlege l didn t like the i bull bdquobull- l the shnlies will 101 si dents or llli | u r i | l n gt ) u K n j s h | j k ( I Mils rase ill- IM i Ill enrolled in the sciences s ( i ( i ( i | ) T | | ( i y s j l ( U | | ( | | ) ( bdquo ( l l ( ( | | k e

hi s i lml l e has also announced college s tudents and not high dial Ibele has been all upgrading school kids in ill ih maud I the study of Ian- i v t e r Fisher Y1 If I were a

nl V | I | I (M oa l a i year only one slu counselor again Id choose a resi- | | n l ni e m e n d wiih a (eriiian major | nce at Sayles lird floor

majors to ta led | | wie Woodruff (Hi Tre inen-

I t i lm Maintained

il In r Iii u a e I en | bdquo j

l ary I oil Fisei imen li)

Ual i U l l l nl

h u l l h e r |

I wmneii lauy In linn n have stronger la ry l ou Fisei imen li) It | s s IPH keiIIIHIS in Ian mages than was lat igiun and I slept for li days

| n |1 ( | |M piiwioiis i I a - -i bull - h a e bad There ll was excit ing and s t imulat ing to | Ui i e v e n Imle l i l s in tile l l e s h see such a c l n e Ires lnne l i

| l h inn i ls- win h a w had 7 or more Sieve Conkojani lili A frantic Miis nl IHI 11i e study Imi enjoyable rat race


l I I l i e lt n

bdquo i p H on

M l l He I I

Iis- a I ai l i | in i lbei oi l

M u l e In l a I h I

i il dul l in i 1 s i n l i e - as well III a l l i en a

li s and bull m m i

( oillillUUI I 1 Willie M a l h e i i u l l c s a marked the

i v l e i e i u e ol the rllllTHUi l a s s ol u I 1 1 1 s i l l l i K ll

Kids will be kid Pllil will) IJH s lude l l l s ol il

His inothei never told him


AMIA Starts New Season Track Added To Schedule

Probably one of the most active organizations at State College is the A M I A (Association of Mens Intramural Activities) which governs all phases of Mens Intramural Activities during the school year It has an extensive proshygram of activities in which all men of State are Welcome to participate

The complete calendar of events includes basketball touch football tennis golf volleyball tumbling tramposhyline archery softball swimming table tennis and badshyminton Other activities are included as interest is disshyplayed There are also co-ed activities that are jointly sponsored by A M I A and W A A (Womens Athletic Association)

A M I A is an organization dedicated to helping the men of State gain release for some of their pent-up energies and to provide good healthful exercise for those who would not otherwise enjoy it Always changing to fit the needs of a changing student body for the first time in its history A M I A organized a mens track meet last spring At that time trophies and individual ribbons were awarded to the first three finishers in each event This year track is being added to A M I As long list of regular intramural teams As in other spoils squads will be formshyed from the fraternities and mens residence halls

All male students at State are heartily urged to parshyticipate in at least one of AMIAs varied activities At the end of the year there will be a presentation of awards for participation and achievement


Officers of AMIA for this yeai a r c Tom Ellis Pres ident Bill Burnett Vice [ resident Pat Cor-ru Sec re t a ry and Lynn Costello T reasu re r

Pa rk ing permits for the student parking lot will be issued at the booth below Draper peristyle beshytween 10 a m and J p m Monshyday through Wednesday

Permi ts will be issued in the following order of priority Group 1 students living outside Albany on Monday Group II s tudents in ALbany but on he fringes on Tuesshyday and group III students living in Albany near the college on Wednesday

The student parking hit holds 250 ca r s when they are properly parked There will be WD pershymits issued To obtain these stick ers s tudents must present their SA I I) ca rds and car rcgistra tion

l i t FILMS Sept 2) From the Terrace 7 amp )(() Oct li Let s Make Love 7 k 915 Oct li Roman Holiday 7 k 915 Oct 20 The Mouse Thai Roared

7 amp l i Oct 27 Mid-iinimcr Nijhls Dream

7 amp 015 ove i Cry the Beloved Country

7 k 915 o v 10 The Iins Ho Summer

7 k 915 Nov 17 Ciji 7 k ) 15

Equipment Pool Offers Wide Selection Of Athletic Gear


The Channing Club will join the

J(PI Club for a picnic al the home

of Dr and Mrs Standing on Sunshy

day at J00 p in Transpor ta t ion

will be provided from Brubacher

al 200 p m S tudents planning o

a t t end a re reques ted to sign up

at the Channing Club Bulletin

Board in Lower Draper

With the advent of fall the Athshyletic Equipment Pool again as in previous years offers a wide r ange of sports equipment for any stushydent of State College for nothing more than on a piece of paper

This equipment has been widely used in the past and will be availshyable this year in abundance The variety of equipment avai lable is such that it is worth mentioning here

Probably the most widely used pieces of equipment are the Kng-lih touring bicycles that were purchased in a small quant i ty four years ago and have been inshycreased since then These bikes arc well built expensive and can be sigm d oul lor a lull day lo any Stale student

For the tennis enthusiast I here are large numbers of Cortland Tennis (acquets ranging from the light-weights for the girls lo ihc medium and heavyweights for Hie men Tennis balls arc also a ailable in large quanti t ies

In addition hi Ihc oquipmi ni ol lered above llle oqquipmcnl pool offers a u ide rani e id other spunbull

oqqu ipmcn l such as bags softball equipn se ts and t en t s and i of t r a c k equipment

The Athle t ic Kqquq an o rgan iza t ion fma1

AMIA WAA and oni the pu rpose of oil e q u i p m e n t for all i college without clou gt cons is t s of the respi den t s of the AMIA ing ( lub with i mo as the faculty adv i



uiieill iced nig C nilJ


ATTENTION S T l D E N T S M I ill li

t o r ll Si

ol Me


n i bullbull- pellcin


A M I A football cuiiimiis-

sioiners Bub Costello and Chuck

Hunter would I ke lo announce

thai I n t r a m u r a l Football will ten

ta e h open nexl Wednesday

Sep t ember 27 A Ilieeling for

all captain w II be held lo

d a Fr iday S e p e m b c r 22 at

11 0(i ii the gym A representa

live In in iH eh l ea m inn - be a

iliis meei ing wiih a roster ol his

p layers Any difficulty in sched

til i w ill be discus -Id ui ilns

Career Cues

Cure for job boredom I made my favorite pastime my career Richard Bertram President

Bertram Yacht Co Division of Nautec Corp

W h e n y o u s t o p to t h i n k w h a t p e r c e n t of o u r t o t a l w a k i n g h o u r s is s p e n t b r e a d - w i n n i n g y o u r ea l i ze h o w t rag ic it is for a n y m a n to work a t an o c c u p a t i o n h e doesn t en joy B e s i d e s f r i t t e r ing a w a y life it r e d u c e s c h a n c e s of success t o j u s t a b o u t ze ro I k n o w b e c a u s e it a l m o s t h a p p e n e d t o m e

Af te r co l lege I d id w h a t I t h o u g h t w a s e x p e c t e d of m e a n d j o i n e d a solid M a n h a t t a n - b a s e d i n s u r a n c e firm I soon found office r o u t i n e wasn t for m e I l ived on ly for

l u n c h h o u r w h e n I cou ld w a l k t o t h e B a t t e r y a n d m e n t a l l v sai l w i t h t h e sh ips t h a t s t o o d o u t in t h e N a r r o w s ami for t h e s u m m e r w e e k e n d s w h e n I c o u l d g o s a i l i n g Foi t inshyn a t e l y t h e c o m p a n y I w o r k e d for is o n e of t h e l ead ing i n s u r e r s of y a c h t s a n d a f t e r t w o y e a r s I w a s t r a n s f e r ltl t o t h e i r Y a c h t U n d e r w r i t i n g D e p a r t m e n t E n j o y m e n t am I i n t e r e s t in m y w o r k i m p r o v e d i m m e d i a t e l y 1 0 0 7

Af t e r W o r l d W a r II I s t a r t e d m y o w n y a c h t b r o k e n i i f i rm a n d y a c h t i n s u r a n c e a g e n c y in M i a m i c o m b i n i n g m y m a r i n e i n s u r a n c e b a c k g r o u n d w i t h a n e v e n c l o s e r relashyt i o n s h i p w i t h b o a t s

M y o n l y p r o b l e m e v e r s i nce h a s b e e n a f e e l i n g of guih t h a t m y w o r k was t o o e a s y I love b o a t s a n d boat m p e o p l e T h a t a f fec t ion h a s p a i d m e r e w a r d s w a y b e y o n d t h e f inanc ia l s e c u r i t y it h a s a l so p r o v i d e d

T h e m o r a l s o b v i o u s Y o u h a v e an o d d s - o n c h a n c e fm s u c c e s s a n d h a p p i n e s s w o r k i n g a t wdiat y o u e n j o y most w h a t c o m e s n a t u r a l l y A n d if it s no t j u s t f r i v o l o u s youi lifes w o r k cou ld wel l be w h a t y o u n o w c o n s i d e r just bull p a s t i m e i t s c e r t a i n l y w o r t h t h i n k i n g a b o u t a n y w a y

Gerald Drug Co ill H e M r r n v e Albany N V

Ilione fi-3ltU0

Lets Start

The Year

Off Right

Visit The


And to make anv time nacc m n raquo ^ 1 l c pass more enjoyably


B J lUj-nulilraquoTu|bdquoiugUiWljiraquolulj BiikuiN t l


In This Corner Frosh Booters Night Soccer at Bleecker Have It Rough Kicks-off 1961 Home Season

15 y I50IJ I) A VIES

As of the present time there are six Varsity sports in the athletic program of State College At various times in the past new sports have been added with various deshygrees of success

Last year a track meet was held and a great amount of support was tapped mushrooming the attempt into a successful start This year there will me a program of team competition instead of a meet for individuals

Although the track team has gotten off to a favorable start there is still much hard work to be done in raising the sport to varsity status There are ten events in college track each event requiring a minimum of three comshypetitors This in turn demands that there be loin to six men trying out for each event in case of injury There fore in order to have a team we will nerd at least 30-40 men trying out and staying out lor the entire season

The AMIA has approved team competition for track This step is the next necessary one in the development ol track as a Varsity sport This years set-up will allow for the formation of three to four or five teams Any of the five fraternities Waterbury Hall or the Mens Group houses may start a team either as a unit or in union with other groups if they are too small The AMIA is purchasshying three trophies which will be awarded to the top three teams Also ribbons will be given to the top three indishyviduals in each event

Perhaps of the most difficult ol events to tram lot-are the distance runs mile and two-mile In fact those persons who frequently run these distances sometimes parshyticipate in a unique sport of their own Cross country running Those persons interested in this type of event will have the opportunity of participating under the super vision ol Mr Munsey Mr Munsey will be starting pracshytice on this Monday at 330 pm by the equipment shack on Veterans Field In order to have a team enough inshyterest must be shown by those attending practice Reshymember nothing is gained in sports without work but the eventual rewards are worth far more than tin work put out in attaining them

As a closing note it will be necessary to consider dial although distance runners arc necessary for any track team they are not wholly sufficient Therelnre n we are to have a track team we will have it only by a coshyoperative effort of everyone concerned


A MUMn marked by some of the This year promises to be a very challenging one for the ILlli

l ciiiniiciiiinii in ihc suae Varsity Soccer team With a full schedule of ten games six Slil( |l)s|i soccer team of them in conference play the twenty-five members of the

l V r r squad will find themselves very busy in the weeks ahead V I l i i i l l nl ihc thirty candi-

lllr I1 Hie squad have had high A new innovation has come to the State sports scenemdash M111 Mvncnce and according night soccer games at Bleecker Stadium The first home i-h uraquoi Iniincjamc There g a me against Oneonta will be played under the lights Tmi n T prs T n i s Mature should be advantageous to State College stu-chnuv a Martmiteaniver iWc d e n t s s i n c e weekday games would be inconvenient both HIT gt-IIS iccaii more ihan^a l o r spectators to attend and for players who would have Auk 111 anil n first string l ineup t o m i s s c l a s s e s Us ahlavl1 hi |iiw|laduhe T h c possibility of having bleechers for home games has i r-h MMSUII MII ibdquo ii Home- D P e n advanced The State has approved use of bleechers (bullin Weekend L-ainc played but has not as yet appropriated the necessary funds

Hbdquobdquoamclas v T n o t e a m starts its season with an away game at RPI bullill beat ihc P e l s 1-2 in a Sept 30 Last season the Peds wound up in a tie game with

hard imi-iii lAerinnc affair Tins the Engineers the score standing at 1-1 ca r he game w ill start at I2in J a preliminary limit to the var- The first conference game is set on the following Tues--iigt cmiic-i uiih Ilaiisimry day at Potsdam This will be States first encounter with

Il1 nraquoii i- will net their Potsdam Last year State finished with a 2-2-1 record for |i bullampai n underway ncxi Sat conference play Sources from other conference teams n|iida spi n against orange have been making noises about giving State a hard time | i u n M i bdquo m m t gt bdquo | | c c c Orange t h i s y e a r 1 ini ha- lici II raicd first m the

iiaiinn in niiiini cuiieuc soccer for The squad has had two scrimmages so far this year [ lM lr gtbull ul presented Although both were lost Coach Joe Garcia has been busy ]]u) ln correcting defensive flaws in the team Mr Garcia has M U T i~ mentioned that the team seems in better shape than it was i i iund S l a t e i i c l u m p e d In 2 hill l

ih Fiu-h iinprued cniiich by l a s t voar- H e a l s 0 a d c i c d t h a t conditioning is being over-ihc Mcund mi in reduce the vie shadowed by the skill of States opponents Therefore much inn mar in io 12 The result of more concentrated practice is needed to put the team in nil Saturday - uamo aJamsl this s h a p e lop notch lea m -hmild sen e as an

eMeiie- jniii -aiur for the entire The team is under the leadership of three captains this i-in-ii bull year Karl Heins Gerstenberger Ed Broomfield and Dave

Frank Frank and F r a n n y Zwickl-

baucr two of last y e a r s injured

have been forced to s ta r t p rac t i ce

at a slower pace because of the i r

conditions Ed Broomfield has

been the mains tay of the p rac t i ce

A sessions keeping his t e a m m a t e s

- Soccer Schedules

gti N

S a o bullbull

Weil l ie

s a lc


u ( i i ( (

7 U o c k l a n d l I

11 K I I



Sal Sept i0 KIM Tues Oct 2 Po tsdam Sal Oct 7 ( ieneseo

Wed Oct 11 Oneonta

M e| at II S a bull | -1 I lu t lsburgh Wed del IS New Ialtz

is IIIKIMHI alley II Sal Oct 21 Oswego Sai Oct 2s ini|j|Hiri

A in step with the p rac t i ce schedule

J and in doing so exhibited fine lead-II e rsh ip He has been a chief factor ^ in the progress of the t e am Karl




o I Montclair n 11 Adelplii

ltbullbull- e - bullbullbull bull

Your Philip Morris Student Representative invites you to


BRAND R0UP3D Rules And Prizes To Be Awarded

Wi l l Be Announced Shortly


N ^ in111


( l e r s tenberger voted Most Im-II proved Athlete last year figures to II be one of the key men on the squad

P e r h a p s the most vital improveshyment needed in the loam is that ol improved inlra-groiip coordinashytion Passing between t e a m m a t e s defensive plays knowing when to pass inln a hole are all part of the needed polish


( a i lYnlichl makes a save


ART KAPNER W r i t e s All T p t s of I n s u r a n c e

L I F E - A U T O - F I R E Hospitalization

HOD-H7 7gt Slate Street HO 2-5581

As ihc school year begins anew so docs lii alr here al Slate The first scheduled r ivalry events will occur tomorrow Tug of-u ar will lie held in the morning with soil-ball in ihc afternoon on the play-lllf field located ill back of Brushybacher Hall

The freshman softball t eam is

in a strong position according to

loam caplaiiis Al Drake and Lestshy

er Keys With only a short period

nl nine lii organie ihc team and

prac t ice Ill ha e done a r emark shy

able lull

Al pract ice held yes te rday afshyternoon ihc team i -gt cut to its final number of lwenl all of M hum will see action in tomorshyrow s came Many of llie t eam m e m b e r s were varsity ball p layers in ih ir high schools a fact winch grea l l j enhances ihc s t rength of Ihc team

All of the Rivalry t e a m s a re good but this is not enough In order lor the team of your choice to win ii is necessary for you to show spirit and en thus iasm by atshytending each of the scheduled events


J+ouie J+outli

Psi Gamma Lucille Monaca 62 announces

that Barbara Martin and Barbara Samuels are the co-chairmen of Homecoming Weekend Chi Sigma Theta

Mary Ann DiRuscio 62 anshynounces that the co-chairmen of the Homecoming Float are Peggy Bioty 6-1 and Judy Stone 64 Rush captains are Jean Davis 63 and Roz Ferrara 64 Sigma Phi Sigma

President Judy Kaminsky 62 has appointed the following comshymittee chairmen Sunshine Sheila Stromwasser 64 Float Carol Cohen 64 and Leona Kerpel 64 Formal dinner Charlene Maron 62 and Felicia Held 63 Formal Weekend Leslie Kaplan 63 and Roz Zeichner 63 Refreshments Ann Goldstein 63 and Carolyn Game 63

The following girls were initiated Monday night Sandy Ciarbowit- 63 Eileen Krakower 63 Gerri Goldman 64 Iris Shapiro 64 and Rhoda Solomon 64 Gamma Kappa Phi

President Barbara Manso 62 announces that Beatrice Heath 61 wil lserve as sorority president foi 1961-62 Beta Zeta

President Doris Edelstein 62 announces that Julie Recesso 6-1 was elected Sports Director am Sandy Lisson 64 was elected hisshytorian Rita Gsanell 62 was chosen Float Chairman for Homecoming An open house for off-campus men is being planned for Sunday Octshyober 22 Phi Delta

President Sally Jones 62 anshynounces that the first meeting of the year was held on Monday September 18 After the meeting a party was given in honor of Mrs Griesmeyer the new housemother Sigma Alpha

President Doris Williams 62 anshynounces that Donna Pacelli was elected vice-president replacing Barbara Garrecht who transferred to the University of Rochester Potter Club

President Ed Brennan 62 anshynounces that a dale party will be held Saturday

Signum Laudis Gives Rare Book

Signum Laudis presented a rare copy of William Blakes Hook of the Irizen to Hawley Library last June Dr Arthur Collins of the college faculty has written a reshyview of the book which is printed in part below

bullCurrently on display in the Colshylege library is one of the worlds unique books The Hook of Urizen by William Blake The college copy one of a limited edition ol IIU was printed Iu-t spring A ith a special donation from the srholas lie honorary Signum Iinli -

William Blake ( 1757-1827j a con temporary ol Wordsworth com bmed the graphic and literar) arts His books an- not illustrated text in tin usual sense for lie engraved both the text (which he wrote him self) and the illustrations FIT quently he combined the two on a single page creating a visual picshyture in which the engraved text forms part ol the unified artistic composition Whereas one judges most illustrated books by the fidelishyty of the illustrations to the print ed texts m Blakes books one is justified in looking to the illustra tions to clarify and amplify the text itself

This facsimile edition has been culled one of the finest ever pro duced The present display which will last through the month walt prepared by Miss Margan i Wag ncr of the Hawley Library

Kappa Beta President Ron Coslic 62 anshy

nounces that Ken Bellantoni 63 has been appointed Corresponding Secshyretary

Sigma Lambda Sigma President Dave Symula 62 anshy

nounces that a semi-formal date party will be held Saturday night at the Fort Orange Club at 830 pm

Alpha Phi Alpha President Bob Pollero 62 anshy

nounces that a date party will take-place Friday September 29 at 9 pm The place is to be announced

The Board of Directors announshyces that during the summer the house was painted and new storm windows were installed

Bill Simmons 62 has been reshyappointed Fire Warden Joe Ball 62 has been appointed Tapping Chairman Theta Xi Omega

Jim McAden 62 President anshynounces that all correspondence should be addressed to Hoy OBrien 63 Corresponding Secretarv

Opening Senate Meeting Sparks

By JIM WHEELER Senate started the new year off

right by having their first meeting Wednesday night

The first order of business conshycerned the filling of a vacant posishytion on the Camp Board Camp Board submitted a letter unanimshyously recommending Alden Pierce to this position Senate elected him reported that architects drawing have been presented to Camp Board for a new building to house 32 and feed 80 The building will cost approximately sixty thousand dollars

President David Brooker reportshyed first on the possibility ol forming a karate club A demonshystration is tentatively scheduled for all students interested next Thursshyday evening More information will be found in the lower peristyles of Draper and Huested Halls

After Pat Benedetto new Campshyus Commission chairman reportshyed nn the progress of Campus Comshymission Senate presented the new ly married President and Mrs Brooker with a gift

Service Group

Awaits Clues Frosh got a complaint Heres

your chance to say what you want whilhout being reprimanded The Services Committee of the Senate will listen to you

These complaints should concern suggestions for improving the camshypus They do not concern Rivalry Any suggestions which you have will be reviewed by the committee and if containing merit will be presented to Dean Thorn

In the past the administration has always welcomed the students views It is impossible for everyshyone to see Dean Thorne personally Results can not always be promisshyed but every suggestion will be exshyamined

Some of the things which have been looked into are more library hours the parking problem the Commons name plates for Water-bury and Alden Halls ivy on the dorms

The members of the committee are cochairman Geri Schleifer and Dick Kelly 63 Elaine Hou-ser 62 Bill Burnett and Don Allen 63 Pat Cerra and Lapinski 64

Business Club

Begins Year Phi Beta Lambda state ltbullbullbull


ter of the United llu lion Association be son with an inform on Tuesday afternoon 18

Dr Milton C Olson Business Education the business faculty a considerable numhei

The president E rlw gave a welcome spi bull duced the other ofln i David Jnnes i Mr dent Diane Butler Vice President Willi 62 third Vice Pre-idi bull bership chairman ] 61 Secretary Willi Treasurer and Dim Senior Executive limn bull

The first meetiii September 27 when lion in braille shm given All business n viled to join Ibis clul

mess Eli-bullin a- j I uffeh-bull Septet

urcc r illnuf

Xn-k -ii nd r Tin- -

Tareytons Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est Slugging Junius (Pretty lUy) Cassius Lakes off | | i e brass knucks to enjoy his favorite smoke

Hays Pretty Boy Ecce Tureyton one filter cigarette that really delivery de gustibus Try Tureytons Next time you buy cigarettes take a couple of pacta vobLscum




Tareyton Product of JampdnMwn XtfwCytay -$ampbdquo j bdquobdquo mMU nam b gt

nait te


Ashman Writes Home rivalry Keeping Him Busy

September and would you behove bull | 330 a m b u t have a cold

Dear Mom and Dad ( ( ) U j r ( m M( m ui ( | | ) | | | |

rrhis Saturday morning at the ()J w n ( ( M | | | | ( bdquo |n lgoaTy hour of 9 a m the Hi- w h j ( h (h | ( Stln|1N |lrv Committee witJi their chair- a l s ( r ( l w r i bdquo |

Howie Woodruff in the lead s k n W l n t m n gth II( n

p i hide the cherished ole State Besides I hae io wnv inner so that we Frosh and The 0ptis must climb into trees dig

jihi- mud and hunt under logs to find it This time there will be BO finders keepers The class pcli bnds the banner first will Wn two rivalry points In the afternoon at 130 we girls play (he Soph girls at Volleyball Mary lull a junior is in charge of this |vent

So far Mom and Dad were vvin-nin Rivalry 5-1 Last Saturday Jinnum we won 2 points each for Jic mens and womens soft ball |aines and in the morning 1 point

bullfor the mens tug-of-war The Soph have won only 1 point for bullflii- womens tug-oDwar

our first edition of the Satans Seroi comes out this Friday but then so does the Sophs Ye Die jker

av iiihl the Court of the Ad-jjiiUalion of Infractions of Trade word ciunpo- ei i-raquobull tried M of us Frosh Really Five Hundred C - I Ib-i-fJI-bull n 1 couldnt wear my beanie Kvery Fro-h -hcdd W |h lay cause it was wet cause Heauie Win i lb - s e e It u raining outside and nobody (lolly Men I gt bullibull I bull-gtjl listen to me and this nasty ol aun rea-ltu- Id ali iii iuuil bull bullbull gt m lo lt bull gt- bull -S [ii made me wear it anyway reasons All I can tliinl - h d l bull bullbull

Albany State Readies for New Campus

Construction Slated to Begin Next Spring


Kivnliv (hail men IVte I nlu-i lluwii Wueih till and Iill liuinett discuss coming ients

Slate SCAD Rap Milne Policies By BILL I KANKONIS

In a sidden and unexpected report this week the State Education Deshypartment admitted that the admission policies of the Milne School constituted d scriiniration as far as race and socio-economic status are concerned Folshylow y close on the heels of this report the State Commission Against Discrimishynation (SCAD) charged that the Milne admissions policy violated the states

Anti-disrimination Law on two counts The charges lodged are the culmination of an investigation begun last March At that time Mrs Rhunette Bates made a complaint to SCAD that her daughter Sharon had been rejected by Milne on the grounds that she is a Negro

Discriminatory minislrative officials admit that tho The Stale Kducation Department preference and grandfather sys-

rcport slated that the Milne stu- terns were wrong 1 Fdward Con-deni body is in no way represent- way SCADs investigating officer ative ol the population of the area claimed that any attempts to justi-served by the school or even of fv the present admission policies those who apply for admission In are mere exercises m semantics net effect the procedures are (lis- bdquo

New Policy (Tiinumlory as tar as race and

o economic status are concern- Following the release of the ed The report also stated that charges by both agencies Dr no specific evidence had been Thomas 11 Hamilton President of found in the case of Sharon Pates the State University said that he

The investigation was carried hoped to be able to announce new out by the Kducation Practices Act admissions policies for Milne with- l

ii| I)cl IIe - i l l l H

administration because of an agree- in a week menl between the State Kducation _

According to Dr Itvan R Collins Department and SCAD to cooperate 1 in order In exclude duplication of President of SlCK at Albany a

committee of Milne faculty mem-

Model I In pl l l l l l e lii I--

c o m p l e t e d - e ilt

LLU n f e - o l l ie

s c a l e Miollel ol I

New Plans Released TinSlate Iniversity of New York - released fur publication the

I-i- fraquor the new campus of this (1i-1 Three hundred acres of includm lie ei jlaml liiealed between Western and on di -play in In gt padiiii tun Avenues on the site of all the I lb Albany Country Club have be n be nun ailiipriated and construction is igt niadi phriilllcci |(| |bdquo jbdquo | | ( x t s ) r j M K

An hiteets

Il niel led Plans

l l l l l l l l

I I l l l

I i alisitiuii The hisl buildn

ed u ill be i 11 p| r i u ln initial plans were drawn up ity n l s l l

ur he suiiiincr Coordinaline peeled to be leei bulllt^nn fur aii pluses of the pro fall ol im I he j h tin1 emiiieiit Kdmimd Stone campus will d-1 ltbullbull [-ih landed h President K ui buihliii - an lini-ln d

Hlis Mr Stone has designed dent - will IIUM ltltbullgt 1 gt Klllbassies in W u Delli the lun lamuu-e- mil


eilorl - lliree-ear period from - bdquo i i - i bers has been working on develop-liili to Iiil was the ol) ect ol the bull ing a new policy since last Spring l l e - l a l l i l l bull

when the charge was first made SCAD Charges A p ts tn | it has been decided that

Si D s report based on KPAs | | H p o l k v ()f s i b n n g prtfLrence report n- bdquo rpreled the fduealion w o u k j |bdquo eliminated but bevond M Miiiiil - claim that Milne of- ( h a t n o decisions have been In id bull ditl not decide to exclude r(-u|K(| i roi bullbull i le l iberaleK by stat ing

1 |bdquo The absence of Negroes at Alr- tonway who stated that Mmie suhool e the immediate and l l ( (l s lllLgt M i l n c ^lt-ll0(l avL due I i -nl ol admission policies l l l ( n effectively closed to Negroes

I |M deblieraleh established maintain- Icuuse of admission policies also p || id and piniiied by school offi- remarked It can be assumed that and the cuds a mod llu l due policy is to admit stu-- ludui- a ilriit - mi the billowing schedule igt bull inn ] Itiotlieis and sisters of current e ulty uid loriiici lilue students

i hildren of Stale College and Negroes in Milne ii mil siale I nneisiu faculty and staff

bullbdquo ui- Kelerrals especially f r o m In spite of claims that there are ei m l llier education administrators nltraquo Negroes in Milne a Negro ap-

imlI t i a chronological waiting list Ibcant for the eighth grade has bdquo - 111 M |) lurther charged that such IH U admitted and officials have

their (Milne) solution of the probshylem will insure equal opportunity uniform treatment of all applicants and the elimination of discriminshyatory practices

I preference discriiiiin- offered to admit Sharon Hates The


les ainsl egroes because they hitter however however has yet k the ci unity status neces- I make- a decision and is cur-i iii eeii pressure for admit rt-fitlv attending another school ini lso according to SCAD a College officials have stated pre-

riiiillaihei i liuse laMiiing ap loiisly that any discrimination be-oii- whose rellines have at- cause of race was not intentional

udi l Willie excludes Negroes especially they said since it is iner illegal lo include any information

i llu I l these charges ad- about race on an application blank Furthermore when asked about the number ol Negro students in Milne President Collins said It is illegal for me to know the numshyber

SCAD however contends that an intention is not necessary to sus-

SUB Sponsors Sock Hop

Mind iii I uioii Hoard u ill sponsor aharel dance Saturday Sep-ilier u Iroin H III) to IL p in in

I uiui Came Hoom he S lo le l l

lain the discovery of a probable cause In short because of prefshyerence it is possible to assume that some people are being disshycriminated against

Short Investigation

The investigation carried out by

Kiln I a Wdsuyu view til the liibt L2U (umpired an ntllf the tola sou a c e s

I ||if neraquo iiiuuus I he n tit-1 in Dl at1

Hop all ubo attend are request | i dress casually i no shorts please and to wear the brightest allies socks possible

bdquo chairmen i anile Polls (it and KPA was completed in a few days Helen Vanderblll (il hope (hat the After interviewing Dr Theodore Poic will acquaint Stales new Fossieek Principal of Milne and K1 Devils with the upperclassinai checking application records and irnislcis The new Student Union nther data the investigation was niorduialor Mr William MeKiiion concluded and a report submitted oid ins wite will serve as diaper- lo the Kducation Department and


Page 4: State College News 1961-09-22 - · PAG E 2 STAT COLLEG NEWS , SATURDAY MAY 6 1961 oU-auie eMawii Sigma Phi Sigma Sue MacFarlanc; Treasurer, Gai The following girls


AMIA Starts New Season Track Added To Schedule

Probably one of the most active organizations at State College is the A M I A (Association of Mens Intramural Activities) which governs all phases of Mens Intramural Activities during the school year It has an extensive proshygram of activities in which all men of State are Welcome to participate

The complete calendar of events includes basketball touch football tennis golf volleyball tumbling tramposhyline archery softball swimming table tennis and badshyminton Other activities are included as interest is disshyplayed There are also co-ed activities that are jointly sponsored by A M I A and W A A (Womens Athletic Association)

A M I A is an organization dedicated to helping the men of State gain release for some of their pent-up energies and to provide good healthful exercise for those who would not otherwise enjoy it Always changing to fit the needs of a changing student body for the first time in its history A M I A organized a mens track meet last spring At that time trophies and individual ribbons were awarded to the first three finishers in each event This year track is being added to A M I As long list of regular intramural teams As in other spoils squads will be formshyed from the fraternities and mens residence halls

All male students at State are heartily urged to parshyticipate in at least one of AMIAs varied activities At the end of the year there will be a presentation of awards for participation and achievement


Officers of AMIA for this yeai a r c Tom Ellis Pres ident Bill Burnett Vice [ resident Pat Cor-ru Sec re t a ry and Lynn Costello T reasu re r

Pa rk ing permits for the student parking lot will be issued at the booth below Draper peristyle beshytween 10 a m and J p m Monshyday through Wednesday

Permi ts will be issued in the following order of priority Group 1 students living outside Albany on Monday Group II s tudents in ALbany but on he fringes on Tuesshyday and group III students living in Albany near the college on Wednesday

The student parking hit holds 250 ca r s when they are properly parked There will be WD pershymits issued To obtain these stick ers s tudents must present their SA I I) ca rds and car rcgistra tion

l i t FILMS Sept 2) From the Terrace 7 amp )(() Oct li Let s Make Love 7 k 915 Oct li Roman Holiday 7 k 915 Oct 20 The Mouse Thai Roared

7 amp l i Oct 27 Mid-iinimcr Nijhls Dream

7 amp 015 ove i Cry the Beloved Country

7 k 915 o v 10 The Iins Ho Summer

7 k 915 Nov 17 Ciji 7 k ) 15

Equipment Pool Offers Wide Selection Of Athletic Gear


The Channing Club will join the

J(PI Club for a picnic al the home

of Dr and Mrs Standing on Sunshy

day at J00 p in Transpor ta t ion

will be provided from Brubacher

al 200 p m S tudents planning o

a t t end a re reques ted to sign up

at the Channing Club Bulletin

Board in Lower Draper

With the advent of fall the Athshyletic Equipment Pool again as in previous years offers a wide r ange of sports equipment for any stushydent of State College for nothing more than on a piece of paper

This equipment has been widely used in the past and will be availshyable this year in abundance The variety of equipment avai lable is such that it is worth mentioning here

Probably the most widely used pieces of equipment are the Kng-lih touring bicycles that were purchased in a small quant i ty four years ago and have been inshycreased since then These bikes arc well built expensive and can be sigm d oul lor a lull day lo any Stale student

For the tennis enthusiast I here are large numbers of Cortland Tennis (acquets ranging from the light-weights for the girls lo ihc medium and heavyweights for Hie men Tennis balls arc also a ailable in large quanti t ies

In addition hi Ihc oquipmi ni ol lered above llle oqquipmcnl pool offers a u ide rani e id other spunbull

oqqu ipmcn l such as bags softball equipn se ts and t en t s and i of t r a c k equipment

The Athle t ic Kqquq an o rgan iza t ion fma1

AMIA WAA and oni the pu rpose of oil e q u i p m e n t for all i college without clou gt cons is t s of the respi den t s of the AMIA ing ( lub with i mo as the faculty adv i



uiieill iced nig C nilJ


ATTENTION S T l D E N T S M I ill li

t o r ll Si

ol Me


n i bullbull- pellcin


A M I A football cuiiimiis-

sioiners Bub Costello and Chuck

Hunter would I ke lo announce

thai I n t r a m u r a l Football will ten

ta e h open nexl Wednesday

Sep t ember 27 A Ilieeling for

all captain w II be held lo

d a Fr iday S e p e m b c r 22 at

11 0(i ii the gym A representa

live In in iH eh l ea m inn - be a

iliis meei ing wiih a roster ol his

p layers Any difficulty in sched

til i w ill be discus -Id ui ilns

Career Cues

Cure for job boredom I made my favorite pastime my career Richard Bertram President

Bertram Yacht Co Division of Nautec Corp

W h e n y o u s t o p to t h i n k w h a t p e r c e n t of o u r t o t a l w a k i n g h o u r s is s p e n t b r e a d - w i n n i n g y o u r ea l i ze h o w t rag ic it is for a n y m a n to work a t an o c c u p a t i o n h e doesn t en joy B e s i d e s f r i t t e r ing a w a y life it r e d u c e s c h a n c e s of success t o j u s t a b o u t ze ro I k n o w b e c a u s e it a l m o s t h a p p e n e d t o m e

Af te r co l lege I d id w h a t I t h o u g h t w a s e x p e c t e d of m e a n d j o i n e d a solid M a n h a t t a n - b a s e d i n s u r a n c e firm I soon found office r o u t i n e wasn t for m e I l ived on ly for

l u n c h h o u r w h e n I cou ld w a l k t o t h e B a t t e r y a n d m e n t a l l v sai l w i t h t h e sh ips t h a t s t o o d o u t in t h e N a r r o w s ami for t h e s u m m e r w e e k e n d s w h e n I c o u l d g o s a i l i n g Foi t inshyn a t e l y t h e c o m p a n y I w o r k e d for is o n e of t h e l ead ing i n s u r e r s of y a c h t s a n d a f t e r t w o y e a r s I w a s t r a n s f e r ltl t o t h e i r Y a c h t U n d e r w r i t i n g D e p a r t m e n t E n j o y m e n t am I i n t e r e s t in m y w o r k i m p r o v e d i m m e d i a t e l y 1 0 0 7

Af t e r W o r l d W a r II I s t a r t e d m y o w n y a c h t b r o k e n i i f i rm a n d y a c h t i n s u r a n c e a g e n c y in M i a m i c o m b i n i n g m y m a r i n e i n s u r a n c e b a c k g r o u n d w i t h a n e v e n c l o s e r relashyt i o n s h i p w i t h b o a t s

M y o n l y p r o b l e m e v e r s i nce h a s b e e n a f e e l i n g of guih t h a t m y w o r k was t o o e a s y I love b o a t s a n d boat m p e o p l e T h a t a f fec t ion h a s p a i d m e r e w a r d s w a y b e y o n d t h e f inanc ia l s e c u r i t y it h a s a l so p r o v i d e d

T h e m o r a l s o b v i o u s Y o u h a v e an o d d s - o n c h a n c e fm s u c c e s s a n d h a p p i n e s s w o r k i n g a t wdiat y o u e n j o y most w h a t c o m e s n a t u r a l l y A n d if it s no t j u s t f r i v o l o u s youi lifes w o r k cou ld wel l be w h a t y o u n o w c o n s i d e r just bull p a s t i m e i t s c e r t a i n l y w o r t h t h i n k i n g a b o u t a n y w a y

Gerald Drug Co ill H e M r r n v e Albany N V

Ilione fi-3ltU0

Lets Start

The Year

Off Right

Visit The


And to make anv time nacc m n raquo ^ 1 l c pass more enjoyably


B J lUj-nulilraquoTu|bdquoiugUiWljiraquolulj BiikuiN t l


In This Corner Frosh Booters Night Soccer at Bleecker Have It Rough Kicks-off 1961 Home Season

15 y I50IJ I) A VIES

As of the present time there are six Varsity sports in the athletic program of State College At various times in the past new sports have been added with various deshygrees of success

Last year a track meet was held and a great amount of support was tapped mushrooming the attempt into a successful start This year there will me a program of team competition instead of a meet for individuals

Although the track team has gotten off to a favorable start there is still much hard work to be done in raising the sport to varsity status There are ten events in college track each event requiring a minimum of three comshypetitors This in turn demands that there be loin to six men trying out for each event in case of injury There fore in order to have a team we will nerd at least 30-40 men trying out and staying out lor the entire season

The AMIA has approved team competition for track This step is the next necessary one in the development ol track as a Varsity sport This years set-up will allow for the formation of three to four or five teams Any of the five fraternities Waterbury Hall or the Mens Group houses may start a team either as a unit or in union with other groups if they are too small The AMIA is purchasshying three trophies which will be awarded to the top three teams Also ribbons will be given to the top three indishyviduals in each event

Perhaps of the most difficult ol events to tram lot-are the distance runs mile and two-mile In fact those persons who frequently run these distances sometimes parshyticipate in a unique sport of their own Cross country running Those persons interested in this type of event will have the opportunity of participating under the super vision ol Mr Munsey Mr Munsey will be starting pracshytice on this Monday at 330 pm by the equipment shack on Veterans Field In order to have a team enough inshyterest must be shown by those attending practice Reshymember nothing is gained in sports without work but the eventual rewards are worth far more than tin work put out in attaining them

As a closing note it will be necessary to consider dial although distance runners arc necessary for any track team they are not wholly sufficient Therelnre n we are to have a track team we will have it only by a coshyoperative effort of everyone concerned


A MUMn marked by some of the This year promises to be a very challenging one for the ILlli

l ciiiniiciiiinii in ihc suae Varsity Soccer team With a full schedule of ten games six Slil( |l)s|i soccer team of them in conference play the twenty-five members of the

l V r r squad will find themselves very busy in the weeks ahead V I l i i i l l nl ihc thirty candi-

lllr I1 Hie squad have had high A new innovation has come to the State sports scenemdash M111 Mvncnce and according night soccer games at Bleecker Stadium The first home i-h uraquoi Iniincjamc There g a me against Oneonta will be played under the lights Tmi n T prs T n i s Mature should be advantageous to State College stu-chnuv a Martmiteaniver iWc d e n t s s i n c e weekday games would be inconvenient both HIT gt-IIS iccaii more ihan^a l o r spectators to attend and for players who would have Auk 111 anil n first string l ineup t o m i s s c l a s s e s Us ahlavl1 hi |iiw|laduhe T h c possibility of having bleechers for home games has i r-h MMSUII MII ibdquo ii Home- D P e n advanced The State has approved use of bleechers (bullin Weekend L-ainc played but has not as yet appropriated the necessary funds

Hbdquobdquoamclas v T n o t e a m starts its season with an away game at RPI bullill beat ihc P e l s 1-2 in a Sept 30 Last season the Peds wound up in a tie game with

hard imi-iii lAerinnc affair Tins the Engineers the score standing at 1-1 ca r he game w ill start at I2in J a preliminary limit to the var- The first conference game is set on the following Tues--iigt cmiic-i uiih Ilaiisimry day at Potsdam This will be States first encounter with

Il1 nraquoii i- will net their Potsdam Last year State finished with a 2-2-1 record for |i bullampai n underway ncxi Sat conference play Sources from other conference teams n|iida spi n against orange have been making noises about giving State a hard time | i u n M i bdquo m m t gt bdquo | | c c c Orange t h i s y e a r 1 ini ha- lici II raicd first m the

iiaiinn in niiiini cuiieuc soccer for The squad has had two scrimmages so far this year [ lM lr gtbull ul presented Although both were lost Coach Joe Garcia has been busy ]]u) ln correcting defensive flaws in the team Mr Garcia has M U T i~ mentioned that the team seems in better shape than it was i i iund S l a t e i i c l u m p e d In 2 hill l

ih Fiu-h iinprued cniiich by l a s t voar- H e a l s 0 a d c i c d t h a t conditioning is being over-ihc Mcund mi in reduce the vie shadowed by the skill of States opponents Therefore much inn mar in io 12 The result of more concentrated practice is needed to put the team in nil Saturday - uamo aJamsl this s h a p e lop notch lea m -hmild sen e as an

eMeiie- jniii -aiur for the entire The team is under the leadership of three captains this i-in-ii bull year Karl Heins Gerstenberger Ed Broomfield and Dave

Frank Frank and F r a n n y Zwickl-

baucr two of last y e a r s injured

have been forced to s ta r t p rac t i ce

at a slower pace because of the i r

conditions Ed Broomfield has

been the mains tay of the p rac t i ce

A sessions keeping his t e a m m a t e s

- Soccer Schedules

gti N

S a o bullbull

Weil l ie

s a lc


u ( i i ( (

7 U o c k l a n d l I

11 K I I



Sal Sept i0 KIM Tues Oct 2 Po tsdam Sal Oct 7 ( ieneseo

Wed Oct 11 Oneonta

M e| at II S a bull | -1 I lu t lsburgh Wed del IS New Ialtz

is IIIKIMHI alley II Sal Oct 21 Oswego Sai Oct 2s ini|j|Hiri

A in step with the p rac t i ce schedule

J and in doing so exhibited fine lead-II e rsh ip He has been a chief factor ^ in the progress of the t e am Karl




o I Montclair n 11 Adelplii

ltbullbull- e - bullbullbull bull

Your Philip Morris Student Representative invites you to


BRAND R0UP3D Rules And Prizes To Be Awarded

Wi l l Be Announced Shortly


N ^ in111


( l e r s tenberger voted Most Im-II proved Athlete last year figures to II be one of the key men on the squad

P e r h a p s the most vital improveshyment needed in the loam is that ol improved inlra-groiip coordinashytion Passing between t e a m m a t e s defensive plays knowing when to pass inln a hole are all part of the needed polish


( a i lYnlichl makes a save


ART KAPNER W r i t e s All T p t s of I n s u r a n c e

L I F E - A U T O - F I R E Hospitalization

HOD-H7 7gt Slate Street HO 2-5581

As ihc school year begins anew so docs lii alr here al Slate The first scheduled r ivalry events will occur tomorrow Tug of-u ar will lie held in the morning with soil-ball in ihc afternoon on the play-lllf field located ill back of Brushybacher Hall

The freshman softball t eam is

in a strong position according to

loam caplaiiis Al Drake and Lestshy

er Keys With only a short period

nl nine lii organie ihc team and

prac t ice Ill ha e done a r emark shy

able lull

Al pract ice held yes te rday afshyternoon ihc team i -gt cut to its final number of lwenl all of M hum will see action in tomorshyrow s came Many of llie t eam m e m b e r s were varsity ball p layers in ih ir high schools a fact winch grea l l j enhances ihc s t rength of Ihc team

All of the Rivalry t e a m s a re good but this is not enough In order lor the team of your choice to win ii is necessary for you to show spirit and en thus iasm by atshytending each of the scheduled events


J+ouie J+outli

Psi Gamma Lucille Monaca 62 announces

that Barbara Martin and Barbara Samuels are the co-chairmen of Homecoming Weekend Chi Sigma Theta

Mary Ann DiRuscio 62 anshynounces that the co-chairmen of the Homecoming Float are Peggy Bioty 6-1 and Judy Stone 64 Rush captains are Jean Davis 63 and Roz Ferrara 64 Sigma Phi Sigma

President Judy Kaminsky 62 has appointed the following comshymittee chairmen Sunshine Sheila Stromwasser 64 Float Carol Cohen 64 and Leona Kerpel 64 Formal dinner Charlene Maron 62 and Felicia Held 63 Formal Weekend Leslie Kaplan 63 and Roz Zeichner 63 Refreshments Ann Goldstein 63 and Carolyn Game 63

The following girls were initiated Monday night Sandy Ciarbowit- 63 Eileen Krakower 63 Gerri Goldman 64 Iris Shapiro 64 and Rhoda Solomon 64 Gamma Kappa Phi

President Barbara Manso 62 announces that Beatrice Heath 61 wil lserve as sorority president foi 1961-62 Beta Zeta

President Doris Edelstein 62 announces that Julie Recesso 6-1 was elected Sports Director am Sandy Lisson 64 was elected hisshytorian Rita Gsanell 62 was chosen Float Chairman for Homecoming An open house for off-campus men is being planned for Sunday Octshyober 22 Phi Delta

President Sally Jones 62 anshynounces that the first meeting of the year was held on Monday September 18 After the meeting a party was given in honor of Mrs Griesmeyer the new housemother Sigma Alpha

President Doris Williams 62 anshynounces that Donna Pacelli was elected vice-president replacing Barbara Garrecht who transferred to the University of Rochester Potter Club

President Ed Brennan 62 anshynounces that a dale party will be held Saturday

Signum Laudis Gives Rare Book

Signum Laudis presented a rare copy of William Blakes Hook of the Irizen to Hawley Library last June Dr Arthur Collins of the college faculty has written a reshyview of the book which is printed in part below

bullCurrently on display in the Colshylege library is one of the worlds unique books The Hook of Urizen by William Blake The college copy one of a limited edition ol IIU was printed Iu-t spring A ith a special donation from the srholas lie honorary Signum Iinli -

William Blake ( 1757-1827j a con temporary ol Wordsworth com bmed the graphic and literar) arts His books an- not illustrated text in tin usual sense for lie engraved both the text (which he wrote him self) and the illustrations FIT quently he combined the two on a single page creating a visual picshyture in which the engraved text forms part ol the unified artistic composition Whereas one judges most illustrated books by the fidelishyty of the illustrations to the print ed texts m Blakes books one is justified in looking to the illustra tions to clarify and amplify the text itself

This facsimile edition has been culled one of the finest ever pro duced The present display which will last through the month walt prepared by Miss Margan i Wag ncr of the Hawley Library

Kappa Beta President Ron Coslic 62 anshy

nounces that Ken Bellantoni 63 has been appointed Corresponding Secshyretary

Sigma Lambda Sigma President Dave Symula 62 anshy

nounces that a semi-formal date party will be held Saturday night at the Fort Orange Club at 830 pm

Alpha Phi Alpha President Bob Pollero 62 anshy

nounces that a date party will take-place Friday September 29 at 9 pm The place is to be announced

The Board of Directors announshyces that during the summer the house was painted and new storm windows were installed

Bill Simmons 62 has been reshyappointed Fire Warden Joe Ball 62 has been appointed Tapping Chairman Theta Xi Omega

Jim McAden 62 President anshynounces that all correspondence should be addressed to Hoy OBrien 63 Corresponding Secretarv

Opening Senate Meeting Sparks

By JIM WHEELER Senate started the new year off

right by having their first meeting Wednesday night

The first order of business conshycerned the filling of a vacant posishytion on the Camp Board Camp Board submitted a letter unanimshyously recommending Alden Pierce to this position Senate elected him reported that architects drawing have been presented to Camp Board for a new building to house 32 and feed 80 The building will cost approximately sixty thousand dollars

President David Brooker reportshyed first on the possibility ol forming a karate club A demonshystration is tentatively scheduled for all students interested next Thursshyday evening More information will be found in the lower peristyles of Draper and Huested Halls

After Pat Benedetto new Campshyus Commission chairman reportshyed nn the progress of Campus Comshymission Senate presented the new ly married President and Mrs Brooker with a gift

Service Group

Awaits Clues Frosh got a complaint Heres

your chance to say what you want whilhout being reprimanded The Services Committee of the Senate will listen to you

These complaints should concern suggestions for improving the camshypus They do not concern Rivalry Any suggestions which you have will be reviewed by the committee and if containing merit will be presented to Dean Thorn

In the past the administration has always welcomed the students views It is impossible for everyshyone to see Dean Thorne personally Results can not always be promisshyed but every suggestion will be exshyamined

Some of the things which have been looked into are more library hours the parking problem the Commons name plates for Water-bury and Alden Halls ivy on the dorms

The members of the committee are cochairman Geri Schleifer and Dick Kelly 63 Elaine Hou-ser 62 Bill Burnett and Don Allen 63 Pat Cerra and Lapinski 64

Business Club

Begins Year Phi Beta Lambda state ltbullbullbull


ter of the United llu lion Association be son with an inform on Tuesday afternoon 18

Dr Milton C Olson Business Education the business faculty a considerable numhei

The president E rlw gave a welcome spi bull duced the other ofln i David Jnnes i Mr dent Diane Butler Vice President Willi 62 third Vice Pre-idi bull bership chairman ] 61 Secretary Willi Treasurer and Dim Senior Executive limn bull

The first meetiii September 27 when lion in braille shm given All business n viled to join Ibis clul

mess Eli-bullin a- j I uffeh-bull Septet

urcc r illnuf

Xn-k -ii nd r Tin- -

Tareytons Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est Slugging Junius (Pretty lUy) Cassius Lakes off | | i e brass knucks to enjoy his favorite smoke

Hays Pretty Boy Ecce Tureyton one filter cigarette that really delivery de gustibus Try Tureytons Next time you buy cigarettes take a couple of pacta vobLscum




Tareyton Product of JampdnMwn XtfwCytay -$ampbdquo j bdquobdquo mMU nam b gt

nait te


Ashman Writes Home rivalry Keeping Him Busy

September and would you behove bull | 330 a m b u t have a cold

Dear Mom and Dad ( ( ) U j r ( m M( m ui ( | | ) | | | |

rrhis Saturday morning at the ()J w n ( ( M | | | | ( bdquo |n lgoaTy hour of 9 a m the Hi- w h j ( h (h | ( Stln|1N |lrv Committee witJi their chair- a l s ( r ( l w r i bdquo |

Howie Woodruff in the lead s k n W l n t m n gth II( n

p i hide the cherished ole State Besides I hae io wnv inner so that we Frosh and The 0ptis must climb into trees dig

jihi- mud and hunt under logs to find it This time there will be BO finders keepers The class pcli bnds the banner first will Wn two rivalry points In the afternoon at 130 we girls play (he Soph girls at Volleyball Mary lull a junior is in charge of this |vent

So far Mom and Dad were vvin-nin Rivalry 5-1 Last Saturday Jinnum we won 2 points each for Jic mens and womens soft ball |aines and in the morning 1 point

bullfor the mens tug-of-war The Soph have won only 1 point for bullflii- womens tug-oDwar

our first edition of the Satans Seroi comes out this Friday but then so does the Sophs Ye Die jker

av iiihl the Court of the Ad-jjiiUalion of Infractions of Trade word ciunpo- ei i-raquobull tried M of us Frosh Really Five Hundred C - I Ib-i-fJI-bull n 1 couldnt wear my beanie Kvery Fro-h -hcdd W |h lay cause it was wet cause Heauie Win i lb - s e e It u raining outside and nobody (lolly Men I gt bullibull I bull-gtjl listen to me and this nasty ol aun rea-ltu- Id ali iii iuuil bull bullbull gt m lo lt bull gt- bull -S [ii made me wear it anyway reasons All I can tliinl - h d l bull bullbull

Albany State Readies for New Campus

Construction Slated to Begin Next Spring


Kivnliv (hail men IVte I nlu-i lluwii Wueih till and Iill liuinett discuss coming ients

Slate SCAD Rap Milne Policies By BILL I KANKONIS

In a sidden and unexpected report this week the State Education Deshypartment admitted that the admission policies of the Milne School constituted d scriiniration as far as race and socio-economic status are concerned Folshylow y close on the heels of this report the State Commission Against Discrimishynation (SCAD) charged that the Milne admissions policy violated the states

Anti-disrimination Law on two counts The charges lodged are the culmination of an investigation begun last March At that time Mrs Rhunette Bates made a complaint to SCAD that her daughter Sharon had been rejected by Milne on the grounds that she is a Negro

Discriminatory minislrative officials admit that tho The Stale Kducation Department preference and grandfather sys-

rcport slated that the Milne stu- terns were wrong 1 Fdward Con-deni body is in no way represent- way SCADs investigating officer ative ol the population of the area claimed that any attempts to justi-served by the school or even of fv the present admission policies those who apply for admission In are mere exercises m semantics net effect the procedures are (lis- bdquo

New Policy (Tiinumlory as tar as race and

o economic status are concern- Following the release of the ed The report also stated that charges by both agencies Dr no specific evidence had been Thomas 11 Hamilton President of found in the case of Sharon Pates the State University said that he

The investigation was carried hoped to be able to announce new out by the Kducation Practices Act admissions policies for Milne with- l

ii| I)cl IIe - i l l l H

administration because of an agree- in a week menl between the State Kducation _

According to Dr Itvan R Collins Department and SCAD to cooperate 1 in order In exclude duplication of President of SlCK at Albany a

committee of Milne faculty mem-

Model I In pl l l l l l e lii I--

c o m p l e t e d - e ilt

LLU n f e - o l l ie

s c a l e Miollel ol I

New Plans Released TinSlate Iniversity of New York - released fur publication the

I-i- fraquor the new campus of this (1i-1 Three hundred acres of includm lie ei jlaml liiealed between Western and on di -play in In gt padiiii tun Avenues on the site of all the I lb Albany Country Club have be n be nun ailiipriated and construction is igt niadi phriilllcci |(| |bdquo jbdquo | | ( x t s ) r j M K

An hiteets

Il niel led Plans

l l l l l l l l

I I l l l

I i alisitiuii The hisl buildn

ed u ill be i 11 p| r i u ln initial plans were drawn up ity n l s l l

ur he suiiiincr Coordinaline peeled to be leei bulllt^nn fur aii pluses of the pro fall ol im I he j h tin1 emiiieiit Kdmimd Stone campus will d-1 ltbullbull [-ih landed h President K ui buihliii - an lini-ln d

Hlis Mr Stone has designed dent - will IIUM ltltbullgt 1 gt Klllbassies in W u Delli the lun lamuu-e- mil


eilorl - lliree-ear period from - bdquo i i - i bers has been working on develop-liili to Iiil was the ol) ect ol the bull ing a new policy since last Spring l l e - l a l l i l l bull

when the charge was first made SCAD Charges A p ts tn | it has been decided that

Si D s report based on KPAs | | H p o l k v ()f s i b n n g prtfLrence report n- bdquo rpreled the fduealion w o u k j |bdquo eliminated but bevond M Miiiiil - claim that Milne of- ( h a t n o decisions have been In id bull ditl not decide to exclude r(-u|K(| i roi bullbull i le l iberaleK by stat ing

1 |bdquo The absence of Negroes at Alr- tonway who stated that Mmie suhool e the immediate and l l ( (l s lllLgt M i l n c ^lt-ll0(l avL due I i -nl ol admission policies l l l ( n effectively closed to Negroes

I |M deblieraleh established maintain- Icuuse of admission policies also p || id and piniiied by school offi- remarked It can be assumed that and the cuds a mod llu l due policy is to admit stu-- ludui- a ilriit - mi the billowing schedule igt bull inn ] Itiotlieis and sisters of current e ulty uid loriiici lilue students

i hildren of Stale College and Negroes in Milne ii mil siale I nneisiu faculty and staff

bullbdquo ui- Kelerrals especially f r o m In spite of claims that there are ei m l llier education administrators nltraquo Negroes in Milne a Negro ap-

imlI t i a chronological waiting list Ibcant for the eighth grade has bdquo - 111 M |) lurther charged that such IH U admitted and officials have

their (Milne) solution of the probshylem will insure equal opportunity uniform treatment of all applicants and the elimination of discriminshyatory practices

I preference discriiiiin- offered to admit Sharon Hates The


les ainsl egroes because they hitter however however has yet k the ci unity status neces- I make- a decision and is cur-i iii eeii pressure for admit rt-fitlv attending another school ini lso according to SCAD a College officials have stated pre-

riiiillaihei i liuse laMiiing ap loiisly that any discrimination be-oii- whose rellines have at- cause of race was not intentional

udi l Willie excludes Negroes especially they said since it is iner illegal lo include any information

i llu I l these charges ad- about race on an application blank Furthermore when asked about the number ol Negro students in Milne President Collins said It is illegal for me to know the numshyber

SCAD however contends that an intention is not necessary to sus-

SUB Sponsors Sock Hop

Mind iii I uioii Hoard u ill sponsor aharel dance Saturday Sep-ilier u Iroin H III) to IL p in in

I uiui Came Hoom he S lo le l l

lain the discovery of a probable cause In short because of prefshyerence it is possible to assume that some people are being disshycriminated against

Short Investigation

The investigation carried out by

Kiln I a Wdsuyu view til the liibt L2U (umpired an ntllf the tola sou a c e s

I ||if neraquo iiiuuus I he n tit-1 in Dl at1

Hop all ubo attend are request | i dress casually i no shorts please and to wear the brightest allies socks possible

bdquo chairmen i anile Polls (it and KPA was completed in a few days Helen Vanderblll (il hope (hat the After interviewing Dr Theodore Poic will acquaint Stales new Fossieek Principal of Milne and K1 Devils with the upperclassinai checking application records and irnislcis The new Student Union nther data the investigation was niorduialor Mr William MeKiiion concluded and a report submitted oid ins wite will serve as diaper- lo the Kducation Department and


Page 5: State College News 1961-09-22 - · PAG E 2 STAT COLLEG NEWS , SATURDAY MAY 6 1961 oU-auie eMawii Sigma Phi Sigma Sue MacFarlanc; Treasurer, Gai The following girls


J+ouie J+outli

Psi Gamma Lucille Monaca 62 announces

that Barbara Martin and Barbara Samuels are the co-chairmen of Homecoming Weekend Chi Sigma Theta

Mary Ann DiRuscio 62 anshynounces that the co-chairmen of the Homecoming Float are Peggy Bioty 6-1 and Judy Stone 64 Rush captains are Jean Davis 63 and Roz Ferrara 64 Sigma Phi Sigma

President Judy Kaminsky 62 has appointed the following comshymittee chairmen Sunshine Sheila Stromwasser 64 Float Carol Cohen 64 and Leona Kerpel 64 Formal dinner Charlene Maron 62 and Felicia Held 63 Formal Weekend Leslie Kaplan 63 and Roz Zeichner 63 Refreshments Ann Goldstein 63 and Carolyn Game 63

The following girls were initiated Monday night Sandy Ciarbowit- 63 Eileen Krakower 63 Gerri Goldman 64 Iris Shapiro 64 and Rhoda Solomon 64 Gamma Kappa Phi

President Barbara Manso 62 announces that Beatrice Heath 61 wil lserve as sorority president foi 1961-62 Beta Zeta

President Doris Edelstein 62 announces that Julie Recesso 6-1 was elected Sports Director am Sandy Lisson 64 was elected hisshytorian Rita Gsanell 62 was chosen Float Chairman for Homecoming An open house for off-campus men is being planned for Sunday Octshyober 22 Phi Delta

President Sally Jones 62 anshynounces that the first meeting of the year was held on Monday September 18 After the meeting a party was given in honor of Mrs Griesmeyer the new housemother Sigma Alpha

President Doris Williams 62 anshynounces that Donna Pacelli was elected vice-president replacing Barbara Garrecht who transferred to the University of Rochester Potter Club

President Ed Brennan 62 anshynounces that a dale party will be held Saturday

Signum Laudis Gives Rare Book

Signum Laudis presented a rare copy of William Blakes Hook of the Irizen to Hawley Library last June Dr Arthur Collins of the college faculty has written a reshyview of the book which is printed in part below

bullCurrently on display in the Colshylege library is one of the worlds unique books The Hook of Urizen by William Blake The college copy one of a limited edition ol IIU was printed Iu-t spring A ith a special donation from the srholas lie honorary Signum Iinli -

William Blake ( 1757-1827j a con temporary ol Wordsworth com bmed the graphic and literar) arts His books an- not illustrated text in tin usual sense for lie engraved both the text (which he wrote him self) and the illustrations FIT quently he combined the two on a single page creating a visual picshyture in which the engraved text forms part ol the unified artistic composition Whereas one judges most illustrated books by the fidelishyty of the illustrations to the print ed texts m Blakes books one is justified in looking to the illustra tions to clarify and amplify the text itself

This facsimile edition has been culled one of the finest ever pro duced The present display which will last through the month walt prepared by Miss Margan i Wag ncr of the Hawley Library

Kappa Beta President Ron Coslic 62 anshy

nounces that Ken Bellantoni 63 has been appointed Corresponding Secshyretary

Sigma Lambda Sigma President Dave Symula 62 anshy

nounces that a semi-formal date party will be held Saturday night at the Fort Orange Club at 830 pm

Alpha Phi Alpha President Bob Pollero 62 anshy

nounces that a date party will take-place Friday September 29 at 9 pm The place is to be announced

The Board of Directors announshyces that during the summer the house was painted and new storm windows were installed

Bill Simmons 62 has been reshyappointed Fire Warden Joe Ball 62 has been appointed Tapping Chairman Theta Xi Omega

Jim McAden 62 President anshynounces that all correspondence should be addressed to Hoy OBrien 63 Corresponding Secretarv

Opening Senate Meeting Sparks

By JIM WHEELER Senate started the new year off

right by having their first meeting Wednesday night

The first order of business conshycerned the filling of a vacant posishytion on the Camp Board Camp Board submitted a letter unanimshyously recommending Alden Pierce to this position Senate elected him reported that architects drawing have been presented to Camp Board for a new building to house 32 and feed 80 The building will cost approximately sixty thousand dollars

President David Brooker reportshyed first on the possibility ol forming a karate club A demonshystration is tentatively scheduled for all students interested next Thursshyday evening More information will be found in the lower peristyles of Draper and Huested Halls

After Pat Benedetto new Campshyus Commission chairman reportshyed nn the progress of Campus Comshymission Senate presented the new ly married President and Mrs Brooker with a gift

Service Group

Awaits Clues Frosh got a complaint Heres

your chance to say what you want whilhout being reprimanded The Services Committee of the Senate will listen to you

These complaints should concern suggestions for improving the camshypus They do not concern Rivalry Any suggestions which you have will be reviewed by the committee and if containing merit will be presented to Dean Thorn

In the past the administration has always welcomed the students views It is impossible for everyshyone to see Dean Thorne personally Results can not always be promisshyed but every suggestion will be exshyamined

Some of the things which have been looked into are more library hours the parking problem the Commons name plates for Water-bury and Alden Halls ivy on the dorms

The members of the committee are cochairman Geri Schleifer and Dick Kelly 63 Elaine Hou-ser 62 Bill Burnett and Don Allen 63 Pat Cerra and Lapinski 64

Business Club

Begins Year Phi Beta Lambda state ltbullbullbull


ter of the United llu lion Association be son with an inform on Tuesday afternoon 18

Dr Milton C Olson Business Education the business faculty a considerable numhei

The president E rlw gave a welcome spi bull duced the other ofln i David Jnnes i Mr dent Diane Butler Vice President Willi 62 third Vice Pre-idi bull bership chairman ] 61 Secretary Willi Treasurer and Dim Senior Executive limn bull

The first meetiii September 27 when lion in braille shm given All business n viled to join Ibis clul

mess Eli-bullin a- j I uffeh-bull Septet

urcc r illnuf

Xn-k -ii nd r Tin- -

Tareytons Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est Slugging Junius (Pretty lUy) Cassius Lakes off | | i e brass knucks to enjoy his favorite smoke

Hays Pretty Boy Ecce Tureyton one filter cigarette that really delivery de gustibus Try Tureytons Next time you buy cigarettes take a couple of pacta vobLscum




Tareyton Product of JampdnMwn XtfwCytay -$ampbdquo j bdquobdquo mMU nam b gt

nait te


Ashman Writes Home rivalry Keeping Him Busy

September and would you behove bull | 330 a m b u t have a cold

Dear Mom and Dad ( ( ) U j r ( m M( m ui ( | | ) | | | |

rrhis Saturday morning at the ()J w n ( ( M | | | | ( bdquo |n lgoaTy hour of 9 a m the Hi- w h j ( h (h | ( Stln|1N |lrv Committee witJi their chair- a l s ( r ( l w r i bdquo |

Howie Woodruff in the lead s k n W l n t m n gth II( n

p i hide the cherished ole State Besides I hae io wnv inner so that we Frosh and The 0ptis must climb into trees dig

jihi- mud and hunt under logs to find it This time there will be BO finders keepers The class pcli bnds the banner first will Wn two rivalry points In the afternoon at 130 we girls play (he Soph girls at Volleyball Mary lull a junior is in charge of this |vent

So far Mom and Dad were vvin-nin Rivalry 5-1 Last Saturday Jinnum we won 2 points each for Jic mens and womens soft ball |aines and in the morning 1 point

bullfor the mens tug-of-war The Soph have won only 1 point for bullflii- womens tug-oDwar

our first edition of the Satans Seroi comes out this Friday but then so does the Sophs Ye Die jker

av iiihl the Court of the Ad-jjiiUalion of Infractions of Trade word ciunpo- ei i-raquobull tried M of us Frosh Really Five Hundred C - I Ib-i-fJI-bull n 1 couldnt wear my beanie Kvery Fro-h -hcdd W |h lay cause it was wet cause Heauie Win i lb - s e e It u raining outside and nobody (lolly Men I gt bullibull I bull-gtjl listen to me and this nasty ol aun rea-ltu- Id ali iii iuuil bull bullbull gt m lo lt bull gt- bull -S [ii made me wear it anyway reasons All I can tliinl - h d l bull bullbull

Albany State Readies for New Campus

Construction Slated to Begin Next Spring


Kivnliv (hail men IVte I nlu-i lluwii Wueih till and Iill liuinett discuss coming ients

Slate SCAD Rap Milne Policies By BILL I KANKONIS

In a sidden and unexpected report this week the State Education Deshypartment admitted that the admission policies of the Milne School constituted d scriiniration as far as race and socio-economic status are concerned Folshylow y close on the heels of this report the State Commission Against Discrimishynation (SCAD) charged that the Milne admissions policy violated the states

Anti-disrimination Law on two counts The charges lodged are the culmination of an investigation begun last March At that time Mrs Rhunette Bates made a complaint to SCAD that her daughter Sharon had been rejected by Milne on the grounds that she is a Negro

Discriminatory minislrative officials admit that tho The Stale Kducation Department preference and grandfather sys-

rcport slated that the Milne stu- terns were wrong 1 Fdward Con-deni body is in no way represent- way SCADs investigating officer ative ol the population of the area claimed that any attempts to justi-served by the school or even of fv the present admission policies those who apply for admission In are mere exercises m semantics net effect the procedures are (lis- bdquo

New Policy (Tiinumlory as tar as race and

o economic status are concern- Following the release of the ed The report also stated that charges by both agencies Dr no specific evidence had been Thomas 11 Hamilton President of found in the case of Sharon Pates the State University said that he

The investigation was carried hoped to be able to announce new out by the Kducation Practices Act admissions policies for Milne with- l

ii| I)cl IIe - i l l l H

administration because of an agree- in a week menl between the State Kducation _

According to Dr Itvan R Collins Department and SCAD to cooperate 1 in order In exclude duplication of President of SlCK at Albany a

committee of Milne faculty mem-

Model I In pl l l l l l e lii I--

c o m p l e t e d - e ilt

LLU n f e - o l l ie

s c a l e Miollel ol I

New Plans Released TinSlate Iniversity of New York - released fur publication the

I-i- fraquor the new campus of this (1i-1 Three hundred acres of includm lie ei jlaml liiealed between Western and on di -play in In gt padiiii tun Avenues on the site of all the I lb Albany Country Club have be n be nun ailiipriated and construction is igt niadi phriilllcci |(| |bdquo jbdquo | | ( x t s ) r j M K

An hiteets

Il niel led Plans

l l l l l l l l

I I l l l

I i alisitiuii The hisl buildn

ed u ill be i 11 p| r i u ln initial plans were drawn up ity n l s l l

ur he suiiiincr Coordinaline peeled to be leei bulllt^nn fur aii pluses of the pro fall ol im I he j h tin1 emiiieiit Kdmimd Stone campus will d-1 ltbullbull [-ih landed h President K ui buihliii - an lini-ln d

Hlis Mr Stone has designed dent - will IIUM ltltbullgt 1 gt Klllbassies in W u Delli the lun lamuu-e- mil


eilorl - lliree-ear period from - bdquo i i - i bers has been working on develop-liili to Iiil was the ol) ect ol the bull ing a new policy since last Spring l l e - l a l l i l l bull

when the charge was first made SCAD Charges A p ts tn | it has been decided that

Si D s report based on KPAs | | H p o l k v ()f s i b n n g prtfLrence report n- bdquo rpreled the fduealion w o u k j |bdquo eliminated but bevond M Miiiiil - claim that Milne of- ( h a t n o decisions have been In id bull ditl not decide to exclude r(-u|K(| i roi bullbull i le l iberaleK by stat ing

1 |bdquo The absence of Negroes at Alr- tonway who stated that Mmie suhool e the immediate and l l ( (l s lllLgt M i l n c ^lt-ll0(l avL due I i -nl ol admission policies l l l ( n effectively closed to Negroes

I |M deblieraleh established maintain- Icuuse of admission policies also p || id and piniiied by school offi- remarked It can be assumed that and the cuds a mod llu l due policy is to admit stu-- ludui- a ilriit - mi the billowing schedule igt bull inn ] Itiotlieis and sisters of current e ulty uid loriiici lilue students

i hildren of Stale College and Negroes in Milne ii mil siale I nneisiu faculty and staff

bullbdquo ui- Kelerrals especially f r o m In spite of claims that there are ei m l llier education administrators nltraquo Negroes in Milne a Negro ap-

imlI t i a chronological waiting list Ibcant for the eighth grade has bdquo - 111 M |) lurther charged that such IH U admitted and officials have

their (Milne) solution of the probshylem will insure equal opportunity uniform treatment of all applicants and the elimination of discriminshyatory practices

I preference discriiiiin- offered to admit Sharon Hates The


les ainsl egroes because they hitter however however has yet k the ci unity status neces- I make- a decision and is cur-i iii eeii pressure for admit rt-fitlv attending another school ini lso according to SCAD a College officials have stated pre-

riiiillaihei i liuse laMiiing ap loiisly that any discrimination be-oii- whose rellines have at- cause of race was not intentional

udi l Willie excludes Negroes especially they said since it is iner illegal lo include any information

i llu I l these charges ad- about race on an application blank Furthermore when asked about the number ol Negro students in Milne President Collins said It is illegal for me to know the numshyber

SCAD however contends that an intention is not necessary to sus-

SUB Sponsors Sock Hop

Mind iii I uioii Hoard u ill sponsor aharel dance Saturday Sep-ilier u Iroin H III) to IL p in in

I uiui Came Hoom he S lo le l l

lain the discovery of a probable cause In short because of prefshyerence it is possible to assume that some people are being disshycriminated against

Short Investigation

The investigation carried out by

Kiln I a Wdsuyu view til the liibt L2U (umpired an ntllf the tola sou a c e s

I ||if neraquo iiiuuus I he n tit-1 in Dl at1

Hop all ubo attend are request | i dress casually i no shorts please and to wear the brightest allies socks possible

bdquo chairmen i anile Polls (it and KPA was completed in a few days Helen Vanderblll (il hope (hat the After interviewing Dr Theodore Poic will acquaint Stales new Fossieek Principal of Milne and K1 Devils with the upperclassinai checking application records and irnislcis The new Student Union nther data the investigation was niorduialor Mr William MeKiiion concluded and a report submitted oid ins wite will serve as diaper- lo the Kducation Department and