state of florida florida elections commission...lcea po. box 490816,1707 south st, leesburg, fl...

STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION In Re: LAKE COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION TIGER, RESPONDENT. Case No.: FEC 11-266 NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPEAL OF AUTOMATIC FINE TO: Sarah T. Baltunis, Treasurer Lake Co. Education Assoc. Tiger 102 Oklahoma Avenue Leesburg, FL 34748 Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Division of Elections 500 S. Bronaugh Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on February 21, 2012, at 8:30 a.m. or thereafter as the parties can be heard, the Florida Elections Commission will consider the Respondent's appeal of the automatic fine imposed by the filing officer. The Commission will meet at: City Hall, City Commission Chambers, 300 S. Adams Street, Tallahassee, Florida. Although you did not request a hearing, this notice is to inform you that your case will be discussed at the meeting taking place on the above date and place. All documents you want the Commission to consider must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the hearing. If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at 107 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 48 hours before the hearing. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY. Dated on January Jj, 2012. Hea038 (2/09) Rosanna Catalano Executive Director

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Page 1: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b




Case No.: FEC 11-266


TO: Sarah T. Baltunis, Treasurer Lake Co. Education Assoc. Tiger 102 Oklahoma A venue Leesburg, FL 34748

Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Division of Elections 500 S. Bronaugh Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on February 21, 2012, at 8:30 a.m. or thereafter as the parties can be heard, the Florida Elections Commission will consider the Respondent's appeal of the automatic fine imposed by the filing officer. The Commission will meet at: City Hall, City Commission Chambers, 300 S. Adams Street, Tallahassee, Florida.

Although you did not request a hearing, this notice is to inform you that your case will be discussed at the meeting taking place on the above date and place. All documents you want the Commission to consider must be submitted at least 1 0 days prior to the hearing.

If you require an accommodation due to a disability, contact Donna Malphurs at (850) 922-4539 or by mail at 107 West Gaines Street, The Collins Building, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, at least 48 hours before the hearing.


Dated on January Jj, 2012.

Hea038 (2/09)

Rosanna Catalano Executive Director

Page 2: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b


Please be advised that other cases have been scheduled for the same time. Therefore, your case may not be called exactly at the time set forth on this notice.

At the automatic fine hearing, the Florida Elections Commission will decide whether Respondent's campaign treasurers report was timely filed or whether there were unusual circumstances that excuse his failure to timely file his report.

Rule 2B-1.0055, Florida Administrative Code, defines unusual circumstances as "uncommon, rare or sudden events over which the actor has no control and which directly result in the failure to act in accordance with the filing requirements. Circumstances which allow for time in which to take those steps necessary to assure compliance with the filing requirement shall be deemed not to constitute unusual circumstances."

The hearing will be conducted pursuant to Section 106.07(8)(c), Florida Statutes, if Respondent is a candidate, a political committee, or an electioneering communications organization; Section 1 06 .. 04(8)( c), Florida Statutes, if Respondent is a committee of continuous existence; or Section 106.29(3)(c), Florida Statutes, if Respondent is a political party; and Commission Rules 2B-1.005, 1.0052, & 1.0055, Florida Administrative Code.

The Commission will electronically record the meeting. Although the Commission's recording is considered the official record of the hearing, the Respondent may provide, at his own expense, a certified court reporter to also record the hearing.

Before making a decision, the Commission will review the written documents submitted by Respondent and staff at least ten days before the hearing and the information presented at the hearing. Rule 2B-1.005, Florida Administrative Code, provides that unless good cause is shown, the Commission will not consider any written document unless it has been filed with the Commission Clerk at least ten days before the hearing.

Vlhen the case is called, the Chair will read a brief statement and may ask the Respondent and his attorney, if one is present, to state their names for the record. Respondent will then have time to present his case to the Commission. Witnesses may be called to testify under oath on Respondent's behalf. If Respondent calls witnesses, the staff attorney may cross-examine those witnesses after Respondent's questioning is finished. After Respondent's presentation, staff will have the same amount of time to present its case. If the staff attorney calls witnesses, Respondent may cross-examine those witnesses after staff's questioning is finished.

At any time during the presentations the Commissioners may ask questions of Respondent, his attorney, the witnesses, and staff After the presentations ar·e concluded, the Commissioners will discuss the case and decide whether Respondent's report was timely filed or whether there were unusual circumstances that excuse his failure to file timely his report. The Commission will make a decision by a majority vote of those members present and voting..

After the Commission meeting, the Commission will send Respondent a written order reflecting the Commission's decision. Ifthe Commission upholds the fine, Respondent will have 30 days to pay the fine.

If you have any questions about the procedures for the hearing, please contact Donna Malphurs at 107 W. Gaines Street Collins Building, Suite 224 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050, phone number: (850) 922-4539.

Hea038 (2/09)

Page 3: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b


Case Number: FEC-1l-266





DATE REpORT DUE: 9116/11 (2011 SF2)










DATE FIRST NOTIFICATION WAS RECEIVED: Failure to file letter dated 9/21111

SUMMARY: Lake County Education Association Tiger is a committee of continuous existence (CCE) registered with the State of Florida. The CCE's chair is Belita Grassel and its treasurer is Sarah T.. Baltunis ..

The CCE has paid the assessed fine and no longer wishes to pursue an appeal.

PRIOR CASES: The CCE has had one prior case before the Commission. In FEC 08-113, the Commission found no unusual circumstances, and the CCE paid an assessed fine of $62 . .50 ..





Aut048 (2/09)

FmEDuE: $ ________________ __ DATE: ________________ __



Page 4: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone - (352) 787-2050 Fax - (352) 787-{l563

B Grassel, NBCT President

b [email protected]

Gail Rager Vice President

gail rager@floridaea,org

Kim Strow Clermont Middle


Sarah T Baltunis, NBCT Leesburg Elementary


Jule Hand Beverly Shores Elementary

Board Member

Stevie Harley Eustis Heights Elementary

Board Member

Pat Porak Program Specialist

Board Member

Stephen C. Post East Ridge Middle

Board Member

Diane Revels, NBCT Minneola Elementary

Board Member

Kathy Smith, NBCT Carver Middle Board Member

Terri Stevens Seminole Springs Elementary

Board Member

Marla Raber Office Manager




November 17,2011

Tracie Aulet, Investigation Specialist Florida Elections Commission 107 West Gaines Street, Suite 224 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0100

Dear Ms_ Aulet:

rf1 r-f"TiU) ("')-1 -;):0" --~ 0", Zo tf; '"'1 ("')-r'j 0_ -.,.. =:0 ~;o

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LCEA-TIGER has decided to waive their option of appeal and pay the assessed fine of ($125,00) One Hundred and Twenty-Five dollars.

Thank you for your consideration and once again I would like to state that this was not an intentional violation.

Thank you.


Sarah T. Baltunis, Treasurer Lake County Education Association-TIGER


Page 5: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b



PO BOX 490816 LEESBURG, FL 34749-0816

j ORDER OF Division of Elections ffi


2011 NOV 2 I A Cj: 5 3

~JAT£ QF FlORfDA El!-:.t.:noN~ COr1~1/SSJON

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'" a: One Hundred and Twenty-Five dollars and .00/100*** :s o ,.0 F/,., Union Nltllonlt' Bltnl<

~ • ofF/oridlt

Tavares, Florida F N 24 Hour Information Service 1-800-735 .. 1012

FO'ft1e RA Gray Bulding-Room 316, 500 South Bronough ST, Tallahassee, FL 32399


11-17-2011 19_

$ 125.00


63-751/631 00442

Page 6: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

LCEA PO Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone - (352) 787-2050 Fax - (352) 787-6563

B Grassel, NBCT President

b grassel@floridaea org

Gail Rager Vice President

gail [email protected]

Kim Strow Clermont Middle


Sarah T. Baltunis, NBCT Leesburg Elementary


Jule Hand Beverly Shores Elementary

Board Member

Stevie Harley Eustis Heights Elementary

Board Member

Pat Porak Program Specialist

Board Member

Stephen C Post East Ridge Middle

Board Member

Diane Revels, NBCT Minneola Elementary

Board Member

Kathy Smith, NBCT Carver Middle Board Member

Terri Stevens Seminole Springs Elementary

Board Member

Marla Raber Office Manager

[email protected]



October .3,2011

Florida Elections Commission 107 West Gaines Street, Suite 224 Tallahassee, FL .32399-0100

Dear Sirs:

Per your letter dated September 26, 2011, I am requesting an appeal regarding the fine assessed to LCEA-TIGER.

The reason for the appeal is as follows:

• The LCEA office experienced technical problems on the morning of September 16, 2011 until late afternoon.

I ask for your consideration in revoking the fine assessed to LCEA for the reason stated. This was not an intentional violation.

Thank you.


ah T. Baltunis, Treasurer Lake County Education Association-TIGER


Page 7: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b


Secretary of State


October 26. 20 I J

Ms. Sarah T. Baltunis, freasurer Lake County Education Association Tiger 102 Oklahoma Avenue Leesburg, FL 34748-4748

Dear Ms. Baltunis:

The campaign treasurer's repor1 that was due September 16,201 L Was not filed until September 24,2011 .. Accordingly,you arc fined in the amount of$125.00 .. The fine mllst be paid to the Division of Elections within 20 days ofreccipt of this notice unless appealcd to the Florida Elections Commission.

If you wish to appeal the fine, you must submit a notice of appeal to the Comm ission within 20 days of the date of the receipt of this notice (See Rules 2B·I.005, 28-1.0052 and 28-1.0055, Florida Administrative Code.) The Flotida Elections Commission's address is 107 West Gaines Street, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100.

Please send a copy of your notice of appeal to the Bureau of Election Records at the address listed below" If you haw any questions. please contact us at (850) 245·,6240,


~~~~~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

cc: Belita GrasseL Chairperson 14322 Lake Junietta Drive Tavares, FL 34726

The R A Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240 FAX: (850) 245-6260 • WWW Address: http://www.dos.state.fLus • E-Mail DivElections'ij!dos. stale/I. us

Page 8: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b


Secretary of State


September 26, 2011

Ms. Sarah T. Baltunis, Treasurer

Lake County Education Association Tiger

102 Oklahoma A venue Leesburg, FL 34748-4748

Dear Ms. Baltunis:

The campaign treasurer's report that was due September 16, 2011, was not filed until September 24, 2011. Accordingly, you are fined in the amount of $125 .00. The fine must be paid to the Division of Elections within 20 days of receipt of this notice unless appealed to the Florida Elections Commission ..

If you wish to appeal the fine, you must submit a notice of appeal to the Commission within 20 days of the date of the receipt of this notice. (See Rules 2B-l .. 005, 2B-l.0052 and 2B-l.0055, Florida Administrative Code.) The Florida Elections Commission's address is 107 West Gaines Street, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100.

Please send a copy of your notice of appeal to the Bureau of Election Records at the address listed below. If you have any questions, please contact us at (850) 245 .. 6240


~~~f.>-Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

cc: Belita Grassel, Chairperson /' 14322 Lake Junietta Drive

Tavares, FL 34726

The R A Gray Building-Room 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 • (850) 245-6240 FAX: (850) 245-6260 • WWW Address: • E-Mail [email protected]

Page 9: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b


Secretmy ot State


September 21. 2011

Ms Sarah T. Baltunis. Treasurer

Lake County Education Ass(lciationi iger

102 Oklahoma A venue Leesburg, FL 34748-4748

Dear Ms. Baltunis:

Your campaig.n treasurer's report, v. hich was due September 16,2011, has not been received.

Section I 06 .. 0.:l(8)(a), Florida Statutes, requires that the filing officer immediately notify you of the failure to flit.· this report and that a fine will be assessed of$50 per day for the first 3 days a report is late and, thereafter $500 per day. although a fine cannot exceed 25% ortbe total receipts or expenditures, whichever i::; g:reatcr for the period c(l\ ered by the late report.

Once your report is tiled, th is office will notify you 0 f the spec i fie amount of your fine Fines tn ust be pa id to the tiling officer within 20 days ofrcecipt of the payment due notice.

Please be advised, however, that failure to file a campaign treasurer's report may constitute a violation of Chapter 106, Florida Statutes. independent of the automatic fine violation referenced above. Therefore, if you fail to file a report, the dhision will turn the matter over to the Florida Elections Commission.

Section I 06 .. 2.65( I ). Florida Statutes. authorizes the Florida Elections Commission 10 impose a civil penalty up to $1.000 per Cnlll1t for eaeh willful violation or Chapter 106.

I r you ha\ e all} questions., please do not hesitate to contact Theresa Holdeen al (850)245··6250


Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

ce: Belita Grassel.. ChaiJperson 14322 Lake Junietta Drive

Tavares. FI 3.:1726

fht: R A (Ira) [3uilding-Routn 316 • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee FL 32399-02.50 • (850) 245-6240

FAX: (850) 24:--62()0 • \\,WW Address; http; • E-Mail. DivEfedionnidos slafefl.lI.I

Page 10: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

Committee Tracking system - Plorida Division of Elections - Department of State

Florida Department of State Room 316, R A Gray Building 500 South Bronaugh Street Tallahassee, FI 32399·0250 (850)245·6200




Committee Tracking System

Lake County Education Association Tiger

Type: Committee of Continuous Existence

Status: Active

Address: Post Office Box 490816

Leesburg, FL 34749

Phone: (352)787-2050

Chairperson: Belita Grassel

14322 Lake Junietta Drive

Tavares, FL 34726

Treasurer: Sarah T, Baltunis

102 Oklahoma Avenue

Leesburg, FL 34748

Registered Agent: Belita Grassel



1707 South Street

Leesburg, FL 347480000





American Federation of Teachers

Florida Education Association

Campaign Finance Activity

Campaign Documents

Page 1 of1


Page 11: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

1119/2011 Filed Reports for Elec 10: 20111018·501 Page 1

Account: 3287 - CCE IJake County Education Association Tiger Chairperson: Grassel, Belita Appt: 8/27/07

'----------,------ ----------------,---------'-Report: 2011 SF2 (237) From: 8/27/2011 Amd: Y Filed: FIL 91241201112:18:56 P

Due: 9/1612011 To: 9/15/2011 Cmplt: COM Reviewed: AUD 101312011 11:05:39 A

Submitted Tre~surer _____ A~pp"_ointed _. __ Withdrew . .!i.ntry Met~.~t!.._ ... _!.!le Method Chair PIN 9/2412011 Sarah T. Baltunis 1/28/2008 Web Data Entry Web Filed

1013/2011 Sarah r. Baltunis 1/2812008 Web Data Entry Web Filed

Page 12: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

Campaign Finance ". Report SI 'ary

: .. ~-' -' -' -'-_. .., .. ---~~.--...-.:, l.pmplete: iO)m!}iete Detaif RecOid$ . t

~-'.: - .. ----~;--.. -'. -" ........ _. '!"'*'''!M'_'

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.~-: __ w."" .W~ ~""W'''._ .... , • ....,..,; .. , ,~ ". :--:-...... ..,!

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File Status: :filed ReObrt ! L;_.'~ ... , • .'._..:...., .. , ..... "_, ..• _ . .,., " .• '" ._~- .. -. ; .•.• ...,.. ..... ...J

T[qnsad;ipn$ Contributions Expeh dftLlres Amount

l 1 Cas)i and Checl<$: ! 0,00, I

t()t~1 M()i1et~ry: " .. :.c'

I. (Loo,

http://efsbatchlCFReportSummary.aspx?ReportIl)::::237 111912011

Page 13: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

11/9/2011 Queued Items for 2011-SF2 Page 1

Account: 3287 Lake County Education Association Tiger Rpt Seq: 237

ProcessDescription Status Submitter Created LastUpdate

Create Pending Report Processing Complete 3287 9/2412011 12:13:50 PM 9/24/2011 12:13:50 PM

Review Pending Report Processing Complete 3287 9/24/2011 12:]8:30 PM 9124/2011 12:18:33 PM

File Pending Report Processing Complete 3287 9/24/2011 12:18:56 PM 9/24/2011 12:18:57 PM

Review Filed Report Processing Complete 3287 9/24/2011 12:19:21 PM 9/24/2011 ]2:19:21 PM

Review Filed Report Processing Complete taholdeen 9/26/2011 8:34:29 AM 9/26/2011 8:34:33 AM

Amend Filed Report Processing Complete 3287 10/3/2011 11:03:51 AM 10/3/2011 11:03:51 AM

Review Pending Report Processing Complete 3287 10/3/2011 11:05:39 AM 10/3/2011 11:05:39 AM

File Pending Report Processing Complete 3287 10/3/2011 11:05:55 AM 10/3/2011 11:05:55 AM

Page 14: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

FEC - Candidate/Committee Filing History Report Page 1 of 3

search: directory: contact us 411 I subscribe I tour I help

Florida Department of State - Division of Elections Florida Election System Reports

CandidateiCommittee Lookup Committee Name: Lake County Education Association Tiger

Name: Ilake ;~unty educ~t Account: 3287

Election: Date Due Type Date Filed Status Days As:~~~ed Appealed

Amount Amount

:::J Late Fined Paid

10/11/2011 Q3 10/3/2011

Acct: 13287 9/16/2011 SF2 9/24/2011 APP 8 $125.00 $125 .. 00 $0.00

Type: I Committee :::J 7/11/2011 Q2 7/11/2011

6/24/2011 SG2 6/29/2011 CLO 5 $250 .. 00 $250 .. 00 $250.00

Search I Reset I 4/11/2011 Q1 4/11/2011

1/10/2011 Q4 1/7/2011

10/29/2010 G4 10/29/2010

10/15/2010 G3 10/12/2010

10/1/2010 G2 9/30/2010

9/17/2010 G1 9/17/2010

8/20/2010 F3 8/20/2010

8/6/2010 F2 8/5/2010

7/23/2010 F1 7/22/2010

4/12/2010 Q1 4/12/2010

1/11/2010 Q4 1/8/2010

10/13/2009 Q3 10/12/2009

10/2/2009 SG2 10/5/2009 CLO 3 $0 .. 00 $0 .. 00 $0.00

9/25/2009 SG1 9/25/2009

9/11/2009 SF2 9/11/2009

8/28/2009 SF1 8/28/2009

7/10/2009 Q2 7/2/2009

4/10/2009 Q1 4/6/2009

1/12/2009 Q4 1/6/2009

12131/2008 !R 1/1612009

10/31/2008 G4 10/31/2008

10/17/2008 G3 10/15/2008

10/3/2008 G2 9/30/2008

9/19/2008 G1 9/19/2008

8/22/2008 F3 8/22/2008

8/8/2008 F2 8/5/2008

7/25/2008 F1 7/22/2008

4/11/2008 SG2 6/13/2008 CLO 63 $0.00 $0 .. 00 $0.00

4/10/2008 Q1 4/812008

3/28/2008 SG1 6/13/2008 CLO 77 $0.00 $000 $0.00

3/21/2008 SF2 6/13/2008 CLO 84 $0.00 $0 .. 00 $0.00

3/7/2008 SF1 6/13/2008 CLO 98 $0.00 $0 .. 00 $0 .. 00

2/22/2008 SG2 NEN 0 $0 .. 00 $0 .. 00 $0 .. 00

2/8/2008 SG1 2/14/2008 CLO 6 $62.50 $62.50 $62.50

1/10/2008 Q4 1/8/2008

10/10/2007 Q3 10/2/2007

9/14/2007 SG2 9/14/2007

9/7/2007 SG1 9/7/2007

8/24/2007 SF2 8/24/2007

8/10/2007 SF1 8/10/2007

7/10/2007 Q2 7/2/2007

5/25/2007 SF1 5/25/2007 111812011

Page 15: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

FEC - Candidate/Committee Filing History Report Page 2 of 3

4/20/2007 SG2 4/20/2007

4/10/2007 Q1 4/212007

4/6/2007 SG1 4/6/2007

3/16/2007 SF2 3/16/2007

3/212007 SF1 3/2/2007

2/23/2007 SG2 2/23/2007

2/13/2007 SG1 2/13/2007

2/212007 SF2 2/5/2007 CLO 3 $0..00 $0 .. 00 $0 .. 00

1/19/2007 SF1 1/19/2007

1/10/2007 Q4 1/512007

1113/2006 G4 11/3/2006

10/20/2006 G3 10/16/2006

10/6/2006 G2 10/2/2006

9/22/2006 G1 9/21/2006

9/112006 F3 9/1/2006

8/18/2006 F2 8/18/2006

8/412006 F1 8/1/2006

7/10/2006 Q2 7/612006

4/10/2006 Q1 4/312006

1/31/2006 AR CLO 0 $0 .. 00 $0 .. 00 $0 .. 00

1/10/2006 Q4 1/412006

10/11/2005 Q3 10/10/2005

7/11/2005 Q2 7/612005

4/11/2005 Q1 4/22/2005 MER 11 $320..95 $320 .. 95 $0.00

1/10/2005 Q4 1/612005

10129/2004 G4 10/27/2004

10/15/2004 G2 10/1/2004

10/15/2004 G3 10/15/2004

9/1712004 G1 9/14/2004

8/27/2004 F3 8/25/2004

8/13/2004 F2 8/12/2004

7/30/2004 F1 7/26/2004

7/12/2004 Q2 7/712004

4/12/2004 Q1 4/812004

1/12/2004 Q4 1/912004

10/10/2003 Q3 10/8/2003

7110/2003 Q2 7/212003

4/10/2003 Q1 4/912003

1/31/2003 AR CLO 0 $0 .. 00 $0.00 $0.00

1/10/2003 Q4 1/9/2003

1111/2002 G4 11/1/2002

10/18/2002 G3 10/18/2002

10/4/2002 G2 10/3/2002

9/20/2002 G1 9/18/2002

9/612002 F3 9/6/2002

8/23/2002 F2 8/21/2002

8/912002 F1 8/9/2002

7/10/2002 Q2 7/112002

4/10/2002 Q1 4/912002

1/10/2002 Q4 1/9/2002

10/10/2001 Q3 10/2/2001

7110/2001 Q2 6/29/2001

4/10/2001 Q1 4/312001

1/10/2001 Q4 1/9/2001

1113/2000 G3 11/2/2000

https://doesecure.dos.state.fl. us/feclFilingHistory.Asp? AcctNum=3287 &cboElection=&cb... 11/812011

Page 16: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

FEC - Candidate/Committee Filing History Report Page 3 of 3

10/20/2000 G2 10/17/2000

9/29/2000 S3 9/29/2000

9/15/2000 S2 9/13/2000

9/1/2000 F3 9/1/2000

8/18/2000 F2 8/14/2000

8/4/2000 F1 7/31/2000

7/10/2000 02 6/30/2000

4/10/2000 01 4/5/2000

1/10/2000 04 1/3/2000

10/12/1999 03 10/5/1999

7/12/1999 02 7/6/1999

4/12/1999 01 4/7/1999

3/5/1999 SG3 3/29/1999 CLO 0 $0 .. 00 $0 .. 00 $0.00

2/19/1999 SS3 3/29/1999 CLO 0 $0.00 $0 .. 00 $0.00

2/5/1999 SF3 3/29/1999 CLO 52 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00

1/11/1999 04 1/4/1999

10/30/1998 G3 10/30/1998

10/16/1998 G2 10/13/1998

9/25/1998 S3 9/25/1998

9/11/1998 S2 9/10/1998

8/28/1998 F3 8/28/1998

8/14/1998 F2 8/13/1998

7/31/1998 F1 7/29/1998

7/10/1998 02 7/9/1998

4/10/1998 01 4/1/1998

3/6/1998 SG3 3/5/1998

1/12/1998 04 1/7/1998

10/10/1997 03 10/16/1997 CLO 6 $20545 $20545 $20545

7/10/1997 02 7/3/1997

4/10/1997 01 4/10/1997

1/10/1997 04 1/6/1997

11/1/1996 G3 11/1/1996

10/18/1996 ,..." 1 0/18/1996 \.:JL

9/27/1996 S3 9/27/1996

9/13/1996 S2 9/10/1996

8/30/1996 F3 8/30/1996

8/16/1996 F2 8/15/1996

8/2/1996 F1 8/6/1996 CLO 4 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00

7/10/1996 02 719/1996

4/23/1996 SG3 4/23/1996

4/10/1996 01 4/9/1996 -~-~.~

".~--.--~-~~-~~ .. ~~~- AcctNum=3287 &cboE1ection=&cb... 111812011

Page 17: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

Unique IO


2011 SF2 Fine:

HISTORY NOTES Lake County Education Association Tiger -- 3287

Date Recorded Last Edited Date

111712011 8:29:00 AM 11/7J20119:55:18AM

Orglnally Recorded By


Sent the follo.wing email w/copies of previously sent notices to: (Belita Grassel-chair), and Sarah Baltunis -. treasurer):

To: Ms. Belita Grassel, Chairperson Ms Sarah Baltunis, Treasurer

Attached are copies of previously mailed notices with regards to the outstanding fine due for the late filing of the 2011 SF2 campaign finance report

Failure to resolve this issue will result in referral to the Florida Elections Commission for enforcement.

If you have questions about this fine, please contact me at the number listed below .. Thank you in advance for your immediate attention to this matter

Side Note: rec'd call from a woman who works with the treasurer. Said they appealed this, and spoke with Kristi about it. I asked her to email me a copy of that appeal, so we could update our records So, I should be receiving this appeal shortly

12491 5/1/200910:54:00 AM taholdeen

Re: Annual Report/Financial Statement 2008

Received call from 'Marla', who actually handles this report Walked her through re-coding her quarterly reports for 2008, and amending the annual report Report is now in compliance

12447 4/30/2009 1 :56:00 PM tahbldeen

Re: Annual Report/Financial Statement 2008

Called (352)787-2050 looking for treasurer Sarah Baltunis Was informed by the Executive Director (Jim Polk), that she wasn't in that office everyday, that she's only in that office 3-4 days per rnonth. I infOrined him that there was a problem with the financial statement, and that it didn't look like anyone had notified them He said he was sure no one called them, because he would have heard about it

I explained that the totals on the financial statement didn't reconcile, and that there were no dues reported. I also explained that the division was getting ready to mail out 'ihtent to revoke' notices, so we needed this handled asap! Left my contact information with him, so that he could have the treasurer contact me.. He said they would handle this as soon as possible

---~" -'-"---._-" "-----""-""-_. """. "--""""_."--""--"-_.-

8308 1/13/20091:49:00 PM jrncollins

re: treasurer's name

per letter from Marla Raber treasurer Sarah Baltunis' middle initial was changed from A to T. "."-_. '-"-"-"-"-"'--""-'--'--"-' " .. "" ... "._-_.,,--"-"-------"-_._"----_.-----

3350 3/13/20089:45:00 AM jmcollins

re: treasurer for 2008

called (352) 787-2050 to verify that Sarah Baltunis is treasurer for upcoming year; talked to Jim Folk, he verified that Ms. Baltunis is the 2008 treasurer

------------ --"_.""."--""-----_."--"-----_._---""._,,."-"""--""--"--."--~-- " ""--""."-""-"-

Page 1 of 1 11/9/2011

Page 18: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b



October 26. 1011

Ms. Sarah T. Baltun is, freasurer

Kurt S. Browning Secretary of Stale


Lake County Education Association Tiger 102 Oklahoma Avenue Leesburg, FL 34748-4748

Dear Ms. BaItunis:


The campaign treasurer's \'epol1 that was due September 16,2011, was not tiled until September 24, 201 I. Accordingly. you are fined in the amount of $ I 25.00. The fine ll1llst be paid to the Division of Elections within 20 days ofreccipt of this notice unless appealed to the Florida Elections Commission.

If YOll wish to appeal the fine, you must submit a notice of appeal to the Commission within 20 days of the date of the receipt of this notice. (See Rules 28 .. 1.005,28- 1.0052 and 2B- L0055, Florida Administrative Code.) The Florida Elections Commission's address is 107 West Gaines Street, Suite 224, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100.

Please send a copy of your notice ofappeaJ to the Bureau of Election Records at the address listed below .. If you have an) questions. please contact us at (850) 245·6240.


~~~u.:~ Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief Bureau of Election Records

cc: Belita Grassel, Chairperson 14322 Lake J un ietta Drive Tavares, FL 34726

The R A Gray Building-Room 316 _ 500 South Bronough Street _ Tallahassee FL 32399-0250 _ (850) 245-6240

FAX: (850) 245-6260 • WWW Address: _ E-Me& Dil·E/ection:/ijidos ~ta/(!jl. us

Page 19: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION 107 W. Gaines Street, Collins Building

Suite 224 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

(850) 922-4539

November 8, 2011

Ms. Sarah Baltunis, Treasurer Lake County Education Association Tiger 102 Oklahoma Avenue Leesburg, FL 34748

RE: Case No.: FEC 11-266; Campaign Treasurer's Report due September 16, 2011

Dear Ms. Baltunis:

The Florida Elections Commission received your letter appealing the fine assessed against you for failing to timely file your campaign treasurer's report. I anticipate that the Commission will hear your case at its next meeting, which is presently scheduled for February 21 & 22, 2012, in Tallahassee. However, please call our office to verify when your case will be heard.

In reaching its decision, the Commission will consider the documents gathered by Commission staff and any documents you submit for the Commission's consideration before its meeting. Unless good cause is shown, the Commission wili not consider any written document unless it has been filed with the Commission Clerk at least ten days before the meeting. Rules 2B-1.005, 1.0052, and 1.0055, Florida Administrative Code, are the Commission's rules on the appeal of automatic fines.

The Commission will uphold the fine imposed by the filing officer unless you provide credible evidence that the report was timely filed or credible evidence that unusual or other circumstances caused the report to be filed late.

If you are a county, municipal, or special district candidate or committee and your report was received by the filing officer without a postmark or with an illegible postmark more than five days after the due date or it was delivered to the filing officer by a mail delivery service other than the United States Postal Service, it will not be found timely filed unless you submit a copy of a proof of mailing or at a hearing before the Commission, presents the oral testimony of the person who timely mailed the report.

The proof of mailing submitted shall reflect that it was obtained from the United States Postal Service or other mail delivery service at the time of mailing and shall reflect that the report was mailed before midnight on the due date. A metered postage mark does not constitute a postmark

AutOO] (8/08)

Page 20: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

or a proof of mailing.

If you cannot show that your report was timely filed, the Commission may still grant you relief, but only if you show unusual circumstances. Unusual circumstances is defined in Rule 2B-1.005(4), Florida Administrative Code, to mean "uncommon, rare, or sudden events over which the actor has no control and which directly result in the failure to act in accordance with the filing requirements." Unusual circumstances must occur within a time period that would clearly have prevented you from filing the report in a timely manner. Unusual circumstances shall not include the failure of the United States Postal Service or other mail delivery service to postmark an envelope, legibly postmark an envelope, or timely deliver mail. Further, unusual circumstances shall not include the failure of the sender to affix sufficient postage to a report that is being mailed.

Without credible evidence, the Commission will not find unusual circumstances. The following circumstances may constitute unusual circumstances so long as credible evidence is presented that unusual circumstances caused the report to be filed late.

1. Natural disaster or other emergency that prevented timely filing. Evidence submitted must include copies of newspaper reports or other documents from an independent and reliable source that shows the nature, date, and location of the natural disaster or emergency.

2. Death of the candidate or campaign treasurer or an immediate family member of the candidate or campaign treasurer. Evidence submitted must include a copy of the death certificate, newspaper obituary, or funeral program, or notice.

3. Serious illness, disability or non-elective surgery of the candidate or campaign treasurer. Evidence submitted must include a physician's certification on professional letterhead stationery that includes the dates of the illness, disability, or surgery; a statement regarding the period of time that the patient was incapacitated; and a statement that surgery, if any, was not elective. Copies of hospital records reflecting the dates of hospitalization may also show the period of incapacitation.

4. Serious illness, disability, or non-elective surgery of the immediate family member of the candidate or campaign treasurer. Evidence submitted must include evidence of the relationship of the candidate or treasurer to the family member, the location of the family member, and the reason the presence of the candidate or campaign treasurer was required. Evidence submitted must also include a physician'S certification on professional letterhead stationary that includes the dates of the illness, disability or surgery; a statement regarding the period of time that the patient was incapacitated; a statement that surgery, if any, was not elective; and a statement that the patient required the care of a family member.

5. Computer or equipment failure caused by events that could not have

AutOOl (6/07)

Page 21: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

been anticipated and that made timely filing of the report impossible. Power outages or program failure does not constitute unusual circumstances unless it is established that reasonable precautions to assure the safety of the equipment or the ability of the program to perform as anticipated were taken before the events causing failure of the equipment or program. Evidence must include a written statement made under oath in the presence of a notary or other person authorized to administer oaths indicating the cause and the duration of the power outage and the reasonable precautions taken to assure the safety of the equipment or the ability of the program to perform as anticipated.

6. The abrupt and unexpected loss of the campaign treasurer, over which you had no control. The loss of the campaign treasurer does not constitute unusual circumstances if the appealing party failed to monitor the campaign treasurer's performance before his or her departure or if the appealing party failed to assure prompt preparation of the report after the treasurer's departure. Evidence must include a written statement made under oath in the presence of a notary or other person authorized to administer oaths explaining the departure of your treasurer and the steps taken to monitor the treasurer's performance before his or her departure.

You may, of course, send any additional evidence that you believe supports your position that your report was timely filed or that unusual circumstances cause your report to be filed late. Rule 2B-1.005(3), Florida Administrative Code, provides that if you send additional documentary evidence, the Commission must receive it no later than 20 days from the date of this letter. Remember that the Commission will not consider any written document unless it has been filed with the Commission Clerk at least ten days before the meeting, unless good cause is shown. If the documentary evidence is timely received, it will be presented to the Commission when it considers your appeal of the assessed fine.

It is your responsibility to provide the Commission with credible evidence that the report was timely filed or credible evidence that unusual circumstances caused the report to be filed late. If you do not provide the evidence requested in this letter or in the Commission ruies, the Commission will uphold the fine assessed by the filing officer.

Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.

AutOOl (6/07)


Tracie Aulet Investigation Specialist

Page 22: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION 107 W. Gaines Street, Collins Building

Suite 224 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050

(850) 922-4539

November 8, 2011

Ms .. Sarah Baltunis, Treasurer Lake County Education Association Tiger 102 Oklahoma Avenue Leesburg, FL 34748

RE: Case No.: FEC 11-266; Campaign Treasurer's Report due September 16,2011

Dear Ms. Baltunis:

The Florida Elections Commission received your letter appealing the fine assessed against you for failing to timely file your campaign treasurer's report I anticipate that the Commission will hear your case at its next meeting, which is presently scheduled for February 21 & 22, 2012, in Tallahassee. However, please call our office to verify when your case will be heard.

In reaching its decision, the Commission will consider the documents gathered by Commission staff and any documents you submit for the Commission's consideration before its meeting. Unless good cause is shown, the Commission will not consider any written document unless it has been filed with the Commission Clerk at least ten days before the meeting. Rules 2B-1.005, 1.0052, and 1.0055, Florida Administrative Code, are the Commission's rules on the appeal of automatic fines.

The Commission will uphold the fine imposed by the filing officer unless you provide credible evidence that the report was timely filed or credible evidence that unusual or other circumstances caused the report to be filed late ..

If you are a county, municipal, or special district candidate or committee and your report was received by the filing officer without a postmark or with an illegible postmark more than five days after the due date or it was delivered to the filing officer by a mail delivery service other than the United States Postal Service, it will not be found timely filed unless you submit a copy of a proof of mailing or at a hearing before the Commission, presents the oral testimony of the person who timely mailed the report.

The proof of mailing submitted shall reflect that it was obtained from the United States Postal Service or other mail delivery service at the time of mailing and shall reflect that the report was mailed before midnight on the due date.. A metered postage mark does not constitute a postmark

AutOOl (8/08)

Page 23: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

or a proof of mailing.

If you cannot show that your report was timely filed, the Commission may still grant you relief, but only if you show unusual circumstances. Unusual circumstances is defined in Rule 2B-1.005(4), Florida Administrative Code, to mean "uncommon, rare, or sudden events over which the actor has no control and which directly result in the failure to act in accordance with the filing requirements." Unusual circumstances must occur within a time period that would clearly have prevented you from filing the report in a timely manner. Unusual circumstances shall not include the failure of the United States Postal Service or other mail delivery service to postmark an envelope, legibly postmark an envelope, or timely deliver mail. Further, unusual circumstances shall not include the failure of the sender to affix sufficient postage to a report that is being mailed.

Without credible evidence, the Commission will not find unusual circumstances. The following circumstances may constitute unusual circumstances so long as credible evidence is presented that unusual circumstances caused the report to be filed late.

1. Natural disaster or other emergency that prevented timely filing. Evidence submitted must include copies of newspaper reports or other documents from an independent and reliable source that shows the nature, date, and location of the natural disaster or emergency.

2. Death of the candidate or campaign treasurer or an immediate family member of the candidate or campaign treasurer. Evidence submitted must include a copy of the death certificate, newspaper obituary, or funeral program, or notice.

3.. Serious illness, disability or non-elective surgery of the candidate or campaign treasurer. Evidence submitted must include a physician's certification on professional letterhead stationery that includes the dates of the illness, disability, or surgery; a statement regarding the period of time that the patient was incapacitated; and a statement that surgery, if any, was not elective. Copies of hospital records reflecting the dates of hospitalization may also show the period of incapacitation.

4.. Serious illness, disability, or non-elective surgery of the immediate family member of the candidate or campaign treasurer. Evidence submitted must include evidence of the relationship of the candidate or treasurer to the family member, the location of the family member, and the reason the presence of the candidate or campaign treasurer was required. Evidence submitted must also include a physician's certification on professional letterhead stationary that includes the dates of the illness, disability or surgery; a statement regarding the period of time that the patient was incapacitated; a statement that surgery, if any, was not elective; and a statement that the patient required the care of a family member.

5. Computer or equipment failure caused by events that could not have

AutOO 1 (6/07)

Page 24: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

been anticipated and that made timely filing of the report impossible. Power outages or program failure does not constitute unusual circumstances unless it is established that reasonable precautions to assure the safety of the equipment or the ability of the program to perform as anticipated were taken before the events causing failure of the equipment or program. Evidence must include a written statement made under oath in the presence of a notary or other person authorized to administer oaths indicating the cause and the duration of the power outage and the reasonable precautions taken to assure the safety of the equipment or the ability of the program to perform as anticipated.

6. The abrupt and unexpected loss of the campaign treasurer, over which you had no control. The loss of the campaign treasurer does not constitute unusual circumstances if the appealing party failed to monitor the campaign treasurer's performance before his or her departure or if the appealing party failed to assure prompt preparation of the report after the treasurer's departure. Evidence must include a written statement made under oath in the presence of a notary or other person authorized to administer oaths explaining the departure of your treasurer and the steps taken to monitor the treasurer's performance before his or her departure.

You may, of course, send any additional evidence that you believe supports your position that your report was timely filed or that unusual circumstances cause your report to be filed late. Rule 2B-1.005(3), Florida Administrative Code, provides that if you send additional documentary evidence, the Commission must receive it no later than 20 days from the date of this letter. Remember that the Commission will not consider any written document unless it has been filed with the Commission Clerk at least ten days before the meeting, unless good cause is shown. If the documentary evidence is timely received, it will be presented to the Commission when it considers your appeal of the assessed fine.

It is your responsibility to provide the Commission with credible evidence that the report was timely filed or credible evidence that unusual circumstances caused the report to be filed late. If you do not provide the evidence requested in this letter or in the Commission rules, the Commission will uphold the fine assessed by the filing officer.

Please let me know if I may be of further assistance ..

AutOo 1 (6/07)


Tracie Aulet Investigation Specialist

Page 25: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

Campaign Finance Activity - nivision of Elections - Florida Department of State

Flori da Department of State Division of Elections

Lake County Education Association Tiger

Campaign Finance Activity

Page 10f5

Note: The information presented below was obtained from the Committee's/Candidate's Campaign Treasurer's Report filed with the Division of Elections.. About the Campaign Finance Data Base .. If all contributions for a reporting period are less than 1 dollar Then they may not be displayed ..

I Filing Period II Contributions

.1 Monetary II Loans II InKind II I Expend I~ Transfers

[~]01/01/1996 - 03/31/199611 1,514.62 11 0.0011 00011 552.50 11 0.0011 0001

0104/09/1996 - 04/22/199611 0.0011 0.0011 0.0011 250.0011 0.0011 0.001

0104/01/1996 - 06/30/199611 8314811 0.0011 0.0011 1,001.04 11 0.0011 0.001

0107/01/1996 - 07/26/199611 1840011 00011 0.0011 2,0000011 0.0011 0.001

Iwll07/27/1996 - 081091199611 00011 00011 00011 00011 0.0011 0.001

CCJI 08/1 0/1996 - 08/29/199611 2659711 00011 00011 800.0011 0.0011 0.001

0108/30/1996 - 09/06/199611 5000011 00011 00011 95911

0.0011 0.001

0109/07/1996 - 09/26/199611 00011 0.0011 00011 1,0000011 00011 0001

~I 0"'2'"'1< 99c 1 A/< < I< A96ii r I ;:}I I I v·· VI I 1/ I v II hhQn:1! vvu .. , VII n onl!

v. VII n 0011 v II 11:; 1:;011

IV"V I. 00011 0·°°1

0110/12/1996 .. 10/31/199611 286.3611 0.0011 00011 1 ,0000011 0.0011 0001

0111/01/1996 .. 12/31/199611 250.0011 0.0011 00011 279.0011 0.0011 0.001

0101/01/1997 .. 03/31/199711 1,4153211 0.0011 00011 745111 00011 0001

0104/01/1997 - 06/30/199711 608 .. 1611 0.0011 00011 00011 0.0011 0001

[CJ107/01/1997 - 09/30/199711 8218111 0.0011 00011 00011 00011 0001

0110101/1997 -12/311199711 9096211 0.0011 00011 2054511 0.0011 0001

[CJI 02/21/1998 - 03/05/199811 00011 0.0011 00011 2500011 0.0011 0001

0101/01/1998 - 03/31/199811 9261011 00011 00011 2500011 00011 0001

0104/01/1998 - 06/30/199811 9232411 00011 00011 00011 0.0011 0001

CCJI07/01/1998 - 07/24/199811 5304411 00011 00011 5000011 0.0011 0001

0107/25/1998 - 08/07/199811 397811 00011 00011 00011 0.0011 0001

0108108/1998 - 08/27/199811 2645011 00011 00011 500.0011 00011 0001

IWll08/28/1998 - 09/041199811 00011 00011 00011 00011 0.0011 0001

nl 09/05/1998 - 09/24/199811 00011 00011 00011 2500011 00011 0.001 111812011

Page 26: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

Campaign Finance Activity - n1vision of Elections - FlOIida Department of State

~I I~I ~I~I =1:==1 = ceJl 09/25/1998 - 10109/199811 3222011 00011 0 .. 00



Iw1110/10/1998-10/29/199811 00011 00011 0 .. 00 :=======i

ceJI10/30/1998 - 12/31/199811 9780811 00011 0 .. 00 :=======i ceJl 01/01/1999 - 02/04/199911 00011 00011 0 .. 00 :=======i Iwll02/05/1999 -02/1811999/1 0001/ 0001/ 0 .. 00 ~=====i Iwll02/19/1999 -03/041199911 00011 00011 0 .. 00

ceJI01/01/1999 .. 03/31/199911 963021/ 000l/~=0= .. 0~0 ~=====::=======i

[~JI 04101/1999 .. 06/30/199911 6591011 00011 0 .. 00 :===~:=======i

ceJI07101/1999 - 09/301199911 1,6422011 00011 0.001 ceJI10101/1999 - 12/31/199911 6727211 0001~1 ==o= .. o~ol

~=====: ceJI01/01/2000 - 03/31/200011 00011 0001/ 0.001

~=====: ceJl 04/01/2000 - 06/30/200011 1,732 .. 1511 00011 0001

~=====: ~107/01/2000 - 07128/200011 00011 00011 0.001

:=======i ceJI07/29/2000 - 08/11/200011 0.0011 00011 0001

~=====i ceJI08/12/2000 - 08/31/200011 00011 00011 0001

~=====::===~ ceJI09/01/2000 - 09/08/200011 3472911 00011 0001

:===~:=======i ceJI09/09/2000 - 09/28/200011 00011 00011 0001

:===~:=======i ceJI09/29/2000 - 10/13/200011 3272211 00011 0001

~=~ ceJI10/14/2000 - 11/02/200011 33152/1 0.0011 0001

:==:=====::=======i 0111/03/2000 ... 12/31/200°11 6849011 0.0011 0001

~======i::====~~=====: ceJl 01 10112001 .. 03/31/200111 1,0028011 0.0011 0.001 ~=====:

ceJI04/01/2001 ... 06/30/200111 6571711 00011 0.001 :==:==~:

~107/01/2001 .. 09/30/200111 00011 00011 0.001 ~==~:

ceJI10101/2001 .. 12/31/2001/i 1,3417011 00011 0.001 ~=~:

ceJI01/01/2002 - 03/31/200211 1,657.2211 00011 0001 ~=~:

ceJI04/01/2002 - 06/30/200211 65622// 0001/ 0001 ~=====:~=~:

ceJl07/01/2002 - 081021200211 3290111 00011 0001 :==:=====::=======i:

ceJI08/03/2002 - 08/16/200211 329.Q111 0001/ 0001 :========::

ceJI08/17/2002 - 09/05/200211 329.Q111 00011 0001 ~=====:~=~:

0109/06/2002 - 09/13/200211 341 .. 1911 00011 0001 ~=====::

~109/14/2002 - 09/27/200211 0.0011 0.0011 0001 ~=~:

ceJI09/28/2002 - 10/11/200211 0001/ 0001/ 0.001 ~==~:

ceJI1 0/12/2002 - 10/31/200211 3458511 00011 0.001 nl11/01/2002 -121311200211 6777211 Oooll~==o= .. o~oll:


I I I I I I 1


II 00011 00011 0.0011

200.0011 00011 00011

200.0011 50.0011

0.0011 0.0011 0.0011

5000011 00011

5000011 2,0000011

00011 3,000.0011 1,000.0011 1,2500011


0.0011 0.0011

750.0011 00011 00011

1,750.0011 0.0011 00011

2,9500011 00011 00011

1,5000011 0.0011 00011

Page 2 of.5

II I 00011 0001 0.0011 0001 0.0011 0.001 0.0011 0.001 0.0011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0.001 00011 0001 0.0011 0.001 00011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0.001 00011 0.001 0.0011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0.001

I 00011 0.001 0.0011 0.001 00011 0.001 00011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0001 00011 0001 0.0011 0001 00011 0001 0.0011 0.001 00011 0.001


Page 27: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

Campaign Finance Activity - nivision of Elections - Florida Department of State Page 3 of5

~I ":===~II~= CCJI01/01/2003 - 03/31/200311 1,0253711 0.,00

II II II II I II 0,0011 0,0011 0,0011 0,001

CCJI04/01/2003 - 06/30/200311 1,0200011 0.,00 II 00011 00011 0,0011 0001

CCJI07/01/2003 - 09/30/200311 9809211 0.,00 :====

CCJI10101/2003 -121311200311 735,7811 0.,00 ~==

CCJI01/01/2004 - 03/31/200411 1,4981211 0,00 :====

CCJI 04/01/2004 - 06/30/200411 1,11033/1 0.,00 ~==

CCJI07/01/2004 - 07/23/200411 00011 0.,00 :====

CCJ107/24/2004. 08/06/200411 0,0011 0 .. 00 ~==

CCJI08/07/2004 '.08/26/2004/1 000/1 0 .. 00 ~==

Iw II 08/27/2004 . 09/101200411 00011 0.00 :====

~109/11/2004 - 09/24/200411 00011 0 .. 00

1/ 0001/ 00011 00011 0001

II 00011 00011 00011 0001

II 0,0011 5000011 00011 0001

1/ 0,0011 2,0000011 00011 0001

II 00011 1,0000011 0,0°11 0,001

II 00011 1,2500011 0,0011 0,001

II 00011 5000011 0,0011 0001

II 00011 00011 0,0011 0001

II 00011 2,0000011 00011 0001

~I 09/25/2004 - 10108/200411 1,186,6511 0 .. 00 :=====

~I1 0109/2004" 10/28/200411 00011 0,,00 II 00011 5000011 0,0011 0,001

II 0,0011 1,250,0011 00011 0,001

CCJI10/29/2004 - 12/31/200411 1,6948711 0,00 ~=====i

~I01/01/2005 ,. 03/31/200511 1,2837811 0 .. 00 ~=====i

[J104/01/2005.' 06/30/200511 1,2895311 0,,00 ~=====i

[J107/01/2005 - 09/30/2005/1 1,35670/1 0.,00 ~=====i

CCJI10101/2005 - 12/31/200511 1,3801611 0.,00 ~=====i

CCJI01/01/2006 - 03/31/200611 1,334.,7111 0 .. 00 :=======i Ie /104/01/2006 - 061301200611 1,3333511 0,00 ~=====i

~107/01/2006 - 07/28/200611 4408311 0.,00 :=======i

[J107/29/2006 - 08/11/200611 418,9711 0 .. 00

II 0,0011 0,0°11 0,0°11 0,001

II 00011 00011 00011 0,001

II 0,0011 00011 00011 0001

II 0,0011 5000011 00011 0001

II 00011 00011 00011 0001

II 00011 5000011 0,0011 0,001

II 0,0011 00011 00011 0,001

II 00011 1,5000011 00011 0001

II 00011 00011 00011 0001

[J108/12/2006 - 08/31/200611 418,9711 0001 ~====:

Iw II 09/01/2006 - 09/151200611 00011 0,001 I 00011 2,250,0011 00011 0001

I 00011 00011 0,0011 0001

[~Jl09/16/2006 - 09/29/200611 4741611 0001 ~====:

CCJl09/30/2006 - 10/13/200611 4741611 0,001 :===~

[JI1 0/1412006 - 11/02/200611 00011 0001 :===~

CCJI11/03/2006 .. 12/31/200611 47380/1 0001 ~====:

[JI01/05/2007 - 01/18/200711 00011 0,001 ~====:

Iwllo1/19/2007 - 02/011200711 0001~1 ==o= .. o~ol Iw II 02/02/2007 - 02/121200711 0,00/1 0001

~=====i Iwll02/13/2007 - 02/221200711 0001~1 ==o=o~ol Iwl101/01/2007 - 03/011200711 00011 0001

~=====i nl03/02/2007 - 03/15/200711 00011 0,001

I 00011 00011 00011 0001

I 0,0011 1,700,0011 00011 0,001

I 00011 5000011 00011 0,001

I 0,0011 4961111 00011 0001

I 00011 0,0011 00011 0,001

I 00011 0,0011 00011 0,001

I 0.0011 00011 0,0011 0001

I 00011 00011 00011 0001

I 0,0011 00011 00011 0001

I 00011 00011 00011 0001 11/8/2011

Page 28: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

Campaign Finance Activity - f)ivision of Elections - Florida Department of State Page 40f5

~I II II II II II II I [C]I01/01/2007 - 03/31/200711 1,S95.20 II 00011 0.0011 0.0011 00011 0001 Iwll03/16/2007 -04/051200711 0.00 II 00011 0.0011 0.0011 00011 0001 Iwll04/06/2007 - 04/191200711 0.00

~== Iwll04/01/2007 - 05/241200711 0.00

~== [c]104/01/2007 - 06/30/200711 947..60

II 00011 00011 00011 0.0011 0001

II 00011 00011 00011 00011 0001

II 0.0011 00011 00011 0.0°11 0001 IWl/07/12/2007 .. 0S/09/2007/i 0..00

~== Iw1lOS/10/2007 -OS/23/200711 0 .. 00 ~==

Iw110S/24/2007- 09/06/200711 0 .. 00 ~== Iw II 09/07/2007 - 09/131200711 0 .. 00

~=== [~]07/01/2007 .. 09/30/200711 947.60

II 0.0011 00011 00011 0.0011 0001

II 00011 00011 00011 00011 0001

II 00011 0.0011 00011 00011 0001

II 00011 0.0011 00011 0.0011 0001

II 0.0°11 0.0011 4400011 0.0011 0.001 [C]I10101/2007 - 12/31/200711 1,SS7.6S II 0.0011 0.0011 0.0011 00011 0001 [C]I01/25/200S.02/01/200sll 0 .. 00

~=====i Iw1102/13/200S - 03/06/200sll 0.00

~=====i Iw1103/07/200S .... 03/20/200sII 0 .. 00

~=====i Iw1103/21/200S -03/27/200sII 0 .. 00 ~=====i

[C]I01/01/200S .. 03/31/200sll 0 .. 00 ~=====i

IwII03/28/2008 .. 04/10/200sll 0.00 ~=====i [C]104/01/2008 -07/1S/200sll 2,S3S.54

II 00011 0.0011 250.0011 00011 0001

II 00011 0.0011 0.0011 0.0011 0.001

II 00011 00011 0.0011 0.0011 0001

II 0.0011 00011 0.0011 00011 0001

II 0.0011 00011 250.0011 00011 0001

II 0.0°11 0.0011 0.0011 00011 0001

II 00011 0.0011 0.0011 00011 0001 [C]107/19/200S - OS/01/200SI/ 0001 I 00011 0.0011 76.S311 0.0011 0001 [C]IOS/02/2008 - 08/21/200sII 0001 I 0·°°11 0·°°11 1,6000011 0·°°11 0001 [C]IOS/22/200S -09/12/200sII 1,419271 I 00011 00011 1,5025011 00011 0001 Iw1l09/13/200S -09/26/200sII 0001

~=====: Iw1109/27/200S -10/10/200sII 0001 :======: Iwll1 0/11/200S - 10/30/200sII 0001 ~=====i Iwll10/31/200S -12/31/200s11 0001 :======:

[C]I01/01/200S - 12/31/200sII 0001 ~=====i Iwllo1/01/2009 -03131/200911 0001 :=======i

[C]104/01/2009 - 06/30/200911 3,7S4721

I 00011 00011 0.0011 00011 0001

I 00011 00011 00011 0.0011 0001

I 00011 00011 0.0011 00011 0.001

I 0.0011 0.0011 00011 00011 0001

I 00011 00011 00011 0.0011 0001

I 00011 00011 00011 0.0011 0001

I 00011 0.0011 360.0011 0.0011 0.0°1 IwlloS/05/2009 -OS/27/200911 0001

:=======: Iw110S/28/2009 -09/10/200911:===0=.0~01 Iw1109/11/2009 - 09/24/200911 0001

I 0.0011 0.0011 00011 00011 0.001

I 00011 0.0011 00011 00011 0001

I 00011 00011 00011 00011 0001 [~]07/01/2009 - 09130/200911 0001

1 00011 0.0011 00011 00011 0001

Iw II 09/25/2009 - 10101/200911 0001 I 0.0011 0.0011 00011 00011 0001 nl II I I II II II II I 11/8/2011

Page 29: STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ELECTIONS COMMISSION...LCEA PO. Box 490816,1707 South St, Leesburg, FL 34749-0816 Phone -(352) 787-2050 Fax -(352) 787-{l563 B Grassel, NBCT President b

Campaign Finance Activity - nivision of Elections - Florida Department of State

l:J11 0/01/2009 - 12/31/200911 1,8923611 00011 00011 0,0011 0101101/2010 - 03/31/201011 1,8923611 0,0011 00011 0,0011 0104/01/2010- 07/16/201011 00011 00011 00011 5,6568511 010711712010 - 07/30/201011 1,8923611 0,0011 00011 0,0011 0107/31/2010 - 08/19/201011 5000 11 00011 00011 3,1000011 Iwll08/20/2010 -09/10/201011 00011 00011 0,0011 0,0011 0109/11/2010 .. 09/24/201011 1,892,36 11 00011 00011 4,5000011 IWll09/25/2010 - 10108/201011 0,0011 00011 00011 00011 0110/09/2010- 10/28/201011 0,0011 00011 00011 1,5000°11 Iwll10/29/2010 - 1213112010 00011 00011 00011 00011 Iwll01/01/2011 -03/31/2011 00011 00011 00011 0,0011 0106104/2011 - 06/23/2011 00011 00011 00011 1,0000011 IWll04/01/2011 - 06/30/2011 0,0011 00011 00011 00011 0108/27/2011 - 09/15/201111 0,0011 00011 00011 5000011 0107101/2011 - 09/30/201111 0,0011 0,0011 00011 250,0011

01 All Dates (Totals) II 68,428,6611 0,0011 00011 62,019,8811

Note" (E) indicates that report was filed electronically

X Indicates that detail has not been released

0,0011 0,0011

56,8511 00011 00011 00011 00011 0,0011 0,0°11 0,0011 00011 0,0011 0,0011 0,0011 0,,0011


W Indicates that a waiver was filed and L Indicates that a loan report was filed

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0001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0001 0001 0001 0,001 0001 0,001 0001 0001 0,001 0,001

[Department of State] =--,-,-c-=-:::::":"~,,o:.C,,,.=',;;"''''"'.'',,:,:,,''',J [Candidates and Races] [Car}lpaign Finance Information] 11/812011