state univesity professlonl directory the bir:r root its...

STATE UNIVESITY SRLIMtNARY CIRCILANR O IN. foRMATION HAS StIN ISSUED Sv PAR48DENT DUNIWAY. The following prehlinary circeularc ot Information concerting the newly .treated law sclhool of ithe UInlversity bits be•len prepared ntl IssUed. by) Preslident C. A. u)lnlaalvt of that Itn- tutioln: The Twelfth htlo•hlative intseutblly en- iated it law esatatlllllhing n la : school as a department of tihe utollersity of blo)ltllna. Mr.t •'. W'. ll.ltun lhall delulalltl to the uliversilty the tvaluuble law library of her late husband, tlo. 'W. W. bixon, ,and ha given the sum of •t.000 I add" lon for tequipment of the "W. 3t. Dixon Alomorial Ilhbrry." •1ho law school of the tInJlversity of )ontane Irs to be openeid for tlnsttue. -~Jn In Septeallber, 1911. As the first alw school in inllutant Its Inltugura- lonft will be an Imllportanlt evenlt In the educational history of the state. Here- after tlse younlltl menl of 'Montlanal whoI. ish to prepare for thle profesalon of w Will be able to do no In an In., iltutlon recogntllrd antd supplorted as a department of the state. Appolntmentll of proftesaors of Inaw nnt be innounllted until after tilhe ane eeting of tle statte board of ucition. BuI it it an he stantd at Tle present time that It Is iltended to axo two pIrofessors inalugurate tlhe f-glti courses of tlhe departument dur- lai the acadenllc year. 1911-12, and to secure, a third professor for thle tol- 'owlnU yfar. ppii~lemntary lecture courses on ilflt subjects wilU he arranged, to Sgiven by distinguished jurists and lactilonerr. lntranee requlrements antd ilethods th Iinstruction will be maintaltled on obasls of a "standard law schqol," iree onlsed by the National AspecIa- t o1 State Universltirs. The far- y of the university has already tlned the following statemlent of nclples for the approval of the state board of education; .1 Plt-The 4dlirtipent of law should ovide a profesluonal course tovering t.ewo years and trading to the degree f blichelor of laws. teeo nd-The work of Ute depluartmlent o law should be co-ordalllned with the lating major deiatrtment system, o so Uto a student could earn both the' *I A. and L. L. B. degrees in live years. , Thlird-The standard for regular ad. 4sialota to the law deplrtmlent and lldacy for the profetsslnal law de- 1 should be the cotllmpetion of two re regular university or college work. .iFourtlih-lersons of mature .Years dhouhl be adanitted as speclal students I lwa. not candidates for degrees. . telut'ldvttg •14 two yeaors of utn-l .~erslty or college work, providt.d they lI|ve diplomlau of ticredllited highl Sugqhuols or etqulvaetllt eduat llloaal training. liftlh-Tultlon fte of lmoLderate llmount should bet estublished for lit- itructlon In the departmllaent of law. petalled announcementts for tl heor- laisatlon and courses of the law huooul will be published early in tihe . M~tiner. Copile of thece amnllutllte- tltentsi and of the new general unl- v•relty) regsllter for 1910-11 pill Ii.' sa I t to any address uputi alppuLtlton. eanwlille reciplellts of this prulha- 1 i Sry circular are requested to ,staist gi' ing publicity to the ipruvvlllns ofr Ia la" departmnrt. I:ltters of In-- aulry will receive promplllt attenttli,. CASES OISMISSED. Ill the diatrlct court yesvtrrday, two - Cases were dismissed us settled. One Swu eptltled J.,A. Soanfvrd uaulust the M: i noula Street ltalway compaly uand wal brought for dalnageff s. Thel other Wye the caue of thlle L. (i. ray cuin- p•ny against Ben ltaymonld. Notioe to Creditors. State of Monltana. cotlllly of ltuoutllu, da.--lstatu of Anna MflcNula~mua, do- uewed. Netice I• hereby givesl bhy lily till- dearigned exeeutors of tlhe en-tut(' of Anna McNamtara. de•lc lestd, to thi'- redilors ot, and all iprslons ht llng ulainp Ilgllillsl, Iihe . ald dtlclened, to e1h1bit thint. with thle nIles•lary vouchers, within 10 mIonths after tie first lublit'catlion of lhis nolti', to t1ie solid exe'utioril, at the lalw oiffl l' of JEdward C. .Mulrolluney, Allen bhoclt, Miiissoula, Moult, til, u1ile bleing the place for tile trunnssctloii of the hunl- e,•K i' saild esrtatl in th•ie county of Missoulu. J. I. 'T. ItYMAN. (OIt"?HTAVI'H A. NI't .I,', I xe'utors of the ];tutt of .1nna .\11" NalIlara, I)cntast.d. II)WAitD C. Mui.tIsNJ..Y, AtloriueyI for 'xecutlrs, ,aultd Marla'h G'5 1911,. t Notice, Isl tilte DlItro l t Court of tlhe I,'ourtlh Judiial Llstrict of the Mlute of Miii. taina, In and for lthI t'ullty ' i It l11s- suoula. In the Inatter of the revci'versliip of thie Savoy Hotel colmpanlly. J. A. Baxter, receiver of tli,' iav•o' Joutel colmpal, having this tlly) Illatlu a return to tils court, of hi lls pr'celd. - fags under the order of atle of the liersonal property andl la l.t1 orf sill SSlavoy Hotel conpalny, shlowinig a hid for said property of $S,N35, by J. M,. Keith, and filed tile said return ii the office of the clerk of this court, it in w ordered and directed that Saturday, tilhe !st dt'y, of April, 1911, at 10 o'clock S, ill., at the courtroom of this court, bp and tiue saine i hereby fixed for tie hearing upon said return, at which tlih•o. ln, person itteronteO4, inoy ap- i V 4llrt o nw .~U*e, if any there bh, IlYr1d bl~d sh•tulud nolOt be accepted d th sale made by sald receiver, doanflrm•d by this court, and ,that thll order be pulihlad. until the date of Se.arIng Ig Ditply neoullal.n, S .. , W OSSTIER, Judge, eita thlii 9th day of March, 1911. WOl uIb, s' tle p 1 rld In the Ties, UPC(Do#PI P11, Notice of Registration. Notice Is hereby given that 1, tlhi underl'Rigneid registry aigellt for tlth i'lrst ward of thie lty of Mlstllll_, Montana. will open the offielal register of the paid First ward of the said city on Friday, (he 1l4th day of March, 1011. at Urtgitl unsd lCllighlloau's livery barl, Nit. 248 Eusl Mhlti street, in sold ward ofr said city, for the reglstratllon of electors for tIhe annual city election, to ie held on M londay, the 3rd day of April, 1911, in and for the city of ils- nsula, Molataia, and the smine will re- nllslti open as Iherein plrovided, on all legal days until 9 o'clock p. In. of 'rTuediay, Msarch 0stlt, 1911. Office hours froln 9 o'clock ia. in. to 1 o'clock p. iit.; from 2 o'cluck p. isn. to G o'clock p. ilt., andi fromn 7 o'clock ii. ill. to 9 o'clock p. In. I shall sit ait (lrte'n't & Elllinghoulse's livery barn, No. 140 East Malin stroeet, in saild ward on ~ iturday, April 1it, 1911, during thel minllli hours, for the Isurpolse to f aIlllowilg ntiy person Iunill- fled' to vote at said election, whose nmline does inut appear on the list of voters theretsofore register'ed, to Ihtve his namle pitaced thsereonll, and also to reclve objectlions to the right to vote of tany person therctofqro registered; ani 1 also requellst all persons. wlhose nalmes lmaty ihave booen erroneously on- tered on said list, or erroneousaly can- celled, to, appear on said 1st daiy of April, 1911, anrd have such errors cor- rected. CIIARLnER HART, Registry Agent for First Ward. Notice of Expirarn of Time for Re istration. Notice is hereby giVen that the time for the regular registration of the names of the qualifiedl electors of the First ward of the city of Missoula, Montana, who desire to vote at the an- nual city election to be hold on Mon- day., April 3rd, 1911, will expire at 0 o'clock p. in. Saturday, April 1st, 1911. CHARTE8S IIAlIT, Registry Agent for First Ward. Mlssoulk, Montana. Notio of Registration. o'utico Is hereby glyen that I, the undersigned registry agent foe the Ilec- ond award of the city of Missoula, Montana, will open the official register of. the. said lecond ward of the said city, on Frlday, the 24th day of March, 1911, at police courtroom, corner West Main and Stevens streets, in said ward. of said city. for the registration of electors for the annual city election, to be held otl Monday, the 3rd day of April, 1911. In and tor tihealty of Mis- soula, Montana, and the samte will re- milln open as herein provided, on all legal days until 9 o'clock p. in., of Tuesday. March 28th, 1911. Office hours from 9 o'clock a. in. to 1 o'clock p. Im.; from 2 o'clock p. ini. to G o'clock p. in., and from 7 o'clock p. nm. to 9 o'clock; p. m. I shall sit at police courtroom, corner West Multi and Stevens streets in said ward on Saturday. April 1st, 1911, dur- lnI .the saute hours, for the purpose of allowlng any person qualified to vote at said election, whose namell does not appear on the list of voters theretofore registered, to have hisi name placed thereon, and also to receive objection to the rlght to vote of any person theretofore registercd: and I also re. quest all persons whose nameln may have been orropeounly enltered on aaild list, or erroneously cancelled, to appear on said let day of April, 1911, and have such errors corrected J. A. URLIN. Registry Agent for Second Ward. Notice of Explration of Time for Registration. NllttOOe. I lstrey given that tile tillme for tilse regular reglltratlonl of the namellies of the qulallfied electors of the He.otld ward of tile city of Minsaollu, Montanta, who desire to voite at the annual city electionl to be held on Monlday, April 3rd, 1911, will expire at 9 o'clock p. IIn., Saturday, Aptril lit, 1911. J. A. I1RLIN. Regitry Agen'it for Second. Ward. Mlssotla, Montana. Notice of Annual City Election.. Nsotlo Is hereby given that iian ani- nllsul iuunicipitl electloln in usld for the city of Misouiila, Mlaisnula tounty, Montana, will be held on Monday. April 3, 1911, beitweenl the hours of 8l o'clock Itl the miornllngt ntd 6i o'clock in the evenling of said day, for the pulr,- pose of electing the following offl- clals: J*•r umayor, one personi to s'rve for two years. For aidermalin. First ward, ontile pierson to serve for two years. For alderliman, s t ecottld ward, onlle per- son to servo for two ye''ars. .For aldermallln, Third wurd, one per- ronu to serve for tao years. For alderniisl, Fourth ward. one tier- :on to serve fIr two years. The pulling plhsc' for the I*lr'st ward In (;reiti & Illiilughuus•a's livery burn. I No. 146 east Miuli street. '1'h Ilpulling place fIr Ihe I ' o4.rulid war'd isl pollse' colul , cu rerrs, rnr N'eslnt Murlhi alil and Stevens strl'llts Th•i pIolling pia'i'e for tihe Third winrll Is south hlil, firle sitstioi, 'unirlier South Hixtlh uand 'heltnlllult atrs,'etH. The pui.llit glus''' for the I'iiio'tlI .iursl in Missoula t'stl'llolliiitl i tul'.'s liottlitg worki, co'siter lllallmud a uid (weltls streets. Tils siotice is gliv'li by orlder sf the clly coulcil of lltl ciiy if Mi lauiulu, ?aoiltu is, midtude asid stt lit'd of rec,'o'rd' larc'h ii. 1911. HAMUPL IEL.L'WE . L'Ity clark. Notice of Vacation of Street. Ntice he l' het',eby Ki\'n tht h iahe utown- erc of tall the Iots abutlltng upon tihat ortlo of UR l s streelI ' t, btcIw.,Oln I tulwerl us14l shake• str'ets In school dl- diltlon tu o the city of Missoula. otat- tuna, huI ve fillhd \vitl the city cleri iof the city of .timoni( .1outhetusA, a potI- tita Ipraylng the city couttcil of tIle Ilty of Milnnonia to discontinue alnd al t ut ll titthat rti l dli ots )ti r nteett h] re bt'efore ain III s bid pI ttlt is pur'- tlcularly desh.rtb.'d. S bId ci ty eio t ll ut1 thi• city of .1•1nsul] has fIixed T'ues-' day, the 4th 111 ty of' April, 1911. at the lihour of Illcl)'kl . i1 , itu the ti e ndlll the city hall ili th 1 city of Mis- i. .t•1 n t itt t ' I II the lt % i , i"e colt u-it tItte cllty ttitt I t tIe i i ly altI o thie pitt iot if h• d• n ilg alyi tand alll prI1tcts against and ob hJeclot'*in to tht KIratnting of cw1 il ]t llot llo , tusd IItte ist nti'lloll' g ( l t attitit iontltI of ulid A 1a 'IHI, .Ed V, City I'htrk. .)ttt(d tllus "Tth dtu> of ttlch, Notice to Contractors, prealed bid. o ros ill e r- etted by e ity loncillrelerk ti the rity' hall. ,Missoulu, .l|ntalU, tip )to 5 u'clch p. in., Tuesiday, Apr'il 4, 1l9l, 1'4r the furnishing of five (5) teintln wtith liar. to and driveret for the mcd,, ule l fiveAM () s'1g L with , Cdu ty hars, fr. the, city slp'inkliig coitralt for thel A cortlified check on a litibnoula bank for $50 will be retquhred with irt bwhto wnbe foreted to dtil ofty hof Mi•loulla in cas the onuccesstl blk hr' fallm to enter Into contract at his bid price. The oify council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. SAMUtUL BIELLEW, City Clerk. S, ir hemi. 1n/ its f- r the girl who wine. Bee the details of The Mieloulen oIroueltien conteek NOTICE. ll'oJI MaU)l ln Tuntllel '•'l)nlpl.t,, Ir)i Sel p,! •ao of btiiellclk% llrrou1, Montana. ti. Tt'hrn I ,dellitquent upon thle follur. Iug dt1u ribld utck,. utn *ecounnt of as I Penllll't llt Invlin on tM 7th lday 1 Ir)lrtuary, 111tI, the •everal aIuli unl mnet oIppslt, the IHa(nen of r,'lpe.Ctli ha' Ir.huhlldrs, as follown: No. of No. of Na,,n' Cert. hamlre Anilt Alterhllry, J. i' unIe'lI. .. 407 5001 $ 23.1 Alexy, Juli .... 11,1020 5 1 2.6 SAnIIlrlonll, Jamlen SA.......... ......... 1,142 500 25.0 3 Andersoni, Janms'i A. ... . 1,143 500 25.11 A rmlntrolng, 'I. It. 30110 oo 5.u Alltdovrler, 8. h M... 788 10o0 5.0 lhtl n r1, Mr . ,r1,A 111:' 100 5.11 SIlarkar, Mura. A. I'. 1.,150 101 50 tI.rrgtraInI , 1m. 111,134 8;,0 42:,.J il 0l- 111, I", (1 ... 1,011l 'o 11.) SIruWII, I. .... 4111 1U 0 111.0 Hlow r, , .. I,. 911) 5,1,O 01 250.0 Sllurkt, .1. At.. ..... :175 50, 25.10 'Btirke, J. At . 381 100 5.0 Rurke, J. .... 34 300 15.1 Rurke, J. ....... 451 125 6.2 Burke, J. ...... 48 100 5.0 Burke, J. At. 488 25 1.2 Burke, J. At. Agent .......... 421 400 20.0 Hurtl , J. At. Agent .......... 427 350 17.5 Blurke, T. If ... .,031 10 5G.0 nrke, T'. If. . . 7235 ,1too 25.0 lurnoett, AMr's. Jole .... . 1,201 2,000 100.0 Clarke, John T., Treaa. ........... 444 500 25.0 Clarke, John T., Tran............ 445 500 25.0 Clarke, Johll T., Troae ........ 440 500 25.0 Clarke, Jo1hn T., Trea, .............. 447 375 18.71 Clarke, John T., Treas. . ....... 476 1,000 50.01 Clarke, Jolhn T., Trcua.. ..... 477 1,000 50.01 Clarke, Johll T., Treo. 478 200 10.01 Clarke, John T., Treas ............. 479 200 50.01 Clarke, John T., Tea ............. 480 100 5.01 Clark, W. A. ........ C57 1,600 75.04 Clark. W. A. ... .... 1,166 1,500 75.01 C ha n y, Hlarry S .. ................ 8 1,110 ,50 825.01 Carlilte, Laura L. ... .............. .. 328 50 2.5( Trommalo. WIl. P. 11.042 20 10.0( Sobb ujn Realty Co. ........ ..... 033 500 25.01 Colltin, P. At......... i5s 2,000 100.0( Cudnl n s, John K. I1,058 510 255.0( Chamberlain, It. L ...... ............... C160 150 7.5( Chamberlain, II. 7, ......................... I 3,044 88 44.01 Coos, Eldward W...BI,I104 150 75.0( Dawes, Jan. i.....11,024 1,620 810.01 DeJurnotte. J. W... 385 200 10.01 Dptfr. J. A.......... 552 250 12.5 l•ll'nerllllg, Ilurry 866 100 5.00 lnllnnerllng, Harry 891 400 20.00 1,rlckson, 0. M..... 650 G00 2e.00 :v1ans, I'rysinger..I31,045 17 8.50 Glskinsl, L. .- .... 11,103 0O 25.00 (rcau, Prank .... 53;I 500 25.110 Grant, J. V,. .......... 45 104 5.00 ran t,' William 8., Jr. ................ 0 ,041 100 60.00 ran t, William S., Jr. .................. A 1,04 100 50.00 ( rn lt, Willitam 1.. Jr......... .A 1.043 100 50.00 ( r an I 'Willialn H., Jr. ....... 1.044 10O 50.00 Sr a t. I'VIlliam H., Jr. ............. A 1,045 100 50.00 .1 r a n t. Witllama 8., Jr. ............... AI,046 100 50.00 rua nt, 'Wlll'uami H., Jr. ............... ,047 100 50.00 Sr ant, WVillann 4., Jr. .. ...... AI,048 100 50.00 O ra I t1, WIIItan, H. Jr. . ....... A 1,049 100 50.00 ( rant, WttIIaIIu H., Jr. .. A................ ,050 1010 50.10 (Iran t, William N., Jr. ............. AI,051 100 00.00 (Irat t. William H., Jr. .. AL...... 100 50.00 O r at t. William 8., Jr. ..... ... AI ,0S3 100 50.00 U ran t, WItlli n M., Jr ............. A1,054 100 51.00 O ran t, Willimam H.. Jr .. .... A,055 100 50.00 Gran t, t Williamn H., Jr ............... 11,103 20 10.00 :rileve, Nornlal I. 747 500 25.00 ll, nyos, 1Philltl Mt.. 442 25 1.25 llayta,, Jalnes A.. 111,082 50 25.00 Hlurrllgton J. 1'.....111,096 26 13.00 IfUew tt. Al. I.. 17'5 l n r. nn ieivlt, ni. I1. 6. 176 10 5.00 Howett, NA. I.. ..... 177 100 5.00 1Iowett, , ........ 178 100 5.00 Hewoett, AM. L....... 179 100 5.00 I wtt, M. I. ..... 180 100 5.00 Ilewett, A. I. .... 181 100 5.00 Ilewett, M. ...... 82 100 500 l.welltt, M. L 183 100 5.00 Ilewett, M. I ...... 184 100 .00 Ilwelt, N. I . 185 100 5.00 wett, M. ........ 186 100 5.00, M A L. ... 187 100 5.00 wett, . ...... 188 100 5.00 IIwett, M. ...... 189 100 5.00 lew'ett, N. l. .... ..190 100 5.00 ioewett, t. L ..... 191 100 5.00 Ilewctt, n. L ..... 193 100 5.00 Heowett, M. L ...... 193 100 5.00 lUnwett, Nf.I. ...... 194 100 5.00 Howett, A. I.. ...... 195 100 5.00 Ilewett, 1,....... 196 100 5,00 H1owett,. . ..... 197 100 5.00 Hewett, MA. ...... 198 100 5.00 Hlewett, M. L ..... . 100 5.00 Ilewett, Af. IL ..... 200 100 5.00 Hieowett, M. ..... 201 100 5.00 Hlewett, 51. l . .. 03 100 5.00 lewett, A.. .... 203 100 5.00 Hlewett, M. L ..... 204 100 5.00 IHewett, M. 1 .... 205 100 5.00 Ilowett, 5!. L .. 313 1,000 50.00 Ilewatto, N. L .. 311 1.0010 0,00 Hewett, MI. L ....... t'69 75 3,75 Heow tt, At. L ....... (1140 75 3.75 Hewett, 5l.L .... 1I'58 9,149 437.45 Hlgel •m. hInn ... t.108 20 10.00 HIrslr , Ituth J....... 1,1'5 500 5,.00 Hiogg, Mrs. Nel- 1lie .. ....... 467 200 10,00 Io(ifinau, Nlarle.l 1.206 1,000 50.00 liiHirrltgtoI, Io'.. 11,095 10 5.00 Jam~ies, U. N .... 1,123 4,0100 200.00 Jonesi, ('. A. .. At1,010 100 450.00 Julnes, i. A 1,081 90 45.Q0 Jhhnstlln, Kath- erine ........ o100 500 15.00 Krause, it. J .... 1,092 100 5.00 Kirhkpatrick, Al- lii C. . ...... 1,051i 10 5.00 ItUtins•e, Jihl .. . 1,152 1,01)0 50.00 Leith. H. A.........HI,1048 100 100,00 Leottrd, Johni V. 846 1,000 25.00 Ibb. J. ('. . 1,261 500 $5.00 Lundbrg A........ 554 450 22,50 Malser, J. ....... (C 100 5.00 MackerII, J. I' .... 300 100 5;00 Merkel, ( . .1........ :124 278 18,00 Merkel, u. J... 31,113 2,000 1,000.00 Mecabe, 'utiituel B. ........ ........ 310 1,000 50.00 Mayer, Gustav ... A1,01; 100l 50.00 I McNerley, Ila 1l. 60 100 5.00 1 Nei)ll, Henlry ...... 4 1 .05 Ne'l, HLo ry .......... 857 100 5.00 Nell1, hlenry ........ 358 100 5.00 Neill, Henry ........ 359 100 5.00 Nelll, (e ry ......... q11) 49 2.45 Nelll, lenrr y ......... 604 100 5.00 NoJll, Henry .......... 68 204 10J.00 Neill. Itenry 6 .......... 668 400 80.01 NeIll. Henry ." 6148 900 10.00 Neill, ienry ... 1,100 5,000 250,00 Nlll, Henry ..... ~,90 1,00 60,L00 Nolli, Honryl 1,191 1,000 f a.00 Neill), lier, ..... 1,109 1,010 50.001 N,,lll, tit.,.. 10 , 1,00 5o,00 No. a. of NamIo. Cert. harea Amnta Nr l, 1l0 ry .......... 1,, p4 0Q0I 6O.( Nell, ln4y 1 4....... 1,511 00 n0.0 Nelll, enrj .......... 1,106 1,14 60.01 Nell, 1ie.nry ........ . I5 19314 4 :2 Nelll, henry .... (70 825 41.2( Neill., Ilenry .. (141 5,30' 209.1( NeIII,. lolrellce A. l;71 915 46.2( Neill, Floreice A. 0143 ,O25 171.,( Newell, tfis K..... 8115 100 G.0( Newell, tis K..,.. 1• 1,000 50.0( N,,welI, (ti, K.,. 8517 500 2G.1l(1 Newell, otti K..... 287 100 5.00 Newell, Oti, K.... C130 1,)010 50.t1 Newell, Otin K..... 7131 1,0000 0.I,0] Newell, Otl, K..... 10100 100 5,01 Newell, Otls JK....B1,152 1.600 700.00 Noail. Edward D... l110 2,000 100o.0 Nugent, William.. u6s 100 5.00 Newell, fle•h ....1,02 0 2 .0f0 Newell, tacl ...... 81,041 15 7.51 Noeggeroth, Ji - co.l ......... ........ 31,141) 200 10 110 Oker. Joullph . .. 8o 1.10 ,O) tOi Okelr, Joneph ...... 340 190 1 6.0o trker,J-mllt - ..... 841 6tn 2:, 00 Oker, Josephl ...... 34 500 2 .00 IOker. Jneph .t... 34:1 'o10 2. 001 IOker, Jonepl ...... 344 00 215,00 Oker, Joneph .. 345 00 21.00 O'Donnell., Charles J ................. 824 100 5,0o Orr, Ijaura II. ...... 11,026 20 10o.0o Polnd, xter, I', M. 6701 400 20.00 Pollock. WVllilhtIm C,. Ir. . ............ 1,030 10 25.00 Pollock, William C., Jr. .... ....... 1,031 50 26.00 Power, C. ........ 1,13 2,00 125.00 Power, C. ....... 1,154 2,500 125.00 itley. Ray ........ 69 400 20.1)0 lRowland, J. D....... 617 00 2.00 Rhoda, oeorgeo ... 847 100 5.00 BRoos, Dr. E. G.. ..AI,010 100 50.00 Roberts, Dr. (. W. 1,207 2,200 161.00 Starr. Dr. LoulI....BI,069 500 250.00 Sterling, F. T.........B1,083 500 250.00 Slemnons, J. D... 800 100 25.00 Slier, Linda P.....A1,003 100 10.00 Smtlth, Mrs. Sarah M .......................... 61 500 25.00 Hignet, W. H., Jr. G61 1,000 60.00 Htilllnger. C. A..... 657 1,000 50.00 Scott, Walter ...... C87 1,690 84.50 cloenlfeldI, 11 .... 1,276 1,000 10.00 Steths, Caroline 1 . ................ .. B,1,155 340 170.00 Stolns. C11. ......... 1,116 737 868.50 Steoln, C. H. ........ 81,15'7 500 350.00 Stoddard, V. C....... 91 500 25.00 aucr, George J... C7 100 6.00 cory~Arthur II..:..B1,112 60 25.00 Shutield, E. A....... 1,052 1,000 50.00 Stetson C. B. ...... C81 500 25.00 Sylvester, J. A. .... 851 50 2.10 Tatesn, Henry I... CIO6 3,400 170.00 Tatom, Henry 13... C107 5,000 260.00 Tstete, Henry R... C34 1,500 75.00 Turrell, Hlerber ... 81,027 21 12.50 Trimnper, 10. 0...:.. ,,069 1,000 60.00 Tobey, Frank ..... 131,080 00 250.00 Walh, Thomlas J. 809 1,000 60.00 Walsh, Thomas J. 10 1,000 5011.00 Walsh, Thomas J 311 1,000 10.00 Walsh, Thomas J. 812 1,000 50.00 Wi a t r in a i in, Vrank E ............. 8009 00 21.00 Wells, P. Fralley..A1,059 100 50.00 VWells, P. Flralley..A1,060 1010 50.00 Wells, P. V'rulley..Al,061 100 51.01) Wells, P. l,'ralley..At.006 l100 60.00 Volls, P. lrnailhy..A1,063 1010 50.00 Wells, P. lralley..A1,064 100 10.00 Wells P. Frallyy..A1,0(5 11,0 60.00 Wells, P. Frallcy..ALOIo 100 50.00 Wells, P. Prlley.Al,06.7 100 0,.00 Wells, P. F'ralley..B,039 30 15.00 Wells, P. u'ralley.. B108 21) 10.00 Wells, 1'. ,ralley..B1,182 G0 25.00 Wagerforth, WV. D. ................ ..... ,037 10 .o00 Wertlheincr, Il- Io .............. .. 7.98 200 10.00 WVerthelner ,81- ,n .................. 1110 5.00 W.orthelllnr, lloHIes 1.0 A 300 10.00 Wertlhelllr, Leonl 1,tl3 200 10.00 Wlheat,lon. Shlr- wool ............... B002 110 55.00 We•lslltus Idgar .. '29 25 1.2J Sillis, Katherict7.. 78I 80. 41.00 W illis, IC, 1). ......... 7 7 1100 25.00 Wood. I.. I.. ... ..... 119 00 ) 2500 Wyctuff, Ernest .. 297 1,01)0 0.100 WVolley, James M'. 8d3 100 5.00 And, iI accordance with Iw,. aln all order of the board of directori. made on the 7th day of ]0ebruary, 1911. so mny shallres of each Iarcel of stock is may be Inece,,sary, will be sold at tlie office of tlhe comlpany, room 602, SlMontana block, on thu corner of Hl-g. inlle aveIlue antId C idalr treet, 1Mls- soula, Millsoula county, Motltala. on the lth day of April, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. i., of such day, to pay delltluent assensmlents thereon, together with coats of advertising and expenses of aule. CLIIFFORD SM ITH, Secretary Iron Mountain Tunnel Co., ,It)oon 602, Montana Block, Corner Higgins Avenue and Cedar Street, Mlissoula. Montana. Notice of Registration. Nolice Is hereby given, that I, the undersigned rogistry agent. for the Third ward of the city of Missoula, in'ltaalu, will open t11h official register of tilhe said Third wurd of the said city on I'rlday, the 24th day of March, 1911. at uouth slde flr.e station, corner $outlh Sixth auld t.'hstuut streets, in maid Iurd of said oity. for the regis- traLtlon of (lectors for the WIailual city el'cti)on to be held on Molndaly, the 3rd day of April, 1911, in and for the city of Missoula, Montana, and the saenolo will remain openlil as i'herila provided, on all legal dalys until I9 o'elock p. Ina. of Tuesday, March 1'th, 1911. Office hours troin l o'clock a. ui, to 1 o'clock p. in. fromll 2 o'cl o c k p. in. to 5 o'clock l. in., land from 7 o'clock p. In. to 9 o'clock p. mh. I shall it at south side fire station, corner South Hlxtil and Chestnut streets, lia said ward, on Saturday, April 1st, 1911, duringi the same hours, for Ihel p 'lpose of allan lag anay persion quallfied to votle at said election, whoi lasela ae does lnot appear on the list of voters tlhrc'tof'reo registered, to ilhave alls tlilel' placed thereon, andl also to reculve objection to the right to vite of any person theretofore rag- Ilaeredl; nlld I also rl quest all persolns whose nIlalmle iiay hlve been, erron- oously entered on saul list, or erron- eously cancelled, to apllear on saild sIt day of April, 1911, and haave such errors corrected. CH[ARMLS W. HEItDGILR Registry Agaent f.,r Third Ward. Notioe of Expiration of Time for Registration. Notice is helreby ghiavn that the time for tile regular reglstratlon of tihe lamllles of the qualified electors of the Third ntard of the city of Missoula, Montana, who desire to vote at the annual city delc- tll to be held onl Monday, April 3rd, 1011, will expire at 9 o'clock p. n., Saturday, April l1t. 1911. CHARI.ESM W. HEDGIR, Registry Agent for Thlird,.i Wd. Mlesoula, fMorntana. Notice to Contraotors. uatoed bids will be racelyed by the olty clerk at the City aill, Missoula, Montanla, up to 5 o'clock . In., Tpeseday, April 4, 1911, for the city sidewak and curb contract for the year 1911, in accordanoe with theI specifications on file In the office of the .city 9l nqN. Ah it p eds,.".lrpnl• an a rilula b'tk or a OWy yor1t ,draft' f, J iO n ast accompany a h1.., in e e to be tie city if 11ua e Il.te tsue- ooss•tliut bli 'rr to e tor ito qon- to reject a40 or ail bids. a vIIa h g W. cII ity. lely 1, qq((S Yk Professlonl Directory DR. I. H. FRIEZE. SPhysician and Surgeon Sfipetlal attentlln to diseaseelof I Suite 47 Higgins lhook. Third Floor. Office Telephone 517... Residence Telephone 512. O8CIETY DIRECTORY )WAnODMI:N OF THE WORLd.. i',\I' NO,'11. 73.-M11omt tlh first lid I n lrthl ,rhlily night" of each mnollth0 lhhl I, illhws' hall lnlex. I J. 8. ABBEY. C. C. R. R. WILBUR, Clerk. I KNI'IITI OF PYITRIAS, LAUREL 1. lODlIE NO. I I-Meets every Wednes- dvy PoVeling at Ragles' hall at 8 o'clock. l.:lRIh nnFRor1(fS. C. C. ii. V. I:AHTRIDcIE, K. of R. & S. KNIG•IITH OF ('OTUMRUS, MIR- 14tl'l,A C•o'NCIr, NO. 1021-Meets in Odd Fellows' hall, first and third Thursday evening of each month. A. P. QUINN, rirand Knight. JA. M. LAVIN, Fin. See. F R AT E R N A BROTHERHOOD, MISIOI'LA TLODOIE NO. 279-Meets every first and third Wednesday of each mn.nth at T. rO. O. F. hall annex. EVERETT C. WIRErY, Pres. MRS. h. PALGOROVE. Treas. WESTERN SUN CHAPTER NO. 11, R. A. hA.-Meets first and third Fri- days of each month In Masonic Temple. A. V. MINER, II. P. S. H. M'CALL, Secretary. MISSOU'LA LODOCI NO. 7, SCAN- DINAVIAN BROTHERHOOD O AM1ERICA-Meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening at Odd Fol- lows' annex. NETS RAKKII, President. A. K. ANDERSEN, Ree. Sep. W. J. JOHNSON, Fin. Sec. MISSOUTA AERIE NO. 82. F O. OE. -Meets flr s t and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p. ,m. at Eagles' hall, West Main. .. R. PROMAN. W. President. JAMES A. BAKER. Secretary. MISSOULA LODGE NO. 13. A. F. & A. M.-Meets first and third Tuesdays, regular meetlngs. A. C. MINER, W. M. A. J. BREITENSTEIN. See. SCHILLER LODOE NO. 4, SONS OF ITERMANN-eooets In Eagles' hall first and third Sundays of each month at 8 o'clock p. m. ED ROIHKRAMER, President. F. W. KUPIIAL, Secretary. MISSOITA CAMP NO. 5239. M. W. A.--fReular meetings first and third Thursdays at 8 p. m.: foresters' drill second and fourth Thursdays, 8 p. m., Masonic hall. A. BESANCON., Consul. HENRY BLAKI4LY. Clerk. 127 Higgins Ave. I'NITIID ARTISANS-Meets every first and third Tuesday at Odd Fel- lows' hall annex, $t 8 p. m. RAlPIH W. IVErR, M. A. S. L. DUNIIAM, Secretary. H. P. O. E.. HELL OGATIS OI)Dl1 NO. 3S3-Meets every Tuesday evening In MdSonic temple. JAR. M. RIIOADER, E. R. DAN J. HEYFRON, Secretary. MODERN t ROTHER•IOOD •F AMRRICA. UNIVERRITY CTTY TrOO(IIl NO. 1391-Meets In Odd 'el- I~ons' hall second and fourth Tuesday nights in each month, at 8 o'clock. JAMES L,. WA.LLACE, Secretary. Rooms 511-13, Montana building. ROYAL ITTIHTANDERS--Meet first and third Thursday of each month In 1. O. O. F. hall annex. MRS. HELEN C. LYONS, I. P. Tndependent Phone 1117. F. P. KERN, Recretary. 120 Madison St., Ind. Phone 697. OWEN H. ROWL.ANDR ("AMP NO. 9, UNITED SPANISH WAR VET- ERANS-Meets first and third Sun- days at 2:30 p. m. In Odd Fellows' an. nex. CHAT. .W. JIEDOER, Commander. J. T. B. CAMERON. Adjutant. Official Notice of Election. Notice Is hereby given that a school election will be held on the first Sat- urday in April, 1911, viz: Saturday, April 1, 1911, at tihe Central school- house In school registry and election precinct No. One; at the North Side schoolhouse in1 regsitry and election precllnt Ni'. Two: at the ltoosevelt ushioolhliise iil school registry and elctlion precinct No. Three; at the Or- chard Iloltes sehnillouse in pchool rogistry anld election precinct No. Four, in school district No. Oiie, Mis- soula county, Montani. for the follow- log named officers, tow it: Three schoul trustees for a terml of three years. One school ItrustLe for a teIll of of o year. Notice is also hereby given that at the above school election, all election "for", or "against" free' text books will be held at the suine tmne and place herein mentioned. Dy order of the )board of eshool true- tees of school district No One of Mis- soula county, Mont. M. It. HIARDICU3It(IRIOI, Cleric of School District Np. u.10. Thile olls of which election will be open at 8 o'clock In the morning and kept open until 12 o'clock M. and from 1 o'clock it. ll. until 8 o'clock p. In. of nsaid day above nentloned. Witness tmy hand aad the seal of Missnula county, Montana, this 15th day of March, A. D. 1911. F. W. KUPHAIL, Clerk of the Board of County Connllls- sloners. Notice For Publication. ID'leprltlniet of the interior, United stutel land office at liissoula, Munl- tuna, March 14. Notice Is hereby given that Tlholllu ICrnest Nichols of Hluperorl, Montana, who, on AIril 2, 1904, made home. stead entry No. 1742. serial No, 0845, for uout)hwtll l quarler, section 8, towllship 16 north, range 25 west, Mon- tuna tleridlanl,, hlt filed nlotice of 1it- tention to :uuake filial five-year proot, to estilullsl clalli t t the land above described, before register and receiver at Mlissula, Montnll, on tile 20th day of April, 1911. Clailuant names as witnesses: A. A. Salabura of Missoula, Moll- tana; laymlanod 8. Green, Jacob Nichl, W\Villiam Ilerg, all of Superior, Molntalla. JOSIAH SHULL, Register. Public Slfe. Nitivi, is hereby givethliat I 1ll, on the 1st day of April, 1911, at the hopr fr 2 o'clock p, Ili., at the city pound on Second street in the city of 11-, souls, Mota, exlpose the ,tolloflig ileserlbod stotLk at pol1btl1 li•r1o .to pay Uif, pound fees and eoptar' .:eOp. Inog, to-wit: One lig~bhtbay hlo'a aq lh , I le .'hut, nIo visilte 'trn ' h. 'T'IOMAIS. 41. KEMP, he•t 0of it. The Bir:r Root Vi A PACIFIC SLOPE LAND FAMED FOR.ITS PERFECT FRUIT AND ITS GREAT PROFITS The Valley of Opportunity A single acre of land iti this valley has been known to produce a net profit of over $1,800 in one year:; 500 annual net profit from an acre of land is a common event. Crops never fail, fruit pests are unheard of and fatal diseases among stock, hogs and poultry are unknqwn. Water for irrigating purposes in accessible arid inex- haustfblye quantities. The beautiful mountain scenery, an abundance of pure water, healthful mountain air, unrivaled climate. good means of transporthtion, convenience to markets, good schools, close proximity to state university, and the lowest cost of living all combine to make this local- ity the most ideal place for a home in the great north- west. Bitter ItEt Valley Irrigation. Company HAMILTON, MONTANA MISSOU)A OFFICE, 128 HIGGINS AVENUE LUMBER DEPARTMENT 01' TlHE Anaconda Copper Mining Company Successors to THE BIG BLACKFOOT LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers of Western Pine and Latch Lumber (IENI AIRA I. SAII:R OFI1ICI( litonner, Montana MIIl lc ,o .ted at Tin iiitlton, Montunsa ].,eItedl at Bianneor, Montnat St. Itegis, Montana Our mills have constantly on hand large stocks of well-seasoned lumber and laths. Our factory makes anything needed in Sash, Doors, Mouldings and Inter- ior Finish. Retail yards at Butte, Helena and Mis- soula carry complete lines of building material. Estimates furnished from plans. Write for price list. Our Missoula Yard Keeps a Full Line of LUMBER PORTLAND CEMENT OAK FLOORING LATH HARDWALL PLASTER MAPLE FLOORINq SHINGLES KEENE'S CEMENT INTERIOR FINISH MOULDINGS LIME MILLWORK 8A8H BUILDING PAPER SLABS WINDOWS TAR PAPER PENN. HARD COAL HOT BED SASH DEADENING PELTS SOFT COAL DOORS PREPARED ROOFING APPLE BOXES Our large stocks Insure a well -seasuned lumber at all tltes. Order a carload of 4-foot d ry altbs fromi our city yard at $2.80 per cord, f. o. b. cars Mlasoula. Missoula Yard-Phone 106 Bell or 742 Independent FIRST NATIONAL BANK MIS SO.ULA With a Capital and Surolus of $400,000 can handle your business successfully. F. 8. LUSK, President. EDWARD DONLAN, Vice Pres. E.'A. NEWLON, Cashier. H. 8. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. Missoula Trit mad Savnags Bank Missoula, Montana CA l'PTAl ................ $200,000 SURPLUS AND I'ROUITS.... 50,O00 'Officers J, M . K 1IT I i .... .................... ........ Presil dent T. L. O.i•fINOUOi........ Vie LI' 'eldent A. I. JACOBH ................... .... Cauhlshi . C. . OIDDINOS ............... A st. Cashles Directors 0I. M. Kelth, T. L. Greenoupii,; J. R DIlly, U. T. McCullough, P. J, Kline, A. R. Jacoba, Konneth Rosl. We pay 3 per cent per an|urn op Suviiage Dopose. i i WESTERN M OTWAl NATIONAL BANK Missoula, Montana UNITED STATES DEPOITARY, CAPITA .... ..... SUR•LUS FUND .............. 50,00 ('.- A. WOLF................. ...... Preeldept JOHN C. LEHtiOU........ Vice President J. H. T. RYMAN.......... ............. ll r i'dhiand ienneqtt, M. A. Fit ,; f4. I1 WoU. J n,.,, I C $ l. ha d. 1.: A GENERAL BANKING SUSINIESI TRANSACT/I/ CHAS. II. MA RSit Embalmer and Funeral Director CHAPEL' FOR SERVICES. Ind. Phone 423. Bell 321. Rosidence 259 Black 124 West'Main Competent Lady Assistant. SCandinavianAmeri caa State Bank OF NMISSOULA A UGen ierl iUtalklilKg lurslleb ' Trial- M. L. Gulden STATE TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Won Medal at St. Loult 135 E. Main St. Th Po eys Lumber Co. SHI!T MILL WOOD Dry, per load ....... $4.75 3 Green, per load...... $3.785 Bell Phone 414 Office-115 Higgine Avenue. Expert Razor Grinder All kinds of cutlery ground and sharpenbd 1.. EAST PRONT STREET ;Ktthwdu* A'trenud, ritlide Ua ca[ur anc IuIunlphe o c.rrott-e nd compi qt .al. atI oth'ds ttloe to 41U oltyr 4•i4 otuJaty Lished onPhone 1a ppled L04 Main street. Phone 147 Red

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Page 1: STATE UNIVESITY Professlonl Directory The Bir:r Root ITS … · 2013-01-25 · M~tiner. Copile of thece amnllutllte-tltentsi




The following prehlinary circeularc

ot Information concerting the newly.treated law sclhool of ithe UInlversitybits be•len prepared ntl IssUed. by)Preslident C. A. u)lnlaalvt of that Itn-

tutioln:The Twelfth htlo•hlative intseutblly en-

iated it law esatatlllllhing n la : schoolas a department of tihe utollersity ofblo)ltllna.Mr.t •'. W'. ll.ltun lhall delulalltl to

the uliversilty the tvaluuble law libraryof her late husband, tlo. 'W. W.bixon, ,and ha given the sum of •t.000I add" lon for tequipment of the "W.3t. Dixon Alomorial Ilhbrry."

•1ho law school of the tInJlversity of)ontane Irs to be openeid for tlnsttue.-~Jn In Septeallber, 1911. As the first

alw school in inllutant Its Inltugura-lonft will be an Imllportanlt evenlt In the

educational history of the state. Here-after tlse younlltl menl of 'Montlanal whoI.

ish to prepare for thle profesalon ofw Will be able to do no In an In.,

iltutlon recogntllrd antd supplorted asa department of the state.

Appolntmentll of proftesaors of Inawnnt be innounllted until after tilheane eeting of tle statte board ofucition. BuI it it an he stantd at

Tle present time that It Is iltended toaxo two pIrofessors inalugurate tlhe

f-glti courses of tlhe departument dur-lai the acadenllc year. 1911-12, and tosecure, a third professor for thle tol-

'owlnU yfar.ppii~lemntary lecture courses on

ilflt subjects wilU he arranged, toSgiven by distinguished jurists and

lactilonerr.lntranee requlrements antd ilethods

th Iinstruction will be maintaltled onobasls of a "standard law schqol,"iree onlsed by the National AspecIa-

t o1 State Universltirs. The far-y of the university has alreadytlned the following statemlent of

nclples for the approval of the stateboard of education;.1 Plt-The 4dlirtipent of law shouldovide a profesluonal course tovering

t.ewo years and trading to the degreef blichelor of laws.teeo nd-The work of Ute depluartmlent

o law should be co-ordalllned with thelating major deiatrtment system, o so

Uto a student could earn both the'*I A. and L. L. B. degrees in liveyears., Thlird-The standard for regular ad.

4sialota to the law deplrtmlent andlldacy for the profetsslnal law de-

1 should be the cotllmpetion of twore regular university or college

work..iFourtlih-lersons of mature .Years

dhouhl be adanitted as speclal studentsI lwa. not candidates for degrees.. telut'ldvttg •14 two yeaors of utn-l

.~erslty or college work, providt.d theylI|ve diplomlau of ticredllited highl

Sugqhuols or etqulvaetllt eduat llloaaltraining.

liftlh-Tultlon fte of lmoLderatellmount should bet estublished for lit-itructlon In the departmllaent of law.

petalled announcementts for tl heor-laisatlon and courses of the law

huooul will be published early in tihe .M~tiner. Copile of thece amnllutllte-tltentsi and of the new general unl-v•relty) regsllter for 1910-11 pill Ii.' sa I tto any address uputi alppuLtlton.

eanwlille reciplellts of this prulha- 1i Sry circular are requested to ,staistgi' ing publicity to the ipruvvlllns ofr

Ia la" departmnrt. I:ltters of In--aulry will receive promplllt attenttli,.


Ill the diatrlct court yesvtrrday, two- Cases were dismissed us settled. OneSwu eptltled J.,A. Soanfvrd uaulust theM: i noula Street ltalway compaly uandwal brought for dalnageff s. Thel otherWye the caue of thlle L. (i. ray cuin-p•ny against Ben ltaymonld.

Notioe to Creditors.State of Monltana. cotlllly of ltuoutllu,

da.--lstatu of Anna MflcNula~mua, do-uewed.Netice I• hereby givesl bhy lily till-

dearigned exeeutors of tlhe en-tut(' ofAnna McNamtara. de•lc lestd, to thi'-redilors ot, and all iprslons ht llngulainp Ilgllillsl, Iihe . ald dtlclened, to

e1h1bit thint. with thle nIles•laryvouchers, within 10 mIonths after tiefirst lublit'catlion of lhis nolti', to t1iesolid exe'utioril, at the lalw oiffl l' of

JEdward C. .Mulrolluney, Allen bhoclt,Miiissoula, Moult, til, u1ile bleing theplace for tile trunnssctloii of the hunl-e,•K i' saild esrtatl in th•ie county ofMissoulu.

J. I. 'T. ItYMAN.(OIt"?HTAVI'H A. NI't .I,',

I xe'utors of the ];tutt of .1nna .\11"NalIlara, I)cntast.d.

II)WAitD C. Mui.tIsNJ..Y, AtloriueyIfor 'xecutlrs,,aultd Marla'h G'5 1911,.

t Notice,Isl tilte DlItro l t Court of tlhe I,'ourtlh

Judiial Llstrict of the Mlute of Miii.taina, In and for lthI t'ullty ' i It l11s-suoula.In the Inatter of the revci'versliip of

thie Savoy Hotel colmpanlly.J. A. Baxter, receiver of tli,' iav•o'

Joutel colmpal, having this tlly) Illatlua return to tils court, of hi lls pr'celd.


fags under the order of atle of theliersonal property andl la l.t1 orf sill

SSlavoy Hotel conpalny, shlowinig a hidfor said property of $S,N35, by J. M,.Keith, and filed tile said return ii theoffice of the clerk of this court, it in

w ordered and directed that Saturday,tilhe !st dt'y, of April, 1911, at 10 o'clockS, ill., at the courtroom of this court,bp and tiue saine i hereby fixed fortie hearing upon said return, at whichtlih•o. ln, person itteronteO4, inoy ap-

i V 4llrt o nw .~U*e, if any there bh,IlYr1d bl~d sh•tulud nolOt be acceptedd th sale made by sald receiver,

doanflrm•d by this court, and ,that thllorder be pulihlad. until the date of

Se.arIng Ig Ditply neoullal.n,S .. , W OSSTIER, Judge,

eita thlii 9th day of March, 1911.

WOl uIb, s' tle

p 1 rld In theTies,



Notice of Registration.Notice Is hereby given that 1, tlhi

underl'Rigneid registry aigellt for tlthi'lrst ward of thie lty of Mlstllll_,

Montana. will open the offielal registerof the paid First ward of the said cityon Friday, (he 1l4th day of March, Urtgitl unsd lCllighlloau's livery barl,Nit. 248 Eusl Mhlti street, in sold wardofr said city, for the reglstratllon ofelectors for tIhe annual city election,to ie held on M londay, the 3rd day ofApril, 1911, in and for the city of ils-nsula, Molataia, and the smine will re-nllslti open as Iherein plrovided, on alllegal days until 9 o'clock p. In. of'rTuediay, Msarch 0stlt, 1911. Officehours froln 9 o'clock ia. in. to 1 o'clockp. iit.; from 2 o'cluck p. isn. to G o'clockp. ilt., andi fromn 7 o'clock ii. ill. to 9o'clock p. In.

I shall sit ait (lrte'n't & Elllinghoulse'slivery barn, No. 140 East Malin stroeet,in saild ward on ~ iturday, April 1it,1911, during thel minllli hours, for theIsurpolse to f aIlllowilg ntiy person Iunill-fled' to vote at said election, whosenmline does inut appear on the list ofvoters theretsofore register'ed, to Ihtvehis namle pitaced thsereonll, and also toreclve objectlions to the right to voteof tany person therctofqro registered;ani 1 also requellst all persons. wlhosenalmes lmaty ihave booen erroneously on-tered on said list, or erroneousaly can-celled, to, appear on said 1st daiy ofApril, 1911, anrd have such errors cor-rected.

CIIARLnER HART,Registry Agent for First Ward.

Notice of Expirarn of Time forRe istration.

Notice is hereby giVen that the timefor the regular registration of thenames of the qualifiedl electors of theFirst ward of the city of Missoula,Montana, who desire to vote at the an-nual city election to be hold on Mon-day., April 3rd, 1911, will expire at 0o'clock p. in. Saturday, April 1st, 1911.

CHARTE8S IIAlIT,Registry Agent for First Ward.

Mlssoulk, Montana.

Notio of Registration.o'utico Is hereby glyen that I, the

undersigned registry agent foe the Ilec-ond award of the city of Missoula,Montana, will open the official registerof. the. said lecond ward of the saidcity, on Frlday, the 24th day of March,1911, at police courtroom, corner WestMain and Stevens streets, in said ward.of said city. for the registration ofelectors for the annual city election, tobe held otl Monday, the 3rd day ofApril, 1911. In and tor tihealty of Mis-soula, Montana, and the samte will re-milln open as herein provided, on alllegal days until 9 o'clock p. in., ofTuesday. March 28th, 1911. Officehours from 9 o'clock a. in. to 1 o'clockp. Im.; from 2 o'clock p. ini. to G o'clockp. in., and from 7 o'clock p. nm. to 9o'clock; p. m.

I shall sit at police courtroom, cornerWest Multi and Stevens streets in saidward on Saturday. April 1st, 1911, dur-lnI .the saute hours, for the purpose ofallowlng any person qualified to voteat said election, whose namell does notappear on the list of voters theretoforeregistered, to have hisi name placedthereon, and also to receive objectionto the rlght to vote of any persontheretofore registercd: and I also all persons whose nameln mayhave been orropeounly enltered on aaildlist, or erroneously cancelled, to appearon said let day of April, 1911, andhave such errors corrected

J. A. URLIN.Registry Agent for Second Ward.

Notice of Explration of Time forRegistration.

NllttOOe. I lstrey given that tile tillmefor tilse regular reglltratlonl of thenamellies of the qulallfied electors of theHe.otld ward of tile city of Minsaollu,Montanta, who desire to voite at theannual city electionl to be held onMonlday, April 3rd, 1911, will expireat 9 o'clock p. IIn., Saturday, Aptril lit,1911.

J. A. I1RLIN.Regitry Agen'it for Second. Ward.

Mlssotla, Montana.

Notice of Annual City Election..Nsotlo Is hereby given that iian ani-

nllsul iuunicipitl electloln in usld for thecity of Misouiila, Mlaisnula tounty,Montana, will be held on Monday.April 3, 1911, beitweenl the hours of 8lo'clock Itl the miornllngt ntd 6i o'clockin the evenling of said day, for the pulr,-pose of electing the following offl-clals:

J*•r umayor, one personi to s'rve fortwo years.

For aidermalin. First ward, ontile piersonto serve for two years.

For alderliman, s t ecottld ward, onlle per-son to servo for two ye''ars.

.For aldermallln, Third wurd, one per-ronu to serve for tao years.

For alderniisl, Fourth ward. one tier-:on to serve fIr two years.

The pulling plhsc' for the I*lr'st wardIn (;reiti & Illiilughuus•a's livery burn. INo. 146 east Miuli street.

'1'h Ilpulling place fIr Ihe I ' o4.rulidwar'd isl pollse' colul , cu rerrs, rnrN'eslnt Murlhi alil and Stevens strl'llts

Th•i pIolling pia'i'e for tihe Third winrllIs south hlil, firle sitstioi, 'unirlier SouthHixtlh uand 'heltnlllult atrs,'etH.

The pui.llit glus''' for the I'iiio'tlI.iursl in Missoula t'stl'llolliiitl i tul'.'sliottlitg worki, co'siter lllallmud a uid

(weltls streets.Tils siotice is gliv'li by orlder sf the

clly coulcil of lltl ciiy if Mi lauiulu,?aoiltu is, midtude asid stt lit'd of rec,'o'rd'larc'h ii. 1911.

HAMUPL IEL.L'WE . L'Ity clark.Notice of Vacation of Street.

Ntice he l' het',eby Ki\'n tht h iahe utown-erc of tall the Iots abutlltng upon tihat

ortlo of UR l s streelI ' t, btcIw.,Oln I tulwerlus14l shake• str'ets In school dl-diltlon tu o the city of Missoula. otat-

tuna, huI ve fillhd \vitl the city cleri iofthe city of .timoni( .1outhetusA, a potI-tita Ipraylng the city couttcil of tIleIlty of Milnnonia to discontinue alndal t ut ll titthat rti l dli ots )ti r nteett

h] re bt'efore ain III s bid pI ttlt is pur'-

tlcularly desh.rtb.'d. S bId ci ty eio t llut1 thi• city of .1•1nsul] has fIixed T'ues-'day, the 4th 111 ty of' April, 1911. at thelihour of Illcl)'kl .i1 , itu the ti e ndlllthe city hall ili th 1 city of Mis-

i. .t•1 n t itt t ' I II the lt % i , i"ecolt u-it tItte cllty ttitt I t tIe i i lyaltI o thie pitt iot if h• d• n ilg alyitand alll prI1tcts against and ob hJeclot'*in

to tht KIratnting of cw1 il ]t llot llo , tusdIItte ist nti'lloll' g ( l t attitit iontltI of ulid

A 1a 'IHI, .Ed V, City I'htrk..)ttt(d tllus "Tth dtu> of ttlch,

Notice to Contractors,prealed bid. o ros ill e r-etted by e ity loncillrelerk ti the rity'

hall. ,Missoulu, .l|ntalU, tip )to 5 u'clchp. in., Tuesiday, Apr'il 4, 1l9l, 1'4r thefurnishing of five (5) teintln wtith and driveret for the mcd,, ule lfiveAM () s'1g L with , Cdu ty hars, fr.the, city slp'inkliig coitralt for thel

A cortlified check on a litibnoulabank for $50 will be retquhred with

irt bwhto wnbe foreted to dtil ofty hofMi•loulla in cas the onuccesstl blk hr'fallm to enter Into contract at his bidprice.

The oify council reserves the rightto reject any or all bids.


S, ir hemi. 1n/ its f- r thegirl who wine. Bee the details of TheMieloulen oIroueltien conteek


ll'oJI MaU)l ln Tuntllel '•'l)nlpl.t,, Ir)iSel p,! •ao of btiiellclk% llrrou1,Montana. ti.Tt'hrn I ,dellitquent upon thle follur.

Iug dt1u ribld utck,. utn *ecounnt of asI Penllll't llt Invlin on tM 7th lday 1Ir)lrtuary, 111tI, the •everal aIuli unlmnet oIppslt, the IHa(nen of r,'lpe.Ctliha' Ir.huhlldrs, as follown:

No. of No. ofNa,,n' Cert. hamlre Anilt

Alterhllry, J.i' unIe'lI. .. 407 5001 $ 23.1

Alexy, Juli .... 11,1020 5 1 2.6SAnIIlrlonll, Jamlen

SA.......... ......... 1,142 500 25.03 Andersoni, Janms'i

A. ... . 1,143 500 25.11A rmlntrolng, 'I. It. 30110 oo 5.uAlltdovrler, 8. h M... 788 10o0 5.0lhtl n r1, Mr . ,r1,A 111:' 100 5.11SIlarkar, Mura. A. I'. 1.,150 101 50tI.rrgtraInI , 1m. 111,134 8;,0 42:,.Jil 0l- 111, I", (1 ... 1,011l 'o 11.)SIruWII, I . .... 4111 1U 0 111.0Hlow r, , .. I,. 911) 5,1,O 01 250.0Sllurkt, .1. At.. ..... :175 50, 25.10'Btirke, J. At . 381 100 5.0Rurke, J. .... 34 300 15.1Rurke, J. ....... 451 125 6.2Burke, J. ...... 48 100 5.0Burke, J. At. 488 25 1.2Burke, J. At.

Agent .......... 421 400 20.0Hurtl , J. At.

Agent .......... 427 350 17.5Blurke, T. If ... .,031 10 5G.0nrke, T'. If. . . 7235 ,1too 25.0

lurnoett, AMr's.Jole .... . 1,201 2,000 100.0

Clarke, John T.,Treaa. ........... 444 500 25.0

Clarke, John T.,Tran............ 445 500 25.0

Clarke, Johll T.,Troae ........ 440 500 25.0

Clarke, Jo1hn T.,Trea, .............. 447 375 18.71

Clarke, John T.,Treas. . ....... 476 1,000 50.01

Clarke, Jolhn T.,Trcua.. ..... 477 1,000 50.01

Clarke, Johll T.,Treo. 478 200 10.01

Clarke, John T.,Treas ............. 479 200 50.01

Clarke, John T.,Tea ............. 480 100 5.01

Clark, W. A. ........ C57 1,600 75.04Clark. W. A. ... .... 1,166 1,500 75.01C ha n y, Hlarry

S .. ................ 8 1,110 ,50 825.01Carlilte, LauraL. ... .............. .. 328 50 2.5(

Trommalo. WIl. P. 11.042 20 10.0(Sobb ujn RealtyCo. ........ ..... 033 500 25.01

Colltin, P. At......... i5s 2,000 100.0(Cudnlns, John K. I1,058 510 255.0(Chamberlain, It.

L ...... ............... C160 150 7.5(Chamberlain, II.7, .........................I 3,044 88 44.01

Coos, Eldward W...BI,I104 150 75.0(Dawes, Jan. i.....11,024 1,620 810.01DeJurnotte. J. W... 385 200 10.01Dptfr. J. A.......... 552 250 12.5l•ll'nerllllg, Ilurry 866 100 5.00lnllnnerllng, Harry 891 400 20.001,rlckson, 0. M..... 650 G00 2e.00:v1ans, I'rysinger..I31,045 17 8.50Glskinsl, L. .- ....11,103 0O 25.00(rcau, Prank .... 53;I 500 25.110Grant, J. V,. .......... 45 104 5.00

ran t,' William8., Jr. ................ 0 ,041 100 60.00ran t, WilliamS., Jr. .................. A 1,04 100 50.00

( rn lt, Willitam1.. Jr......... .A 1.043 100 50.00

( r an I 'WillialnH., Jr. ....... 1.044 10O 50.00

Sr a t. I'VIlliamH., Jr. ............. A 1,045 100 50.00.1 r a n t. Witllama8., Jr. ...............AI,046 100 50.00rua nt, 'Wlll'uamiH., Jr. ............... ,047 100 50.00Sr ant, WVillann4., Jr. .. ......AI,048 100 50.00O r a I t1, WIIItan,H. Jr. . ....... A 1,049 100 50.00

( rant, WttIIaIIuH., Jr. .. A................ ,050 1010 50.10

(Iran t, WilliamN., Jr. .............AI,051 100 00.00

(Irat t. WilliamH., Jr. .. AL...... 100 50.00

O r at t. William8., Jr. ..... ... AI ,0S3 100 50.00

U ran t, WItlli nM., Jr .............A1,054 100 51.00O ran t, Willimam

H.. Jr .. .... A,055 100 50.00Gran t, t WilliamnH., Jr ............... 11,103 20 10.00

:rileve, Nornlal I. 747 500 25.00ll, nyos, 1Philltl Mt.. 442 25 1.25llayta,, Jalnes A.. 111,082 50 25.00Hlurrllgton J. 1'.....111,096 26 13.00IfUew tt. Al. I.. 17'5 l n r. nn

ieivlt, ni. I1. 6. 176 10 5.00Howett, NA. I.. ..... 177 100 5.001Iowett, , ........ 178 100 5.00Hewoett, AM. L....... 179 100 5.00I wtt, M. I. ..... 180 100 5.00Ilewett, A. I. .... 181 100 5.00Ilewett, M. ...... 82 100 500l.welltt, M. L 183 100 5.00

Ilewett, M. I ...... 184 100 .00Ilwelt, N. I . 185 100 5.00

wett, M. ........ 186 100, M A L. ... 187 100 5.00

wett, . ...... 188 100 5.00IIwett, M. ...... 189 100 5.00lew'ett, N. l. .... ..190 100 5.00ioewett, t. L ..... 191 100 5.00Ilewctt, n. L ..... 193 100 5.00Heowett, M. L ...... 193 100 5.00lUnwett, Nf. I. ...... 194 100 5.00Howett, A. I.. ...... 195 100 5.00Ilewett, 1,....... 196 100 5,00H1owett,. . ..... 197 100 5.00Hewett, MA. ...... 198 100 5.00Hlewett, M. L ..... . 100 5.00Ilewett, Af. IL ..... 200 100 5.00Hieowett, M. ..... 201 100 5.00Hlewett, 51. l . .. 03 100 5.00lewett, A. . .... 203 100 5.00Hlewett, M. L ..... 204 100 5.00IHewett, M. 1 .... 205 100 5.00Ilowett, 5!. L .. 313 1,000 50.00Ilewatto, N. L .. 311 1.0010 0,00Hewett, MI. L ....... t'69 75 3,75Heow tt, At. L ....... (1140 75 3.75Hewett, 5l. L .... 1I'58 9,149 437.45Hlgel •m. hInn ... t.108 20 10.00HIrslr , Ituth J....... 1,1'5 500 5,.00Hiogg, Mrs. Nel-

1lie .. ....... 467 200 10,00Io(ifinau, Nlarle.l 1.206 1,000 50.00

liiHirrltgtoI, Io'.. 11,095 10 5.00Jam~ies, U. N .... 1,123 4,0100 200.00Jonesi, ('. A. .. At1,010 100 450.00Julnes, i. A 1,081 90 45.Q0Jhhnstlln, Kath-

erine ........ o100 500 15.00Krause, it. J .... 1,092 100 5.00Kirhkpatrick, Al-

lii C. . ...... 1,051i 10 5.00ItUtins•e, Jihl ... 1,152 1,01)0 50.00Leith. H. A.........HI,1048 100 100,00Leottrd, Johni V. 846 1,000 25.00Ibb. J. ('. . 1,261 500 $5.00Lundbrg A........ 554 450 22,50Malser, J. ....... (C 100 5.00MackerII, J. I' .... 300 100 5;00Merkel, ( ..1........ :124 278 18,00Merkel, u. J... 31,113 2,000 1,000.00Mecabe, 'utiituelB. ........ ........ 310 1,000 50.00

Mayer, Gustav ... A1,01; 100l 50.00 IMcNerley, Ila 1l. 60 100 5.00 1Nei)ll, Henlry ...... 4 1 .05Ne'l, HLo ry .......... 857 100 5.00Nell1, hlenry ........ 358 100 5.00Neill, Henry ........ 359 100 5.00Nelll, (e ry ......... q11) 49 2.45Nelll, lenrr y ......... 604 100 5.00NoJll, Henry .......... 68 204 10J.00Neill. Itenry 6 .......... 668 400 80.01NeIll. Henry ." 6148 900 10.00Neill, ienry ... 1,100 5,000 250,00Nlll, Henry ..... ~,90 1,00 60,L00Nolli, Honryl 1,191 1,000 f a.00Neill), lier, ..... 1,109 1,010 50.001N,,lll, tit.,.. 10 , 1,00 5o,00

No. a. ofNamIo. Cert. harea Amnta

Nr l, 1l0 ry .......... 1,, p4 0Q0I 6O.(Nell, ln4y 1 4....... 1,511 00 n0.0Nelll, enrj .......... 1,106 1,14 60.01Nell, 1ie.nry ........ . I5 19314 4 :2Nelll, henry .... (70 825 41.2(Neill., Ilenry .. (141 5,30' 209.1(NeIII,. lolrellce A. l;71 915 46.2(Neill, Floreice A. 0143 ,O25 171.,(Newell, tfis K..... 8115 100 G.0(Newell, tis K..,.. 1• 1,000 50.0(N,,welI, (ti, K.,. 8517 500 2G.1l(1Newell, otti K..... 287 100 5.00Newell, Oti, K.... C130 1,)010 50.t1Newell, Otin K..... 7131 1,0000 0.I,0]Newell, Otl, K..... 10100 100 5,01Newell, Otls JK....B1,152 1.600 700.00Noail. Edward D... l110 2,000 100o.0Nugent, William.. u6s 100 5.00Newell, fle•h ....1,02 0 2 .0f0Newell, tacl ......81,041 15 7.51Noeggeroth, Ji -

co.l ......... ........31,141) 200 10 110Oker. Joullph . .. 8o 1.10 ,O) tOiOkelr, Joneph ...... 340 190 1 6.0otrker, J-mllt -..... 841 6tn 2:, 00Oker, Josephl ...... 34 500 2 .00IOker. Jneph .t... 34:1 'o10 2. 001IOker, Jonepl ...... 344 00 215,00Oker, Joneph .. 345 00 21.00O'Donnell., Charles

J ................. 824 100 5,0oOrr, Ijaura II. ......11,026 20 10o.0oPolnd, xter, I', M. 6701 400 20.00Pollock. WVllilhtImC,. Ir. . ............ 1,030 10 25.00

Pollock, WilliamC., Jr. .... ....... 1,031 50 26.00

Power, C. ........ 1,13 2,00 125.00Power, C. ....... 1,154 2,500 125.00itley. Ray ........ 69 400 20.1)0

lRowland, J. D....... 617 00 2.00Rhoda, oeorgeo ... 847 100 5.00BRoos, Dr. E. G.. ..AI,010 100 50.00Roberts, Dr. (. W. 1,207 2,200 161.00Starr. Dr. LoulI....BI,069 500 250.00Sterling, F. T.........B1,083 500 250.00Slemnons, J. D... 800 100 25.00Slier, Linda P.....A1,003 100 10.00Smtlth, Mrs. Sarah

M .......................... 61 500 25.00Hignet, W. H., Jr. G61 1,000 60.00Htilllnger. C. A..... 657 1,000 50.00Scott, Walter ...... C87 1,690 84.50

cloenlfeldI, 11 .... 1,276 1,000 10.00Steths, Caroline

1 . ................ .. B,1,155 340 170.00Stolns. C11. .........1,116 737 868.50Steoln, C. H. ........81,15'7 500 350.00Stoddard, V. C....... 91 500 25.00aucr, George J... C7 100 6.00cory~Arthur II..:..B1,112 60 25.00

Shutield, E. A....... 1,052 1,000 50.00Stetson C. B. ...... C81 500 25.00Sylvester, J. A. .... 851 50 2.10Tatesn, Henry I... CIO6 3,400 170.00Tatom, Henry 13... C107 5,000 260.00Tstete, Henry R... C34 1,500 75.00Turrell, Hlerber ... 81,027 21 12.50Trimnper, 10. 0...:.. ,,069 1,000 60.00Tobey, Frank .....131,080 00 250.00Walh, Thomlas J. 809 1,000 60.00Walsh, Thomas J. 10 1,000 5011.00Walsh, Thomas J 311 1,000 10.00Walsh, Thomas J. 812 1,000 50.00Wi a t r in a i in,Vrank E ............. 8009 00 21.00

Wells, P. Fralley..A1,059 100 50.00VWells, P. Flralley..A1,060 1010 50.00

Wells, P. V'rulley..Al,061 100 51.01)Wells, P. l,'ralley..At.006 l100 60.00Volls, P. lrnailhy..A1,063 1010 50.00

Wells, P. lralley..A1,064 100 10.00Wells P. Frallyy..A1,0(5 11,0 60.00Wells, P. Frallcy..ALOIo 100 50.00Wells, P. Prlley.Al,06.7 100 0,.00Wells, P. F'ralley..B,039 30 15.00Wells, P. u'ralley.. B108 21) 10.00Wells, 1'. ,ralley..B1,182 G0 25.00Wagerforth, WV.

D. ................ ..... ,037 10 .o00Wertlheincr, Il-

Io .............. .. 7.98 200 10.00WVerthelner ,81-

,n .................. 1110 5.00W.orthelllnr, lloHIes 1.0 A 300 10.00Wertlhelllr, Leonl 1,tl3 200 10.00Wlheat,lon. Shlr-

wool ............... B002 110 55.00We•lslltus Idgar .. '29 25 1.2JSillis, Katherict7.. 78I 80. 41.00

W illis, IC, 1). ......... 7 7 1100 25.00Wood. I.. I.. ... ..... 119 00 ) 2500Wyctuff, Ernest .. 297 1,01)0 0.100WVolley, James M'. 8d3 100 5.00

And, iI accordance with Iw,. aln allorder of the board of directori. madeon the 7th day of ]0ebruary, 1911. somny shallres of each Iarcel of stockis may be Inece,,sary, will be sold attlie office of tlhe comlpany, room 602,SlMontana block, on thu corner of Hl-g.inlle aveIlue antId C idalr treet, 1Mls-

soula, Millsoula county, Motltala. onthe lth day of April, 1911, at 10 o'clocka. i., of such day, to pay delltluentassensmlents thereon, together withcoats of advertising and expenses ofaule. CLIIFFORD SM ITH,

Secretary Iron Mountain Tunnel Co.,,It)oon 602, Montana Block, CornerHiggins Avenue and Cedar Street,Mlissoula. Montana.

Notice of Registration.Nolice Is hereby given, that I, the

undersigned rogistry agent. for theThird ward of the city of Missoula,in'ltaalu, will open t11h official register

of tilhe said Third wurd of the said cityon I'rlday, the 24th day of March, uouth slde flr.e station, corner$outlh Sixth auld t.'hstuut streets, inmaid Iurd of said oity. for the regis-traLtlon of (lectors for the WIailual cityel'cti)on to be held on Molndaly, the 3rdday of April, 1911, in and for the cityof Missoula, Montana, and the saenolowill remain openlil as i'herila provided,on all legal dalys until I9 o'elock p. Ina.of Tuesday, March 1'th, 1911. Officehours troin l o'clock a. ui, to 1 o'clockp. in. fromll 2 o'cl

o ck p. in. to 5 o'clock

l. in., land from 7 o'clock p. In. to 9o'clock p. mh.

I shall it at south side fire station,corner South Hlxtil and Chestnutstreets, lia said ward, on Saturday,April 1st, 1911, duringi the same hours,for Ihel p 'lpose of allan lag anay persionquallfied to votle at said election,whoi lasela ae does lnot appear on thelist of voters tlhrc'tof'reo registered, toilhave alls tlilel' placed thereon, andlalso to reculve objection to the rightto vite of any person theretofore rag-Ilaeredl; nlld I also rl quest all persolnswhose nIlalmle iiay hlve been, erron-oously entered on saul list, or erron-eously cancelled, to apllear on saildsIt day of April, 1911, and haave such

errors corrected.CH[ARMLS W. HEItDGILR

Registry Agaent f.,r Third Ward.

Notioe of Expiration of Time forRegistration.

Notice is helreby ghiavn that the timefor tile regular reglstratlon of tihelamllles of the qualified electors of

the Third ntard of the city ofMissoula, Montana, who desire tovote at the annual city delc-tll to be held onl Monday, April 3rd,1011, will expire at 9 o'clock p. n.,Saturday, April l1t. 1911.

CHARI.ESM W. HEDGIR,Registry Agent for Thlird,.i Wd.

Mlesoula, fMorntana.

Notice to Contraotors.uatoed bids will be racelyed

by the olty clerk at the Cityaill, Missoula, Montanla, up to 5 o'clock. In., Tpeseday, April 4, 1911, for the

city sidewak and curb contract forthe year 1911, in accordanoe with theIspecifications on file In the office ofthe .city 9l nqN.

Ah it p eds,.".lrpnl• an a rilula b'tkor a OWy yor1t ,draft' f, J iO n astaccompany a h1.., in e e to be

tie city if 11ua e Il.te tsue-ooss•tliut bli 'rr to e tor ito qon-

to reject a40 or ail bids.a vIIa h g W. cII ity. lely 1,

qq((S Yk

Professlonl DirectoryDR. I. H. FRIEZE.

SPhysician and SurgeonSfipetlal attentlln to diseaseel ofI Suite 47 Higgins lhook. Third Floor.

Office Telephone 517... ResidenceTelephone 512.


)WAnODMI:N OF THE WORLd..i',\I' NO,'11. 73.-M11omt tlh first lidI n lrthl ,rhlily night" of each mnollth0lhhl I, illhws' hall lnlex.

I J. 8. ABBEY. C. C.R. R. WILBUR, Clerk.

I KNI'IITI OF PYITRIAS, LAUREL1. lODlIE NO. I I-Meets every Wednes-dvy PoVeling at Ragles' hall at 8 o'clock.

l.:lRIh nnFRor1(fS. C. C.ii. V. I:AHTRIDcIE, K. of R. & S.KNIG•IITH OF ('OTUMRUS, MIR-

14tl'l,A C•o'NCIr, NO. 1021-Meets inOdd Fellows' hall, first and thirdThursday evening of each month.

A. P. QUINN, rirand Knight.JA. M. LAVIN, Fin. See.

F R AT E R N A BROTHERHOOD,MISIOI'LA TLODOIE NO. 279-Meetsevery first and third Wednesday ofeach mn.nth at T. rO. O. F. hall annex.


WESTERN SUN CHAPTER NO. 11,R. A. hA.-Meets first and third Fri-days of each month In Masonic Temple.

A. V. MINER, II. P.S. H. M'CALL, Secretary.

MISSOU'LA LODOCI NO. 7, SCAN-DINAVIAN BROTHERHOOD OAM1ERICA-Meets every second andfourth Tuesday evening at Odd Fol-lows' annex.

NETS RAKKII, President.A. K. ANDERSEN, Ree. Sep.W. J. JOHNSON, Fin. Sec.

MISSOUTA AERIE NO. 82. F O. OE.-Meets flrs t and third Tuesdays ofeach month at 7:30 p. ,m. at Eagles'hall, West Main.

.. R. PROMAN. W. President.JAMES A. BAKER. Secretary.

MISSOULA LODGE NO.13. A. F. & A. M.-Meets firstand third Tuesdays, regular

meetlngs.A. C. MINER, W. M.A. J. BREITENSTEIN. See.

SCHILLER LODOE NO. 4, SONSOF ITERMANN-eooets In Eagles' hallfirst and third Sundays of each monthat 8 o'clock p. m.

ED ROIHKRAMER, President.F. W. KUPIIAL, Secretary.

MISSOITA CAMP NO. 5239. M. W.A.--fReular meetings first and thirdThursdays at 8 p. m.: foresters' drillsecond and fourth Thursdays, 8 p. m.,Masonic hall.


127 Higgins Ave.

I'NITIID ARTISANS-Meets everyfirst and third Tuesday at Odd Fel-lows' hall annex, $t 8 p. m.

RAlPIH W. IVErR, M. A.S. L. DUNIIAM, Secretary.

H. P. O. E.. HELL OGATIS OI)Dl1NO. 3S3-Meets every Tuesday eveningIn MdSonic temple.


MODERN t ROTHER•IOOD •FAMRRICA. UNIVERRITY CTTYTrOO(IIl NO. 1391-Meets In Odd 'el-I~ons' hall second and fourth Tuesdaynights in each month, at 8 o'clock.

JAMES L,. WA.LLACE, Secretary.Rooms 511-13, Montana building.

ROYAL ITTIHTANDERS--Meet firstand third Thursday of each month In1. O. O. F. hall annex.

MRS. HELEN C. LYONS, I. P.Tndependent Phone 1117.

F. P. KERN, Recretary.120 Madison St., Ind. Phone 697.

OWEN H. ROWL.ANDR ("AMP NO.9, UNITED SPANISH WAR VET-ERANS-Meets first and third Sun-days at 2:30 p. m. In Odd Fellows' an.nex.

CHAT. .W. JIEDOER, Commander.J. T. B. CAMERON. Adjutant.

Official Notice of Election.Notice Is hereby given that a school

election will be held on the first Sat-urday in April, 1911, viz: Saturday,April 1, 1911, at tihe Central school-house In school registry and electionprecinct No. One; at the North Sideschoolhouse in1 regsitry and electionprecllnt Ni'. Two: at the ltooseveltushioolhliise iil school registry andelctlion precinct No. Three; at the Or-chard Iloltes sehnillouse in pchoolrogistry anld election precinct No.Four, in school district No. Oiie, Mis-soula county, Montani. for the follow-log named officers, tow it:

Three schoul trustees for a terml ofthree years.

One school ItrustLe for a teIll of of oyear.

Notice is also hereby given that atthe above school election, all election"for", or "against" free' text books willbe held at the suine tmne and placeherein mentioned.

Dy order of the )board of eshool true-tees of school district No One of Mis-soula county, Mont.

M. It. HIARDICU3It(IRIOI,Cleric of School District Np. u.10.

Thile olls of which election will beopen at 8 o'clock In the morning andkept open until 12 o'clock M. and from1 o'clock it. ll. until 8 o'clock p. In.of nsaid day above nentloned.

Witness tmy hand aad the seal ofMissnula county, Montana, this 15thday of March, A. D. 1911.

F. W. KUPHAIL,Clerk of the Board of County Connllls-


Notice For Publication.ID'leprltlniet of the interior, United

stutel land office at liissoula, Munl-tuna, March 14.Notice Is hereby given that Tlholllu

ICrnest Nichols of Hluperorl, Montana,who, on AIril 2, 1904, made home.stead entry No. 1742. serial No, 0845,for uout)hwtll l quarler, section 8,towllship 16 north, range 25 west, Mon-tuna tleridlanl,, hlt filed nlotice of 1it-tention to :uuake filial five-year proot,to estilullsl clalli t t the land abovedescribed, before register and receiverat Mlissula, Montnll, on tile 20th dayof April, 1911.

Clailuant names as witnesses:A. A. Salabura of Missoula, Moll-

tana; laymlanod 8. Green, JacobNichl, W\Villiam Ilerg, all of Superior,Molntalla.


Public Slfe.Nitivi, is hereby givethliat I 1ll, on

the 1st day of April, 1911, at the hoprfr 2 o'clock p, Ili., at the city poundon Second street in the city of 11-,souls, Mota, exlpose the ,tolloflig

ileserlbod stotLk at pol1btl1 li•r1o .topay Uif, pound fees and eoptar' .:eOp.Inog, to-wit: One lig~bhtbay hlo'a aqlh , I le .'hut, nIo visilte 'trn ' h.

'T'IOMAIS. 41. KEMP,he•t 0of it.



The Valley of OpportunityA single acre of land iti this valley has been known

to produce a net profit of over $1,800 in one year:; 500annual net profit from an acre of land is a commonevent.

Crops never fail, fruit pests are unheard of and fataldiseases among stock, hogs and poultry are unknqwn.

Water for irrigating purposes in accessible arid inex-haustfblye quantities.

The beautiful mountain scenery, an abundance ofpure water, healthful mountain air, unrivaled climate.good means of transporthtion, convenience to markets,good schools, close proximity to state university, andthe lowest cost of living all combine to make this local-ity the most ideal place for a home in the great north-west.

Bitter ItEt ValleyIrrigation. Company



Anaconda Copper MiningCompany

Successors to


Manufacturers of

Western Pine and Latch Lumber(IENI AIRA I. SAII:R OFI1ICI( litonner, Montana

MIIl lc ,o .ted at Tin iiitlton, Montunsa].,eItedl at Bianneor, Montnat St. Itegis, Montana

Our mills have constantly on hand large stocks ofwell-seasoned lumber and laths. Our factory makesanything needed in Sash, Doors, Mouldings and Inter-ior Finish. Retail yards at Butte, Helena and Mis-soula carry complete lines of building material.Estimates furnished from plans. Write for price list.


Our large stocks Insure a well -seasuned lumber at all tltes.

Order a carload of 4-foot dr y altbs fromi our city yard at $2.80 percord, f. o. b. cars Mlasoula.

Missoula Yard-Phone 106 Bell or 742 Independent


MIS SO.ULAWith a Capital and Surolus of

$400,000 can handle your business


F. 8. LUSK, President.EDWARD DONLAN, Vice Pres.E.'A. NEWLON, Cashier.H. 8. HOLT, Assistant Cashier.

Missoula Trit madSavnags Bank

Missoula, Montana

CA l'PTAl ................ $200,000SURPLUS AND I'ROUITS.... 50,O00

'OfficersJ, M . K 1IT I i .... .................... ........ Presil dentT. L. O.i•fINOUOi........ Vie LI' 'eldentA. I. JACOBH ................... .... Cauhlshi. C. . OIDDINOS ............... A st. Cashles

Directors0I. M. Kelth, T. L. Greenoupii,; J. R

DIlly, U. T. McCullough, P. J, Kline,A. R. Jacoba, Konneth Rosl.

We pay 3 per cent per an|urn opSuviiage Dopose. i i



CAPITA .... .....SUR•LUS FUND .............. 50,00

('.- A. WOLF................. ......PreeldeptJOHN C. LEHtiOU........ Vice PresidentJ. H. T. RYMAN.......... ............. ll r

i'dhiand ienneqtt, M. A. Fit ,; f4. I1WoU. J n,.,, I C $ l. ha d. 1.:A GENERAL BANKING SUSINIESI


CHAS. II. MA RSitEmbalmer and


Ind. Phone 423. Bell 321.Rosidence 259 Black

124 West'MainCompetent Lady Assistant.

SCandinavianAmeri caa


A UGen ierl iUtalklilKg lurslleb ' Trial-


AND FURRIERWon Medal at St. Loult

135 E. Main St.

Th Po eys Lumber Co.SHI!T MILL WOOD

Dry, per load ....... $4.753Green, per load...... $3.785

Bell Phone 414Office-115 Higgine Avenue.Expert Razor Grinder

All kinds of cutlery groundand sharpenbd

1.. EAST PRONT STREET;Ktthwdu* A'trenud,

ritlide Ua ca[ur ancIuIunlphe o c.rrott-e nd compi qt .al.atI oth'ds ttloe to 41U oltyr 4•i4 otuJaty

Lished onPhone 1a ppledL04 Main street. Phone 147 Red