state's prefinal chapter 1 (1)

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  • 7/29/2019 State's Prefinal Chapter 1 (1)


    Chapter 1 Executive Summary_____________________________________________________________________________


    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-2


    1.1 MASTER PLAN PURPOSEKkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks were

    the first parks established under the State ParkSystem. They were created in recognition of theunique environmental resources, abundantrecreational opportunities, and rich naturalheritage existing in the uplands of westernKauai.

    Each year the parks are enjoyed by an estimated

    300,000 people. Local residents and visitors alike

    come to Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parksfor sightseeing, recreational activities, cultural

    and educational pursuits, and simply to getaway from daily routines and relax in the

    beautiful mountain setting.

    The tremendous popularity of the two parks istestament to the foresight of the territorialforesters who advocated their preservation inthe early 1900s, and a clear indicator of theparks continued value to the people of Hawaii.

    This popularity also poses challenges to parkmanagers and caretakers who are working toensure that the parks resources can be enjoyed

    by visitors today, and will be available for theexperience of future generations.

    The master plan vision is to preserve andperpetuate the existing character of Kkee and

    Waimea Canyon State Parks by protecting theareas unique native ecosystems, scenic views,historic and cultural landscape, and recreationalresources, and by guiding public uses and

    developing park facilities in a manner that doesnot compromise the integrity of the mountainsnatural resources, wilderness values, andintrinsic qualities. Towards this end, the masterplan will guide the protection, preservation andmanagement of Kkee and Waimea CanyonState Parks for a twenty-year period extending

    from 2005 to 2025.

    1.2 SCOPE ANDMETHODOLOGYThe master plan project area includes Kkee

    State Park (4,345 acres) and Waimea CanyonState Park (1837.4 acres), for a total area of6,182.4 acres. See Figure 1-1, Project Area Map.

    The master plan study area includes the projectarea plus adjacent State-owned lands thatinclude Puu ka Pele and N Pali-Kona ForestReserves, Alakai Wilderness Preserve, Kuia

    Natural Area Reserve, and the Mokihana Game

    Management Area. State-owned lands alongWaimea Canyon Drive are included in the study

    area as a possible location for expansion ofWaimea Canyon State Park.

    The master plan was developed through a fourstep process:

    BACKGROUND INVENTORYANDFACILITYASSESSMENTBackground information about park resources,

    activities, operations, management, and issuesand opportunities was obtained throughresearch of existing documentation, fieldinvestigations, agency comments, and publicinput. The background studies prepared for theMaster Plan focus on the following subject areas:

    Natural Resources Cultural and Historic Resources

    Scenic Resources Outdoor Recreation Resources

    Other issues identified by agencies and the

    public.During the course of the project the followingsubject areas were added:

    Recreation Residences Infrastructure

    Organizational Development andManagement

    Costs and Revenues

  • 7/29/2019 State's Prefinal Chapter 1 (1)


    Chapter 1 Executive Summary_____________________________________________________________________________


    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-2

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    Chapter 1 Executive Summary_____________________________________________________________________________


    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-2

    The findings of the background inventory andfacility assessment are presented in Chapters 3and 4 of this master plan report. ANALYSISA goal statement and list of resource values ispresented for each resource category to provideguidance for the analysis. Each resource isanalyzed in terms of its condition-fragility,resource limits (capacity), public use and user

    limits (socially acceptable impacts), and issues,opportunities and constraints related toprotection, management, restoration,

    development, enhancement, and interpretation.

    For the parks developed resources, analysis


    $ Evaluation of existing buildings todetermine if they are suitable for continuedshort-term and/or long-term use.

    $ Evaluation of the historic integrity ofbuildings within the parks and assessmentof their value to Kkees cultural and

    historic landscape.$ Evaluation of existing utilities, (water,

    sewage, electrical-communication, and

    roads) and identification of utilitydeficiencies and necessary repair work.

    $ Estimation of budgetary costs for repairs topark buildings, infrastructure, and utilities,including cost estimates for demolition and

    reconstruction of buildings determined to beunsuitable for continued use.

    The Analysis chapter also includesrecommendations for a best managementapproach to meet the goals for each resourcecategory. Where available and applicable,financial information is presented to support

    the recommendations. The results of theanalysis are presented in Chapter 5 of thisreport.

    PLANALTERNATIVESDEVELOPMENT ANDEVALUATIONFour conceptual master plan alternatives arepresented for the Kkee and Waimea Canyon

    State Parks. The alternatives are based onavailable information, issues, problems and

    opportunities relating to the Kkee and Waimea

    Canyon State Parks, the adjoining gamemanagement areas, the forest reserves, and the

    Natural Area Reserve as identified bygovernment agencies and the public.

    The development of the alternatives includedthe following tasks:

    $ Establishment of development themes. Thealternatives express a range of developmentoptions from status quo and low-intensitydevelopment to expanded development ofpark facilities and recreational resources.

    $ Identification of Recreation OpportunityZones (ROZ). ROZs are a means of geographically organizing the plan areaaccording to user expectations of wilderness and development. Five ROZsare identified for Kkee and Waimea

    Canyon State Parks, including primitive,semi-primitive non-motorized, semi-

    primitive motorized, rustic, andconcentrated. These designations establishlevels of access, facility development, and

    environmental preservation.$ Identification of park activities, programs,

    and use intensities that can beaccommodated in different planalternatives.

    $ Development of a methodology forevaluating the alternatives based on costs,

    public and agency comments, parkresources and recreation goals.

    The four alternative plans are:

    $ Alternative 1. No Action (Existing

    Conditions Plan)$ Alternative 2. Remedial Improvement Plan

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    Chapter 1 Executive Summary_____________________________________________________________________________


    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-2

    $ Alternative 3. Limited Access /Conservation Plan.

    $ Alternative 4. Enhanced Park FacilityDevelopment Plan

    The planning process included a community-outreach program whereby communitymembers and interested parties/groups were

    provided the opportunity to participate indeveloping plan elements, comment on plan

    concepts, and vote for a preferred alternative.

    The four conceptual master plan alternatives arepresented in Chapter 6 of this report. PLAN SELECTIONANDREFINEMENTBased on public input, Department of Land andNatural Resources staff and consultantrecommendations, and review by the Board ofLand and Natural Resources (BLNR) Alternative2: Remedial Improvement Plan was selected andrefined as the Preferred Alternative: ParkEnhancement Plan. The selection and refinementprocess and components of the preferredalternative are described in Chapter 6 of thisreport.

    1.3 MASTER PLANSee Figure 1-2 Master Plan.The Master Plan is based on the Remedial

    Improvement alternative. Improvements aregenerally limited to repairing and upgradingexisting facilities, infrastructure and utilities.

    The objective is to meet regulatory standardsand to enhance the park users experience byimproving orientation, service, and safety and

    by eliminating incompatible and obtrusiveelements within the parks.

    Additionally, several primary destination siteswithin the parks are identified for more

    intensive redevelopment to address the specialdemands placed on them. These sites includeKanaloahuluhulu Meadow and the four majorlookouts: Puu o Kila, Kalalau, Puu Hinahina,

    and Waimea Canyon Lookouts.

    DESIGN PRINCIPLES Planned improvements will be concentrated

    within existing developed areas along theKkee Road corridor in order to minimizethe development footprint on the natural

    landscape. Man-made elements are subordinate to the

    natural landscape. Structures are to be

    located away from primary view zones, setback from roadways and screened fromview where appropriate.

    Natural materials are to be used to preservethe parks rustic character and blend into thewilderness landscape. Materials may befinished or unfinished depending onlocation and function of the structure.

    LANDSCAPING ANDVEGETATIONOver time, the activities of the mountainresidents have produced a mosaic of severaldistinct landscape typologies. Though eachtypology expresses a different relationship with

    the land, there is an apparent shared landscapecharacteristic of open lawn space defined and

    accented with natural and introduced treeplantings. This landscape feature is emblematicof Kkee and evident throughout the public

    spaces and lease lots within the two parks. It ismost prominently displayed in the openmeadow space and monumental trees ofKanaloahuluhulu.

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    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-2

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    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-2

    Landscape design based on these typologies isappropriate for the settlement areas within thepark, such as at Kanaloahuluhulu Meadow andwithin the recreation residential areas wherepeople have asserted a human presence.

    Outside of the settled areas, the naturallandscape should prevail.

    Landscaping at facilities which are developed toshowcase the natural beauty of the parks, suchas the lookouts and trailheads, should be

    designed to blend into the wilderness setting.Native plant materials and massing, local earthforms, and color and texture palettes drawnfrom the immediate vicinity should be used inthe design.

    PARK ENTRY STATIONA new park entry station is planned for theentrance to Waimea Canyon State Park. Theentry is an essential component of the masterplan. It will serve to: Control access for park safety and resource

    management. Orient and inform park visitors of services

    and park features.

    Establish park identity and ranger presence. Collect fees from non-resident visitors and

    commercial operators.

    ROADSRoads are categorized as Arterial (Kkee Road

    and Waimea Canyon Drive), Collector (WainekeRoad, Mkaha Ridge Road), and Local(recreation residence access, Camp 10 Road).Improvements include:

    Repair and resurface the entire length ofKkee Road. Stabilize shoulders and install

    road-surface reflectors. Re-grade, gravel, and correct drainage on

    unpaved collector roads. Re-grade, gravel, and correct drainage on

    local roads serving recreation residences.

    Repair Camp 10 Road for public access,including re-grading and graveling, andimproving stream crossings.

    Improve identity and directional signage at

    key intersections.

    Limit bus traffic to Waimea CanyonLookout. School buses only are allowed up

    to the meadow by special permits. Incorporate Kkee Road and Waimea

    Canyon Drive under the managementauthority of the Division of State Parks,conditioned on funding support.

    TRAILSRecommendations and planned improvements

    for the trail system include: Improve identity and directional signage at

    all trailheads and junctions.

    Update trail guide materials and trailheadsigns to inform visitors of trail conditionsand features.

    Update informational and interpretivematerials for Awaawapuhi Trail, Iliau

    Nature Loop, and Nature Trail. Establish primary trailheads at Puu

    Hinahina Lookout, Water Tank Trail, andKaluapuhi Trail.

    Complete upgrading of Black Pipe Trail,

    Ditch Trail, and Canyon Trail segments withconnection to Puu Hinahina.

    Expand or improve parking at KukuiTrailhead, Nualolo Trailhead, and

    Awaawapuhi Trailhead.

    Develop new ADA accessible interpretive

    trails to highlight four main forest typesfound in the parks.

    Consider elevated canopy trails in the forest. Install boardwalk / steps along the valley

    rim between Puu o Kila Lookout and Pihea

    Overlook to control erosion.

    KANALOAHULUHULUMEADOW / PARKHEADQUARTERSKanaloahuluhulu Meadow is the heart of Kkee

    and a primary park visitor destination. Themeadow area serves several valuable park

    functions: Park Identity / Landmark Ranger Presence / Visitor Service

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    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-7

    Park Community / Social Center

    Research / Education Center Center for visitor amenities (refreshments)

    Proposed improvements include: Reconstruct or replace the Kkee Lodge and

    Natural History Museum buildings andintegrate a new Park Visitor Service Centerinto the new building design. The visitorcenter will be staffed by Division of StateParks (DSP) ranger or docent.

    The service center will provide the

    following services:- One-stop location for all park permits

    (camping, gathering, fishing, hunting,commercial trail use, and school buspermits).

    - Reservations and check-in/out forshort-term State rental cabins.- Visitor orientation and information.- Complaints, reports, and emergency

    communications. Ensure that reconstructed buildings and

    new structures meet Kkee vernacular

    architectural design standards. Continue to lease Kkee Natural History

    Museum operations to a nonprofit

    organization, such as Hui o Laka. Restore, renovate and adapt the historic

    Kanaloahuluhulu Ranger Station parkvolunteer housing and use by State Parksstaff for meeting space and storage.

    Develop orchard landscape theme based onhistoric Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)Camp plantings. Extend orchard plantingsalong the north edge of the meadow toprovide a unified landscape context for the

    park buildings - Park Managers House,Kkee Lodge, Kkee Museum, and JuddPicnic Pavilion.

    Continue use of CCC as an educationalcenter and field station for natural andhistoric resource research and management.

    Maintain existing State cabins for short-termrental use. Outsource rental cabinoperations and maintenance through lease

    to a private / nonprofit organization. Improve existing parking area. Designate

    school bus parking area. Utilize permeable

    materials for parking surface (e.g. grass

    pavers, gravel). Landscape parking withnative plants.

    Upgrade the electrical system and placeoverhead utilities underground.

    Realign the road entrance at

    Kanaloahuluhulu Meadow to direct vehiclesto the lodge and museum area. Create a T-intersection for continuation of Kkee Road

    to the park. Develop a new DSP baseyard on Kkee

    Road east of Water Tank Road. Renovate the

    existing baseyard buldings at the CCCCamp.

    Renovate the stone picnic pavilion and tentcampground restroom.

    LOOKOUTSGeneral Replace all cesspools with septic systems,

    aerobic systems or composting toilets asappropriate to the level of use.

    Develop potable water system (except atPuu o Kila).

    Improve informational and directionalsignage and interpretive materials.

    Prohibit bus access past Waimea Canyon

    Lookout. Keep lookouts free of concessions and retail

    services, with the exception of WaimeaCanyon Lookout.

    Waimea Canyon Lookout Re-develop visitor facilities, including

    viewing platforms, bathrooms, concessionarea, new information center, andlandscaping, to achieve a cohesive design.

    Re-develop the existing parking area as apedestrian drop-off and handicap parkingonly zone.

    Develop a pedestrian view plaza betweenthe view platform and restrooms. Develop a new parking lot and bus staging

    area below the existing parking lot.

    Puu Hinahina Lookout Re-develop the lookout plaza and the

    pathway to the Niihau viewing platform to

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    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-7

    comply with ADA accessibilityrequirements.

    Construct a new ADA accessible restroom inthe lookout plaza between the parking lotand canyon viewing platform.

    Develop primary trailhead facilities for the

    Canyon-Ditch Trail system.

    Kalalau Lookout Realign Kkee Road to create a stop-

    controlled T-intersection at the entrance tothe Kalalau Lookout parking lot with right-hand turn towards Puu o Kila.

    Improve pathway system to comply withADA accessibility requirements.

    Expand and resurface the parking lot. Usepermeable paving materials or grass pavers.

    Upgrade the walkways between the parkingarea and lookout and provide additionalpicnic tables to comply with ADAaccessibility standards.

    Renovate the lookout platforms to take fulladvantage of the sweeping views along thecliff face.

    Provide interpretive signage.

    Puu o Kila Lookout Renovate viewing platform to provide direct

    access to Pihea Trail along valley rim

    alignment. Revegetate erosion scars along canyon rim

    with native plants.

    Reconstruct, restripe, and correct drainageproblem at parking lot.

    Provide composting toilets in parking lotarea.

    Improve walkway from parking lot to

    viewing platform and Pihea Trailhead.

    Lower Elevation TurnoutsThe Waimea Canyon State Parks lower

    boundary would be extended to include new

    lower elevation viewpoints. Typical amenitieswould include: safe turnout from the roadway,ADA accessible pathways, interpretive signageand other improvements to preserve the naturallandscapes and vistas along the roadwaysleading to and through the parks. Restroomswould also be considered where appropriate.

    RECREATIONRESIDENCES Recreation residences located within Kkee

    and Waimea Canyon State Parks are to

    remain in recreational use under leases

    issued by the Board of Land and NaturalResources (BLNR) pursuant to HRS, Section171-43 and Section 171-44, and Act 223.

    Leaseholders will be responsible for thedevelopment and maintenance of recreationresidence buildings and infrastructure, inaccordance with lease terms and conditionsprescribed by the BLNR.

    UTILITIESElectrical System Replace electrical system distribution lines.

    Wastewater System Expand the Kanaloahuluhulu leach field to

    handle periods of high rainfall. Replace all large capacity cesspools (20 or

    more users) with wastewater collection andtreatment system.

    Connect all recreation residences within the

    wellhead protection zone to a wastewatercollection and treatment system.

    Establish user fees to pay for operations and

    maintenance costs.

    Water System Replace existing water transmission and

    distribution system. Extend watertransmission lines to Puu Hinahina and

    Waimea Canyon Lookouts. Continue exploration for potable water

    source development.

    Develop a replacement and backup source ofpotable water, aprticularly at KalalauLookout. Construct a second water tank at

    the main storage area. Install water meters for all major users. Develop non-potable water supply,

    including dip tanks, for fighting wildlandfires in areas away from KanaloahuluhuluMeadow.

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    Chapter 1 Executive Summary_____________________________________________________________________________


    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-7

    Communication System Install solar powered emergency call boxes in

    locations where historical records ofaccidents and rescue calls indicate there is aneed.

    1.4 RECOMMENDATIONS/BESTMANAGEMENT APPROACHManagement recommendations represent arange of alternatives to address opportunities

    and constraints identified in the backgroundresearch and through input from task forcemembers and the public.

    PARKMANAGEMENT/OPERATIONS Create a Kkee Regional Authority under

    DLNR that incorporates the functions of allof the divisions which operate in Kkee and

    Waimea Canyon State Parks and the

    surrounding forests and natural areas. Create a single DLNR interface in which the

    public can obtain permits for camping,hunting, fishing, gathering, and commercialuses.

    Review park services, including utility,maintenance, and visitor services, to

    determine which services can be privatized.

    Obtain positions and funding for thirty newpersonnel required to carry out the Master

    Plan Recommendations. Coordinate park planning, management,

    and operations with the Kkee State Parks

    Advisory Council, in accordance withChapter 171-8.5 HRS.

    NATURALRESOURCES PROTECTION Develop a monitoring program to record

    changes to park conditions over time. Develop and implement recovery plans for

    threatened and endangered species. Develop and implement restoration plans

    for natural plant communities. Provide housing and other incentives to

    support natural resource research and

    volunteer work within the parks. Construct nurseries and develop native

    plant outplanting program.

    Develop a list of indicators to be used to

    measure conditions of natural resources,facilities, infrastructure, and rates of use.

    Work with conservation organizations,agencies, and volunteers to conduct naturalresource management activities, such asweed and ungulate control, fencing, and

    endangered species preservation.

    EDUCATIONAL/ INTERPRETIVEPROGRAMS Develop a coordinated information program

    among the DLNR divisions to ensure that

    visitor information and materials areconsistent.

    Develop a park-wide Archaeological and

    Historic Resources Management Plan to setpriorities, establish standards forinterpretive materials, and ensure

    consistency of information. Use the CCC Camp facilities to conduct

    educational programs on cultural activitiesin Kkee, including traditional Hawaiian

    practices as well as cultural practices ofKauais other ethnic groups.

    Develop and implement an educational

    program to promote knowledge of theparks natural and historic resources, andthe important role the parklands continue to

    play in the life of the island and state..

    PUBLIC SERVICE Continue to provide State support for

    annual cultural events, such as the EmalaniFestival and Banana Poka Roundup.

    Establish a uniformed ranger / docentpresence in Kkee and Waimea Canyon

    State Parks to reinforce the parks identityand to deter illegal activities.

    1.5 COSTS AND REVENUE COSTSCapital Improvement CostsEstimated capital costs for master planimprovements total $28.3 million over the 20-year plan period. This amount does not includecosts to upgrade the recreation residences

    buildings, but does include a fair share cost ofroad, water, sewer, and drainage improvementsto support the recreation residences.

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    Chapter 1 Executive Summary_____________________________________________________________________________


    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-7

    Recreation Residence Improvement CostsThe estimated cost of improvements torecreation residences is $4,325,000. This amountdoes not include infrastructure costs. It isassumed that capital improvement costs for

    recreation residence structures will be borne byindividual leaseholders and will not be a Stateexpense.

    Personnel CostsThe DSP will require thirty new positions to be

    approved and filled in order to implementproposed Master Plan programs. Newpersonnel costs are listed in Table 1-1. In thefirst master plan phase, labor costs represent a230 percent increase over the current labor cost

    of approximately $150,000.

    Table 1-1Proposed Personnel Costs.Phase New Staff Cost

    I 2007-2010 10 $404,100

    II 2011-2015 10 $346,400

    III 2016-2020 5 $182,800

    IV 2021-2025 5 $175,200

    Total 30 $1,108,500

    Operational and Material CostsPersonnel costs are used as the basis forestimating future operational and material costs.Based on the current DSP budget, non-laboroperational and material costs comprise

    approximately 50 percent of the total parkbudget. Based on this rate, operating expensesfor the first four years of the master plan areprojected in Table 1-2.

    Table 1-2Estimated Operating Budget Master Plan Phase I (2007-2010)Expense 2007 2008 2009 2010

    Previous years budget $300,000 $390,000 $490,000 $750,200Labor Increase $45,000 $50,000 $130,100 $129,000Non-Labor O and M Increase $45,000 $50,000 $130,100 $129,000

    Total O and M Budget $390,000 $490,000 $750,200 $1,008,200% Increase over previous year 30% 26% 53% 34%

    Source: DSP 2004

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    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-7

    REVENUEA summary of projected annual revenues to theState from proposed master plan programs andprojects is summarized in Table 1-3:

    Table 1-3Projected Annual Park RevenueRevenue Source Amount

    Entry Fee $725,000

    Recreation Residence Lease $478,000Concession $226,101Maintenance and Service Fees $85,870Miscellaneous Permits $5,000

    Total $1,519,971

    Note: Projected revenue is net present value.

    Entry FeeIn 2003, an estimated 430,700 people visitedWaimea Canyon State Park, according to theHawaii State Parks Survey (HTA 2004).

    Establishing an entry fee for this populationoffers the single, most straight forward source ofrevenue for the parks. An entry fee may beassessed on a per person or per vehicle basis. Aper vehicle fee may encourage visitors to carpool, thus reducing the number of vehicleswithin the parks and correspondingly reduceroad andparking congestion and maintenance

    requirements. Anyone holding proof ofresidency (Hawaii drivers license, Hawaii ID,

    or other document) would be exempt frompaying any fees.

    The HTA State Parks Survey estimates that 95%of out-of-state visitors and 99% of residentstravel to the park by private vehicle. Bus and

    minivan transports account for the remainder.The average party size varies slightly for out-of-state visitors (2.5) vs. residents (2.9). Based on

    these numbers, total vehicle trips to the parks

    are estimated to be 172,563.

    Estimated net annual income to the State fromentry fees, if implemented, is approximately$725,000. The estimate is based on a per vehiclefee of $5, and 172,500 annual vehicle trips toWaimea Canyon Lookout less 15% for personneland operating expenses. Number of vehicle

    trips was derived from Hawaii Tourism

    Authority data (HTA 2004). Refer to Table 7-5for more information.

    The entry fee will be not be assessed to Hawaii


    Recreation Residence Lease RentsFor fiscal year 2004, annual revenues to the Statefrom recreational residence lease rents wereapproximately $205,000.

    A comparative analysis was conducted todemonstrate the feasibility or infeasibility andrelative merits of five management options forthe recreation residences, including privatemanagement under a master lease. Results of

    the analysis include the following:

    Under State management, the projected netpresent value (NPV) of revenues to the Stateover a 20-year period is $6.4 million. AnnualizedNPV revenue to the State is estimated to be$515,000.

    Under a master lease, projected NPV revenuesover the same 20-year period are approximately$6.0 million to the State and $470,000 to the

    master lessee. Annualized NPV revenue is

    estimated to be $478,000 to the State and $44,350to the master lessee. In addition, the master

    lease option meets a broad range of publicbenefit objectives, including (1) increasing thenumber of Hawaii residents using the cabins;

    (2) increasing economic benefits (jobs andpayroll, net government revenues, and profits toHawaii businesses) (3) improving the quality of

    the resources and facilities; and (4) assigning anequitable sharing of costs for operation andmanagement of the infrastructure and supportservices.

    Concession FeesConcessions are leased by the State to a single

    private operator under negotiated termsguaranteeing the State a minimum annualincome. The current lease with The Kkee

    Lodge, LLC, provides to the State a minimumguaranteed annual rent of $226,101. Actual

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    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-7

    income to the State may be higher based on amonthly percentage of gross concession receipts.

    Maintenance and Service FeesMaintenance and service fees should be charged

    to park tenants, concessionaires, and lessees torecapture the true costs to operate and maintainwater, sewer, electrical and road systems.Currently, these fees amount to less than $5,000annually. Based on current expenses, potentialannual revenue from service and maintenance

    fees are estimated at $85,870. This represents acost recovery and not a net gain to the State.

    Miscellaneous Permits Management of park use permits, including

    camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, and

    commercial uses should be consolidatedwithin a single organizational entity. Permitrates should be adjusted to capturereasonable costs of maintaining theimpacted resource. No permit fees will beassessed for activities related to culturalpractices.

    In practice, fees from hunting, hiking,fishing, and gathering permits do notcomprise a significant source of revenue for

    the parks. They do serve a more important

    function in regulating and monitoring use ofpark resources. Estimated annual revenue

    from permit fees is approximately $5,000.

    1.6 IMPLEMENTATIONSTRATEGIES RECREATIONRESIDENCESRecreation residence lots located within Kkee

    and Waimea Canyon State Parks are to remainin recreational use.

    The DSP is currently pursuing the followingactions as directed by the BLNR:

    Enter into direct negotiations at a nominalrent for the lease of recreation residences tononprofit organizations holding current

    leases or permits, in accordance with HRS,Section 171-43 or Section 171-43.1.

    Enter into direct negotiations for one-time

    only lease of recreation residences and lotsat market-based rents to existing lessees orpermittees of recreation use leases withinthe parks, pursuant to Act 223, and HRS,Section 171-44.

    Issue the remaining recreation residenceleases by public auction with priority givenfirst to residents of the island of Kauai,second to residents of the state of Hawaii,

    and lastly to other interested partiesregardless of residency.

    Retain two (2) cabins for State use. Other terms and conditions as may be

    prescribed by the Chairperson.

    All disposition processes are subject toreview and approval of the Department ofthe Attorney General.

    PHASING PLANThe phasing plan is used to establish prioritiesfor proposed master plan capital improvementprojects and park management programs. Thefollowing criteria will be used to prioritizeprojects:

    State Parks Mission projects and programsthat are essential to fulfilling the State Parksmission to manage Hawaiis outdoor

    resources for preservation, recreation, andeducation, e.g., maintenance of the areas

    unique native ecosystems, vistas, trails, andhistoric-cultural landscape to ensure thatpublic use does not compromise the

    integrity of the parks natural resources andintrinsic qualities.

    Natural Resource Protection andManagement projects and programs thatfocus on protection of native flora, fauna,and their habitats in the parks andsurrounding natural areas, removal of

    invasive flora and fauna species, protectionof significant historic and cultural sites andactivities within the parks.

    Safety and Protection projects andprograms required to ensure the continuedsafety of park visitors, recreation residents,

    and staff, and that are necessary to protectpark resources from imminent harm, e.g.

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    fire breaks, emergency communication.

    Revenue Generation projects andprograms which will immediately generaterevenue to support park operations andimprovements, e.g. park entry station.

    Primary Visitor Attractions park facilitiesand programs which attract and receive thegreatest number of visitors, e.g., WaimeaCanyon Lookout, seasonal fishing and plum


    Table 1-4 presents a summary of estimateddevelopment costs by phase for master planimprovements. Development costs are broken

    down in Appendix A.

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    Kkee and Waimea Canyon State Parks Master Plan 1-7

    Table 1-4Summary of Master Plan Costs and Phasing(2004 Dollars)PHASING RECPROGRAM 2007-2010 2011-2015 2016-2020 2021-2025 RES TOTALCIRCULATION

    Entry Station $357,500 $0 $0 $0 $357,500

    Arterial Roads $3,630,688 $625,000 $1,250,000 $625,000 $0 $6,130,688

    Collector Roads $299,300 $333,333 $333,333 $333,333 $0 $1,299,299

    Local Roads $183,840 $155,000 $150,000 $150,000 $630,000 $1,268,840

    Service Roads $25,000 $106,500 $25,000 $25,000 $0 $181,500

    Parking $416,000 $2,173,610 $507,000 $1,372,700 $0 $4,469,310

    Trails $444,700 $301,808 $613,853 $560,973 $0 $1,921,334Subtotal Circulation $5,357,028 $3,695,251 $2,879,186 $3,067,006 $630,000 $15,628,471OPEN SPACE


    $45,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $50,000


    $0 $0 $0 $0 $165,000 $165,000

    KanaloahuluhuluMeadow /Park

    HQ$71,800 $2,370,500 $1,725,300 $325,000 $0 $4,492,600

    Lookouts $44,000 $2,191,000 $1,644,000 $1,183,500 $0 $5,062,500Picnic Facilities $0 $0 $367,000 $663,500 $0 $1,030,500

    Utilities $589,900 $400,000 $450,000 $350,000 $110,000 $1,899,900

    Subtotal Land Use $705,700 $4,961,500 $4,186,300 $2,522,000 $275,000 $12,650,500TOTAL $6,107,728 $8,661,751 $7,065,486 $5,589,007 $905,000 $28,328,971

    Note: Expanded cost estimate table is presented in Appendix A.