station c: the teachings of buddhism questions 1-7

Station C: The Teachings of Buddhism Questions 1-7

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Post on 29-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Station C: The Teachings of Buddhism Questions 1-7

Station C: The Teachings of

BuddhismQuestions 1-7

Page 2: Station C: The Teachings of Buddhism Questions 1-7

1. What are the Four Noble Truths?

1. Suffering and unhappiness are a part of human life. No one can escape sorrow.

2. Suffering comes from our desires for pleasure and material goods. People cause their own misery because they want things they cannot have.

3. People can overcome desire and ignorance and reach nirvana, a state of perfect peace.

4. People can overcome ignorance and desire by following an eightfold path that leads to wisdom, enlightenment, and salvation.

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2. What is the Eightfold Path?

The Eightfold Path is a guide to a good life. Those who follow the path are freed from suffering and find happiness.

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3. What is the Middle Way? How is the Middle Way different from the Eightfold Path?

The Middle Way was the way between human desires and denying oneself any pleasure. The Eightfold Path frees anyone who follows it from suffering and they find happiness.

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4. What happens when people reach nirvana?

When people reach nirvana, on the Eightfold Path, they are not born again. For them, all suffering is ended.

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5. How did the Buddha’s teachings agree with Hinduism?

Like the Hindus, the Buddha believed that people are reborn again and again (reincarnation).

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6. How did the Buddha’s teachings disagree with Hinduism?

Unlike Hinduism, the Buddha did not believe that Hindu priests or their rituals were necessary for enlightenment.

Also, he was opposed to the caste system. He didn’t think that people should be confined to a particular place in society.

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7. Why did many herdsmen, farmers, artisans and untouchables accept Buddhism?

The herdsman, farmers, artisans, and untouchables accept Buddhism because Buddha’s opposition the caste system made them hear that their low social rank would not be a barrier to enlightenment.