statistical charts and graphs part 1

Plotting of Statistical Charts and Graphs using SPSS 20 (  DR SEE KIN HAI  ) In this topi c you wi ll learn how to pl ot charts and gr aph s us ing your sa ved fi le s fr om L6 or  GRADES.SAV (from L14) The charts and graphs are: 1. Bar charts (simple, clus tered, stacked), 2. Line graph ( simple, multi ple, drop-line), 3. Pie chart (simple, exploded) 4. Box plot (simple, exploded) 5. Scatter diagram (simpl e scatter, overlay scatter , matrix scatter, 3-D scat ter, simple dot) 6. Histogram. BAR CHARTS Simple 1. Ope n yo ur d ata fil e sa ved fro m L6. 2. Sel ect [Gr aphs] from the menu bar, cli ck on [Legac y Dial ogs ] then [Bar ] to open the [Bar Charts] dialogue box. 3. Select [Simple] then [S ummar ies for groups of cases ] then [Def ine] to open th e dialogue box 4. Selec t the variab le [J antin a/ Gend er] and cl ick on [ ] to bring to the [Category Axis] 1

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Page 1: Statistical Charts and Graphs Part 1

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Plotting of Statistical Charts and Graphs using SPSS 20 ( DR SEE KIN HAI  )

In this topic you will learn how to plot charts and graphs using your saved files from L6 or 

GRADES.SAV (from L14)

The charts and graphs are:

1. Bar charts (simple, clustered, stacked),2. Line graph (simple, multiple, drop-line),

3. Pie chart (simple, exploded)4. Box plot (simple, exploded)

5. Scatter diagram (simple scatter, overlay scatter, matrix scatter, 3-D scatter, simple dot)

6. Histogram.



1. Open your data file saved from L6.2. Select [Graphs] from the menu bar, click on [Legacy Dialogs] then [Bar] to open the [Bar 

Charts] dialogue box.

3. Select [Simple] then [Summaries for groups of cases] then [Define] to open the dialogue box

4. Select the variable [Jantina/ Gender] and click on [→ ] to bring to the [Category Axis]


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5. Click [Options], to open the sub-dialogue box. Select [Display groups defined by missingvalues], then [Continue] then [OK].


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Output: Out of the 10 students, 5 are male 4 are female and 1 unknown.

A bar chart to plot S1 (Question 1) for SD, D, A, SA by moving [S1] into [Category axis] as above

will give the following.

Output: Out of 10 students answering Q1 , there are 2 SD, 3D, 3A and 2SA




(S1)(SD) (SA)(D)

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Simple Bar chart with [Summaries of separate variables]

1. Select [Graphs] then [Legacy Dialogs] then [Bar..] to open the [Bar charts] dialogue box.

2. Select [Simple] then [Summaries of separate variables] then click on [Define] to open the

[Define simple bar…] dialogue box.

3. Select [S1] to [S14] and click [→ ] and move to [Bars represent] box then [OK]


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The bar chart shows the mean scores for the 14 items scored by the 10 students. By changing the

[Change statistic…] , you can plot the standard deviation for the 14 items.

Clustered Bar Charts

1. Select [Graphs] then click on [Legacy Dialogs] then [Bar …] to open the dialogue box.

2. Select [Clustered] then [Summaries for groups of cases] then [Define] to open the dialogue box.

3. Select item [S1] then [→

] move to [Category Axis] box and [Jantina/Gender 

] and [→

] into[Define Clusters by] box.


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4. Click on [Options] to open the sub-dialogue box then select [Display groups defined by missingvalues], then [Continue] then [OK].

Output: For item S1, SD – 1male and 1 female; D – 2 male students

A – 2 male and 1 female; SA – 2 female students


Item S1

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Stacked bar charts

1. Select [Graphs] then [Legacy Dialogs] then [Bar..] to open the [Bar charts] dialogue box

2. Select [Stacked] then [Summaries for groups of cases] then click on [Define] to open the

[Defined Stacked Bar:..] dialogue box.

3. Select item [S1] and [→ ] move to [Category Axis] box. Select [Jantina/ Gender ] and [→ ]

move to [Define Stacks by] box4. Click on [Options..] to open the [Options] sub-dialogue box, click on [Display groups defined

 by missing values], then [Continue] then [OK].

Output: The stacked bar chart shows for Item S1, SD – 1 male and 1 female; D - 2 male; A – 2male , 1 female; SA – 2 female; missing - 1

The saved file:


Item S1