statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesstatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties...

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties knowing 2 atoms and wishing to know 10 23 of them – part II Marcus Elstner and Tom´ s Kubaˇ r November 16, 2012

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Page 1: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular propertiesknowing 2 atoms and wishing to know 1023 of them – part II

Marcus Elstner and Tomas Kubar

November 16, 2012

Page 2: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties


Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems

statistical mechanics: the way from the properties of particlesto the thermodynamic properties of ensemblesvia the partition function

how is the thermodynamic equilibrium is characterized?which quantities are of interest?how may these be derived from the partition function?

how is partition function connected to phase-space density?

how to derive the ensemble partition functionfrom the partition function of a single molecule?

MD simulation provides an alternative wayto thermodynamic quantities

it is difficult to obtain free energiesfrom normal simulations

Page 3: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Driving forces of thermal processes. Equilibrium

Equilibrium and spontaneous processes

classical thermodynamics →thermodynamic equilibrium and spontaneous processsays which quantites are maximized/minimized in equilibrium

and show a definite change during spontaneous processes

microcanonical ensemble:equilibrium reached if entropy S maximizedprocess spontaneously if entropy increases: ∆S > 0

canonical ensemble – more complex, as we needto consider system of interest together with surroundings(to identify equilibrium and spontaneity)

to calculate anything for the supersystem– impossible – alternative needed

Page 4: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Driving forces of thermal processes. Equilibrium

Passing to canonical ensemble

How to keep our molecular system and drop the surroundings?introduce a new thermodynamic function:

Helmholtz free energy F in canonical ensemble

Gibbs free energy/enthalpy G in NPT ensemble

F = U − TS G = H − TS = U + pV − TS

equilibrium – minimum of Helmholtz / Gibbs energyF / G decreases in course of spontaneous process

– holy grail of MD simulation – why?

Page 5: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Driving forces of thermal processes. Equilibrium

Free energy / enthalpy – fundamental property

F = F (T ,V ) – depends on experimentally controllablevariables T and V , unlike U = U(S ,V ) (no way to control S)NVT – typical situation in MD simulation

determines maximum amount of work: ∆F = Ff −Fi = Wmax

combined 1st+2nd law: dU ≤ TdS + δW ,and for the work: δW ≥Wmax = dU − TdS = dF– ∆F is the lower bound of work (most negative possible)– certain amount of ∆U gets always lost as increase of S

the ‘most favorable’ state of the system – minimum of ∆Frather than of ∆U – note the difference to typical QCh studies– equivalent to maximization of entropy of universe

the same applies to G in NPT ensemble

Page 6: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Thermodynamic functions from statistical mechanics

Using the partition function

we can get all thermodynamic functions from Q:

U = 〈E 〉 = kBT2 ∂ lnQ


S = kBT ·∂ lnQ

∂T+ kB · lnQ

F = −kBT · lnQ

P = kBT ·(∂ lnQ



(equation of state)

H = U + pV

G = F + pV = H − TS

Michal Otyepka (Palacky University Olomouc, Dept Physical Chemistry):

“Just grab the partition function at the tail, and then you have everything!”

Page 7: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Thermodynamic functions from statistical mechanics

Using the partition function of 1 molecule

partition function of a large system – simplifications possible:

system of n identical distinguishable particles (ideal xtal):

Q = qn

with partition function of 1 molecule – q

system of n identical and indistinguishable particles (gas):

Q =qn


necessary effort immensely reduced!– get the molecular partition function q (calc. 1 molecule, or 2)– obtain the ensemble partition function Q

and all thermodynamic quantities

Page 8: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Discrete and continuous systems

Discrete systems

system with discrete energy levels Ei – partition function:

Q =∑i

exp[−βEi ]

Boltzmann distro function: (prob. of system in state Ei )

pi =1

Qexp[−βEi ]

example – HO: Ei =(i + 1


)· ~ω

Page 9: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Discrete and continuous systems

Continuous systems

dynamics of molecules – at different tot. energies or temperatures,differently extended regions of conformational space are sampled

complex energy landscape Epot(x)blue and red – trajectories at different total energies

– different phase-space densities

Page 10: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Discrete and continuous systems

Continuous systems – canonical ensemble

every point in phase space – a certain value of energycomposed of Epot = Epot(~x) (force field), Ekin = Ekin(~p)

canonical distribution function– probability to find the system in state with E :

P(~r , ~p) = ρ(~r , ~p) =1

Q· exp

[−E (~r , ~p)


]partition fction Q – integral over phase space rather than sum

Q =


[−E (~r , ~p)


]d~x d~p

Page 11: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Discrete and continuous systems

Continuous systems – canonical ensemble

ρ(~r , ~p) – gives the probability of finding the system at (~r , ~p)typically: system is sampling only a part of phase space (P 6= 0):

sampling in MD undamped and damped classical HO

Page 12: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Discrete and continuous systems

Continuous systems – canonical ensemble

fundamental aim of MD – produce correct phase-space densityergodic simulation – thermodynamic potentials U, H etc.

are obtained as time averages∫A · ρ(~r , ~p) d~r d~p∫ρ(~r , ~p) d~r d~p


t1 − t0

∫ t1


A(t) dt

– valid only if the simulation has sampled the canonical ensemble→ phase-space density is correct

Thus, we have the following to do:

perform MD simulation (with correct thermostat!)→ trajectory in phase space(simulation has ‘taken care’ of the phase-space density)

ergodic theorem: get time averages of thermodyn. properties

Page 13: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Discrete and continuous systems

2 ways to thermodynamic properties

simple molecules with 1 or few minima of energy– calculate the partition function (trans+vib+rot)

(probably employ approximations IG+HO+RR)– derive properties from Q

flexible molecules, complex molecular systems– a single minimum of energy not meaningful– do MD simulation instead, to sample phase space– evaluate time averages of thermodynamic quantities

Page 14: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Molecular partition function

Simple molecules

. . . with 1 or few well characterized minimafor a certain minimum – consider contributions to energy:

E = E el + E trans + E rot + E vib

partition function follows as

Q = exp[−β(E el + E trans + E rot + E vib


= exp[−βE el] · exp[−βE trans] · exp[−βE rot] · exp[−βE vib] =

= Qel · Qtrans · Qrot · Qvib


lnQ = lnQel + lnQtrans + lnQrot + lnQvib

Page 15: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Molecular partition function

Electronic partition function

usually: quite high excitation energy→ electronic ground state only populated:

E el(0) = 0 arbitrarily

electronic partition function:

Qel = exp[−βE el(0)] + exp[−βE el(1)] + . . . ≈ 1 + 0 + . . . = 1

so this may be neglected ,

Page 16: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Molecular partition function

Translational partition function

calculated for quantum-mechanical particle (mass m) in a 3D box:energy levels:

Enx ,ny ,nz =h2









quantum numbers ni = 1, 2, . . .partition function:

Qtrans =



) 32

· V

Page 17: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Molecular partition function

Rotational partition function

calculated for a rigid rotor (moments of inertia Ix):energy levels:

EJ = B · J(J + 1)

quantum number J = 0, 1, 2, . . ., degeneracy of levels 2J + 1

rotational constant B = h2

8π2I(I – moment of inertia)

Qrot =∞∑J=0

(2J + 1) exp

[−J(J + 1) · B


]for asymmetric top with rotational constants Bx , By , Bz :

Qrot =

√π (kBT )3


Page 18: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Molecular partition function

Vibrational partition function

calculated with harmonic vibrational frequencies ωk of the molecule(computation of hessian in the minimum of potential energy)– each vibrational mode k is one HO

energy levels:Emk =

(m +



)· ~ωk

where E 0k = 1

2~ωk is zero point vibrational energy

partition function (using∑∞

n=0 xn = 1

1−x ):

Qvibk =



[−β(m +







]1− exp [−β~ωk ]

each molecule: N − 6 vibrational modes = N − 6 HOsexample – H2O: 3 modes (2 stretches, 1 bend)

Page 19: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Thermodynamic properties from partition function

Thermodynamic properties – vibrational contribution

lnQk = −1

2β~ωk − ln [1− exp[−β~ωk ]]

Uk = −∂ lnQk

∂β= ~ωk




exp[β~ωk ]− 1

)consider this for all of N − 6 vibrational DOFs, dropping ZPVE:

Uvib =N−6∑k=1


exp[β~ωk ]− 1


F vib = −kBT lnQvib =N−6∑k=1

kBT ln [1− exp[−β~ωk ]]



Uvib − F vib




exp[β~ωk ]− 1− ln [1− exp[−β~ωk ]]


Page 20: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Thermodynamic properties from partition function

Thermodynamic properties

for enthalpy – pV is needed – simple for IG:

pV = NkBT

then, enthalpy and Gibbs free energy follow:

H = U + pV = U + NkBT

G = F + pV = F + NkBT

thermal contributions – calculated by default with many QCh andMD programs whenever vibrational analysis is requested

reason – vibrational frequencies are computationally costlywhile the thermodynamics is done ‘for free’

Page 21: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Aiming at free energies

Complex molecules and molecular complexes

we have to obtain the phase-space density with MD simulation

ρ(~r , ~p) =exp[−βE (~r , ~p)]

Q~r = {r1, . . . , r3N}, ~p = {p1, . . . , p3N}

which is the probability of system occuring at point (~r , ~p)

How long an MD simulation can we perform?1 ps → 1,000 points in trajectory10 ns → 10M points – we cannot afford much more

example – we have 1,000 pointsthen, we have hardly sampled (~r , ~p) for which ρ(~r , ~p) ≤ 1

1000→ points with high energy will be never reached!

(while low-energy region may be sampled well)

Page 22: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Aiming at free energies

Missing high-energy points in sampling

High-energy points B and C may be sampled badly

– a typical problem in MD simulations of limited length– the corresponding large energies are missing in averaging– when does this matter?

– no serious error for the internal energy – exponential dependenceof phase-space density kills the contribution

ρ(~r , ~p) =exp[−βE (~r , ~p)]


Page 23: Statistical thermodynamics { molecular propertiesStatistical thermodynamics { molecular properties Introduction Thermodynamic properties of molecular systems statistical mechanics:

Statistical thermodynamics – molecular properties

Aiming at free energies

Missing high-energy points in sampling

– much worse for free energies:

F = −kBT lnQ = kBT ln1


= kBT lnc−1 ·

sexp[βE (~r , ~p)] · exp[−βE (~r , ~p)] d~r d~p


= kBT lnx

exp[βE (~r , ~p)] · ρ(~r , ~p) d~r d~p − ln c

= kBT · ln⟨




]⟩− ln c

serious issue – the large energy values enter an exponential,and so the high-energy regions may contribute significantly!→ if these are undersampled, then free energies are wrong

– calculation of free energies impossible, special methods needed!