staying positive in tough working environment

Ho w t o S t a y POSI + IVE in a TOUGH Work Environment

Upload: ghaznfarh

Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

Ho w t o S t a yPOSI+IVE

in aTOUGHW o r k E n v ir o n me n t

Page 2: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

T h e E n v ir o n m e n t




World View




Beware the Bullets!

Negative Work Environment

Past Experiences

Other People’s



Page 3: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

- Dog eat dog . . . everyone fighting to get ahead

- No one appreciates your contributions

- Too much work . . . not enough help

- Deadlines are unrealistic

- Longer hours . . . additional work

- Budget Constraints

- Competition is eating us alive

- Poor management / direction

- Job insecurity

Negative Work Environment

Page 4: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

Other People’s Behavior

B ulldozers


E x p lo d er s




C o n t r o l le r s

B a c k s t ab b e r s

Walking Wounded


G o s s ip s

B r o w n N o s e r s

S lu f f er s

W h in e r s

Page 5: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

CHANGE . . . ◆ Challenges our

paradigms◆ Alters the way we think◆ Makes life more difficult

for a while◆ Causes Stress◆ Is an ongoing fact of life

Changing Environment

“The only person who alwayslikes change is a wet baby”

Page 6: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

Past Experiences






Ouch! Ouch!

Page 7: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

Media Frenzy

Negative World View

A recent Statistic:

Crime down 20% in America reporting up 600%,

Look at what you are looking at !!!

Page 8: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

◆ GENETIC: My Grandparents did it to me. (Inherited traits)

◆ PSYCHIC: My Parents did it to me. (Upbringing)

◆ ENVIRONMENTAL: My Spouse, my Boss, the Company, the Economy, etc.. is doing this to me. (Surroundings)

Determinism Theory

Page 9: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

“Are some people just born positive thinkers . . . or is it their CHOICE?”

L i f e ’ s L i t t le Q u e s t io n

Page 10: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

C h o o s e t h e R ig h t L u g g a g e

D o d g e

B u l le t s B e B u l le t p r o

o f

Page 11: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

Y o u ’r e g o in g t o g e t h it !

T h e P r o b le m W it h D o d g in g B u l le t s

Page 12: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

C h o ic e #2 Wear Bulletproof Armor

Page 13: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

Bulletproof ArmorComes from


Page 14: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

Putting on the Armor


3 Things!

Page 15: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

H o w t o C h a n g e Yo u r A t t i t u d e



Changes happen personally from the


Page 16: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

I a m r e s p o n s ib le . . .

. . . f o r w h o I a m . . . f o r w h a t I h a v e . . . f o r w h a t I d o


S o . . . A c c e p t R e s p o n s ib i l i t y

Page 17: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

Negative world view



S t e p #2 T a k e C o n t r o l

Page 18: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

H o w t o C h a n g e Yo u r T h in k in g



Changes come from observing

logically in every situation

Page 19: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

O b s e r v e Yo u r T h in k in g


I t s u c k s t o

b e h im .

I re f u

s e to


t his

ho o k

me !

T h is i s a l l v e r y in t e r e s t ing

W h a t c a n I

d o t o d e f u s e

t h is ?T o m o r r o w i t w i l l lo o k v e r y d i f f e r e n t .

I ’d l i

k e t o

b e a t t h e …

Page 20: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

This is going to be a wonderful day!

This is going to be a crappy day!

M a n a g e Yo u r S e l f -T a lk

If you think you Can, or you think you Can’t…YOU’RE RIGHT! Henry Ford


Page 21: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

H o w t o C h a n g e Yo u r B e h a v io r



Changes take true assessment, determination & discipline

Page 22: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

C h o o s e Yo u r B e h a v io r




M y R e s p o

n s e

M y C h o i




Page 23: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

S t e p s T o w a r d C h a n g in g B e h a v io r

1. Unconscious Incompetence

2. Conscience Incompetence

3. Conscience Competence

4. Unconscious Competence


The New YOU!The New YOU!

Page 24: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

A d d P O S I+IV E

B e h a v io r


• Sprinkle some “positive” on the negatives

• Focus on the good of each day• Stay out of the “feeding frenzies”• Say “please” and “thank you”• Practice EMPATHY• Evaluate YOUR behavior • Never miss an opportunity to complement

• Spread a SMILE around

Replace the BAD HABITS!


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M o r e P O S I+IV E C o n t r ib u t io n s

1. Is it true? 2. Is it harmful? 3. Is it necessary?

• Keep promises• Have a forgiving view of people• Keep an open mind with changes• Count to 1000 if necessary• See criticism as opportunity to improve• Cultivate your sense of humor

• Before you say anything to anyone, ask yourself three things

Page 26: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

Watch your definitions - they become thoughtsthey become thoughts Watch your thoughts - they become wordsthey become words Watch your words - they become actionsthey become actions Watch your actions - they become your destinythey become your destiny

Remember to . . .

Page 27: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

T h e C h o ic e is YO U R S

W it h a B a d a t t i t u d e

y o u c a n n e v e r h a v e a p o s i t iv e d a yW it h a P o s i t iv e a t t i t u d e

y o u c a n n e v e r h a v e a b a d d a y

Page 28: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment

C h o o s e P O S I+IV E

L iv in g

Page 29: Staying Positive In Tough Working Environment


A posit ive 2012 Ahead

E N J O Y !!!!! ! ! ! ! !