stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

D i İ l l G l Müdü lüğü STCW 78 SÖZLEŞMESİ 2010 Deni z ve İ çsul ar zenl eme Genel Müdür ğü STCW 78 SÖZLEŞMESİ 2010 MANILA DE ĞİŞİKLİKLERİ Hazırlayan: Şakir DEMİREL Gemi Sürvey Uzmanı Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi Başkanlığı Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi Başkanlığı [email protected] Mayıs 2012-İstanbul Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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Page 1: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

D i İ l Dü l G l Müdü lüğü


Deniz ve İçsular Düzenleme Genel Müdürlüğü


Hazırlayan: Şakir DEMİREL Gemi Sürvey UzmanıEğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıEğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi Başkanlığı[email protected]

Mayıs 2012-İstanbul

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 2: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

• Gemiadamlarının Eğitim Belgelendirme ve Vardiya Standartları Hakkında Uluslararası Sözleşme, 1978 (STCW 78)

• 07/07/1978 tarihinde gemi adamlarının eğitim ve belgelendirilmesi07/07/1978 tarihinde gemi adamlarının eğitim ve belgelendirilmesi hakkındaki uluslar arası konferansta kabul edildi

• 28/04/1984 tarihinde yürürlüğe girdi• STCW 78 Sözleşmesi yürürlüğe girdiği tarihten günümüze kadar 1991,

1994, 1997, 1998, 2004, 2006 ve 2010 tarihlerinde yeni değişiklikler yapılmıştır.y p ş

• Ülkemiz STCW 78 Sözleşmesine 20/04/1989 tarihli ve 3539 sayılı Kanun ile taraf olmuştur.

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 3: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

G i d l Eğiti B l l di V di St d tl• Gemiadamlarının Eğitim Belgelendirme ve Vardiya Standartları Hakkında Uluslararası Sözleşmenin (STCW) yeniden düzenlenmesi ve STCW 2010 Manila Diplomatik Konferansı

• Gelişen teknolojinin ışığında yeterlik standartlarının güncellenmesi• Yeni eğitim ve belgelendirme ihtiyaçları ve metodolojisini sunmak• Çalışma ve istirahat saatlerinin,• Uyuşturucu ve alkol kullanımının,• Gemi adamlarının sağlık standartları ile ilgili kurallarının geliştirilmesiGemi adamlarının sağlık standartları ile ilgili kurallarının geliştirilmesi

amacıyla revize edilmiştir.

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 4: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

STCW 78 Bölü l i• STCW 78 Bölümleri;• Bölüm I Genel Koşullar• Bölüm II Kaptan ve Güverte Bölümüp• Bölüm III Makine Bölümü• Bölüm IV Telsiz Haberleşmesi ve Telsiz Operatörleri

Bölü V B li li G i Tü l i d Ç l P li Ö l Eğiti K ll l• Bölüm V Belirli Gemi Türlerinde Çalışan Personelin Özel Eğitim Koşullarıyla İlgili Standartlar

• Bölüm VI Acil Durum, İş Emniyeti, Güvenlik, Tıbbi Bakım ve Hayatta Kalma F k i lFonksiyonları

• Bölüm VII Alternatif Belgelendirme• Bölüm VIII Vardiya Tutma Esaslarıy

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 5: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

STCW 78 KISIMLARI• STCW 78 KISIMLARI;• Kısım-A • Gemiadamlarının; eğitim, sınav ve vardiya esasları hakkındaki zorunlu ; ğ , y

gereklerini kurallara bağlamakta ve gemiadamlarına verilecek sertifika örnekleri bu kısımda bulunmaktadır.

• Kısım-B• Sözleşmenin ve Kod A bölümünün nasıl uygulanacağını açıklamakta ve

eğitim konusunda bazı detaylara girerek öneriler getirmektedireğitim konusunda bazı detaylara girerek öneriler getirmektedir.

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 6: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012




• BÖLÜM I GENEL HÜKÜMLER• Kural I/1 Tanımlamalar ve açıklamalar

– Yeterlik belgesi (Certificate of competency CoC), Uzmanlık belgesi (Certificate of proficiency), . Belgesel kanıt (Documentary evidence), gibi yeni tanımlamalar eklenmiştir.g ( y ), g y ş

– Usta Güverte personeli usta makine tayfası elektro teknik zabiti elektro teknik tayfası gibi yeni tanımlamalar gelmiştir.

• Kural I/2 Belgeler ve uygunluk onayları

Sözleşmede sertifikaların ve belgesel kanıtların idare veya idare tarafından kuruluşlar tarafından düzenlenebileceği belirtilmekteydi. Manila değişiklikleri ile kaptan ve zabitlerin tüm yeterlik belgelerinin ve tanker işlemleri belgelerinin doğrulaması yapılmadan uygunluk onayı düzenlenemeyeceği ve kaptan ve zabitler için tanker belgelerinin sadece ilgili idare tarafından düzenlenebileceği belirtilmiştir.

– Yeterlik belgelerinin «kim» tarafından düzenlenebileceği – Uygunluk Onayı Belgesinin (Endorsement) «hangi koşullarda» düzenlenebileceği

netleştirilmiştir. – Kural I/9 da bulunan belgelerin sicilinin tutulması ve düzenlenmesi bu kurala taşınmıştır.

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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• BÖLÜM I GENEL HÜKÜMLER(Devamı)• Kural I/3 Yakın kıyısal seferlere hükmeden ilkelerSözleşmenin Yakın Kıyısal Seferler ile ilgili kuralının Tarafların belirlenen yakın kıyısal seferSözleşmenin Yakın Kıyısal Seferler ile ilgili kuralının Tarafların belirlenen yakın kıyısal sefer sınırlan içinde devamlı olarak seyir yaptıkları mazeretiyle seferlerini dünya çapındagenişletmeleri amaçlanmadığı vurgulanmıştır. Bu kısım b bölümünden A bölümüne alınmıştır.ş

– Hükümetler arasında protokoller zorunlu hale getirilmiştir.

– Yakın Kıyısal Sefere ilişkin prensipler B kodundan A koduna alınmıştır.

– Endorsement düzenlenirken yakın kıyısal sefer sınırlamalarının göz önüne alınması zorunluluğu gelmiştir.

• Kural I/4 Kontrol yöntemleri• Kural I/4 Kontrol yöntemleri– Liman devleti kontrollerinde güvenlikle (ISPS)ilgili hükümler eklenmiştir

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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• BÖLÜM I GENEL HÜKÜMLER (Devamı)• Kural I/5 Ulusal hükümler

– Güvenlikle (ISPS)ilgili hükümler eklenmiştirS ht tifik l ğ l dü l i i ö l k t dbi l i l l h l– Sahte sertifikaların çoğalmasını ve düzenlenmesini önleyecek tedbirlerin alınması zorunlu hale getirilmiştir.

• Kural I/6 Eğitim ve değerlendirmeUzaktan eğitim ile ilgili rehber B koduna eklenmiştir– Uzaktan eğitim ile ilgili rehber B koduna eklenmiştir.

• Kural I/7 Bilgilerin iletişimiBeyaz Liste belirlenmesinde yeni prosedürler belirlenmiştir.İlk d l1 İlk raporun gönderilmesi

2 Sonraki raporun gönderilmesi 3 raporların uzman yeterlikli kişilerce incelenerek MSC’ye rapor edilmesi

d kl k l4 MSC de gerekli kararın verilmesi – Sözde «Beyaz Listede» gerçekten Sözleşmenin hükümlerini yerine getiren ülkelerin olmasını

sağlamak için çeşitli tedbirler alınmıştır.

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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• BÖLÜM I GENEL HÜKÜMLER (Devamı)• BÖLÜM I GENEL HÜKÜMLER (Devamı)• Kural I/8 Kalite standartları

– Sözleşme tam olarak yürürlüğe girene kadar yapılacak tüm bağımsız değerlendirmelerin Sözleşmedeki bütün eklenen değişiklikleri kapsayacak şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi sağlanacaktırSözleşmedeki bütün eklenen değişiklikleri kapsayacak şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi sağlanacaktır

– Kalite Standartları Sisteminin Sağlık Belgelendirme işlemlerini de kapsam altına alması sağlanmıştır.

• Kural I/9 Sağlık standartlarıManila değişiklikleri öncesinde medikal sertifikanın düzenlenmesi ile ilgili düzenlemeleriManila değişiklikleri öncesinde medikal sertifikanın düzenlenmesi ile ilgili düzenlemeleri belirtmiyor asgari görme standartları da B kodunda yer almaktaydı. Daha önce ILO ve WHO standartları ile verilen medikal sertifikalar STCW Sözleşmesine derç edilmiş ve sertifikaların geçerlik süreleri 18 yaş altı için 1 yıl diğer gemiadamları için 2 yıl olarak belirlenmiştir

– Medikal Sertifikanın düzenlenmesiyle ilgili prosedürler belirlenmiştir.– Medikal Sertifikada olması gereken en az bilgiler belirlenmiştir.– Zorunlu asgari görme standartları ile Fiziksel ve tıbbi uygunluk kriterleri belirlenmiştir.

• Kural I/10 Belgelerin tanınması• Kural I/10 Belgelerin tanınması– Taraf bir ülkenin belgelerinin tanınabilmesi için ülkedeki denizcilik eğitiminin Sözleşmenin öngördüğü standartları

sağladığını yerinde değerlendirmesi şartı getirilmiştir.

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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• BÖLÜM I GENEL HÜKÜMLER (Devamı)• BÖLÜM I GENEL HÜKÜMLER (Devamı)• Kural I/11 Belgelere tekrar geçerlilik verilmesi

– Tankerlerde çalışan kaptan ve zabitlerin belgelerinin yenilenme şartları düzenlenmiştir.M l k l t liği i d ttiği i i tl k i i kli d i hi ti tl– Mesleksel yeterliğinin devam ettiğini ispatlamak için gerekli deniz hizmeti şartlarına ilaveler yapılmıştır.

Tanker sertifikalarının yenilenebilmesi için sertifika ile ilgili tipteki gemilerde ilgili görevlerde son 5 yılda en az 3 ay onaylı deniz hizmeti şartı veya belge ile ilgili kurs veya kursları tamamlaması y y y ş y g g ygerekmektedir.Yeterlik belgesinin yenilenmesi için gerekli olan 1 yıllık onaylı deniz hizmeti 12 ay olarak tanımlanmış bunun yanı sıra belgenin yenilenmesinden hemen önceki son 6 ay içinde toplamda 3 ay onaylı deniz hizmeti şartı eklenmiştir.B-I/11 kuralına 3 önemli açıklama getirilmiştir.

– 1 Sınav: Sözlü veya yazılı olabileceği– 2 Onaylı deniz hizmeti : sahip olunan yeterlikten bir alt seviyedeki uygun yeterlikte

yapılan deniz hizmetinin olabileceğiyapılan deniz hizmetinin olabileceği– 3 Herhangi bir sertifikanın bitiş tarihine 6 aydan daha az bir süre kalması halinde

yapılacak yenileme başvurularında sertifikanın mevcut geçerlik tarihinden itibaren 5 yıl süre ile yenilenebilir.

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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BÖLÜM I GENEL HÜKÜMLER (D )• BÖLÜM I GENEL HÜKÜMLER (Devamı)• Kural I/12 Simülatörlerin kullanılması

2002 l ndan önce k r lm ş simülatörler için tan nan m afi et hükmü kald r lm şt r– 2002 yılından önce kurulmuş simülatörler için tanınan muafiyet hükmü kaldırılmıştır.

– B koduna ECDIS eğitimi ile ilgili rehber eklenmiştir.

• Kural I/13 Denemelerin yapılmasıKural I/13 Denemelerin yapılması– Güvenlikle ilgili görevlere ilişkin hükümler eklenmiştir.

• Kural I/14 Şirketlerin sorumlulukları– Şirketler görevlendirilecek gemiadamının gerekli tazeleme ve güncelleme eğitimlerini

aldığından emin olma sorumluluğu getirmiştir.

G id ki ö lü il i i i ğl d i l l l ğ– Gemide etkin sözlü iletişimin sağlanmasından emin olma sorumluluğu

• Kural I/15 Geçiş hükümleri

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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• Kural I/15 Geçiş Hükümleri Zaman Çi elgesi• Kural I/15 Geçiş Hükümleri Zaman Çizelgesi

01-01-2012 01-07-2013 01-01-2014 01-01-2017

Güvenlik Eğitimi A-VI/6– deniz hizmeti Manila Değişiklikleri kapsamındaGüvenlik Eğitimleri

MANILA Değişiklikleri

STCW 1995 CertificatesSTCW 1995 doğrultusunda Eğiti /d i hi tl i

Eğitimler Manila Değişikliklerine uygun olmalıdır.

Eğitim/deniz hizmetleri

Eğitimler Manila Değişikliklerine uygun olabilir. uygun olmalıdır.

Manila değişiklikleri standartlarına uygun eğitimlerin belgelendirilmesine başlanması

uygu o ab

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 13: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

• BÖLÜM II KAPTAN VE GÜVERTE BÖLÜMÜ• BÖLÜM II KAPTAN VE GÜVERTE BÖLÜMÜ• Güverte zabitleri kaptanların yeterlik standartları• Kural II/1

500 t d h bü ük il d l i di d• 500 gros ton veya daha büyük gemilerde çalışan ve seyir vardiyasından sorumlu zabitlerin belgelendirilmesi için zorunlu asgari şartlar

• Kural II/2• 500 gros ton veya daha büyük gemilerde kaptanlar ve ikinci kaptanların• 500 gros ton veya daha büyük gemilerde kaptanlar ve ikinci kaptanların

belgelendirilmeleriyle ilgili asgari zorunlu şartlar• Kural II/3• 500 gros ton veya daha küçük gemilerde çalışan kaptan ve seyir vardiyasından500 gros ton veya daha küçük gemilerde çalışan kaptan ve seyir vardiyasından

sorumlu zabitlerin belgelendirilmeleri için zorunlu asgari şartlar• Kural II/4• Seyir vardiyasının belirli bir bölümünü oluşturan tayfaların belgelendirilmesiyle ilgili y y ş y g y g

zorunlu asgari şartlar• Kural II/5• Usta güverte tayfası olarak tayfaların belgelendirilmesiyle ilgili zorunlu asgari şartlar

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 14: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

İ Ğİ İ İ İ• 2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Bölüm II Kaptan ve Güverte Bölümü:• Tüm bölüm kurallar bazında gözden geçirilmiş daha önceden yıl olarak• Tüm bölüm kurallar bazında gözden geçirilmiş, daha önceden yıl olarak

ifade edilen deniz hizmet ve eğitimleri ay olarak güncellenmiştir.• Destek seviyesinde; usta gemici yeterliği için minimum belgelendirme

gerekleri Kural II/5’de tanımlanmıştır. • İşletim ve yönetim seviyesinde ECDIS, BRM ve Takım çalışması ve liderlik

eğitimi zorunlu hale gelmiştireğitimi zorunlu hale gelmiştir.• Gemi raporlama sistemleri ve VTS prosedürleri• Deniz çevresinin korunması ile ilgili tedbirler

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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RegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

II/1II/1 Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationII/1II/1 Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationof officers in charge of a navigational watch onships of 500 gross tonnage or more


New paragraphNew paragraph

Now refers to “certificate of competency”

Every candidate for certification shall meet theNew paragraph New paragraph 2.62.6

Every candidate for certification shall meet thestandard of competence specified in:section A-VI/1, paragraph 2section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 andsection A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3, p g p

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S tiS ti ProvisionProvisionSectionSection ProvisionProvision

AA--II/1II/1 Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationof officers in charge of a navigational watch onof officers in charge of a navigational watch onships of 500 gross tonnage or more

Table ATable A--II/1II/1 The term “navigational” now changed to “nautical”ii àà ii h t d bli tivisvis--àà--vivis charts and publications

Navigation at the Navigation at the operational leveloperational level

1- Use of information from navigation equipment tomaintain a safe navigational watchpp g2- Knowledge of blind pilotage techniques

3- Reporting in accordance with Ship Reportingp g p p gSystems and VTS procedures

4- Bridge resource management


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P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-II/1 Competence for officers in charge of anavigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnagenavigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnageor more

Navigation Navigation -- 6- Updated reference to IAMSAR Manualoperational leveloperational level 7- IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases

(SMCP) and, in addition, ability to communicatewith VTS8- Communicate by Morse light: amended – SOSand single letter signals

Cargo handling Cargo handling and stowage and stowage --

operational leveloperational levelNo changes

operational leveloperational level

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P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table ATable A--II/1II/1 Competence for officers in charge of ai ti l t h hi f 500 tnavigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more

Controlling the Controlling the ti fti f

Proactive measures to protect the marinei toperation of operation of

the ship and the ship and care for care for

persons onpersons on


Application of leadership and teamworking skillspersons on persons on

board board --operational operational

levellevelContribute to the safety of personnel and ship


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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

BB--II/1II/1 Guidance regarding the certification of officers incharge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 grosstonnage or more

Minor amendments as mentioned previously relatedMinor amendments as mentioned previously relatedto “nautical” publications and ECDIS

New paragraph 19 – Training in celestial navigation

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P i iP i iRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

II/2II/2 Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationf t d hi f t hi f 500of masters and chief mates on ships of 500 gross

tonnage or more

Master and chief mate on ships of 3,000 grossp , gtonnage or more; andMaster and chief mate on ships between 500 and3,000 gross tonnage3,000 g oss to age

Apart from reference to “certificate ofcompetency”, no change

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P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-II/2 Competence for masters and chief matesTable A-II/2 Competence for masters and chief mateson ships of 500 gross tonnage or more

NavigationNavigation -- 1 V l i t ki i t t VTSNavigation Navigation --management management


1- Voyage planning taking into account VTS

2- Reporting in accordance with Ship Reporting

Systems and VTS procedures

3- “navigational” now “nautical” visvis--àà--visvis charts

and publications

4- “Decca & Loran” replaced by “terrestrial

electronic position fixing systems”

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P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A II/2 Competence for masters and chief matesTable A-II/2 Competence for masters and chief mateson ships of 500 gross tonnage or more

Navigation Navigation --management levelmanagement level

5-Updated reference to IAMSAR

6-Use of information from Navigation Equipment6 Use of information from Navigation Equipment

(NE) to assist decision making

7-NE replaces the terms ARPA and Radar etc7 NE replaces the terms ARPA and Radar etc

8-Provisions for the use of ECDIS for decision


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ProvisionProvisionSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-II/2 Competence for masters and chief mateson ships of 500 gross tonnage or moreon ships of 500 gross tonnage or more

Cargo handling andCargo handling andCargo handling and Cargo handling and stowage stowage --

management levelmanagement levelIncludes reference to the new InternationalMaritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code

Controlling operationControlling operationControlling operation Controlling operation of ship and care for of ship and care for persons on board persons on board --management levelmanagement level

Use of leadership and management skillsgg

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

B-II/2 Guidance regarding the certification of mastersand chief mates on ships of 500 gross tonnage ormore

No changes

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P i iP i iRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

II/3 Mandatory minimum requirements forcertification of officers in charge of a navigationalcertification of officers in charge of a navigationalwatch and of masters on ships of less than 500gross tonnage

33 Officer in charge of a navigational watch on Nearcoastal voyages

44 Every candidate for certification (CoC) shall meetthe standard of competence specified in:section A-VI/1, paragraph 2;, p g p ;section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4;section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 ; andsection A VI/4 paragraphs 1 to 3section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3

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P i iP i iRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

II/3 Mandatory minimum requirements forcertification of officers in charge of a navigationalcertification of officers in charge of a navigationalwatch and of masters on ships of less than 500gross tonnage

55 Master on Near coastal voyages

66 Every candidate for certification (CoC) shall meetthe standard of competence specified in:section A-VI/1, paragraph 2;, p g p ;section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4;section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4 ; andsection A VI/4 paragraphs 1 to 3section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-II/3 Competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch andfor masters on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engagedon near-coastal voyages

Navigation at the Navigation at the operational leveloperational level


2-“navigational” now “nautical” visvis--àà--visvis charts and


3-Reporting in accordance with Ship Reporting

Systems and VTS procedures

4-Voyage planning and navigation for all conditionsy g p g g

5-Updated reference to IAMSAR Manual

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-II/3 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification ofTable A-II/3 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification ofofficers in charge of navigational watch and of masterson ships of less than 500 gross tonnage, engaged onnear-coastal voyagesnear coastal voyages

Controlling the Controlling the operation of the operation of the ship and care for ship and care for

persons on persons on

Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship

board board --operational leveloperational level

Page 29: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

SectionSection ProvisionProvision

B-II/3 Guidance regarding the certification of officers incharge of a navigational watch and of masters onships of less than 500 gross tonnagep g g

No changes

Page 30: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

P i iP i iRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

II/4 Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationf ti f i t f i ti l t hof ratings forming part of a navigational watch

44 Paragraph 4 is deleted – the obsolete reference toth 1995 d tthe 1995 amendments

Page 31: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

SectionSection ProvisionProvision

A-II/4 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings forming part of a navigational watch

No changes to Section A-II/4 including Table A-II/4

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

B-II/4 Guidance regarding the training and certification of ratings forming part of a navigational watch

No changes

Page 33: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

ProvisionProvisionRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision


Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationof ratings as able seafarer deckNew of ratings as able seafarer deck

11 Every able seafarer deck serving on a ship of 500gross tonnage or more shall be duly certificated


Every candidate for certification shall:be not less than 18 years of age


.3.3meet the requirements of regulation II/4whilst qualified under II/4 have approvedseagoing service in the deck department of:

. 2.3. 2

seagoing service in the deck department of:Not less than 18 months, orNot less than 12 months and have completedapproved training.4.4 approved training

meet the competence of section A-II/5

Page 34: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

ProvisionProvisionRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision


Mandatory minimum requirements for certification ofratings as able seafarer deckNew ratings as able seafarer deck

33 Each Party shall compare the standards for AbleSeaman certificates to those of section A-II/5 and


determine if personnel are required to update theirqualificationsUntilUntil 11 JanuaryJanuary 20122012, a Party may continue to issue

44yy , y y

Able Seaman certificates in accordance with ILOConvention No.74



UntilUntil 11 JanuaryJanuary 20172017, a Party may continue to renewand revalidate certificates and endorsements12 months seagoing service in a relevant capacity in66 12 months seagoing service in a relevant capacity inpreceding 60 months may meet requirements

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-II/5 Competence of ratings as able seafarer deckTable A II/5 Competence of ratings as able seafarer deck

11 Require the competence set out in Table A-II/5

22 The minimum knowledge, understanding andproficiency set out in column 2 of Table II/5


p y

Evidence of having achieved standard ofcompetence set out in columns 3 and 4 of Tablecompetence set out in columns 3 and 4 of TableII/5

Page 36: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

ProvisionProvisionSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-II/5 Competence of ratings as able seafarer deck

Navigation Navigation --support levelsupport level

Contribute to a safe navigational watchContribute to berthing, anchoring and othermooring operations

Cargo handling Cargo handling and stowageand stowage -- Contribute to the handling of cargo and storesand stowage and stowage --support levelsupport level

Contribute to the handling of cargo and stores

Controlling the Controlling the ff

Contribute to the safe operation of deck equipmentoperation of the operation of the ship and care for ship and care for

persons on persons on b db d tt

and machinery

Apply occupational health and safety precautionsboard board -- support support


pp y p y p

Page 37: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

FunctionFunction ProvisionProvision

Controlling theControlling the Apply precautions and contribute to preventControlling the Controlling the operation of the operation of the ship and care for ship and care for

persons on persons on

Apply precautions and contribute to preventpollution of the Marine Environment

Operate survival craft and rescue boatsppboard at the board at the support levelsupport level

Operate survival craft and rescue boats

Maintenance and Maintenance and repair at therepair at the

Contribute to shipboard maintenance and repairrepair at the repair at the support levelsupport level

Page 38: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

SectionSection ProvisionProvision

B-II/5 Guidance regarding the certification of ratings as able seafarer deck

Onboard training should be documented in an approved training record book

Page 39: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

• BÖLÜM III MAKİNE BÖLÜMÜ• BÖLÜM III MAKİNE BÖLÜMÜ• Makine zabitleri ve başmühendislerin yeterlik standartları• Kural III/1• 750 kW ve daha büyük güçte ana makine ile yürütülen gemilerdeki Makine dairesinde görev yapmak üzere

atanmış makine zabitlerinin belgelendirilmesi için zorunlu asgari şartlaratanmış makine zabitlerinin belgelendirilmesi için zorunlu asgari şartlar• Kural III/2• 3000 kW veya daha büyük güçte ana makine ile yürütülen gemilerdeki başmühendis (baş çarkçı) ve ikinci

mühendislerin (ikinci çarkçı) belgelendirilmesi için zorunlu asgari şartlar• Kural III/3/• 750 kW ve 3000 kW arası güçteki ana makine ile yürütülen gemilerdeki başmühendis (baş çarkçı) ve ikinci

mühendis (ikinci çarkçı)' lerin belgelendirilmesi için zorunlu asgari şartlar.• Kural III/4• İnsanlı makine dairesindeki bir vardiyanın belirli bir bölümünü oluşturan ya da periyodik olarak

insansız makine dairesinde görevleri yapmak üzere atanan tayfaların belgelendirilmesi için zorunlu asgari şartlar

• Kural III/5• İnsanlı makine dairesinde bulunan ya da periyodik olarak insansız makine dairesinde görev yapmak için

atanan usta makine tayfalarının belgelendirilmeleriyle ilgili zorunlu asgari şartlaratanan usta makine tayfalarının belgelendirilmeleriyle ilgili zorunlu asgari şartlar• Kural III/6• Elektro-teknik zabitlerin belgelendirilmesi için zorunlu asgari şartlar• Kural III/7• Elektro teknik tayfaların belgelendirilmesi ile ilgili zorunlu asgari şartlar• Elektro-teknik tayfaların belgelendirilmesi ile ilgili zorunlu asgari şartlar

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 40: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

İ Ğİ İ İ İ• 2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Bölüm III Makine Bölümü• Makine zabitlerinin eğitiminde pratik ve teorik eğitimlerin kapsamlı olarakMakine zabitlerinin eğitiminde pratik ve teorik eğitimlerin kapsamlı olarak

revize edilmesi• Elektroteknik zabitliği ve elektroteknik tayfası ismi altında otomasyonlu

gemilerde çalışması hedeflenen yeni bir yeterlik için eğitim ve sertifikasyongemilerde çalışması hedeflenen yeni bir yeterlik için eğitim ve sertifikasyon standardı oluşturulmuştur. (Kural III/6-III/7)

• Makine sınıfında usta sınıf yeterliği için minimum belgelendirme gerekleri Kural III/6 olarak belirlenmiştirKural III/6 olarak belirlenmiştir.

• Makine bölümü zabitan yeterlikleri için staj süresi atölye becerisini geliştirme eğitimlerini de içerecek şekilde 12 aya çıkartılmıştır.

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 41: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• 2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Bölüm III Makine Bölümü• İşletim seviyesi için makine dairesi kaynak yönetimi (ERM), elektrik,İşletim seviyesi için makine dairesi kaynak yönetimi (ERM), elektrik,

elektronik ve kontrol sistemleri, otomasyon ve kontrol sistemleri, deniz çevresini korum tedbirleri, liderlik ve takım çalışması

• Yönetim düzeyi için makine dairesi kaynak yönetimi (ERM) elektrikYönetim düzeyi için makine dairesi kaynak yönetimi (ERM), elektrik, elektronik ve kontrol sistemleri, bakım ve tamir, liderlik ve yönetim becerileri

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 42: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


RegulationRegulation ProvisionProvisionRegulation Regulation ProvisionProvision

III/1 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification ofofficers in charge of an engineering watch in a mannedg g gengine-room or designated duty engineers in aperiodically unmanned engine-room


2 2

Now refers to “certificate of competency”

Workshop skills and approved seagoing service of not2.2 Workshop skills and approved seagoing service of notless than 12 months as part of approved trainingprogram meeting requirements of section A-III/1,documented in an approved training record book, orpp g ,

combined workshop skills training and approvedseagoing service of not less than 36 months not lessseagoing service of not less than 36 months, not lessthan 30 months must be in engine department

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 43: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


Regulation Provision

III/1 Not less than 6 months seagoing service2.3 performing watchkeeping duties under

supervision of ch. engineer or qualified engineer

.4 Completed approved education and training.4 Completed approved education and trainingMeet the standards of competence specified insection A-III/1 (deletion of minimum 30 monthsduration)duration)

.5 Meet standards of competence in :section A-VI/1, paragraph 2;section A-VI/2 paragraphs 1 to 4;section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4; andsection A-VI/4 paragraphs 1 to 3section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 44: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


SectionSection ProvisionProvision

A-III/1 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification ofA III/1 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification ofofficers in charge of an engineering watch in amanned engine-room or designated duty engineersin a periodically unmanned engine-roomp y g

8 Knowledge requirements for certain types ofmachinery may be omitted, limitations must bestated on the certificate and endorsementstated on the certificate and endorsement

10 Clarification of variations in requirements that can10 Clarification of variations in requirements that canbe made for near-coastal voyages

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 45: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


P i iSection Provision

Table A-III/1 This table has been reformatted with the addition ofseveral new itemsseveral new items

Marine engineering at

- Hand tools moved to maintenance table- Engine-room resource managemente g ee g at

the operational level

- Engine-room resource management- Use of internal communication systems- Basic construction and operation principles of

hi tmachinery systems

Electrical, electronic and

Operate electrical, electronic and control systems

control engineering at the operational

Maintenance and repair of electrical and electronicequipment

levelEğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi

BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 46: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Appropriate use of hand tools, machine tools andi i t t f f b i ti d iMaintenance

and repair -operational

l l

measuring instruments for fabrication and repair onboard

level Maintenance and repair of shipboard machinery andequipment

Controlling Importance of proactive measures to protect the marineControlling operation of

ship and care for persons on

Importance of proactive measures to protect the marineenvironment

Application of leadership and teamworking skillsfor persons on board -

operational level

Application of leadership and teamworking skills

Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 47: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


SectionSection ProvisionProvision

BB III/1III/1 G id di th tifi ti f ffi iBB--III/1III/1 Guidance regarding the certification of officers incharge of an engineering watch in a mannedengine-room or as designated duty engineers in aperiodicall nmanned engine roomperiodically unmanned engine-room

No Changes

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 48: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


ProvisionProvisionRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

III/2III/2 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification ofchief engineer officers and second engineer officerschief engineer officers and second engineer officerson ships powered by main propulsion machinery of3,000 kW propulsion power or more

2.12.1 Amended to provide as a prerequisite, meeting therequirements of regulation III/1

. For certification as second engineer, amended torequire 12 months seagoing service in EOW capacity

1 21 2 For Chief engineer the 36 months seagoing service. For Chief engineer, the 36 months seagoing servicein EOW capacity may be reduced to 24 months, if notless than 12 months are served in capacity of secondengineerengineer

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 49: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


SS ProvisionProvisionSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-III/2 Similar to table A-III/1 in terms of reformatting

Marine engineering -management

Manage the operation of propulsion plant machineryPlan and schedule operationsOperation, surveillance, performance assessment

levelOperation, surveillance, performance assessmentand maintaining safety of propulsion plant andauxiliary machinery

Electrical, electronic &

Manage operation of electrical, electronic andcontrol equipment

control engineering -management

l l

Manage troubleshooting restoration of electricaland electronic control equipment to operatingcondition

levelEğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi

BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

Maintenance and repair -


Planning maintenance including statutory and classverifications


Controlling operation ofoperation of

ship and care for persons on

board -

Use leadership and managerial skills

management level

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

BB--III/2III/2 Guidance regarding the certification of chiefengineer officers and second engineer officers ofships powered by main propulsion machinery of3,000 kW propulsion power or more

No provisions

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 52: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


SectionSection ProvisionProvision

BB--III/2III/2 Guidance regarding training of engineeringNewNew personnel having management responsibilities

for the operation and safety of electrical powerplant more than 1,000 Volts

New provisions: identification of at least sevenkey elements to be included in relevant trainingprogrammesprogrammes

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 53: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


RegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

III/3III/3 Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationof chief engineer officers and second engineerofficers on ships powered by main propulsionmachinery of between 750 kW and 3,000 kW

l ipropulsion power

.3.3 AmendedEvery engineer officer who is qualified to serve as secondEvery engineer officer who is qualified to serve as secondengineer officer on ships powered by main propulsionmachinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more, mayserve as chief engineer officer on ships powered by maing p p ypropulsion machinery of less than 3,000 kW propulsionpower, provided the certificate is so endorsed

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

AA--III/3III/3 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification f hi f i ffi d d iof chief engineer officers and second engineer

officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW and 3,000 kW propulsion powerpropulsion power

88 Near Coastal voyagesAmended to provide for variations in knowledge, p g ,understanding and proficiency requirements under the different sections listed in column 2 of table A-III/2 and in paragraphs 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of regulation III/3 related to ships powered by main propulsion machinery of less than 3,000 kW engaged on near-coastal voyages, as considered necessary

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

BB--III/3III/3 Guidance regarding the certification of chiefi ffi d d i ffi fengineer officers and second engineer officers of

ships powered by main propulsion machinerybetween 750 kW and 3,000 kW propulsion power

No provisions

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 56: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


ProvisionProvisionRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

III/4III/4 Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationof ratings forming part of a watch in a mannedof ratings forming part of a watch in a mannedengine-room or designated to perform duties in aperiodically unmanned engine-room

44 Deleted – as this relates to previous amendmentsthat have now become obsolete

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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ProvisionProvisionSectionSection ProvisionProvision

AA--III/4III/4 Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationof ratings forming part of a watch in a mannedof ratings forming part of a watch in a mannedengine-room or designated to perform duties in aperiodically unmanned engine-room

Table ATable A--III/4III/4 Boiler watch – permitting approved simulatortraining, where appropriate, for demonstration ofcompetence

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

BB--III/4III/4 Guidance regarding the training and certificationf ti f i t f t h i dof ratings forming part of a watch in a manned

engine-room or designated to perform duties in aperiodically unmanned engine-room

No Changes

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 59: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


ProvisionProvisionRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision


Mandatory minimum requirements for certification ofratings as able seafarer engine in a manned engine-NewNew ratings as able seafarer engine in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodicallyunmanned engine-room

11 Every able seafarer engine serving on a ship of750kW or more shall be duly certificated


Every candidate for certification shall:be not less than 18 years of age

t th i t f l ti III/4.2.2 meet the requirements of regulation III/4

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 60: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision



Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings as able seafarer engine in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically (cont)(cont) g p p yunmanned engine-room

22 Every candidate for certification shall:

.3.3 while qualified in accordance with regulation III/4, have approved seagoing service in the engine department of:



pnot less than 12 months, ornot less than 6 months and have completedapproved training


approved trainingmeet the competence of section A-III/5

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 61: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


Reg lationReg lation ProvisionProvisionRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision


Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings as able seafarer engine in a manned NewNew

(cont)(cont)g g

engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room

33 Every Party shall compare the standards for rating33 Every Party shall compare the standards for rating in the engine department for certificates issued before 1 January 2012 to those required by section A-III/5 and determine if personnel are required toA-III/5 and determine if personnel are required to update their qualifications

44 Not less than 12 months seagoing service in a relevant capacity in the preceding 60 months preceding the entry into force of III/5 to meet requirements

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 62: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


SectionSection ProvisionProvision

AA--III/5III/5 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification NewNew of ratings as able seafarer engine in a manned

engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned engine-room

11 Required to demonstrate competences set out in column 1 of Table A-III/5

22 The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency on a ship of 750 kW or > set out in column 2 of Table A III/5column 2 of Table A-III/5

33 Evidence of having achieved required standard of competence set out in columns 3 and 4 of Table A-III/5

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 63: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-III/5 Competence for ratings as able seafarer engine

Marine engineering -support level

Contribute to:a safe engineering watchmonitoring and controlling of an engine-pp monitoring and controlling of an engine-room watchfuelling and transfer operationsbilge and ballast operationsoperation of equipment and machinery

ElectricalElectrical, electronic &

control engineering -

Safe use of electrical equipment

engineering -support level

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 64: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-III/5 Competence for ratings as able seafarer engine

Maintenance and repair -support


Contribute to shipboard maintenance and repair


Controlling the f

Contribute to the handling of storesoperation of the ship and care for

persons on b d t

Apply precautions and contribute to theprevention of pollution to the marine environment

board -support level

p p

Apply occupational health and safety procedures

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 65: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


SectionSection ProvisionProvision

BB--III/5III/5 Guidance regarding the certification of ratingsNew as able seafarer engine

11 Onboard training should be documented in angapproved training record book

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 66: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


ProvisionProvisionRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision


Mandatory minimum requirements for certification ofelectro-technical officersNewNew electro-technical officers

11 Every electro-technical officer serving on vessels of 750kWor more shall hold a certificate of competency

22 Every candidate for certification shall:Be not less than 18 years of ageHave completed at least 12 months of workshop skills

and approved seagoing service, of which not less than 6months seagoing service as part of approved trainingprogram meets the requirements of section A III/6 and isprogram, meets the requirements of section A-III/6 and isdocumented in an approved training record book, OROR

not less than 36 months of combined workshop skills andd i i f hi h t l th 30approved seagoing service, of which not less than 30

months of seagoing service in the engine departmentEğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi

BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 67: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


P i iP i iRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

III/6III/6 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of electro-technical officerNewNew technical officer

2.32.3 Have completed approved education and training and meetthe standards of competence in section A-III/6


pMeet standards of : section A-VI/1, paragraph 2; section A-VI/2, paragraphs 1 to 4; section A-VI/3, paragraphs 1 to 4;section A-VI/4, paragraphs 1 to 3

33 Every Party shall compare the standards of competence forelectro-technical officer certificates issued before 01.01.2012to those required by section A-III/6 and determine the need for

44personnel to update their qualifications12 months seagoing service in a relevant capacity in thepreceding 60 months and meeting the standards ofcompetence may meet requirements55 competence may meet requirementsNotwithstanding the above (1-4), a suitably qualified personmay be able to perform certain functions of section A-III/6Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi

BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 68: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

AA--III/6III/6 Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationof electro technical officerNewNew of electro-technical officer

11 Education and training required by paragraph 2.3f l ti III/6 h ll i l d t i i iof regulation III/6 shall include training in

electronic and electrical workshop skills

22 Shall follow an approved program of onboard


pp p gtraining which:Ensures systematic training and experience;Is closely supervised and monitored; and.2.2

.3.3Is closely supervised and monitored; andIs adequately documented in a training recordbook

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

AA--III/6III/6 Mandatory minimum requirements for tifi ti f l t t h i l ffiNewNew certification of electro-technical officer

33 Shall be required to demonstrate the ability to d t k th t k d ti d ibiliti iundertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities in

column 1 of table A-III/6

44 The minimum knowledge, understanding and proficiency set out in column 2 of table A-III/6, and guidance in part B of this Code

55 Evidence of having achieved standard of competence as set out in columns 3 and 4 of table A III/6A-III/6

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 70: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012


P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-III/6 Competence for electro technical officers


Monitor the operation of:electrical, electronic and control systemsautomatic control systems of propulsion andElectrical,

electronic and control

engineering -

y p pauxiliary machinery

Operate:generators and distribution systemsengineering -

operational level

generators and distribution systemsOperate and Maintain:

power systems in excess of 1000 VOperate computers and computer networks on shipsOperate computers and computer networks on ships

Use:English language - in written and oral formInternal communication systems

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SS ProvisionProvisionSectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-III/6New

Competence for electro technical officersNew

Maintenance and Maintenance and repair:

Electronic and electrical equipmentrepair -

operational level

q pAutomation and control systems of mainpropulsion and auxiliary machineryB id i ti i t d hiBridge navigation equipment and shipcommunication systemsElectrical, electronic and control systems ofdeck machinery and cargo handling equipmentControl systems and safety systems of hotelequipmentequipment

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-III/6 Competence for electro-technical officersNew

Controlling the operation of the

Ensure compliance with pollution-prevention requirementsoperation of the

ship and care for persons on

board -

requirementsPrevent, control and fight fire on boardOperate life-saving appliances

board operational level Apply medical first aid on board ship

Application of leadership and teamworking skillsContribute to the safety of personnel and shipy p p

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

BB--III/6III/6 Guidance regarding training and certification forNew electro-technical officers

I ddi i bl A III/6 P i dIn addition to table A-III/6, Parties are encouragedto take into account resolution A.702(17), asamended, concerning radio maintenance

id li f GMDSS ithi th i t i iguidelines for GMDSS within their trainingprograms

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RegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

III/7III/7 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification ofl t t h i l tiNewNew electro-technical rating

11 Every electro-technical rating serving on vessels of750kW or more shall be duly certificated


750kW or more shall be duly certificated.Every candidate for certification shall:

Be not less than 18 years of age.


Completed approved seagoing service includingnot less than 12 months training and experience, oror6 months approved seagoing service and.


pp g gcompleted approved training, ororQualifications meeting section A-III/7 and not lessthan 3 months approved seagoing servicethan 3 months approved seagoing service

.3.3 Meet the standards of competence in section A-III/7Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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Pro isionPro isionRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision


Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationof electro technical ratingNewNew of electro-technical rating

33 Each Party shall compare the standards forelectro-technical rating certificates to thosegrequired by section A-III/7 and determine ifpersonnel are required to update theirqualifications

44Not less than 12 months seagoing service in arelevant capacity in preceding 60 months andmeeting the standards of competence may meetg p yrequirements

55 Notwithstanding 1-4 above, a suitably qualifiedperson may be able to perform certain functionsperson may be able to perform certain functionsof section A-III/7

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

AA--III/7III/7 Mandatory minimum requirements for certificationfNew of electro-technical rating

11 Required to demonstrate the competence toperform function at the support level in column 1of table A-III/7

22 The minimum knowledge, understanding andproficiency set out in column 2 of table A-III/7

33 Evidence of having achieved standard ofcompetence as set out in columns 3 and 4 of tableA III/7A-III/7

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-III/7 Mandatory minimum requirements forNew certification of electro-technical rating

Safe use of electrical equipmentElectrical,

electronic and control

Contribute to monitoring the operation ofelectrical systems and machineryUse hand tools, electronic and electrical

engineering -support level

,measuring equipment for fault finding,maintenance and repair operationsContribute to shipboard maintenance and repairp p

Contribute to the maintenance and repair ofelectrical systems and machinery on board

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

Table A-III/7 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification New

y qof electro-technical rating

Controlling the operation

of the ship

Contribute to the safe handling of stores

Apply precautions and contribute to theand care for persons on

board -t l l

Apply precautions and contribute to the prevention of pollution of the marine environment

Apply occupational health and safety proceduressupport level Apply occupational health and safety procedures

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P i iP i iSectionSection ProvisionProvision

BB--III/7III/7 Guidance regarding training and certification forl t t h i l tiNewNew electro-technical ratings

No provisions

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• Bölüm IV Telsiz haberleşmesi ve telsiz operatörleri,• Kural IV/1• Uygulama• Kural IV/2• GMDSS telsiz operatörlerinin belgelendirilmesi ile ilgili zorunlu

i tlasgari şartlar

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RegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

Chapter IVChapter IV Standards regarding radio operators

The phrase “radio personnel” is replaced by theterm “radio operators”

IV/1 ApplicationObsolete transitional provision in paragraph 2


p p g pdeleted

Issuance of a certificate of competencyIV/2 Issuance of a certificate of competency

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

AA-- IVIV Standards regarding radio operators

AA--IV/1IV/1 Transitional provision in paragraph 2 has been p p g pdeleted

AA--IV/2IV/2 Candidates qualified under regulation IV/2 willq greceive a certificate of competency

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SectionSection ProvisionProvision

BB--IV/2IV/2 Amended references to IAMSAR Manual andNewNew Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP)

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İ Ğİ İ İ İ• 2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Bölüm V Belirli tip gemilerde çalışan personel için özel eğitim

standartlarıstandartları• Eğitim ve belgelendirme gerekleri V/1;• Petrol ve kimyasal tankerler için Kural V/1-1 (Petrol / Kimyasal Tanker

İşlemleri Temel Eğitimi ve İleri Petrol ve Kimyasal Tanker İşlemleri Eğitimi)• Sıvılaştırılmış gaz tankerleri için Kural V/1-2 (Sıvılaştırılmış Gaz Tanker

İşlemleri Temel Eğitimi ve İleri Sıvılaştırılmış Gaz Tankerleri İşlemleriİşlemleri Temel Eğitimi ve İleri Sıvılaştırılmış Gaz Tankerleri İşlemleri Eğitimi) olarak ayrılarak yeniden düzenlenmiştir.

• Ro–ro Yolcu Gemileri Eğitim ve belgelendirme gerekleri ve Yolcu Gemileri eğitim ve belgelendirme gerekleri birleştirilmiştir.

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Regulations Provisions

V/1 Mandatory minimum requirements for the training andqualification of masters, officers and ratings ontankerstankers

V/2 Mandatory minimum requirements for the training andqualifications of masters, officers, ratings and otherpersonnel on roro--roro passengerpassenger shipsp p gp g p

V/3 Mandatory minimum requirements for the training andqualifications of masters, officers, ratings and otherpersonnel on passenger ships otherother thanthan roro--roropassengerpassenger ships

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Regulations Provisions

V/1-1 Mandatory minimum requirements for the trainingand qualification of masters, officers and ratingson oiloil andand chemicalchemical tankerstankers

V/1-2 Mandatory minimum requirements for the trainingand qualification of masters officers and ratingsand qualification of masters, officers and ratingson liquefiedliquefied gasgas tankerstankers

V/2 Mandatory minimum requirements for the trainingand qualifications of masters, officers, ratingsand other personnel on passengerpassenger shipsships

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Requirements Scope of applicationRequirements Scope of application

Certificate in basicbasictraining for oil and oil and chemical tchemical tanker

Officers and ratings assigned specificduties and responsibilities related tocargo or cargo equipment on oil and

cargo operationsg g q p

chemical tankers

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QualificationQualification Minimum requirementsMinimum requirements

Certificate in 2 - Completed:basic training foroil and chemical tanker cargo

p2.1 At least three months of approvedseagoing service on oil or chemical tankers,ortanker cargo

operationsor2.2 An approved basic training for oil andchemical tanker cargo operations; andmeet the standard of competence specifiedin section A-V/1-1, paragraph 1 of the STCWCodeCode

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Requirements Scope of application

Certificate in Masters chief engineer officers chiefCertificate in advanced training advanced training for oil oil tanker


Masters, chief engineer officers, chiefmates, second engineer officers and anyperson withwith immediateimmediate responsibilityresponsibility forl di di h i i t itcargo operations loading, discharging, care in transit,handling of cargo, tank cleaning or othercargo-related operations on oil tankers

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Qualification Minimum requirements

Certificate in advanced training for oil

4.2 While qualified for certification in basic trainingfor oil and chemical tanker cargo operations, have:

1 at least 3 months of appro ed seagoingg

tanker cargo operations

.1 at least 3 months of approved seagoingservice on oil tankers, or

.2 at least one month of approved onboardt i i il t k i ittraining on oil tankers in a supernumerary capacity,which includes at least three loading and threeunloading operations and is documented in anapproved training record book taking into accountapproved training record book taking into accountguidance in section B-V/1; and

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Qualification Minimum requirements

Certificate in advanced 4.3 have completed approved advanced training foradvanced training for oiltanker cargo operations

oil tanker cargo operations and meet the standard ofcompetence specified in section A-V/1-1, paragraph 2of the STCW Code.operations

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RequirementsRequirements Scope of applicationScope of application

Certificate in Masters chief engineer officers chiefCertificate in advanced advanced training for chemicalchemicalt k

Masters, chief engineer officers, chiefmates, second engineer officers and anyperson withwith immediateimmediate responsibilityresponsibility forloading discharging care in transittanker cargo

operationsloading, discharging, care in transit,handling of cargo, tank cleaning or othercargo-related operations on chemicalt ktankers

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Qualification Minimum requirements6.2 While qualified for certification in basic trainingf il d h i l t k ti hCertificate in

advanced training for

for oil and chemical tanker cargo operations, have:.1 at least three months of approved seagoing serviceon chemical tankers, ortraining for

chemical tankercargo operations

.2 at least one month of approved onboard trainingon chemical tankers in a supernumerary capacity,which includes at least three loading and threeoperations unloading operations and is documented in anapproved training record book taking into accountguidance in section B-V/1; and.3 have completed approved advanced training forchemical tanker cargo operations and meet thestandard of competence specified in section A- V/1-1,

h 3 f h STCW C dparagraph 3 of the STCW Code.Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi

BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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Table of competence Subjectcompetence

AA--V/1V/1--11--11 Specification of minimum standard of competencein basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargoin basic training for oil and chemical tanker cargooperations

S ifi ti f i i t d d f tAA--V/1V/1--11--22 Specification of minimum standard of competencein advanced training for oil tanker cargo operations

AA--V/1V/1--11--33 Specification of minimum standard of competencein advanced training for chemical tanker cargooperations

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Regulation CertificationCertification

Section A-V/1-1 Specification of minimum standard of competence inb i t i i f il d h i l t kbasic training for oil and chemical tanker cargooperationsFor the certificate of proficiency issued to seafarerswho are qualified in accordance with regulation V/1 1who are qualified in accordance with regulation V/1-1,paragraph 2, 4 or 6:

NoteNote thethe competencecompetence toto carrycarry outout firefire fightingfightingoperationsoperations similarsimilar toto thethe requirementsrequirements ofof AA--VI/VI/33,, butbut ininthisthis casecase itit isis specificspecific toto tankertanker firefire fightingfighting

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ClarificationClarification inin SectionSection BB--V/V/11,, paragraphparagraph 11,, p g pp g p

The term “personperson withwith immediateimmediate responsibilityresponsibility” asused in regulation V/1-1 paragraphs 3 and 5 andused in regulation V/1 1, paragraphs 3 and 5 andregulation V/1-2, paragraph 3 means ‘a person beingin a decision-making capacity with respect to loading,discharging, care in transit, handling of cargo, tankcleaning or other cargo-related operations’

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RequirementsRequirements Scope of applicationScope of application

C tifi t i b i Offi d ti i d ifiCertificate in basictraining for liquefied gas tanker cargo

Officers and ratings assigned specificduties and responsibilities related tocargo or cargo equipment on liquefied

operations gas tankers

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter V- Regulations• Regulation V/1-2• Regulation V/1-2

QualificationQualification Minimum requirementsMinimum requirements

Certificate in 1 - At least three months of approvedbasic training forliquefied gas tanker cargo

ppseagoing service on liquefied gas tankersor, completed an approved basic trainingfor liquefied gas tanker cargo operations;tanker cargo

operationsfor liquefied gas tanker cargo operations;and2 - Meet the standard of competence

ifi d i ti A V/1 2 h 1 fspecified in section A-V/1-2, paragraph 1 ofthe STCW Code

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RequirementsRequirements Scope of applicationScope of application

Certificate in Masters chief engineer officers chiefCertificate in advanced trainingfor liquefied gas tanker cargo

Masters, chief engineer officers, chiefmates, second engineer officers and anyperson withwith immediateimmediate responsibilityresponsibility forloading discharging care in transittanker cargo

operationsloading, discharging, care in transit,handling of cargo, tank cleaning or othercargo-related operations on liquefied

t kgas tankers

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Qualification Minimum requirements

Certificate in advanced training for

4.1 While qualified for certification in basic training forliquefied gas tanker cargo operations, have:

.2.1 At least 3 months of approved seagoing service onliquefied gas tankers ortraining for

liquefied gas tanker cargo


liquefied gas tankers, or.2.2 At least 1 month of approved onboard training on

liquefied gas tankers in a supernumerary capacity, whichincludes at least 3 loading and 3 unloading operations and isoperations includes at least 3 loading and 3 unloading operations and isdocumented in an approved training record book taking intoaccount guidance in section B-V/1; and

.3 Have completed approved advanced training forliquefied gas tanker cargo operations and meet the standardof competence specified in section A-V/1-2, paragraph 2 ofthe STCW Code

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Table of competence Subjectcompetence

A-V/1-2-1 Specification of minimum standard of competence inA V/1 2 1 Specification of minimum standard of competence inbasic training for liquefied gas tanker cargooperations

A-V/1-2-2 Specification of minimum standard of competence inadvanced training for liquefied gas tanker cargooperationsoperations

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Regulation CertificationCertification

V/1-1, Administrations shall ensure that a certificate offi i i i d t f h lifi d iparagraph 7


proficiency is issued to seafarers who are qualified inaccordance with:

regulation V/1-1, paragraph 2, 4 or 6, orregulation V/1 2 paragraph 2 or 4 as appropriateV/1-2,

paragraph 5regulation V/1-2, paragraph 2 or 4, as appropriate,

or that an existing certificate of competency orcertificate of proficiency is duly endorsedcertificate of proficiency is duly endorsed

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Scope of applicationScope of applicationRequirementsRequirements

Masters, officers and other personneldesignated on muster lists to assist

Crowd Crowd managementmanagement designated on muster lists to assist

passengers in emergency situations

section A-V/2 paragraph 1

management management training training (Paragraph 4)

section A-V/2, paragraph 1

Personnel providing direct service toSafety trainingSafety trainingpassengers in passenger spaces

section A-V/2, paragraph 2

(Paragraph 5)

, p g p

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Scope of applicationScope of applicationRequirementsRequirements

Masters, chief engineer officers, chiefmates, second engineer officers and anyperson designated on muster lists of

Crisis managementCrisis managementand human and human behaviour trainingbehaviour training person designated on muster lists of

having responsibility for the safety ofpassengers in emergency situations

behaviour training behaviour training (Paragraph 6)

section A-V/2, paragraph 3

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Scope of applicationScope of applicationRequirementsRequirements

Masters, chief engineer officers, chief t d i ffi d

Passenger safety, f t d mates, second engineer officers and

every person assigned immediate responsibility for embarking and

cargo safety and hull integrity training

disembarking passengers, loading, discharging or securing cargo, or closing hull openings on board ro-ro

(Paragraph 7)

g gpassenger ships

section A-V/2, paragraph 4section A V/2, paragraph 4

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New requirementNew requirementOld requirementOld requirementScopeScope

1- Basic training for oil andchemical tanker cargo

Tanker familiarizationtraining

TankersTankerschemical tanker cargooperations

2- Basic training for liquefied


Specialized training for oil,chemical and liquefied gas 2 Basic training for liquefied

gas tanker cargo operations

3- Advanced training for oil,

chemical and liquefied gastankers

g ,chemical and liquefied gastankers cargo operations

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New requirementOld requirementScope

Regulation V/2 coversRegulation V/2 -Passenger All passenger ships,including ro-ropassenger ships

for Ro-ropassenger ships

ships and ro-ro passenger ships

Regulation V/3 -For Passenger shipsother than ro-roother than ro ropassenger ships

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Guidance regarding approved onboard training (ontankers) – (transferred from previous A-V/1 andamended)


Guidance regarding training of seafarers onpassenger ships

B-V/2p g p

Guidance regarding training and qualifications of masters and officers in charge of a navigational

B-V/e*masters and officers in charge of a navigational watch on board offshore supply vessels

** Note there are no corresponding regulations in the Convention or sections in Part A for a.o. sections B-V/e, B-V/f, B-V/g

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Requirements Scope of application


Offshore supply vessels Offshore supply vessels (OSV)(OSV)

Masters and officers in charge of a navigational watch

OSVOSV performing anchorperforming anchor--handling operationshandling operations Masters and officers in charge of a

i i l hg pg p

navigational watch

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Guidance on the training and experience forpersonnel operating dynamic positioning systems


Guidance regarding training of masters and officersfor ships operating in polar waters#


## - Resolution A.1024(26) on Guidelines for ships operating in Polar waters.

**** Note there are no corresponding regulations in the ConventionNote there are no corresponding regulations in the Conventionor in section A for any of the following sections:B-V/1, B-V/e, B-V/f, B-V/g

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İ Ğİ İ İ İ• 2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Bölüm VI Acil Durum, İş Emniyeti, Güvenlik, Tıbbi Bakım ve Hayatta

Kalma FonksiyonlarıKalma Fonksiyonları• Personel güvenliği ve sosyal sorumluluk eğitiminde deniz çevre

farkındalığı, yorgunluk kontrolü, gemide etkili iletişim prensipleri ve takım çalışması konuları eklenmişti.

• ISPS üç ayrı seviyede yer almıştır.Güvenlik farkındalığıGüvenlik farkındalığıBelirlenmiş Güvenlik GörevleriGemi Güvenlik Zabiti

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As per provisions of regulation I/11, paragraph 1, every master,officer and radio operator holding a certificate issued orrecognized under any chapter of the Convention other thanchapter VI, who is serving at sea or intends to return to seagafter a period ashore, shall, in order to continue to qualify forseagoing service, be required, at intervals not exceeding fiveyears, to:years, to:1- meet the standards of medical fitness prescribed by

regulation I/9; and

2- establish continued professional competence inaccordance with section A-I/11 of the STCW Code.

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Regulations• New requirements

Regulations New Provisions

VI/1 Where basic training is not included in the

qualification for the certificate to be issued, a

certificate of proficiency shall be issued,

indicating that the holder has attended theg

course in basic training. (Paragraph 2)

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Part A• New requirementsNew requirements

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

I h 2 2 h h “ i hi h i fiIn paragraph 2.2 the phrase “within the previous fiveyears” is deleted.

NewNew paragraphparagraph 33Seafarers qualified in accordance with paragraph 2 in basictraining shall be required,required, everyevery fivefive years,years, toto provideprovide evidenceevidence

ff h ih i i i di i d hh i di d d dd d fAA--VI/1VI/1 ofof havinghaving maintainedmaintained thethe requiredrequired standardsstandards of competence, toundertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column1 of tables A-VI/1-1 and A-VI/1-2.

NewNew paragraphparagraph 44Parties may accept onboard training and experience formaintaining the required standard of competence in the areasmaintaining the required standard of competence in the areasspecified therein.

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI Regulations2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Regulations• New requirements

Regulations New Provisions

VI/2 None

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SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

In paragraph 4, the phrase “within the previous five years”is deleted.


NewNew paragraphparagraph 55Seafarers qualified in accordance with paragraph 4 in survival craftand rescue boats other than fast rescue boats shall be required,required,AA VI/2VI/2

(SCRB)(SCRB)everyevery fivefive years,years, toto provideprovide evidenceevidence of having maintained therequired standards of competence, to undertake the tasks, dutiesand responsibilities listed in column 1 of tables A-VI/2-1.

NewNew paragraphparagraph 66Parties may accept onboard training and experience for maintainingthe required standard of competence of table A-VI/2-1 in the areasthe required standard of competence of table A-VI/2-1 in the areasspecified therein.

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ReferenceReference ProvisionProvision

Section Section


Administrations should allow onboard training for

maintaining the required standard of competence

Paragraph 3Paragraph 3 in the areas outlined in section A-VI/2, paragraphs

6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.2.1, and 12.1.5 only under good

weather conditions and port regulations


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Section New provisions

In paragraphparagraph 1010 the phrase “within the previous fiveIn paragraphparagraph 1010, the phrase “within the previous fiveyears” is deleted.

NewNew paragraphparagraph 1111


ee pa ag appa ag apSeafarers qualified in accordance with paragraph 10 in fast rescueboats shall be required,required, everyevery fivefive years,years, toto provideprovide evidenceevidence ofhaving maintained the required standards of competence, to

(FRB)g q p

undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1of tables A-VI/2-2NewNew paragraphparagraph 1212NewNew paragraphparagraph 1212Parties may accept onboard training and experience formaintaining the required standard of competence of table A-VI/2-2 in the areas specified therein.p

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Regulations• New requirementsNew requirements

Regulations New Provisions


The term “certificate of proficiency” hasreplacedreplaced the phrase “special certificate orAFFAFF replacedreplaced the phrase special certificate ordocumentary evidence, as appropriate”(Paragraph 2)

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Part A• New requirementsNew requirements

Section New provisions

In paragraphparagraph 44,, the phrase “within the previous five years”is deleted.


A VI/3

NewNew paragraphparagraph 55Seafarers qualified in accordance with paragraph 4 in advanced firefighting shall be required,required, everyevery fivefive years,years, toto provideprovide evidenceevidence ofh i i t i d th i d t d d f t tA-VI/3

(AFF)having maintained the required standards of competence, toundertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1of tables A-VI/3.

hhNewNew paragraphparagraph 66Parties may accept onboard training and experience formaintaining the required standard of competence of table A-VI/3 inth ifi d th ithe areas specified therein.

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Regulations• New requirements• New requirements

Regulations New Provisions

VI/4VI/4Fi t idFi t id

The term “certificate of proficiency” hasreplacedreplaced the phrase “special certificate orFirst aidFirst aid replacedreplaced the phrase special certificate ordocumentary evidence, as appropriate”(Paragraph 3)

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI• New provisionsNew provisions

ReferenceReference ProvisionProvision

Section B-VI/4

Training programmes for those seafarers designated to

undertake the tasks duties and responsibilities listedB-VI/4,Paragraph 1

undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed

in column 1 of table A-VI/4-1 to provide medical first

id b d hi h ld k i id iaid on board ship should take into account guidance in

the revised International Medical Guide for Ships, as


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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Regulations• New requirementsq

Regulation Amendments

VI/5VI/5Certificate of Certificate of

Paragraphs 3 & 4 of regulation VI/5 and paragraphs 5

& 6 of section A VI/5 containing transitionalProficiency Proficiency for SSOfor SSO

& 6 of section A-VI/5 containing transitional

provisions is deleted.

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S tiS ti N i iN i iSectionSection New provisionNew provision


Amendments to table A-VI/5 in order to encompass

antianti-- piracy and antipiracy and anti--armedarmed--robberyrobbery provisions

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Regulations• New requirementsq

Regulation New Provisions


Mandatory minimum requirements for security-related training and instruction for all seafarers( )( )

ParagraphsParagraphs 1 - Security-related familiarization training;Paragraphs Paragraphs 1 and 41 and 4

1 - Security-related familiarization training;

2 - Security-awareness training or instruction; and(Section A-VI/6, Paragraphs 1 and 4)

3 - Training for seafarers with designatedsecurity duties (Section A-VI/6, Paragraphs 6and 8)and 8)

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Regulations• New requirementsNew requirements

Regulation New Provision


Where “security awareness” or “training in designated

security duties” is not included in the qualifications for they q

certificate to be issued, a certificatecertificate ofof proficiencyproficiency shall be

issued indicating that the holder has attended a course “inin

securitysecurity awarenessawareness” or, a course of training “forfor designateddesignated

securitysecurity dutiesduties”(Paragraphs 2 and 5)

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Regulations• New requirements• New requirements

Regulations New Provisions


P h 3

Every Party shall compare the security training standards it

requires of seafarers who hold or can document qualificationsParagraph 3 before the entry into force of this regulation with those specified

in section A-VI/6, paragraphs 4 and 8, and shall determine the

need for requiring these seafarers to update their qualificationsneed for requiring these seafarers to update their qualifications.

(regulation VI/6, paragraphs 3 and 6)

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Part A• New requirementsNew requirements

SectionSection New provisionNew provision

SSecurityecurity--relatedrelated familiarizationfamiliarization trainingtraining


1 BeforeBefore beingbeing assignedassigned toto shipboardshipboard duties,duties, allall personspersons

employed or engaged on a seagoing ship which is required to

l ith th i i f th ISPS C d th thcomply with the provisions of the ISPS Code, other than

passengers, shall receive approved security-related

familiarization training taking account the guidance in part Bfamiliarization training, taking account the guidance in part B

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SectionSection New provisionNew provisionS it l t d f ili i ti t i iSecurity-related familiarization training

2 Seafarers with designated security duties engaged or


employed on a seagoing ship shall, before beingassigned such duties, receive security-relatedfamiliarization training in their assigned duties and

ibiliti t ki i t t id i t Bresponsibilities, taking into account guidance in part B.

3 Security-related familiarization training shall beconducted by the ship security officer or an equallyconducted by the ship security officer or an equallyqualified person

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• Chapter VI• Chapter VI• New provisions

ReferenceReference ProvisionsProvisions

S ti Those providing “security related familiarization training” inSection B-VI/6,

Paragraph 6

Those providing security-related familiarization training in

accordance with section A-VI/6 should not be required to

meet the requirements of either regulation I/6 or of sectionmeet the requirements of either regulation I/6 or of section


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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- Part A• New requirements• New requirements

Section New provision

SecuritySecurity--awarenessawareness trainingtraining4 Seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on board a4 Seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on board a

ship which is required to comply with the provisions of the ISPS

Code on the business of that ship as part of the ship’s

AA--VI/6VI/6p p p

complement without designated security duties shall, before

being assigned to any shipboard duties receive appropriate

approved training or instruction in security awareness as set

out in table A-VI/6-1

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TableTable of of SubjectSubjectcompetencecompetence


Specification of minimum standard ofAA--VI/6VI/6--11 Specification of minimum standard ofcompetence in securitysecurity awarenessawareness

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SectionSection Transitional provisionsTransitional provisions

SecuritySecurity familiarizationfamiliarization andand securitysecurity awarenessawarenesstrainingtraining

5 Until 1 January 2014, seafarers who commenced approvedseagoing service prior to date of entry into force of this section (1January 2012) shall be able to establish that they meet the

AA--VI/6VI/6Ja ua y 0 ) s a be ab e to estab s t at t ey eet t erequirements of security awareness by:.1 approved seagoing service as shipboard personnel, for a

period of at least six months in total during the preceding threeyears; or

.2 having performed security functions considered to beequivalent to the seagoing service required inparagraph 1.1 above; orp g p ;

.3 passing an approved test; or

.4 successfully completing approved trainingEğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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SectionSection New provisionNew provision

SSeafarerseafarers withwith designateddesignated securitysecurity dutiesduties


6 Every seafarer who is designated to perform security duties,

including anti-piracy and anti-armed-robbery-related activities,AA--VI/6VI/6

shall be required to demonstrate competence to undertake

the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in column 1 of table


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SectionSection Transitional provisionsTransitional provisions

SSeafarerseafarers withwith designateddesignated securitysecurity dutiesduties

9 Until 1 January 2014, seafarers with designated security dutieswho commenced approved seagoing service prior to the date ofentry into force of this section (1 January 2012) shall be able todemonstrate competence to undertake the tasks, duties andresponsibilities listed in column 1 of table A-VI/6-2 by:

AA--VI/6VI/6responsibilities listed in column 1 of table A VI/6 2 by:

.1 approved seagoing service as shipboard personnel withdesignated security duties, for a period of at least six monthsi l d i h di hin total during the preceding three years; or

.2 having performed security functions considered to beequivalent to seagoing service required in paragraph 1.1; or

.3 passing an approved test; or.3 passing an approved test; or

.4 successfully completing approved training.Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi

BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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TableTable of of SubjectSubjectcompetencecompetence


Specification of minimum standard ofAA--VVII/6/6--22

Specification of minimum standard ofcompetence for seafarers with designateddesignatedsecuritysecurity dutiesduties

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI- STCW Code• New provisions• New provisions

ReferenceReference ProvisionProvisionReferenceReference ProvisionProvision

Section The expression “with designated security duties” inSection B-VI/6,

Paragraph 4

The expression with designated security duties in

section A-VI/6 denotes those having specific security

duties and responsibilities in accordance with the shipduties and responsibilities in accordance with the ship

security plan

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI• New provisionsNew provisions

ReferenceReference ProvisionProvision

Section B-VI/6

Seafarers and shipboard personnel are not security

experts and it is not the aim of the provisions in the B-VI/6,

Paragraph 1 Convention or Code to convert seafarers into

security specialists

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2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Chapter VI• New provisions• New provisions

ReferenceReference ProvisionsProvisions

S ti

Seafarers without designated security duties shouldcomplete the security awareness training or instruction setout in section A VI/6 at least one time in their careerSection


out in section A-VI/6 at least one time in their career.

Seafarers with designated security duties should completethe training as set out in section A-VI/6 at least one time inParagraphs

3 and 5the training as set out in section A-VI/6 at least one time intheir career.

There is no need for refresher training or revalidation if theThere is no need for refresher training or revalidation if theseafarer or shipboard personnel concerned meet thesecurity-related familiarizationrequirements of regulation VI/6 and participate in drills andq g / p pexercises required by the ISPS Code

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ReferenceReference ProvisionProvision


In circumstances of exceptional necessity, when theshipboard security-related duties are required to be

Section B-VI/6,

Paragraph 7

undertaken by a person qualified to performdesignated security-related duties and such a personis temporarily unavailable, the Administration may

it f ith t d i t d it d tig p

permit a seafarer without designated security dutiesto perform such duties provided such a person hasan understanding of the ship security plan, until thenext port of call or for a period not exceeding 30 daysnext port of call or for a period not exceeding 30 days,whichever is greater

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İ Ğİ İ İ İ• 2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Bölüm VII Alternatif belgelendirmeBölüm II ve III’te belirtilen belge şartlan saklı kalmak kaydıyla, Taraflar bu bölümlerdeki kurallarında belirtilenlerden farklı belgeleri vermeyi veya yetki vermeyi seçebilir• Sözleşmeye eklenen yeni tanımlar yeni yeterlikler ve güvenlik ile ilgiliSözleşmeye eklenen yeni tanımlar yeni yeterlikler ve güvenlik ile ilgili

işlemlerle ilişkin düzenlemeler eklenmiştir.

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• Chapter VIIp

RegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision


Associated functions and levels of responsibility are extended with the additionVII/1 p yof:section Asection A--II/5:II/5: ratings as able seafarer deck

sectionsection AA--III/III/55:: ratings as able seafarer engine

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• Chapter VIIChapter VII

RegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

List of functions or group of functions is extended with the addition of:

VII/2Table ATable A--II/5 II/5 - ratings as able seafarer


TableTable AA--III/III/55 - ratings as able seafarerengine

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• Chapter VIIRegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

‘appropriate certificate’ has been replaced by‘Certificate of CompetencyCertificate of Competency’ (CoC); or ‘Certificate of ProfiencyCertificate of Profiency’ (CoP),


Certificate of ProfiencyCertificate of Profiency (CoP), as applicable,where:

CoC applies to:A-II/2, A-II/3, A-III/1, A-III/2, A-III/3 and A-IV/2

CoP applies to:A-II/4, A-II/5, A-III/4 and A-III/5CoP applies to:A II/4, A II/5, A III/4 and A III/5

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Chapter VII New provisions

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisionsSectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

Support level - Text of paragraph 4 has been replaced

Every candidate for certification at the support level:

AA--VII/1VII/1New New

SubSub--paragraph 4.1paragraph 4.1in navigation or marine engineering shall be required tocomplete relevant training and meet the standard ofpar. 4par. 4 complete relevant training and meet the standard ofcompetence for the function prescribed in eithertable A-II/4 or table A-III/4. Functions specified in table A-III/4 or A-II/4 respectively may be added provided theIII/4 or A II/4 respectively may be added provided thecandidate completes, as appropriate, additional relevanttraining and meets the standard of competenceprescribed in those tables for the function concernedp

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Chapter VII New provisions

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

NN hh 44 ( t’d)( t’d)NewNew paragraphparagraph 44 (cont’d)(cont’d)Every candidate for certification at the support level:

SubSub paragraphparagraph 44 22SubSub--paragraphparagraph 44..22as able seafarer deck shall be required, in addition tocomply with the standard of competence specified in tableA II/5 to complete relevant training and meet the standard of

AA--VII/1VII/1A-II/5, to complete relevant training and meet the standard ofcompetence for all of the functions prescribed in table A-II/5.Functions specified in table A-III/4 or A-III/5 may be addedprovided the candidate completes as appropriate additionalprovided the candidate completes, as appropriate, additionalrelevant training and meets the standard of competenceprescribed in the table(s) for the function(s) concerned; and

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Chapter VII New provisions

SectionSection New provisionNew provision

New paragraph 4 (cont’d)New paragraph 4 (cont’d)New paragraph 4 (cont d) New paragraph 4 (cont d) Every candidate for certification at the support level:SubSub paragraphparagraph 44..33as able seafarer engine shall be required in addition toas able seafarer engine shall be required, in addition tocomply with the standard of competence specified in tableA-III/5, to complete relevant training and meet the standardof competence for all of the functions prescribed in

AA--VII/1VII/1of competence for all of the functions prescribed intable A-III/5.Functions specified in table A-II/4 or A-II/5 may be addedprovided the candidate completes as appropriateprovided the candidate completes, as appropriate,additional relevant training and meets the standard ofcompetence prescribed in the table(s) for the function(s)concerned.concerned.

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Chapter VII New provisionsChapter VII New provisions

Section New provisions

Support level - Text of A-VII/2 has been extended by:Support level Text of A VII/2 has been extended by:

New paragraph 3 New paragraph 3 Every candidate for certification under the provisions of

h t VII t t l l i f ti ifi d i


chapter VII at support level in functions specified in tables A-II/4 and A-III/4 shall have completed:Sub paragraph 1Sub paragraph 1AA VII/2VII/2 approved seagoing service including not less than 12 months’ experience, made up of:

.1.1 not less than 6 months associated with i ti l t hk i d ti dnavigational watchkeeping duties, and

.1.2 not less than 6 months associated with engineroom atchkeeping d ties orroom watchkeeping duties; or

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Chapter VII New provisionsChapter VII New provisions

Section New provisions

Support level - Text of A-VII/2 has been extended by:Support level Text of A VII/2 has been extended by:

New paragraph 3 (cont’d)New paragraph 3 (cont’d)Every candidate for certification under the provisions of

h t VII t t l l i f ti ifi d i


chapter VII at support level in functions specified in tables A-II/4 and A-III/4 shall have completed:Sub paragraph 2Sub paragraph 2AA VII/2VII/2 special training, either pre-sea or on board ship, including an approved period of seagoing service which shall not be less than 4 months, made up of:

2 1 t l th 2 th i t d ith.2.1 not less than 2 months associated withnavigational watchkeeping duties, and

.2.2 not less than 2 months associated with engineroom atchkeeping d tiesroom watchkeeping duties;

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Chapter VII New provisions

Section New provisions

Support level - Text of A-VII/2 has been extended by:

NewNew paragraphparagraph 33 (cont’d)(cont’d)


Every candidate for certification under the provisions ofchapter VII at support level in functions specified in tablesA-II/4 and A-III/4 shall have completed:


SubSub paragraphparagraph 33the seagoing service, training and experience required byparagraph 3.1 or 3.2 shall be carried out under the directsupervision of an appropriately qualified officer or rating.

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Chapter VII New provisions

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

Support level - Text of A-VII/2 has been extended by:Suppo t e e e t o / as bee e te ded by

New paragraph 4 ew paragraph 4 Every candidate for certification under the provisions of

h t VII t t l l i f ti ifi d i


chapter VII at support level in functions specified in tables A-II/5 and A-III/5 shall have completed:Sub paragraph 1Sub paragraph 1AA VII/2VII/2 approved seagoing service including not less than 30 months made up of:

.1.1 not less than 18 months associated with ablef d k d ti dseafarer deck duties, and

.1.2 not less than 12 months associated with able seafarer engine duties; orseafarer engine duties; or

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Chapter VII New provisions

Section New provisions

Support level - Text of A-VII/2 has been extended by:Suppo t e e e t o / as bee e te ded by

NewNew paragraphparagraph 44 (cont’d)(cont’d)Every candidate for certification under the provisions of

h t VII t t l l i f ti ifi d i


chapter VII at support level in functions specified intables A-II/5 and A-III/5 shall have completed:SubSub paragraphparagraph 22AA VII/2VII/2 An approved training programme and not less than 18of approved seagoing service, made up of:

.2.1 not less than 12 months associated with ablef d k d ti dseafarer deck duties, and

.2.2 not less than 6 months associated with ableseafarer engine duties; orseafarer engine duties; or

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Chapter VII New provisions

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

Support level - Text of A-VII/2 has been extended by:pp y

New paragraph 4 (cont’d)New paragraph 4 (cont’d)Every candidate for certification under the provisions of chapter VII at support level in functions specified in tables


chapter VII at support level in functions specified in tables A-II/5 and A-III/5 shall have completed:Sub paragraph 3Sub paragraph 3A d i l i t t d d k d i t i iA-VII/2 An approved special integrated deck and engine training programme, including not less than 12 months’ approved seagoing service in an integrated deck and engine department made up of:department, made up of:.3.1 not less than 6 months associated with able

seafarer deck duties, and3 2 not less than 6 months associated with able.3.2 not less than 6 months associated with able

seafarer engine duties; or

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Chapter VII New provisions

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

Support level Text of B VII/2 has been filled in by:Support level - Text of B-VII/2 has been filled in by:

New title New title Guidance regarding special integrated deck and engineGuidance regarding special integrated deck and engine training programmes

Paragraph 1Paragraph 1E h P t h ld th t i l i t t d d k dB-VII/2 Each Party should ensure that any special integrated deck and engine-room training programme:.1 is provided by means of an approved training

programme;programme; .2 takes place ashore within maritime training

institutions and/or on board approved trainingships; and

3 i d t d i d t i i d.3 is documented in an approved training record book.

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İ Ğİ İ İ İ• 2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİKLERİ• Bölüm VIII Vardiya Esasları• Çalışma ve dinlenme saatleri koşulları güncellenmiştir.Ç ş ş g ş• Dinlenme ve çalışma saatleri kayıtlarının tutulması ve denetimi• Alkol kullanım limiti

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 158: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

• Chapter VIII• Amendments/new provisions

RegulationRegulation ProvisionProvision

Identifies the scope of applicable areas, viz: for

VIII/1.1p pp ,

watchkeeping personnel and those whose dutiesinvolve designated safety, security andprevention of pollution dutiesp p

VIII/1.2Administrations required to ensure that measuresfor preventing drug and alcohol abuse are

(New)for preventing drug and alcohol abuse areestablished

watchkeeping arrangements with appropriate


p g g pp pand effective watch or watches extended to takeinto account requirements for security relatedfunctions

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisions/amendmentsNew provisions/amendments

Fitness for duty – in general, harmonized with MLC 2006y g ,

New paragraph 1Administrations shall take account of the danger posedAdministrations shall take account of the danger posed by fatigue of seafarers

New paragraph 2 ( = old paragraph 1, amended)AA--VIII/1VIII/1 1. The relevant duties are specified, i.e., officers and

ratings on watchkeeping duties which involve designated safety, prevention of pollution and

it d tisecurity duties2. The rest period is specified:• a minimum 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period;

andand• 77 hours in any 7-day period

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisions/amendmentsNew provisions/amendments

New paragraph 3 (= old paragraph 2, amended)Hours of rest divided into no more than two periods, one ofwhich shall be at least 6 hours in length, and the intervalsbetween consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours

AA--VIII/1VIII/1 New paragraph 4 (= old paragraph 3, amended)Exceptions to requirements for rest periods laid down inparagraphs 2 and 3 – in case of emergency or other overridingparagraphs 2 and 3 in case of emergency or other overridingoperational conditions.

Musters, fire-fighting and lifeboat drills, and drills shall bed t d i th t i i i th di t b f tconducted in a manner that minimizes the disturbance of rest

periods and does not induce fatigue

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisions/amendmentsNew provisions/amendmentsParagraphParagraph 55,, amendedamendedg pg p ,,Administrations shall require that watch schedules beposted where they are easily accessible.

Th h d l h ll b t bli h d i t d di d f tThe schedules shall be established in a standardized formatin the working language or languages of the ship and inEnglish


NewNew paragraphparagraph 66When a seafarer is on call, such as when a machinery spaceis unattended, the seafarer shall have an adequate, qcompensatory rest period if the normal period of rest isdisturbed by call-outs to work

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

New paragraph 7p g p

Administrations shall require that records of dailyhours of rest be maintained in a standardized format,

AA--VIII/1VIII/1 in working language or languages of ship and inEnglish, to allow monitoring and verification ofcompliance with the provisions.

The seafarers shall receive a copy of the recordspertaining to them, which shall be endorsed by the

t b th i d b th t dmaster or by a person authorized by the master andby the seafarers

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisionsNew paragraph 8Does not impair right of the master to require aDoes not impair right of the master to require aseafarer to perform any hours of work necessary forthe immediate safety of the ship, persons on boardor cargo or for the purpose of giving assistance to


or cargo, or for the purpose of giving assistance toother ships or persons in distress at sea.

Master may suspend the schedule of hours of restAA VIII/1VIII/1 Master may suspend the schedule of hours of restuntil the normal situation has been restored.

After normal situation has been restored, master,shall ensure that seafarers who performed work in ascheduled rest period are provided with an adequateperiod of rest

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisionsNew paragraph 9

Parties may allow exceptions from the requiredhours of rest in paragraphs 2.2 and 3 above

id d th t th t i d i t l th 70


provided that the rest period is not less than 70hours in any 7-day period.

Exceptions from the weekly rest period providedExceptions from the weekly rest period providedfor in paragraph 2.2 shall not be allowed for morethan two consecutive weeks.

The Intervals between two periods of exceptionson board shall not be less than twice the durationof the exceptionof the exception

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

S tiS ti N i iN i iSectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

New paragraph 9 (cont)

The hours of rest provided for in paragraph 2.1 may be dividedinto no more than three periods:

one at least 6 ho rs in length and


one at least 6 hours in length; andneither of the other two periods shall be < one hour

Intervals between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceedIntervals between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed14 hours. Exceptions shall not extend beyond two 24-hourperiods in any 7-day period.

Exceptions shall, as far as possible, take into account theguidance regarding prevention of fatigue in section B-VIII/1

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisionsNew paragraph 10

Administrations shall establish, for preventing alcoholabuse, a limit of:

AA--VIII/1VIII/1not > 0.05% blood alcohol level (BAC), or

0.25 mg/l alcohol in the breath, or

a quantity of alcohol leading to such alcoholi f ffi d hconcentration for masters, officers and other

seafarers while performing designated safety,security & marine environmental duties

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisionsPart 3 – text of previous Section B-VIII/2, Part 3-1, paragraph5 N h 8 W t hk i i i l i l5 = New paragraph 8 – Watchkeeping principles in general

Watches shall be carried out based on the followingBridge & engine-room resource management


principles:1. Proper arrangements for watchkeeping personnel shall

be ensured in accordance with the situations;

2. Any limitations in qualifications or fitness of individualsshall be taken into account when deployingwatchkeeping personnel;

3. Understanding of watchkeeping personnel regardingtheir individual roles, responsibility and team roles shallbe established;be established;

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisionsNew paragraph 8 (cont’d):New paragraph 8 (cont’d):

4. The master, chief engineer officer and officer in charge ofwatch duties shall maintain a proper watch, making themost effective use of resources available such as


information, installations/ equipment and other personnel;

5. Watchkeeping personnel shall understand functions andti f i t ll ti / i t d b f ili ithAA VIII/2VIII/2 operation of installations/equipment, and be familiar with

handling them;

6. Watchkeeping personnel shall understand information andp g phow to respond to information from eachstation/installation/equipment;

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

New paragraph 8 (cont’d)

7. Information from stations/installations/equipment shall beshared as appropriate by all watchkeeping personnel;


shared, as appropriate, by all watchkeeping personnel;

8. Watchkeeping personnel shall maintain an exchange ofappropriate communication in any situation; and

9. Watchkeeping personnel shall notify the master/chiefengineer officer/officer in charge of watch duties withoutany hesitation when in doubt regarding action to be takenany hesitation when in doubt regarding action to be takenin the interest of safety

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisions/amendmentsNew provisions/amendmentsCurrent Part 3 – Watchkeeping Principles – General:renumbered as Part 4 and existing Parts and

Part 4 – Watchkeeping at sea (formerly Part 3):P h 10 (f l h 9) S f

renumbered as Part 4 and existing Parts andparagraphs renumbered accordingly


• Paragraph 10 (formerly paragraph 9) – Scope ofwatchkeeping arrangements extended to include cargowatch

Part 4-1 - Principles to be observed in keeping a navigationalwatch (formerly Part 3-1):

• Paragraph 18 (formerly paragraph 17), sub paragraph .4:l i l d ECDISnow also includes ECDIS;

• Paragraph 24 (formerly paragraph 23): sub paragraph 4 hasbeen deleted; ***why

• Paragraph 27: has been deleted ***whyParagraph 27: has been deleted why

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisions/amendmentsNew provisions/amendments

Part 4-1 (cont’d):• Paragraph 35: reference to SOLAS Chapter V

regulations updated;Paragraph 47: amended by inserting “When using

AA--VIII/2VIII/2• Paragraph 47: amended by inserting “When using

ECDIS, appropriate usage code (scale) electronicnavigational charts shall be used and the ship’s positionshall be checked by an independent means of positiony p pfixing at appropriate intervals. “

Part 4-2 – Principles to be observed in keeping anengineering watch (formerly paragraph 3-2):

• Paragraph 52: references amended accordingly;

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisionsN P t 5N P t 5 66 C t hC t h


New Part 5New Part 5--6 6 –– Cargo watchCargo watch

New paragraph 107New paragraph 107

Officers with responsibility for the planning andconduct of cargo operations shall ensure that suchoperations are conducted safely through the controloperations are conducted safely through the controlof the specific risks including when non-ship’spersonnel are involved

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisions/amendmentsNew provisions/amendmentsCurrent paragraph 4 deletedCurrent paragraph 4 deleted

New paragraph 4 inserted and reads as:“Exceptions provided for in section A-VIII/1,


Exceptions provided for in section A VIII/1,paragraph 9, should be construed to mean the

exceptions laid down by the ILO Convention onSeafarers’ Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships,g p ,

1996 (No.180) or the Maritime Labour Convention,2006, when it enters into force.

The circumstances under which such exceptions areapplied should be defined by the Parties.”

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

New guidance for ‘Prevention of drug and alcoholabuse’:

6 D d l h l b di l ff h fi


6 - Drug and alcohol abuse directly affect the fitnessand ability of a seafarer to perform watchkeeping dutiesor duties that involve designated safety, prevention of

ll ti d it d ti S f f d t bBB--VIII/1VIII/1 pollution and security duties. Seafarers found to beunder the influence of drugs or alcohol should not bepermitted to perform watchkeeping duties or duties thatinvolve designated safety prevention of pollution andinvolve designated safety, prevention of pollution andsecurity duties, until they are no longer impaired in theirability to perform those duties

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions‘Prevention of drug and alcohol abuse’ (cont’d)g ( )

7 Administrations should ensure that adequate measures aretaken to prevent alcohol and drugs from impairing the abilityof atchkeeping personnel and those hose d ties in ol e


of watchkeeping personnel and those whose duties involvedesignated safety, prevention of pollution and securityduties, and should establish screening programmes asnecessary which:y

.1 identify drug and alcohol abuse;

2 respect the dignity privacy confidentiality and fundamental.2 respect the dignity, privacy, confidentiality and fundamentallegal rights of the individuals concerned; and

3. take into account relevant international guidelinesg

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisionsSectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

‘Prevention of drug and alcohol abuse’ (cont’d)g ( )

8 Companies should consider the implementation of aclearly written policy of drug and alcohol abuse prevention,incl ding prohibition to cons me alcohol ithin fo r ho rs priorBB--VIII/1VIII/1 including prohibition to consume alcohol within four hours priorto serving as a member of a watch either by inclusion in thecompany’s quality-management system or by means ofproviding adequate information and education to the seafarers.p g q

9 Those involved in establishing drug and alcohol abuseprevention programmes should take into account guidancecontained in the ILO publication Drug and Alcohol Preventioncontained in the ILO publication Drug and Alcohol PreventionProgrammes in the Maritime Industry (A Manual for Planners), asmay be amended.

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisions/amendmentsNew provisions/amendmentsA place holder reserved for: Part 3 –


Watchkeeping Principles in General ( presently no provisions)

Consequently, existing Parts and paragraphs haveBB--VIII/2VIII/2 Consequently, existing Parts and paragraphs havebeen renumbered accordingly

Former Part 3-1: Bridge resource management-paragraphs 4 & 5 deletedparagraphs 4 & 5 - deleted

Former Part 3-2: Engine room resourcemanagement - paragraphs 8.1 & 8.2 - deleted

Both Parts have now been moved to Section A-VIII/2

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions

New guidance included for ‘Anchor watch’:g

4 The master of every ship at an unshelteredanchorage, at an open roadstead or any other

BB--VIII/2VIII/2virtually “at sea” conditions in accordance withchapter VIII, section A-VIII/2, part 4-1, paragraph 51of the STCW Code, should ensure that watchkeepingarrangements are adequate for maintaining a safewatch at all times. A deck officer should at all timesmaintain responsibility for a safe anchor watch.

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

S tiS ti N i iN i iSectionSection New provisionsNew provisions‘‘Anchor watch’ (cont’d)5 In determining the watchkeeping arrangements5 In determining the watchkeeping arrangements,

and commensurate with maintaining the ship’ssafety and security and the protection of themarine environment the master should take into

BB--VIII/2VIII/2marine environment, the master should take into account all pertinent circumstances and conditions such as:

1. Maintaining a continuous state of vigilance by sight and1. Maintaining a continuous state of vigilance by sight andhearing as well as by all other available means;

2. Ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communicationrequirements;

3 Th ili th i d t diti3. The prevailing weather, sea, ice and current conditions;4. The need to continuously monitor ship’s position;

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection New provisionsNew provisions‘Anchor watch’ (cont’d)( )5. The nature, size and characteristics of

anchorage;6. Traffic conditions;

BB--VIII/2VIII/27. Situations which might affect the security of

the ship;8. Loading and discharging operations;9. The designation of stand-by crew members;

and10. The procedure to alert the master and

i t i i dimaintain engine readiness

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Chapter VIII New provisions/amendments

SectionSection AmendmentsAmendments


Current Part 5 - Guidance on Prevention of Drug andAlcohol Abuse – is deleted


Now covered by new paragraphs 5 – 8 in Section in B-VIII/1 under “Prevention of drug and alcohol abuse”VIII/1, under Prevention of drug and alcohol abuse

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• ULUSAL UYGULAMALAR• ULUSAL UYGULAMALAR• Gemiadamları Yönetmeliği• Gemilerin yola elverişlilik bakımından donatılmalarında, gemiadamları ile ilgili

gerekleri belirlemek amacıyla düzenlenmiştirgerekleri belirlemek amacıyla düzenlenmiştir.• Eğitim ve Sınav Yönergesi• Gemiadamları eğitimlerinin ve sınavlarının en az gereklerini belirlemek

amacıyla düzenlenmiştiramacıyla düzenlenmiştir. • Kalite Standartları• Gemiadamlarının eğitim, öğretim, sınav ve belgelendirme faaliyetlerini

yürüten kamu veya özel kurum ve kuruluşların sahip olmaları gereken kaliteyürüten kamu veya özel kurum ve kuruluşların sahip olmaları gereken kalite standartlarını, bu standartların denetim esasları ile Denizcilik Eğitimi Denetleme Kurulunun çalışma usul ve esaslarını belirlemektir.

• Gemilerin Gemiadamları İle Donatılmasına İlişkin Yönerge• Gemilerin gemiadamları ile donatılmasının asgari gereklerini belirlemek

amacıyla düzenlenmiştir.

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 183: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

• Gemiadamları Yönetmeliği• STCW 78 Sözleşmesindeki 1995 tarihinde yapılan değişikliklere uyum

sağlamak amacı ile 31.07.2002 tarihinde yürürlüğe girerek 1997 tarihlisağlamak amacı ile 31.07.2002 tarihinde yürürlüğe girerek 1997 tarihli yönetmelik yürürlükten kaldırılmıştır.

• 2010 Manila değişikliklerine adaptasyon amacı ile 2012 yılı içinde d ği iklikl l ktdeğişiklikler yapılacaktır.

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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• Kısımlar• I.Kısım : Amaç, Kapsam, Dayanak ve Tanımlar• II Kısım : Gemiadamı Yeterlikleri• II. Kısım : Gemiadamı Yeterlikleri• III. Kısım : Gemiadamlarının Eğitimleri, Sınavları,

Belgelendirmeleri ve Sağlık Yeterlikleri• IV. Kısım : Türk Gemiadamları Kütüğü• V. Kısım : Vardiya Tutma Kuralları ve Son Hükümler

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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• Gemiadamı yeterlikleri• Gemiadamı yeterlikleriMadde 6 Yetki Ve Sorumluluklar

• Eğitim standartlarının sağlanıp uygulanması,ğ ğ p yg• Sözleşmenin I/8 maddesi ile Kod bölümünün A-I/8 Kısmı uyarınca izleme

ve değerlendirme,Sö l Yö t lik b ğl ö l i kl i i i ti• Sözleşme, Yönetmelik ve bağlı yönergelerin gereklerini yerine getiremeyen eğitim kurumlarından mezun olanlara gemiadamı cüzdanı ve/veya yeterlik belgesi verilmez,

• Tamamlama kursları

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 186: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

• Gemiadamı yeterlikleri• Madde 7 Yeterlik Sınırları

Kaptan ve güverte zabitleri için;• 500 GT’den daha küçük ve yakın kıyısal sefer yapan gemilerde çalışacaklar,• 500 GT’den daha küçük ve yakın kıyısal sefer bölgesi dışına çıkarak sefer yapan gemilerde

çalışacaklar,• 500-3000 GT arası gemilerde çalışacaklar,• 3000 GT ve daha büyük gemilerde çalışacaklar,

Başmühendis/başmakinist ve makine zabitleri için;• 500 kW’den daha küçük ana makine ile yürütülen ve yakın kıyısal sefer yapan gemilerde

çalışacaklar,• 750 kW’den daha küçük ana makine ile yürütülen ve yakın kıyısal sefer bölgesi dışına çıkarak

sefer yapan gemilerde çalışacaklar,• 750-3000 kW arası ana makine ile yürütülen gemilerde çalışacaklar,• 3000 kW ve daha büyük ana makine ile yürütülen gemilerde çalışacaklar,

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 187: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

• Güverte SınıfıT f l

• Makine SınıfıTayfalar :

Gemiadamı Yeterlikleri

Tayfalar :o Gemici, o Usta Gemici, o Güverte Lostromosu

Tayfalar :o Yağcı,o Usta Makine Tayfasıo Makine Lostromosuo Güverte Lostromosu

Kaptan ve Güverte Zabitleri :o Sınırlı Vardiya Zabiti,o Sınırlı Kaptan,

o Makine LostromosuBaş Mühendis, Baş Makinist ve Makine Zabitleri

o Makine ZabitiS l B ki i to Sınırlı Kaptan,

o Vardiya Zabiti, o 1. Zabit,o Kaptan,

o Sınırlı Başmakinisto Makine Zabitio İkinci Makinist

B M ki ip

o Uzakyol Vardiya Zabiti, o Uzakyol 1. Zabiti, o Uzakyol Kaptanı

o Baş Makinisto Uzakyol Vardiya Mühendisi/ Makinistio Uzakyol 2. Mühendisi/ Makinistio Uzakyol Baş Mühendisi/ Makinisti

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 188: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

Y d S f• Yardımcı Sınıf• Telsiz Zabitleri• Kısa Mesafe Telsiz Operatörü• Uzun Mesafe Telsiz Operatörü

• Yat Sınıfı• Yat Kaptanı (500 GT)

Uzun Mesafe Telsiz Operatörü• Tahditli Telsiz Operatörü• Genel Telsiz Operatörü• Telsiz Elektronik Zabiti

• Yat Kaptanı (500-3000 GT)• Yat Kaptanı (3000 GT üstü)• Balıkçı Sınıfı

• Elektrik ve Elektronik Zabitleri• Elektrikçi• Elektrik zabiti

• Balıkçı Gemisi Güverte Tayfası• Balıkçı Gemisi Kaptanı• Açık deniz Balıkçı Gemisi Kaptanı

• Elektronikçi• Elektronik Zabiti• Gemi Elektroniği-Haberleşme Zabiti• Elektroteknik Tayfası• Elektroteknik Zabiti

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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• Gemiadamı yeterlikleri• Madde 8-9 Güverte/Makine Sınıfı Yeterlik Şartları• Deniz Hizmeti• Deniz Hizmeti• Eğitim

o İdarenin Onayladığı Eğitim KurumlarındaA II/1 – A III/1 İşletim DüzeyiA II/2 – A III/2 Yönetim DüzeyiA II/3 – A III/3 Sınırlı Yeterlikler

• Staj• Sınav• Sınav

• Gemiadamları Sınav Merkezi (GASM)• Yabancı Dil

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 190: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİĞİ• 2010 MANİLA DEĞİŞİKLİĞİ• Güverte Sınıfı• Usta gemici için eğitim ve sınav zorunluluğuUsta gemici için eğitim ve sınav zorunluluğu• Tüm güverte zabitleri için RoC belgesi• İşletim düzeyinden yönetim düzeyine çıkışta 36 ay deniz hizmeti• İşletim düzeyinden yönetim düzeyine yükselmelerde 500 GT üzeri

gemilerde liman seferi dışında çalışma

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 191: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

M ki S f• Makine Sınıfı• Usta makine tayfası yeterlik, eğitim ve sınav şartları• 6 aylık deniz stajına ilave olarak 6 aylık atölye becerilerini geliştirme eğitimi• İşletim düzeyinden yönetim düzeyine çıkışta 36 ay deniz hizmeti• İşletim düzeyinden yönetim düzeyine yükselmelerde 750 kw yukarı

gemilerde hizmet şartıgemilerde hizmet şartı• Diğer yeterlikler• Elektro-teknik tayfası ve elektro-teknik zabiti yeterlik, eğitim ve sınav

tlşartları• Yat sınıfı yeterlik şartları yeniden düzenlendi. (500 GT, 3000 GT, 3000 GT

üstü)• Balıkçı gemilerinde çalışacak güverte tayfası• Aşçı ve kamarot yeterliği için mesleki ve teknik eğitim merkezi mezuniyeti

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

Page 192: Stcw gemi̇mo şakir demi̇rel 2012

G i d l Eğiti l i S l B l l di l i S ğl k• Gemiadamlarının Eğitimleri, Sınavları, Belgelendirmeleri ve Sağlık YeterlikleriMadde 19 Denizde Güvenlik Eğitimleri ve Belgeleri

• Eğitimler (tüm gemiadamları)Denizde kişisel can kurtarma teknikleri eğitimi,Temel ilkyardım eğitimiTemel ilkyardım eğitimi,Yangın önleme ve yangınla mücadele eğitimi,Personel güvenliği ve sosyal sorumluluk eğitimi,Cankurtarma araçlarını kullanma yeterliği eğitimi,

• Eğitim-Öğretim sırasında veya İdare tarafından onaylı eğitim kurumlarında eğitim zorunluluğu,ğ ğ ,

• Her beş yılda bir değerlendirme sınavı,• Değerlendirme sınavında başarısızlıkta yeniden eğitim,

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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o Seyir Güvenlik Eğitimleri ve Belgeleri• Radar Gözlem ve Plotlama Eğitimi,• Otomatik Radar Plotlama Aygıtlarını (ARPA) kullanma eğitimi• Otomatik Radar Plotlama Aygıtlarını (ARPA) kullanma eğitimi,• Elektronik Harita Gösterimi ve Bilgi Sistemi (ECDIS) Eğitimi,• Köprüüstü Kaynak Yönetimi (BRM) Eğitimi,• Makine Dairesi Kaynak Yönetimi (ERM) Eğitimi

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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İo İlkyardım ve Tıbbi Bakım Eğitimi ve Belgelerio Tankerlerde Çalışan Gemiadamlarının Eğitimleri ve

Belgelerio İleri Yangınla Mücadele Eğitimi ve Belgesio İleri Yangınla Mücadele Eğitimi ve Belgesio Hızlı Cankurtarma Botu Kullanma Yeterliği Eğitimi ve

BelgesiBelgesio Yolcu Gemileri ve Ro-Ro Yolcu Gemileri Gemiadamları

Eğitimi ve Belgesi (Yolcu gemisinde çalışma eğitimi)Eğitimi ve Belgesi (Yolcu gemisinde çalışma eğitimi)

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T k l d l i d l• Tankerlerde çalışan gemiadamları• Petrol ve kimyasal madde tankerlerinde yük işlemleri için

temel eğitimtemel eğitim• Petrol tankerlerinde yük işlemleri için ileri eğitim• Kimyasal madde tankerlerinde yük işlemleri için ileri eğitimKimyasal madde tankerlerinde yük işlemleri için ileri eğitim• Sıvılaştırılmış gaz tankerinde yük işlemleri için temel eğitim• Sıvılaştırılmış gaz tankerlerinde yük işlemleri için ileri ş ş g y ş ç

eğitim • İlgili tanker tipinde en az üç ay deniz hizmeti veya bir ayda

ü ükl b lüç yükleme boşaltma operasyonu

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• ISPS Eğitimleri• Güvenlik farkındalığı eğitimiGüvenlik farkındalığı eğitimi• Belirlenmiş güvenlik görevleri eğitimi• Gemi güvenlik zabiti eğitimi

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On-line STCW Değerlendirme Sınavları

• STCW Sözleşmesi gereği 5 yıldaSTCW Sözleşmesi gereği 5 yılda bir yapılan değerlendirme sınavları yetkilendirilmiş eğitim kurumlarında on line olarakkurumlarında on-line olarak sürekli yapılmaya başlanmıştır.

• Gemiadamları başvurdukları liman başkanlıkları tarafından otomatik olarak sınava gireceği kuruma atanmaktadır.

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• Gemiadamlarının Eğitimleri, Sınavları, Belgelendirmeleri ve Sağlık YeterlikleriGemiadamları SınavlarıGemiadamları Sınavları

• Gemiadamları Sınav Merkezi (GASM)• GASM Kurulu• GASM Başkanı• GASM Soru Hazırlama Birimi

GASM S K i l• GASM Sınav Komisyonları• GASM Yayın Birimi• Sınav tarihleri ve yerleriSınav tarihleri ve yerleri• Sınav Soruları-Soru bankası-soruların seçimi• Sınavlarda başarı

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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• Gemiadamları On-Line sınav sistemi

• Zabitan sınıfı gemiadamı sınavlarıZabitan sınıfı gemiadamı sınavları “gemiadamları On-Line Sınav Sistemi (GOSS) ile GOSS Sınav Merkezlerinde yapılmaktadırMerkezlerinde yapılmaktadır.

• Ankara, Trabzon, İstanbul, Kocaeli, Çanakkale, İzmir, Marmaris, Bodrum, Antalya ve İskenderun’da sınav merkezleri

• Samsun, Mersin ve Bandırma’da Samsun, Mersin ve Bandırma da yeni merkezler açılacaktır.

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l l f d l• On-line sınavların faydaları :• Gemiadamları her sınava ayrı olarak çalışmakta ve yalnız girecekleri sınava

odaklanmaktadır.• Gemiadamı randevu tarihini tespit ederken kendisine en uygun zamanı

seçebilmektedir.• Sınav sistemi güvenli bir yazılım üzerinden yapılmaktadır.g y y p• Yazılım ile sınavın güvenliği arttırılmıştır.• Bilgisayarlara eklenen ve yazılımla entegre kameralar ile sınav esnasında sürekli

olarak fotoğraf çekilmektedirolarak fotoğraf çekilmektedir.• Sınav sonucu sınav bitimi itibarı ile belli olmaktadır.• Sınavın uygulanmasında önceleri mevcut olabilen tüm insan hatalarının oluşma

h l f d lihtimali sıfıra indirilmiştir.• Yapılmakta olan sınavlar ve kişiler ile ilgili bilgiler sistemin kayıtlarında sürekli

olarak muhafaza edilmektedir.

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• Gerek kişilerin gelişimleri ile ilgili bilgilere kaynak teşkil etmekte, gerekse soru bankasında soruların ağırlıkları ile ilgili istatistiki bilgilere kolaylıkla ulaşılabilmektedir.V it b d ki bil il d i d l ld kl k ll b• Veritabanındaki bilgilerden, gemiadamlarının mezun oldukları okulların başarı durumları sorgulanarak, gerekirse başarı oranı düşük okullarla koordinasyon kurularak düzeltici faaliyet uygulanabilecektir.

• On line sınavlarda başarı oranı yazılı sınavlara göre yükselmiştir• On-line sınavlarda başarı oranı yazılı sınavlara göre yükselmiştir.

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• GASM Soru Bankası• On-line sınavlarda her ders için ayrı

ayrı sınava girilmekte ve kişiye özel soru fasikülleri oluşturulmaktadır.

• Mevcut soru bankasının soru kapasitesinin yetersiz kalması ve soruların gözden geçirilme ihtiyacı nedeniyle GASM Soru Hazırlama Komisyonları toplanmıştır.

• Gerekli görülen sorular düzeltilmiş yanlışlık bulunanlar iptal edilmiştir.

• Komisyonların hazırladığı yeni sorular y ğ ysoru bankasına eklenmiştir.

• Soru ekleme işlemi daha da genişletilecektir.genişletilecektir.

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d l ğ l l l l d l ğl k• Gemiadamlarının Eğitimleri, Sınavları, Belgelendirmeleri ve Sağlık YeterlikleriGemiadamlarının Belgelendirilmesi

• Gemiadamı olabilme koşullarıTC, KKTC vatandaşı olmak yada Türk Soylu Yabancı olmak,yaş öğrenim derecesi deniz hizmet süresi ve diğer gerekleri sağlamış olmakyaş, öğrenim derecesi, deniz hizmet süresi ve diğer gerekleri sağlamış olmak,Sağlık raporu,Adli sicil beyanı

• Tayfalar ile sınırlı vardiya zabiti, sınırlı kaptan, sınırlı makine zabiti, sınırlı başmakinist yeterlikli gemiadamları ile yardımcı sınıf gemiadamları, yat kaptanı ve balıkçı sınıfı gemiadamlarına gemiadamı cüzdanından bağımsız "Gemiadamı Yeterlik Belgesi",

• Sınırlı yeterlikler haricindeki zabitan sınıfı gemiadamları ile telsiz zabitleri ve stajyerlere ise gemiadamı yeterlik belgesini de içeren "Gemiadamı Cüzdan"ı,

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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• Gemiadamı cüzdanı ve gemiadamı belgeleri uluslararası standandartlara uygun hale getirilmiştir.

• 108 Sayılı ILO Sözleşmesine uygun olarak hazırlanan yeni tip• 108 Sayılı ILO Sözleşmesine uygun olarak hazırlanan yeni tip Gemiadamı Cüzdanı ve Gemiadamları Belgesi (PVC Card) 12 Kasım 2007 tarihinden itibaren Bakanlığımızca gemidamlarına verilmeye başlanmıştır. Yeni tip Gemiadamı Cüzdanı gemiadamlarının sahip olduğu yeterlik belgesi, STCW sertifikaları ve telsiz belgelerini de içerecek şekilde düzenlenmiştiriçerecek şekilde düzenlenmiştir.

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• Gemiadamlarının Eğitimleri, Sınavları, Belgelendirmeleri ve Sağlık YeterlikleriGemi adamlarının belgelendirilmesiGemi adamlarının belgelendirilmesi

• Yabancı Uyruklu gemiadamlarının belgelendirilmesi• Yabancı Ülke İdarelerinden Alınmış Gemiadamları Belgelerinin Denklikleri• Yabancı Ülkelerde Eğitim-Öğretim Görenlere Yeterlik Belgesi Verilmesi• Deniz Kuvvetlerinden Ayrılanların Durumu

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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G i d l ği i l i S l l l di l i S ğl k likl i• Gemiadamlarının Eğitimleri, Sınavları, Belgelendirmeleri ve Sağlık YeterlikleriMadde 60 Yeterliklerin Geçerliklerinin Yenilenmesi

• Kaptan, başmühendis/başmakinist, zabit ve telsiz operatörleri yeterliklerinin geçerlik süreleri beş yıldır.

• Deniz Hizmeti• Yenileme Eğitimi / SınavıYenileme Eğitimi / Sınavı• Alt yeterlikle deniz hizmeti• Kara hizmeti

STCW 2010 d ği ikliğiSTCW 2010 değişikliği• Son 6 ayda 3 ay deniz hizmeti• Tankerlerde çalışan gemiadamlarının tanker belgeleri için; son altmış ayda ç ş g g ç ş y

3 ay tankerlerde deniz hizmeti veya tazeleme eğitimi

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d l ğ l l l l d l ğl k• Gemiadamlarının Eğitimleri, Sınavları, Belgelendirmeleri ve Sağlık YeterlikleriEğitim, Sınav, Belgelendirme, Değerlendirme ve Denetimler Hakkında Kalite Standartları

• Denizcilik Eğitimlerinin İzleme ve DeğerlendirilmesiDenizcilik Eğitimi Denetleme ve Kalite Standartları Esasları HakkındaDenizcilik Eğitimi Denetleme ve Kalite Standartları Esasları Hakkında Yönetmelik Standartların izlenmesi ve değerlendirmesine yönelik uygulamalara ilişkin YÖK ve MEB ile protokolve MEB ile protokol,

• İdarenin Bildirim YükümlülüğüSTCW A-I/7(4) gereği denetim raporları ve gemiadamlarının kalite standartları hakkında ilave düzeltici uygulamalar 5 yılda bir IMO Genel Sekreterliğine bildirilir.

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• Türkiye’de gemiadamları eğitimi• Üniversitelere bağlı fakülte ve yüksekokullar ile Millî Eğitim Bakanlığına

bağlı orta öğretim okulları ve yaygın eğitim kurumları ile Deniz Kuvvetleribağlı orta öğretim okulları ve yaygın eğitim kurumları ile Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığına bağlı öğretim kurumları,

• Kuruluş amaçları gemiadamlarına eğitim vermek olan ve Ulaştırma, d i ilik H b l B k l ğ ’ ö ü ü ü i Millî Eğitidenizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanlığı’nın uygun görüşü üzerine Millî Eğitim Bakanlığının izni ile gerçek ve tüzel kişiler tarafından açılan özel öğretim kurumları tarafından verilir.

• Gemiadamları eğitimi (Gemiadamlarının Eğitim Belgelendirme ve Vardiya Standartları Hakkında Uluslararası Sözleşme) STCW 78 Sözleşmesi gereklerine uygun olarak yapılmaktadır.gereklerine uygun olarak yapılmaktadır.

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STCW Kapsamında Değerlendirme ve Denetimler Hakkında Kalite StandartlarıSTCW Sö l i ği h 5 ld bi h l k IMO’ ö d il i k ülk l• STCW Sözleşmesi gereği her 5 yılda bir hazırlanarak IMO’ya gönderilmesi gereken ülke raporlarınıhazırlanarak IMO’ya sunulmuştur.

• STCW Sözleşmesi gereği Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına (MEB) ve Yüksek Öğretim Kurumuna (YÖK) bağlı olarakdenizcilik eğitimi veren kurumların kalite standartları yöntemi ile izleme ve değerlendirilmesinin sağlanmasımaksadıyla, “Denizcilik Eğitimi Veren Eğitim Okul/Kurumlarının STCW Sözleşmesi Gerekleri KapsamındaSürekli İzlenmesine ve Değerlendirilmesine Yönelik Protokol” MEB ve YÖK ile imzalanmıştır.

• İzleme ve Değerlendirme faaliyetlerinde görev alacak denetçilerin eğitimleri tamamlanmıştır. Denizcilikeğitimi veren okulların izleme ve değerlendirme faaliyetleri tamamlanmıştır.ğ ğ y ş

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• IMO “Beyaz Liste”• Ülkemiz, IMO genel sekreterliğine sunulan ülke raporu

ti i d d STCW 78 Sö l i d b li tilneticesinde, sadece STCW 78 Sözleşmesinde belirtilen standartlarda eğitim yapan üye ülkelerin yer aldığı ve IMO tarafından yayınlanan “Beyaz Liste”de yer almaktadırtarafından yayınlanan Beyaz Liste de yer almaktadır.

Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı

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A D i E i i Aj (EMSA) D i i• Avrupa Deniz Emniyeti Ajansı (EMSA) Denetimi• Avrupa Deniz Emniyeti Ajansı (EMSA), Türk denizcilik

eğitimine yönelik dört yıldır sürdürdüğü denetimlerieğitimine yönelik dört yıldır sürdürdüğü denetimleri tamamlayarak raporunu Avrupa Komisyonu’na sunmuştur. Bazı denizcilik eğitim merkezleri ve idaremizin kurduğu kalite

ü i i d l igüvence sistemi denetlenmiş• Denetimlerden idare olarak eksiksiz çıkılmıştır. • R AB K i l t• Rapor AB Komisyonunca onaylanmıştır.• Olumlu rapora istinaden tüm Avrupa Birliği (AB) ülkeleri, ayrı

bir denetim yapmadan EMSA’NIN raporunu kabul edecek vebir denetim yapmadan EMSA NIN raporunu kabul edecek ve gemiadamlarımız Avrupa Birliği üyesi ülke bayrağını taşıyan gemilerde serbestçe çalışabilecektir.

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Eğitim ve Belgelendirme Dairesi BaşkanlığıŞakir DEMİREL G.S. Uzmanı