std iii english lesson notes january 2017 lesson … question banks/class 3 lesson notes... · std...

STD III ENGLISH LESSON NOTES JANUARY 2017 LESSON 5 - CLEVER CARLA THEME: COMMUNICATION I. Give one word for the following:- 1. the ability to do something well skill 2. to move with a jerk hitch 3. look at it with pleasure admire 4. a broad smile - grin II. Write the synonyms:- 1. deal agreement 2. beat defeat 3. crazy mad 4. sly cunning 5. nice pleasant III. Write the antonyms:- 1. clever x foolish 2. cruel x kind 3. agree x disagree 4. include x exclude IV. Make a sentence with each of the following words :- 1. admire 2. greedy 1

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I. Give one word for the following:-

1. the ability to do something well – skill

2. to move with a jerk – hitch

3. look at it with pleasure – admire

4. a broad smile - grin

II. Write the synonyms:-

1. deal – agreement

2. beat – defeat

3. crazy – mad

4. sly – cunning

5. nice – pleasant

III. Write the antonyms:-

1. clever x foolish

2. cruel x kind

3. agree x disagree

4. include x exclude

IV. Make a sentence with each of the following words :-

1. admire

2. greedy


V. Answer the following:-

1. Who was Carla?

Ans: Carla was the young daughter of a poor shoemaker who lived in Italy. She was a

clever girl who tricked the merchant.

2. Why did the shoemaker go to the market?

Ans: The shoemaker went to the market to sell leather shoes and sandals.

3. What did the merchant do after he gave the money to Carla’s father?

Ans: The merchant got onto the wagon seated himself next to the shoemaker and told him

to get off.

VI. Textual Comprehension:-

“But then you agreed to give me ‘everything’ in your hand, didn’t you?”

1. Who said these words to whom?

Ans: Carla said these words to the merchant.

2. From which lesson is this line taken?

Ans: This line is taken from the lesson “Clever Carla”

3. How did Carla trick the merchant?

Ans: When the merchant offered three copper coins, Carla asked him whether he would

give ‘everything’ in his hand, without thinking the merchant agreed and had to give

the three expensive rings too.

Creative Thinking

Do you think a better communication between the shoemaker and the merchant would

prevent the shoemaker from getting cheated? Write your suggestions.


a) How does lack of communication cause conflict in peer group?

b) “We can travel to India by bus.” Agree or Disagree? Why?

c) How do deaf and dumb people communicate?



I am writing a letter

By – Margaret. G. Rhodes.

I. Give one word for the following:-

1. the official service for delivering letters, parcels etc – post

2. the details of person’s home or any location – address

3. strong wish to do something – anxious

4. a flat paper container for a letter – envelope

II. Write the synonyms:-

1. anxious – worried

2. begin – start

3. care – concern

4. neat – tidy

III. Write the antonyms:-

1. neat x untidy

2. careful x careless

3. long x short

4. anxious x calm

5. slowly x quickly

IV. Answer the following:-

1. To whom is the child writing the letter?

Ans: The child is writing the letter to her mother.

2. Why was the child so anxious?

Ans: The child was anxious because she wanted to write the letter carefully and neatly.

3. What do you have to do to make the envelope ready?

Ans: We have to write the address on the envelope and stick the stamp to make it ready.


V. Textual Comprehension:-

“The envelope’s ready

I put the stamp on

And run to the post box,

And now it has gone!”

1. From which poem are these lines taken? Who is the poetess?

Ans: These lines are taken from the poem “I am writing a letter”. The poetess is Margaret

G. Rhodes.

2. Where does the child put the stamp?

Ans: The child puts the stamp on the envelope.

3. Pick out the rhyming words from the above lines.

Ans: on ----- gone.

Creative Thinking

How did people communicate long distances before the telephone and email were



a) What is the difference between email and Postal mail?

b) Where is the highest post office in the world situated?

c) When is the World Postal Day observed?


My Motherland

is my motherland. is a beautiful country. It has many beautiful

parks, gardens. is the capital of .

is the main occupation of our country. is the National Animal

and is the National Bird. Our national flag has colours. They are

, , . I love my motherland and am very proud of it.

Grammar – Prepositions.

Composition – My Mother Land

Course book – Lesson 9

Work book – Lesson 4

Comprehension & Composition – Lesson 12







A Fraction is used to name a part of a whole thing or a part of a group (collection).

Wholes and fractions

Whole Whole is divided into two equal parts.

We write it as 1/2

Parts of a whole or parts of a collection or group are fractions.

Equal and unequal parts

Equal parts:

When all the parts of a whole or collection are equal, we say that each part is equal.

Equal parts of whole

The circle is divided into two equal parts.

The circle is divided into three equal parts.

The circle is divided into four equal parts.


Equal parts of a collection

Unequal parts

A collection or group of mobiles are divided

into two equal groups.

A collection or group of mobiles are divided

into three equal groups.

A collection or group of mobiles are divided

into four equal groups.

When all the parts of a whole or a collection are

unequal, then each part is unequal.

Unequal parts of a whole

Unequal parts of a collection

Here a collection or groups of envelopes are

divided into two unequal groups.

Exercise 1

Here a collection or groups of envelopes are

divided into three unequal groups.

Identify the shapes which are divided into equal parts.




When a whole or collection of things is divided in to 2 equal parts, each part is called one

half. We write it as 1/2 . That means 1 divided by 2.



One part out of two is shaded. We can say that one half is shaded.

To find ½ of a collection, divide the total number by 2.

Eg: ½ of 8

8 ÷ 2 = 4

Exercise 2

Look at the picture and do as directed

a) Shade ½ b) Shade ½

c) Circle ½ of the magazines


d) Bubble ½ of news papers

e) Circle ½ of the radios


Total number of TV

channels in India is 832.

There are 403,

(approximately ½ of the

total) news and current

affairs channels and 429

(more than ½ of the total)

non news channels.

When a whole or collection of things is divided into 3 equal parts, each part is called one

third. We write it as 1/3. That means 1 divided by 3.





One part out of three is shaded. We can say that 1/3 (One third) is shaded.

One third is written as 1/3.

If two parts are shaded, we say that two thirds is shaded. Two thirds is written as 2/3.

2/3 of the people online

use social media

(whatsapp, facebook,

twitter etc..) in America.




If all three parts are shaded, we say that three thirds is shaded. Three thirds is written as

3/3. If 3/3 is shaded that means the whole is shaded.

To find 1/3 of a collection, divide the total number by 3 .

Eg: 1/3 of 12

12 ÷ 3 = 4

Exercise 3:

Look at the picture and do as directed

a) Shade 1/3

b) Shade 1/3

c) Circle 1/3 of the televisions

d) Circle 1/3 of the mobile phones


Fourths or Quarters

When whole or collection of things is divided into 4 equal parts, each part is called one

fourth. We write it as 1/4. That means 1 divided by 4.

¼ ¼

¼ ¼

One part out of four is shaded. We can say that ¼ is shaded.

If two parts are shaded, we say that two fourth is shaded. Two fourth is written as 2/4

If three parts are shaded, we say that three- fourth is shaded. Three – fourth is written as


If all four parts are shaded, we say that four fourths is shaded. Four fourths is written as

4/4. If 4/4 is shaded means, the whole is shaded.

To find ¼ of a collection divide the total number by 4

Eg: ¼ of 16

16 ÷ 4 = 4


Exercise 4:

Look at the pictures and do as directed

a) Shade ¼

b) Bubble ¼

c) Shade ¼

Two halves together make 1 whole ½ + ½ = 2/2 = 1

Three 1/3 together make 1 whole 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 3/3 = 1

Four ¼ together make 1 whole ¼ + ¼ + ¼ + ¼ = 4/4 = 1

H.W Pg. 129, 130,131,135


Shaded and unshaded parts

Look at the picture

Here in total there are 5 parts, out of which 2 parts are shaded. So fraction of shaded parts

is 2/5. Fraction of unshaded parts is 3/5.

This group has 7 parts, out of which 3 parts are shaded. So fraction of shaded parts is 3/7.

Fraction of unshaded parts is 4/7.

Exercise 5:

I. Write the fraction of shaded parts:-

a) b) c)

II. Write the fraction of the circled pictures:-




Exercise 6:

Look at the pictures and do as directed:

a) 2/4 (write your address)

b) Shade 3/4

c) Shade 3/5

d) Name the newspaper – 4/5 (write any four newspapers name )


e) Write the name of the your favourite cartoons 2/7

Numerator and Denominator

Mobile phone radiations are

injurious to health!!! So use

hands-free to decrease the

radiation to the head and keep the

mobile phone away from the


In a fraction 2/3, the number on the top i.e., 2 is called numerator and the number at the

bottom i.e., 3 is called the denominator

2 - Numerator

3 - Denominator

Exercise 7:

Write the fraction of the following:-

Numerator Denominator Fraction













Exercise 8:

Write fractional names

Fraction Fractional names Read as

1/2 One half One by two

1/3 One third One by three

1/4 One fourth One by four






Exercise 9:

Write the fraction for each of the following:-

a) Two - fifths d) Three - fourths

b) Three - ninths e) One - sixth

c) Seven – eighths

H.W. Pgs. 132, 133, 140

Types of fractions

I. Proper fraction

When the numerator is smaller than the denominator, it is called proper fraction. Eg.

2/5, 6/10, 3/8, 5/11 etc ………..

II. Improper Fraction

When the numerator is bigger than the denominator, it is called an improper fraction.

Eg. 5/3, 9/2, 11/4, 8/5 etc…

Exercise 10:

i) Circle the proper fraction

4/5, 6/9, 14/6, 5/2, 1/3, 3/4

Project / Activity


ii) Pick out the improper fractions from the following fractions and write it in the

given box.

[½ , 4/6 , 9/4 , 5/5 , 3/2 , 7/4 ,3/4 , 1/7 , 11/10 ,10/12 , 5/8, 15/13].


Name Date


What fraction are snails? What fraction are crickets?

What fraction are elephants? What fraction are bears?

What fraction are dolphins? What fraction are whales?

What fraction are birds? What fraction are butterflies?

What fraction are snakes? What fraction are spiders?

What fraction are starfish? What fraction are not starfish?



1 1

.. §33-

i. j.




For each figure, write the fraction shown:

(a) What fraction is K?

(b) What fraction of the figure is not coloured?

(c) What fraction of the whole is missing?

(d) What fraction of the pizza is missing?



Worksheet 1



Worksheet 2


Anna has a home library. Here is a list of the books in her library.

Name of the books

No. of books



Auto biography




Picture Story








1. What Fraction of Anna’s library are Comics?

2. What Fraction of Anna’s library are Poems?

3. How many of the books in the library are magazines and picture stories?

4. What fraction of Anna’s library’s books are stories?






I. Vocabulary words:

communication, messengers, telephone, internet, facsimile, magazines,

mobile phone, sign language.

II. Fill in the blanks:-

1. Telephone is the fastest means of communication.

2. Radio is used to send audio messages.

3. E-mail is a method of sending letters or information through internet.

4. A fax machine is used to send printed messages to different places within

a few seconds.

5. In dance the expressions on the face are called bhav.

III. Name the following:-

1. The process of sending and receiving messages.

Ans: communication

2. Two advanced means of communication.

Ans: mobile phones, computer

3. The system of communication used by the deaf and dumb.

Ans: sign language

4. The network of computers all over the world.

Ans: internet

5. Two ancient means of communication.

Ans: drumbeats, pigeons

6. Two means of mass communications.

Ans: television, newspapers 26

IV. Match the inventions and inventors:

1. Telephone - Tim Berners Lee (4)

2. Radio - John Logie Baird (3)

3. Television - Alexander Graham Bell (1)

4. World Wide Web - Mark Zuckerberg (5)

5. Facebook - Marconi (2)

V. Define:

1. Mass communication

Ans: Mass communication means sending messages and giving information to a large

number of people at the same time.

Eg. television, radio, internet, social media.

2. Internet

It is the network of computers all over the world linked by telephone lines through

satellites. It can be used to send or receive messages, music, photographs and


Did you know?

The bird featured in Twitter’s iconic logo and branding is called Larry.

Dr. Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone on 3rd

April 1973.

Telegram is an out dated system of sending messages quickly.


Virbhadra Singh, the chief minister of Himachal Pradesh launched part one of e-Vidhan

Mobile app on March 30th

2016 and became the first state assembly in the country to

launch e-Vidhan Mobile app.

(E-Vidhan Mobile apps will enable all 68 members of state assembly to get the entire

House business on their smartphones and tablets, laid in the House 45 minutes before the

beginning of the daily proceedings. With this Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha became the

first state assembly in the country to launch this app to facilitate smart-working.)


Critical Thinking

Do you spend more time watching TV or playing on the mobile? Is it good for your

health? Give your opinion.


1. Make a list of various newspapers that are published in India and the languages that

each one is printed in. Collect headlines from newspapers and paste them on a chart

paper to make a collage.

2. Write a short note on sign language.

3. Write five TV channels that you like to watch.


I. Vocabulary:


Lesson 26 - Journey of a letter

postcards, inland, postmaster, aerogrammes, money order, parcels, courier service,

speed post.

II. Fill in the blanks:-

1. The postal system is the cheapest means of communication.

2. The postmaster is the head of a post office.

3. The National Postal Day is celebrated on 10th

October every year.

4. We use speed post to send urgent letters.

5. PIN code speeds up the mail and the letter reaches its destination faster.

6. Internet is used to send messages and photographs quickly.

III. Name the following:-

1. The collection of stamps

Ans: Philately

2. The system used to send money from one place to another.

Ans: Money order

3. The letters we send to people staying in other countries.

Ans: Aerogrammes

4. The private postal services.

Ans: FedEx, DHL

5. Two most popular social networks

Ans: Facebook, Whatsapp

6. Two applications used for video chat

Ans: Skype, Imo


IV. Define:-

PIN Code

A PIN code or Postal Index Number ensures that the letter reaches the right

destination. It has six digits.


Draw the steps of the journey of a letter.


Ask your parents about their mode of communication with their relatives in childhood. List

two of them.

Did you know? India has the largest postal network in the world


1. Visit a nearby post office. Talk to the postmaster and ask him about the working of

the post office.

2. Collect different types of stamps and make a stamp album.

3. Draw the picture of an inland letter.




Bahrain Studies

Festivals in the Kingdom of Bahrain

I. Fill in the blanks:-

1. The most important holy month in the Islamic Calendar is Ramadan.

2. The festival of sacrifice is Eid Ul Adha.

3. Prophet Mohammed’s birthday is celebrated as Milad-Al-Nabi.

4. The National Day of Bahrain is on16th


5. The Accession Day is celebrated on 17thDecember.

6. Eid Ul Fitr marks the end of Ramadan.

7. Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar.

II. Answer the following:-

1. Name any three festivals in Bahrain.

Ans: Eid Ul Adha, Milad-al-Nabi, EidUlFitr

2. Describe Eid al- Watani.

Ans: The National Day of Bahrain which falls on 16th December is called Eid al-Watani,

which includes celebrations, processions , firework displays etc.


Paste pictures of festivals celebrated in the Kingdom of Bahrain.


Lesson 24 – Going Places


1. Write different vehicles used for travelling from one place to another and classify


Land Transport Air Transport Water Transport

2. Collect pictures of various means of transport and paste them in the project book.

3. Write five sentences about your favourite journey.




كرم حاة ف ي ةب ال ي ال:02 – سرد

سن الردس خ يول مك صال ال في ف سرد م ارقف ن يو ت ك ت ل ب طالاب ي رق الراءة : أ ق


ال. ب ي ت ف ي الراءة ق عى و ل ال يردت ب

ب ا تاليت د ر ي:- ثنا ا

ف ية ي جالدد عم ادرفمالت نا ع ي ح ن سرد الوبث سأ ال ئ ةل ح صالفية : ل ب ا اليت ردت أ-

ب ص 7 ا اليت ردت ك ات ئس ب ال وأةل سرد

ال ) 11-10-11-7-5( ت يرام لز: ن جا مالنةي اب الوت ب-

ف : ) 12-9-8-5-4-1-0-1( الصةي ج اب الات ـج - و

الين 4 ص 8 ت ح رم جذومن ل

فم : ةدي مجلة ف ي ي تأ ك كلةم امم ي ض ل ضأ د ع

ص . حاب هراغص كل يإ ا ظاق إل ست مألا ى عرا نت -- ميو

ب . صأاي ح عم تمال كرح طقال را ف علبت ي تب -- ة الا ث

سألا . ف ف ل ي عس دي ج را عي ي ي ش عل -- ل اأى

ور ب ت ي ن مكالو ال:01 أ ا سرد

سن الردس خ يو ك م صال ل ف ف ال ي سرد م ا ن فرت يو ق ك ت ل ب طالاب يرأ الءة : ق رق ا


ال. ب ي ت ف ي الراءة ق عى و ل ال يردت ب

ب ا تاليت د ر ي:- ثنا ا

ف ية ي جالدد عم ادرفمالت نا ع ي ح ن سرد الوبث سأ ال ئ ةل ح صالفية : ل ب ا اليت ردت أ-

ب ص 11 ا اليت ردت ك ات ئس ب ال وأةل سرد

تال ) 1- 12 – 11 ( يرام لز: ن مالنةي جا اب الوت ب-

ف : ) 9-8-7-6-5-4-0-1 ( الصةي ج اب الات ـج - و

الين 6 ص 15 ت ح رم جذومن ل

سق : سمفيدا امم ب ي ت تأ ميف ي القص ا ان كأ م ب – ل

عن ةملك ً ظ سبي - حفت

ةصق ً شع ير أ ن - قرت

يدا ًرا ستن ن ع خدا ي ر - ت

نامث فل ًما ي - شاهدت ن

الاء رمالبةطو – هالاء المل : ت ئ ثثا : الرهاوظ اإةي ال


تجارد أ ي ي دوق الرد س: 00 – ك ف

سن الردس خ يو ك م صال ل ف ف ال ي سرد م ا ن فرت يو ق ك ت ل ب طالاب يرأ الاءة : ق رق


ال. ب ي ت ف ي الراءة ق عى و ل ال يردت ب

ب ا تاليت د ر ي:- ثنا ا

ف ية ي جالدد عم ادرفمالت نا ع ي ح ن سرد الوبث سأ ال ئ ةل ح صالفية : ل ب ا اليت ردت أ-

ب ص 11 ا اليت ردت ك ات ئس ب ال وأةل سرد

ال ) 0- 1 – 4 – 8 – 12 – 11- 10( ت يرام لز: ن جا مالنةي اب الوت ب-

ف : ) 9-8-7-6-5-1 ( الصةي ج اب الات ـج - و

كال : خآر ةمل ف ي

) ءاهال (

الين 8 ص 16 مت ر ح ل

جذومن إل متياه ى مالل ن امك في اث


م : زاهجها - هجازه الث

قنه و د

قحه ي ب ت



ناه - دوق

ه حيبتا ق -

- إصعبها ----------------------- إصعبه

- دفرتاه ----------------------- دفرته

الاء رمالبةطو – هالاء المل : ت ئ ثثا : الرهاوظ اإةي ال






I. (Word Meanings)

II. (Correct the Spelling)

ऊँ गली

III. (Make Sentences With)

कँ ँ द्र






म ँ गय ँ ँ



IV. (Questions and Answers)

ऊँ गली

त ललय ँ



