
1 Preface Preface Preface Preface This is an advice for the 14 members of the region counsel of the “Stedendriehoek”. This advice will be about the development of Park & ride areas in the region “Stedendriehoek”. This advice is based on an expanded inventory report. In that inventory, we researched different stakeholders and Park & ride areas in the Netherlands and Belgium. In the advice the feasibility, policies and legislation are also taken into account. This advice was developed in cooperation with: Students spatial planning and environmental sciences Jimmy Wolf Laurens Havenaar Rick van Bussel Patrick Ensink Merckys Wakonda Fondu Tobias Geerdink Date: 24 april 2008

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Page 1: Stedendriehoek



This is an advice for the 14 members of the region counsel of the “Stedendriehoek”.

This advice will be about the development of Park & ride areas in the region

“Stedendriehoek”. This advice is based on an expanded inventory report.

In that inventory, we researched different stakeholders and Park & ride areas in the

Netherlands and Belgium. In the advice the feasibility, policies and legislation are

also taken into account.

This advice was developed in cooperation with:

Students spatial planning and environmental sciences

Jimmy Wolf

Laurens Havenaar

Rick van Bussel

Patrick Ensink

Merckys Wakonda Fondu

Tobias Geerdink

Date: 24 april 2008

Page 2: Stedendriehoek



Summary (in Dutch)Summary (in Dutch)Summary (in Dutch)Summary (in Dutch) 4444

IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction 6666

1.0 Analyse1.0 Analyse1.0 Analyse1.0 Analyse 8888 1.1 Relevant facts and developments 9

1.1.1 Introduction 9

1.1.2 Start of 9

1.1.3 Apeldoorn/Beekbergen 10

1.1.4 Deventer, Deventer/Colmschate 11

1.1.5 Relevant facts and developments 11 1.2 Mobility issues 13 1.3 Stakeholders 15

1.3.1 Most important stakeholders 15

1.3.2 Important stakeholders 16

1.3.3 Least important stakeholders 16

1.3.4 Conclusion 17 1.4 Legislation and policy cycles 18

1.4.1 European legislation 18

1.4.2 European policy cycles 18

1.4.3 Legislation and policy cycles Netherlands 19

1.4.4 Regional legislation 19

1.4.5 Regional policy cycles 20

1.4.6 Legislation and policy cycles Belgium 21 1.5 References 22

1.5.1 Noorddijk Groningen 23

1.5.2 Delta Brussels 23

1.5.3 Conclusion 23

2.0 Advice2.0 Advice2.0 Advice2.0 Advice 24242424 2.1 Critical points 25

2.1.1 Park & ride areas 25

2.1.2 Facilities 25

2.1.3 Public transportation 25

2.1.4 Accessibility 26

2.1.5 Promotion Park & ride 26

2.2 Specification Park & ride Deventer-Zutphen 27 2.2.1 Location 27

2.2.2 Design of the park & ride 28

2.2.3 Accessibility 28

2.2.4 Public transportation 29

2.2.5 Conclusion 29

2.3 Effects of measures considered 30 2.3.1 Introduction 30

2.3.2 Attained goals 30

2.3.3 Not attained goals 31

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2.4 Discussion points 32 2.5 Feasibility 33 2.5.1 Policies 33

2.5.2 Financial 33

2.5.3 Public transport 33

2.5.4 Facilities 33

2.5.5 References 33

2.6 Advice for the region “ stedendriehoek” (conclusion) 34 2.6.1 First advice 34

2.6.2 Second advice 34

2.6.3 Third advice 34

List of sources List of sources List of sources List of sources 35353535 Enclosure 1: conceptEnclosure 1: conceptEnclosure 1: conceptEnclosure 1: concept

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Summary (in Dutch) Summary (in Dutch) Summary (in Dutch) Summary (in Dutch)

De verkeersdrukte op de Nederlandse snelwegen neemt de afgelopen jaren enorm

toe. De “Stedendriehoek”, bestaand uit de gemeenten Deventer, Apeldoorn, Zutphen,

Lochem, Epe, Brummen en Voorst, ondervind steeds meer hinder van deze toename.

Het toenemende fileprobleem op de A1 en A50 is een duidelijk gevolg van deze


Na een uitgebreide analyse is duidelijk geworden dat kijkend naar mobiliteit iets

moet gaan gebeuren. De afgelopen jaren is de verkeersintensiteit enorm gestegen,

met alle gevolgen van dien. De snelwegen de A1 en de A50, die van oost/west en

noord/zuid de “Stedendriehoek” doorkruizen, kennen veel fileproblematiek. Tevens

zijn er veel opstoppingen op de regionale wegen naar deze snelwegen toe.

Bijkomend is de milieuproblematiek die het toenemende verkeer met zich mee

brengt. De coöperatie regio “Stedendriehoek”, bestaande uit zes gemeenten in de

driehoek Apeldoorn, Zutphen en Deventer, heeft als onderdeel van de aanpak van de

mobiliteitsproblematiek geld beschikbaar gesteld voor de mogelijke realisatie van

drie Park & ride locaties.

Om een gedegen advies te kunnen geven is referentiemateriaal van groot belang.

Naar aanleiding hiervan is gekeken naar een vergelijkbare reeds bestaande Park &

ride locatie in Groningen (Noorddijk).

Daarnaast is als onderdeel van de opdracht een bezoek gebracht aan Brussel. Tijdens

deze excursie hebben wij een bezoek gebracht aan diverse Park & ride locaties in en

rondom Brussel, waaronder de Delta Park & ride. Dit is als bruikbaar

referentiemateriaal meegenomen in ons advies.

Speciaal hebben wij gekeken naar omvang, openbaar vervoer mogelijkheden,

uitstraling, en faciliteiten.

Naar aanleiding van deze analyse is een advies opgesteld. Hieruit is gebleken dat de

financiële middelen voor drie Park & ride locaties aanwezig zijn. Wij adviseren de

regio “Stedendriehoek” om deze drie Park & ride locaties te realiseren. Uit onderzoek

blijkt dat meer opties om over te stappen op openbaar vervoer een grotere

doelgroep bereikt. Voor de invulling van de Park & ride locaties is gekozen voor een

eenvoudige inrichting. Deze basis faciliteiten bestaan uit voldoende parkeerplaatsen,

een veilige uitstraling, goede informatievoorziening en de mogelijkheid tot het

gebruik van openbaar vervoer (trein en/of bus). Om het gebruik te optimaliseren is

het van belang een hoge frequentie te hanteren voor het openbaar vervoer.

De Park & ride die met de hoogste prioriteit gerealiseerd moet worden is Deventer-

Zutphen ,waarna zo spoedig mogelijk Apeldoorn-beekbergen en Deventer-oost

ontwikkeld worden.Uit de analyse is gebleken dat de frequentiële files zich veelal

vormen bij Apeldoorn-Beekbergen, met name in de rijrichting Enschede-Randstad.

De Park & ride Deventer-Zutphen bevind zich net voor het probleempunt Apeldoorn-

beekbergen. Realisatie van deze Park & ride zal leiden tot een afname van de

verkeersdrukte, met name in de spits.

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Daarnaast zal door de realisatie van de Park & ride Deventer-Zutphen de

verkeersdrukte in de binnenstad van Deventer en Apeldoorn aanzienlijk kunnen

afnemen. Dit betekent een verbetering van de verkeersveiligheid en de leefbaarheid

in deze stadscentra.

Page 6: Stedendriehoek



This is an advice for the 14 members of the region counsel of the “Stedendriehoek”.

The seven municipalities of the region “Stedendriehoek” want to create a good

collaboration between the municipalities. The municipalities have been working

several years now to create a good collaboration, but the foundation of the problem

is mobility. If municipalities want to work together they need a good accessibility. In

this advice we will show the possibilities of the Park & ride areas in the region

“Stedendriehoek” and there will be given an advice for building the Park & ride areas.

At the end of the advice there will be one Park & ride area highlighted to support our


Sketch of a situationSketch of a situationSketch of a situationSketch of a situation The number of travellers on the A1 motorway has increased in the last few years.

Primarily the heavy goods vehicle traffic has increased a lot. This is because the

“Stedendriehoek” is located in the centre of the Netherlands. This means all the

traffic from Germany and further abroad to the agglomeration of Western Holland

needs to travel though the “Stedendriehoek”. This in combination with nowadays

increasing commuter traffic the traffic intensity is increasing. A logical consequence

is that there are many traffic-jams on the A1 motorway, especially during rush

hours. Most of the traffic-jams appear on the same places. These places are:

Barneveld – Hengelo and Deventer – Beekbergen. There are many solutions how to

solve these problems on the A1 motorway. Many of them are not functional and

some are just too expensive. A good combination of functionality and affordability

are the Park & ride areas, which we use in our advice.

What is Park & ride?What is Park & ride?What is Park & ride?What is Park & ride? A Park & ride area is an area where travellers can park their cars and change their

transportation mode to public transportation. There are many parking spots for the

travellers to park their car and it is in comparison very cheap. On some Park & ride

areas there are facilities for the travellers, which they can use.

When is Park & ride needed?When is Park & ride needed?When is Park & ride needed?When is Park & ride needed? Park & ride areas can be a part of the solution for the problems defined as above.

Park & ride areas is not a solution on it’s own. Park & ride areas will decrease the

number of travellers only a little bit, but it is a good start. The effects will be more

visible in the centre of the cities involved instead of the A1 motorway. The solution

of the Park & ride areas will decrease the emission of CO2, because more travellers

use public transport.

When is Park & ride successful?When is Park & ride successful?When is Park & ride successful?When is Park & ride successful? Park & ride areas are successful when they are used correct with relation to the

location, size, promotion, facilities and safety. The location is the most important

aspect for the success of the Park & ride area. A Park & ride area needs to be located

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near a motorway and a railway for the best use of public transportation. The size is

determent by the location and how many travellers will use the Park & ride areas. The

promotion is also a key component for letting travellers know there is a Park & ride

area is there. The facilities are getting more important if the size of the Park & ride

area is larger. The safety of the Park & ride areas should always be maintained as

good as possible.

ObjectiveObjectiveObjectiveObjective Giving advice to the region counsel of the “Stedendriehoek”, which Park & ride areas

to realise, which should improve the mobility problems in the region


Problem definitionProblem definitionProblem definitionProblem definition What are the main aspects of the Park & ride areas to improve the mobility problems

in the region “Stedendriehoek” as much as possible?

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1.1 Relevant facts and developments1.1 Relevant facts and developments1.1 Relevant facts and developments1.1 Relevant facts and developments IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction When an advice has to be given concerning the Park & ride concept in the region

“Stedendriehoek”, the most important issue is: what is already going on in the

region. The success of a Park & ride or transferia is depending on the present

situation or present developments and planned developments.

The region “Stedendriehoek” already picked the locations for the Park & ride areas.

The situation of the surrounding areas will be treated in this chapter. Is there a

relation between developments, plans and the Park & ride concepts? If so, what is the

relation and how can it help the Park & ride to be successful? Al this information will

be basic information that will lead to a final advice.

But not only the developments need attention. We also look at the facts and numbers

of the region “Stedendriehoek”, because this will give a reliable indication of how the

present situation is composed.

1.1.2 1.1.2 1.1.2 1.1.2 Start ofStart ofStart ofStart of To start of there will be looked at the picked locations. The locations that according

to the region “Stedendriehoek” are good locations for a Park & ride. Based on the

locations we will look at relevant facts and developments, which of course take place

close to the strategic points or picked locations for the Park & ride idea.

Shown on the map is that the Park & ride areas will probably be realized close to

Apeldoorn/ Beekbergen, Deventer and Deventer/ Colmschate.

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10 Apeldoorn/ BeekbergenApeldoorn/ BeekbergenApeldoorn/ BeekbergenApeldoorn/ Beekbergen

The word relevant has been mentioned before in this chapter. This is because it is

important to just look at relevant information. For instance, information concerning

traffic (projects), the areas and traffic expectations for the future.

An idea for the Park & ride near Beekbergen or Apeldoorn is based on the fact that

the A1 that passes Beekbergen/ Apeldoorn is getting more and more congested.

Sources tell us that in the year 2030 the traffic situation, if the region

“Stedendriehoek” is not going to do anything to improve it, will be totally


Beside the growing traffic numbers on the A1, the centre of Apeldoorn has his own

growing traffic numbers. Many people still use their car to get in to the centre of

Apeldoorn. This results in an unwanted situation, because of the limited parking

places. Because of this people are parking their car on unwanted places, which gives

a messy appearance.

The A1 location is also picket because it is the road that is heading for the

agglomeration of Western Holland. Towards the agglomeration of Western Holland,

the roads only getting more occupied.

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11 Deventer, Deventer/ ColmschateDeventer, Deventer/ ColmschateDeventer, Deventer/ ColmschateDeventer, Deventer/ Colmschate

Traffic jams between Deventer and Zuthpen are commonly known. And so it is quite

urgent to get a practical "solution" for this problem. The Park & ride idea would

contribute in a possible solution. Besides that one of the tranferia is located next to

the A1 motorway, the importance of that has been explained before. Also the

possibility of a train station makes the location interesting for a Park & ride area. At

the end the possible expansion of the industrial area probably makes a Park & ride

on those locations more feasible. Relevant facts and developments (sources and explanation)Relevant facts and developments (sources and explanation)Relevant facts and developments (sources and explanation)Relevant facts and developments (sources and explanation) An interesting source that clarifies a lot of issues concerning the project is: ‘’beter

bereikbaar “Stedendriehoek”. In this file the regional problems with traffic are

treated and the possible solutions.

This file has been developed by the region “Stedendriehoek” and for the region

“Stedendriehoek”. The most important message of this file is the upcoming growth.

Quote: House-construction, increasing activity in the region and the growth of

through traffic are all having their influence on the public road occupation. Also

financial possibilities for a curtain Park & ride area are clear. There is (financial) room

for such developments.

In the file ‘’beter bereikbaar Stedendriehoek’’ there is a map, which shows an

interesting difference in priority concerning roads. All the Park & ride locations are

on a high priority location.

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To get a more specified look at the infrastructural ambitions of the region

“Stedendriehoek” the source: ‘’Netwerkanalyse stedendriehoek’’ is quite accurate and

useful. For instance an interesting known fact for the Deventer Park & ride location is

the possible development of the A338 from Zuthpen to Deventer.

An interesting model from the ‘’Netwerkanalyse stedendriehoek’’.

Development vehicle kilometres:Development vehicle kilometres:Development vehicle kilometres:Development vehicle kilometres:

This model tells us that the road occupation is growing on every type of road. No

action means more traffic jams. (Source:

Road type 2005 2020 Share 2020 Index 2005-2020 Motorway 1.096.991 1.611.662 56% 147

80 km/hour 524.348 716.959 25% 137

City opening up motorway 268.790 375.687 13% 140

District opening up motorway 58.086 74.109 3% 128

Other within the build area 55.217 84.397 3% 153

Total 2.003433 2.862.814 100% 143

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1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Mobility issuesMobility issuesMobility issuesMobility issues

There are many cars on the roads in the region “Stedendriehoek” during the rush

hours. There are many heavy goods vehicle traffic and cars for personal use on the

A1 motorway and on the N348 (Deventerweg). This is a huge problem for travelers,

transport and businesses and costs them a lot of time and money.

Every year the traffic jams on the A1 motorway between Apeldoorn and Deventer

cause an economical damage between €5.000.000 and €10.000.000(intern. IKCRO)

These are the main mobility problems in the region “Stedendriehoek” and these

problems are getting bigger. The pressure on the A1 motorway is increasing, more

trucks and cars are using the motorway every year, and traffic jams are growing in

numbers, length, appear earlier, and dissolve later. This is the cause of the whole

idea of ‘rekeningrijden’ (road pricing), carpooling, and Park & ride areas.

These measures are made to decrease the pressure on the motorways in the

Netherlands. The ‘Regionale Structuurvisie Stedendriehoek 2030’ was developed by

the Region “Stedendriehoek” to optimize the chain mobility in the region.

Users of the A1 have different mobility needs. For the biggest part of the lorry traffic

that crosses the region “Stedendriehoek” it is important that they can move fast.

They do not need exits on the motorway A1, because exits are the number one

causers of traffic jams.

On the other side, users of the motorway A1 that live in the region “Stedendriehoek”

the exits are necessary.

Regarding facilities around the A1 there are also different needs. Lorry traffic needs

parking places that are big enough so they can stay there. Safety is also important in

case they spent the night there. For people who use the A1 by car for long distances

it is nice when they have the possibility to eat and drink something when they take a

break on a parking place. People who live in the region do not need any facilities

around the motorway A1.

Another mobility issue is public transport. In the region “Stedendriehoek” we know

bus transport and train transport. These two are seperated in different parts.

Train transport exist out of fast trains, stop trains and regional trains (Syntus), by

bus transport we know regional busses and city busses.

In case of public transport the needs are also different. Students who use the bus or

train do not really care about facilities in the bus or train. Tourist do care about

facilities and espacially about the information facilities. Bussines men care about

space and a clean bus or train and a well working timetable.

A big frequency in public transport is important for everybody, because it reduces

the traveling time.

By the realization of a Park & ride it is important to look at these themes in

combination with the expected users.

Page 14: Stedendriehoek


Mobility map of the Region “StedendrieMobility map of the Region “StedendrieMobility map of the Region “StedendrieMobility map of the Region “Stedendriehoek” hoek” hoek” hoek”

55555555 (Source:,

Page 15: Stedendriehoek



The mobility of the region “Stedendriehoek” is very important and complex. There

are many concerned stakeholders. Many of them are in an early stage involved and

most of them are relevant for the achievement of the project. Below will be explained

how the stakeholders are involved, starting with the most important stakeholders. MoMoMoMost important stakeholdersst important stakeholdersst important stakeholdersst important stakeholders The most important stakeholders in the area are: Region “Stedendriehoek”

(Municipalities: Deventer, Zuphen, Apeldoorn, Voorst, Brummen and Lochem),

travellers NS/Pro Rail, companies located within the “stedendriehoek” (companies will

provide a large portion of the travellers) and Connexxion/Syntus. These stakeholders

are involved at the realisation of the Park & ride areas and provide the basic

transportation for the travellers.

First of all, the municipalities want to create a good cooperation between the

municipalities Deventer, Zutphen and Apeldoorn. There are other municipalities

involved with rural areas needed to connect the cities. These municipalities created

the region “Stedendriehoek” to improve the co-operation between the municipalities.

So the region “Stedendriehoek” exists primarily of the 14 members of the region

counsel of the municipalities and their task is to analyse the area and search for

solutions to create (in this case) a better mobility. Area “Stedendriehoek” has to

analyse the different places for the Park & ride areas and will make the best choice to

realise a Park & ride area. The area “Stedendriehoek” will have to analyse how many

travellers will use the Park & ride areas, how many parking places will be needed,

how much it will cost, what facilities are needed, what kind of public transportation

is the best choice, the accessibility, condition of the infrastructure, location of the

Park & ride areas, companies located near the Park & ride areas and ways to promote

the Park & ride areas. When the members of the region counsel have analysed all the

possibilities they need to present it to the municipalities of the region

“Stedendriehoek”. The municipalities in the area will make the final decisions.

The companies near the Park & ride areas will provide a large percentage of the

travellers who will use the Park & ride areas (see map on next page for locations of the companies). Therefore the companies will need a good connection with the Park

& ride areas. The companies near the Park & ride areas will also determine how many

parking places are needed for these areas.

NS/ Prorail and Connexxion/Syntus will provide the basic public transportation for

the travellers using the Park & ride areas. The municipalities of the region

“Stedendriehoek” will discuss if there are more trains and busses needed and if they

need new stopping-places. These stakeholders are the foundation of a smooth

working Park & ride area.

Page 16: Stedendriehoek

16 Important stakehoImportant stakehoImportant stakehoImportant stakeholderslderslderslders The important stakeholders are Ministry of Transport, Central government and the

Provinces. The Ministry of transport will provide the financial aspects when they

agree with the plans, the central government has made laws the municipalities have

to obey and the provinces has to examine the municipalities will follow these laws.

When the plans are made, the Ministry of Transport will have to approve the plans

for the final financial aspects of the plans. They will receive the plans of the staff

members of the municipalities of the region “Stedendriehoek” and when the base is

right, they will attribute the finances to the region “Stedendriehoek”.

The central government has made policies for everyone to obey. The region

“Stedendriehoek” also has to obey these policies and the province has to survey this.

This will be taking care of by getting approval of the province after sending the plans

to them. The central government will provide the funding through the Ministry of

Transport. Least importaLeast importaLeast importaLeast important stakeholdersnt stakeholdersnt stakeholdersnt stakeholders Least important stakeholders are EU, Client (tourists), Airport service and

inhabitants. These stakeholders are the least important for the realisation for the

new Park & ride areas, but these stakeholders have requirements to hold reckon

with. The EU has environmental requirements and the tourists have requirements for

good information services and quick transport and the inhabitants who live near the

Park & ride areas need as less inconvenience as possible. The airport service has no

requirements besides enough people to transport to the airport, which is a small

portion of the travellers.

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The EU is dealing with the global warming and is trying to decrease it as much as

possible. They are trying to do this with global environmental policies. Park & ride

areas are developed for reducing emissions (and solving mobility problems), so there

will be no difficulties in this case.

Tourists will travel a lot, so a convenient solution will be making use of the Park &

ride areas. These stakeholders just need the basics of a working Park & ride area.

They need an easy payment for their tickets and good information services to let

them know there is a Park & ride area here.

Participation of inhabitants and private stakeholders is an absolute basic condition.

That means that the attitudes on individual and social level play an important role in

the selection of the different types of traffic that will become available besides the

basic public transport. However, the traffic system will have a clear impact on the

environment and the economy. These impacts can lead to feedback reaction on the

individual and political level in the future. ConclusionConclusionConclusionConclusion There is made a difference in importance of the stakeholders in this paragraph. The

importance is based on how they are involved in the process of realizing the Park &

ride areas. The stakeholders who are taking the initiative for creating the Park & ride

areas will be called most important stakeholders. This should not be mistaken,

because all the stakeholders are very important and there should be hold reckon

with every stakeholder.

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1.4 Legislation and policy cycles1.4 Legislation and policy cycles1.4 Legislation and policy cycles1.4 Legislation and policy cycles European legislationEuropean legislationEuropean legislationEuropean legislation There are several European laws about spatial planning and environmental issues

that concerns the Netherlands.

Most of these rules and laws are about environmental issues. There are not many

regulations and laws around spatial planning. The reason for this is the different

geographical situation in each country in the European union.

The rules that count for the environment are sometimes not really relevant for the

Netherlands because of the highly developed environmental situation in the

Netherlands. There are already rules and laws that secure the environmental

situation in the Netherlands. In some cases the European legislation is working

against the realization of projects and improvement of the environment in the


An exception is European legislation that concerns crossing border spatial planning.

In these cases it is important to have a legislation for the concerning countries. European policy cyclesEuropean policy cyclesEuropean policy cyclesEuropean policy cycles Spatial policy cycles do not belong to the formal competences of the European

Union. However the European union accepted the European spatial developing

prospective (Europees Ruimtelijk Ontwikkelingsperspectief, EROP) in may 1999. It is

an informal policy, created by de European commission for the national spatial policy

of the members of the European union.

Concerning content of this policy the following spearheads:

• Provide an analysis of international developments and European

administration, concerning national spatial planning, developments and


• Promote knowledge developments concerning common problems. For

instance general city center problems.

• To offer a spatial frame. This spatial frame can be uses for the developing of

the European sector administration.

• To offer a spatial frame for cooperation between European countries those

are not yet part of the EU.

There are also international projects in which the members of the European union

are working together. In these projects are regions, like the region “Stedendriehoek”,

also active.

Another policy in which members of the European union are working together are

the projects around means of transfer. An example is the connection between the

conurbations of Western Holland in the Netherlands to the west of Germany. This

transfer connection also passes the region ‘’Stedendriehoek’’.

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Another one is the developing of international train transport between the members

of the European union. For the Netherlands this means train connections with

Germany, Belgium and France. Legislation and policy cycles NetherlandsLegislation and policy cycles NetherlandsLegislation and policy cycles NetherlandsLegislation and policy cycles Netherlands The Dutch government had an advice establishing called “ Mobiliteit en beleid” in

1999. The message based on the documents makes clear that the government has to

do something. The problem on the highway, like for example traffic jams will

develop very fast. A Dutch quotation that makes the problem clear is:

“In het ruimtelijke ordeningsbeleid van de rijksoverheid, en van lagere overheden, speelt het streven naar verkorting van de afstanden tussen locaties een belangrijke rol. Dit moet enerzijds leiden tot een beperking van de behoefte aan mobiliteit en anderzijds een verschuiving mogelijk maken van autogebruik naar openbaar vervoer en fiets” In this sentence it is clear that they know there is a problem with mobility. The Dutch

government made a few possible solutions. One of the possible solutions is a Park &

ride area. When you place a Park & ride area, there are a couple of substantial laws.

Below will be an overview of important substantial laws.

Wet ruimtelijke ordening (Law of spatial planning) Wet milieubeheer (Law of environment management) Wet bereikbaarheid en mobiliteit (law of accessibility and mobility)

A possible place for a Park & ride area must comply with several laws. An example of

the law of environment management is sound nuisance. A Park & ride area causes a

lot of inconvenience. A Park & ride place cannot be realized near by a neighborhood

for example. (Source: Regional legislationRegional legislationRegional legislationRegional legislation The legislation that concerns the region “Stedendriehoek” is the legislation that

concerns the Netherlands. This legislation is described in another part of this

chapter, in combination with the legislation in Belgium.

The fact that the legislation in the Netherlands is the legislation that concerns the

region “Stedendriehoek” is the reason for a practical problem for the region

“Stedendriehoek”. Sometimes it is difficult to realize policy cycles, because the region

“Stedendriehoek” does not have any authority. It is only a corporation that makes

policy and tries to realize this policy by working together with participating


However, there is one interesting program for the a1 motorway. The a1 motor way is

of great worth for the accessibility of the “Stedendriehoek”. For that

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“Stedendriehoek”, the province of Gelderland and Overijssel, Rijkswaterstaat, region

Twente and VROM worked together and developed the: Program a1 zone.

In this program the beauty of the location and surroundings of the a1 get much

attention. More subjects are: livability of the surroundings, possibilities concerning

economics, quality and accessibility. (Source: /programma_a1-zone) Regional policy cyclesRegional policy cyclesRegional policy cyclesRegional policy cycles There are several means of transport in the “Stedendriehoek”. The most important

ones are by car, by train, by bus and by bicycle.

Another important transport factor is the lorry traffic, especially on the A1 motorway.

For each of these means of transport the “Stedendriehoek” made a policy.

In the following text we will describe the policy for each means of transport:

Car The increasing car traffic on the A1 motorway is a big problem. To decrease the car traffic on

the A1 motorway it is the intention to let people use the public transfers more. By improving

the facilities around stations. Facilities like parking spots, waiting rooms, kiosks and others.

Train To decrease the traffic on the A1 motorway and the regional roads in the

“Stedendriehoek” it is the intention from the region “Stedendriehoek” to let more

people use the train as means of transport. Next to the decrease of the traffic on the

A1 motorway and other roads it will also be an improvement for the environment if

more people use the train as means of transport. There are two important policies to

improve the train transport. The first one is creating better facilities around and in

train stations and the second one is to increase the frequency with which trains pass

the stations in the region “Stedendriehoek”.

Bus For transport by bus applies the same arguments as by transport by train. Different

are the policies to improve bus transport. The frequency policy is the same. Another

policy is creating bus lanes. Busses then get precedence with regard to other traffic.

Bicycle In the bigger cities (Deventer, Apeldoorn and Zutphen) there are bicycle routes

created to improve the safety and the time-distance balance.

Lorry traffic The lorry traffic is the most importance factor that creates the increase of traffic on

the A1 motorway and other roads in the region “Stedendriehoek”. The most

Page 21: Stedendriehoek


importance measure that is taken to decrease the lorry traffic is the realization of the


This project is now in a test phase. It is the intention that in a few months there will

drive around the 50 trains each day.

The Betuwelijn is also an improvement for the environmental situation. Especially for

the air quality in the region “Stedendriehoek”. Legislation and policy cycles BelgiumLegislation and policy cycles BelgiumLegislation and policy cycles BelgiumLegislation and policy cycles Belgium The legislation and police cycles in Belgium are different as they are in the

Netherlands. The Belgium and Dutch government has the same mobility problem, the

enormous increase of the mobility.

A tremendous different with Belgium and the Netherlands are the consequences of

this increase of mobility. In the Netherlands the traffic volume has grown with 5%-

10% within the last year, in the Belgium it has grown 1%-2%. (Source:

A logical consequence of the increase of mobility is traffic jams. In the Netherlands

there are a lot of traffic jams. The Dutch government came up with a couple of

solutions. One of the solutions is Park & ride. A Park & ride is a formula where the

car can parked, and use the rest of the journey public transport.

The Belgium government are not very happy with Park & ride areas near the centre of

a city. A good reference is Brussels. In Brussels are nine Park & ride areas at the

moment. These Park & ride do not work. Most of the people who used the Park &

ride areas use it with other purposes. These travellers use it as a parking place when

they go out shopping for example. The minister of transport Thierry Duquenne of

Brussels said literally: “ Extra Park & ride areas are not an option for Brussels, it will

only increase the problems at the motorway”

Page 22: Stedendriehoek


1.5 References1.5 References1.5 References1.5 References

For a good advice to the 14 members of the region counsel of the region

“Stedendriehoek” we analysed a couple of reference project as stated below. There

will be given further detailed information of two of the five reference projects,

because they are the most relevant for our advice. They are most relevant because

most of the users are commuters, and the facilities are very low. These projects are

shown in the table below and the most relevant references are shown in bold.

There are two reference projects in Belgium, Brussels. The traffic situation is

different compared to the “Stedendriehoek”. In Brussels are less traffic-jams, but the

traffic-jams are not as predicable as the traffic-jams in the Netherlands. The policy

and legislation of the Park & ride areas in Brussels are quite different compared to

the policies and legislations in the “Stedendriehoek”. In Brussels they did not look at

the Park & ride areas as a solutions for the mobility problem but they thought it

would only create bigger problems on the motorway.

Which P&RWhich P&RWhich P&RWhich P&R Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning

to the to the to the to the

centrecentrecentrecentre of of of of

the citythe citythe citythe city

Number of Number of Number of Number of

parking parking parking parking

places/size places/size places/size places/size

Facilities Facilities Facilities Facilities Public Public Public Public


Target Target Target Target




5 minutes 645 - Kiosk

- Telephone

- Toilet

- Errands



Frequency: Every 5



public and


Noorddijk, Noorddijk, Noorddijk, Noorddijk, GroningenGroningenGroningenGroningen

7777 minutesminutesminutesminutes 1000100010001000 ---- ToiletToiletToiletToilet ---- TelephoneTelephoneTelephoneTelephone ---- InfoInfoInfoInfo---- serviceserviceserviceservice

Bus,Bus,Bus,Bus, FrequencyFrequencyFrequencyFrequency :::: Every 5Every 5Every 5Every 5----8 8 8 8 minutesminutesminutesminutes

Commuters Commuters Commuters Commuters (and (and (and (and shopping shopping shopping shopping public)public)public)public)



30 minutes 670 - Telephone

- Pin/chip

---- Errands



Frequency : Every 15





10 minutes 600 None Metro/Train

Frequency: Every 5



and tourist

Delta, Delta, Delta, Delta, BrusselsBrusselsBrusselsBrussels

5 minutes5 minutes5 minutes5 minutes 250250250250 NoneNoneNoneNone MetroMetroMetroMetro Frequency:Frequency:Frequency:Frequency: Every 5 Every 5 Every 5 Every 5 minutesminutesminutesminutes


Page 23: Stedendriehoek


1.5.1 Noorddijk Groningen1.5.1 Noorddijk Groningen1.5.1 Noorddijk Groningen1.5.1 Noorddijk Groningen The Park & ride area at Noorddijk Groningen is a Park & ride area which is mostly

used by commuters. The accessibility of the Park & ride area is good. The Park & ride

area is accessible from a couple of roads like the N46, N360, N361 and N28. The

amount of parking places is high and parking here is free. They can park the car 24

hours a day. The facilities on this park and ride are very low. It is only using for

parking the car and change to public transport. There are just the basic facilities as

an information service, and no facilities like a Mac Donald’s.

The connection with the centre of Groningen is good. The frequency of the public

transport, in this case the bus, is high. Every 5-8 minutes there will drive a bus to

the centre of Groningen, which takes 5 minutes. A ticket for public transport is two

euro for a return.

1.5.2 Delta Brussels1.5.2 Delta Brussels1.5.2 Delta Brussels1.5.2 Delta Brussels There are a couple of Park & ride areas in Brussels. One of them is the delta Park &

ride. This Park & ride is located a few kilometres of the centre of Brussels. They are

mainly used by commuters. On the delta Park & ride are 300 parking places. They

can park the car 24 hours a day. There are no facilities at the Park & ride area. There

is only a possibility for parking the car and continue the journey with public

transportation. The content of public transportation in this case is the metro. The

metro leaves every 5 minutes from the Park & ride area. This is a high frequency, so

the users of the Park & ride do not have to wait very long.

The accessibility of the Park & ride area is not very good. There is only one road to

the park and ride area. This is not enough for an optimal use of the Park & ride area.

Another big problem is the promotion of the Park & ride in Brussels. There is a lack

of knowledge of the existence of the Park & ride areas.

1.5.3 Conclusion1.5.3 Conclusion1.5.3 Conclusion1.5.3 Conclusion For a Park & ride areas in the region “Stedendriehoek” are a couple of things

important when you look at the reference projects of Delta Brussels and Noorddijk


A couple of “learning points” which are important for the region “Stedendriehoek”:

- Accessibility

- Facilities

- Frequency of Public transport

- Promotion Park & ride

Page 24: Stedendriehoek



Page 25: Stedendriehoek


2222.1 Critical points.1 Critical points.1 Critical points.1 Critical points

2.1.1 2.1.1 2.1.1 2.1.1 Park & ride areasPark & ride areasPark & ride areasPark & ride areas The three Park & ride areas are of great value to the region “Stedendriehoek” for the

process of creating a city triangle. The goal is creating a cooperation between the

municipalities with good accessibility and the least amount of emission possible. The

best solution is to create three Park & ride areas for optimal accessibility from and to

the region “Stedendriehoek”. The busiest part of the region “Stedendriehoek” is

between Apeldoorn and Deventer. The traffic jam is both ways, therefore we want to

create at least two Park & ride areas (one in Apeldoorn and one in Deventer). This will

solve a part of the problem on the motorway A1 between Apeldoorn and Deventer.

Also if the traffic-jam is already taking place, the travellers should have the choice to

avoid the traffic-jam by using the Park & ride areas. The choice of creating two Park

& ride areas in Deventer is because the Park & ride areas are in the middle of two big

company areas. Therefore we would like to promote these Park & ride areas also at

these companies. These Park & ride areas will also contribute to the traffic intensity

of the agglomeration of Western Holland from travellers abroad. FacilitiesFacilitiesFacilitiesFacilities The use of the Park & ride areas will be pure functional. A large portion of the

funding will be spending on the functional aspects of the facilities. This means there

will be enough parking places, good information services, good possibilities for

payment, enough weatherproof waiting rooms and a high frequency of public

transportation. The Park & ride areas will be as functional as possible. Public transportationPublic transportationPublic transportationPublic transportation For the Park & ride areas to succeed, it has to be made attractive for a lot of

travellers, and they must be persuaded and convinced to use the Park & ride

facilities. This can only be reached if there are many possible destinations from the

Park & ride area and if there are enough types of public transportation. The

preferences are mostly travelling by train and bus. Another way to persuade

travellers to use the Park & ride areas is making it more financial attractive. The

parking and the travelling to the nearest central station and back will be combined

and will cost €3,50. This way the accessibility will be as high as possible and it will

be easy to use.

The frequency of the public transportation will be adjusted to the amount of parking

spots at the Park & ride areas, by increasing the amount of trains or busses that will

stop at the Park & ride areas. NS/Prorail and Connexxion/Syntus will provide the

basic public transportation. There will be used special busses to reach places where

a lot of companies are located. The number of stops will be limited to places near

companies and busy places in the centre of the city.

Page 26: Stedendriehoek


Only one Park & ride area is near a train rail. There could be built a train station for

the Park & ride area to create an easy access for the travellers. The other two Park &

ride facilities will have a good connection to the nearest train station. At these places

there will be a doubled frequency of the trains and busses to adjust to the users of

the Park & ride areas. Also the frequency of the trains to the agglomeration of

Western Holland will need to be adjusted. AccessibilityAccessibilityAccessibilityAccessibility All the Park & ride areas can be reached by using the A1 motorway. The Park & ride

area at Apeldoorn can also be reached by using the N788 and the two Park & ride

areas at Deventer can be reached by using the N348. There is a possibility to create a

train station near the Park & ride area at Deventer to increase the accessibility. The

conditions of the infrastructure of the public roads have to be maintained to reserve

a good accessibility. Promotion PaPromotion PaPromotion PaPromotion Park & riderk & riderk & riderk & ride The biggest problem of the Park & ride areas in the past, was mostly the lack of

knowledge of the Park & ride areas being there. A lot of travellers were not using it,

because they did not know of the existence. The Park & ride areas at the region

“Stedendriehoek” will be promoted as handy, cheap and fast. The Park & ride areas

will be promoted near the A1 motorway on billboards, at bus stops and at the train

stations. To create a good functioning Park & ride area travellers need to find the

Park & ride areas. Therefore good signs leading to the Park & ride areas will be

needed on the public roads and motorways.

Page 27: Stedendriehoek


2222.2 Specification Park & ride Deventer.2 Specification Park & ride Deventer.2 Specification Park & ride Deventer.2 Specification Park & ride Deventer----ZutphenZutphenZutphenZutphen The critical points will made clear in this chapter. The Park & ride area with the

highest priority will be explained here. The information here will be more detailed

and will result in a concept sketch of the new Park & ride area Deventer-Zutphen.

The reason why this project has the highest priority is because the largest traffic-

jams are located near Apeldoorn-Beekbergen and in particular in the direction of

Enschede to the agglomeration of Western Holland. This way we want to give as

many travellers as possible the possibility to use the Park & ride areas. The Park &

ride area is located in front of the usual traffic-jams, so the travellers using the A1

motorway will know there is a traffic-jam and therefore they will use the Park & ride

area to avoid the traffic-jam. Therefore we will give the advice to give this Park &

ride area the highest priority.

2.2.1 2.2.1 2.2.1 2.2.1 LocationLocationLocationLocation The location of the Park & ride Deventer-Zutphen is located near the junction of the

A1 motorway and the N348. This will provide a good accessibility by car and by bus.

Travellers can go in all directions from this Park & ride area. The location will also

give opportunities to the staff members of the companies located near the Park &

ride area (See map: locations of companies on page 14). This gives the staff members an opportunity to travel to their work by public transportation. The busses

provided by the Park & ride area will also travel to these companies.

Location of the Park & ride area.

Page 28: Stedendriehoek


2.2.2 2.2.2 2.2.2 2.2.2 Design of the Park & rideDesign of the Park & rideDesign of the Park & rideDesign of the Park & ride The Park & ride area will be designed as functional as possible. The facilities used in

this Park & ride will only be of functional nature. This includes an information

service, bus-station, safety measures, easy payment system and 800 parking places. The quality of the Park & ride area is good but the priority of the Park & ride area is

getting travellers on public transportation. (More views of the design can be found in the enclosure on the end of the advice report)

Design of the Park & ride area.Design of the Park & ride area.Design of the Park & ride area.Design of the Park & ride area.

2.2.3 2.2.3 2.2.3 2.2.3 AccessibilityAccessibilityAccessibilityAccessibility The accessibility of the Park & ride area Deventer-Zutphen is very good. The Park &

ride area is located near the junction of the A1 motorway and N348. This means the

accessibility by car is optimal, because travellers by car can go in every direction.

The only disadvantage is there is no train station located near this Park & ride area.

Using public busses, which will travel to the train station of Deventer and will go

there every 10 minutes, will solve this problem. Also the travellers, who are working

at the nearby companies, will be provided with transportation by bus. The Park &

ride will also be promoted at the A1 motorway, at bus station and there will be clear

signs leading travellers to the Park & ride area. This way there will be as many

travellers as possibly who will use the Park & ride area.

Page 29: Stedendriehoek


2.2.4 2.2.4 2.2.4 2.2.4 Public transporPublic transporPublic transporPublic transportationtationtationtation The public transportation used on this Park & ride area will be mainly the use of

busses. The busses will ride with a high frequency and will depart every 10 minutes.

The busses will leave to the train station of Deventer and the nearby companies. The

public transportation will be as cheap as possibly to attract as many travellers as

possible. It will be accessible for all types of travellers. The information service will

also be very good, so the travellers will always know when the busses will arrive and

where they will go. The whole Park & ride area will be pure functional and safe.

2.2.5 2.2.5 2.2.5 2.2.5 ConclusionConclusionConclusionConclusion This chapter gives a good example how the Park & ride area Deventer-Zutphen will

look like and the priorities, which are the most important for a good functional Park

& ride area. The most important priority is functionality of the Park & ride area and

decreasing the waiting times as much as possible. The Park & ride area will be used

by all sorts of travellers and will be as cheap as possible to make it more attractive to

use. This Park & ride will also serve as a buffer for travellers who will try to avoid the

traffic-jams further abroad.

Page 30: Stedendriehoek


2.3 Effects of measures considered2.3 Effects of measures considered2.3 Effects of measures considered2.3 Effects of measures considered IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction In this chapter we will bring enlightenment concerning the plausible effect of

developing the Park & ride facilities.

Beside the positive effects of for instance traffic decrease on certain roads and of

decrease of environmental pollution, we also give attention to certain goals that are

not being attained.

By looking at these subjects the partial and possible feasibility of the project will be

more clarified. And possible considerations can be taken. However we start of with

the positive effect. Attained goals (Positive effects)Attained goals (Positive effects)Attained goals (Positive effects)Attained goals (Positive effects)

DiversityDiversityDiversityDiversity The “Stedendriehoek” offers car users more options for transport. When a Park & ride

facility is developed people see that the “Stedendriehoek” is working on the problems

of environmental pollution and traffic jams/ problems. This will bring more peace of

mind in the society.

It’s always good to have alternative ways to reach your destination.

Less car traffic in the city centersLess car traffic in the city centersLess car traffic in the city centersLess car traffic in the city centers Because al of the Park & ride facilities are developed near Apeldoorn and Deventer,

the effect on car traffic will mainly be seen in the city centers.

This can be considered as very positive because of the present car traffic problems in

the city centers municipalities are dealing with at the time.

Target groups that mainly being reached, according to our investigation are: people

that wok in the city centers and tourists.

During the rush hour there are many traffic jams between Apeldoorn and Deventer. A

Park & ride area Deventer-Zutphen can improve the traffic intensity during the rush


SafetySafetySafetySafety Because a certain decrease in car traffic, mainly in the city centers, is being attained.

Safety will improve. Because less traffic, means more safety. For car users and most

of all for cyclists and pedestrians.

Environmental pollutionEnvironmental pollutionEnvironmental pollutionEnvironmental pollution The future predicts a huge increase in car traffic on all type of roads. (See Development vehicle kilometres scheme on page 10) The Park & ride facilities will bring a curtain relief. The Park & ride areas are just a start to create a better

environment and will only result in minor improvement concerning CO2 emissions.

The car traffic will not decrease thanks to the Park & ride facilities. They will increase

less. (See Development vehicle kilometres scheme on page 10)

Page 31: Stedendriehoek


Positive impulse for public transportPositive impulse for public transportPositive impulse for public transportPositive impulse for public transport Park & ride will bring a positive impulse into the public transport. Park & ride needs a

good connexion with public transport with a high frequency. Sources tell us that high

frequency on busy bus lines lead to more passengers.

2222. Not attained goalsNot attained goalsNot attained goalsNot attained goals The traffic jam on the regional roads, the N344, N345 and N348, will hardly decrease

when the Park & ride areas are realized.

To decrease the traffic on these regional roads it is necessary to improve the public

transfer connections between Deventer-Apeldoorn (N344), Deventer-Zutphen (N348)

and Apeldoorn-Zutphen (N345). Another solution can be a bus lane (is improvement

public transfer) near the already existing roads or an improvement of the regional


For the A1 and A50 motorways the situation is the same as for the regional roads. In

this case the increasing lorry traffic is the reason. A solution is already mentioned,

the Betuwelijn.

Page 32: Stedendriehoek


2.4 Discussion points2.4 Discussion points2.4 Discussion points2.4 Discussion points

Many things have to be discussed before a Park & ride can be developed. The region

“Stedendriehoek” will have to negotiate with the municipalities in the region about

the development of Park & ride areas in their municipality. In this chapter suggests

discussion points for the development of Park & ride areas to the region


For the development of Park & ride areas in the region Stedendriehoek is money

available for Park & ride facilities.

The target groups for the Park & ride spots are travelers on the A1 motorway from

both directions, tourists, employees from outside the cities and inhabitants around

the Park & ride areas. Not all these target groups will be reached if a Park & ride will

start operating.

The decrease of pressure on the A1 motorway will be minimal, because most of the

users of the Park & ride will be tourists and for a small part, it will be drivers on the

A1 motorway and other target groups.

In case the “Stedendriehoek” negotiates with the stakeholders there will be

discussion. Good communication is necessary in the proces. That is why we came up

with several discussionpoints which should be thougt of.

Targetgroups In our advice the effect of the Park & ride areas is mostly visible in the city centers of

Deventer and Apeldoorn. The decrease of the pressure on the A1 motorway is


This can be a problem for some stakeholders, because their main concern is the

pressure on the A1 motorway instead of the traffic pressure in the city centers.

Alternatives Instead of realizing three Park & ride areas it is also possible to start by developing

one or two. Based on succes of those, realization of another one or two is possible.

Public transport inventions can also be a solution for the traffic problems on the A1

motorway. One option is a special bus lane from Zutpen to Deventer. With a high

frequency time table in the rush hours.

Light rail between the triangle Zutphen-Deventer-Apeldoorn can also decrease the

pressure on the A1 motorway.

Page 33: Stedendriehoek


2.5 Feasibility2.5 Feasibility2.5 Feasibility2.5 Feasibility

The realization of three Park & ride areas within the region “Stedendriehoek” is

feasible. We came to this conclusion because of the following three issues: PoliciesPoliciesPoliciesPolicies The mobility policy in the Netherlands is partial based on decreasing the traffic

pressure. This is to promote the traffic safety and the environment in the

Netherlands. One of the possibilities is more use of public transport by motorists. A

Park & ride area contributes to this. The policy of the “Stedendriehoek” leaps in on

this by indicating three possible locations for the development of Park & ride areas. FinancialFinancialFinancialFinancial From policy documents of the region “Stedendriehoek” is appeared that within the

involved municipalities in the region “Stedendriehoek” financial possibilities exist for

the development of three Park & ride areas inside the region.

2.5.3 Public transport2.5.3 Public transport2.5.3 Public transport2.5.3 Public transport Public transport is very important for good functioning of the Park & ride area. Most

of the available money will be used for good public transport. The frequency of

public transport is very important for good functioning of the Park & ride area. This

will take a lot of fundings to accomplish. Good public transport is feasible, but it will

cost a lot of money.

2.5.4 Facilities2.5.4 Facilities2.5.4 Facilities2.5.4 Facilities All the facilities we used are pure functional. The facilities used are

informationservice and safety measures. Because the facilities are minimal, they are

not very expensive. So the realization of the facilities is feasible.

2.5.5 2.5.5 2.5.5 2.5.5 ReferencesReferencesReferencesReferences After the realization of the three Park & ride areas it is important that these areas will

be used in the right way. Doing research on already existing Park & ride areas tests

the expected effects. Comparable Park & ride areas like in Groningen (Noorddijk) and

in Brussels (Delta) are used as references. The action of these Park & ride areas come

up to expectations. Appeared is that it is of big importance that the basic facilities

are good. Users of the Park & ride are assented to a fast connection to public

transport and limited waiting time. This is more important than the extra facilities

(for example; Kiosk, Mc Donald’s, etc.) on the Park & ride areas.

Page 34: Stedendriehoek


2.6 Advice for the region “Stedendrieh2.6 Advice for the region “Stedendrieh2.6 Advice for the region “Stedendrieh2.6 Advice for the region “Stedendriehoek” (Conclusion)oek” (Conclusion)oek” (Conclusion)oek” (Conclusion) First adviceFirst adviceFirst adviceFirst advice The advice for the region counsel of the region “Stedendriehoek” is to start with the

Park & ride area Deventer – Zutphen. This is the best choice, because the largest

traffic-jams are located near Apeldoorn-Beekbergen and in particular in the direction

of Enschede to the agglomeration of Western Holland. This way we want to give as

many travellers as possible the possibility to use the Park & ride areas. The Park &

ride area is located in front of the usual traffic-jams, so the travellers using the A1

motorway will know there is a traffic-jam and therefore they will use the Park & ride

area to avoid the traffic-jam. Therefore we will give the advice to give this Park &

ride area the highest priority. Second advicSecond advicSecond advicSecond adviceeee The second advice is to use the Park & ride area as functional as possible. The only

facilities that will be used are functional facilities like an information service, bus-

station, safety measures, easy payment system and 800 parking places. This way

there will be saved lots of money to realize three Park & ride areas and keep up a

high frequency of busses transporting the travellers from the Park & ride area. Third adviceThird adviceThird adviceThird advice The third advice is to promote the Park & ride area on the most functional places.

This includes promoting on the A1 motorway, at bus stations and good signs leading

to the Park & ride area. This way the Park & ride area will be used by much more

travelers and they will consider using the Park & ride area much faster. In

combination with the location travelers also have the choice to use the Park & ride to

avoid the traffic-jam further abroad.

Page 35: Stedendriehoek


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