stem cells - #scichallenge2017


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Post on 21-Apr-2017



Health & Medicine

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Page 1: Stem Cells - #scichallenge2017
Page 2: Stem Cells - #scichallenge2017

You‘ll find out…• What stem cells actually are.

• Which talents they have.

• Why you need them.

• How to become a millionaire.

• The last point was a lie (or not).

Page 3: Stem Cells - #scichallenge2017

Stem cells ancient tribe?• are concerning each higher organism

• are „building stones“

• 1st stem cell fertilized ovum

• foundation for the whole organism

• via multiplication & differentiation of stem cells

• >200 different cell types

• formation of all tissues & organs

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Page 5: Stem Cells - #scichallenge2017

Have you ever met a stem cell?• 2 defining capabilities to know it‘s a stem cell indeed

1 Specialization

• after divison secondary cell specialized

• „choose if they want to be“ a neuron, blood- ,bone-,.. cell

• stem cells are universal cells

• not originally made as a certain type of cell

• fulfill important regeneration & reparation functions

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Have you ever met a stem cell?• 2 defining capabilities to know it‘s a stem cell indeed

• by replication

• replacement is like a copy

• same properties

2 Self-Renewal

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How can they help us?

• regenerative & general medicine

• drug development

• therapeutic use

• disease modelling

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Stem cell = stem cell?• differentiate 2 central forms

• concerning their origin

1 Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs)

• „mothers of all cells“

• can turn into any specific type of cell

• struggles:

• exist only for a short period of time

• medical use is ethically controversial

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Stem cell = stem cell?• differentiate 2 central forms

2 Adult Stem Cells

• „knights in shining armour“

• create substitutes

• ensure to fix/replace destroyed cells

• cannot differentiate into all types of cells

• struggles:

• obtaining difficult, risky & expensive

Page 10: Stem Cells - #scichallenge2017

Toti- pluri- what?!• distinguish them by their potency

• can differentiate into any kind of cell

• are able to give rise to an entirely functional organism

• example: fertilized ovums

1 Totipotent Stem Cells

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2 Pluripotent Stem Cells

Toti- pluri- what?!• distinguish them by their potency

• are similar to totipotent stem cells

• can differentiate into any kind of cells

• are able to give rise to all tissue types

• but not to an entire organism

• example: embryonic stem cells

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Toti- pluri- what?!• distinguish them by their potency

• can differentiate into different cell types within a tissue type

• example: adult stem cells

3 Multipotent Stem Cells

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Research amazing – stem cells amazingInduced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)

• are synthesized

• by adding gens to ordinary tissue cells

• leads to „reprogramming“

• manmade qualities similiar to embryonic stem cells

• medical use lesser ethical issue

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Research amazing – stem cells amazingInduced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)

• may be produced corresponding to a patient´s needs

• Problem of immune rejection solved?

• possibility to differentiate them into neurons

• huge potential in medical use

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Multitalents heal, help & hypnotize• Just kidding, but who knows what research may find out?

• stem cells can replace damaged cells

• are used after heart attacks, burns, spinal cord injuries, strokes, …

1 Regenerative Medicine

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Multitalents heal, help & hypnotize• Just kidding, but who knows what research may find out?

• used to create organs & tissues

• huge potential in medicine

2 Synthesis

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Multitalents heal, help & hypnotize

• Just kidding, but who knows what research may find out?

• used to develop medicine

• prevent side effects

• reduce animal testing

3 Drug Development

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Multitalents heal, help & hypnotize• Just kidding, but who knows what research may find out?

• used to model disease mechanisms

• in order to better understand illnesses

• to improve healing chances

4 Disease Modelling

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How do we know?We just asked them



ortal:componentId=gtnddbb3089-5ab1-4bb1-b4b8-5b4d46e787b6•••••••• Drawings: Google Autodraw_by Isabell Aigner•
