step-by-step: delete all draft versions

Step-by-Step: Delete All Draft Versions USE the document open from the previous exercise. 1. Click the File tab, then click the Manage Versions button, then Recover Unsaved Documents. The Open dialog box for Unsaved Files opens. You should see the first few words of the document in the Open dialog box. 2. Click the Working with unsaved documents can be . . . then right-click, and then select Delete This Version. 3. Click Yes to the prompt, Are you sure you want to move this file to the Recycle Bin? 4. CLOSE the unsaved_document.

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Step-by-Step: Delete All Draft Versions. USE the document open from the previous exercise. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Step-by-Step: Delete All Draft Versions

Step-by-Step: Delete All Draft Versions

• USE the document open from the previous exercise.1. Click the File tab, then click the Manage Versions button,

then Recover Unsaved Documents. The Open dialog box for Unsaved Files opens. You should see the first few words of the document in the Open dialog box.

2. Click the Working with unsaved documents can be . . . then right-click, and then select Delete This Version.

3. Click Yes to the prompt, Are you sure you want to move this file to the Recycle Bin?

4. CLOSE the unsaved_document.• LEAVE Word open to use in the next exercise.

Page 2: Step-by-Step: Delete All Draft Versions

Step-by-Step: Use the Document Inspector

• OPEN the emploffer document from your lesson folder.1. Click the File tab and by Prepare for Sharing click the Check for Issues

button, then click Inspect Document.2. The Document Inspector dialog box appears. Click the Inspect button (see


Page 3: Step-by-Step: Delete All Draft Versions

Step-by-Step: Use the Document Inspector

3. In the Document Properties and Personal Information section, click Remove All. Personal information from the properties is removed and the document is ready to be shared. The items are removed and the dialog box is updated.

4. Leave the Headers, Footers, and Watermarks as is. Click Close.5. In the Prepare for Sharing section, click the link to Allow this

information to be saved in your file.6. Click the Save As button to open the Save As dialog box. Save the

document as emploffer_1 in your USB flash drive in your lesson folder.

• LEAVE the document open to use in the next exercise.

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Step-by-Step: Check Accessibility• USE the document that is open

from the previous exercise.1. Click the File tab and click the

Check for Issues button, then click Check Accessibility.

2. The Accessibility Checker appears on the right pane, as shown at right.If there are errors in your document, the Accessibility Check will show errors, warnings, or tips.

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Step-by-Step: Check Accessibility3. Click the File tab and notice that below Prepare for Sharing

indicates that “Content that people with disabilities are unable to read.” Word flags the document letting you know that there are problems in the document and not everyone will be able to read it.

4. SAVE the document with the same file name in your USB flash drive and CLOSE the file.

• LEAVE Word open to use in the next exercise.

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Step-by-Step: Use the Compatibility Checker

1. OPEN the employment_offer document from the lesson folder. When documents are created in an earlier version of Word and opened in newer versions of Word, they will open in Compatibility Mode and it will display in the Title bar. It is recommended that you run the Compatibility Checker to identify features that are supported.

2. Click the File tab, then Save As. The Save As dialog box opens, save the document as employment_offer_2011 and make sure the file type displays as Word Document. A prompt will appear stating you are about to save your document to one of the new file formats. Compatibility Mode will allow you to edit your document, and the enhanced features used in Word 2010 will not affect your document—your document in the earlier version will be preserved. Click OK.

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Step-by-Step: Use the Compatibility Checker

3. Click the File tab, click Check for Issues, and click Check Compatibility. The Microsoft Word Compatibility Checker dialog box is dis-played as at right. When sharing Word 2010 or Word 2007 documents with users of earlier versions of Word, your document will need to be saved in the Word 97-2003 format. It is good practice to use the Compatibility Checker to ensure the features you have used will not be removed or changed when you save it in the Word 97-2003 format.

4. Click OK.5. SAVE the document with the same file name in your USB flash drive.• LEAVE the document open to use in the next exercise.

Page 8: Step-by-Step: Delete All Draft Versions

Step-by-Step: Send Documents via Email Using Outlook

• USE the document open from the previous exercise.1. For the following exercise, you must be using Microsoft

Outlook. Check with your instructor to determine whether you have access to Outlook on your computer.

2. Click the File tab then click Save & Send. Send using email is automatically selected.

3. Under Send Using E-mail, click Send as attachment. The open document is automatically attached to the email message and is ready to be sent.

4. Key the email address of a friend, classmate, or coworker in the To box and click the Send button.

• LEAVE the document open to use in the next exercise.

Page 9: Step-by-Step: Delete All Draft Versions

Step-by-Step: Send Documents via SkyDrive

• USE the document open from the previous exercise.1. For the following exercise, you will need a .NET Passport

account. The Windows Live Office is part of SkyDrive and if you have a Hotmail, Messenger, or Xbox Live account, you already have a Windows Live ID and may skip steps 2 and 3.

2. If you need a Windows Live account, complete steps 2 and 3. You must be connected to the Internet to complete the registration process. Click the File tab then click the Save & Send button. Under the Save & Send section click the Save to Web button. On the right side of the screen under Sign In, click the link, Sign up for Windows Live SkyDrive (see next slide).

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Step-by-Step: Send Documents via SkyDrive

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Step-by-Step: Send Documents via SkyDrive

3. The Internet opens at the Windows Live website as shown at right. Click the Sign Up button and follow the prompts to complete the registration for a Windows Live account. Once you complete the process, exit the Internet. You will be signing in to your account in the Word’s Save and Send section of Backstage.

4. In the File tab, click the Save & Send button.

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Step-by-Step: Send Documents via SkyDrive

5. Click Save to Web and click the Sign In button to display the Connecting to dialog box shown at right.

6. Enter your Windows Live ID, email account, and password. Click OK to connect. Once you are connected, the screen changes and your Personal Folders > My Documents folders will appear. You will be able to upload, create, edit, and share documents in a web browser (see next slide).

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Step-by-Step: Send Documents via SkyDrive

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Step-by-Step: Send Documents via SkyDrive

7. Select My Documents under Personal Folders. You have an option to share information in the Public folder and you can grant individuals permission to view and edit the contents in your folder. You can also create a new folder in which to place your documents.

8. Click the Save As button. The Save As dialog box appears and the address bar displays the location of your folder as well as the file name (see right).Click Save.

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Step-by-Step: Send Documents via SkyDrive

9. Launch the Internet and sign in to your Windows Live account to view your document.

10. At the top screen in your Windows Live Account, click the Office link, then Your Documents. Double-click the My Documents folder. You have an option to edit your document in the browser, open it in Word, or Share it (with an option to add permissions), and under More you can view the versions history, move, copy, rename, download, and view properties.

11. In step 9, you signed in to your email account. Keep your Windows Live email account open.

• LEAVE the document open for the next exercise.

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Step-by-Step: Send Documents via Internet Fax

• USE the document open from the previous exercise.1. By default the Windows Fax feature is disabled and it

must be installed before sending documents via Internet fax. A utility is built into Windows Vista and Windows 7 to use the Windows Fax and Scan utility. For Windows XP, you will need to add Microsoft Fax in the Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.

2. The Internet fax command is available in Backstage view. This feature has the capability to send Internet faxes without a fax machine.

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Step-by-Step: Send Documents via Internet Fax

3. On the File tab select Save & Send then click Send as Internet Fax. A prompt will appear stating To use Fax Services to send your fax, you must sign up with a fax service provider. If you click OK, your web browser opens and you choose a provider. Your screen would resemble that shown above. Each fax service provider charges a fee for their services. Check with your instructor to see if the services are available.

4. After a fax service provider is selected and an account is set up, a New Fax window opens with the current document attached. Complete the fax form then click Send. Exit the Internet.

• LEAVE the document open for the next exercise.

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Step-by-Step: Change and Create File Types

• USE the document open from the previous exercise.1. On the File tab, select Save & Send.2. Under File Types, click Change File Type. You will be saving a

Word document as another file type. The right side of the screen displays Document File Types and Other File Types. When you select one of the file types, it will automatically add the appropriate file extension to the document.

3. Under Other File Types, select Single File Web Page as shown on the next slide. A web page will be created for this Word document as a single file web page. The extension associated with the single file web page is .MHT. The file extension .MHT is reserved for web pages, and .MHT is commonly used for HTML (HyperText Markup Language).

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Step-by-Step: Change and Create File Types

4. Click the Save As button. After saving the document as a single file web page, it will open in Word. Notice that the elements applied in the document are gone. You can also view the document in a web browser.

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Step-by-Step: Change and Create File Types

5. CLOSE the single file web page.6. OPEN the employment_offer_2011 document from the lesson folder. You

are opening the same document as a Word document with the extension .DOCX.

7. Click the File tab and select Save & Send.8. Under File Types click the

Create PDF/XPS Document. As you learned in Lesson 1, a .PDF file and an .XPS are a file format that preserves document formatting. The .PDF file will open in the Adobe Reader Viewer while the .XPS file will open in the XPS Viewer. The right side of the Save & Send screen changes as shown above.

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Step-by-Step: Change and Create File Types

9. Click the Create PDF/XPS button. The Publish as PDF or XPS dialog box appears. You have the option to change the default file type from PDF to XPS Document. Click Save.

10. The document opens in Adobe Reader as a read-only document. If your computer does not have Adobe Reader installed, you will need to install it on your computer. It is free to download from Close the PDF file and keep the employment_offer_2011 Word document open and minimized to the task bar.

• LEAVE the document open for the next exercise.

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Step-by-Step: Register and Publish a Blog Post

• OPEN a blank document screen.1. A Word document can be published as a blog post or you can

create a new blog.2. On the File tab select New.3. Under the Available Templates

section, select Blog post then double-click or click the Create button.

4. The Register a Blog Account dialog box opens as shown above. Click the Register Now button then click the drop-down arrow and select WordPress then click the Next button. WordPress services are free.

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Step-by-Step: Register and Publish a Blog Post

5. At the WordPress web site, you will be required to enter a wordpress address or you can get your own URL with a custom domain name, for example, wordwise2010. As you enter a domain name, the screen will display whether the name is available. Enter any name you would like for your URL and once it displays as being available complete the registration process by entering your username, password (It should be a strong password—the screen will indicate if it is weak or strong.), enter your password again, then enter your email address. If you would like to subscribe to their blog and learn about new themes, features, and other news click to add a check mark in the check box. Click the Sign Up button and check your email to activate your blog by clicking on the link in the email.

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Step-by-Step: Register and Publish a Blog Post

6. Click the link sent to your email account by Your screen should resemble top right stating that Your account is now active. In the first paragraph, click your URL link to open your blog site. Your site should re-semble bottom right. You can customize the site by changing the theme and features.

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Step-by-Step: Register and Publish a Blog Post

7. The Word screen displays [Enter Post Title Here]. Key, What do you think about the NEW features in Word 2010? In the Blog Post tab, in the Blog group, the Publish button contains two options, Publish and Publish as Draft (see above).

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Step-by-Step: Register and Publish a Blog Post

8. After you complete a few more steps, you will post and publish your first blog. On the next step, you will be adding your Blog URL to your account.

9. On the Blog group, click the Manage Accounts button to display the Blog Accounts dialog box as shown at right.

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Step-by-Step: Register and Publish a Blog Post

10. Click the New button. The New Blog Account dialog box opens, click the drop-down arrow to display the menu and select WordPress, click Next. The New WordPress Account dialog box opens as shown at right. Enter your Blog Post URL, <Enter your blog URL here> for example,, then enter your user name and password. If you would like Word to remember your password, click the Remember Password box to add a check mark. Another option is Picture Options. When you publish your blog post, your picture needs to be uploaded to a picture provider on their storage location. For the following exercise, do not use the Picture Options.

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Step-by-Step: Register and Publish a Blog Post

11. After entering your Blog URL Post, user name, and password, a prompt will appear stating When Word sends information to the blog service provider, it may be possible for other people to see that information. This includes your user name and password. Do you want to continue? Click Yes.

12. Click the Manage Accounts button again in the Blog group to see your account shown above. Click Close.

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Step-by-Step: Register and Publish a Blog Post

13. Click the Publish button on Blog group to display the Connect to [your Blog URL] dialog box. The figure atright displays Connect to wordwise2010. Key your user name and password to post and publish.

14. A yellow prompt will appear in your Word blog document screen stating, “This post was published to <your blog URL site> followed by the time and date. For example, “This post was published to wordwise2010 at 10:41:40 AM 2/9/2011.”

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Step-by-Step: Register and Publish a Blog Post

15. Close the blog post. A prompt may appear stating Do you want to save changes made to the document? If you click “Don’t Save,” a recent copy of this file will be temporarily available. Click Don’t Save. Earlier in this lesson, you learned about managing document versions.

16. When you click the Home Page button on the Blog group, it will automatically launch the Internet directly to your Blog URL website after you have logged in.

17. The Insert Category button allows you to categorize postings on your blog. When you click on this button, a drop-down menu appears below the blue horizontal line. When you categorize your blog post, you can select from the drop-down menu. In the meantime, you do not see any category. If you clicked on the Insert Category button, click the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar to remove. The Open Existing button opens a published blog.

• LEAVE Word open for the next exercise.

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Step-by-Step: Publish a Word Document as a Blog

1. You are now ready to publish an existing Word document as a blog. Click the task bar to display the employment_offer_2011 Word document on your screen.

2. Click the File tab, then click Save & Send. The Save & Send command appears on your screen. Click Publish as Blog Post, it displays the options for different sites to publish your blog. Click the Blog Post button on the right side of the screen. The employment_offer_2011 document is inserted in the Word Blog layout and appears below the horizontal line without any formatting or any of the Word elements applied.

3. Click the Publish button in the Blog group to display Connect to <your Blog URL site>. The example shown in Figure 13-40 displays Connect to wordwise2010. Enter your user name and password, then click OK.

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Step-by-Step: Publish a Word Document as a Blog

4. A prompt will appear stating, When Word sends information to the blog service provider, it may be possible for other people to see that information. This includes your username and password. Do you want to continue? Click Yes.

5. A yellow prompt will appear on the screen stating “This post was published to your <Blog URL site> at time is displayed and date.” For example, This post was published to your wordwise2010 at 4:12:14 PM 2/9/2011 (see above).

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Step-by-Step: Publish a Word Document as a Blog

6. Close the blog post. A prompt may appear stating “Do you want to save changes made to the document? If you click “Don’t Save,” a recent copy of this file will be temporarily available.” Click Save.

7. Save the document as BYA_Blog Post in your USB flash drive in the lesson folder.

8. Close the employment_offer_2011 Word document.• CLOSE Word.

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Step-by-Step: Remove a Blog on Your Blog Site

1. LAUNCH the Internet and log in to your Blog URL site. On the left side of the screen, click Post, and all posts will appear.

2. Add a check mark in the check box and hover your mouse pointer over the post to delete, then select Trash. Click Apply.

3. Log out of your Blog URL site. Have fun blogging!• CLOSE the Internet.