step guide (pdf)

Check STEP Facebook Official page! You can easily track STEP updates from Facebook and join the polls to help improving STEP. LATEST CHANGES: *Older changelog can be found at the end of the guide, full changes history can be found in the “Full Changelog.txt” file. Hotfix v2.0.1a: -Updated “HD Textures DLC Fix” guide in Step-1b, according to the mod update. -Removed “Helmet Slot Stacking” fix mod, no longer needed since included with latest “Weapon and Armor Fixes” mod. -Fixed view distance settings image wrong link in Step-1a. -Other minor guide improvements and spelling fixes. Patch v2.0.1: -Added again “Silly Level of Detail - Potions and Poisons” mod (I forgot to include it). -Added “Clothing Fixes by Request” from Brumbek, same link as “Static Mesh Improvement Mod”. -Added “No NPC Greetings” as a fix mod. -Changed “Static Mesh Improvement Mod” note, as v1.03 you should install it with NMM. -Fixed “Bowlegged Jump Animation Fix” wrong link. -Fixed “Leathers Weight Fix” wrong link. -Fixed “Extra Hotkeys” wrong link. -Improved some descriptions in Step-3 (INI tweaks). Hotfix v2.0.0a: -Added the new Nexus link for “Skyrim Redesigned” which has been re-uploaded by Dracomies (thanks man!). -Added the recommendation to pick the BSA version of “HD Textures DLC Fix”. -Removed [MapMenu] tweaks from Skyrim.ini tweaks, which disabled “A Quality World Map” mod (remove them!).

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Post on 23-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Step Guide (PDF)

Check STEP Facebook Official page! You can easily track STEP updates from Facebook and join the polls to help improving STEP.


*Older changelog can be found at the end of the guide, full changes history can be found in the “Full Changelog.txt” file.

Hotfix v2.0.1a: -Updated “HD Textures DLC Fix” guide in Step-1b, according to the mod update.

-Removed “Helmet Slot Stacking” fix mod, no longer needed since included with latest “Weapon and Armor Fixes” mod.

-Fixed view distance settings image wrong link in Step-1a.

-Other minor guide improvements and spelling fixes.

Patch v2.0.1: -Added again “Silly Level of Detail - Potions and Poisons” mod (I forgot to include it). -Added “Clothing Fixes by Request” from Brumbek, same link as “Static Mesh Improvement Mod”. -Added “No NPC Greetings” as a fix mod. -Changed “Static Mesh Improvement Mod” note, as v1.03 you should install it with NMM. -Fixed “Bowlegged Jump Animation Fix” wrong link. -Fixed “Leathers Weight Fix” wrong link. -Fixed “Extra Hotkeys” wrong link. -Improved some descriptions in Step-3 (INI tweaks).

Hotfix v2.0.0a: -Added the new Nexus link for “Skyrim Redesigned” which has been re-uploaded by Dracomies (thanks man!). -Added the recommendation to pick the BSA version of “HD Textures DLC Fix”. -Removed [MapMenu] tweaks from Skyrim.ini tweaks, which disabled “A Quality World Map” mod (remove them!).

Page 2: Step Guide (PDF)

-Expanded some notes and improved descriptions. -Minor guide fixes and grammar corrections.

From v1.93.1 to v2.0.0: *Not a detailed changelog since there’s too much to list!

-Major guide update, requires full reinstallation of Skyrim. -Reorganized the whole guide structure in a more coherent fashion. -Reorganized mod categorization, removed “non-included mods and why” section (there’s the forum for this). -Guide totally adapted to the new official “HD Texture DLC”, which is strongly recommended for STEP (check Step-1B) -Removed FXAA Injector section: it was too taste-dependent. “Realistic Lighting w/o PP” is now the default recommendation. -Removed non-necessary mods, added tons of new-awesome ones. -Removed gameplay mods which can potentially spoil the vanilla game balance, it’s too early for a “OOO-like” mod, the CK just came out! -Removed some obsolete hints from Step-5. -Added a working Paypal donation button (by popular demand) -Other minor guide improvements.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### PREVIEW: ###

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Latest version: v2.0.1a-

-Guide updated: 12 February 2012-

You have a decent rig and want to get the BEST from Skyrim, don't you?


STEP is an extensive, step-by-step and always updated guide to enhancing TESV Skyrim with the actual best mods, tweaks and settings; the focus is quality, non quantity. This is a very ambitious project which offers to the "casual" player the possibility to enjoy a heavy modded Skyrim, and to the advanced gamer, the ability to refine and improve his game experience over-the-top. I consider this a community project, since most of the input comes from YOU, and most of the content is created by the super talented modders in and outside The Nexus.

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1) I'm not a native speaker, therefore my english isn't perfect; deal with it :D. 2) This guide will be updated till the release of TES6, unless I have a fatal accident and die. I'm compulsively refreshing the new/tracked mods and the trusted tweak websites every hour, updating the guide accordingly (after thoroughly testing). I'll release updates less frequently and in bigger chunks so as not to force users to check the guide many time a day. 3) These tweaks WORK, many tweak guides have the bad attitude of speculating and suggesting experimental or total pointless tweaks, leading only to placebo effect or even game issues. Tweaks listed here are totally tested, more tweaks will be added if more are confirmed working. 4) Check the comparison SCREENSHOTS! Better if you watch them in HD to enjoy the differences, download the screenshots from the Nexus STEP page. You can also see the FPS pre/after tweaks in the up-left corner of the screenshots. PS: Screenshots have been taken with the LITE version of every mod offering a reduced resolution option. If you can manage to get the higher resolution version your game will look even better! 5) Check the videos: (videos are not updated to v2.00) Video 1 (credits to Dan Benoit). Video 2 (credits to TheThomQ). Video 3 (credits to Xylogeist). Beautiful Skyrim - Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8 (credits to AndrewKS) 6) If you want to support my Project, leave suggestions in the Nexus or Facebook page and join the polls;

feedback is what this guide needs to grow and keep updated. Also, if you want, you can make a small

donation via Paypal.

A note regarding YOUR (essential) suggestions:

I got access to the notices for new mods like the rest of you. Where you can add valuable input is:

-Testing the recommended mod (rather than basing recommendation on "it looks good in the pics" or "in principle").

-Testing long enough to make sure bugs have a chance to kick in, or not.

-Being specific as to WHY the mod is good... details help!

-Being specific about how the recommendation stays in line (or doesn't) with the original theme of Skyrim and, if it

doesn’t, explain why you still feel it’s worth it.

-Where possible, flag any compatibility issues though your own testing.

Otherwise, I'll burn myself out dealing with twenty recommendations a day, and doing all of my own QA.

Also, I always need someone helping me collecting the suggestions, if you are willing to help just send me a PM

with a compilation of suggestions made by users in the past days/weeks, you will be listed in the STEP credits


Page 4: Step Guide (PDF)


### FULL GUIDE: ###


To install STEP v2.0 you need: -Original TESV Skyrim (necessary)

-Official Patch v1.4.21 (necessary)

-Official HD Texture Pack (recommended but not necessary, check Step-1B)

-Lot of patience (strongly recommended)

I also recommend installing the game from scratch and after STEP installation to avoid any compatibility


What we are going to do (plus FPS HIT for every step):

*You can safely skip one of more steps if you want, but I recommend following the whole guide. Step-1: Tweak the Skyrim Launcher graphics settings and install/tweak the official HD Textures DLC. Step-2: Install mods I recommend in specific lists, plus mod managing and BOSS guide. (FPS HIT variable, depends on the location you are at and the mods you pick) Step-3: Tweak the INIs for both visual quality and gameplay improvement. (FPS HIT ~0-2) Step-4: Force Supersampling AA, Anisotropic Filter, and SSAO. (FPS HIT variable, depends on the feature you enable, SSAO on Quality and High Quality is the most demanding) Step-5: Fix common issues, plus other tweaks. (FPS gain!) Overall FPS HIT (for me): 5-20, depending on the place you are ingame, your system, your RESOLUTION, and the steps you took. My Rig: Resolution: 1440x900 (very low, I apologize..) OS: Win7 Ultimate, 64bit CPU: Intel i7 Core 860, 2.80 ghz RAM: 4gb DDR3, 1600 mhz Video: GTX 560 TI, oc'd 900mhz, 1gb GDDR5 *I'm using the last nVIDIA beta drivers 295.51


Basically, skip Step-4 of the guide and avoid large textures mods from Step-2 (or pick the performance, non-HD version if available), in order to get most of the enhancements with minor performance loss.

Page 5: Step Guide (PDF)






Before reading any further, I recommend checking’s Skyrim Tweaking Guide to better

understand what the following changes look like.

-Run the Skyrim Launcher and change your game graphics settings:

*Choose "Ultra" settings.

*Choose 4x “Antialiasing” as the difference between 4x and 8x is very subtle and not worth the performance

loss (per Tweakguides).

*Don’t touch the “Anisotropic Filtering”, we’ll come back to this in Step-3B and Step-4B.

-Click the Advanced button:

*Make sure "FXAA" is UN-CHECKED. FXAA reduces Anisotropic Filter effect as well as overall details, it is a cheap AA


*You should now decide if setting “Shadow Detail” to “High” or “Ultra”. Here’s a screenshot comparison for shadow settings: HIGH: Better performance (much better on some systems), sharper shadow, much shorter shadow view distance (therefore much worse long-distance landscape eye-candy). ULTRA: Worse performance, more pixelated and less definite shadows, much greater shadow view distance (long-distance landscape will look pretty) -From the “View Distance” tab: *Make sure “Object Detail Fade” is turned off. *Tweak the view distances: remember that some object don’t really make any visual difference for visual quality from high distance, instead they have a huge negative effect on performance even for very fast rigs THESE are my personal (and recommended) view distance settings. -Click ok and exit. -Now run the game once to fully create both INIs for the next steps.

B) OFFICIAL HD TEXTURES DLC: Bethesda released an official HD Textures DLC for Skyrim. It does work with mods, but its implementation

system overrides any loose .dds file you have in the Data folder, witch of course is not good for STEP!

How to prepare the official HD Textures DLC for STEP:

1) If you haven’t done it before, download and install the official HD Textures DLC from Steam.

Page 6: Step Guide (PDF)

2) Once installed, disable (or delete) the two .esp files that come with it. There should be only the two .bsa files

in the Data folder.

3) Download the HD Textures DLC Fix (pick the BSA version) from the Nexus, and put ONLY its .bsa file in

Data, not the .esp!

4) Go to "Documents/My Games/Skyrim" or "My Documents/My Games/Skyrim" (depends on your Operating

System) and open “Skyrim.ini”.

5) Now, look for the line [Archive]. Below there should be a line starting with “sResourceArchiveList=” and

behind that a lot of file names of used BSA-files. Behind “Textures.bsa,” add this line without quotes right

behind the comma:

"HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, HighResTexturePackFix.bsa"

The line should now look like this:

----Copy the section down here for convenience----


sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa,

HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, HighResTexturePackFix.bsa, Skyrim -

Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa

sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa

NOTE: If the [Archive] part isn’t in your Skyrim.ini file, just add the previous entire section at the end of the file.



### NMM GUIDE and RECOMMENDED MODS: ### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I'm reporting all kind of mods (graphics, gameplay, quests etc) that, after proper testing, I consider must-have. I won't list any mod which may result in game unbalance, glitches, or anything that is weird or cheaty. So, if you're going to suggest those kind of mods, keep the it for yourself. Also, this guide isn't meant to test mods, but to actually enjoy them. Therefore I will not recommend mods in early alpha or beta stage; once a mod is fully completed and virtually bug-free, and if it is worth it, it will be added.

Installation method:

I personally install mods by hand (aside few mods requiring necessarly the Nexus Mod Manager), this both to learn the Skyrim modding file structure and to more easily tweak them for my suggestions, this also reduces the possibility of errors. I'd use those mod management programs for tweaking load order and tracking updates:

Page 7: Step Guide (PDF)

---> Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) Guide <--- by TheStigma

You can also use Mod Organizer, which has more functions than NMM and can more easily track mod updates. It can be used to install mods with absolute control over any single mod component, and allows to update mods preventing they overwrite files from other mods installed later, and which must have the upper hand. If you manage to learn using it, use it, it makes life much easier (I don’t use it because I’m a masochist).

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to keep TRACKING (using the Nexus tracking function: Files -> Tracking Center, or Mod Organizer) all these mods, in order to keep them updated!

MODS prefix/suffix:

"COMPILER’S ADVICE" suffix is a link to an in-depth procedure I recommend to follow for a particular mod (using or removing specific dds files, addons etc), following it is highly recommended, even if it may seem an hassle. You can of course decide to simply install or skip a whole mod instead of following my advice. "Install with NMM" note means it is highly recommended to install the mod using the Nexus Mod Manager tool, because it can offer options you cannot spot if manually installing the files. "CORE" prefix means that I consider the mod a "must-have", so if you don't want to install everything, you can pick-up only the important ones. "CORE!" (with an exclamation mark) is basically an enhanced version of the prefix, meaning I consider the mod not only important, but essential. "FPS" prefix warns about major FPS intensive mods, so if you have a slower machine, you can avoid them or select a "reduced" version (which most of those mods feature in the optional files). "FPS!" (with an exclamation mark) is basically an enhanced version of the prefix, means the mod is really a performance killer. Green "FPS" means a performance friendly (aka reduced) version for that mod is also available, along with the hi-res version.

A) Script Utilities *Not mods, but programs required for running mods that need special scripting

-(CORE!!)Script Dragon (NOTE: Put the asi and ini files in Skyrim/Asi folder (create that folder), and the 2 dll files in Skyrim folder) -(CORE!!)SKSE - Skyrim Script Extender (NOTE: Put the files in the Skyrim directory) *SKSE - How to enable Container Categorization feature.

B) Textures/Graphics:

*These are textures and general graphics mods, environment, weather, etc, that will improve, NOT change the game's visuals. I've included a detailed explanation on which mod should override the other ones. The listing order also represents the installation order.

B1) Texture mods that MUST overwrite each other, in installing order: 1-(CORE!)Accingite Vos - HQ Shields (NOTE: From Data/textures/armor, DELETE the glass folder) 1-Fhaarkas Softer Animal Fur 1-HD Misc 1-(FPS)High -Res- Hrothgar 1-Higher Poly Skyrim 1-(FPS)HQ College of Winterhold 1-(CORE-FPS)Hybrids Hires Plants and Herbs Retexture

Page 8: Step Guide (PDF)

1-Razor Scales Armor and Cannibal Lord (NOTE: After installation DELETE Data/textures/armor/dragonpriesthelm folder) 1-Realistic Hair 1-(CORE-FPS!)Re-Defined Dungeons 1-(FPS!)Riften HQ Textures 2-(CORE)AOF Believable Hair (Overwrites “Realistic Hair”) 2-(CORE)Bellyaches Animal Pack -Install with NMM- (NOTE: I recommend “Bellyache's Choice”. Overwrites “Fhaarkas Softer Animal Fur”) 2-Daedric Armor and Weapon Improvement (NOTE: Also download any available addon. Overwrites “Accingite Vos”) 2-Dragon Glyphs HD (NOTE: I recommend picking the “Dragon Smooth” version. Overwrites “Re-Defined Dungeons”) 2-Dragon Priests Masks and Hoods Retexture (NOTE: Don’t use Optional files. Overwrites “Razor Scales Armor and Cannibal Lord”) 2-HiRes Glass Armor and Weapons Retex (NOTE: I recommend Ice Blue - highres.Overwrites "Accingite Vos”) 2-Improved Candles (NOTE: I recommend picking the “Natural Beige” version. Overwrites “Re-Defined Dungeons”) 2-(CORE!-FPS!)Skyrim HD - 2K Textures (NOTE: Also download any available addon. Overwrites “Re-Defined Dungeons” and “Riften HQ Textures”) 2-(CORE-FPS)Static Mesh Improvement Mod -Install with NMM- (NOTE: I recommend using vanilla barrel textures. Overwrites “Higher Poly Skyrim”) 2-(CORE-FPS)Visible Windows -Install with NMM- (Overwrites “High -Res- Hrothgar”) 3-(CORE)[FIX] Arrow Pickup Fix (Overwrites “Daedric Armor and Weapon Improvement”) 3-(FPS)101Bugs HD -Install with NMM- (Overwrites “Bellyaches Animal Pack”) 3-(CORE-FPS)AOF Farmhouses COMPILER’S ADVICE (Overwrites “Skyrim HD”) 3-(FPS)Better Dwemer Ruins (NOTE: Pick only “Dwemer and Falmer related Stuff only”. Overwrites “Bellyaches Animal Pack”) 3-(CORE!)Enhanced Night Skyrim (NOTE: I recommend picking only the “Medium Stars” optional file, not the galaxy. Overwrites "Skyrim HD") 3-HD Bunnies Rabbits (Overwrites “Bellyaches Animal Pack”) 3-HD Sacks Retexture (NOTE: I recommend version “A”. Overwrites "Skyrim HD") 3-(FPS)High Quality Food and Ingredients (Overwrites "Bellyaches Animal Pack”) 3-HQ Milky Way Galaxy (Overwrites "Skyrim HD") 3-(FPS!)Realistic Smoke and Embers (Overwrites "Skyrim HD") 3-(CORE!-FPS!)Realistic Water Textures -Install with NMM- (NOTE: Select “Default”. If NMM popups an update window say “no”. Overwrites "Skyrim HD") 3-(CORE!-FPS!)Skyrim Flora Overhaul (NOTE: If you don't like the new grass, remove Data/textures/landscape/grass folder. Overwrites “Hybrids Hires Plants and Herbs Retexture” and “Skyrim HD”) 3-(CORE!-FPS!)Skyrim Realistic Overhaul COMPILER’S ADVICE (NOTE: Also install every update available. Overwrites “Riften HQ Textures” and “Skyrim HD”) 3-(CORE)XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement (NOTE: Don't use Optional files. Overwrites "Bellyaches Animal Pack”) 4-(CORE-FPS)AOF Detailed Mountains (Overwrites “Skyrim HD” and “Skyrim Realistic Overhaul”) 4-(FPS)Better Distant LOD Waterfalls (NOTE: Install in Data/textures folder. Overwrites “Realistic Water Textures”) 4-(FPS)Intricate Spider Webs (Overwrites “Better Dwemer Ruins”) 4-(FPS)Real Ice (NOTE: I recommend “Azur Glacier - Parallax”. Overwrites “Skyrim HD” and “Skyrim Realistic Overhaul”)

Page 9: Step Guide (PDF)

4-(CORE!)Realistic Lighting with Customization (NOTE: Pick the normal non-ENB version, install also the optional Textures. I recommend using RL along with my iCCC Injector built for RL. Overwrites “Skyrim HD” and “Skyrim Realistic Overhaul”) 4-Silly Level of Detail - Wine Cellar (Overwrites "High Quality Food and Ingredients") 4-(CORE!-FPS)Tobes Highres Textures (Overwrites “HD Misc”, “Skyrim HD” and “High Quality Food and Ingredients”) 5-(FPS)Dead Hare or Hanging Rabbit Retexture (Overwrites “Tobes Highres Textures”) 5-(FPS)Dramatic Clouds (Overwrites “Skyrim HD” and “Realistic Lighting”) 5-(FPS)Enhanced Noble Furniture (Overwrites “Skyrim HD” and “Tobes Highres Textures”) 5-HD Furniture and Barrels FINAL (NOTE: I recommend “Cross and Bark” version. Overwrites “HD Misc”, “Skyrim HD” and “Tobes Highres Textures”) 5-(CORE!-FPS!)TreesHD Skyrim Variation COMPILER’S ADVICE (NOTE: I recommend picking up also "Dark Version treepineforestbark03" addon. Overwrites “Skyrim HD”, “Skyrim Flora Overhaul” and Tobes Highres Textures) 6-(CORE-FPS)Skryim Redesigned COMPILER’S ADVICE (NOTE: Pick the “Customizable” version and every available patch. Overwrites “High Quality Food and Ingredients”, “Tobes Highres Textures” and “TreesHD Skyrim Variation”)

B2) Texture/graphics mods not requiring particular installation order: -(FPS)A Quality World Map (NOTE: I recommend the “Main Roads” version, pick also the “Clear Map” addon) -Ash Pile Retex -(FPS)Better Circlets HQ -Better Freckles -(FPS)Burial Urn Retexture -Deadly Serious Shrouded Armor -(CORE-FPS)Deadly Spell Impacts (NOTE: Select “Default”. If NMM popups an update window say “no”) -(CORE-FPS)Detailed Chests Texture Replacers (NOTE: I recommend “Rich-Dirty” version) -Ebony Armor Redone -Enchantment Effect Replacer (NOTE: I recommend “Combined” version) -(CORE!-FPS)Enhanced Blood Textures (NOTE: I recommend using also "Blurry Screen Blood" optional file, *looks more immersive*) -(CORE!-FPS)Enhanced Distant Terrain -Extended Slider Colors -Install with NMM- -Finer Dust -(CORE-FPS)HD Baskets Retex -(FPS)HD Better Reflections for Armor and Weapons (NOTE: Use also "Ebony Purple FIX" addon) -HD Cinematic Fire Effects -HD Linens -(CORE)Height Adjusted Races with True Giants -(FPS)High Quality 3D Map (NOTE: Use both “Meshes” and “Normals”) -High Resolution Books (NOTE: Pick only “Objects”) -HiRes Legible Road Signs -(FPS)HQ Skyrim Map -(CORE)Hvergelmirs Armor Retexture -Improved Torches Textures -(CORE)Kerplunk - Watery Rocks -Lockpicking Interface Retex (NOTE: I recommend the “Anti-Leather” version) -Makers Mark Ingots -Moon Size Tweeks (NOTE: I recommend size x0.5 for both masser and secunda)

Page 10: Step Guide (PDF)

-(FPS!)More Grass -(FPS)Natural Skyrim Rain -(CORE)New Children -Nightingale Prime – Leather Version OR Non-Leather Version (NOTE: The mod is hosted outside Nexus, let me know if it get re-uploaded there) -(FPS)Nordic Ruins Objects Retexture -Not Really HD Claws -Not Really HD Display Case (NOTE: I recommend the “Smudged Glass” version) -Not Really HD Keys (NOTE: I recommend the “Normal Maps” version) -Not Really HD Mask of Clavicus Vile (NOTE: I recommend the “Wrecked” version) -Perfect Legionnaire - Imperial Armor Reforged -Install with NMM- (NOTE: I recommend “Red” version for all) -Pond Fish Retexture -Quality SnowFlakes -Real Effect Candle (NOTE: I recommend “Real” version) -Realistic Paper (NOTE: I recommend “Darker” version) -Remade Hi-Res Ancient Nord Armor -(FPS)Ruins Urn Retexture -Septim HD -Shield of Ysgramor (NOTE: Put in Data/textures folder) -Silly Level of Detail - Potions and Poisons (NOTE: Install both “Poisons” and “Potions”, I recommend “Ceramic” style) -Skill Interface Retexture -Install with NMM- -Skyrim Coin Replacer -(FPS)Soulgems Retexture -(FPS)Super Realistic Ore Textures -Sweet Mother HD -(CORE)Tattered Banners -(FPS)Ultra High Definition Enhanced Vanilla Dragons -(CORE)Varied Guards and Stormcloaks -Vibrant Auroras -Warmer Magic Lights -(CORE-FPS)Yuril Rings HQ (NOTE: I recommend “Gold Circle” version)

C) Gameplay mods:

*Gameplay mods listed here are not “overhauls” and do not affect game balance at all, those mods are “vanilla-friendly”, intended to address specific flaws of the original gameplay, not to change it. For now, I do not want to add potentially unbalanced mods. Mods like PISE, Wars in Skyrim, Deadly Dragons and even smaller gameplay plugins, are very promising, but are actually not properly fine-tuned nor completed. OOO-style gameplay will come after some month from the release of the CK, when we, as modding community, will have a proper idea of the game balance we want to enstablish.

WARNING: Gameplay mods can corrupt your savegame! Make sure to backup your save or start a new game if willing to install those mods on an already existing save!

C1) Balance-Friendly gameplay mods: *Gameplay mods listed here are not “overhauls” and do not affect game balance at all, those mods are “vanilla-friendly”, intended to address specific flaws of the original game, not to change it

-Companion Hotkey (NOTE: Put in Skyrim/Asi folder. Requires Script Dragon)

Page 11: Step Guide (PDF)

-(CORE!)Complete Crafting Overhaul (NOTE: Use only the “BS” version if you'll use “Better Sorting” mod from Interface section) -(CORE)Cowardly Horses (NOTE: Pick only “Cowardly horses.esp” and “Cowardly Shadowmere.esp”. Donwload also “Cowardly Frost” addon and pick only “Cowardly Frost.esp” from it). -(CORE)Dragon Souls to Perk Points (NOTE: Put also “soulsToPerks.asi” in the Asi folder, and put the Asi folder in the main Skyrim folder. Requires Script Dragon) -(CORE)Extra Hotkeys (NOTE: Put in Skyrim/Asi folder. Requires Script Dragon) -(CORE)More Interactive Items -(CORE!)Killable Children (NOTE: Use also " Quest Important Protected" esp) -(CORE)Move it Dammit (NOTE: Pick the “Less Wait Time” version, and use also “Stop Bumping into Me” addon) -(CORE)Realistic Ragdoll Death Force (NOTE: I recommend picking the “Reduced” version) -(CORE!)Smithing Perks Overhaul (NOTE: Pick only “Balanced” version)

C2) Comprensive gameplay mods: *More complex gameplay mods and overhauls intended to modify the game balance.

-Nothing for now.

C3) Hardcore gameplay mods: *Mods that will make your game more challenging and realistic.

-Nothing for now.

D) Content mods: *Quests, new weapon/armors/locations etc. I focus my selection balance and lore, not on fancy pink stuff.

-JaySuS Swords -Lore Friendly Armor Pack

-Midas Skyrim (NOTE: Some users report it is not balanced yet, need more testing)

-Nightingale Retex - Black Sacrament -Install with NMM- (NOTE: Don’t install any replacer) -Weapons of the Third Era

E) Sounds and music: *Mods that change various sounds or music within the game.

-(CORE)Activate Fail Noise Removal -(CORE)Immersive Skyrim Thunder (NOTE: Overwrites “Natural Skyrim Rain” from graphics mods) -(CORE)Improved Combat Sounds -Realistic Weapon Swing Sounds -Smooth Blade Draw and Sheathe SFX -(CORE)Sounds of Nature - Fire -(CORE)Sounds of Nature - Water -(CORE)Sounds of Skyrim -(CORE)The Epic Sounds of Archery

F) Interface mods: *Mods that modify any of the games menus or interface settings

Page 12: Step Guide (PDF)

1-(CORE)Better Sorting -Install with NMM- (NOTE: Select all) 2-(CORE)Categorized Favorites Menu (Overwrites “Better Sorting”) 3-(CORE)Categorized Favorites Menu - Mods Compatibility Config (Overwrites “Categorized Favorites Menu”) -Immersive HUD (NOTE: Install manually, put the Asi folder in Skyrim folder, not Data) -Interface Hard Coded Key Tweaks (NOTE: Pick “Standard Tweaks” only) -KENMod - Lockpick Pro (NOTE: Tweak the "lockpickingmenu_settings.txt" file from Data/Interface to have only the pick HEALTH displayed, *otherwise it's a cheat*) -KENMod Time on Loading Screen -(CORE)Main Font Replacement (NOTE: I recommend “Fertigo” font) -QD Inventory (NOTE: Works fine with SkyUI) -(CORE!)SkyUI -Install with NMM- (NOTE: Requires SKSE)

G) Fixes:

*Must-have fixes/tweaks mods, consider them all as (CORE).

-All in 1 Spell Fixes (NOTE: Includes “Conjuration and Summoning Fixes” mod, will include more fixes) -Ancient Nord Armor 1st Person Fix -Armor And Other Rigfixes -Bed Time Fix (NOTE: Put the Script folder in Data) -Better Turn Animation Only One Pose -Bookshelf Patch -Bowlegged Jump Animation Fix -Clothing Fixes by Request (NOTE: Same link as “Static Mesh Improvement Mod”) -Death Cam Duration Options (NOTE: Pick the “60 sec” version) -Esbern Quest Fix Tutorial (NOTE: This is just a guide, since uploading vanilla Beth files is illegal) -Eyebrows Match Hair -Headsmans Axe Fixed -Increased Charater Height -Keening Enchantment Fix (NOTE: Pick only “100” version) -Leathers Weight Fix (NOTE: Pick the “Half Pound” version)

-Linwe Armor First Person Fix -Matching Set Fixes -No NPC Greetings (NOTE: I recommend picking the “Slightly Reduced Distance” version) -Possessive Corpses (NOTE: Install also the CK update) -Projectile Soul Trap with Visible Impact Effect -Shadow Striping Fix -Shrine of Azura LOD Fix -Talos Shrine Fix -Trainer Gold Exploit Fix (NOTE: Put the Script folder in Data)

-Weapons and Armor Fixes (NOTE: Use both “Main” and “Hacks” esps)

H) Using BOSS to easily sort esms/esps:

*Sorting and enabling plugins. -Download BOSS. -Install it and run "BOSS.exe", it will automatically sort the plugins in Data.

Page 13: Step Guide (PDF)

-Run NMM and enable the deactived esps/esms you want. *Repeat this step every time you update/add an esp/esm mod.

NOTE: Some plugins might not be recognized by BOSS and put at the very end of the load order (the BOSS report will show them), don’t worry, usually it is not an issue, you can always manually reorder them if you suspect that a particular esp can conflict with a previously loaded mod. NOTE2: Before many of you ask, Wrye Bash is still not needed, the load order isn’t very big and the tweaks offered by Wrye Bash for Skyrim are still few. When the modlist will grow, I’ll add a comprensive Bashed Patch guide to STEP which will be an essential part of the modding process.


3 ### INI TWEAKS: ###


These tweaks WORK, many tweak guides have the bad attitude of speculating and suggesting experimental or total pointless tweaks, leading only to placebo effect or even game problems. Tweaks listened here are totally tested, more tweaks will be added if more are confirmed be working. NOTE: If you want some advanced tweaks (that I do not recommend, even if having a really powerful rig, because they'll bring stability issues) like u-grid tweaks, max visible trees/grass/clouds distance, etc, check HERE and HERE (this has screenshots).

A) Skyrim INI Tweaks:

-Go to "Documents/My Games/Skyrim" or "My Documents/My Games/Skyrim " (depends on your Operating System) and make a backup of the files "Skyrim.ini" and "SkyrimPref.ini". -Open "Skyrim.ini" with a txt editor (make sure the file is not tagged as READ-ONLY) and add these lines: Add under [Display]: fSunShadowUpdateTime=0 fSunUpdateThreshold=2.0 *This tweak fixes the shadow flickering issue. Shadow flickering is caused by updating sun shadows; when those shadows update, they move around causing visible flickering. This fix is making this update instant and takes care of any visible shadow flickering. Shadows from flowers, trees and characters will still have normal and dynamic shadows. Add under [General]: sIntroSequence= *This will disable the annoying intro sequence. Add under [Combat]: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7 f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7

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*This will shift the point of aim to the center of the aiming reticle (with this setting you'll hit targets dead on where you aim at around 100 feet).

NOTE: If one of these sections is not present in your INIs, add it at the end of the file.

Then add at the end of the file: [Actor] fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000 *This will allow your arrows to hit very distant targets. [Interface] fSafeZoneX=15 fSafeZoneY=15 fSafeZoneXWide=15 fSafeZoneYWide=15 *These variables control the distance from the edge of the screen at which HUD elements, like the compass and health, magicka and stamina bars, appear. The lower the value assigned, the closer to the edge of the screen the HUD elements, as well as any status messages or location text, will appear. This can make them less intrusive.

-Save, exit.

B) SkyrimPrefs INI Tweaks:

-Open "SkyrimPrefs.ini" with a txt editor (make sure the file is not tagged as READ-ONLY) and adjust the following values to your preferences -Open the original "SkyrimPrefs.ini" with a txt editor (make sure the file is not tagged as READ-ONLY), find these lines and change them if you want: iBlurDeferredShadowMask=3 (change to 1 or 2) - Lower values (0, 1 or 2) will sharpen shadows (not the resolution), making vegetation more "vibrant". It gives a subtle increase in performance, but also gives a more "pixelated" effect to shadows. Higher values (4, 5,etc) will make shadows softer and more blurred. I recommend changing this value to 1 or 2. WARNING: When changing options from the Skyrim Launcher, this tweak will revert to the default value "3". You will have to re-apply it. iMaxAnisotropy=16 (change to 1) - Improves Anisotropic Filter quality if you force AF from your Nvidia card. USE THIS TWEAK ONLY IF YOU’LL FOLLOW STEP-4A ENABLING ANISOTROPIC FILTER FROM YOUR VIDEO CARD! bTreesReceiveShadows=0 (change to 1) - Improves tree shadowing by enabling (fake but nice) shadows ON trees! bDrawLandShadows=0 (change to 1) - Enable land shadowing, larger shadows are unaffected, this is a subtle effect. iShadowMapResolution=2048 (change to 4096) - If you set shadow quality on “High” in Step-1A, this tweak will improve shadows resolution at a sensible performance cost. Shadow quality on “Ultra” already set this on 4096.

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iWaterReflectHeight=512 (change to 1024) iWaterReflectWidth=512 (change to 1024) - Those subtlety improve water reflections, this is the only custom tweak that have an actual effect on water quality. bEnableFileSelection=0 (change to 1) – If this is not present in your INI, just add it under [Launcher]. This will allow to select plugins from your Data folder (even if mod manager programs can do it instead), but most important it will prevent Skyrim Launcher un-checking all previously checked esps. -Save, exit.





*NVIDIA users, download and install the latest drivers (beta if available) HERE.

-Download Nvidia Inspector.

-Follow the steps explained HERE, there is also a Performance SSAO example which explain how to

get a subtle and very performance SSAO without glitches or flickering (I personally use this one since

my rig is not uber).


-In NVIDIA Inspector, when you look for TESV: Skyrim in the profiles list, search for "Elder Scrolls:

Skyrim", not "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim", otherwise you won't find it. If you still cannot find it, update

your NVIDIA drivers to the latest beta.

-Make sure Transparency Multisampling is DISABLED! It will make khajiit and other creatures ingame semi-trasparent as well.


-Supersampling: 2x (FPS HIT ~2-4): SS 2x is very performance friendly, but if you want an even better SS, try 4x/8x SS or 4x/8x Sparse-Grid SS (both are BIG fps killers). WARNING: Sparse-Grid SS may cause semi-trasparent NPC/player/mobs glitch! Turn it off if you experience this issue ingame.

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-Anisotropic Filter: 16x (FPS HIT ~1-2): Forcing AF 16x from your video card settings improves water rendering, even if the game already uses AF 16x. Be sure to set AF to 0 using the Skyrim Launcher when forcing it (or just check Step-3B for INI tweaking). -LOD Bias: -0.250 (FPS HIT ~1): This setting sharpens the textures. While the sharpen quality is far superior to any Post Process Injector, this is more resource demanding. The best configuration is using a modest PP Injector sharpen plus a subtle LOD Bias negative setting, like -0.250 or -0.500 (the bigger negative number, the stronger it is). The final result is not only a fairly sharpened image, but a much more detailed distant textures quality, without an excessive, crispy effect usually obtained with a high PP Injector's sharpen. -SSAO: Performance, Quality or High Quality (FPS HIT Performance: ~3-5. Quality: ~7-10. H.Quality: 10+): Use “Skyrim compatibility” for Quality and High Quality modes, and switch to "Call of Duty 6 - Modern Warfare 2 compatibility” only for Performance mode (check the Performance SSAO image for more info). I personally use the performance mode since my rig cannot handle quality and high quality SSAO with STEP.

BIG WARNING: SSAO in "Quality" and, even worse, in "High Quality" mode have a HUGE impact on performance!


*ATI users, download and install the latest drivers (beta if available) HERE. -Open your Catalyst Control Center: *If you have the ATI Catalyst Software installed, go to your desktop, right click on the background and select "Catalyst Control Center". Find the 'Gaming' section on the left then select '3D Application Settings'. -Change only these options (guides assumes all settings are at default):

Catalyst A.I.:

Texture Filtering to 'High Quality' Enable Surface Format Optimization: enabled




A) TECHNICAL HINTS: A1) Fix game launch crash after installing S.T.E.P.: -Again, If you are experiencing crashes, please set the Skyrim executable (TESV.exe) to run as administrator. (Right click TESV.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Check "Run this program as administrator.") Also, if you are using iCCC or any other FXAA Injector / ENB Series mod, turn off any on-screen display programs and monitoring tools such as Fraps, ATI Tray Tools, MSI Afterburner, GPU-Z, etc. Make sure you have the latest

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DirectX runtime installed. A2) Defrag your Hard Drive with a proper defrag tool: -This is an ESSENTIAL step to take: check on Google a freeware (or if you can afford, payware) defrag tool, I recommend "Smart Defrag" by IOBit. Windows defrag utility sucks. Defrag your system in order to gain some performance and prevent game freezes/crashes. Defrag is NOT recommended for people using SSD, defragging an SSD may severely affects its lifetime. A3) Fix ATI semi-invisible people and messed walls: -Set ATI Antialiasing setting on multi-sample, do not set it on "adaptive". Also, remember to download lastest ATI drivers. A4) How to switch to windowed mode (mainly for ATI): -If having stuttering problems or CTD in fullscreen mode, and want to switch to a "fullscreen" windowed mode, download Simple Borderless Window and follow the guide. IMPORTANT NOTE: The "Simple Borderless Window" launcher (SBW.exe) DOES launch SKSE, just start the game through SBW.exe. A5) How to increase FPS: -If you followed the whole guide, you like the enhanced graphics, but your game is unplayable because of low performance, just disable SSAO or Supersampling AA (or both) from Step-4 of the guide. This will considerably improve back performance at the cost of a minor visual quality loss. Also, you can reduce the “View Distance” settings from the game launcher, check again Step-1A for more info.

B) IN-GAME HINTS: B1) Fix the crappy console Field of View (FOV): -Press "`" (or "\", depending on your keyboard localisation) key ingame to open the ingame console (it's usually right under or in the general vicinity of the Esc key), type FOV #, hit enter. Use a number from 66-100 in place of # depending on what looks the best for you (vanilla is 65 for me). I personally set FOV to 72 because I like it a bit wider than vanilla, and my resolution is just 1440x900. This change will be permanent in your saved game, other INI FOV tweaks don't require opening the console, but usually corrupt the game, this one is safe. Also note that high FOV can cause a huge performance drop for some configurations. B2) Fix ingame stuck downgraded skill: -When a skill appears in red and it's much lower than it is supposed to be (and you got no negative magical effect active), then you have encountered a game glitch. This is how to fix it: Once ingame, open console with the ~ or \ key. Type: player.modav marksman 1 (enter) (replace "marksman" with the bugged skill). Reopen the console. Type player.modav marksman -1 (enter) Your skill should be now fixed.

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Bethesda Softworks - For this awesome game.

All the modders - For the mods recommended in Step-2.

The whole Nexus community - for supporting those modders.

My little STEP community - For delivering suggestions and supporting me in all possible ways.

Some_Dude and the FXAA PP Injector development team - For FXAA PP Injector, on which my iCCC is


Special thanks to Swyfter for helping me with English grammar / proofreading the guide, testing mods and

reporting back with absolute scientific rigor.

Guide logo made by KiraKatRou.

TheCompiler (Daniel)


### OLD CHANGES: ###


*Full changes history can be found in the “Full Changelog.txt” file.

From v1.93.0 to v1.93.1: -Added Worthy Noble Furniture missing reference in previous 1.93.0 changelog. -Fixed Ornate Saddles installation order. -Fixed Leathers Weight Fix missing link. -Fixed wrong tweak descriptions in step-5. -Other minor guide grammar fixes. -Updated recommended mods list:

*Mod ADDED: (FPS)Burial Urn Retexture (FPS)Ruins Urn Retexture

*Mod REMOVED: HD Urns Retex (Replaced by the more lore friendly “Ruins Urn Retexture”. PATCH 1.93.1 NOTE: Delete textures/clutter/ruins/ and Simple Skyrim Spell Scaling Solution (Serious conflict with “Balanced Magic”)

From v1.92.4 to v1.93.0: -Updated step-2: New info about view distance settings. -Updated step-3: New SSAO compatibility explained and update Nvidia setting images.

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-Updated step-5: Removed unnecessary memory tweaks and added new tweaks. -Removed non necessary hints in step-6 regarding the 4gb patch. -Added more mods categories, tagged new “CORE” mods and split “gameplay” mods in two subcategories. -Added mod version number in any “COMPILER’S ADVICE” pages. -Fixes some missing/obsolete mod links. -Changed guide font to Arial Narrow. -New guide logo (thanks to KiraKatRou). -Added a new video by Xylogeist. -Added “credits” section before changelog. -Other minor guide improvements. -Updated comparison screenshots. -Updated recommended mods list:

*Mod ADDED: -UTILITIES: Skyrim Save Helper

-GRAPHICS: (install following listed order) Fhaarkas Softer Animal Fur (NOTE: Install AFTER "Bellyaches Animal Pack", overwrite. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Overwrite if prompted) HD Bunnies Rabbits -Original High Res- (NOTE: Install AFTER "Bellyaches Animal Pack", overwrite. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Delete textures/actors/rabbit/ Worthy Noble Furniture (NOTE: Install AFTER “Chris2012s Whiterun HQTP”, overwrite. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Overwrite if prompted) (CORE-FPS)Better Rocks and Mountains (NOTE: Install AFTER “Skyrim HD”, overwrite. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Before installing this, reinstall textures/landscape/mountains folder from “Skyrim HD” (not the alternate!), then install this mod and overwrite) Blacksmith Workbench (NOTE: Install AFTER "High Quality Workbench", overwrite. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Overwrite if prompted) Dead Hare or Hanging Rabbit Retexture (NOTE: Install AFTER "Tobes Highres Textures", overwrite. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Overwrite if prompted) Ornate Saddles -Leather and Fur Saddle- (NOTE: Install AFTER "Slofs Simple Horse Retex", overwrite. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Overwrite if prompted) (CORE-FPS)HD Furniture and Barrels FINAL -Cross and Bark- (NOTE: Makes its return, install AFTER "Tobes HighresTextures", overwrite. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Overwrite if prompted) (CORE!-FPS)Farmhouse and Villages Vanilla Based HD Textures (NOTE: This will actually overwrite a lot of mod files, say yes to all. NOTE2: This imho has the BEST furniture, bar and wood textures SO FAR. If you prefer "HD Forniture and Barrels" forniture, just install that one later and overwrite. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Overwrite if prompted) Better Decapitation Gore Texture Falmer Clutter Texture Mod (CORE)Kerplunk - Watery Rocks Lunar Moth Brighter Realistic Hair Vurts Snowberry Plants Update (NOTE: Addon from "Skyrim Flora Overhaul". PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Overwrite if prompted) Warmer Magic Lights

-GAMEPLAY: AutoAim -No Auto Aim- (NOTE: Use this only if NOT using "Duke Patricks Combat Tweaks") (CORE)Dragon Souls to Perk Points (NOTE: Requires “Script Dragon”, the Asi folder in the main Skyrim folder) Faster Arrows (NOTE: Use “FasterArrows.esp”) (CORE)Horse Fast Dismount (CORE)Move it Dammit -Less Wait Time- (CORE)Rich Merchants -Less- (CORE)Simple Skyrim Spell Scaling Solution

-SOUNDS: (CORE)Sounds of Nature - Fire (PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Overwrite if prompted) (CORE)Sounds of Nature - Water (PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Remove the old "Sound of Nature - Water 0.9.5" files before installing this new one)

-INTERFACE: (CORE)Main Font Replacement -Fertigo font-

-FIXES: (CORE)Bookshelf Patch (CORE)Leathers Weight Fix -Half Pound-

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-OPTIMIZATION: (CORE!!)TESV Acceleration Layer (NOTE: This is the Silverglade fixed version, check for a newer thread or version HERE or in Nexus. NOTE2: Requires SKSE, put in the main Skyrim folder)

*New/Updated mod NOTES: Improved NPC Clothing -More Dirt + Expansion- (PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Install also the Expansion) Mage and Monk Outfits Texture Replacer (NOTE: Install AFTER “Improved NPC Clothing”, overwrite. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Reinstall this) Skryim Redesigned UPDATED -COMPILER’S ADVICE- (PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Reinstall this, following the updated advice, overwrite if prompted) Spamheinzs HD Houses UPDATED -COMPILER’S ADVICE- (PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Reinstall this, following the updated advice, overwrite if prompted) Deadly Dragons (NOTE: If using PISE, pick only PISE version. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: If needed, reinstall use only PISE version) Duke Patricks Combat Tweaks (WARNING: Seems to prevent staggering on some targets with dual casting. Use this only if your PC is not a mage) Ebony Blade Fixed (NOTE: Install with NMM, select “1hand” version. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Reinstall this, following the previous indication) Immersive HUD (NOTE: Using this will prevent colored markers in the compass when using “Colored Map Markers”, otherwise it’s compatible) Morokei Mask Enchantment Fix (NOTE: Install with NMM, use only “Cloth” version. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Reinstall this, following the previous indication) PISE - Improved Skyrim Experience (NOTE: From the Optionals, use also: “Darker Nights and Bright Skies.esp “, “PISE-Difficult Bartering.esp”, “PISE-Misc Vendors.esp”, PISE-More Intense Level Scaling.esp, and "PISE-Vendors.esp. PATCH 1.93 NOTE: Reinstall this, following the previous indication) Silly Level of Detail - Potions and Poisons (NOTE: Added link to new Nexus page) Silly Level of Detail - Wine Cellar (NOTE: Added link to new Nexus page)

*Mods REMOVED: 4GBSkyrim (Not required anymore since the latest Official Skyrim Patch v1.3.10) Auto Magic Scaling (Causes enchanting/spells balancing problems, bugs) Better Skill Books (Causes blank books, the author cannot fix this issue till the release of the CK) Realistic Campfire Sounds (Replaced by "Sounds of Nature - Fire") Sound of Nature - Water (Replaced by "Sounds of Nature - Water") Not Really HD Stone of Barenziah (We will use "Skyrim Redesigned" one)