stillwater style, summer 2013


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Page 1: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013
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Page 3: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

contentsSUMMER 2013





Say Yellow to My Little Friend

From Lump of Clay to Table

Stillwater’s Music Man

Golf Links Bays







Four Choices for Music Lovers

Stillwater Children Get Taste of Sports at Y

Generation to Generation

Distinguished Chef Serves Up Haute Blue Plate Specials

A Look at Boomer Lake

PHOTOGRAPHYRussell Hixon, Chase Rheam, Nick Snow

Mark Roundtree, Jason Elmquist,Elizabeth Keys, Andrew Glover, Chris Day

WRiTeRsRussell Hixon, Chase Rheam, Nick Snow

Mark Roundtree, Jason Elmquist,Elizabeth Keys, Andrew Glover, Chris Day, Merrick Eagleton

COmPOsinG mAnAGeRJeff Hopper

LAYOuT & DesiGnJen Burge

For advertising, please call thestillwater newsPress 405.372.5000

Page 4: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

Yellow-topped blue carts will be sprouting throughout Stillwater between now and August. Stillwater

waste management employees already are delivering recycling carts to customers who have signed up for curbside recycling. All the carts should be delivered by Aug. 27, Waste Management Division Manager Chris Knight said.

Approximately 3,600 customers had signed up for curbside recycling in early

June. The initial goal was 4,000. Knight said he expected the program would roll past the goal quickly. In May, the program was expanded to include waste management customers outside the city limits.

“Requests are still coming in,” Knight said. “I think in two or three weeks we will be at that 4,000.”

Stillwater’s goal was based on a 45-percent participation rate in the pilot program, Knight said. It wasn’t a magic number to show the curbside recycling program would break even.

A break-even number doesn’t exist because all residential waste management customers are paying for the service whether they participate or not.

In May, the Stillwater Utilities Authority Board of Trustees raised residential waste collection fees $1.57 a month. The rate increase, which started July 1, makes curbside recycling feasible.

Stillwater resident Michael Daviss spoke against the rate increase and curbside recycling at a May public hearing. He felt residents should be able to opt out of the recycling program and additional city fees.

Recycling old hat for Stillwater

Stillwater has been recycling for more than 10 years.

The Stillwater Utilities Authority’s March 2002 contract with a solid waste services company included a recycling

clause.Stillwater established

unmanned drop off recycling sites. It added a manned collection center in 2008.

Stillwater formed a recycling task force in 2009. A pilot program for curbside recycling started on July 1, 2012.

The pilot program was a success with a participation rate of 45 percent and a 15-percent reduction in the amount of trash going to the landfill, Knight said.

“We have had the drop sites around Stillwater for a long time,” he said. “We’ve been recycling in Stillwater for a long time. We are just going to a different method now.”

How does curbside recycling work?

Stillwater opted for single-stream recycling. All recyclables are tossed into the recycling container. The city has contracted with a company that sorts the items and recycles them.

The city also looked at dual-stream recycling, which would have required customers to sort the recyclables.

Single-stream seemed easier for customers, Knight said.If you want to participate, call 405-742-8269. You will need to

provide your name on your city of Stillwater utility bill, the service address, a telephone number, email address and select the size of the recycling cart.

You can also register online at the city’s website,

— By Chris Day

Say yellow to my little friend

Stillwater rolling curbside recycling out to all residents

4 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 5

Waste Management Division Manager Chris Knight

Chase Rheam/Stillwater StyleBlue carts with yellow lids are recycling carts. Stillwater waste management will empty recycling carts on the same day as they pick up garbage in your service area. The recycling carts will be delivered on your collection day. Residents can start curbside recycling on the next collection day.

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clause.Stillwater established

unmanned drop off recycling sites. It added a manned collection center in 2008.

Stillwater formed a recycling task force in 2009. A pilot program for curbside recycling started on July 1, 2012.

The pilot program was a success with a participation rate of 45 percent and a 15-percent reduction in the amount of trash going to the landfill, Knight said.

“We have had the drop sites around Stillwater for a long time,” he said. “We’ve been recycling in Stillwater for a long time. We are just going to a different method now.”

How does curbside recycling work?

Stillwater opted for single-stream recycling. All recyclables are tossed into the recycling container. The city has contracted with a company that sorts the items and recycles them.

The city also looked at dual-stream recycling, which would have required customers to sort the recyclables.

Single-stream seemed easier for customers, Knight said.If you want to participate, call 405-742-8269. You will need to

provide your name on your city of Stillwater utility bill, the service address, a telephone number, email address and select the size of the recycling cart.

You can also register online at the city’s website,

WHat can be recycled:

the city of Stillwater will accept the following items in its residential curbside recycling program:

• Plastics Nos. 1-7 and Styrofoam• Aluminum cans, foil and pans• Metal cans, containers• Paper products

Curbside recycling does not accept glass, hazardous materials or plastic bags/wrap

4 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 5

Waste Management Division Manager Chris Knight

Chase Rheam/Stillwater StyleBlue carts with yellow lids are recycling carts. Stillwater waste management will empty recycling carts on the same day as they pick up garbage in your service area. The recycling carts will be delivered on your collection day. Residents can start curbside recycling on the next collection day.

Page 6: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

WedgingThis first step is simple but extremely important. The clay needs to be vigorously kneaded like dough to force out any air. If air bubbles form they can expand and destroy vessels while they are being heated. Dollarhide takes the three pounds of gray clay and folds it in on itself, pushing down hard to pop the bubbles. This also creates a more consistent clay without hard and soft areas.

CenteringFirst, Dollarhide takes the ball of clay and forms a cone shape on the bottom, he then plops it onto the throw. This process is how the throw got its name. This gives it suction and will keep it attatched to the spinning surfaces. He then pats the ball at a 45 degree angle to center it. As it spins, he anchors his arms in his body and uses his palms to make sure the clay is spinning evenly. Throughout the process of making a vessel, he is constantly making sure the clay is centered and does not begin to wobble or spin unevenly.

— By Russell Hixson

Buck Dollarhide’s bowls don’t just hold fruit, jewelry or salads. They are works of art. Intricate textures, splashy glazing and swirly markings lift them far beyond any mass

produced pottery. Dollarhide also creates trays, vases, instruments and just about anything else his mind can conceive and his hands can create. He sat down, clay in hand, to demonstrate how to make the most simple bowl.

Pottery expert Buck Dollarhide begins to shape a bowl at the Stillwater Multi Arts Center where he teaches

pottery classes each week.


of Clayto Table

Pottery CaughtBuck Dollarhide’s

Fancy as a Studentat Oklahoma State


Wedging - A ball of clay waits to be turned into a bowl.

Centering - The clay spins as Buck Dollarhide begins to get it centered.

6 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013

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ConingWith wet hands, Dollarhide now begins forcing clay up and back down from an upside down cone shape. This helps to further center the clay and make it more elastic and easy to work with. He repeats the process several times. Steady hands are key he said, as the clay will react to whatever they do. Eventually he brings the clay down into a door knob shape. It is now ready to be opened up.

Opening UpUsing sponges soaked with water, he pushes into the center of the door knob shape until it resembles a fat doughnut. He tests the thickness of the clay at the bottom to make sure there’s not too much or too little. His other hand makes sure the clay remains centered and smooth.

Shaping the BowlThis is the most difficult step to explain and Dollarhide makes it look easy. “A vessel is thrown from the inside out,” he says. He uses his hands to push the inside wall up and out. This expands the wall and makes the piece taller. He calls these pulls and after several more it’s starting to look like a bowl. He makes sure the top stays level and the sides are smooth with steady, anchored hands. As the walls get thinner, he becomes more careful about how much water is on his hands and sponges as too much could weaken the walls, causing them to collapse. Slowly, he widens the bowl and makes it taller, using a CD and his hands to create a pleasing curve. He trims ripples and thick areas to try and create a uniform thickness for some of the bowls parts.

Finishing UpDollarhide gently pushes down on the top lip, making it fatter and more pronounced. With molded, mass produced pottery, this sort of feature is impossible. Dollarhide takes a wire and destroys his 20-minute creation by slicing it in half like a stick of butter. He notes where he would create a base for the bowl to rest on. He would also then heat the bowl in a kiln and use glazing, salt or copper to decorate.

Coning - After the clay is centered and coned, it becomes easier to work with and is almost ready to be shaped into a bowl.

Opening Up - Buck Dollarhide begins to push into the clay to make a bowl shape.

Opening Up - The bowl slowly takes shape.

Finishing Up - Buck Dollarhide is essentially finished shaping the bowl but it still has a long way to go before it can be put on someone’s table or in a display case.

Finishing Up - Pottery expert Buck Dollarhide shapes the lip of the bowl at the Stillwater Multi Arts Center.

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Dollarhide says the bowl is the most simple piece of pottery one can make using a throw. He teaches Tuesday nights at the Stillwater Multi Arts Center. Students learn glazing, throwing and handbuilding. He said about 10 percent of his students are able to produce a bowl during their first class but creating something smooth, uniform, clean and beautiful takes more time and dedication.Dollarhide got into pottery while attending Oklahoma State

University in 1967. He was required to take three hours of pottery and he admits at the time he couldn’t have cared less. But after that first class he ended up taking a total of 18 hours of pottery courses.“I just flat fell in love with pottery,” he says. He enjoys working

with his hands which has led him to also take up gardening and woodworking. Dollarhide’s pieces are often inspired by the natural world — what he sees in his garden and in the Oklahoma countryside.

The Finished Product - Pottery expert Buck Dollarhide shows off one of his finished bowls.

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Wayne Gallaher is 82 years old with white hair and glasses but he still has chops. In the warm sunroom of his Stillwater home, he performed scales and musical

acrobatics, his trombone slide racing back and forth. He bought the trombone, or axe as he calls it, in 1947. It has been lacquered so many times the lacquer has stopped taking. Gallaher is an institution in the Stillwater Community Band. He’s

been first chair trombone player since 1979 and no one dares sit in the seat even when he can’t make it to practice. “It’s something that can never be taken away from you,” Gallaher

said of music and the arts. And for 82 years — 40 or them spent teaching music and orchestra — he’s kept it with him.Gallaher was born and raised in Ohio during the Great

Depression. His father was an engineer who took the family all around the state following jobs. Music was a luxury. He got his first taste in Cleveland when he paid 50 cents for a school trip to see the orchestra. World famous violinist Jascha Heifetz played Mendelssohn’s E minor concerto.“I have never heard anything so beautiful in my life,” Gallaher

said. He went home and started saving nickels and dimes to buy a record player. It took years. He started playing piano and by 15 he won a statewide contest. In high school, he started playing baritone,

trombone, French horn, bassoon and just about anything he could get his hands on for school and state bands. Gallaher reckons the only two instruments he can’t play are harp or bagpipes. Playing in territorial bands that traveled around the region’s dance halls and clubs kept some money in his pocket.After graduating high school in 1949, he was desperate. “I got a handshake from my dad, and a pen and pencil set, and he

gave me a month to get out of the house,” Gallaher said. Without other options he and his twin brother joined the Navy. Gallaher was accepted into the Navy’s music school while his brother was a sonar operator on a submarine. Before he knew it, the Korean War broke out and Gallaher found himself on the USS Princeton. He and other musicians helped ready the ship and manned lookout positions. They also performed for dignitaries, senators and lifted the spirit of the troops. Gallaher served two tours before leaving the Navy.He found himself once again desperate for a job and did whatever

he could to make ends meet. This meant hoeing weeds, digging ditches and any other manual labor job that paid. Each day he came home exhausted. He decided he couldn’t live that way and enrolled at Pasadena College in California on the G.I. Bill, unsure what to study. Initially, he shunned music, wanting to pursue a more



Gallaher is anInstitution with the

Stillwater Community Band— By Russell Hixson

Wayne Gallaher relaxes in the sunroom of his Stillwater home.The first chair trombone player for the Stillwater Community Band can play nearly every instrument and has spent his whole life teaching music.

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sensible and profitable career. But soon he got sucked deep in the school’s musical programs and managed the school’s show band.Gallaher found his calling when someone noticed how kids would

gather around him during his studies and ask questions. He had a way with teaching — something hard for him to believe. Gallaher had barely scraped through high school and spent much of his first semester at Pasadena doing make-up classes. But education struck a chord and he pursued it, eventually achieving nearly every honor the school’s music department offered.When he went on to University of California Los Angeles the

story was very much the same. His GPA soared. He managed and played in the school’s band, played in varsity band and was president of numerous musical clubs. He made money on the side by managing and playing brass in several bands.When he graduated, times were again desperate. Sputnik had

launched and school districts were scrambling to develop their science programs but had little interest in investing in music education. After 17 failed interviews he took at job at a high school in Durant, but was soon noticed by Northeastern Oklahoma A&M and tapped to help the university develop a music program. After one year, he expanded the program from 20 students to more than 80 but resigned when the school would not give the program any funding.“I couldn’t face those kids in the fall with nothing,” he said.

Gallaher took a music supervisor job at UCLA’s lab school where he developed study programs and taught in front of visiting audiences. He researched and created study programs in Japanese and African music by interviewing foreign students and reading diaries from missionaries. But when school officials asked him to write a report on his position, he wrote himself out, explaining much of the work could be done by teachers and graduate students. But he was grateful for having the opportunity to study with many great musicians who connected with the school, including trombonist and electro-theremin inventor Paul Tanner, drummer Sinclair Lott and Jascha Heifetz, whom he saw play so many years ago.Gallaher spent the next 17 years in Pasadena schools, surviving a

turbulent period of racial tensions and integration.

“I’ve got the scars to prove it,” he said. He scolded children for coming to class with guns tucked in their

pants, had his face smashed by a door while hiding during a riot and had a .38 special pointed in his face by an angry parent. But he has few regrets.“Forty years of teaching band and orchestra and it was never a

job for me,” Gallaher said in his sunroom, trombone at his side. And much like the horn, he is starting to fade. With compounding health problems, he said he counts every month as a milestone. But he is determined to get through this concert season before leaving his first chair. As for his 1940s trombone he has had since high school, he plans to have it smashed after his death. It just doesn’t seem right for it to go on without him, he said.“It’s been a good life,” he said.

Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 11

Wayne Gallaher, 82, demonstrates his chopson a trombone he bought during the 1940s.

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Page 12: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

At 70 years old, Dale Bays may not look like a formidable opponent to most golfers — let alone his son, Tim Bays.

But don’t let his age fool you. As Tim can tell you, the feisty elder Bays can hold his own. And when this father-son duo is on the course, the friendly family feud can provide plenty of fireworks.

“I hate for him to be able to beat me and he hates for me to be able to beat him,” Dale said.

“It’s a lot of fun,” Tim said with a laugh. “When we play in tournaments against each other, there’s not a lot of letup. I want to beat him. I love him and he’s my dad, but I want to take him down just like anybody else. The whole time I was growing up, he was one of the best players around, so it’s good anytime I can beat him. And don’t let that 70-year-old fool you, that sucker can play.”

Like so many good rivalries, this one began ages ago — when Tim first picked up a club. Since then, it has been his mission to repeatedly top his father.

Only that mission is easier said than done.“I’ve accused him of finding the Fountain of Youth,” Tim said.

“The way he’s playing is not normal for a guy his age. He’s already shot his age several times this year and it’s rare for him to shoot his age once. It’s really unbelievable the way he is at his age.”

The now-retired Dale credits playing golf nearly 300 times per year as the real key to staying young. That and just having to keep pace with his son who, while limited with work and family responsibilities, is still a scratch golfer.

“When you have a wife, family and stuff like that, it’s hard to do the family thing and still have enough time to practice golf,” Dale said. “He’s pretty decent at it, I will say that.”

Decent is perhaps the understatement of the year when describing the Bays. So much has been made of this dynamic duo

that their typical group that tees off at noon everyday at Lakeside won’t let the Bays team up because they’re so dominant — no matter how much they promise to take it easy on everyone.

“In the group they play with, they won’t ever let us be partners,” Dale said. “We have a little gambling game out there everyday at noon, so if Tim comes out or we’re there together, they won’t let us be partners. They know it’s going to be tough if we are so we just have to basically play against each other. Everybody knows us, so they know that they better not pick on us too much.”

What makes this duo special though is not that they’re good golfers or that they like to compete against each other. It’s the bond they share. Even the needling that does go on from time to time is all in good, clean fun.

“It’s awesome,” Tim said. “He’s my dad but when we’re on the golf course, it’s like we’re lifelong best friends. To be able to get out there and joke around with him and stuff, after he’s gone I’ll be able to really appreciate that time. It’s fun to be able to jab at him a little bit and know that he’s just going to come right back at me. He’s not going to get his feelings hurt or anything.”

Over the years that friendship has seen the highs and lows in both Bays’ lives. From Dale’s divorce to Tim’s three straight eagles a week before his wedding, the two seem almost inseparable.

“We still went to the golf course even after (the divorce),” Dale said. “Now, it has really helped the situation with he and I because we just enjoy playing in tournaments and being around each other. It has really helped our relationship because we’re both after the same thing and that’s to play a good round of golf and to have fun doing it.”

“We are father and son, we’re best friends — we’re ham and eggs out there,” Tim said. “It’s just a chance of a lifetime to get to spend that kind of quality time with your dad, that’s something that not everybody gets to do. That’s something that I’ll always

— By Nick Snow

12 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013

Golf Links BaysFather-Son DuoFormidable Foeson Stillwater Courses

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cherish. We’ve always had (golf) in common. Growing up, we’ve always had that common link, where I could tell him about some of the nerves I had and he’d get it, and he’d be able to give me advice and help me handle myself around the golf course a little better.”

Tim and Dale have built a lifetime of memories together on the golf course.

And while the tandem may not get to play together as often as they’d like — squeezing in a round or two in each week as Tim’s work and family obligations permit — the younger Bays says he no longer sees his father as an opponent, instead viewing an

outing as another chance to spend time with his aging best friend.“As long as he can handle it, I’ll ride him like I racehorse for

as long as I can,” Tim said. “As long as he can play, then I’m all for being out there with him because there’s nothing more enjoyable.”

“Golf has become to me more about spending time with him. It’s nice to play in the tournaments and everything, but even in that noon game, if I’m off work and find out that he can’t play then I really don’t have any interest in playing in that noon game. It’s really more about spending time with him and making the most of whatever time we have left together.”

Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 13

Dale Bays tees off during the fourball tournament last July at Lakeside golf course. Now 70 years old, Dale Bays still is able to keep up with his son, Tim, when they play together.

Tim Bays tees off during the Lakeside fourball tournament last July while his father, Dale Bays, watches from behind. While they are competitive, golf has built a lifetime of memories for this father-son tandem.

Page 14: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

Dick Clark, who died more than a year ago, was the

disc jockey to generations. But his sentiment and the idea that goes along with it continues in the digital age with services that cater to everyone.

Many would argue the rise of music being available online became well known with the introduction of Napster, a file sharing service in 1999. Songs and whole albums were being shared from person-to-person until legal ramifications forced the service to close its doors. Fast forward 14 years and the options in which people have to hear music on the web are numerous. Let’s focus on four services and what you get with them.

For those looking to recreate that experience of buying an album or a single from a retailer, iTunes is a good choice.

Started in 2001, the Apple-branded service provides some of the latest and greatest artists and music. However, that last statement comes with a couple catches. iTunes sells most songs for $1.29, but can offer some good deals on big sellers and provides a free song of the week. However, some artists were not available on the service for quite some time. Most recently, rock band AC/DC’s entire catalog had not been available for purchase. That has changed now, but shows that some artists and labels aren’t quite willing to fully participate with the big machine that Apple is known to be.

For those who prefer that car radio,

a service like Pandora may be your best friend. The service began as the Music Genome Project in 2000. Analysts would listen to thousands of songs collecting

details such as melody, harmony, flow, lyrics and other items and pair them with other similar songs. A user can tell Pandora that he would like to hear music similar to songs by “The Police” and will find a long playlist of tunes that match the previous song in various ways.

“I love Pandora because it is customizable and I love hearing new music similar to other music I like,” said user Steven Bradley of Stillwater.

While the service is free upon registration, the drawback is you are only allowed to skip a number of songs in one hour. Once you’ve reached the limit, you have to listen to the full song. However, you can award the song a thumbs up or thumbs down with your account remembering these details and choosing not to play that song or anything similar from that point on. If you’re into being part of a pseudo science project, this is a good service. For those willing to shell out $36 for a one year subscription, you can skip advertisements and receive higher quality audio among other features both on the web and on your mobile app.

A similar service is Spotify. For the free version, users can register and receive the same experience as Pandora. However,

when a user pays for the unlimited and premium version, he can search specific songs without hearing ads and download music to listen offline. Spotify has seen a surge in popularity, especially in pairing with social media. If you’re a frequent user of Facebook, you may have seen friends displaying what they had recently played and sharing their playlists.

“I like the Spotify app better because it seems to play songs more specific to the station you’re listening to,” said Spotify user C.J. Kloiber of Stillwater.

The last service to cover is Grooveshark. A word of advice — enjoy this service while it lasts. The site has been under scrutiny since its inception, being sued by many record companies. While some of these lawsuits have been settled, it has been the subject of conversation when it comes to copyright laws. But, for the time being, if a user finds himself wanting to hear a particular set of songs, they can visit the site and search, compile a playlist and listen to their heart’s content. The streaming service has an app on Google Play, but has been pulled from the Apple IOS store. Users can get around this by visiting the site in their phone’s web browser, though.

There are many other apps and services that could be scrutinized and praised, including Slacker Radio, Last.FM and Songza. But, that’s the great thing about music discovery right now. There are many options that can fit anyone’s standards. Go out and do some additional investigating. You’ll find something that will suit your music needs.

“Music is the soundtrack of

your life.” — Dick Clark

— By Chase Rheam

14 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013

Four Choices for Music Lovers

Page 15: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

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Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 15

Page 16: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

“We have some parents that volunteer to coach their child’s team,”

Carman said. “We have to call to find some. ... Usually each team has a coach

and two or three assistants. We also have people that volunteer as referees.

We had 50 or 60 volunteers with soccer. During the year, we have 500 to

700 volunteers.”

The youth sport leagues cost $35 for Y members and $55 for nonmembers.

Carman said he wants as many children to participate as possible.

“The thing that sets us apart from other Y’s is that we offer scholarships,”

Carman said. “We want kids to participate that are willing.”

Besides youth sports, the Y also offers a summer day camp, which runs

through Aug. 15. Children ages 5 through 12 can participate. Anderson said

it’s not all sports based.

“It’s our child care camp,” Anderson said. “We go swimming every

Monday. We have field trips on Tuesdays. We watch movies on Thursdays.

On Friday, we go to Boomer Lake and other fun activities. Each week has its

own theme.”

The youth sports director said the children also do arts and crafts during

the camp. The camp is $120 a week for nonmembers and $110 for members.

The youth sports director said the camp is a service the YMCA offers.

“It gives kids something to do during the summer,” Anderson said. “They

get to meet kids outside of their school. We are here to take them in and

provide them a place to come.”

The Y is also offering swim lessons three times during the summer.

Does your child like playing with balls or is very

active? The Stillwater Y offers several opportunities

throughout the year to get involved with youth sports.

This summer, the Y is hosting a T-ball league for

children ages 3 through 6. The league ends July 12. Each team

will play eight games. Y Sports Director Derrick Anderson said the

league is for fun and helps teach kids about the game.

“It teaches them the basic rules about the game,” Anderson

said. “They learn the importance of teamwork, all at a reasonable


During the fall, children can participate in youth flag football,

volleyball or indoor soccer. Basketball season takes place during the

winter. In the spring, the Y offers outdoor soccer and rugby, which

is new to the Y.

“We had about 20 participate,” Executive Director Dan Carman

said. “We played against Broken Arrow YMCA and lost three tries

to two. It was fun.”

Carman said soccer usually gets the biggest turnout, with

basketball a close second.

“Children can play (soccer) at a younger age,” Carman said.

“There isn’t as much hand-eye coordination as other sports. It’s

easier for children to start playing. The main thing is kicking the

ball is natural and running is too. Soccer tends to be played by both

boys and girls.”

The Y also has a swim team that’s available year around with its

main season being from October to March. Carman said they are


“We swim against other YMCAs,” Carman said. “We practice

every week and have several meets during the year.”

The executive director said preparations for camp usually begin

about six weeks before the season is scheduled to start.

“You look at your schedule and see what dates are going to

interrupt the season like Easter, Christmas and OSU football

games,” Carman said. “Those factor in when to schedule a season.”

Carman said signups usually happen after that. In between

planning and signups, the YMCA orders the necessary equipment.

“You have to make sure to order enough footballs and

volleyballs,” the executive director said. “Then you have to check

that the field is ready. Then you have to order shirts for everyone,

which is around 300.”

Carman said the biggest key to successful seasons is having

the volunteers do anything from coach a team or just run the


Soccer is one of the most popular Y sports.

Stillwater children get taste of sports at Y

16 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 17

Children play with a parachute during camp. The Stillwater Y holds a camp all summerlong for children five through 12.

-- By Andrew Glover

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“We have some parents that volunteer to coach their child’s team,”

Carman said. “We have to call to find some. ... Usually each team has a coach

and two or three assistants. We also have people that volunteer as referees.

We had 50 or 60 volunteers with soccer. During the year, we have 500 to

700 volunteers.”

The youth sport leagues cost $35 for Y members and $55 for nonmembers.

Carman said he wants as many children to participate as possible.

“The thing that sets us apart from other Y’s is that we offer scholarships,”

Carman said. “We want kids to participate that are willing.”

Besides youth sports, the Y also offers a summer day camp, which runs

through Aug. 15. Children ages 5 through 12 can participate. Anderson said

it’s not all sports based.

“It’s our child care camp,” Anderson said. “We go swimming every

Monday. We have field trips on Tuesdays. We watch movies on Thursdays.

On Friday, we go to Boomer Lake and other fun activities. Each week has its

own theme.”

The youth sports director said the children also do arts and crafts during

the camp. The camp is $120 a week for nonmembers and $110 for members.

The youth sports director said the camp is a service the YMCA offers.

“It gives kids something to do during the summer,” Anderson said. “They

get to meet kids outside of their school. We are here to take them in and

provide them a place to come.”

The Y is also offering swim lessons three times during the summer.

ball is natural and running is too. Soccer tends to be played by both

boys and girls.”

The Y also has a swim team that’s available year around with its

main season being from October to March. Carman said they are


“We swim against other YMCAs,” Carman said. “We practice

every week and have several meets during the year.”

The executive director said preparations for camp usually begin

about six weeks before the season is scheduled to start.

“You look at your schedule and see what dates are going to

interrupt the season like Easter, Christmas and OSU football

games,” Carman said. “Those factor in when to schedule a season.”

Carman said signups usually happen after that. In between

planning and signups, the YMCA orders the necessary equipment.

“You have to make sure to order enough footballs and

volleyballs,” the executive director said. “Then you have to check

that the field is ready. Then you have to order shirts for everyone,

which is around 300.”

Carman said the biggest key to successful seasons is having

the volunteers do anything from coach a team or just run the


Soccer is one of the most popular Y sports.

16 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 17

Page 18: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

Home - Lawrence, Kan.Age - 34Profession - Freshman coordinator, new student orientation and enrollment at Oklahoma State University.Why you did what you did - After I graduated from college, I worked at Walt Disney World in sales. After three years of working, I realized my true passion was working with college students so I went back to school for my master’s in higher education. I’ve been in my profession for six years, one year at The University of Tampa and five years at Oklahoma State University.Hobby - I love to read, collect shells and starfish and write in journals.Last book read - “The Storyteller” by Jodi PicolitLast movie watched - “Pitch Perfect”Favorite television show - “NCIS”Favorite type of music or musical group - U2Favorite food - Stuffed mushrooms

Favorite quote - “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”Favorite word - HarmonySound or noise you love - The sound of the ocean/wavesSound or noise you hate - Nails on a chalkboardMost memorable historical event in your lifetime - 9-11Where you were when that event happened - I was finishing my senior year in college when 9-11 happened. I was in journalism class and watched both towers fall to the ground.

Home - Stillwater since 1971Age - 87Profession - Accounting department at OSUWhy you did what you did - I had two years of college and I liked itHobby - Playing cardsLast book read - Daily Bible ReadersLast movie watched - “The Help”Favorite television show - “Dancing with the Stars”Favorite type of music or musical group - Songs from the 1940s and 1950s like the Tennessee WaltzFavorite food - Hot chicken saladFavorite quote - “Lord, help me up when I’m down.”Favorite word - Good. Good health, good morning, goodnight, good luck.Sound or noise you love - Soft background musicSound or noise you hate - ThunderMost memorable historical event in your lifetime - When John F. Kennedy became president and said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”Where you were when that event happened - At the beauty shop getting my hair done in Marion, Ohio.

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18 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013

Page 19: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

Home - Lawrence, Kan.Age - 34Profession - Freshman coordinator, new student orientation and enrollment at Oklahoma State University.Why you did what you did - After I graduated from college, I worked at Walt Disney World in sales. After three years of working, I realized my true passion was working with college students so I went back to school for my master’s in higher education. I’ve been in my profession for six years, one year at The University of Tampa and five years at Oklahoma State University.Hobby - I love to read, collect shells and starfish and write in journals.Last book read - “The Storyteller” by Jodi PicolitLast movie watched - “Pitch Perfect”Favorite television show - “NCIS”Favorite type of music or musical group - U2Favorite food - Stuffed mushrooms

Favorite quote - “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”Favorite word - HarmonySound or noise you love - The sound of the ocean/wavesSound or noise you hate - Nails on a chalkboardMost memorable historical event in your lifetime - 9-11Where you were when that event happened - I was finishing my senior year in college when 9-11 happened. I was in journalism class and watched both towers fall to the ground.

Home - Stillwater since 1971Age - 87Profession - Accounting department at OSUWhy you did what you did - I had two years of college and I liked itHobby - Playing cardsLast book read - Daily Bible ReadersLast movie watched - “The Help”Favorite television show - “Dancing with the Stars”Favorite type of music or musical group - Songs from the 1940s and 1950s like the Tennessee WaltzFavorite food - Hot chicken saladFavorite quote - “Lord, help me up when I’m down.”Favorite word - Good. Good health, good morning, goodnight, good luck.Sound or noise you love - Soft background musicSound or noise you hate - ThunderMost memorable historical event in your lifetime - When John F. Kennedy became president and said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”Where you were when that event happened - At the beauty shop getting my hair done in Marion, Ohio.

to Generation

Palvih Bhana

Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 19

723 S. WALNUT / STILLWATER405-624-3535

Keeping You & Your FamilyHealthy This School Year!

xDiscount Drug, Inc.Charlie’s

18 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013

Page 20: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

In the culinary world, the James Beard Foundation awards are the Pulitzer Prizes or Oscars of food. The foundation recognizes that food is an integral part of the everyday world — and not just

for nourishment. Food matters — within family, cultures, entertainment,

economics, politics and passion — enriching our lives. Chef Nick Badovinus pours his soul into celebrating food, and the James Beard Foundation has recognized him again as a semifinalist in the restaurateur of the year awards.

As a cookbook author and teacher, James Beard was a champion of American cuisine, educating and mentoring generations of professional chefs and food enthusiasts.

In the tradition of James Beard, the Distinguished Chef Series at Oklahoma State University strives to inspire. Entering its third decade, the program hosted Badovinus to share cooking techniques with students and supporters of the OSU School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration. Badovinus spent time on campus explaining the Flavor Hook company of restaurants he runs in Dallas — Neighborhood Services, Off-Site Kitchen and Tried and True. During the demonstration luncheon, he talked about his philosophy of food service.

“It’s about taste — you have to really like cooking...taking care of people and being around food and beverage,” Badovinus said.

He insists you have to see your reflection in every single plate.“Inside that 12 inches — that needs to be a mirror,” he said,

“and...that mirror needs to reflect your passion.” Badovinus’ claim to fame is gastronomic delights from a simple

and honest menu in the American tradition. His restaurants feature comfort food and he encourages cooks to think of traditional dishes and how to combine them in different ways.

He has based many of his concepts on watching what line cooks eat — down and dirty roasted meats and eggs — lots of eggs. Badovinus delivers homestyle food creatively for a haute daily blue plate special. He recommends gathering the best ingredients you can afford, including pasture raised eggs and Benton country ham. Badovinus said Benton slow cures the meat in a culinary art process dating back generations when preserving meat was a way of life and sustenance.

It is easy, he said, to make your own pickled red onions and keep them in the refrigerator to use throughout the week. Vinegar and salt are the basics of pickling and flavorings can be added to make a staple to enjoy on practically anything.

— By Elizabeth KeysDistinguished chef serves up haute blue plate specials

The Oklahoma State University Distinguished Chef Series featured Nick Badovinus cooking his egg salad recipe for a luncheon.

A carmelized honey mustard dresses fresh field greens with a cooked egg for a crown.

OSU students work with Nick Badovinus in the demonstration kitchen which includes television monitors to view preparation techniques.

20 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 21

Lemon goes a long way in livening up any dish but that’s why he often suggests “to taste” because “sometimes a drizzle is all it takes to wake up your taste buds.”

Page 21: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

“It’s about taste — you have to really like cooking...taking care of people and being around food and beverage,” Badovinus said.

He insists you have to see your reflection in every single plate.“Inside that 12 inches — that needs to be a mirror,” he said,

“and...that mirror needs to reflect your passion.” Badovinus’ claim to fame is gastronomic delights from a simple

and honest menu in the American tradition. His restaurants feature comfort food and he encourages cooks to think of traditional dishes and how to combine them in different ways.

He has based many of his concepts on watching what line cooks eat — down and dirty roasted meats and eggs — lots of eggs. Badovinus delivers homestyle food creatively for a haute daily blue plate special. He recommends gathering the best ingredients you can afford, including pasture raised eggs and Benton country ham. Badovinus said Benton slow cures the meat in a culinary art process dating back generations when preserving meat was a way of life and sustenance.

It is easy, he said, to make your own pickled red onions and keep them in the refrigerator to use throughout the week. Vinegar and salt are the basics of pickling and flavorings can be added to make a staple to enjoy on practically anything.

Cooking tips and ideas are all part of OSU’s Distinguished Chef Series. Four more chefs will be featured again during the 2013-14 school year. The programs have become a primary source of scholarships and professional development for students with the global perspective of chefs, restaurant owners, culinary experts and patrons playing a significant role in creating a world-class learning environment. For ticket or sponsorship information, contact Lyn Putnam, OSU College of Human Environmental Sciences, at 405-744-8094 or [email protected].

Egg SaladIngredients:4 cups field greens 4 ounces Benton country ham 1 cup pickled red onions 1 tablespoon butter (soft) 1 cup pecans 1 tablespoon non-stick spray 1/2 cup pear tomatoes 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 cup burnt honey mustard dressing 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 4 whole free range eggs

PrE-work:1) Rinse and pat dry field greens 2) Split tomatoes in half3) Prepare burnt honey mustard 4) Assemble equipment

HonEy MuStard IngrEdIEntS:1 cup clover honey 1/2 cup Dijon mustard 1/2 cup American mustard1 cup mayonnaise 1/4 cup cider vinegar Lemon juice to tasteSalt to taste

PrEParatIon for HonEy MuStard:Heat a saucepot on high heat. Add honey and cook until caramelized. Once it caramelizes, remove the pot from heat. Add both mustards and return the pot to medium heat, mix well. Cook until mustards begin to brown, approximately one minute. Remove from heat and transfer ingredients to a bowl. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. Combine mayonnaise, vinegar, lemon juice and mustard mixture. Adjust consistency with warm water as needed. Season to taste with lemon and salt.

PrEParatIon for Egg Salad InStructIonS:Place mixed greens, pickled red onions, pecans, tomatoes, and Benton Country Ham in a mixing bowl. Toss gently. Dress the ingredients with honey mustard dressing. Heat a non-stick pan to medium and spray it liberally with non-stick spray. Evenly coat the egg rings with the non-stick spray. Break eggs into the rings, season with salt, cook over medium until egg whites are solid, and finish with soft butter. Cover the pan with lid to set yolk. Remove. (Recipe from Executive Chef and Flavor Hook Restaurateur Nick Badovinus)

— By Elizabeth Keys

The Oklahoma State University Distinguished Chef Series featured Nick Badovinus cooking his egg salad recipe for a luncheon.

A carmelized honey mustard dresses fresh field greens with a cooked egg for a crown.

OSU students work with Nick Badovinus in the demonstration kitchen which includes television monitors to view preparation techniques.

20 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013 21

Lemon goes a long way in livening up any dish but that’s why he often suggests “to taste” because “sometimes a drizzle is all it takes to wake up your taste buds.”

Page 22: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

A look At

Stillwater residents flock to Boomer Lake for a variety of activities.Disc golf enthusiasts can play 18 holes. Walkers and

runners can get their kicks on the 3.1 mile trail. Families can picnic at pavilions and enjoy playground equipment.

Fishing is another draw at the artificial reservoir that has a surface area of 251 acres with a mean depth of 9.7 feet. Anglers can fish along the 8.6 miles of shoreline or from boats.

Boomer Lake contains a variety of fish, including

largemouth bass, catfish, crappie and sunfish.The lake was built in 1925. It also serves as a cooling

reservoir for the Stillwater Utility Authorities electricity generation plant.

In May, a group of city leaders proposed major upgrades for Boomer Lake. The proposal included construction of an amphitheater, boardwalk and sites for lakeside cafes and restaurants.

City staff and the leadership group is exploring ways to pay for this project and others.

22 Stillwater Style | Summer 2013

Chase Rheam/Stillwater StyleNorman resident Neil French gives his best shot at the Boomer Lake disc golf course.

Chris Day/Stillwater StyleStillwater residents watch a group rush into Boomer Lake during February’s Polar Plunge fundraiser.

Chase Rheam/ Stillwater StyleThe Payne County Veteran’s Memorial is located on the east side of Boomer Lake. Veteran’s Day ceremonies are held in November at the memorial.

Chris Day/Stillwater StyleOne of the 38 teams participating in July 4, 2012, Boomer Blast fishing tournament at Boomer Lake get their final casts in as the family-oriented activity drew to a close.

Chris Day/Stillwater StyleOklahoma State University student Evan Cartabiano places a fish in the weigh-in basket at the July 4, 2012, Boomer Blast fishing tournament at Boomer Lake.

Page 23: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013
Page 24: Stillwater Style, Summer 2013

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