stnopsis of bisleri

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  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri



    The bottled water industry in India is currently valued at more than $ 1.5 billion. The bottled

    water industry is growing at rate of 18% CA! and has attracted many "layers including

    #e"siand Coca Cola. The "ioneer of the industry #arle isleri has grown over the years

    andmaintained its to" "osition. The bottled water industry consists of organied and

    unorganied "layers. There are about &'''unorganied "layers which o"erate locally. The

    industry is dynamic and the com"anies o"erates in hy"ercom"etitive environment. The

    strategic analysis of com"any li(e #arle isleri becomes very im"ortant in this situation. In

    the "resent re"ort we have done strategic analysis of #arleisleri. )e have used different

    models for analysis "ur"ose. )e tried to analye the different strategies ado"ted over the

    years* the strategy develo"ment and have evaluated those strategies considering the e+ternal

    environment and core com"etencies. )e have found that the com"anyh as gained sustainable

    com"etitive advantage through its brand* logistics and mar(eting. The com"any however 

    faces threat from its com"etitors as it is single "roduct com"any. The com"any has ado"ted

    e+"ansion strategy to increase the reach and achieve o"erational efficiencies.

    )ater is the most im"ortant li,uid in the world. )ithout water* there would be no life* at least

    not the way we (now it. In today-s living condition* the need for #ure rin(ing )ater is

     becoming the issue for the common /an.

    0ighty "ercent of the human metabolism consists of water. This is the reason why '% of 

    human diseases are water borne. There are 2 ty"es of water im"urities* which are root cause

    of water borne diseases.

    1. /icrobiological3acteria 4 virus.

    &. issolved im"urities 3 chemical.

    2. Imbalance of /ineral Content.

  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri


    There are ra"id changes that are ta(ing "lace in our environment since long and the air and

    the water "ollution is on an increase. The main source of drin(ing water is river and

    downstream which also have not been able to esca"e the "ollution.

    )hen a consumer became aware of the "roblems caused by water "ollution the mar(et saw

    an advent of ceramic water filters* which filters the dust and sus"ended "articles but

    dissolved im"urities and microbiological im"urities are not cleared out. The mineral balance

    is also not maintained.

    18'-s witnessed more changes by a ta" attachment wherein Iodine resin is used to filter the

    water. It deactivates microbiological im"urities to an e+tent but has side effects due to iodine

    and it does not ta(e care of dissolved im"urities mineral balance.

    ate 18'-s witnessed 6ltra 7iolent based "urifier* which filters dust and deactivates bacteria

    to a great e+tent. It maintains the odor and color of water but does not clear out the dissolved

    im"urities and mineral "articles. Thus came advent of mineral water.

    istorically* the need for "urified water within Indian homes had been (e"t down to a

    minimum. 0ssentially* there were three ty"es of water that was used for different "ur"oses.

    The first ty"e was used for rinsing. The second ty"e* which was used for coo(ing* was

    cleaner and (e"t covered. The third ty"e was the cleanest 9 drin(ing water 9 and was very

    often boiled before use.

    :ince an average family needed a small ,uantity* not more than five or si+ liters a day* boiled

    and filtered water had been a convenient solution for some time .The fallouts were obvious. It

    was very difficult to convince the "eo"le that "urification system was worth the "rice. There

    was no visible way to demonstrate the benefit. The otherwise somnolent mar(et began to

    change once com"anies li(e 0ure(a ;orbes targeted the office segment* while the mineral

    water "layers went after travelers. Ion 0+change was the only com"any* which had any

  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri


  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri


    • To study the factors that can lead to change in brand "reference li(e ,uality* "rice*

    service* etc.

    • nowing brand e,uity of isleri in the cor"orate sector.

    • To study mar(eting strategies ado"ted by isleriBs.

    • To study the level of customer satisfaction in isleriBs.

    • To study the im"act of isleriBs "romotional schemes.

    • To Assess brand loyalty of consumers.


    1. ee" insights would give me the clear (nowledge of strategies ado"ted and which would

    ma(e me a better mar(eting "rofessional.

    &. Im"ortant from a consultant "ros"ective finding loo"holes in mar(eting strategy of the

    com"any if any.

    2. Contribution to the institute and my fellow colleagues and a uni,ue "iece of wor(.

    C?/#AD A/0E I:0!I

    C?/#AD #!?;I0

    The orii!" o# Bi"$eri $ie i! I%&$' * and the brand owes its name to founder ;elice

    isleri* an Italian entre"reneur. In 1FG* isleri set u" a "lant in /umbai for bottling

    and mar(eting mineral water* which was first of its (ind in India. owever* it didnBt

    wor( well. Among other reasons* the fact that the Indian consumer was un"re"ared

    to acce"t bottled mineral water was res"onsible for its failure. Consumer mindsets

    were more geared towards boiling water at home.

  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri


    In 1F* #arle bought over the isleri brand. In those days isleri water was

    available in glass bottles. #arle-s ta(ing charge of isleri did not ma(e a dramatic

    difference to the brand-s fortunes immediately. )hile it did gain in terms of visibility

    and reach H"iggybac(ing on #arle-s e+isting distribution networ(* efforts to e+"and

    the bottled water mar(et were not e+actly "ainsta(ing. #arle at that "articular time

    was interested in ma(ing soda water and not mineral water. There were @ust minor 

    initiatives on "art of the com"any for ma(ing mineral water* as it was not considered

    to be a very "rofitable business at that time as "eo"le still considered boiling water 

    to be a safer and better than mineral water. /oreover they were not ready to "ay for a

    commodity li(e water* which was so abundantly available.

    In 1G&3G2 #arle changed the "ac(aging of its bottled water to "lastic bottles and that

    significantly made a difference in the sales. The buyers* then* were mainly the u""er 

    class 3 the trendy "eo"le.

    In 12* Coca3Cola bought #arleBs soft drin( brands3 Thum"s3u"* limca etc. )hile

    Coca3Cola actually bought over #arle-s beverages* it agreed to a settlement that allowed

    the multinational to bottle and distribute isleri soda for a time frame of five years. The

    charge of isleri water* however* remained with #arle. The u"surge in the sales of 

    isleri started from this "oint as #arle sold off its stable of brands to Coca3Cola. This

    was the time when it started concentrating on ma(ing isleri a success in the domestic

    mineral water mar(et. The reason why #arle chose to retain the isleri name was that

    #arle saw a fairly lucrative business of mineral water in isleri-s e,uity.

    The real shift in com"anyBs "olicy towards mineral water industry came in

    18*although the conscious efforts had already been started in 1J. This change was

     "rimarily because of the fact that the "eo"le* at this time* had started becoming more

    health conscious.

  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri


  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri


    I:0!I was bought from the Italian com"any* ;elice isleri* in 1FK and then the

     @ourney began. ut the com"any had been unable to mar(et bottled water and wanted to e+it

    the mar(et 9 they did not see any "otential for the "roduct at that time.

    As a soft drin(s com"any* it had Thum"s 6"* old :"ot and imca Hcola* orange drin( and

    lemonade but no soft drin( com"any was com"lete without a soda. :o it merely used the

    name and launched isleri soda with two variants 33 carbonated and non3carbonated mineral


    ut three decades ago* what could one say about a category that had no mar(etL They didn-t

    (now their target grou". Then* since bottled water is colorless* tasteless and odourless* it was

    not an easy "roduct to advertise.

    Thus* the earlier brand building efforts focused on isleri being healthy with ade,uate

    minerals. The Italian name added a dash of class to it. The first "rint ad cam"aign ca"tured

    the international and showed a butler with a bow tie* holding two bottles of isleri.

    The "unch line was* Misleri is very very e+traordinaryM Hthe s"elling of the "unch line was

    designed to ca"ture the consumer-s attention. The cam"aign was successful and bisleri was

     being noticed as someone who catered to the need for safe* healthy drin(ing water.

    owever* the real boost to mineral water came in the early3to3mid318's when it switched to

    #7C "ac(aging and later to #0T bottles. The #0T "ac(aging did not @ust ensure better 

    trans"arency 9 it could now show s"ar(ling clear water to the consumers. It also meant better 

    life for the water.

    /eanwhile* isleri soda was doing well but it had to discontinue "roduction as it sold its soft

    drin( brands to Coca3Cola in 12. ut /r. ChuahanBs interest was in building brands and

    not in bottling soft drin(s. That-s when he started to concentrate on develo"ing the isleri

    water brand.

  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri


     There was a clear o""ortunity of building a mar(et for bottled water. The ,uality of water 

    available in the country was bad. It was similar to what 0uro"e faced before )orld )ar II.

    The ,uality of water in 0uro"e was e+tremely "oor* which created the bottled water industry

    there. In India* too* not only was water scarce* whatever was available was of bad ,uality.

    Initially* though bottled water was something only foreigners and non3resident Indians

    consumed* it still had to increase the distribution* which meant the dealer margins reduced.

    And because of limited sales* the dealer margin had to be (e"t high to com"ensate low sales.

     ow it had to "ush sales.



    The mode of survey was "ersonal interview with the res"ondents during the filling u" of the



    #rimary data is that (ind of data which is collected directly by the investigator himself for the

     "ur"ose of the s"ecific study. #rimary ata is collected by the investigator through interviews

    of com"any em"loyees* vendors* distributor etc. ata such collected is original in character.

    The advantage of this method of collection is the authentic. A ,uestionnaire was made and it

    was given to the dealers to fill it u" for our research. The research was a (ind of conclusive

    research as it hel"s in the testing of hy"othesis. The method of sam"ling was the !andom

    method as it is unbiased.

  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri



    )hen an investigator uses the data that has been already collected by others* is called

    secondary data. The secondary data could be collected from Nournals* !e"orts* libraries*

    magaines* fair O conference and other "ublications. The advantages of the secondary data

    can be 9It is economical* both in terms of money and time s"ent .The researcher of the re"ort

    also did the same and collected secondary data from various internet sites li(e* and many more. The researcher of the re"ort also visited various libraries

    for collection of the introduction "art.


    The research is based on the information collected by the hel" of the ,uestionnaires filled.

    The first three ,uestions aim at the basic introductory information of the organiation and the

     "erson being interviewed thus rendering the follow u" wor( easier. The fourth ,uestion is

    about the financial standing of an organiation* it gives an idea about the financial status of 

    the society being a""roached. The fifth ,uestion aims at generating information about the

    various sources of funds of the societies. The si+th and seventh ,uestions deal about the

    financial "erformance of the societies. The eighth ,uestion is to find out about what a society

    does with the sur"lus amount generated by them. The ninth ,uestion is meant to gather 

    information about the "eo"le who are instrumental in advising and "utting to action the

    investment "lans for the society. The tenth ,uestion is about what (ind of investments are

     "referred by the society* on the basis of the organiation or on the basis of the time "eriod.

    The eleventh ,uestion tal(s about the institutions in which the societies ma(e their 

    investments in* say the ban(s or other institutes. The twelfth ,uestion tries to assess what is it

  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri


    e+actly that the societies loo( for* while investing. ;or e+am"le do they "refer a high rate of 

    interest* or safety* or location* etc..

    Thus the research is based only on the basis of the information gathered with the hel" of the


    isleri is "ioneer in the "ac(aged water industry O is even the first entrant in this sector. The

    organiation wanted to (now its share O its "o"ularity in the cor"orate sector.

    The "ur"ose of methodology section in the re"ort ma(ing is to describe the research "rocess

    that is followed while doing the main "art. This would however include the research design*

    the sam"ling "rocedure* and the data collection method. This section is "erha"s difficult to

    write as it would also involve some technical terms and may be much of the audience will nor 

     be able to understand the terminology used. The methodology followed by the researcher*

    during the "re"aration of the re"ort wasE


    ;or doing the survey research* structured ,uestionnaire with both o"en3ended and closed3

    ended ,uestions was used.


    )e ma(e ,uestionnaire to (now which category of "eo"le o"ts for which (ind of "lans. In

    this category the factors included are such as income* bac(ground* age* etc. This includes &

    ty"es of ,uestions

    1. o"en ended

    &. closed ended

  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri


    2. o"en ended E In this res"ondents are not bounded to answer within a set of choices and

    can give their own views

    J. Close3endedE in this res"ondents are bounded to answer within a set of choices.

    I have designed my ,uestionnaire on the basis of close3ended ,uestions as it is more feasible

    to calculate data from it.


    )hile develo"ing a sam"le design* following "oints should be (e"t in mindE

    • S&*+$i! ,!i%E A decision has to be ta(en concerning a sam"ling unit before selecting

    sam"le. :am"ling unit may be a geogra"hical one such as state* district* village etc or a

    construction unit such as house* flat etc. or it *may be as social unit such as family* club*

    school etc or it may be an individual . the researcher will have to decide one or more of 

    such units that he has to select for his study

    • Si-e o# %he "&*+$eE This refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to

    constitute a sam"le. This is a ma@or "roblem before a researcher. The sie of the sam"le

    should be neither is e+cessively large* nor too small. it should be o"timum

    An o"timum sam"le is one which fulfills the re,uirements of efficiency* re"resentatives*

    reliability and fle+ibility

    :am"le element and sam"le unit

    "&*+$e ,!i%  3 1'' customers have been interviewed to (now their o"inion.

    E%e!%3 elhi

  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri


    S&*+$i! T'+e 9Average /ethod techni,ue

    S&*+$i! #r&*eE 1'' #eo"le.

    S&*+$i! T'+e 3 #robability sam"ling

    ow should the res"ondent be chosenL In the #robability sam"ling is done on basis of 

    Pro/&/i$i%' "&*+$i! . Among the "robability sam"ling design the sam"ling design chosen is

    stratified random sam"ling. ecause in this survey I had stratified the sam"le in different age

    grou"* different gender and different "rofesion



    M&re%i! M&!&e*e!%*#hili" otler* #earson 0ducation &nd ed.

    Co!",*er Beh&ior*.:chiffman eon* #rentice3all India 8th ed.

    M&re%i! M&!&e*e!%4* #hili" otler O evin ane eller #earson 0ducation

    Jth ed.


    0conomic Times* Nune* &''8

    ;inancial 0+"ress* Nuly* &''8

    Times of India * Nune* &''8

    Indian 0+"ress * Nuly* &''8


    usiness Today* 0d. &''8

    A O /* 0d. &''8

    usiness India* 0d. &''8

    usiness )orld* 0d. &''8

    usiness :tandard* 0d. &''8

  • 8/18/2019 Stnopsis of Bisleri






