stockpile cheap essential survival minerals for

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  • 7/30/2019 Stockpile Cheap Essential Survival Minerals For


    Stockpile Cheap Essential Survival Minerals for Radiation Poisoning and HealthLINK TO ORIGINAL VIDEO SO YOU CAN UPLOAD ON YOUR CHANNEL IF YOU WISH... Just hit the "remix this video" buttonUnearthing the answers to Fukushima radiation poisoning; solutions are buried in2 different types of mineral deposits. I am convinced "Ancient Humate "and "Zeolite" are God's one two punch for reducing the toxic effects of man made radiation from energy production and acts of war.Radiation kills by replacing minerals in your body with reactive elements. All of these radio nuclei interchange with minerals essential to life that poison from within your body. Humates are ancient deposits of plants from an earlier time.These plants are rich in all of the minerals needed to sustain health in a micronized and ionic form. This is important. Your body can readily digest and assimilate the micronutrients and replace radioactive elements. This also adds protection from newly ingested radiation. Humic-based minerals are the basis for the "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" tapes. Radiation is just one reason for consuming humates.Natural zeolites on the other hand are a subtractor- volcanic in nature. Zeolites are crystallized alumina silicates that contain millions of tiny ionic (negatively charges) tunnels that attract and trap positively charges molecules and hold them internally in the mineral matrix. Your body doesn't digest zeolite the way it digest humate. Zeolite simply attracts the garbage, picks it up, traps it and is carried out of your body via waste processes.A quick search of "humates and zeolites" will yield you a great deal of information and sources for potential health products. Please keep in mind; both of thes

    e natural mineral products have been used with incredible health benefits on animals for years as important feed additives. Zeolites and humates have numerous additional uses other than as a human dietary supplement. There are no FDA approved zeolites or humates for use in humans. There a number of products that sell this "supposed" fact; many of them do cite human studies and testimonials and arelabeled for human consumption. Other suppliers shun the wrath of the FDA and product liability insurance and refuse to sell for human consumption eventhough they may be identical.Guess which products cost more?Right now my wife (she's getting over breast cancer treatment) and I are using zeolite I buy from the feed store and bake out in the oven for an hour at 350 degrees. It cost about $10 for a 40-pound bag. We take a teaspoon in 3 ounces of water once a day. A bag will last years for this use. Its sold under the name Swee

    t PDZ.We are using 1 ounce of Humic Minerals (Humate Tea) from the local health food store. It retails $32 for 32 ounces. I will be ordering a ton of dry humate froma mine in west Texas that will make thousands of gallons and cost $300. What's left over goes in the garden to remineralize the soil. To brew the tea I take a cup of dry humate product to a gallon of filtered water. Then I will use an aquarium pump and aerator ($10) to brew it with the bubbler for 24 hours. Then I willfilter it and refrigerate it.If you are on a tight survival budget a few bags of zeolite and a few bags of ancient humate might a lifesaver and budget saver too. Please research it yourself. I'm not a doctor and did not stay at Holiday Express last night.


    ABOUT THE ARTHORDean Philpot established the first profitable natural zeolite business in the United States in 1989 called NonScents. NonScents found numerous uses for this natural God made product including medicinal. He is currently developing additionaluses for [email protected]