stockwatch developers: nimrod hagay hagai barkan supervisors: assaf solomovitch viktor kulikov june...

StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

StockWatchDevelopers: Nimrod Hagay

Hagai BarkanSupervisors: Assaf Solomovitch

Viktor Kulikov

June 2009

Page 2: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

StockWatch is a website (ASP .NET) which provides a User centric interface for managing stock portfolios , supply stock technical analysis (based on web site) , Live market data and news.


Page 3: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

StockWatch should use advanced technologies such as AJAX , ASP.NET , JavaScript and Online data management APIS.

StockWatch should be User friendly , attractive and quickly responsive.

StockWatch should provide free technical analysis combined with real-time data and news feeds.

StockWatch should relay on stable data sources.

Project Goals

Page 4: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

Multiple Users System Real Time QuotesRich presentation layerGoogle Portfolios API User Portfolios Stocks Grading Various News Feeds Admin Management

Main features

Page 5: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

ASP.NET 3.5ASP.NET 3.5 AJAX extension.Microsoft SQL.C# (.NET framework 3.5).Google spreadsheets API (C#).JavaScriptYUI – Yahoo User InterfaceGoogle VisualizationsGoogle Ajax Feed API


Page 6: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

3-Layers Design



Google visualizations


Google Spreadsheets API


Yahoo web service

Page 7: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

Layer 0 - Data sources

Google finance Google Spreadsheets

American Bulls

StockWatch DBPortfolios pageStock page

Yahoo finance

Yahoo Web Service Google Portfolios API


Page 8: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

Database – Layer 0

Page 9: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

Google spreadsheet – Layer 0

Auto updates dataEasy API for querying and updating data

Page 10: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

Layer 1 - DAL

• Google Portfolios API - User portfolios are saved on A Google spreadsheet in order to get real time data. The API Provides an easy interface managing user’s portfolios.

• SqlDataSource – allows us to access and manipulate data in an ASP.NET page without using ADO.NET classes directly.

• Yahoo web service – provides an easy access to Yahoo finance real time data.

Page 11: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

Layer 2 – Business logic – the whole picture

#CommitSql_Click() : void#clearFilter_Click() : void#UserSqlGoBtn_Click() : void#UserSqlClrBtn_Click() : void#FilesDownloadProgressBar_RunTask() : void#DBUpdateProgressBar_RunTask() : void+GradeProgressBar_RunTask() : void+UpdateDataSet() : void


+FixName() : string+Stock()

+Close : string+Market : string+Change : string+Status : string+Symbol : string+Name : string+BullsUrl : string+StockGrade : string+IsInPortfolio : bool+IsInGoogleSheet : bool+GradeTimeStamp : DateTime+LivePrice : string+LiveVol : string+LiveMktCap : string+LiveAvgVol : string+LiveHighPrice : string+LiveLowPrice : string+LiveChange : string


+AddNewTransaction() : bool+RemoveTransactions() : bool+GetWorksheetUrl() : string+GetUserPortfolios() : String[]+AddPortfolio() : bool+DeletePortfolio() : bool+RenamePortfolio() : bool


+AddNewTransaction() : bool+RemoveTransactions() : bool+GetWorksheetUrl() : string+GetUserPortfolios() : String[]+AddPortfolio() : bool+DeletePortfolio() : bool+RenamePortfolio() : bool


+EvaluateStockRate() : string+UrlToXml() : void


+DoHandleError() : void+LogError() : void+WriteToDefaultLog() : void



#Page_Load() : void-LoadSpecialStocks() : void-AddSpecialTable() : void

Default (Page)

#Page_Load() : void-SubmitBtn_Click() : void

FeedBack (Page)

+Application_Start() : void+Application_End() : void+Application_Error() : void+Session_Start() : void+Session_End() : void




#Page_Load() : void+ViewTransactionStrip() : bool+ViewManageStrip() : bool+ViewLinkToPortfolio() : bool+ViewNewsPanel() : bool+RequestedPortfolio() : string#okCreateBtn_Click() : void#DeletePortfolioBtn_Click() : void#renameBtn_Click() : void#AddToPortfolioBtn_Click() : void#RemoveTransaction_Click() : void#goToPortfolioPage_Click() : void#updateUserPortfolio() : void

GooglePortfolioControl (WebControl) 1


#Page_Load() : void-searchBtn_Click() : void

MasterPage (Page)

#Page_Load() : void

PasswordRecovery (Page)

#Page_Load() : void

PortfoliosPage (Page)



#Page_Load() : void

ProblemPage (Page)

#Page_Load() : void#StocksGridView_SelectedIndexChanged() : void

QueryPage (Page)

#createAccountBtn_Click() : void

Register (Page)

#SignInBtn_Click() : void

SignIn (Page)

#SetInfo() : void

StockControl (WebControl)

+GetComplitionList() : String[]

AutoComplete (WebService)

+GetQuoteWithIDS() : String[]

YahooQuoteWebService (WebService)

#Page_Load() : void-PrepareStock() : bool

StockPage (Page)










Page 12: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

Layer 2 – Business logic – Users management & security StockWatch uses ASP.NET Built-in Users Management


The mechanism generate memberships data tables in the database.

Built-in User controls offer easy login (Login control) , registration (CreateUserWizard) , Password recovery and Dynamic content according to the user state (LoginView control).

Roles management – StockWatch uses the roles mechanism in order to distinguish between Admin user (management page) and regular user.

Page 13: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

StockWatch collect news feeds from Yahoo finance , Google finance & Msn money.

News feeds are dynamic according to the presented stock or stocks in current portfolio.

News feeds are being displayed using Google feed Ajax API. (client side).

Layer 2 – Business logic – News feeds

Page 14: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

Layer 2 – Business logic – American Bulls data parsing

Everyday at 2 am a data parsing process gets data from American Bulls web pages.

The process has 3 stages :◦ Page download◦ Data parsing and saving into data base◦ Grading process:

Grade = (Stock hits / Stock predictions) The information for the stock grade is based on

predictions results history from American bulls.

Page 15: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

We used Ajax auto complete control for symbol search, this control use Web Service function. The use of Web Service helps the System run smoothly, and enhance the system performance.

Update Panel :

Layer 3 – Presentation layer – AJAX

Page 16: StockWatch Developers: Nimrod Hagay Hagai Barkan Supervisors: Assaf Solomovitch Viktor Kulikov June 2009

Layer 3 – Presentation layer – Google Visualization

Dynamic News Feeds

Google Table