stone age bronze age iron age celts romans 2006 birth of christ early people the celts the celts...


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Page 1: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago
Page 2: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago

Stone Age

Bronze Age

Iron Age Celts


2006Birth of Christ

Early People

The Celts

The Celts lived a very long time ago.

Page 3: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago

The time when the Celts lived is called ‘The Iron Age’ because

they discovered iron.

They used it to make weapons, tools and jewellery.

Page 4: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago

Some Celtic people lived in small villages

or settlements.Their houses were called

roundhouses because of their shape.

Page 5: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago

Some people kept animals in their homes.

This shows the inside of a roundhouse.

Page 6: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago

Other Celtic people lived in hillforts.

Page 7: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago

The hillfort was protected by a strong wooden fence called

a palisade.

Page 8: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago

Some Celts were warriors who fought to protect their

homes and families.

Page 9: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago

The Celts wore simple clothes, held together by brooches or ties.

Page 10: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago

Farming was very important and there were

many animals in the villages.

Page 11: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago

The Celts came from Central Europe but moved to other


Page 12: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago

Many Celts lived in Wales.

Page 13: Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Celts Romans 2006 Birth of Christ Early People The Celts The Celts lived a very long time ago