stonecrest community church annual report 2013


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This is the annual report for Stonecrest Community Church describing highlights from 2012 from our lead pastor and members of the ministry leadership team.


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• Morning Worship Attendance grew by 17.5% with a 12 month average of 556.

• 19 people followed the Lord into the waters of Baptism.

• 22 people made first time commitments to Christ.

• 46 joined the Stonecrest membership roles.

• 2 marriage seminars were conducted; one in English and our first ever in Spanish. There were 33 couples who participated in these seminars.

• 120 people gathered on Spanish Fiesta Day representing 15 different Spanish countries.

• 50 elementary and middle school children were helped in the Spanish Homework Helpers ministry.

• 40 folks now attend a Spanish Bible study on Sunday morning at 9:30 lead by Frank Ledezma.

• 100 children were ministered to on the average Sunday morning in The Great Escape with 105 teenagers and adults serving on the Children’s Ministry Team.

• 200 children (up 15% from the previous year) attended Adventures in Promise Island (Vacation Bible School) with a 125 volunteers on the ground every day during that week.

• 63.8% of our congregation were involved in some sort of connection ministry.

• The media team expanded from 15 to 30 volunteers doing a remarkable job on Sunday mornings and improving our “face” on the World Wide Web.

• 253 ministry requests came across the desk of our calendar manager for approval and implementation.

• Our facility was well used to the glory of God as 12 outside groups used the facility and in so doing raised the awareness of our existence in this community.

• Our worship team grew by 6% but they helped 100% of the congregation as they focused each week on their stated goal: “…to point people to Jesus in a worshipful experience”.

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“2012 was a great year for the men of Stonecrest! Men sought out God in new and deeper ways this year through our different ministries.... Our men's Power Hour prayer meetings on Saturdays, led by Phil Luedecker, fed men Spiritually and physically (Odir Martinez is quite the cook)! Band of Brothers continues to grow and build up men for today's battles, equipping them to be strong and courageous, and to not grow weary in doing good. And this year, Dr. Frank Donaruma started a Discipleship Class, with its goal of discipling men that they may go and disciple others 2012 has created a great concrete layer from which 2013 can build on ! All praise be to God, from whom All blessings flow!”- Russ Nelson, Director of Men’s Ministries

This year the youth ministry has expanded!  Our students have been steadily taking ownership and have been growing through retreats, mission trips, and spending time with one another.  We are gearing up for a year of reaching out to our community, our schools, and our families with the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ. - Nithin Thompson, Director of Youth Ministries

2012 saw Life Groups cover a wide range of topics and studies. New curriculum has been added for use by group leaders and we look to further our resource library in 2013. During the summer months, many of the groups took time off to enjoy family outings and vacations meeting in some cases, monthly “social” gatherings took the place of regular meetings. Picnics, BBQ, and some “plays in the parks” made for a great time to bring new people onboard with the whole “Life Group” concept.- Ray Smalley, Sr., Director of Life Groups

2012 has been an exciting year for Children’s Ministries at Stonecrest.  Besides serving over 110 children each Sunday, we  also  had one of the biggest  Summer Spectacular’s (VBS)  ever –  Adventures on Promise Island, with  over  200  kids  in attendance, and over 130 volunteers involved each day.   During that week, the kids (and their families) we were able to raise over $8,000 to drill four fresh water wells  in Burkina Faso, Africa.  In December, we  showcased our second  Kid’s Christmas Musical - “Star of Wonder”.  At Stonecrest Church. . . kids matter!!    - Tom McKenna, Director of Children’s Ministries

During 2012, the Operation's ministry responded to the call on a broad-base of issues, specifically: Completed relocation and  installation of the new Stonecrest sign adjacent to Mt. Bethel Rd.; Undertook a major spring cleanup including weeding and mulching of flower and shrub beds; Significantly increased the number of newly planted flowers and shrubs around the facility; Response to incidental issues of repair along with municipally required inspections; Completed major pavement restoration projects of pavement patching and crack sealing; Opened & maintained Warren's "Emergency Response Center" after Hurricane Sandy hit in October. This included integration of outside generators to the buildings electrical network.- Phil Whitting, Director of Operations Ministries

2012 was an exciting year for me and the media team. God has been faithful in answering our prayers in seeing growth on this team. I have been overwhelmed with thankfulness when thinking about how many people have volunteered to help on Sunday mornings in the production booth. Volunteers have also dedicated thousands of hours in capturing and editing footage & photos for videos, the website, and print materials such as the annual report. We look forward to another great year in serving Stonecrest and our Lord!- Joe Rhee, Director of Media

“I am so encouraged to have been wrong!  For nine years I have been making estimates on where we would end the year with giving to the budget – and for nine years I was a pretty good estimator.  Then there was 2012… I was SO far off in my estimate it was like God had added another month to the year!  But, making budget isn’t what encourages me, rather, it is how this generous and faithful giving highlights the work that God is doing inside all of us!  Press on!”- Jeff Heinaman, Executive Pastor

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2012 was a great year for the Spanish Ministry of Stonecrest. We helped more than 500 people throughout all the programs we have for the Latin Speaking Community. 35 adults were benefit from the English as a Second Language Program. 25 of our students from After School Help program participated in VBS and enjoyed a special supplemental program just for them with pool parties, movies and bible lessons. We reached out an average of 150 people through our Gifs of Love program distributing clothes, shoes, households and coats for the winter. 50 Children and 22 families from Bound Brook had the opportunity to be part of Neighborhood Joy last December.- Angela Ortiz-Giraldo, Director of Spanish Ministry

I rejoice and thank God for the amazing things He has done over the past year within Women’s Ministry. I praise Him for the connections that are being created as some study God’s word together, pray together, take part of a fitness workout together and serve one another as a team. He’s using these ministries to meet the women right where they are and is molding them all for His glory…Mom’s Group, Body & Soul Fitness, Tuesday Night Bible Study, Wednesday Night Bible Study, Wednesday Night Prayer, and Fun Fridays. Two huge events that WM was blessed to host in 2012 was the Father/Daughter Night Out, were over 50 fathers and their daughters share a memorable night together. Our Ladies Annual Christmas Celebration was attended by over 60 women who enjoyed a joyful evening of food, crafts, games, fellowship. I continue to proclaim: “Praise God for allowing me to serve Him in this area of ministry.”- Kim Reels, Member of Women’s Ministry Leadership Team

The Compassion Ministry, in 2012, has grown to 32 members. Praise God!  During this year we were able to come together in various ways: We organized and prepared meals for a group of volunteers from Omaha, NE who provided relief work in Staten Island. We also had a team provide laundry service to these groups. We established visitations to the ill and elderly. We provided transportation to those who needed transportation to doctors visits. We also provided meals to families in need for various reasons. We are currently in need of more volunteers for “Regular Visitation” or “On-Call Visitation" and to increase our driving team so that this responsibility could be shared more.  I am excited about the direction of this ministry and what the Lord has in store for 2013. Join us as we work together to share the Lord’s love; it’s our privilege.- Lorena Ratz, Director of Compassion Ministries

Ignite has had a very fun and successful year as our group has matured and grown closer together.  We continue to provide a class each Sunday morning and small groups for both guys and girls on a weekly basis.  We had a Spring and a Fall retreat which have proven to solidify that closeness.  We have served international students at Rutgers through airport pickup and cooking at their welcome BBQ, as our desire is to reach out to not only internationals but others in our age group and provide them with a healthy atmosphere for friendship, fun and most importantly the opportunity to grow in their faith.  We are looking forward to seeing how God will move Ignite in 2013!- Rob Abrams, Director of Young Adult Ministries

I am amazed at how the Lord has blessed the worship ministry in 2012! Not only have our numbers grown by almost 50%, but we have grown in our knowledge of worshipping Jesus for who He is and what He's done. We have seen worship services full to seating capacity, introduced almost 12 new songs, and almost completed our worship record due early 2013. Our services are more energy-packed thanks not only to the teams excitement, but the congregation's desire for singing to the Lord! I am truly blessed by the amount of talent, dedication, inspiration, and desire that is brought by the team. And thank you all for your words of encouragement through the last years' transition. We anticipate the Lord to continue to grow us, shape us, and mold us into the 'worshippers' He desires! - Joey Monteleone, Director of Worship Ministries

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