store closed all day sat, oct....

••^iflk^.r^MWT* V**** r^W^i r*T<4mmuimfm** mm *-> .*-' -^ <r.- -*• * , 1 * 1 V :y< •v. r •>• -*».• -^ -*--,*.. -TH* TWUM«^*«—. goifcuwauw, N v.. ^^"ffi^ffi'fr'fi*,!,^ ^? -4 WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES BIGELOW *r. th* Jtf- The percentage of attendance for (he month of September for bock I- the primary and intermediate rooms i» **. Averages for month of September In primary room are as follows: Mildred Hail*. M; 1 tf*\ '•1. Jk-Mr. sad Mrs- Edwin 0. PnUUpsjit will require about two »lk Deirert. Mlelu spent a few days' to complete ihe job. *** last week in town visiting at jfiss Km ma Wood of West Main'I***o Wood. S3. Welby Reynolds ' the home of his ancle and aunt.' ^^^ entertained the Get Together' *' Koaalie Jones, 8S; Lyle Cole. •Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Crawford Fri j r i u b last Friday afternoon with **• Melvin Paige. Ss; Chester Mack innjr they left for Philadelphia, Pa.. I nearly the entire membership pree1 sv William Reynolds, 85 Oorothy Nsrhere Mr. Phillips had some best-, cut ^^ ih <> afternoon was spent 'Traver. *4 Urate Hanc*. SS. Nan b*T ore return jsess to look after In* to Detroit. Miss Clam Westcott and Miss •Betty Greene of Waiertown. spent a few hoars in tomn Saturday e\r ning gueau of Miss Dorothy David son of Prospect street Robert McCaull. a former resi- dent of this village. * ho ha* rvsid ed in Syracuse for a number of years past, has a curube: of ai-n yVt ** t Fowler and Mrs. Joseph Bow at work preparing ;o break ani * u <* u>,t M * i0 •treet. this vil- lag*-, motored to Old DeKalb Sun 0r»r honor* at cards and Mrs Su san Merrui »a* awarded the con solation prize Refreshments were *«-r\>-d at the close of the program The next meeting wtN be held on Fnday afternoon of this week with Mrs Pickert. West Maja street , Mr and Mrs Albert Gaudin of in a most enjoyable manner. Mrs. ! *"> !*»*«•*. *S. Malcolm (Gardner, M William Pike of Sferrh street took , r **rie UiMonde, 84 Phiftp PMlge. M Vivian Newvine h'S Luella t't>J«-. sZ: Agnes Jones. S3; Vincent Ht-sru. K:'. Worth Wuod*. 7Y V R Jones and v :lliam S«ott| rinjtur'-d to Ogden»t>uri; Sunday to! *:* i Mi> Joao*. who U a patient in) Hepburn hospital. j Mr and Mr* Floyd Kleumjjc havt-I THE AMUZU Heulesboro^ N. Y. Lunches Dancing DINJTKBS BY x RESERVATION Telephone 175-B \ Ship stone from the old Callahnn dump to the Onondaga Utholite company in Syracuse by whica firm he has been employed for a number of years This concern t extensive manufacturers of cemejt building blocks, has for years pait secured the needed stone from the Gouverneur Marblr company, which concert is still shipping sev b*M'n h ; e n d i n g notue unit- at their V4,»i:*gr i t H.eaaant I**kr Mr and Mrs Kd PUnty, in com day where they were guests of v±ny with Mrn. Oakley (iiren. mo- Mrs. Bo^en'rf sister. Mrs. William i< r-d to •fy.t inl ^ tir£ ^y u ndsx- Goings and family Th* gathering wf.ere they met Mr And Mrs "Dan- was tn the form of a family re- t- Duranr of CWen B«H1^. Canada union and dion*r was served to arm returned to iujceiow with them twenty two relatives and friend* j H ury Vttm , and John Simmons Mr and Mr** Z M Phillips of * t -re r^ent visitors at the home of Prospect street spent -Sunday in KI*H1 Stevens Watertown where they visited their era! carloads weekly, but an extra * on - Merton Phillips and family James Bulger of Helena street * ho was taken ill about two weeks ago with a severe attack of lum bago. i» stfll unable to resume his work Mrs. Floyd Grant of Prospect ww b e ef aaty m •5^ hav« ee of d pn Tea ted f m af» desaand at present decided the Syracuse linn to purchase tbe dump and have it broken and shipped to their plant as an *itra supply. Inst week a short spur track was laid on the roadbed of the old track from the G main line, the track being esougU to hold two cars and ready two or three carloads hive been shipped from a pile of stone broken a number of .iesrs ago Mr. McCaull is now preparing to have the large stone broken The dump is from a quaHee-ee-w heif* mile away from the spur track and the stone is being delivered to -the- -ear* by truck over a f%J r>y good road through the Perrin pas ture. Mr McCaull estimates that' , Mrs lx>la Williams ha* returned j Uo her home iu Gou>erueur after , Kpendiu* a couple of weeks at the , hom** of her dauieMer. Mrs William Reynolds I Mr and Mrs Wilmon' and Bepeyster M. E. Chnrck te tne twenty-seventh convention { of the Can DePey-Gatchle 8uoday t school convention on Satnrday last. Kev. Mclntyre nf Ofdensborg was the main speaker xrf the after- noon. Dinner was served by the local Sunday school at noon. The banner for having the largest per- centage nf membership present was awarded to Kendrew M E Sunday school. Miss Gore and Mrs. Redmond of Canada returned to their home on Monday after spending a few days visiting at S. J. Fleldson'a and at the home of 8. C W Id rick Jennie Beatly. who has been ill at her home for the past two weeks returned to her school Monday. The Republican town caucus held at the 1. O. O. F hall Saturday aft- ernoon resulted in the following , slate being nominated: Town su » perviaor, James D. Wltherell; , t town superintendent of highways, M r - T H " TTrs TTeTeH ^ n l l g m i f T ' ^ t H i e s t r ****** -t^ww eieHt, F. N. from Morristown has been visiting. Hounds; collector F. P. Day; as- »>* '- laC'^-sW. eres POPE MILLS for a few at Robert Salisbury* days the past week Mrs. Frank Hastings spent Fri day night with her daughter. Mrs. Nellie Greeley at Morristown . ... ^ A small attendance was present at the Ladies Aid Dinner Than day. Sept 2bth Th* next meeting will be held Thursday. October 17. &on j in the grange, hall. Clark ol Ogdensburx were Sunday Mrs. P S Breckinridge was a of her son Wallace and fam " * ' , . - . . - f >>afurdav from itan k Rivt-r. where "a 11 ^aturuay ai ^ ucioca p. hive aa«Jn . _ : _ ... . Th*. nr^&»>nr offic#»r» will h/kWI A TO HELP NOURISH BABY Scott's Emulsion F m The present officers will hold over for another term. There was but present eat * Awl w as wf \ re rt m) g naxd r* m oar* lie t Jewish - Holiday STORE CLOSED ALL DAY Sat, Oct. 5th "a •••:i or. sihe » p m t some time at the home oi William Waters JWr*. K B Wood and sous Worth \ little opposition over the and Dean were Sunday guests at | officers. the home of her j>areots. Mr and *^rs. Abbie Priest and sons of ~t'.~neofge"Xiegate. i Watertown were guests of Mr. and Gue»»M at the home of Frank J Mrs. Kloyd Ward. Sunday. Reed Sunday were Mr. and Mrs! Instillation of Autumn Rebekah Ja^ Reed and family of Canton. Mr ! Lodge No. >il will take place on ; *°* bdward spent Sunday at E.j and Mr*. Ralph Reed and daughter TTueJday eveniixg. - -October ^$th,13urr Huxiimta-al Osborneville. j Betty Joyce of Syracuse and Mr. Members please take notice. , Mis« Lois H axe It on, mho teach-. iand Mrs" John C Perrv and family Mrs. Carrie Lawyer was cailed' ^ al Dickinson Center, spent the; ^of Black River. (to Barneveld last Wednesday by w^k-end in town. j ! Mr. and Mrs Neil Bodette of* the death of her brother-in-law sessor to succewd Fred Hurlbut, S. J X>ew*an; j u s t i c e s of peace. Roy Badger and B. W Thornton; Uoyd Wilson. Leon Kir by. and MfUord Newcomb were nominated for con* stables. Town caucus in DePeyster practically amounts to election, as there is no other ticket in tne field. Mr and Mrs Marvin Holt of Gouverneur were at Thomas Smith era'. Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Lee Joyce and chil- dren of Richville were Sunday vis- itors at Lyle Smlthers* j Born, to Mr and Mrs. Arnold} Hazelton. a son. Saturday. Sept. 2$. i Miss Lodine Overacker of S. L. I T . spent the week-end at her! home here. j Mr and Mrs George Ashebarkec' and son of Watertown spent thet weekend at George Bush's. ! Mr and Mrs. Edgar Todd and; "What arc the three best gasolines?" asked the motorist. There's only one best gasoline . . . SOCONY SPECIAL plus ETHYL Richville were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs lsaa< Hall Sunday night. On Wednesday. September 25. Mr and Mrs. John Hamilton pave, surprise birthday party in honor i John Lewis Mrs. Stanley Murton spent Sat urday with her mother. Mrs. Tana Stout at Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder of Depeyster spent Sunday with A. KATZMAN & SON . - . . \ - .• - . :' . . , of their daughter TWeii Those I present were Marion. Mildred and • William Halle. Vivian and Vincent j Bresetle. Margaret. William and Wei by Reynolds and Lee Dew an Games were played and all report a fine time. Mrs. V. R. Mix and son" Ross were guests .Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. G. I>eona.*d. Mr and Mrs. Ron. Thorupj*o:i of ; DeKalb Junction were visitors Sun 1 day at the home of Mr. and Mrs | John SimmonB. I Reginald Smith left Tuesday for \ New York City , The entertainment and supper ! held at the home of Iceland Me- I Carty Thursday night was well at- tended. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Mack gave a number of selections on the i violin affd piano\ I Mr. and Mrs Charles Morrow of Philadelphia were recent guests at i the home of his parents. Mr and ! I Mrv Clarence Morrow Thurston Mr and Mrs. William Row bar returned to Syracuse after visiting' Mr and Mrs. S. J. Fieldson. Mrs. Mary Best is spending a' feu days at James Witherell's. \ Mrs Helen Fish beck spent Fri-; day at the home of her son Ralph Van tassel from^*™*** * nd family. f Cedars spent Sunday at Forest Van -Miss Mildred Kirby of Water- Tassel's. t town spent the week-end with her: Charles Parks' funeral was held! parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kirby.; Wednesday at 2 oclock -at the Mr and Mrs. Willard SmithersJ church and was largely attended ^^ Sunday callers at Thomas Rev. Brown from Harrisville of Sniithers. , oldest residents of this place hav Tn ^ Home Economics Committee nested. Mr. Parks was one of the of tn * DePeyster Grange will hold; ing reached the age of 88. ,a dance in Grange Hall on Friday » Everett Brown entered Morris evening. October 4th. Music by town High School Monday m orn « Leonard a orcheatra. I The Ladies Aid will hold a cov | C. D Watson of Plattsburg was ered dish supper in Sprague Hall ia town Tuesday. , Wednesday night. October ftfi Fr ** Blandin of Spragneville was; Every one is requested to furnish. ai Emery Smithers' on Friday. * the supper Mrs. Edytb Hall h a s _ returned j READ THE VERDICTS "If anyone doibes the quaEry of your new gasoone, just teil him to try it. If he doesn't find it the best gasoline he ever used, then 1 am no judge of good g«&.** "I am not much >fa hand ar writing testimonial Ictttrs, but after the performance of my car la*t Sunday, I feel I owe you a few lines to tell you that Socony .Special plus Ethyl b ctrtai nlv wofka-rfuL*' MACOMB In connection with there will be an old fashioned from a v * sit w! ^ relatives at Troy.! spelling bee for both young and Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Bogardus at-; old. The Pearson and Sussalo' ^nded Spencenille fair, in Canal spelling book will be used so be j a a - Wednesday. I ware qf^your £8 and e's. _A cash, Harold Ashworth is spending a; prize'will be given tcT t h e best '***' weeks In "New Hampshire. - i speller. { Mrs. Ed Gokie, who has been ill, J Miss Bernice George hurt her P 8 improved. i leg two weeks ago by falling on! Among those from town to at* some cement steps and it is cans- i -* na% the Union Rebekah meeting **Thc new Special gas mjde my car perform in a wa> I thought was impossible, and I shall go a kmg way to use nothing but Socony Special plus ErhyL** r r » " When a thing is good I beBcvt in saving so. I have been in the gaso- line game a good many years, and the best gasoline 1 have ever sold or uscvl is Socony Special plus EthyL Results are what count with me and the fact that I am selling more gasoline at a 3c premium means something. More people are stop- ping for Special every day." S OCONY Special plus Ethyl saka-have been mounting by teaps and bounds. Ten . . . fifteen . . . twenty . . . twenty-five per cent higher. From Maine to Long Island, Boston to Buffalo, in all makes of cars, large mnd small, Tiewtf^/oid, this great gasoline has met with enthusiastic approval. Here only a month/Socony Special plus Ethyl has titeraify swept this part of the country. Socony Special alone was the best straight-run un- treated gasoline that could be made. It was a high-com- ^prcssion premium fuel which thousands of motorists found so good that they gladly paid the extra cost. There was just one thing that could be done to make it better, and that was to add Ethjrl anti-knock fluid. We did that one thing at extra cost to ourselves, but no extra cost to you* We took the final bit of knocking out of a smooth, even-burning, clean, wonderful gas. , Is it any wonder that Socony Special plus'Ethyl is the fastest-selling high-compression premium gasoline? Fill up your tank with Socony Special plus Ethyl and feel the difference. ' - . Only One Maylag v / ing her much trouble now. A. M. Bishop has opened up pool hall an main st"»et. The Home Bureau will hold their j annual Harvest Supper in the hall at Pierces Corners, Friday evening, October 4. Mrs Kenneth Wood and sons of Bigelow were guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Legate. Sun- day. . . Mr. and Mrs William Neil and daughter. Dora B.. spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs J. R Wagner at Lisbon. Mr. and Mrs Kd Holland and family of DeKalb were guests of Mrs. Holland's brother. E. J Stev enson. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Evans and daughter Muriel and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mandigo motored to Canada Sunday, wliere tbey were met by Mr. and Mr* William Stanton, sr , Mr and Mrs. William Stanton, jr.. Mr and Mrs. Ray Bates and family. Mr and Mrs Roy Moulton of Ther- esa. Mr and Mrs Floyd Blair of Heuvefton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baker. Miss Ella Lundy, Mr. and Mr* E<i. Simpson of Ogdensbunt, and Mr I and Mrs. Clarence Evans and fam iry of Ottawa. A picnu dinner was [served at noon at Fishers* Landing. ; c ready and then the party motored on* to Ot [tawa and sperft The'reel of the day j witt Mr and Mrs -Clarence Evans S J Washburn had the misfoT tune t© fail off a ladder while paint ing his houfee^jmd-~»prawned one of his ankir* so he i* now an crutches Mr. W*ood*ide of Heuvelton put s new Mee4 roof on th#v hall at -4 Pierres_Corners Monday The La-' dies Aid* and- Home Bureau are having the work done. Mr aud^ Mrs John Hitchman. jr., and faml:> of-Hailesboro were vis- itors at the home of his father. John Hitohman. Sunday Mr and Mr* Eari Downing and daughter Mrs John Damon of Syr- acsse returned home Monday alter spending a week, with their parents. Mr and Mrs Elbert Chapman, and Mr* Cynthia Domrag. - Mr. and Mrs Archie Downing and danghter Hazel spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Clifford Tyler Of North Gonverneur Mr and Mrs B H Trwr Mrw John Ktptoer and E A Hnrst sso-j tored to Saranac Lake Sanday and , called on Mrs Stanley McAdams J who Is there> for trentsneirt. Tney \ tonnd her feeling frne~ Mr and Mrs TVryd Hsnter of Ogdensborg were rbests of Mr and I Mrs Harold Heater Sunday Mr and Mrs Tr*4 Hortow and Mr^aJM Mrs Engene Tnrnbwll are enjoying at trip 10 New Tort City Mass Leofts Bofeardms ef Jo** Henry Bognr+wa, Mr and Mrs Lee Rneen and son Har otd DonnM Ea^ea and MOron were at the hots* of Mrs Willard Bresee Snsrfnr. K ions Beery t bsrthday of St. Lawrence districts one and two, held at Gouverneur on Mon- day were: Mrs. Hattie Beatty. Mrs Grace P Smithers, Mrs. Mil- dred Fleetham, Mrs. Olive Ward, __• ^STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK SOCONY SPECIAL plus ETHYL DANA HILL SOUTH RUSSELL Mr. and Mrs. H. Phelps and Mrs. Florence How land returned Co Cranberry Lake Monday. They were accompanied by Leon Allen. Mr Phelps and Mr. Allen are do- ing some contracting work ai Cranberry Lake. Mrs. Edith Becker and two daughters spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leary. Mrs. Becker Uvea at Rus- sell where her daughters are at- tending Knox high school. Mr. Becker has gone to Central Africa as a missionary. Mrs. John Carroll visited her sis- ter. Mrs. Charles Montroy at Os- wegatchie Wednesday, Miss Ethel Colson T>f-Hermoir is visiting friends here for a few days. _ Mrs. Levi Stockwell who has been seriously ill for the past two weeks, is better. Her sister, Mrr Frits Crossman. of Canton, has been caring for her. Visitors at tli JdcCready s Sun- day were Mr and-'Mrs Aaron Mc- Wiilie McCready of Morley, and Mr. and Mrs L D. Basford ot DeGrasse. j ntng when their only daughter. Mr. and Mrs W W. Stephenson [ Lucy, became the bride of Ralph and son returned home here fromJKitts. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester i Washington. D. C. Sunday , Kitts of Gouverneur The bridal i Lawrence Meiair of Klock. Can.,i couple were attended by Miss Mary j is spending some time with his Mayne of Heuvelton as brides; sister. Mrs. Arthur Howland and maid while Jean Todd, brother of : family. i the bride, acted as best man The Rhoda Whitmarsh left Tuesday] bride was attv*ed in a blue crepe on the excursion train for New*' gown and the bridesmaid was» J York City. , . j gowned in a brown crepe. Rev Mr ! Forrest Whitmarsh and Bruce; Young of the local M. E. "Church : Lamb are repairing their barns and! performed the ceremony. Both the laying cement floors. \ bride and groom are well known. Mrs. Roy Given and mother, the bride having Seen a life long Khoda WhJthmarsb spent Wednes- resident of this place and the day at Goovemettr. \ groom haring at one time been em , """""*^ BgBg= '"* ployed by B. W. Thornton. Among the guests present' were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kltu and sons Biwln, Harry, and Clifford. Gonv emeur: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tmax of Bemrrttmr Mr awl Mrs Harry Hitchman and daughter Mildred Mr. and Mrs Fred Rounds and* granddaughters Carolyn. Carmen. Ruth Mary, and Beatrice. Mr and! Mrs. Ettas Johnson and David Ortf I , i l k of DePeyster Mr. and Mrs Kitts will reside at Jordan where Mr Kitts has a position. . _ _ _ r turned to her home Thnrsday. j Miss Hasel Weir Is working for Miss Blanche Weir, a student in, 31 r. and Mrs. Charles Ford ham M C Hepburn of Russell. a*., T^.-K. w.Kiw^ir %M~ Bv ftfl j t»e Potsdam Normal spent the I and two Utile sons and Mrs. S. L. Miss Haael Tbomas ts visiting ^ t>il^l 5-T i KtJ k « l f i ? : ^ r ! ? J week-end at her home here. - | Dana and Mrs. Royce Bullock of J her sister. Mrs. Roy Cassaw of Ed Mra. Levi Stockwell who has] Edwards, spent Wednesday in Og wards. v* ces Parks, Mrs. Enid Howie, Mrs.; S*"^/ 1 ^???*^^": E 5£J??! l [!lM been very ill the past two weetta, 1 densbmg and—fHftW!—Mrs f f e d — U t t h T Harriet N6bIe~of Edwards is gaining in health. Her sister,' Bullock, and daughter Ariene, at, la spending the week-end with her Mrs. F. C Crossman of .Canton, re- the Hepburn hospital. \ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dana. Mr. and Mrs. Racine Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Fleetham. Mrs. Harriett Smithers, Mrs. Mary Thornton, Mrs. Edith Badger, Mrs.j Edytb Hall. Mrs. Ida Cretghton. Mrs. Leola Townsend, Miss Winnie field Crefgbton, and Irving Creigh-» ton. ' j Howard Beatty spent the week-; end at Newell Beattys. at Heuvel- J ton. Sunday callers at'L. T. Beatty's \ were Mr. and Mrs. Judson Shat-i tuck and Mrs. Reed of Hermon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beatty. and Mr and Mrs. Newell Beatty and two, daughters of Heuvelton. j Howard Beatty has accepted a! position as typist with the Alumi-; num Company of America at Mas-; sens and entered upon his duties ; on Monday. •, - j Mrs. Gold a Rowland and daugh- ter Edna of Rochester are visiting friends and relatives in town. A very pretty wedding was sol-, i emnised at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. Leon Todd on Saturday- eve- i "-•TUielfood'lie i s the mail Ke'llJbe4 A CUT finger brought tenrfully to -' y o n f o r first ai<L T h e b u s y s o u n d of small feet clumping down the stairs. A tousled head and one bright eye peep- ing from the bed clothes. JIes*ems^SO little now—but the years hurry by... so much of his future depends upon the food he eats. For, good food builds good health—and health is the real foundation of a successful life. Nothing can give you greater assurance that his food will be -wholesomcLaiid healthful than a General Electric Refrigera- rust Your Shoes to Amateurs" I am undoubtedly the aiopt expert shoe repairer n Northern New Tori. When 5 repair your -•hoe* TOO are certain of ft rbf very b**t vork and the bert material. The Bed Far Lea? Alex Carbooe 8H0I KDAUL SHOP "FOLLttS Of 1 tor. Quietly smd faithfully day. J and night this refrigerator | automatically keeps food safely " below SO degrees, the tempera- lure which medical authorities a«rree to be the danger-poiat. The General Electric Refrig- erator has all iu mechanism hermetically sealed in a alee] casing, mounted on toy ef die cabinet, allowing maxinnim ^storage space for food. Jt k extremely simple operation, dnstproof— tteedaoOmg. It has an aibse freezing regnsntor. In ad- it has the <£// je.-\ a vj p3 m ^ j -^C»k -J#rti-~ ^prm***m;tmmmrt. - tl*-" eiement of the Wi> Foz Mc^rVetnne Follies of lt» from that which arises from In the story wh*ca * t n - . into the jrtaanuc prodne 1 If wefl taken care of is ihree a two of WIQCB S sremtee nefcro The FnOses n comiax to tne Grm*rz Theatre Voadmy Tnssv aay and Wednesday Oetoh*r : TOB SBOOKD STA5DS ALONS M*de For Beautiful W G E N E R A L ^ ELECTTMC whe r^art i!a**r m MKLUj^rLO race :y Fuaoos !ar pwrry— ST UWRDW COOWY UTUTES, WC nana ':jaDS5 AMI ** *<z 'ifflnj^si. *- - *

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Page 1: STORE CLOSED ALL DAY Sat, Oct. i» stfll unable to resume his work Mrs. Floyd Grant of Prospect ww b e ef



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- * » . • - ^ -*--,*.. -TH* TWUM«^*«—. goifcuwauw, N v.. ^^"ffi^ffi'fr'fi*,!,^ ^?

- 4


*r. th* Jtf-

The percentage of a t t endance for (he month of September for bock

I- the primary and intermediate rooms i» **. A v e r a g e s for month of September In primary room are as fol lows: Mildred Hail*. M;

1 tf*\

' • 1 .

J k - M r . s a d Mrs- Edwin 0. PnUUpsj i t will require about t w o » l k Deirert. M l e l u spent a few d a y s ' to complete ihe job.

* * * last week in town visit ing at j f i ss Km ma Wood of West Main'I***o Wood. S 3 . Welby Reynolds ' t h e home of his ancle and aunt . ' ^^^ entertained the Get Toge ther ' * ' Koaalie Jones , 8S; Lyle Cole.

•Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Crawford Fri j r i u b last Friday afternoon with **• Melvin Paige . Ss; Chester Mack innjr they left for Philadelphia, Pa.. I nearly the entire membership pree1 s v William Reynolds, 85 Oorothy

Nsrhere Mr. Phil l ips had some best- , cut ^^ ih<> afternoon was spent 'Traver. *4 U r a t e Hanc*. SS. Nan b*T ore return j s e s s to look after

I n * to Detroit. Miss Clam Westcott and Miss

•Betty Greene of Waiertown. spent a few hoars in tomn Saturday e \ r ning g u e a u of Miss Dorothy David son of Prospect street

Robert McCaull. a former resi­d e n t of this vi l lage. * ho ha* rvsid ed in Syracuse for a number of years past, has a curube: of a i -n yVt**t Fowler and Mrs. Joseph Bow at work preparing ;o break a n i *u <* u > , t M * i 0 • treet . th is vil-

lag*-, motored to Old DeKalb Sun

0r»r honor* at cards and Mrs Su san Merrui » a * awarded the con solation prize Refreshments were *«-r\>-d at the close of the program The next meet ing wtN be held on F n d a y afternoon of this week with Mrs Pickert. West Maja street ,

Mr and Mrs Albert Gaudin of

in a most enjoyable manner. Mrs. ! *"> !*»*«•*. *S. Malcolm (Gardner, M Will iam Pike of Sferrh street took , r **r i e UiMonde, 84 Phiftp PMlge.

M Vivian Newvine h'S Luella t't>J«-. sZ: Agnes Jones . S3; Vincent Ht-sru. K:'. Worth Wuod*. 7Y

V R Jones and v :lliam S«ot t | rinjtur'-d to Ogden»t>uri; Sunday t o ! *:* i Mi> Joao*. who U a patient in) Hepburn hospital. j

Mr and Mr* Floyd Kleumjjc havt-I

THE AMUZU Heulesboro^ N. Y.

Lunches Dancing


RESERVATION Telephone 175-B


Ship stone from the old Callahnn dump to the Onondaga Utho l i t e company in Syracuse by whica firm he has been employed for a number of years This concern t

extens ive manufacturers of c e m e j t building blocks, has for years pait secured the needed stone from the Gouverneur Marblr company, which concer t is still shipping sev

b*M'n h;ending notue unit- at their V4,»i:*gr i t H.eaaant I**kr

Mr and Mrs Kd PUnty, in com day where they were gues t s of v±ny with Mrn. Oakley (i iren. mo-Mrs. Bo^en'rf sister. Mrs. Will iam i< r-d to • f y . t i n l ^ t i r £ ^ y u n d s x -Goings and family Th* gathering wf.ere they met Mr And Mrs "Dan-was tn the form of a family re- t- Duranr of CWen B « H 1 ^ . Canada union and dion*r was served to arm returned to iujceiow with them twenty two relatives and friend* j H„ury Vttm, a n d J o h n S immons

Mr and Mr** Z M Phill ips of * t-re r ^ e n t visitors at the home of Prospect street spent -Sunday in KI*H1 Stevens Watertown where they visited their

era! carloads weekly , but an extra * o n - Merton Phillips and family J a m e s Bulger of Helena street

* ho was taken ill about two weeks ago with a severe attack of lum bago. i» stfll unable to resume his work

Mrs. Floyd Grant of Prospect

ww b

e ef aaty m T«

• 5 ^ hav«

ee of d pn Tea ted f

m af»

desaand at present decided the Syracuse l inn to purchase tbe dump and have it broken and shipped to their plant as an *itra supply. I n s t week a short spur track was laid on the roadbed of the old track from the G main l ine, the track being esougU to hold two cars and ready two or three carloads h i v e been shipped from a pile of stone broken a number of . i e s r s ago Mr. McCaull is now preparing to have the large stone broken The dump is from a quaHee-ee-w heif* mile away from the spur track and the stone is being delivered to

-the- -ear* by truck over a f%J r>y good road through the Perrin pas ture. Mr McCaull est imates t h a t '

, Mrs lx>la Williams ha* returned j U o her home iu Gou>erueur after , Kpendiu* a couple of weeks at the , hom** of her dauieMer. Mrs William

Reynolds I Mr and Mrs Wilmon' and

B e p e y s t e r M. E. Chnrck te tne twenty-seventh convent ion

{ of the Can DePey-Gatchle 8 u o d a y t school convent ion o n Satnrday

last. Kev . Mclntyre nf Ofdensborg was the main speaker xrf the after­noon. Dinner was served by the local Sunday school at noon. T h e banner for having the largest per­centage nf membership present was awarded to Kendrew M E Sunday school .

Miss Gore and Mrs. Redmond of Canada returned to their home on Monday after spending a few days visiting at S. J. Fleldson'a and at the home of 8. C W Id rick

Jennie Beat ly . who has been ill at her home for the past two weeks returned to her school Monday.

The Republican town caucus held at the 1. O. O. F hall Saturday aft­ernoon resulted in the fol lowing

, s late being nominated: Town su » perviaor, J a m e s D. Wlthere l l ;

, t town superintendent of h ighways , M r - T H " TTrs TTeTeH ^nl lgmi fT' ^tHiestr ****** -t^ww eieHt, F. N.

from Morristown has been visiting. Hounds; col lector F. P. Day; as-

»>* '- laC'^-sW.



for a few at Robert Sal i sbury* days the past week

Mrs. Frank Hast ings spent Fri day night with her daughter. Mrs. Nel l ie Greeley at Morristown. ...^

A small attendance was present at the Ladies Aid Dinner T h a n day. Sept 2bth Th* next meet ing will be held Thursday. October 17.

&on j in the grange, hall.

Clark ol Ogdensburx were Sunday Mrs. P S Breckinr idge w a s a of her son Wallace and fam

" *' , . - . . - f>>afurdav from itan k Rivt-r. where "a11 ^aturuay ai ^ u c i o c a p. h i v e aa«Jn . • _ :_ . . . . Th*. nr^&»>nr offic#»r» w i l l h/kWI A


Scott's Emulsion

F m

The present officers will hold over for another term. There w a s but


eat * Awl w as wf \ re rt m) g

naxd r* m oar*

l ie t


Sat, Oct. 5th

"a • • • : i


sihe »pmt some time at the home oi William Waters

JWr*. K B Wood and sous Worth \ little opposition over the and Dean were Sunday gues t s at | officers. the home of her j>areots. Mr and *^rs. Abbie Priest and sons of ~t ' .~neofge"Xiegate . i Watertown were guests of Mr. and

Gue»»M at the home of Frank J Mrs. Kloyd Ward. Sunday. Reed Sunday were Mr. and M r s ! Insti l lat ion of Autumn Rebekah Ja^ Reed and family of Canton. Mr ! Lodge No. >il will take p lace on ; *°* bdward spent Sunday at E.j and Mr*. Ralph Reed and daughter TTueJday eveniixg. - -October ^ $ t h , 1 3 u r r H u x i i m t a - a l Osbornevil le . j Betty Joyce of Syracuse and Mr. Members please take not ice . , Mis« Lois H axe It on, mho teach- .

iand Mrs" John C Perrv and family Mrs. Carrie Lawyer was ca i led' ^ a l Dickinson Center, spent the ; ^of Black River. ( t o Barneveld last Wednesday by w^k-end in town. j ! Mr. and Mrs Neil Bodette of* the death of her brother-in-law

sessor to succewd Fred Hurlbut, S. J X>ew*an; just ices of peace. Roy Badger and B. W Thornton; U o y d Wilson. Leon Kir by. and MfUord Newcomb were nominated for con* stables. T o w n caucus in DePeys ter practically amounts to e lect ion, as there is no other t icket in tne field.

Mr and Mrs Marvin Holt of Gouverneur were at Thomas Smith era'. Saturday.

Mr and Mrs. Lee Joyce and chil­dren of Richvi l le were Sunday vis­itors at Lyle Smlthers* j

Born, to Mr and Mrs. Arnold} Hazelton. a son. Saturday. Sept. 2$. i

Miss Lodine Overacker of S. L. I T . spent the week-end at her ! home here. j

Mr and Mrs George Ashebarkec ' and son of Water town spent thet w e e k e n d at George Bush's. !

Mr and Mrs. Edgar Todd and;

"What arc the three best gasolines?" asked the motorist.

There's only one best gasoline . . . SOCONY SPECIAL plus ETHYL

Richvil le were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs lsaa< Hall Sunday night.

On Wednesday. September 25. Mr and Mrs. John Hamilton p a v e ,

surprise birthday party in honor i John Lewis

Mrs. Stanley Murton spent Sat urday with her mother. Mrs. Tana Stout at Hammond.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder of Depeyster spent Sunday with

A. KATZMAN & SON • . - . . \ • - . • - . • • : ' . . ,

of their daughter TWeii Those I present were Marion. Mildred and • William Halle. Vivian and Vincent j Breset le . Margaret. William and

Wei by Reynolds and Lee Dew an Games were played and all report a fine time.

Mrs. V. R. Mix and son" Ross were guests .Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. G. I>eona.*d.

Mr and Mrs. Ron. Thorupj*o:i of ; DeKalb Junction were visitors Sun 1 day at the home of Mr. and Mrs | John SimmonB. I Reginald Smith left Tuesday for \ New York City , The entertainment and supper ! held at the home of Iceland Me-I Carty Thursday night was well at­

tended. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Mack gave a number of se lect ions on the

i violin affd piano\ I Mr. and Mrs Charles Morrow of

Philadelphia were recent gues ts at i the home of his parents. Mr and !

I Mrv Clarence Morrow


Mr and Mrs. Wil l iam Row bar returned to Syracuse after v i s i t ing ' Mr and Mrs. S. J. Fieldson.

Mrs. Mary Bes t is spending a' feu days at J a m e s Witherel l 's . \

Mrs He len Fish beck spent Fri-; day at the home of her son Ralph

Van t a s s e l f r o m ^ * ™ * * * * n d family. f Cedars spent Sunday at Forest Van -Miss Mildred Kirby of Water-Tassel's . t town spent the week-end with her:

Charles Parks' funeral w a s held! parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kirby.; Wednesday at 2 oclock -at the Mr and Mrs. Willard SmithersJ church and was largely at tended ^ ^ Sunday cal lers at Thomas Rev. Brown from Harrisvi l le of Sniithers. , oldest residents of this p lace hav T n ^ Home Economics Committee nested. Mr. Parks was one of the o f t n * D e P e y s t e r Grange will hold; ing reached the age of 88. , a dance in Grange Hall on Friday »

Everett Brown entered Morris evening. October 4th. Music by town High School Monday m o r n « Leonard a orcheatra. I

The Ladies Aid will hold a cov | C. D Watson of Plattsburg was ered dish supper in Sprague Hall ia t o w n Tuesday. , Wednesday night. October ftfi Fr** Blandin of Spragnevil le w a s ; Every one is requested to furnish. a i Emery Smithers ' on Friday. *

the supper Mrs. Edytb Hall h a s _ returned j

READ THE VERDICTS "If anyone doibes the quaEry of your new gasoone, just teil him to try it. If he doesn't find it the best gasoline he ever used, then 1 am no judge of good g«&.**

"I am not much >fa hand ar writing testimonial Ictttrs, but after the performance of my car la*t Sunday, I feel I owe you a few lines to tell you that Socony .Special plus Ethyl b ctrtai nlv wofka-rfuL*'


In connection with there will be an old fashioned f r o m a v * s i t w ! ^ relat ives at Troy.! spell ing bee for both young and Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Bogardus at-; old. The Pearson and S u s s a l o ' ^nded S p e n c e n i l l e fair, in C a n a l spell ing book w i l l be used s o b e j a a - Wednesday. I ware qf^your £ 8 and e's . _A c a s h , Harold Ashworth is spending a; p r i z e ' w i l l be g iven tcT the best '***' weeks In "New Hampshire. - i speller. { Mrs. Ed Gokie, w h o h a s been ill, J

Miss Bernice George hurt her P 8 improved. i leg two weeks ago by fal l ing o n ! Among those from town t o at*

some cement s teps and it is cans- i -*na% the Union Rebekah meet ing

**Thc new Special gas mjde my car perform in a wa> I thought was impossible, and I shall go a kmg way to use nothing but Socony Special plus ErhyL**

r r »

" When a thing is good I beBcvt in saving so. I have been in the gaso­line game a good many years, and the best gasoline 1 have ever sold or uscvl is Socony Special plus EthyL Results are what count with me and the fact that I am selling more gasoline at a 3c premium means something. More people are stop­ping for Special every day."

SOCONY Special plus Ethyl saka-have been mounting by teaps and bounds. Ten . . . fifteen . . . twenty . . .

twenty-five per cent higher. From Maine to Long Island, Boston to Buffalo, in all makes of cars, large mnd small, Tiewtf^/oid, this great gasoline has met with enthusiastic approval. Here only a month/Socony Special plus Ethyl has titeraify swept this part of the country.

Socony Special alone was the best straight-run un­treated gasoline that could be made. It was a high-com-

^prcssion premium fuel which thousands of motorists found so good that they gladly paid the extra cost. There was just one thing that could be done to make it better, and that was to add Ethjrl anti-knock fluid. We did that one thing at extra cost to ourselves, but no extra cost to you* We took the final bit of knocking out of a smooth, even-burning, clean, wonderful gas. ,

Is it any wonder that Socony Special plus'Ethyl is the fastest-selling high-compression premium gasoline? Fill up your tank with Socony Special plus Ethyl and feel the difference. ' - .

Only One Maylag



ing her much trouble now. A. M. Bishop has opened up •

pool hall an main st"»et.

The Home Bureau will hold their j annual Harvest Supper in t h e hal l

at Pierces Corners, Friday evening, October 4.

Mrs Kenneth Wood and sons of Bigelow were guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Legate . Sun­day. • . .

Mr. and Mrs Wil l iam Neil and daughter. Dora B.. spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs J. R Wagner at Lisbon.

Mr. and Mrs Kd Holland and family of DeKalb were gues t s of Mrs. Holland's brother. E. J Stev enson. Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Evans and daughter Muriel and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mandigo motored to Canada Sunday, wliere tbey were met by Mr. and Mr* William Stanton, sr , Mr and Mrs. Wil l iam Stanton, jr.. Mr and Mrs. Ray Bates and family. Mr and Mrs Roy Moulton of Ther­esa. Mr and Mrs Floyd Blair of Heuvefton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baker. Miss Ella Lundy, Mr. and Mr* E<i. Simpson of Ogdensbunt, and Mr

I and Mrs. Clarence Evans and fam iry of Ottawa. A picnu dinner was

[served at noon at Fishers* Landing. ; c ready and then the party motored on* to Ot

[ tawa and sperft The'reel of the day j w i t t Mr and Mrs -Clarence Evans

S J Washburn had the misfoT tune t© fail off a ladder while paint ing his houfee^jmd-~»prawned one of his ankir* so he i* now an crutches

Mr. W*ood*ide of Heuvelton put s new Mee4 roof on th#v hall at

-4 Pierres_Corners Monday The La-' dies Aid* and- H o m e Bureau are having the work done.

Mr aud^ Mrs John Hitchman. jr., and faml:> of-Hai lesboro were vis­itors at the home of his father. John Hitohman. Sunday

Mr and Mr* Eari Downing and daughter Mrs John Damon of Syr-a c s s e returned home Monday a l ter spending a week, with their parents . Mr and Mrs Elbert Chapman, and Mr* Cynthia D o m r a g . -

Mr. and Mrs Archie Downing and danghter Hazel spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Clifford Tyler Of North Gonverneur

Mr and Mrs B H T r w r Mrw John Ktptoer and E A Hnrst sso-j tored to Saranac Lake Sanday and , called o n Mrs S t a n l e y McAdams J who Is there> for trentsneirt. Tney \ tonnd her feel ing frne~

Mr and Mrs TVryd H s n t e r of Ogdensborg were rbes t s of Mr and

I Mrs Harold Heater Sunday Mr and Mrs Tr*4 Hortow and

Mr^aJM Mrs Engene Tnrnbwll are enjoying at trip 10 New T o r t City

Mass Leofts Bofeardms ef J o * * Henry Bognr+wa, Mr

and Mrs Lee Rneen and son Har otd DonnM Ea^ea and MOron were

at the hot s* of Mrs Willard Bresee Snsrfnr. K i o n s B e e r y t bsrthday

of St. Lawrence districts one and two, held at Gouverneur on Mon­day w e r e : Mrs. Hat t i e Beatty . Mrs Grace P Smithers , Mrs. Mil­dred F lee tham, Mrs. Olive Ward,




Mr. and Mrs. H. P h e l p s a n d Mrs. Florence H o w land returned Co Cranberry Lake Monday. They were accompanied by Leon Allen. Mr Phelps and Mr. Al len are do­ing s o m e contract ing work ai Cranberry Lake.

Mrs. Edith B e c k e r and two daughters spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leary. Mrs. Becker Uvea at Rus­sell where her daughters are at­tending Knox high school . Mr. Becker has gone to Central Africa as a missionary.

Mrs. John Carroll vis i ted her sis­ter. Mrs. Charles Montroy at Os-wegatchie Wednesday,

Miss Ethel Colson T>f-Hermoir i s vis i t ing friends here for a few days. _

Mrs. Levi S tockwel l who has been seriously ill for the past two weeks , is better. Her s is ter , Mrr Frits Crossman. of Canton, has been caring for her.

Visitors at tli JdcCready s Sun­day were Mr and-'Mrs Aaron Mc-

Wii l ie McCready of Morley, and Mr. and Mrs L D. Basford ot DeGrasse. j ntng when their only daughter.

Mr. and Mrs W W. Stephenson [ Lucy, became the bride of Ralph and son returned home here fromJKitts . son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester i Washington. D. C . Sunday , Kitts of Gouverneur The bridal i

Lawrence Meiair of Klock. Can.,i couple were attended by Miss Mary j is spending some t ime with his Mayne of Heuvel ton a s b r i d e s ; s ister. Mrs. Arthur Howland and maid whi le Jean Todd, brother of :

family. i the bride, acted as best man The Rhoda Whitmarsh left Tuesday] bride w a s attv*ed in a blue crepe

on the excursion train for New*' gown and the bridesmaid was» J York City. , . j gowned in a brown crepe. Rev Mr !

Forrest Whitmarsh and Bruce; Young of the local M. E. "Church:

Lamb are repairing their barns and! performed the ceremony. Both the laying cement floors. \ bride and groom are w e l l known.

Mrs. Roy Given and mother, the bride having Seen a life long Khoda WhJthmarsb spent Wednes- resident of this p lace and the day at Goovemettr. \ groom haring at one t ime been em ,

" " " " " * ^ B g B g = '"* ployed by B. W. Thornton. Among the gues t s present' were

Mr. and Mrs. Lester K l t u and sons B i w l n , Harry, and Clifford. Gonv e m e u r : Mr. and Mrs. Fred T m a x of B e m r r t t m r Mr awl Mrs Harry H i t c h m a n and daughter Mildred Mr. and Mrs Fred Rounds and* granddaughters Carolyn. Carmen. Ruth Mary, and Beatr ice . Mr and! Mrs. Ettas Johnson and David Ortf

I , i l k of D e P e y s t e r Mr. and Mrs Kit ts will reside at Jordan where Mr Kitts has a position. .

_ _ _ r turned to her home Thnrsday. j Miss Hase l W e i r Is working for Miss Blanche Weir , a s tudent i n , 31 r. and Mrs. Charles Ford ham M C Hepburn of Russel l .

a*., T ^ . - K . w.Kiw^ir %M~ Bvftfl j t » e Potsdam Normal spent the I and t w o Utile sons and Mrs. S. L. Miss Haael T b o m a s t s visit ing ^ t>il^l 5 - T i K t J k « l f i ? : ^ r ! ? J week-end at her home here. - | Dana and Mrs. Royce Bul lock of J her s i s ter . Mrs. R o y Cassaw of Ed

Mra. Levi S tockwel l w h o h a s ] Edwards , s p e n t Wednesday in Og wards .


ces Parks , Mrs. Enid Howie , Mrs.;

S * " ^ / 1 ^ ? ? ? * ^ ^ " : E 5 £ J ? ? ! l [ ! l M been very ill the past two weetta, 1 d e n s b m g and—fHftW!—Mrs f f e d — U t t h T Harriet N6bIe~of Edwards i s g a i n i n g in heal th . H e r s i s ter , ' Bul lock, and daughter Ar iene , a t , la spending t h e week-end wi th her Mrs. F. C Crossman of .Canton, re- the Hepburn hospital . \ grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. Dana.

Mr. and Mrs. Racine Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Carrol F lee tham. Mrs. Harriett Smithers , Mrs. Mary Thornton, Mrs. Edith Badger, Mrs.j Edytb Hall. Mrs. Ida Cretghton. Mrs. Leola Townsend, Miss W i n n i e field Crefgbton, and Irving Creigh-» ton. ' j

Howard Beatty spent the week-; end at Newel l B e a t t y s . at Heuvel- J ton. •

Sunday cal lers a t ' L . T. Beatty's \ were Mr. and Mrs. Judson Shat-i tuck and Mrs. Reed of Hermon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beatty. and Mr and Mrs. N e w e l l Beatty and t w o , daughters of Heuvel ton. j

Howard Beatty has accepted a! position as typist with the Alumi-; num Company of America at Mas-; s e n s and entered upon his d u t i e s ;

on Monday. •, - j Mrs. Gold a Rowland and daugh­

ter Edna of Rochester are visit ing friends and relat ives in town.

A very pretty wedding was sol- , i emnised at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. Leon Todd on Saturday- eve- i

"-•TUielfood'lie i s t h e mai l Ke'llJbe4

AC U T finger b r o u g h t t e n r f u l l y t o -'

y o n f o r first ai<L T h e b u s y s o u n d

o f s m a l l f e e t c l u m p i n g d o w n t h e s t a i r s .

A t o u s l e d h e a d a n d o n e b r i g h t e y e p e e p ­

i n g f r o m t h e b e d c l o t h e s . J I e s * e m s ^ S O

l i t t l e n o w — b u t t h e y e a r s h u r r y b y . . .

s o m u c h o f h i s f u t u r e d e p e n d s u p o n

t h e f o o d h e e a t s . F o r , g o o d f o o d b u i l d s

g o o d h e a l t h — a n d h e a l t h i s t h e r e a l

f o u n d a t i o n o f a s u c c e s s f u l l i f e .

N o t h i n g c a n g i v e y o u g r e a t e r

a s s u r a n c e t h a t h i s f o o d w i l l b e

-wholesomcLai id h e a l t h f u l t h a n

a G e n e r a l E l e c t r i c R e f r i g e r a -

rust Your Shoes to

Amateurs" I am undoubtedly the

aiopt expert shoe repairer n Northern New Tori.

When 5 repair your -•hoe* TOO are certain of

ft rbf very b**t vork and the bert material.

The Bed Far Lea?

Alex Carbooe 8 H 0 I KDAUL SHOP

"FOLLttS Of 1

t o r . Q u i e t l y smd f a i t h f u l l y d a y . J

a n d n i g h t t h i s r e f r i g e r a t o r |

a u t o m a t i c a l l y k e e p s f o o d s a f e l y

" b e l o w SO d e g r e e s , t h e t e m p e r a -

l u r e w h i c h m e d i c a l a u t h o r i t i e s

a«rree t o b e t h e d a n g e r - p o i a t .

T h e G e n e r a l E l e c t r i c R e f r i g ­

e r a t o r h a s a l l i u m e c h a n i s m

h e r m e t i c a l l y s e a l e d i n a a l e e ]

c a s i n g , m o u n t e d o n t o y e f d i e

c a b i n e t , a l l o w i n g m a x i n n i m

^storage s p a c e f o r f o o d . J t k

e x t r e m e l y s i m p l e

o p e r a t i o n , d n s t p r o o f —

tteedaoOmg. I t h a s a n

a ibse f r e e z i n g r e g n s n t o r . I n ad­

i t h a s t h e



a vj p3 m ^ j

- ^ C » k



- t l * - "

eiement of the Wi> F o z Mc^rVetnne Foll ies of l t » from that which arises from

In the story wh*ca * t n - . into the jrtaanuc prodne 1

If wefl taken care of i s ihree a two of WIQCB S

sremtee nefcro The FnOses n comiax to

tne Grm*rz Theatre Voadmy Tnssv aay and Wednesday Oetoh*r :


M*de For Beautiful W

GENERAL^ ELECTTMC whe r^art i!a**r m MKLUj^rLO r a c e

:y F u a o o s !ar pwrry—



• ':jaDS5

AMI ** *<z 'ifflnj^si. *-- *