story of sriram an avam i

  Sri Ramanavami Celebration Rama’s birth, wedding, and coronation as king Ramanavami celebrates the birth of Rama on the ninth day of the bright half ( sukla paksham) of the lunar month of Chaitra (April-May). Rama’s life had been one of trials and tribulations with a sprinkling of adventure here and there. He was denied the princely throne of ayOdhya which was rightfully his, by cruel fate, sent into exile for 14 years, and while serving the mandated exile his darling wife was abducted by the demon king RAvaNa. There are just three incidents in Ramayana that are considered worthy of jubilation or celebration. They are Rama’s birth, his wedding with SItA, and his final coronation as king of ayOdhya. Let us go over these three chronicles. The applicable slOkhams and stanzas are given in Sanskrit and Thamizh, with appropriate transliteration in Romanized version immediately following the original text. 1. Rama’s birth: King Dasharatha ruled over the kOsala kingdom from its capital city ayOdhya for over 60,000 years according to lore. While his reign was marked wi th enormous success in terms of his expansive empire, he was unhappy on account of the lack of male progeny to take over the reign after his time. He consulted his guru, sage Vashishta, who advised him to conduct an ashvamEda/putrakAmESTi  (horse challenge/praying for a male progeny) yagna (sacrifice) with the help of the sage Rishyasringar  (the sage with a horn). Dasharatha receiving pAyasam At the conclusion of the yagna a celestial agent appeared from the sacred fire carrying a gold calyx containing sweet rice pudding (pAyasam) and Rishyasringar told the king to distribute it to his three wives in proper order. Dasharatha did so and in due course his three wives conceived and delivered four sons: Rama, Bharata, Lakshmana, and Satrughna. Rama was born first to queen Kausalya. Let us read what VAlmIki and Kamban say about Rama’s birth. According to VAlmIki (BAlakANDam): मान  जगनाथ  सवर लकनमःक तम    ProdyamAnE jagannAtham sarvalOka namaskRitam कौसयाऽजनियाम  सवर लणस तम     1.18.10 KausalyA ajanayat rAmaM sarvalakshaNa samyutam वणध  महाभाग  आवाक वधर नम।     VishNOrardhM mahAbhAgam putramaikshvAku vardhanam लहता  महाभाह  ऒट  दध भ  वनम         1.18.11

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how sri ramanavami formed


  • Sri Ramanavami Celebration Ramas birth, wedding, and coronation as king

    Ramanavami celebrates the birth of Rama on the ninth day of the bright half (sukla paksham) of the lunar month of Chaitra (April-May). Ramas life had been one of trials and tribulations with a sprinkling of adventure here and there. He was denied the princely throne of ayOdhya which was rightfully his, by cruel fate, sent into exile for 14 years, and while serving the mandated exile his darling wife was abducted by the demon king RAvaNa. There are just three incidents in Ramayana that are considered worthy of jubilation or celebration. They are Ramas birth, his wedding with SItA, and his final coronation as king of ayOdhya. Let us go over these three chronicles. The applicable slOkhams and stanzas are given in Sanskrit and Thamizh, with appropriate transliteration in Romanized version immediately following the original text. 1. Ramas birth: King Dasharatha ruled over the kOsala kingdom from its capital city ayOdhya for over 60,000 years according to lore. While his reign was marked with enormous success in terms of his expansive empire, he was unhappy on account of the lack of male progeny to take over the reign after his time. He consulted his guru, sage Vashishta, who advised him to conduct an ashvamEda/putrakAmESTi (horse challenge/praying for a male progeny) yagna (sacrifice) with the help of the sage Rishyasringar (the sage with a horn).

    Dasharatha receiving pAyasam At the conclusion of the yagna a celestial agent appeared from the sacred fire carrying a gold calyx containing sweet rice pudding (pAyasam) and Rishyasringar told the king to distribute it to his three wives in proper order. Dasharatha did so and in due course his three wives conceived and delivered four sons: Rama, Bharata, Lakshmana, and Satrughna. Rama was born first to queen Kausalya. Let us read what VAlmIki and Kamban say about Ramas birth. According to VAlmIki (BAlakANDam):

    ProdyamAnE jagannAtham sarvalOka namaskRitam

    1.18.10 KausalyA ajanayat rAmaM sarvalakshaNa samyutam

    VishNOrardhM mahAbhAgam putramaikshvAku vardhanam


  • lOhitAksham mahAbhAhuM raktoSTam dundhubhi svanam

    KausalyA SuSubhE tEna putrENA amita tEjasA 1.18.12

    yathA varENa dEvAnAm aditirvajra pANinA

    Meaning: Queen Kausalya gave birth to Rama (i.e., the lord of the universe who is adored by all the worlds) possessing all the divine attributes, the greatly blessed delightful offspring of the ikshvAku dynasty. He was an epitome of VishNu. He had lotus-red eyes, long arms, roseate lips, and a vibrant drum-beat voice. Kausalya shone forth producing such a son with limitless resplendence. She looked like aditi who once held her child indra, the leader of the dEvAs, in her hands. Kambans eloquent verse displays a slightly different angle. He kept the essential core of what VAlmIki says and then adds some to embellish further. He brings up the divine attributes of Rama by citing specific instances such as hiding the worlds in his abdomen and expounding the scriptures as well. , (oru pagal ulagu elam udarattuL podindhu) , (aru maRaikku uNarvu arum avanai anjcanak) , (karu mugiR kozhundu ezhil kATTum sOdhiyai) - (tiru uRap payandanaLtiRam koL kOsalai) Meaning: The fortunate Kausalya gracefully gave birth to the one who has the complexion of the dark-hued rain clouds with dazzling splendor. He at one time hid all the worlds in his abdomen. He is the one who gave form and function to all the sacred vEdAs. The slight difference between VAlmIkis and Kambans description while describing the birth is indicative of the change in status of Rama over the centuries between VAlmIkis time and Kambans time. During Kambans time (10th century CE) Rama was accorded the status of a God while VAlmIki considered Rama as a human hero (although vested with divine attributes). Kamban used VAlmIkis blueprint for the story and exploited his literary prowess, while adhering to the religious and cultural norms that were characteristic of his time, to embellish his work. 2. Ramas wedding with SItA: When Rama was barely 14 years of age, the respected sage VishvAmitra came to Dasharathas court and demanded that Rama be sent with him to guard his yagna from being interrupted by demons. While Dasharatha was heart-broken at having to send young Rama on such a dangerous mission, Vashishta encouraged him to acquiesce assuring that it is all for the good of Rama. VishvAmitra took Rama and Lakshmana, taught them several divine incantations to be used in archery, and conducted his yagna successfully while Rama and Lakshmana stood guard and killed the demoness tATaka and demon SubAhu. Later, the sage took them to Mithila to the court of king Janaka who was himself conducting a sacrifice. The king had declared that whoever lifts the bow of Shiva and strings it shall wed his daughter SItA. While most assembled kings failed even to lift the bow, Rama not only lifted it but broke it in the process of stringing. According to Kamban, people saw his lifting the bow and heard the thundering sound of breakage (eDuttadu kaNDanar, iRRadu kETTanar). Word was sent to Dasharatha about the impending wedding and he arrived forthwith at Mithila with his retinue for the wedding.

  • Rama breaking the bow Ramas wedding with SItA

    According to VAlmIki, the wedding arrangements were made with great care. Vashishta arranged the Altar of Fire, in the ostentatious wedding hall, decorating it with sandal paste and flowers. The various vessels were sanctified, a sacred fire was created and the oblatory items such as ghee, water, and milk were assembled. Chanting scriptures, the sage spread the sacred grass (dharba) and twigs on the altar of fire and offered the oblatory items to the fire. Then King Janaka offered SItAs hand to Rama. In the words of VAlmIki, King Janaka says:

    1.73.26 iyam sItA mama sutA saha dharma carI tava

    pratIca ca enAm bhadram te pANim gRihNIsva pANinA 1.73.27

    pativratA mahAbhAgA chAya iva anugatA sadA

    iti uktvA prAkshipat rAjA mantrapUtam jalam tadA

    Meaning: This is SItA, my daughter; she will acquit herself well in your path of righteousness. Take her hand in yours. She is blessed and will be devoted. She will walk with you forever like your own shadow. Saying so, Janaka poured water, sanctified with holy hymns, into the palm of Rama. (See the picture above). Upon the completion of handing over his daughter SItA to Rama duly sanctified, King Janaka was happy beyond description. There were flower showers from the celestials blessing the wedding. Let us now read what Kamban says about what Janaka does and says to Rama. Rama and SItA got seated on the wedding dais like a superior hero and a delicate swan resembling wealth and fortune. Again one can notice that Kamban compares SItA to Lakshmi, an obvious sign of the times. , , (kOmagan mun sanakan kuLir nal nIr) ' , (pUmagaLum poruLum ena nI en) ' , (mA magaL tannoDum mannudi ennA) , (tAmarai anna taDakkaiyin IndAn) Meaning: Just like Lakshmi and VishNu united in their bliss, you prosper with my dear daughterso saying to Rama, King Janaka poured cool sacred water onto the broad lotus-like palm of the prince (Rama).

  • The wedding was consummated and Rama, with SItA, returned to ayOdhya. Several years passed in quick order. Then tragedy befell Rama. He was asked to renounce the kingdom and go into exile to the forest. SItA and Lakshmana accompanied him. They lived peaceful lives in the daNDakAraNya forest for 10 years while helping the sages in the forest conduct their penance by slaying several demons who troubled them. Tragedy struck again when SItA was abducted by RAvaNa and taken to lankA. With the help of the monkey brigade from Kishkindha, Rama spanned the sea with a bridge (sEtu) to reach lankA, engaged RAvaNa and his associates in a war, and killed them. He then installed VibhIshana on the lankan throne and returned to ayOdhya to a tumultuous welcome. 3. Ramas Coronation (paTTAbhishEkham):

    Coronation of Rama The final scene With his mission accomplished in killing RAvaNa and recovering SItA, Rama returned to ayOdhya with his entire troupe in tow. Bharata, who was heading a caretaker government in the absence of Rama for the 14 years, was happy to hand over the reins back to Rama. In accordance with the wishes of the elders, gurus, and common citizens Vashishta started the ceremonies on an auspicious day. Rama and SItA were seated on a throne studded with precious stones. The seven great rishis consecrated Rama with holy water similar to the consecration of indra by 8 vasus. Let us read how VAlmIki describes the scene:

    BrahmaNA nirmitam pUrvam kirITam ratnashobitam abhiSiktaH purAyEna manustam dIptatEjasam

    tasya anavAyE rAjAnaH kramEdyEnA abhiSechitAH

  • sabhAyAm hEmakluptAyAm shObhitAyA mahAdhanaiH ratnaiH nAnAvidhaiH chitritAyAm sushObhanaiH

    nAnAratmayE pIThE kalpayitvA yathA vidhi kirITEna tataH pashchAd vasiSTEna mahAtmanA

    RitvigbhiH bhUSaNaichaiva samyOkSyata rAghavaH

    Meaning: The crown, designed by Brahma at the beginning of creation studded with dazzling precious jewels with which Manu the emperor, and his successors were adorned while they were consecrated, was kept according to practice on a throne adorned with many kinds of precious stones in the council hall. Rama was then adorned by the very same crown by the great Vashishta assisted by other priests officiating at the coronation ceremony. Satrughna held a white parasol over Rama. SugrIva and VibhIshana fanned him with white whisks. Kamban describes a slightly different scene adding his own twist.

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    ariyaNai anuman tAnga, angadan uDaivAL Enda Bharatan veNkuDai kavikka iruvarum kavari paRRa

    virikaDal ulagam Ettum veNNey mansaDaiyan vaNmai marabuLOn koDukka vAngi, vasiTTanE punaindAn mouli

    Meaning: Hanuman held the throne, angadan bore the royal sword, Bharata carried the white parasol, and the other two (meaning Satrughna and Vibhishana) fanned with the white whisks. The great sage Vashishta crowned Rama with the ancestral diadem. Note: Both VAlmIki and Kamban neglect to mention the role Lakshmana played during the coronation ceremony. That may be because Lakshmana was intricately linked with Rama and hence he could not do any of the tasks assigned to others. VAlmIki did not ascribe any specific role to Bharata in the coronation ceremony proper. Ramanavami is celebrated for nine days in North India, being branded as vasanta navarAtri (9 nights in spring). In South India the celebration is usually restricted to one day only and that too conducted in temples. At home it is observed just as a religious holiday. This story of the month is contributed by Dr. Sethuraman Subramanian and he can be reached at [email protected]