storyboard of a soap opera

Previously on Neighbours…

Upload: eleanorboocock

Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Storyboard of a soap opera

Previously on Neighbours…

Page 2: Storyboard of a soap opera

Karen returns home“Im home!”Long shot of Pauls house.

Medium close up of him looking at phone

Page 3: Storyboard of a soap opera

Close up of mobile phone to see text message from Dianna

“I got a text message form New York”Medium close up of conversation with todaie in his apartment.

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Paul says he has been given money“A hundred thousand dollars!”Long shot in Pauls house.

“Its good not having to worry about money”Close up then music turns non diagetic

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Close up of Paul and Karen hugging

Pauls house

In Pauls house looking at letters

“Money keeps getting taken out of our account”

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“How much?”

“A lot!”

Close up in Pauls house.

Out with girlfriend at the cafe when he gets a phone call about India. (In the background) “She's chocking, India is chocking”Medium close up

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She was on the floor , she grabbed a marshmellow and started coaking.

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Cloe up in the hospital

“She is going to be fine”

Looking at India in hospital.

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“He saved her life”- KarenOver the shoulder in hospital

“Here’s everything I could find. Everything you need for Dianna Marshall”-ToadieBack in Pauls house Toadie hand over a folder.

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“Got something for you”Kane hands over the folder to Paul.Long shot of them and house.

“In 6 months I will return the money” “what if something happens in those 6 months.. How much trouble will my mum be in.”

Close up

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“Don’t bother going to the police.. The money is in your mums name.. If I go down.. I’m taking your mum with me”Close up as music fades

“I honestly thought that once the wedding was over she would find a new project”Medium close up in café.

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Archie tries to help in the café.Long shot

“Get out.. I would have more luck with my grandson doing this job”

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“We just need some space mum”In the cafe

“You think I am interfering… I am worried about you.. Sonia knows

way to much.”

Page 14: Storyboard of a soap opera

“Terri I will go on a date with you”

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Non diagetic sound in the background

Stephs house

Close up on comedy leaflet.

Close up on Callum looking at leaflet. Murmuring of people in the background

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Callum breaking through gate to comedy club. Testing of microphone in the background

Callum under bench making notes on the comedian.

Laughter in the background

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Callum runs to stage and grabs microphone. People gasp in background.

He tells jokes and people laugh

Long shot of him being carried of stage by bodyguards, people are still laughing

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“he was kinda funny”

Nick talking about Callum at the comedy show

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“I was hoping we might get a chance to talk after work”

Declan talks to dianna in the café.

Non diagetic sound in the background

“I need more information on your dads side of the company”

Music fades in titles