strange new world chapter 3 v5

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  • 8/9/2019 Strange New World Chapter 3 v5



    Chapter 3

    Rose went back to bed. She had to work that day, so she needed her rest. I worked

    in the afternoon, so I could risk staying up the rest of the night, or morning rather. I sat

    on my bed and poured through the grimoires, looking in awe at all the spells, the

    descriptions, the rituals, the ideas.

    Magic was real. Some part of me was immensely satisfied and content, like that

    part of me hadnt been fulfilled before and was thankful for the discovery. Another part

    of me was still blown away. I had watched TV and read so many books dealing with the

    supernatural that finding out that magic was real was astonishing. I was proud and

    happy, and a little sad.

    As I read over the spells, I thought about what our parents would have done if

    they had been alive. Would they have kept us in ignorance of our magic for the rest of

    our lives until they could no longer protect us? Would they have told Rose when she was

    eighteen and began training us, using these grimoires?

    I guess it didnt matter now. Our parents were dead and they couldnt help us

    now. Even if Mom found had tried to find a way back to us, I doubted she would be able

    to. Death was forever. Wasnt it?

    I fell asleep with the books on my chest and my head lolled to the side. I woke up

    to the kitchen cupboards slamming. The fridge opened, then footsteps tramped down

    the stairs. I leaped out of bed and checked out Roses room. She had left quite early to

    open the cafe she helped manage.

    I went into the kitchen and found a note scrawled on the whiteboard tacked to

    the fridge. Tell them for me. Rose. I pondered the double meaning of this message as I

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    started for the stairs. Did she mean that I should tell them about the witchcraft now? Or

    tell them to come home after school? I sighed.

    I found Alex sitting on the couch in the den, watching cartoons while she had her

    breakfast. She raised her eyebrows at me in greeting. I went to Monas room and opened

    the door. She was sitting on the bed, staring at the floor. She looked up at me in


    Can you knock before you come into my room? she asked.

    I knocked on the door frame before stepping in. That made her more annoyed.

    Join us in the den please, I told her, leaving without a response.

    Then I went to the twins bedroom that they shared. Like the twins, the room was

    a small corner of chaos, filled with clothing, books, CDs, etc littered in every available

    spot. The few clean areas were the paths the twins took to get out of bed or to get to their

    desks. Alexs bed covers were thrown onto the floor while Emmas bed still contained a

    lump in it.

    I came closer to the lump. Gonna have breakfast? I asked it.

    No, came the response.

    You should have breakfast, I said. You need energy for the rest of your day,

    and itll make you feel better. No response. I pictured Emma glaring at me through the

    covers and smiled. I leaned forward and patted the blanket where I thought her head

    would be.

    Argh! Stop! Emma protested.

    I laughed and began peeling the blanket back from her. Her hair was mussed all

    over her face. She glared at me through it.

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    Leave me alone, she mumbled.

    I smiled down at her. Outta bed, sleepyhead, I sang, pulling the covers farther

    back. I need you to come out into the den with the others. Gotta tell you something.

    I started to walk away but found Emma was already pulling the covers back over


    Its important, Emma, I said sternly. I paused. And dont even think about not

    going to school today.

    I left the room. Alex was still watching cartoons, but her cereal was almost

    finished. Mona sat curled up in one of the stuffed chairs, trying not to watch the

    cartoons. I sat on the arm of another chair. Emma came out, grumpy and grumbling, but

    she sat on the couch.

    Whats going on? Alex asked.

    Rose and I have some news to tell you, I said. I looked at them. Mona and Alex

    barely looked interested, and Emma was closing her eyes. We wanted to tell you

    tonight, but Im debating on whether to tell you right now.

    I wont be coming home after school, Alex told me.

    I nodded. We figured you wouldnt, I said. Could you come home for a little bit

    before you go do whatever it is you were going to do?

    No, she said. I frowned at her. Science project.

    I nodded again. I didnt buy that, but I said, I would prefer it if everyone got

    home around the same time. Ill be working until four, so Ill be back before four-thirty

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    Im working until eight, Mona cut in. We have a big case we need to work on.

    Mona worked at a lawyers office. She was studying law at York University, but since the

    school was on strike, her employers offered her the chance to work more closely with


    Any chance you could take a break around four-thirty? I asked her.

    She shook her head. I have to take my break earlier.

    I sighed in annoyance. Emma, will you be home? I asked.

    She shrugged. I dont have anything planned, she said. And Im not working


    So the only person I could tell tonight was Emma, and possibly Alex if she

    deigned to show up. That made it a whole lot more complicated. I preferred that they

    know as soon as possible, so that they didnt get blind-sided with it like Rose and I did.

    Okay, I murmured. I would have preferred telling you after school, but

    whatever. And this has to be between us and Rose, okay? Dont tell you friends about it,

    or your coworkers, or teachers, etc. Got it? They nodded. All three were now paying

    attention, somewhat alarmed. Rose found a CD this morning that contains a video that

    our mother had made before she died.

    What? Emma squeaked, while Alex exclaimed, No way! and Mona leaned

    forward with, How is that possible? How come we never found it before?

    Maybe Grandma hid it from us, I told Mona.

    But why? Why would she do that? Mona asked.

    I shrugged. I dont know that part, and obviously we cant ask, I said. Emma

    looked down. But thats not the main issue here. Mom had something really important

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    to tell us, and I know this is going to bug you all day, but its important that you know it

    now. Mom said on the video that were witches.

    Both Emma and Alex looked at me in surprise. Monas lips pressed themselves

    into a white line.

    I continued. We have magic and we can perform magic. She said that we each

    will have an ability, something extra I guess. I think she called it a craft-cast, and that

    one of us will be a necromancer, and one of us will be telekinetic. Rose and I found Mom

    and Dad and Grandmas grimoires in Grandmas closet. She was a witch too, and she

    had a whole bunch of supplies in a secret compartment in the closet. Its actually really


    Alex and Emma looked incredulous. Mona looked annoyed.

    Before they could say anything, I went upstairs, smiling to myself. I grabbed the

    grimoires and the CD and went back down to the den. When I got back, Alex had gotten

    up and was about to come up the stairs. She stopped when she saw me and backed up.

    Are you serious? she asked. This isnt a practical joke?

    I showed her the CD and smiled. I am completely serious, and so is Mom. If you

    want to watch the video before you leave, here it is. Ill turn the computer on for you.

    Here are the grimoires. The big, leather-bound one is Grandmas, the flowery diary is

    Moms, and the binder is Dads. You dont really need to look at Dads because its

    mainly photocopies of Grandmas grimoire.

    I plunked them on the table in front of Emma. She leaned forward and pulled the

    leather-bound one towards her. I thought these things were called books of shadows,

    Emma said. Thats what they always called them on Charmed.

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    I shrugged. Maybe witches in this world like the term grimoire better, I said.

    Mom didnt explain that, but she called them grimoires, and the titles are grimoires,

    so... I turned the computer on. Alex pulled the CD out of the sleeve and looked at it.

    Its just a short video. I think, uh, I think Mom knew they were going to die, and thats

    why she made the video

    Mona got up and stormed out of the room. She didnt slam her door, but it was

    close. Alex shook her head and sat down in front of the computer. I considered ignoring

    Monas passive outburst, but I decided against it. She had to believe this, and I was

    going to be the one to make her believe.

    I left as Emma sat on the back of the couch to watch the video with Alex. I didnt

    bother knocking on Monas door. She was in the middle of dressing, so I looked away.

    Dont you ever knock? she shouted at me, jamming her pyjama top back down

    over herself.

    I closed the door behind me. You dont believe it, do you? I asked.

    She looked at me with such a look of disdain. There is no such thing as

    witchcraft! Magic is just some excuse that people use to explain away what science cant


    Mom believes in it, I said calmly.

    Well, maybe she was wrong! Mona tried to gather up her pyjama pants, which

    shed already changed out of, but she failed three times before she could fold them and

    put them on her pillow. Witchcraft isnt real.

    What about those grimoires that our family owned? I asked her. Arent those

    proof enough that they are real?

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    How do we know our parents and grandmother werent insane? Mona shot

    back. They could have made all this up

    What, and lie to us? I dont think so! I shouted.

    You dont know that! she exclaimed back.

    What about Pagans? Are they hallucinating? I asked.

    Yes, they are! They dont know what theyre talking about, and theyre most

    likely taking drugs!

    And those witch hunts? Nearly a million women killed because the church

    thought they were witches? Was the church hallucinating too?

    The church probably killed those women because they were free-thinkers!

    Against the establishment, unorthodox!

    Boy, youve got an answer for everything, dont you? I considered her. She

    glared back at me. So if tomorrow you start moving things with your mind, are you

    going to say youre hallucinating? Commit yourself to a mental hospital?

    She raised her chin defiantly. It would be better than living in the hallucination,

    she said calmly.

    I cant believe you dont believe our parents, I muttered. Our own parents, and

    youre calling them liars.

    Get out, she ground out. I need to change. I didnt move. Get out!

    I shook my head and opened her door. I slammed it behind me. A little juvenile,

    yes, but I couldnt help it. I was shaking with anger. Another minute in that room and I

    probably would have strangled her.

    Isnt it great to have sisters?

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