strategic audit

2013 STRATEGIC AUDIT Group Members: Muhammad Ali Muhammad Abdullah Amna Mehdi Janjua Muhammad Bilal Ali Hayat Group No 4 – BBA 8A

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Group Members:Muhammad AliMuhammad AbdullahAmna Mehdi JanjuaMuhammad BilalAli Hayat

Group No 4 – BBA 8A

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Table of ContentsSTRATEGIC AUDIT..........................................................................................................................1

COMPANY OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................3

History:...................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction of Servis Shoes:.....................................................................................................3


Mission Statement:................................................................................................................4

Values & Beliefs:.................................................................................................................... 5

Goals & Objectives:................................................................................................................5

INDUSTRY ANALYSIS (EXTERNAL ENVIROMENT)............................................................................6

Shoe Industry of Pakistan:.........................................................................................................6

Industry Growth Trends & Challenges In Respect Of Very Critical Points:.................................6

Overcapacity Production:...................................................................................................... 6

Product Differentiation:.........................................................................................................6

Switching Costs:.....................................................................................................................7

Concentration and Balance:...................................................................................................7

Diversity of Competitors:.......................................................................................................7

Macro Environment (PESTLE Analysis):......................................................................................7

Social & Cultural Environment:..............................................................................................7

Cultural Environment:............................................................................................................8

Political Environment:............................................................................................................8

Legal Environment:................................................................................................................9

Technological Environment:..................................................................................................9

Demographic Environment:.................................................................................................10

Economic Environment:.......................................................................................................10

Competitive Analysis:...............................................................................................................10

BATA:................................................................................................................................... 10

STARLET............................................................................................................................... 11

INTERNAL ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................................12

Organizational Level:............................................................................................................... 12

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Other Strategies:..................................................................................................................12

Overview Of Company Functions / Department......................................................................13

Retail Operations:......................................................................................................13

Whole Sale Department:...........................................................................................13

Corporate Sales Department.....................................................................................14

Product Development Centre....................................................................................14

Chief Merchant Organizing Department....................................................................14

Sourcing Department.................................................................................................15

Replenishment Department......................................................................................15

Finance & Accounts Department...............................................................................15

Marketing Department..............................................................................................15

SWOT Analysis:........................................................................................................................ 16





Marketing Mix (4P’s):...............................................................................................................17

Price:.................................................................................................................................... 17

Promotions:......................................................................................................................... 17

Placement (Distribution):.....................................................................................................18

Positioning:.......................................................................................................................... 18

FINANCIAL ANALYSIS................................................................................................................... 18

CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................... 19

Competitive Advantage Of Servis:...........................................................................................19

Main Risks For Servis:.............................................................................................................. 20

Suggestions & Recommendations:..........................................................................................20

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The story of ‘Servis’ begins with a group of friends - young, energetic, fresh from college

- who established Service Industries more than 50 years ago. These young men, named Ch.

Nazar Muhammad (Late), Ch. Muhammad Hussain (Late) – both from Gujrat district and Ch.

Muhammad Saeed (Late) from Gujranwala District, started business in 1941 at a small scale in

Lahore. At that time, they were only manufacturing handbags and some other sports goods.

Within years their business flourished remarkably and they were supplying their products to

every corner of India at the time of Partition.

In 1954, they installed a shoe manufacturing plant at industrial area Gulberg, Lahore

which started production in the same year. The industry started manufacturing various types of

shoes. Later management shifted the factory from Lahore to Gujrat. Service Sales Corporation

(Pvt.) Ltd. – the Group’s marketing company – was established in 1959. Humility, fairness, and

respect were the values close to the heart of these founders and it were these values that led

to phenomenal success of the Group over the years.

Today, the production side of the company has flourished into Service Industries Limited

(SIL) which has world-class shoes, tires, tubes, and rubber production facilities in Gujrat and

Muridke. SIL is also the leading exporter of footwear. Service Sales Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. (SSC)

is today Pakistan’s leading footwear retailer which is also diversifying into other businesses.

A humble venture of friends has grown into a Group that makes a difference in lives of

millions of people every day today.

Introduction of Servis Shoes:

Servis Shoes is Pakistan’s leading retailer that has set new record standards and created

new benchmarks in the retail industry. With its world class retail systems, dynamic approach to

business and highly energetic team, Servis shoes is today heading toward becoming a regional

retail player. The main business of Servis shoes is to purchase the shoes from Servis industries

limited and also from leading international and national footwear brands and take the

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ownership after adding up its margin. The ownership includes cost of marketing of the shoes,

logistics arrangements to circulate the shoes, management and fixed assets costs. Servis has its

own marketing network and distribution network in the country. Sales are carried out through

wholesale and retail outlets, which are located in famous trade centers in various cities and

towns all over the country.

The company’s corporate head office is located at Lahore while other regional offices

are set in different major cities of the country.


“To be the market leader, providing quality footwear, tyre & tube and allied products. To strive

for excellence and global recognition by continuous improvement, innovation, dedication and


Mission Statement:

In simple words Mission of Service Industries Limited, is to satisfy its customers by

providing quality & reasonable priced footwear’s and other products throughout the country,

and to satisfy its employees through good management. The detailed points of their mission

statements are given as follows:

To be a result oriented and profitable company by consistently improving market share,

quality, diversity, availability, presentation, reliability and customer acceptance.

To emerge as a growth oriented concern ensuring optimum return and value addition to its


To ensure cost consciousness in decision making and operations without compromising the

commitment to quality.

To create an efficient resource management and interactive business environment, evolving

an effective leadership by creating a highly professional and motivated management team

fully equipped to meet any challenge

To keep abreast with modern technology and design to optimize production and enhance

brand image to attain international recognition for the company’s products.

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To set up highly ethical business standards and be good corporate citizens, contributing

towards the development of the national economy and assisting charitable causes.

To adopt appropriate safety rules and environment friendly policies.

Values & Beliefs:

Servis core values are integrity, comfort, sentiment. Servis Shoes is always a head in

providing our customers and consumers their best weather it comes to variety of shoe range

with affordable price or customer services of Servis Shoes. Making Servis a well know brand is

always being the first concern, whether it’s CEO, Marketing managers or Area sales manager of

the company every individual who is part of Servis is on its toes to perform his/her part in

building brand and giving best and performing his job effectively.

Servis Shoes Company create its Brand by presenting its target audience a positive

image of its brand and by creating awareness and this was all done by practicing all the

marketing strategies.

Goals & Objectives:

The goals and objectives of Servis are as follows:

Our products should meet the customer expectations

Our basic concern is to satisfy customer.

Our aim is to provide good job opportunities and satisfaction to people.

We should respect our competitors.

Employees are as important as external customers.

Teamwork and cooperation are more important than individual action.

Never be satisfied with the level of quality, always strive for continuous improvement.

No compromise on quality.

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Shoe Industry of Pakistan:

Pakistan produces annually around 240 million pairs of footwear of which approximately

20 million pairs are exported. The industry has had a significant increase in export in recent

years – exports now stand at around US$150 million per year. Craft manufacturers/cobblers

cover a large portion of footwear manufacturing in Pakistan and only around 20% of the sector

is organized.

This means that Pakistan has a strong domestic market. But still it is considered small as

compared to other global competitors like China which is considered one of the world largest

footwear manufacturers. This still doesn’t mean that it can’t compete against the international

competitors because the threat of new entrants is low in this industry because of 25% tariff for

international brands and also because of the threat of smuggling.

Industry Growth Trends & Challenges In Respect Of Very Critical Points:

Shoe industry in Pakistan is growing rapidly and a lot of companies are competing for

market share so the rivalry among the firms is intense.

Overcapacity Production:

Industry is producing more than its demand in the total production of industry, because

there are local manufacturers and imports of shoes from China. So there is threat of price war.

Product Differentiation:

Most shoe companies are using direct inject technology by which shoe is made as a

single piece and ultimately there is no any kind of stitches in the shoes. This gives competitive

advantage to most companies in overall industry.

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Switching Costs:

Lots of companies are fulfilling the needs of buyers on low prices ultimately switching

cost is low so the overall industry suffers because imported shoes are more cheaper and

famous among the young people.

Concentration and Balance:

In these aspects there is intense rivalry among competitor because many companies

trying to chase same customers.

Diversity of Competitors:

Local companies are implementing more diverse strategies on distribution and retail

channel, so overall industry is not stable. The reason is that many local companies are entering

very quickly and vice versa because they could not stay for long time in the market.

Macro Environment (PESTLE Analysis):

Servis is considered a market leader in the shoe industry. It functions primarily in

Pakistan however it has explored markets outside Pakistan and is slowly establishing in Kenya

as the locals there have the same tastes as Pakistanis. It did expand to Dubai and Saudi Arabia

however it ended its operations due to failure and returned to Pakistan.

Social & Cultural Environment:

For every business, society matters a lot as their target market is also in that society.

Social environment mainly consists of Family, educational institutions and religion. Servis as a

shoe market target men, women and kids in a society. Shoes are the basic needs for every

family. Servis has divided its target market as family needs e.g. in a family if there are school

going children then they need school shoes of different colors (back and white mainly, or if

there are teenagers who are usually party animals want some funky and party wears, Servis

provides that category too or there are singles/parents living in a family then they have variety

of their shoes too (women and men) for different occasions.

Thus, it fulfills Pakistan’s need for a shoe store which caters to everyone in the family.

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If we take above example of school going children then Servis as a shoe brand targets students

as well which includes all kind of students from kinder garden till college going students.

Like Family and Educational institutes, religion also effects business socially as some people are

really attached to their religion. As Servis is a Pakistani Shoe company and the religion in

Pakistan is Islam, they should keep in their minds while making product that the material they

are using is “halal”. E.g. they can’t use any animal’s skin that is haram in our religion.

Cultural Environment:

Culture is the environment that surrounds you at work all of the time. Culture is a

powerful element that shapes your work enjoyment, your work relationships, and your work

processes. But, culture is something that you cannot actually see, except through its physical

manifestations in your work place. Culture is made up of the values, beliefs, underlying

assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors shared by a group of people.

Servis is very keen on its corporate environment as it focuses on every employee to be

trained to ensure a standard service among all the stores.

Political Environment:

No matter how attractive the economic prospects of a particular country or region are,

doing business there might prove to be financially unsuccessful if the host government imposes

heavy financial penalties on a company or if unanticipated events in the political arena lead to

the loss of income-generating assets. The political environment in which the firm operates (or

plan to operate) will have a significant impact on a company's international marketing activities.

The greater the level of involvement in a foreign markets, the greater the need to monitor the

political climate of the countries business is conducted. Changes in government often result in

changes in policy and attitudes towards foreign business. E.g. Servis is a Pakistani company and

as the economic conditions of Pakistan are not very good then the company may suffer from

political situations while trading their products internationally. Servis has accepted Pakistan’s

politically unstable environment and hasn’t allowed it to influence it directly. As it caters to all

income groups it has been able to diversify its risk.

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Legal Environment:

The legal environment is derived partly from the political climate in a country and has

three distinct dimensions to it:

The domestic laws of each of your foreign market

The domestic laws of your home country

International law in general

Domestic laws govern marketing within a country, e.g. the physical attributes of a

product will be influenced by laws (designed to protect consumers) relating to the purity, safety

or performance of the product. Domestic laws might also constrain marketers in the areas of

product packaging, marking and labeling.

Buyers and sellers are at times also subject to international law, which may be defined

as that body of rules which regulates relationships between countries or other international

legal persons.

Technological Environment:

Technology can be defined as the method or technique for converting inputs to outputs

in accomplishing a specific task. Thus, the terms 'method' and 'technique' refer not only to the

knowledge but also to the skills and the means for accomplishing a task. Technological

innovation, then, refers to the increase in knowledge, the improvement in skills, or the

discovery of a new or improved means that extends people's ability to achieve a given task.

Changes in the technological environment have had some of the most dramatic effects

on business. A company may be thoroughly committed to a particular type of technology, and

may have made major investments in equipment and training only to see a new, more

innovative and cost-effective technology emerge. Technology becomes obsolete very quickly

and getting replaced by new models. E.g. Servis as a shoe company uses machinery while

making products so they should keep in their minds that with new innovations they have to

change their technological instruments. By technology a company can update their business.

Furthermore, changes in the technological can affect cost (efficient production, lowers the unit

costs of production), quality (introduce new and better features), and result in new innovations.

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Only recently has Servis made its database computerized which should have been done

long before and this technological shift would make it more efficient.

Demographic Environment:

The demographic environment includes the study of human population in terms of size,

location, age, sex race, occupation and other statistical information. Servis target both male and

female and provides benefits to them by manufacturing innovative designs. They also target all

income groups including rural and urban areas. Servis has 30 outlets in Karachi

There are 67 Mega stores of service which basically cater to upper class while other outlets

including 36 factory outlets (FOL) cater lower and middle class.

Economic Environment:

Every business needs to be cautions of its economic environment and Servis is no

exception. In Pakistan robust economic growth, favorable economic policies and increase in key

economic indicators have all supported growth within the banking sector.

Service main strengths help it to survive as it provides products for all income brackets.

In 2010 it was awarded by Germany for being first Pakistani company to give an MNC tough


Competitive Analysis:

The two major direct competitors of Servis are as following


Bata Pakistan Ltd. was formed in Pakistan in1952. Bata's strength lies in its worldwide

presence. While local companies are self-governing, each one benefits from its link to the

international organization for back-office systems, product innovations and sourcing.

Although Bata operates in a wide variety of markets, climates and buying power Bata

companies share the same leadership points. Two important ones are product concept

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development and constant improvement of business processes in order to offer customers

great value and the best possible service. Bata offers Wide product assortments.

Bata collections target a wide range of customers and offer an excellent price-quality

ratio. Bata’s exclusive models along with national and international brands are carefully

selected and updated in response to market demand.

Qualified and enthusiastic sales associates who take customer’s satisfaction to heart. In

many countries customer service goes beyond the stores with home deliveries, orders made

possible via catalogues, the web or even call centers.

Easy-to-shop store layouts with clear product displays by category and by style. Any

Bata store in the world we repair, exchange or refund any products with defects. We exchange

or refund unworn merchandise if you change your mind.


The best located and most successful, the growth rate of Starlet shoes in Pakistan has

been recognized. The Unit is equipped with the most advanced and modern 24 station

polyurethane sole injection machine. The global fashion market is growing by leaps and bounds

and indeed, the fashion footwear industry is no exception.

There are new fashion icons and trends governing consumer choices now. Starlet makes

sure that its customers always get the cutting-edge fashion footwear that they desire, be it

formal shoes with the finest embellishments, or a profusion of delicate flowers. It ensures that

Starlet is a brand that caters to local needs. Their magazine is launched for the loyalty card

members of Starlet Shoes. This magazine is delivered bimonthly at customer address via courier

thus creating a customer brand bond.

Market Share Of


Number Of


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Servis 5%

Bata 6%

Starlet 2%

Others 87%

400 Approx.

400 Approx.

12 Approx.



Organizational Level:

To achieve gigantic results, business should be in a complete organized structure. In

other words we can say that there should exist a complete coordination between employer and

employee both a horizontal and vertical level.

Servis Industries (Pvt.) Ltd. Just only performs the manufacturing activities at Gujrat and

Muridke, whereas selling activities are performed through Servis sales Corporation, which is

also a member of Servis Group of Industries. Service Sales Corporation has its 400+ stores in

whole of the country for selling activities of Servis group on industries and every person has

complete knowledge about his/her duties and responsibilities. Therefore we can say that Servis

group of industries has strong organization setup which is key element of its success.


Their plan devised to maintain and build competitive advantage over the competition.

They are constantly developing new products to keep pace with industry’s rapidly changing

needs. They have a cost leadership strategy. They are providing goods at low prices and are

thus providing good value for money. They are doing this because as inflation rate is high and

most of the target audience is middle class thus they have to provide shoes accordingly. This

strategy so far has been successful but is not foolproof and will provide danger for Servis in the

coming future.

Other Strategies:

They basically focus on the following aspects:

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Servis brands are the preferred choice in their categories. Consumer insight drives all

aspects of its marketing and communication efforts.

Servis communication to the consumer is relevant, cutting-edge, and adheres to the highest

standards of responsible communication.

Servis is seen as the No. 1 career destination for talented, motivated and ambitious

professionals (According to them).

Servis result-oriented organizational structure ensures effective communication and

empowered self-management.

Fully integrated systems (Servis, suppliers, customers) ensure efficient business processes.

Overview Of Company Functions / Department

Retail Operations:

Manages Overall Retail Operations

Stores Management

Sales Projections

Revenue Generation

Achievement Of Sales Targets

Identification Of New Business Locations

Keeping An Eye On The Competitor’s Strategies

Improving Customer Services, Etc.

Over 400 Outlets In18 Districts

These 18 Districts Are Further Divided In 3 Regions I.E. North, Central And South Headed

By Operation Heads.

Whole Sale Department:

Wholesale – Business Centers

The department is responsible for sales of products in large quantities to different

dealers and retailers through its Wholesale Business Centers.

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Wholesale – Key Accounts & Modern trade

The department is responsible for key dealers and Servis stalls at hyper markets such as

Makro, Metro, Hyperstar, etc.

Wholesale Distribution

Responsible for Wholesale footwear products selling to retailers through Distributors

and Wholesale Business Centers.

Corporate Sales Department

Responsible for selling footwear products to institutions like Army, Police, Schools, etc.

Product Development Centre

Responsible for developing full range of products keeping in mind the latest trends,

competition, and the future needs of customers. The range development team conceives new

ideas for the coming season and then gets the samples made through designers.

Chief Merchant Organizing Department

Responsible for merchandising of all the channels such as A-Pair, FOL, Mega Stores, Best

Value Stores, Shoe Planet, etc.

Chief Merchant Organization – Planning

Responsible for providing a financial and fact based analytical point of view to all

decisions through consulting the historical data. Creating profitable yet achievable financial

plans. Performing assortment analytics to support buying process. Determining purchase

commitment based on bottom up need. Optimizing allocation effectiveness with managing

inventory flows.

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Chief Merchant Organization – Supply Chain

The supply Chain focuses on the efficient execution of warehouse operations to achieve

minimum order processing lead time, efficient replenishment of articles & assortments with an

emphasis on driving down operating costs while increasing service levels

Sourcing Department

Responsible for taking the buying decisions. The products are acquired through various

sources including our factories in Gujrat & Muridke. This department is also responsible for

vendor development as well. The sourcing department is also responsible for negotiating and

fixing pricing issues related to different articles.

Replenishment Department

Responsible for ensuring that the products are available at the shops, on the shelves, at

the right time, in coordination with planning department.

Finance & Accounts Department

This department is responsible for taking all financial decisions for the Company and

also performs the treasury function. Management of overall accounts of SSC and it’s

subsidiaries, verification of stock statements, personal accounts matters, conducting business

reviews, budgetary planning and controls, arrangement of funds, disbursements of salaries, etc.

encompass the scope of the department.

Marketing Department

The decision how to market the product is taken by some of the top management and

marketing personals. Since the company believes on research based marketing so all the

representatives are directed to research about any specified product. Upon this research the

top level personals get together to take the final decisions. Marketing department is

responsible for the whole, marketing strategy. How to market an existing product and how to

launch a new product. A specified budget is allocated for the marketing and launching purposes

for the whole year. Advertisement campaigns are also launched for the different brands by the

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marketing department. This department is responsible for all marketing support to SSC

including the marketing research, consumer insights, brand management, launching campaigns,

looking after corporate social responsibility, liaison with agencies, etc.

SWOT Analysis:


Servis brand itself is strength

Quality, pricing strategy of shows and variety in shoes are greatest strengths of Servis

Servis captures the whole family-men, women and kids.

Servis focus on every class of the society-upper class, middle class and lower class

Servis own its own factories one in Gujarat and other is in Faisalabad

Servis administration is sincere with their employees; they give good training skills and

benefits to them.

Servis provides good discount in every occasion of year like Eid, summer, winter and school


Servis apart from retailing sector have open up a pharmacy sector which provides all kind of

medical services to hospitals.

Servis provide benefits to their loyal customers too like offering loyalty cards and greet on

occasions through mails and special discounts.


Servis has not been able to provide its services at international level. They started their

business in Dubai and Saudi Arabia but they had to wind up soon.

Servis usually has trouble from suppliers; the raw materials are not supplied at time.

Manual work in factories took more control; technological changes (new machineries) in

factories came in 2010 which was very late as BATA has automated system.

There are only two factories of Servis in whole Pakistan. They cannot build more because of

economic problems in country.

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Due to the problems in supplying area, sometimes the manufacturing of shoes is affected

and the company imports from China and Indonesia.


Don Carlos and Liza-brands of Servis gives Servis a lot of profit, they have an opportunity to

extend these brands internationally.

For Servis, Bata making its shops next to it can be a threat but according to Servis they take

it as an opportunity by making an environment of shoe market so that it become easy for

customers to reach them in short period of time.

They also take advantages of seasons like summer, winter etc by turning them into their

occasions like Eid and school season in which they give discounts and customers get

delighted and shop more which increases their turnover rate.

In rural areas the market measure is very low so servis took it as an opportunity and started

their market in those areas.


Servis has a huge threat from domestic rivals like BATA.

Inflation is also fearful threat for Servis.

Due to WTO more foreign companies can enter in country and can be competitor of SSC.

Marketing Mix (4P’s):


The price of Servis is another one of its strengths. It basically targets price sensitive

people and have ranges of shoes going for lower middle to elite class. One such example can be

that its Don-Carlos simple shoes are priced to target lower middle to middle class while its

Maximus range is supposedly targeting Upper middle to elite class.


Servis has decided this year to aggressively promote its brands. The main forms of

promotional activity used are TV adverts which are colorfully designed to attract it’s target

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audience. The other forms which they use to a lesser extent are the website which offers the

user to view an enlargement of the shoe and posters. Word of mouth is also heavily relied on

as Servis had primarily built its reputation from it.

Placement (Distribution):

Most of Servis outlets are company owned thus what it produces it also retails itself.

Servis outlets are located both in the rural areas and the urban areas and are easily accessible

to the consumers. There are basically 3 types of Servis Outlets:

Factory Outlets (Contains Low Cut Price Shoes And Promotions, Sales Discount)

Servis Store (Oldest And Contains Both Domestic & International Brands)

Servis Megastore (Contains Large Variety Of Shoes)


When people think of Servis the words affordable, satisfactory, accessible and durable

comes to their minds. In comparison to other shoe brands Servis has positioned itself as a

consistent company offering goods which will last and be easy on the pocket. The sheer number

of years it has been around evokes a trust that the new and upcoming brands cannot tackle

with. So the position that it has created in the mind of the consumer is “AFFORDABLE SHOES


FINANCIAL ANALYSISRatio Year 2012 Year 2011 Conclusion

Current Ratio 1.280 0.840 It has a weak current ratio and needs to improve even more because the ratio between current assets and

liabilities is less.Quick Ratio 1.218 0.471 There is an increase in the quick ratio which shows that

firm’s performance has increased since 2011.Average Inventory

Turnover Period80.60 62.92 As the inventory turnover is high thus the inventory

turnover is not adequate and will cause cost to the firm.Gross Profit Margin

Ratio16.24 15.43 Compared to standard ratio this ratio is lower which

shows low short term liquidity efficiency at the same time holding less than sufficient current assets mean

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inefficient use of resourcesNet Profit Margin

Ratio13.74 5.23 It is very clear from the calculations that the working

capital of the Servis has increased doubled of that last year, which shows good short term liquidity efficiency.


Competitive Advantage Of Servis:

This shoes the current competitive advantages of Servis:

Service Differentiation: Servis continue to be efficient in its delivery of products to the

distributors. It also maintains healthy relationship with its suppliers and distributors.

Image Differentiation: It sponsor celebrities for its advertisements and continue to sponsor

important events.

Personnel Differentiation: In case of Servis, it continues to hire and train people to make an

overall good impression of the company. The sales and the marketing staff should be given

training regarding proper handling of contracts and distributors.

Direct inject technology Differentiation: Servis has a main strength which makes the Servis

superior than other footwear's that is Direct Inject technology. Direct inject technology is a

technology by which company makes the shoes as a single piece, there are no kind of

stiches on the shoes and this technology is only present in the factory that is present in


Brand strategy: Servis brand strategy differentiates it from their competitors and underpins

their approach to product development. They continue to build a focused, segmented and

differentiated brand portfolio and commit resources to full range of brands deployed in the

key industry areas that offer the most robust source of volume and profit growth.

Integration Strategy: Another plus point of Servis is its integration. It has both forward and

backward integration meaning it is its own manufacturer and distributor thus it has gained

its own way of doing things. Other than that its raw material come from its own subsidiaries

thus the bargaining power of supplier and distributor is always low.

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Main Risks For Servis:The 2 main risks faced by Servis are as follows:

Low Quality Of Shoes

High Competition In The Market

These factors are the cause of declining market share of Servis shoes. One of the major

factors of low market share of Servis is poor quality of Servis shoes. It is not improving its

quality whereas the quality of shoes of other companies like Bata, Hush puppies and starlet is

much better than Servis so people these brands.

In recent years, Pakistan has been bombarded with so many shoe companies. Their

shoes are more trendy and fashionable. This has affected the market share of Servis. Also Servis

lack variety in features. Except for the basics, there are no fancy shoes to attract the teenagers

or even adults. People nowadays are more concerned with comfort, appearance and other

superficial attributes in even the smallest of things.

So in order to retain its market share Servis must focus on these main causes which are causing

decline in market share of Servis. If these are catered well and effective planning and execution

is done Servis can generate more market share through shoes.

Another issue that Servis has recently removed was ineffective advertisement which had

created a lack in communication between the customer and the brand but now with their

SHOES FOR EVERYONE campaign they have changed this and are attracting new customers.

Suggestions & Recommendations:Following are some of the suggestions and recommendations to increase the work life

and sale volume of Servis shoes:

Servis should focus on the quality of the products along with keeping consumer

preferences their priority.

Servis should develop proper marketing division which can highlight differentiation

among Servis and its competitors.

Focus more on existing brands and innovating them

Separate outlets for ladies Variety (MUST)

Regular market surveys

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Full utilization of the available resources.

Focus on customer awareness.

The process of decision making can be improved.

Can get access to the markets globally.

Ensure full check and balance.

Conducting a customer survey will be most helpful to assess the needs of current


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