strategic partnerships and alliances joanne vincenten european child safety alliance collaborative...

Strategic partnerships and alliances Joanne Vincenten European Child Safety Alliance Collaborative work between WHO and the European Child Safety Alliance to advance child safety in Europe

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Strategic partnerships and alliances

Joanne Vincenten

European Child Safety Alliance

Collaborative work between WHO and the European Child Safety Alliance to

advance child safety in Europe

In Europe, more children die of injuries than any other childhood diseases combined.

It is our ambition to make life safe for children in Europe.

Not only is injury preventable but profitable!

€ 1 spent on smoke alarms saves $ 69

€ 1 spent on bicycle helmets saves $ 29

€ 1 spent on child safety seats saves $ 32

€ 1 spent on road safety improvements saves $ 3

€ 1 spent on prevention counselling by paediatricians saves $ 10

€ 1 spent on poison control saves $ 7

Adapted from: Centres for Disease Control, 2000

Therefore WHO and the European Child Safety Alliance have partnered with organisations in Member States to make Europe safer for children.

• Technical expert support• Collaborative grant work• European network for

national implementation and advocacy

• Development and implementation of national child safety action plans

As of June 2004, 18 Member States have agreed to participate with our Alliance to develop national child safety action plans.

• Joint funding by partners

• Development of child safety agencies

• Review of government policies and legislations

• Cross ministerial meetings within national Governments

• Government commitments to endorse national child

safety action plans

Benefits to partnership!

Together we want to put the safety of Europe's children higher on the public and political agenda.

The end result will be a safer Europe not only for children, but families, communities and society.

Thank you !

In partnership with:

European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)European Commission