strength in honour€¦ · 2016 staffing profile principal mr s harris deputy principals mrs a....

School Vision Statement “Our purpose is to create a secure and positive environment developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes which maximise each child’s potential to contribute to society.” EAST BEECHBORO PRIMARY AN INDEPENDENT PUBLIC SCHOOL ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Dear Parents and School Community I would like to present to you the 2016 East Beechboro Primary School Annual Report. This report will provide you with a summary of school operations and student performance in the third and final year of our current Business Plan. It will also highlight our achievements and successes, opportunities for improvement and will inform our community of our initiatives and outcomes. Student learning at East Beechboro Primary is our prime focus and is maximised through robust, high quality and structured teaching programs, exceptional resources and strong leadership. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank our dedicated staff and community for working together to ensure that our achievement targets are met and that our vision of staff and parents working together in a partnership in education continues at East Beechboro Primary School. Sincerely Shayne Harris Strength in Honour

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Page 1: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications

School Vision Statement

“Our purpose is to create a secure and positive environment developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes which maximise each child’s potential to contribute to society.”




Dear Parents and School Community

I would like to present to you the 2016 East Beechboro Primary School Annual Report.

This report will provide you with a summary of school operations and student performance in the third and final year of our current Business Plan. It will also highlight our achievements and successes, opportunities for improvement and will inform our community of our initiatives and outcomes.

Student learning at East Beechboro Primary is our prime focus and is maximised through robust, high quality and structured teaching programs, exceptional resources and strong leadership.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank our dedicated staff and community for working together to ensure that our achievement targets are met and that our vision of staff and parents working together in a partnership in education continues at East Beechboro Primary School.


Shayne Harris

Strength in Honour

Page 2: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications

2016 Staffing Profile

Principal Mr S Harris

Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford

Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans

Strategic Communications and Events Mrs E. Byford

School Officer Mrs M. Page

Library Officer Mrs P. Robertson

Classroom Teachers Ms S. Rampukar Mrs A. Clohessy Mrs J. Hawkins Mrs C. Burton Mrs J. Pattinson Mrs W. Jambanis Miss J. Arnold Miss K. Burton Mrs S. Challis Mrs C. Oliver Miss A. Jamieson Miss J. Pickett Miss S. Harper Ms D. Campbell Miss L. Wilson Mrs J. Bassett Miss M. Gillespie Miss K Petkovic Miss S. Vranjes Mr M. Fairbairn Mr J. Perkins Mr P. Baker Specialist Teachers Mr J. Maidens Ms R. Veitch Mr M. Glendinning

Education Assistants Mrs E. Corley Mrs V. Austgen Mrs J. McAlpine Mrs M. Ellis Mrs C. Harvey Mrs L. Jarvis Mrs N. Haythornthwaite Mrs S. Cicchini Mrs B. Simpson Mrs C. Snelling Ms. H. Jay Mrs J. Blake ‘

Support Staff Miss S. Clery - Speech Therapist Mr T. Moore - Psychologist Ms A. Burgoyne - Chaplain Mrs L. Willow - Nurse

P&C President Mrs Rose Elliott

Canteen Manager Mrs K. Lippinkhof

Gardeners Mr I. Wilson Mr L. Deschamp

Photo by MSP Photography

Our School - “Strength in Honour” East Beechboro Primary is an Independent Public School and is presently the community-learning centre for approximately 400 children from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our staff of professional educators and support staff, all of whom recognise parents as prime educators, care for these children. Professionals in associated fields of psychology, speech therapy, curriculum and visiting teacher services provide valuable assistance in our endeavours to support the needs of all students.

The belief that underlies school operations is that by working together in a partnership of mutual respect and purpose we can optimise learning and child development. We have a shared commitment to the importance of quality relationships, upon which a safe, dynamic, happy and productive learning environment is maintained.

Specialist Programs include, Languages (Indonesian), Music, Choir and Physical Education. Every effort is made to ensure students identified as talented and gifted are given the opportunity to participate in a range of extra curricular activities and curriculum extension.

East Beechboro has a commitment to values through the Virtues and Restorative Justice programs. The school has implemented the “Andrew Stewart” student incentive program and the Friendly Schools Plus program which enable students to be acknowledged for positive actions and behaviours. We are committed to the values that we believe are essential in achieving the best possible outcomes for all students and are guided by four core values:

Learning, Equity, Excellence & Care

Page 3: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications



Literacy and Numeracy to be continued priorities for 2017. Use of the SCSA web site in all school planning and priorities. Targeted intervention for Years 4 and 6 students in English and Numeracy using EARS data in

preparation for NAPLAN 2017. Addressing student non-attendance to continue to be a focus in 2017. Maintain use of Explicit Teaching strategies in all year levels in all areas of English and

Mathematics. Maintain use of „Warm-up‟ activities to reinforce facts and knowledge in all classes. Allocate additional time for collaborating and moderation tasks. Accountability of collaboration/moderation (eg feedback to line managers) to be maintained in

2017. Timetabling to continue to maximise EA support. Continue to develop staff knowledge and skills in the use of the Talk4Writing program. Student services team to continue supporting teachers with SAER. Focus on extending high performing students to progress them further.

Our Achievement Targets

Our Strategies & Achievements

Maintain or increase current percentage of students at or above National Minimum

Standard in NAPLAN and school performance to be consistent with, or above the level of like schools.

Teachers actively engaged in rigorous analysis of NAPLAN data to inform planning for improvement. Maintained a sustainable model of teaching and learning support across all phases of school. Allocation of support staff to assist with the delivery of educational programs in Literacy and Numeracy. Utilised the Western Australian Curriculum to inform teaching and learning content and programs. Emphasis in all years on the delivery of strategies to improve Comprehension skills. Continued improving resourcing for Literacy and Maths. Further developed and improved handover documents in Literacy and Numeracy. Maintained emphasis on Explicit Teaching to improve curriculum outcomes (Literacy & Numeracy). Development of Maths vocabulary sequence. Development of Maths lesson structure to lower the variation between classes. Target setting for all K– Year 6 students in Literacy and Numeracy. Backmapping and Benchmarking for all year levels maintained. Early intervention of Year 2 and 4 (pre NAPLAN diagnostic testing to identify areas for focus). School-wide use of PM (Performance Maintenance) Running Records and Probe 2 Assessment. Continued to develop and consolidate Talk4Writing strategies. Selected staff undertook Language Leaders Professional Learning to further develop understanding of Literacy strategies. All teaching staff completed Phonological Awareness training. Emphasis on developing student computer technology skills in preparation for undertaking NAPLAN Online in 2017.

Demonstrate improved student progress in relation to appropriate level of skill in Literacy and Numeracy.

Expanded repertoire of early intervention strategies (including diagnostic assessment) for students who experience difficulty in Literacy and Numeracy. Staff aligned classroom planning with the School Operational Plan. Included Aspirational Targets within the Operational Plan to measure the effectiveness of implemented strategies. Utilised Benchmarks that represent the minimum standards children should achieve at specific year levels. Implemented new policies regarding Spelling, Guided Reading and Handwriting. Continued to provide additional EA support to target students in Literacy and Numeracy. Utilised: - PLD (Promoting Literacy Development) Placement Test - SAIS (Student Achievement Information System) data

- S.A. (South Australian) Spelling test - Guided Reading used across all year levels

- On-Entry Assessment - PM (Performance Maintenance) benchmark and Probe 2 assessment - EAL/D (English as an Additional Language/Dialect) progress maps

- Phonological Awareness tests (NEMLDC-Outline of Use) - SCSA (School Curriculum and Standards Authority) Documents Phase of Learning Teams used common assessment tasks for Literacy and Numeracy consistent with SCSA documents. Continued to provide engaging and stimulating learning programs that cater to the individual needs of all students. Embedded and supported explicit teaching. Implemented “East Beechboro Way” file of strategies, policies and resources.

Page 4: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications



Continue Professional Learning for staff in Western Australian Curriculum.

Continue to use relevant strategies and learning activities from Friendly Schools Plus to address issues relating to bullying.

Investigate ways to increase community participation in surveys. Different groups to be surveyed, each on a rotational basis, for different school and community sub groups.

Continue to utilise staff knowledge and expertise to support priority areas. Continue Curriculum Leadership roles and the development of whole school processes. Continue to develop understanding of National Quality Standards. Maintain alignment of professional development and performance management with the

Australian Professional Standards for Teaching. Formalise the process for mentoring Graduate and new staff members.

Our Achievement Targets Our Strategies & Achievements

Establish staff performance management processes that are aligned with National Principal and Teacher standards that support enhanced student achievement.

All staff implemented self-reflective practices based on the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to improve classroom pedagogy.

All staff maintained alignment of professional learning to school and Department priorities in accordance with Performance Management requirements.

Performance Management proforma aligned with the National Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Peer Review Process embedded, reviewed and revised as Performance Agreement.

Encourage, support and build staff capacity for teaching excellence.

Provided all staff with access to high quality professional learning opportunities.

Utilised school-based network to provide professional support for teachers.

Continued to provide ongoing professional development to support the implementation of the WA Curriculum. Selected staff undertook Language Leaders Professional Learning to further develop understanding of Literacy strategies. All teaching staff completed Phonological Awareness training. Utilised whole school processes and policies across core curriculum areas (EBPS Way). Used set Benchmarks for clear direction of effective curriculum delivery. Whole school process focussed on teaching excellence based on proven effective models. Staff collaborated in phase of learning teams and at whole school level. Peer Review undertaken as part of Performance Agreement. Selected staff undertook Professional Learning/Coaching on administering NAPLAN Online.

Provide opportunities to develop staff capacity for leadership.

Revised staff roles and responsibilities to facilitate curriculum leadership in support of the WA Curriculum.

Merit select staff meet the vision, ethos and culture of the school.

An increased number of teachers taking on leadership roles within our school and/or educational region.

Additional resources provided to assist staff members taking on leadership roles. Opportunities provided for staff to deliver Professional Learning at staff meetings including sessions on: - Interactive Resources - Technologies - Talk4Writing Classroom teaching time has been balanced with leadership roles involving the use of relief/part time staff. Explicit Teaching practices continued. Curriculum Leadership roles continued.

Provide opportunities to develop student capacity for leadership.

Opportunities provided for students to develop leadership potential through: - Student Council operations - Faction Leaders - Young Leaders‟ Conference - School Choir - School sports programs and activities - Operational roles and duties in many school contexts

Students are encouraged to pursue personal excellence in all facets of school life.

Recognition of personal excellence through:

Positive incentives including Honour Certificates, Admin Awards, Certificates of Distinction, Leavers Awards, Aussie of the Month, Mathletics Awards and Reading Eggs Rewards. - Andrew Stewart Awards. 1231 certificates issued in 2016 = average of 3.59 certificates per student. 169 badges/medallions issued in 2016. This demonstrates a significant improvement on 2015 figures.

Entry into Secondary Specialist Programs.

SAIS Data.

Establish school processes to facilitate school self review based on the National Quality Standard (NQS) for the Early Years (K-2).

K-2 staff further developed self assessment practice on NQS framework.

Undertaken self assessment against the NQS.

Identified areas for improvement to inform operational planning.

Further developed understanding of the implementation of NQS.

Page 5: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications



Continue to upskill new staff on Friendly Schools Plus and School Behaviour Management Process.

Continue to use Friendly Schools Plus program.

Resilience strategies and community-based approaches to be maintained to minimise instances of bullying.

Tips for parents and families published in school publications.

Maintain implementation of school community surveys.

Continue to maintain and develop School App and Website.

Maintain in-school Chaplaincy program (reapply for funding for continuation of program).

Review SAER and BMAD Policies.

Our Achievement Targets Our Strategies & Achievements

To ensure appropriate case-management plans are in place for students at educational risk.

Continued to work with school psychologist to develop risk management plans for the identification and

management of students at emotional and psychological risk. Continued to use standardised formats (Individual Education Plans are developed with the involvement of community stakeholders). IEP‟s regularly monitored and maintained in line with MIS schedule and Performance Management Agreement. Used the SEN program to enhance efficiency of IEPs.

To achieve and maintain Annual State Attendance percentages.

Maintained a culture that promotes the importance of regular school attendance. Established positive incentive programs for attendance and punctuality. Continued use of Individual Attendance Plans for students at risk. Positively engaged with community stakeholders through home visits, conferences and individual reward systems. Referrals to outside agencies and NMERO (North Metro Education Region Office) attendance panels as required. Continued funding to support attendance awards and initiatives. Maintained Attendance Reward Program.

To provide a safe, healthy and engaging environment that supports quality learning and positive behaviours.

Continued to promote our school vision and values through: - Virtues Program - Personalised Learning Plans - Friendly Schools Plus

- Twice daily communication meetings - Cyber-Safety awareness - Structured playground activities - Andrew Stewart Awards - Mid and End of Term Rewards - Honour Certificates

- Incursions and Excursions - Restorative Justice - Student Leadership opportunities - Aussie of the Month Awards - Class Distinction Awards. - Designated game areas established - Additional sports equipment for students for break times - Sports programs and interschool competitions

Continued to provide engaging and stimulating learning tools and classroom environments.

Maintained a high standard of presentation and productivity in line with school guidelines.

Conducted school community surveys regarding Safety & Wellbeing and used data for future planning through:

- Year 6 Student Survey - Parent Survey - Staff Survey

Safety and Wellbeing Committee met regularly to ensure a whole-school approach to behaviour management is maintained.

Whole school use of Friendly Schools Plus programs. (Research-based program to address bullying issues).

Maintained Sunsmart Accreditation.

Year 5 & 6 Growth and Development Program.

Safe on Social (SOS) cybersafety presentations delivered to staff, students and parents.

Purchased SOS resources.

All staff completed online Cultural Awareness Learning.

Designed responsible use of technology agreement (specifically for iPad use)

Successfully acquired funding for school chaplain and implemented in-school chaplaincy program.

Use of building and maintenance plan to improve physical aspects of the school.

Construction of new upper school activity playground. Established Grounds Committee to plan and coordinate ongoing development of playgrounds/school grounds. School App maintained and updated to keep community better informed. Implemented Dads4Kids Program to encourage involvement of father figures within the school community. Encouraged whole school community involvement in the East Beechboro Primary Family Fun Day.

Promoted environmental sustainability through the cross curriculum priorities of the Western Australian Curriculum and through: - Paper recycling - Battery recycling - Waterwise School accreditation - Energywise School accreditation

To successfully transition students to appropriate high school placements.

Individual Case Management.

Interagency liaison.

Transition programs with local High Schools.

Promoted public education specialist programs and provided support for students seeking specialist placements.

Page 6: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications


Reporting to Parents Parents are informed of student performance in a variety of formats. Parents are encouraged to attend classroom cluster meetings at the beginning of each year and individual teacher meetings in order to gain an understanding of their child‟s performance. Formal reports (Semester 1 & 2), NAPLAN reports (Years 3 & 5) and a selection of work samples provide parents with a comprehensive assessment of their child‟s performance.


NAPLAN is an annual assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The tests address the types of skills that are essential for

every child to progress through school and life, in particular skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy.

2016 NAPLAN This year‟s Year 3 NAPLAN results have shown excellent results.

Year 3 results have continued to be „above expected‟ levels in Writing, Spelling and Grammar & Punctuation. In addition, this year‟s Year 3 results in Reading have improved significantly from previous years. Year 5 assessment areas Writing, Spelling and Grammar & Punctuation have remained stable with significant gains being made in Reading test scores (in comparison to the 2014 and 2015 NAPLAN tests). Year 5 Numeracy results have weakened this year. Particular focus will be made in this area to ensure that programs match student needs to improve future test results. These encouraging results reflect the school‟s continued focus on Literacy and Numeracy and the positive direct impact that explicit teaching practices have on student performance.

Each year, Students in Years 2, 4 and 6 also undertake NAPLAN testing utilising the previous years test papers. These tests are marked by the school to assist in identifying areas that may require focus and to identify students with specific academic needs.

The focus in Literacy and Numeracy will continue next year to ensure an upward trend in NAPLAN results.

Strategies Implemented 1.Classroom focus on explicit teaching in literacy using PLD (Diana Rigg), Talk4Writing, Guided Reading and Reading Eggs programs. 2.Classroom focus on explicit teaching in Numeracy using Mathletics as a supporting resource. 3.Staff professional learning in teaching pedagogy in Reading Comprehension, Talk4Writing and Phonics. 4.Engaging the services of a Speech Therapist. 5.Timetable structure to allow for teacher collaborative planning. 6. Staff professional learning on Explicit Teaching methods.

Students Reaching Benchmark Proportion of Year 3 and 5 students at or above the national minimum standards for reading, numeracy and writing in 2016.

(Data includes exempted students)

Year 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016

Year 3 96% 100% 90% 98% 96% 98% 94% 100% 98% 100%

Year 5 98% 100% 95% 100% 89% 100% 95% 100% 95% 98%

Reading Numeracy Writing Spelling Grammar/ Punctuation

Student Achievement - National

Assessment Program Literacy and

Numeracy (NAPLAN) 2016 student

performance results

Page 7: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications


Student Achievement - National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

The 2016 NAPLAN results continue to highlight the efficacy of classroom instruction by teachers and support staff.

Students who have been identified as working below target have been provided with support in developing competency across all core subject areas through individualised learning plans.

The graphs below indicate students‟ results over a two year period, tracking results from Year 3 to 5. The aim for the school is to have results for individual tests situated in the top right hand quadrant of the graph as this would indicate that students have demonstrated higher progress and achievement. Although student performance is above that of like schools, additional focus and intervention will be required in all testing areas to ensure further improvement and achievement.

Progress and Achievement Compared with Like Schools NAPLAN Year 3 2014 to Year 5 2016

Progress and Achievement Compared with WA Public Schools NAPLAN Year 3 2014 to Year 5 2016

The graphs below demonstrate that our Year 3 and Year 5 students are performing above the average level of like schools in all areas tested.

Page 8: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications


East Beechboro Primary School provides a wide range of teaching programs for its students. Specialist subjects enhance the curriculum and provide students with

opportunities to realise and improve individual talents. Physical Education

Our excellent Health and Physical Education program is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge in a variety of sports whilst encouraging them to take responsibility for the physical and emotional wellbeing of themselves and of others also.

All students from Pre-Primary through to Year 6 take part in comprehensive and structured lessons that are designed to develop physical skill in individual and team based sports. Year 5 and 6 students take part in a variety of sports including cricket, hockey, soccer, basketball and athletics and are given the opportunity to compete at an interschool level.

East Beechboro Primary has continued its tradition of success this year in Interschool Carnivals. Outstanding achievement in individual and team performances has also been highlighted in Faction Athletics Carnivals. Embedded in this tradition is a culture of commitment, determination, encouragement and high expectation. In 2016, our students have taken part in several Phys Ed and sporting events including: In-term Swimming lessons for students in years 1-6

Faction Athletics Carnival (PP - 6) Interschool Winter and Summer Athletics Carnivals

Cross Country

Languages - Indonesian Learning another language provides students with the opportunity to understand the workings of language and assists in mental flexibility and problem solving skills, whilst developing interpersonal skills and cultural awareness. Learning a second language also assists in developing an overall understanding of the English language.

Australia has been identified as the largest provider of the Indonesian language in school-aged children. Furthermore, Australia has been recognised as a world leader in expertise on the Indonesian language and Indonesian language education.

East Beechboro Primary School offers an engaging Bahasa Indonesian program for students from Year 3 to Year 6. Students learn the basic skills of the Indonesian language through teacher led and interactive activities.

The program provides students with the opportunity to appreciate and understand the unique Indonesian culture and enables them to communicate in Indonesian in both written and spoken forms. A key feature of learning Indonesian is the attainment of an understanding of the cultural dimensions that are incorporated in the language. Furthermore, the curriculum is designed with an intercultural language learning orientation which enables students to participate in intercultural experiences and develop new ways to perceive the world.

Bahasa Indonesian is an important and relevant language for students in Australia to learn as it is one of the main languages other than English in Australia. Furthermore, Australia and Indonesia are close neighbours enjoying many links including: * Political * Security * Commercial * Cultural * People-to-people connections.

Page 9: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications


Music At East Beechboro we have an active music program which provides students with the opportunity to develop musical and performance skills through singing, playing of instruments, listening, creating and movement to music. The program focuses on the development of student skill and knowledge whilst developing an appreciation and understanding of music and it‟s concepts.

All students from Year 1 to Year 6 take part in timetabled music lessons. In addition, students from Years 3 to Year 6 are encouraged to participate in the school choir and music programs. Selected students are provided free classical guitar lessons through the Department of Education‟s School of Instrumental Music.

Our choir has been given the opportunity to showcase their talents at a variety of events such as: Assemblies including Music Count Us in and End of Year

Assembly The school Anzac service our traditional Carols evening the prestigious WA Primary Schools Massed Choir Festival Community Festival (Altone Comes Alive) School Family Fun Day Performance at the Multiple Sclerosis Care Facility School Psychologist East Beechboro Primary School uses the services of a Psychologist once a week who in conjunction with school administrative staff and teachers, provides assistance and support to students and families in matters inside and outside the classroom. This service pro-vides support with academic, social, emotional and behavioural issues and also provides assistance to teachers in the development of individual plans to improve student health and wellbeing.

Speech Therapist The school engages the services of a Speech Therapist once a week to screen Early Years students to identify those who may require further assessment or referral. Our Speech Therapist assesses students and works with the school to develop plans that can be used at school and at home. Camp Australia East Beechboro Primary School has partnered with Camp Australia to provide our families with onsite before and after school care. This is an invaluable service to parents, providing the flexibility required in balancing work and family commitments. After school care provides a safe environment for children to explore and play. This high quality program embraces the school values and builds each child‟s educational experiences and individual interests. The staff and programs are backed by Camp Australia‟s national resources, specialist practices and support systems.


East Beechboro Primary has a chaplain on site twice a week whose role is to care for the social, emotional, and mental wellbeing of

our students, their families and the East Beechboro Primary School community. The main role of the Chaplain is to be: a role model for students a listening ear/confidant a caring presence a resource on values, meaning and purpose a link between the school and its community


Page 10: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications


P & C Association East Beechboro Primary welcomes and supports parental involvement and encourages parents to take an active role supporting the school by working collaboratively with a shared vision of assisting our students to reach their potential. Our school has a very strong sense of community and parents are encouraged to involve themselves in as many school activities as possible.

Parents offer their support and assistance in many ways including: Assistance in classrooms Assisting in fundraising activities P&C involvement Assistance in school events (eg excursions and carnivals)

We are extremely fortunate to have an exceptionally motivated, energetic and driven P&C who play a vital role in assisting the school in ensuring that our students are provided with the best educational experiences possible. The P&C takes an active interest in school affairs and educational developments. They also coordinate and drive various fundraising enterprises which assist the school in providing resources for all our students. P&C meetings are held twice a term and are open to all parents.

The P&C and parent volunteers are responsible for the running and coordinating of many initiatives including:

The school uniform shop The school canteen ( 3 days per week) School Banking Funding the colour copying of School Newsletters

2016 has seen many exciting events and fundraising activities including: School Discos Canteen facilities at Athletics Carnivals Father‟s/Mother‟s Day stalls 5 Cent Challenge Coordinating School Requirements Family Fun Day Advanced Photography Family Portraits Christmas Raffle Student Artwork Fundraiser Sausage Sizzle/Cheeseburger/Hot Cross Bun Drives

We sincerely appreciate and are thankful for the contributions of the parents in our school community and to the P&C for their hard work this year. One of the highlights was the Biennial Family Fun Day, a community event which incorporated carnival games and rides, entertainment, stalls and food. This was an incredibly successful and enjoyable event which would not have been possible without the vision and drive of our wonderful P&C.

Dads 4 Kids This year, a core group of dads within the East Beechboro Primary community formed the Dads4Kids group which aims to positively promote the important role of fathers, and father figures to the entire school community.

The Dads4Kids group was created to be an enjoyable and social group that builds interaction, knowledge and skills of fathers and father figures. This year, the Dads4Kids group organised:

The Dads4Kids Fun Day Dads4Kids Family Bingo Night Dads4Kids Stall at the school Family Fun Day Carols Evening Sausage Sizzle

This group of dedicated dads have done an outstanding job at raising the profile of the very important role that a father/father figure has in a child‟s life.

Page 11: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications

School Board

The role of the East Beechboro Primary School Board is to assist the school in its aim of providing the best possible educational outcomes and experiences for all our students. Furthermore, Board members assist in setting future school plans and oversees financial and school operations.

Regular meetings have been held throughout the year and the School Board have: Endorsed the 2016 School Budget. Reviewed Student Performance

Data. Endorsed the 2016 Operational

Plans. Provided significant support and

guidance to the administration on policy formulation in strategic planning and Behaviour Management.

Thank you to all Board members for their time and effort over the year to strengthen East Beechboro Primary School‟s presence in the Independent Public School environment. Primary School Attendance Rates

Administration staff closely monitor and review school attendance figures and regularly communicate with parents the vital importance of regular school attendance and the impact it has on overall student performance. Our attendance figures continue to be impacted by students going on holiday outside of designated school holiday periods. Parents are reminded that taking holidays during term time may affect student performance. Despite the issue of interm holidays and transient students, our attendance figures are marginally below the State average and that of like schools. Students with attendance rates below 90% are classified as „at educational risk‟. These students and their families are provided with significant assistance to improve their attendance via:

* Personalised Attendance Plans * Individual Reward Systems * Home visits * Parent Conferences * Referrals to outside agencies * NMERO Engagement Team

(DCPFS, Parent Support, Parenting WA) This focus and support will continue in 2017 to ensure that attendance figures improve.

75% of school cohort attend above 90% 25% of school cohort indicated as „At Risk‟ – total

7% at Moderate Risk (60% - 80% attendance) 2% at Severe Risk (less than 60% attendance)

Enrolment Trends

Student enrolments at East Beechboro Primary School have continued to demonstrate a steady increase. With our school boundary taking in a shared area with Caversham Primary, our enrolment numbers have continued to remain at approximately 400.


School State Like Schools

2013 92.4% 92.6% 91.8%

2014 91.4% 92.1% 90.6%

2015 92.3% 92.7% 91.7%

2016 91.5% 92.3% 92.6%

Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Kindy 57 45 50 54 67

PP 40 57 47 55 41

Year 1 46 47 62 38 51

Year 2 37 51 49 66 42

Year 3 30 40 57 50 61

Year 4 51 34 47 51 50

Year 5 40 55 36 47 52

Year 6 42 44 54 35 46

Year 7 40 40 47

383 413 449 396 410 TOTAL ENROLMENTS


Total Enrolments

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· Achieving Academic Excellence - Literacy and Numeracy · Early Childhood Education · Quality Teaching · Safe and Caring Learning Environment · Physical and Natural Environment

East Beechboro Primary School maintains a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6. The teaching and learning p rog ram s have been enhanced and supported t h r o u g h E d u c a t i o n Department guidel ines, resources, specialised staff and professional learning.


Staff are undertaking the Educa t i on Depa r tment professional learning “Online” courses and have a current Working With Children card.



READING AND SPELLING Professional learning in The Australian Curriculum, phonics and the teaching of reading and spelling. Staff have undertaken workshops and planning sessions enhancing staff capacity to teach Reading and Spelling more effectively.

All teaching staff meet the professional requirements to t e a c h i n W e s t e r n Australian public schools and are registered to teach with t h e T e a c h e r Registration Board.

FUNDRAISING Over the course of 2016, students held several fundraising events for various child health organisations. A total of $1463.00 was donated to Princess Margaret Hospital, $345 was raised as part of Jeans for Genes Day and $505 was raised for Pirate Day in support of childhood cancer research.

East Beechboro Primary School encourages students to engage in leadership positions to allow them to develop the essential knowledge, skills and values required to make valuable contributions to the school and wider community. Senior students are also given the opportunity to provide support to younger students in a mentor role. The benefits of this buddy program fosters a strengthening of relationships across different age groups while developing leadership qualities in the senior students.


2016 Student Councillors

2016 Faction Captains

Specialist Programs & Scholarships offered to students include:

John Forrest SHS - Academic, Netball and Music

Morley SHS - Multi Media, Aviation

Hampton SHS - Cheerleading, Athletics, Drama & ICT

Perth College - Scholarship

Kiara College - Agriculture & Music Scholarship

La Salle - Music

Ballajura Community College - Academic

Governor Stirling - Football

2016 Year 6 Leavers

Good luck to all our 2016 Leavers.

High School Destinations 15 schools have been identified as the chosen destinations of our graduating students of 2016. Kiara College Morley SHS Hampton SHS John Forrest SHS Ellenbrook Community College Perth College Kinross SHS La Salle College Swan Christian College Balga SHS Australian Islamic College Ballajura Community College Chisholm College Governor Stirling Mercy College

Page 13: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications

A positive school climate or culture that is created and maintained, provides safety, encourages open communication, supports a sense of connectedness to the school and protects students from the risks of bullying. High quality relationships between and among staff, students and families are vital in fostering a safe, supportive and engaging learning environment. All schools are required to participate in community satisfaction surveys at least every two years. The aim of these surveys is to improve students‟ social and emotional development and to identify if bullying behaviours exist or are perceived. In July this year, surveys were completed by senior students, parents and staff to ascertain their opinions on the overall management of the school. Results of these surveys are analysed to identify strengths and areas that may require attention and improvement. The survey results are extremely positive. Identified areas of focus for 2017 may be to continue to seek methods to improve communication with students and families, seek opportunities to link families with student services support teams or professionals and to address student perception of behaviour management.


Maximum score in all areas = 5 Student Survey

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Parent Survey Maximum score in all areas = 5

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Staff Survey Maximum score in all areas = 5

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Independent Public Schools, as part of accountability processes, review their own performance against their Delivery and Performance Agreements and Business Plans. Each school's self-review will be complemented by an independent review conducted by the Department of Education Services. This Independent Review was completed in October this year and the outcome was extremely positive . Below are excerpts of the findings of our review.

Purpose of the Review The purpose of the independent review is to provide assurance to the school and its community, the Director General of the Department of Education and the Minister for Education on the extent to which the school has met its commitments as outlined in its Delivery and Performance Agreement (DPA) and associated Business Plan. The focus of the review is on:

• how well the school has implemented self-review

• how well the school has improved student learning (achievement, progress and engagement) for all students

• how well the school has created an environment that promotes learning and student well-being

• how well the school is placed to sustain and improve its performance. Conclusion The school exhibits a culture that effectively supports teaching and learning. The culture is characterised by excellent relationships between staff, students and parents; evidence-based practices to planning and teacher pedagogy; a high level of staff collaboration in the planning and delivery of the curriculum, and well-established common approaches to program delivery and pastoral care. School self-assessment processes are comprehensive with a well-articulated school performance monitoring system. Staff are skilled at analysing student performance data and work collaboratively through phase-of-learning teams to effectively monitor and plan targeted curriculum programs. The leadership team have noted the requirement to synthesise the comprehensive data that is available to explicitly report the extent of achievement of the targets of the business plan. Standards of academic performance in literacy and numeracy are above expectations at Year 3 level and as expected at Year 5 level when compared to like schools. Processes to enhance the performance of students at educational risk are impressive with a high percentage of students performing above the National Minimum Standards. The extent of student progress from Year 3–5 is under review by the staff. The positive school culture, well-established structures and processes, and thoughtful change management should underpin the sustainability of current good practice and the ongoing improvement of teaching and learning.

Commendations The following areas are commended:

• the culture of the school effectively supports teaching, learning and change management

• the evidence-based decision-making model which results in full staff commitment to the establishment of learning programs and

pedagogical practices

• the positive atmosphere and friendly relationships that underpin the high level of staff collaboration and student engagement

• the cohesive leadership team and clearly articulated leadership roles that support teaching and learning

• the consistently high literacy and numeracy results in Year 3 NAPLAN

• the whole-school approaches to curriculum delivery and pedagogy that are articulated in the EBPS Way document

• the coordinated approach to pastoral care, informed by specific surveys and data collection

• the breadth of data gathered and the detail of its analysis to assess the benefits of the suite of strategies used to improve student behaviour.

Areas for Improvement The following areas for improvement are identified: • the articulation of specific targets in the business plan, and the reporting of the extent of achievement of these targets in the annual

report and school self-assessment documentation

• development of proactive strategies to increase the cultural diversity of involved parent groups

• ongoing monitoring of student academic progress in literacy and numeracy from Year 3–5 and strategies to enhance progress

• consolidation of a whole-school approach to numeracy

• identification and implementation of strategies to ensure a greater response rate to the parent satisfaction survey • pursuit of partnerships with local community organisations, businesses or clubs to increase their involvement with the school for the benefit of the students and their families.

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East Beechboro Primary School Financial Summary as at 2nd December 2016

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Page 19: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications


The 2016 Annual School Report has the endorsement of the East Beechboro Primary School Board which is representative of the East Beechboro Primary School Community and Staff. Karen Lippinkhof Date: 13/02/2017 School Board Chair Shayne Harris Date: 13/02/2017 Principal

Page 20: Strength in Honour€¦ · 2016 Staffing Profile Principal Mr S Harris Deputy Principals Mrs A. Michael Mr J. Byford Manager Corporate Services Mrs A. Evans Strategic Communications