stress posture

Poor posture is the result of an accumulation of chemical, emotional and physical factors. Occupational effects involving stress, repetitive motions (such as sitting for prolonged periods of time) minimal activity and poor-nutritional intake are everyday contributors to the ever-common postural problems in society today. Stress is your body’s response to thinking it is in danger. Our ancestors relied on this stress response to keep them alive with the threat of animals. Our bodies go in to an automatic fight-or- flight mode allowing us to react quickly and elude danger (2, 3). Stress can be physical or emotional from work problems to things such as family health worries. No matter the type of stress it arouses the same chemical response in our bodies (adrenaline and cortisol), which divert blood flow to our limbs, increase heart rate and temporarily increase our pain threshold all so we can run away from the danger , . The problem in today’s society however is that we don’t have a wild animal chasing us anymore and those stress levels don’t reduce. It effects our immune system and increases our incidence of chronic illness, weight gain, weak bones and overly active muscles. All these things place a heavy load on our bodies and make it very difficult to maintain our upright position over time. How can we counteract stress? To reduce cortisol levels you must increase the amount of sleep you are getting, learn how your body relaxes by trying things such as mediation and an evening walk before bed; and of course avoid stimulants such as alcohol, soft drinks and caffeine as they weaken bones and over-stimulate the brain. Finally, seek chiropractic care. Chiropractic care aims to improve posture by realigning the spine over a period of time. The chiropractors at Spine & Health are experts in restoring posture. In fact their four clinics in Crows Nest, Gladesville, Mosman and North Sydney are dedicated to postural correction. The doctors at Spine & Health understand the relationship between posture and stress is bidirectional. In improving your posture we will be able to lower your stress levels and thus: • Improve immune function

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Poor posture is the result of an accumulation of chemical, emotional and physical factors. Occupational effects involving stress, repetitive motions (such as sitting for prolonged periods of time) minimal activity and poor-nutritional intake are everyday contributors to the ever-common postural problems in society today.Stress is your bodys response to thinking it is in danger. Our ancestors relied on this stress response to keep them alive with the threat of animals. Our bodies go in to an automatic fight-or-flight mode allowing us to react quickly and elude danger (2, 3). Stress can be physical or emotional from work problems to things such as family health worries. No matter the type of stress it arouses the same chemical response in our bodies (adrenaline and cortisol), which divert blood flow to our limbs, increase heart rate and temporarily increase our pain threshold all so we can run away from the danger , . The problem in todays society however is that we dont have a wild animal chasing us anymore and those stress levels dont reduce. It effects our immune system and increases our incidence of chronic illness, weight gain, weak bones and overly active muscles. All these things place a heavy load on our bodies and make it very difficult to maintain our upright position over time.How can we counteract stress?To reduce cortisol levels you must increase the amount of sleep you are getting, learn how your body relaxes by trying things such as mediation and an evening walk before bed; and of course avoid stimulants such as alcohol, soft drinks and caffeine as they weaken bones and over-stimulate the brain. Finally, seek chiropractic care.Chiropractic care aims to improve posture by realigning the spine over a period of time. The chiropractors at Spine & Health are experts in restoring posture. In fact their four clinics in Crows Nest, Gladesville, Mosman and North Sydney are dedicated to postural correction.The doctors at Spine & Health understand the relationship between posture and stress is bidirectional. In improving your posture we will be able to lower your stress levels and thus: Improve immune function Increase energy levels Help you to sleep better Reduce physical complaints Improve your digestion Increase your ability to concentrate (4)In conjunction with seeking expert postural correction by the Spine & Health doctors, if you have problems with stress you should enlist techniques to help reduce it. Things such as exercise, mediation and a healthy balanced diet all effect your bodys ability to react to different situations. The healthier your body the better you will be able to cope.Poor posture is one of many causes of joint damage. When you have good posture, you sit, stand and walk properly so that your skeleton is properly aligned, your weight is evenly distributed and your body is in balance. When you have bad posture, your bones move out of alignment, shifting the balance of weight and putting unnecessary stress on your joints. Over time, when bad posture results in misalignment of the bones, you may suffer from chronic joint pain and limited range of motion in your shoulders, spine, hips, knees, ankles and feet.CausesAnything that causes poor posture will, over time, affect your joints. If other family members have poor posture, you may inherit the tendency to carry your body out of alignment. Fatigue can cause bad posture--as can poor sleeping positions, leading to misalignment of the spine. High-heeled shoes and ill-fitting shoes throw off your body's alignment, ultimately putting pressure on the joints in your spine, legs and feet. When you work on a computer, you have a natural tendency to lean your head forward and hunch your shoulders, causing poor alignment of the joints in your neck and upper torso.EffectsDamage from poor posture may be to the muscle or cartilage that protects each joint or directly to the joints themselves. If you have bad posture, you probably slouch with your shoulders bent forward when you sit, and lean forward holding your head down and in front of your shoulders when you walk. Over time, this positioning your head and upper torso can result in undue pressure on the neck and shoulder joints. Pressure on the neck and shoulder joints may cause headaches as well as joint pain. Undue stress and tension on your joints from poor posture can also cause excess wear and tear on joints that may lead to arthritis, chronic back pain and fatigue later in life.ManagementTo protect joints from stress, pain and possible deformity, your body must be balanced by good posture. Performing posture-strengthening exercises and practicing good posture to realign the skeleton can correct bad posture and take the pressure off your joints. An image you can hold in your head to help you stay aware of your posture when you sit and walk is this: Imagine there is a thread pulling you up from the top of your head, like a marionette puppet. When the string is lax, you fall into misalignment. When the string is pulled taut, your head is held high and straight and every bone in your body is aligned--from your head down through your back and legs to your toes.Time FrameWhen you are young and your joints are strong, poor posture usually doesn't cause pain or limit mobility. As you get older, however, if poor posture goes uncorrected, you begin to feel the effects on your joints. It will become more difficult to sit for long periods or to stand up from a sitting position. You may gradually lose some of the flexibility in your joints and start to feel pain in your joints. The effects of poor posture continue to worsen with time.ConsiderationsLifestyle habits such as carrying heavy bags home from the supermarket or heavy backpacks to and from school, wearing a heavy purse on one shoulder, hunching over desk work or a steering wheel, or typing on a keyboard, and sleeping on a weak mattress all contribute to poor posture that leads to excess strain on your joints. Correcting these habits so that you sit, stand, walk, lift, carry and sleep properly will go a long way toward improving your posture and protecting your joints.Sponsored Links 6 Exercise MistakesAvoid these common mistakesand burn fat twice as fast! Repair Your Aging BrainPrevent Alzheimers Disease andImprove Memory. Free MD Report! Anti-Aging Secrets12 Natural Ways to StimulateYour Cells to Grow Younger! Chair Yoga DVD - 2 HoursSafe Routines for the Whole Body.Chair Yoga for All.Common methods[edit]Physical posture and emotion have been studied using two similar techniques. The first method involves the participant viewing videotaped actors performing certain actions and the second method involves having the participant sit in a certain posture and then self-reporting their emotions. In the first method, actors portray and record certain body movements. Participants must view the video and decipher the emotion they believe is being portrayed.[8] In the second method, participants are told to assume a certain body posture and then must complete a survey on their current affective state.[7] Other methods include using neuroscience techniques, such as fMRI's to determine how posture and emotions expressions can affect brain imaging.[9] Another method that is growing in use involves using dancers as 'actors' and having participants observe and determine the emotion the dancer is conveying.[10]Communication expressed posture[edit]In humans, one of the means of communication is the posture of the body, in addition to facial expressions, personal distances, gestures and body movements.[11] Posture conveys information about: Interpersonal relations Personality traits such as confidence, submissiveness, and openness. Social standing Current emotional states Characteristics of temperament according to the theory of Hippocrates, Kretschmer, and Sheldon.Analysis of posture[edit]

A portrait of Paul Czanne exhibiting an example of closed posture.Posture can signal both the enduring characteristics of a person (character, temperament, etc.), and his or her current emotions and attitudes. Therefore, posture can be considered in the context of a given situation, and independently of it.Changing factors and posture[edit]Posture as information about the current state of a person's emotions and attitudes should be analyzed in the context of other messages, both verbal and nonverbal as well as that person's cultural and social norms.Open and closed body posture[edit]

An example of open posture. Closed posture is a posture in which parts of the body most susceptible to trauma are obscured. These body parts are: throat, abdomen and genitals. Damage to the genitals prevents the transfer of their genes to future generations and is sometimes seen as being synonymous with death.[12] Therefore, both humans and animals try to protect these vulnerable body parts from injury. In humans, certain behaviors may signal closed posture: Arms crossed on the chest or abdomen, hands clasped in front of the genitals, and crossing legs. Clothing may also signal closed posture: a buttoned suit, or a handbag or briefcase held in front of the person. Closed posture often gives the impression of detachment, disinterest, and hostility. Research has also shown that these behaviors usually convey unpleasant feelings.[4] These feelings were evident when the participant had to observe the closed posture and when he or she was told to assume the posture. Open posture is a posture in which the vulnerable parts of the body are exposed. The head is raised, the shirt may be unbuttoned at the neck, a bag is held on the shoulder or at the side. Open posture is often perceived as communicating a friendly and positive attitude. In an open posture the feet are spread and the head is straight. The palms are up and the hands and fingers are spread.[4] Due to this friendly demeanor, research suggests that participants view counselors who use an open posture as more capable of providing guidance.[13]An important element of closed or open posture of the body are the hands. Showing the palms of the hands can be a signal of open posture, especially if the hand is relaxed. Showing the back of the hand or clenching hands into fists may represent a closed posture. Hands clasped behind the back may also signal closed posture even though the front is exposed because it can give the impression of hiding something or resistance to closer contact.Closed and open posture also apply when seated. Crossed legs and arms can signal closed posture. As stated before, leaning forward or showing the palms of the hands can signal open posture.Interpersonal attitudes[edit]Interpersonal attitudes are communicated through: Inclination of the body. During conversation, a person may lean slightly toward another person or tilt slightly away from him/her. This behavior is usually unconscious. An inclination towards can be an expression of sympathy and acceptance. Inclining away can signal dislike, disapproval, or a desire to end the conversation. Different inclinations of the head may carry similar meanings. Similarity. During the conversation, people have an unconscious tendency to imitate others' behavior. This happens when the conversation runs seamlessly and is enjoyable for both parties. This approximation of attitudes, gestures, and body movements can indicate the emergence of a bond and sympathy and is known as stereotyped behavior as defined by Edwin Ray Guthrie.[14] Lack of synchronous behavior may lead to a sense that the contact is artificial, forced, or unpleasant. Orientation of the body. Usually people talk directed toward each other, but not squarely face to face, which can be indicative of a confrontational stance. In conversation, the participants' bodies are usually turned toward each other at an angle. When a person ignores someone else, they tend to ignore or avoid contact by showing the other person their side or back. Closed or Open posture.

An example of a nonchalant posturePosture communicating social standing[edit]

A 'normal' man posing for cameraPosture can signal an individual's position in social hierarchy.

A comparison of two different postures. On the left is an example of a more energized attitude; on the right is an example of a depressed attitude. If two people of different social standings talk to each other, the person with a higher position usually takes a more relaxed attitude. Their posture may be unbalanced, relaxed, and may appear to be nonchalant. A person with a lower position often maintains symmetrical posture by placing both hands on their lap or at their sides. Typically, a person with higher status sits down and talks while sitting. A person of lower status may stand or they may remain standing until they are asked to sit.Wellbeing[edit]Mood influences muscle tone, energy level, and one's internal sense of well-being. Thus, body posture can reveal a person's current state of mind. Anger, sadness, and disgust are by far the most recognized body postures that are indicative of emotions.[15] Stress can affect posture subconsciously; a person under stress will often have a greater amount of muscle tension, and may also have shallow, clavicular breathing. Well-being affects posture by giving it a sense of energy and balance. A person's spine will be straight and the head raised. Malaise affects posture with a sense of tiredness. A person's shoulders may droop, and the head may be bowed down or tilted to the left or right. Confidence affects posture by the uprightness (or not) of one's body.[5][7]Popular literature has come to interpret postures according to the assumptions of psychoanalysis, thinking that actions such as cross arms over the breasts or crossing legs would be a symptom of a sexual complex.[16] These beliefs, however, have very limited support in systematic research and experimentation. It is more likely that this type of behavior reflects a certain style of self-presentation,[17] rather than unconscious conflicts and complexes.Stable factors and posture[edit]The term posture is also used to refer to the appearance of the body. In psychology, there are several concepts involving the appearance of the permanent characteristics of individuals. Some habitual positions may also reflect stable characteristics of an individual.Nature[edit]

Muscular anatomy of a male human.Wilhelm Reich, a student of Freud, first drew attention to the relationship between shallow breathing, blocked traffic, the difficulty in experiencing sexual pleasure, and emotional disorders, especially neuroses. This concept was developed by Alexander Lowen, founder of bioenergetics. He is also author of the concept of muscular block. Lowen noted that when people do not want to experience certain emotions, they tighten certain muscles.[18] For example, when someone does not want to cry, they can tighten the jaws, which suppresses tears. Stress and anger tighten the muscles along the spine and thighs, which can manifest itself in pain in those body parts, if the stress was prolonged. According to Lowen, some tensions become chronic: the muscular block always activated, regardless of the circumstances. This is called a chronic tension block. Muscular block affects posture and the way humans move. Certain experiences influence the formation of specific areas of muscle, and thus the body's appearance, structure, and attitude.[19]This idea is reformulated by American psychotherapist Stephen M. Johnson in his theory of style and character. According to this theory, there are types of body builds, which are associated psychological characteristics:[20][21][22][23] Schizoid nature - in the first months after birth there are strong tensions in the vicinity of joints, resulting in very stiff and then limp joints. The body gives the impression of being undernourished, frail, very thin, poorly developed, and often small. There is noticeable shortness of breath, a very slim chest, and very active diaphragm. Muscular blocks are present in the neck muscles and in tension around the eyes. These people often have problems with their eyesight and wear glasses. A person with a schizoid nature, Johnson says, will feel insecure in social situations, having the feeling that he/she is unwanted by others. They avoid physical contact. They are "detached from the earth," which results in a light way of walking, as if on tiptoe. Often, such people are creative and have developed abstract thinking. Oral nature - sunken chest, where the arms bend toward each other, very shallow breathing, sunken abdomen and stiff knees. Knees are raised up, which means that the legs are bent at the knees. Sometimes the knee converge toward each other ("x's feet"), with the head pushed forward. Often such persons have poorly developed teeth and a lower jaw. Oral types tend to relate to extreme dependency. They desire to be close to others. They behave as if they need continuous assistance, guidance and support from other people, even in small things. At the same time, they tend to have well-developed social skills. Narcissistic (psychopathic) nature - weak legs and feet, poor grounding, stomach pulled upwards and chest inflated. These persons are very afraid of humiliation and ridicule. They want to dominate, inspire fear in, and control other people. They can cope with difficult situations, but are not capable of a long commitment and effort. They are prone to exploitation of others. Masochistic nature - very strong legs and thighs, overgrown muscle fat around the thighs, rounded, hunched backs, bent head, folds of fat on the neck. Masochists have problems with their free will; they feel deprived of spontaneity and controlled by others. They have a large amount of passive aggression and resistance. Rigid nature - the body leans slightly forward, shoulders pulled back. The body is rather smooth, but usually has very tight, "prepared to act" muscles. Such persons are in constant activity, very rarely taking a break, and frequently trying to outdo others.Features of temperament[edit]Constitutional theories in psychology (e.g., Sheldon, Kretschmer) emphasize the relationship between body structure and temperament. These theories have been around since Hippocrates thought that body structure goes hand in hand with the temperament and susceptibility to certain diseases. Scientific research on relationship of body appearance and temperament traits was begun in the early twentieth century by German psychiatrist Ernst Kretschmer. He studied the relationship between body structure and the onset of psychosis. Presented here in brief is the theory of Phyllis Whitman, William Sheldon, and Ghas Katz.[24] These researchers distinguished between different constitutional variations or physical nature of ones body and psychotic behavior reactions or temperament. The three constitutional variations are endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy. The three corresponding psychotic behavior reactions are affective, heboid, and paranoid.Some researchers have argued that Sheldon's findings of a strong relationship between body structure and the type of temperament are due to methodological shortcomings within his studies, and that the relationship between the two is actually lower than he claims.[25]Other factors affecting posture[edit]Posture can easily be impacted by poor health and other factors. Thus, anyone using posture to assess personality, character, or psychology must first rule out possible underlying medical conditions which may be affecting a person's posture. Moreover, there are data that one maintains his or her posture worse if he or she listens to the sentences which describe actions of others. For example, if your task is to maintain your posture rigorously in a state you do it worse when you listen to sentences like these: "I get up, put on my slippers, go to the bathroom".[26]What Is Stress?Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength. This class will discuss different causes of stress, how stress affects you, the difference between 'good' or 'positive' stress and 'bad' or 'negative' stress, and some common facts about how stress affects people today.How Does Stress Affect You?Stress can affect both your body and your mind. People under large amounts of stress can become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. Sometimes, they even suffer mental breakdowns.Adrenal gland stress effects joint health

Excess cortisol can weaken you ligaments and create injuriesOne of the greatest health issues of our day is functional adrenal gland stress. Our adrenal glands are the back up system for your body. When you are under stress they supply your body with hormones that help you to keep going.Types of adrenal gland stress: Structural = Misalignment of joints, muscle pulls, trigger points, arthritis Chemical = Toxic fumes, food additives, food allergies, refined sugar, infection Emotional = Type A personality or being High strung, worry, fear, anxiety, mental and emotional abuse Thermal = Extended periods of being too cold or hot, alternating extremes of too cold or hot.How stress affects the bodyCommon symptoms of stress include: A fast heartbeat. A headache. A stiff neck and/or tight shoulders. Back pain. Fast breathing. Sweating, and sweaty palms. An upset stomach, nausea, or diarrhea.stress can affect your:1 Immune system. Constant stress can make you more likely to get sick more often. And if you have a chronic illness such as AIDS, stress can make your symptoms worse. Heart. Stress is linked to high blood pressure, abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia), blood clots, and hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis). It's also linked to coronary artery disease, heart attack, and heart failure. Muscles. Constant tension from stress can lead to neck, shoulder, and low back pain. Stress may make rheumatoid arthritis worse. Stomach. If you have stomach problems, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), peptic ulcer disease, or irritable bowel syndrome, stress can make your symptoms worse. Reproductive organs. Stress is linked to low fertility, erection problems, problems during pregnancy, and painful menstrual periods. Lungs. Stress can make symptoms of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) worse. Skin. Skin problems such as acne and psoriasis are made worse by stress.An extreme reaction to stress is a panic attack. A panic attack is a sudden, intense fear or anxiety that may make you feel short of breath, dizzy, or make your heart pound. People who have panic attacks may feel out of control, like they are having a heart attack, or are about to die. Panic attacks may happen with no clear cause, but they can be brought on by living with high levels of stress for a long time. For more information on panic attacks, see the topic Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder. Continue reading below...How stress affects your thoughts and emotionsYou might notice signs of stress in the way you think, act, and feel. You may: Feel cranky and unable to deal with even small problems. Feel frustrated, lose your temper more often, and yell at others for no reason. Feel jumpy or tired all the time. Find it hard to focus on tasks. Worry too much about small things. Feel that you are missing out on things because you can't act quickly. Imagine that bad things are happening or about to happen.How stress affects you depends on many things, such as: Your personality. What you have learned from your family about responding to stress. How you think about and handle stress. Your coping strategies(What is a PDF document?). Your social support.The type of stress mattersStress can affect you both instantly (acute stress) and over time (chronic stress).Acute (short-term) stress is the body's instant response to any situation that seems demanding or dangerous. Your stress level depends on how intense the stress is, how long it lasts, and how you cope with the situation. Most of the time, your body recovers quickly from acute stress. But stress can cause problems if it happens too often or if your body doesn't have a chance to recover. In people with heart problems, acute stress can trigger an abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia) or even a heart attack.Chronic (long-term) stress is caused by stressful situations or events that last over a long period of time. This could include having a difficult job or dealing with a chronic disease. If you already have a health problem, stress can make it worse.Top Picks Soothe Stress With Massage Therapy Stress: Who Gets It, How to Beat It 10 Stress-Related Problems You Can Fix Quick Tips to Reduce Stress Signs of Stress in Children & Teens Keep a Stress-Busting Checklist How Anxiety Leads to Joint ProblemsMost people associate hundreds of different symptoms with anxiety, but joint discomfort is rarely at the top of the list. That's because while joint issues may be related to anxiety, they're rarely the primary symptom. Make sure you've taken my anxiety test to get a better idea of what your symptoms say about you.But there is some evidence that anxiety can create or contribute to joint problems, and that's why if your doctor has ruled out other joint issues or if you simply cannot seem to explain why these joint problems occur, one of the possible causes may be anxiety.Anxiety can cause joint problems in a variety of ways. A small sample of these includes: Changes in Behavior Interestingly, most joint problems directly related to anxiety aren't caused by problems directly to your joints. They're caused by your own behaviors. Those with anxiety tend to change the way they walk, the way they sit, the way they stand, and so on. They even do those with greater frequency. Your joints get used to the activities that you do. Anything that changes your behaviors can cause strain on the joint, and possibly lead to joint pain. Immune System Malfunction The joints are extremely affected by the immune system. Anxiety weakens and damages the immune system, especially chronic anxiety. So it's possible that stress is causing the immune system to allow joint inflammation. Over time, joint inflammation can often lead to anxiety. Nutrition Anxiety can affect nutrition in two ways. The simplest is eating habits many people with anxiety seem to change their eating habits in a way that is not ideal for their joints. But beyond that, anxiety can affect the flora in the digestive system as well, which may cause certain nutrients to become imbalanced or not fully digest into your body. certain nutrients to become imbalanced or not fully digest into your body. Muscle Strain/Tension One thing that anxiety and stress are known to create is muscle tension. Muscle tension can lead to changes in behaviors, leading to joint damage as mentioned above. They may also strain joints themselves, possibly contributing to pressure on the joints. Both of these issues could conceivably contribute to an increase in anxiety.These are some of the changes that take place in your body that could conceivably lead to joint problems. Stress also causes a host of unusual reactions that occur on an individual level, and it's possible that stress causes you to experience some other problem that affects your joints as well.