structural design white paper

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  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    - White Paper -

    Structural design with ArchiCAD, and its integration withstructural software

    - Great bui ldin gs need great structure -

    The Role of Structure in Architectural Design

    A buildings architectural design and its physical structure are closely interrelated: on the onehand, the architectural design of the building defines the structure; on the other hand, thestructural design of a building reflects the overall architectural design.

    As structure became a visual and aesthetic part of the design in modern architecture, structures

    must be as light as possible while maintaining complete integrity. Also, the structure must beoptimized for performance and price.


    is Graphisoft's purpose-built virtual modeling solution that allows architects to create a3D model of their design, effectively creating a Virtual Building

    . This White Paper details how

    ArchiCAD (AC) supports key aspects of structural design and the optimized workflow between thetwo disciplines. Architectural and structural design use the same Virtual Building model from theearliest sketches through to CNC machine production of building elements, using the appropriatesoftware solution for every phase.

    Standards for structural design

    The standards set by authorities and developed over the course of decades are traditionallydifferent for every material (RC, Steel, Wood etc.) in every country or region (e.g. DIN in Germanyand Central Europe; BS in the UK; AISC in US). Lately, there has been a trend to unify these intoa common standard - at least across regional economies, like the EUs Eurocode.

    Structural analysis and production

    ArchiCAD provides sophisticated design information along with the necessary level of modeldetail. This information can be directly imported and exported in the native format of the structuralsoftware or through IFC and used for structural analysis by specialized software.

    These import/export add-ons fully integrate structural design and analysis simulation programsthat dramatically improve the simulation of whole-building approaches in design, planning,

    production and construction. This opens new doors for cost savings and structural optimizationand performance.

    Using ArchiCAD with these tools provides great benefits to both architects and structuralengineers. Because the structural analysis tool can directly access ArchiCAD Virtual Buildingmodels, feedback on the structural design of the building can be obtained at any time during thedesign process. And ongoing changes to the design do not result in laborious (and duplicated)reworking in both separate applications - manually adjusting the geometry of the building to keepup with the alterations - because the essence of a 3D model means that all data is up-to-date andimmediately usable.

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    An example of the seamless workflow:1. The architect creates a simple, model of the envisioned structure. In creating this model,

    the architect chooses the spans and the profile (H, L etc.) from ArchiCADs Library ofprofiles or uses the slab, beam, column or wall tool to place all the load-bearingstructures.

    This is how it will look like in ArchiCAD:

    2. He exports this simple model directly into the chosen structural design application.

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    3. In the structural design application, the structural engineer designs the connections,analyzes the model and chooses the right profile sizes.

    4. The structural engineer exports this detailed model back into AC without bolts or screws,but with the connecting plates.

    This is how it will look when imported back into ArchiCAD:

    5. The architect can continue adding walls, windows and doors to this structure, because

    this representation is detailed enough for the architectural documentation drawings of thebuilding.

    6. The structural elements can be sent to production machines if there is a CNC output fromthe structural application.

    In the following pages, we outline the main features and benefits of the structural software toolsmentioned above, and we'll give you a brief introduction to how they can be used together with

    ArchiCAD at a professional level.

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    Partner products

    Tekla Structures 12

    Tekla Structures (former XSteel) by Tekla Corporation, Finland, is software for steeland reinforced concrete structural design, stress analysis and production. In TeklaStructures, the structure can be designed in 3D down to the last screw bolt andreinforcement, checked for collisions and sent as CAM files for production. Thestructural engineer can do stress analysis in a software called Staad-Pro, which is aseparate module integrated into Tekla Structures.

    3 D S t e e l m o d e l i n T e k l a St r u c t u r e s

    There is a bidirectional IFC link between ArchiCAD and Tekla Structures for steel

    models and concrete structures. This allows you to export a basic 3D modelgeometry to Tekla Structures, design the structureincluding the necessary connections with the structuralengineer, do the stress analysis using Staad-Pro,check the collisions, then send the complete modelback to ArchiCAD without the screws and bolts (thusminimizing the file size). The file exchange occursthrough IFC 2x2 or 2x3 files. The process start with a

    simple 3D conceptual model exported fromS t e e l d e t a i l in T e k l a S t r u c t u r e s

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    ArchiCAD, and end up with a detailed 3D model imported back to ArchiCAD. In thisdetailed model, all the joining profiles in this detailed model will be cut correctly intheir respective angles together with the contour plates.

    D e t a i le d s t e e l m o d e l b a c k i n A r c h i CA D

    After finalizing the design of the building, the 3D steel model can be sent directlyfrom Tekla Structures as CNC data to cutting machines for production.

    Cu t t i n g s t e e l f r o m CN C d a t a

    - For more details, see the Appendix -

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    ETABS v9

    ETABS is software for steel and reinforced concrete structural design, stress analysis andproduction drawings. ETABS is highly specialized in seismic analysis too. There is an import-export link between ArchiCAD and ETABS via IFC 2x2 for steel and reinforced concrete models.This allows you to export basic 3D model geometry to ETABS, do the necessary structuralanalysis with a structural engineer, and send the complete model back to ArchiCAD indicatingany necessary changes.

    3D steel model in ETABS

    The file exchange is through an IFC 2x2 file and the API uses the standard AC11 steel profile

    library elements as well as the slab, column, beam and wall tools for load-bearing elements.

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    Same 3D model in Arch iCAD


  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    SAP2000 v10

    SAP2000 is a software product for steel and reinforced concrete structural design, stress analysisand production drawings specialized for the design of large structures such as bridges. Currentlythere is an import-export link between ArchiCAD and SAP2000 via IFC 2x2. This allows you toimport the 3D bridge model geometry into AC11 from SAP2000, and insert it into the architecturalor urban environment.

    3D bridge mo del in SAP2000 v10

    3D bridge model in Arch iCAD throu gh IFC 2x2 from SAP2000 v10

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    CBS Pro 20.0

    CBS Pro is an easy-touse, yet powerful software tool for modeling multi-story structures inconcrete and other materials. Using the object-oriented approach, CBS Pro allows the user tovery quickly build up a structural model using components such as beams, columns, walls,floors and openings. In this way, structures of almost any geometry can be defined quickly andeasily. CBS Pro has an intelligent bi-directional import-export connection with ArchiCAD 11, viaIFC 2x2, allowing changes to be applied to the structural (load-bearing) parts of the model whileleaving the others intact. The imported model can be optimized as a structural model, on whichyou can perform stress analysis. Further structural parts can be added, such as foundations, and

    these are marked as new structures when imported back to ArchiCAD 11.

    3D Foundat ions of a mo del des igned in CBS Pro imported and high l ighted in green in A rch iCAD, through IFC 2x2.

    Arch i tec t : paastud io , Cal i fo rn ia NHS Bui ld ing.

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    FEM Design 7.0

    FEM-Design 7.0 is structural design software based on the Finite Element Method. It givessolutions for static, dynamic (eigenfrequencies, stability and seismic) analysis, steel andreinforcement design of 2D and 3D structural problems (slabs, walls, frames, 3D buildings, etc.).The program offers a reinforcement editor module too.

    FEM-Design has integrated drawing and editing tools, but besides them it has excellent dataconnection with ArchiCAD (6.5 and higher versions). The program can import 3D structuralmodels and elements (slabs, beams, columns and walls) defined by ArchiCAD. Therefore, withFEM-Design you can run complete analysis and design calculations for architectural modelscreated in ArchiCAD. After importing the model, you can add material and design parameters,loads and load combinations, and start the calculations. The structural engineer can analyzecomplete buildings in 3D Structure module or slabs by stories in Plate module and by 12 nationalcodes. Several types of supports and loads can be applied. After analysis and design calculations,the engineer can make documentations (figures and tables) with numeric values (e.g. maximumdisplacement for the maximum of load combinations), texts and dimensions.

    3D m od el o f s lab with deflec tio ns To p v iew of s lab with mo men t d is tr ib utio n

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    AxisVM 8

    AxisVM has been successfully used as the structural analysis and design software for manyArchiCAD-designed projects. AxisVM is a highly productivity finite element analysis software usedby civil engineers in 22 countries. Due to its extensive analysis capabilities and robust graphicCAD user interface, the 3D structural building model combines the most complete visual andreport details available. AxisVM has proved successful in the design of projects ranging fromworld-class international airports to design of steel microwave towers; from mega-shopping mallsto school gymnasiums; from showrooms and theaters to municipal water tanks, and evenunderground structures.

    It performs linear and non-linear static, vibration, buckling and seismic analysis of 2D and 3Dcomplex structures. Enables use of an unlimited number of finite elements that can freely becombined in a model. Users can import-export ArchiCAD models via IFC 2x2. Engineers can edit

    the model using the simple toolbar, dialog boxes and menu functions and commands available inthe Visual Modeling environment. The AxisVM's user interface provides graphic, numerical andtabular results which can be saved, printed or combined into user-defined reports, which aredynamically saved as the engineer makes changes.

    AxisVM allows the engineer to model an entire structure or to separately model layers or floors, orcomponents such as walls, plates, slabs, columns or beams with any combination of concrete,steel, wood, aluminum or user defined special materials. Users can work in a 2D or 3Denvironment, working on separate parts or the total building as they may need.

    The engineer can quickly make verification of designs, review optimization possibilities or posecomplex What-if? questions.

    Model impor t f rom Arch iCAD to Ax i sVM v ia the IFC 2x2

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    Model expor t f rom AxisVM to Arc h iCAD via the IFC 2x2

    Show cases

    Concert hal l

    Ho tel Off ice bui ld ing

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,


    Tekla Structures 12

    Value proposition

    The strength of Tekla Structures is its seamless workflow, from the design through tostress analysis and collision detection right up to the CNC cutting machines whichuse the same 3D geometry as ArchiCAD. Therefore the value propositions are:

    Complete steel detailing in 3D, with contour plates, bolts and screws usingpre- or user-defined steel details.

    Collision detection for the whole model before finalizing the detailing. Analysis in Staad-Pro. The complete, automatic production of the steel profiles through CNC data for

    cutting machines - avoiding human error.

    Main features

    Powerful modeling including all materials Steel detailing of connections Collision detection Engineering and Production drawings CNC output to cutting machines

    ArchiCAD compatibility:

    ArchiCAD 11 IFC 2x2 and 2x3 export/import Download the manual from: PC and MacOS platform

    Target market

    Companies that perform steel detailing, design and manufacturing, as well asarchitectural firms who would like to exchange 3D data with these firms.

    Relevant countries


    ContactCompany: TEKLAAddress: Metsnpojankuja 1, 02130 Espoo,FINLANDWebsite:

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    ETABS v9

    Value proposition

    The strong point of ETABS is its intelligent model handling, from the design stage through stressanalysis and detailing, using the same 3D geometry as ArchiCAD. Therefore the valuepropositions are:

    The support of US, Canadian and EURO Standards in stress analysis from the earlydesign phase to control the stress performance of the building.

    Dynamic, linear and non-linear analysis options also specialized for earthquakes.

    Animated display of deformed shapes, mode shapes, stress contours and time-historyresults.

    Main features

    Stress analysis

    All kinds of seismic analysis

    Fully interactive steel and concrete frame member design for many American, Canadianand European design codes

    Production drawings

    ArchiCAD compatibility:

    ArchiCAD 11

    IFC 2x2 import/export

    Download the manual:

    MacOS and PC platforms

    Target market

    Firms (of any size) doing structural analysis and construction documentation of reinforcedconcrete, especially calculations in earthquake zones.

    Relevant countries


    ContactCompany: CSiAddress 1995 University Ave. suite 540, Berkeley, CA, 94704USATel: +1 510 845 2177Fax: +1 510 845 4096Website:

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    SAP2000 v10

    Value proposition

    The strong point of SAP2000 is its intelligent model handling of large structures, from the designstage through stress analysis and detailing, using the same 3D geometry as ArchiCAD. Thereforethe value propositions are:

    Design of large cable structures, such as bridges, from templates.

    Deformation cable-supported bridge analysis and pushover analysis.

    Automated bridge live-load analysis.

    Main features

    Stress analysis

    Object-based physical member modeling allows working with large members that do not

    need to be broken up at each joint Animated display of deformed shapes, mode shapes, stress contours and time history


    ArchiCAD compatibility:

    ArchiCAD 11

    IFC 2x2 import/export

    Download the manual from:

    MacOS and PC platform

    Target market

    Firms which perform structural analysis and construction documentation for large cable structures,such as bridges

    Relevant countries


    ContactCompany: CSi

    Address 1995 University Ave. suite 540, Berkeley, CA, 94704USATel: +1 510 845 2177Fax: +1 510 845 4096Website:

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    CBS Pro v20

    Value proposition

    The strong point of CBS Pro is its ability to build up a structural model using components suchas beams, columns, walls, floors and openings - similar to the AC tools - and its integration withother software developed by the same group. Therefore the value propositions are:

    Easy to learn UI for the design and analysis of reinforced concrete structures.

    Integration with RCAD (reinforcement), Robot Millennium (dynamics) and ESOP (costestimation).

    Using full-finite elements, analysis is completed invisibly inside CBS Pro.

    Main features

    structural modeling

    producing detailed reinforced concrete drawings of beams, columns, foundations carrying out dynamic and seismic calculations

    producing Bills of Quantities

    ArchiCAD compatibility:

    ArchiCAD 11

    IFC 2x2 import/export

    Download the manual:

    MacOS and PC platform

    Target market

    Firms (of any size), which perform design and quantity takeoffs for all types of structures.

    Relevant countries


    ContactCompany: RoboBATAddress 2, rue Lavoisier, Zirst de Montbonnot, 38334 - St Ismier Cedex

    FranceTel: +33 4 76 41 80 82Fax: +33 4 76 41 97 03Website:

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest,

    FEM Design 7.0

    Value proposition

    The strongest point of FEM Design is its user friendly working environment to design structures

    (e.g. stress and stability analysis, reinforcement and steel design, etc.) using the same 3D modelgeometry as ArchiCAD. Therefore the value propositions are:

    Besides its integrated CAD tools, FEM Design filters the 3D ArchiCAD database andhelps you select the appropriate real-life structural building model from the early designphase to control the stress performance, displacement and other static and dynamiccharacters of the building.

    An enhanced graphical feedback of analysis and design results show the behavior of thestructure for given loads and effects.

    The finite element (FE) method used for stress analysis is one of the smartest and fastestmethods in the world.

    Target market

    Firms (of any size) doing structural analysis and construction documentation of reinforcedconcrete and steel.

    Main features

    Simple processing of most applications

    Integrated CAD tools for drawing and editing, and Wizard for quick and easy model input

    Data connection via FDX (ArchiCAD) or DXF, DWG links

    Static and dynamic analysis of 2D and 3D structural problems

    Reinforcement and steel design, reinforcement editor also available

    Professional FE method of automatic optimal mesh generation for any geometry

    Several types of loads and supports, manual or automatic load combinations by codes Results presented graphically, as lists or by animation

    Open GL for fast and powerful graphical presentation of input geometry and results

    ArchiCAD compatibility

    Direct ArchiCAD (6.5 or higher version) export to FEM Design (only on PC platform)

    Download the manual from:

    Relevant countries

    Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, England, Portugal, Estonia and Italy

    ContactCompany: StruSoft ABAddress: vgen 1, SE-200 61, LimhamnSwedenTel: +46 40 36 16 60Fax: +46 40 36 16 65Website:

  • 7/29/2019 Structural Design White Paper



    1031 Budapest, Hungarywww graphisoft com

    AxisVM 8

    Value proposition

    The major strength of AxisVM is its intuitive user interface that lets structural and civil engineers

    model simple structural elements or total buildings with any combination of materials, loads, andconditions. The value propositions are:

    Easy to learn and use graphical user interface

    Fast and accurate finite element method

    Long history of analysis of ArchiCAD designed projects

    Main features

    Visual Modeling with unlimited number of finite elements

    Extensive section and material libraries, and the ability for users to input new type ofmaterials or cross-sections

    Performs linear and non-linear static, vibration, buckling, and seismic analysis

    Automatic meshing, meshing refinements and user-defined meshing

    Unlimited load definitions, load cases and combinations

    Reinforced concrete and steel design

    Built in standards: Eurocode, DIN, SIA and other country codes

    Integrated Report Generator with dynamically updated results

    File export to IFC, DXF, DSTV, RTF, ASCII, WMF, JPG

    ArchiCAD compatibility:

    ArchiCAD 11

    IFC 2x2 import-export Download the manual:

    MacOS and PC platform

    Target market

    Six configurations of the software are available, covering even the most specific needs of small tolarge firms.

    Relevant countries

    AxisVM is used by engineers in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands, Hungary,

    Romania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Sudan, Egypt, Spain, Finland, UK, Brazil, Uruguay, Belgium,Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Kenya

    Contact: [email protected] (Greg Hoback)Company: Inter-CAD Kft.Address: Kroly krt. 9/606, Budapest, H-1075HungaryTel: +36 1.322.9072Fax: +36 1.322.6668Website: